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We have previously identified a hamster sperm protein, P26h, proposed to be involved in the interaction between spermatozoa and the egg's zona pellucida. In this study we investigated the mechanism of P26h accumulation on hamster spermatozoa during epididymal maturation. Immunocytochemical studies showed an accumulation of P26h on the acrosomal cap of hamster spermatozoa during epididymal transit. To document the anchoring mechanism of P26h, cauda epididymal spermatozoa were exposed to different treatments. High‐salt buffered solutions were unable to remove P26h from the surface of intact spermatozoa. P26h was released in a dose‐dependent manner when live spermatozoa were treated with a solution of phospholipase C specific to phosphatidylinositol. In contrast, the P26h remained associated to the sperm surface following treatment with trypsin. To document the transfer mechanisms of P26h on the maturing spermatozoa, prostasomes were isolated from the epididymal fluid and subjected to immunodetection. Western blots and immunogold studies showed that P26h was associated to epididymal prostasomes. Phospholipase C treatment performed on epididymal prostasomes, indicated that P26h also is anchored to these vesicles via a phosphatidylinositol. These results suggest that epididymal sperm maturation involves a cell to cell transfer of a phosphaditylinositol‐anchored protein and that prostasomes may be implicated in this process. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 52:225–233, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

As spermatozoa mature within the epididymis they acquire the potential for capacitation and ultimately fertilization. In biochemical terms, the former is reflected in the progressive activation of a signal transduction pathway characterized by cAMP-mediated induction of phosphotyrosine expression on the sperm tail. In this study, we have examined the cellular mechanisms controlling this maturational event. Caput epididymal spermatozoa exhibited tyrosine phosphorylation on the sperm head that was largely unresponsive to cAMP and not significantly impaired by removal of extracellular HCO(3) (-). In contrast, caudal epididymal spermatozoa exhibited low levels of phosphorylation on the sperm head, yet responded dramatically to cAMP by phosphorylating a new set of proteins on the sperm tail via mechanisms that were highly dependent on extracellular HCO(3) (-). The impact of extracellular HCO(3) (-) depletion on caudal cells was not associated with a significant change in the redox regulation of cAMP but could be fully reversed by buffering the intracellular pH with N-Tris[Hydroxymethyl]methyl-3-amino-propanesulfonic acid (TAPS). The pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation was also profoundly influenced by the presence or absence of added extracellular calcium. In the presence of this cation, only caudal spermatozoa could respond to increased extracellular cAMP with tyrosine phosphorylation of the sperm tail. However, in calcium-depleted medium, this difference completely disappeared. Under these conditions, caput and caudal spermatozoa were equally competent to exhibit phosphotyrosine expression on the sperm tail in response to cAMP. These results emphasize the pivotal role played by calcium and HCO(3) (-) in modulating the changes in tyrosine phosphorylation observed during epididymal maturation.  相似文献   

Sperm chromatin integrity is essential for accurate transmission of male genetic information, and normal sperm chromatin structure is important for fertilization. Protamine is a nuclear protein that plays a key role in sperm DNA integrity, because it is responsible for sperm DNA stability and packing until the paternal genome is delivered into the oocyte during fertilization. Our aim was to investigate protamine deficiency in sperm cells of Bos indicus bulls (Nelore) using chromomycin A3 (CMA3) staining. Frozen semen from 14 bulls were thawed, then fixed in Carnoy's solution. Smears were prepared and analyzed by microscopy. As a positive control of CMA3 staining, sperm from one bull was subjected to deprotamination of nuclei. The percentage of CMA3-positive bovine sperm did not vary among batches. Only two bulls showed a higher percentage of CMA3-positive sperm cells compared to the others. CMA3 is a simple and useful tool for detecting sperm protamine deficiency in bulls.  相似文献   

A recessive sperm defect of Yorkshire boars was detected more than a decade ago. Affected boars produce ejaculates that contain spermatozoa with defective acrosomes, resulting in low fertility. The acrosome defect was mapped to porcine chromosome 15 but the causal mutation has not been identified. We re-analyzed microarray-derived genotypes of affected boars and confirmed that the acrosome defect maps to a 12.24 Mb segment of porcine chromosome 15. To detect the mutation causing defective acrosomes, we sequenced the genomes of two affected and three unaffected boars to an average coverage of 11-fold. Read depth analysis revealed a 55 kb deletion that is associated with the acrosome defect. The deletion encompasses the BOLL gene encoding the boule homolog, an RNA binding protein which is an evolutionarily conserved member of the DAZ (Deleted in AZoospermia) gene family. Lack of BOLL expression causes spermatogenic arrest and sperm maturation failure in many species. Boars that carry the deletion in the homozygous state produce sperm but their acrosomes are defective, suggesting that lack of porcine BOLL compromises acrosome formation. Our findings warrant further research to investigate the role of BOLL during spermatogenesis and sperm maturation in pigs.  相似文献   

Demembranated spermatozoa of Ciona do not become motile when provided with MgATP, unless their motility is activated in vivo before demembranation or unless the demembranated spermatozoa are activated in vitro with cAMP or with the catalytic subunit of a cAMP-dependent protein kinase. CAMP causes a greater than fivefold enhancement of 32P incorporation by demembranated spermatozoa. Analysis by one-dimensional PAGE and autoradiography shows several axonemal protein bands that become 32P-labeled during in vitro activation with cAMP and identifies protein bands whose labeling is specifically reduced if motility of the spermatozoa is activated before demembranation, suggesting that these proteins also become phosphorylated during activation of motolity in vivo. These phosphorylated proteins appear to include dynein heavy-chain components, but axonemal tubulin is not phosphorylated. Partially phosphorylated spermatozoa can be activated by an increase in KCI concentration, which appears to dissociate one phosphorylated component from the axoneme.  相似文献   

In the context of artificial insemination, male fertility is defined as the ability to produce functional spermatozoa able to withstand cryopreservation. We hypothesized that interindividual variations in fertility depend on the proportion of the fully functional sperm population contained in the insemination dose. The objective of this study was to identify protein markers of the fully functional sperm subpopulation. Insemination doses from four high‐fertility (HF) and four low‐fertility (LF) bulls with comparable post‐thaw quality parameters were selected for proteomic analysis using iTRAQ technology. Thawed semen was centrifuged through a Percoll gradient to segregate the motile (high density [HD]) from the immotile (low density [LD]) sperm populations. Sperm proteins were extracted with sodium deoxycholate and four groups were compared: LD and HD spermatozoa from LF and HF bulls. A total of 498 unique proteins were identified and quantified. Comparison of HD spermatozoa from HF and LF bulls revealed that five proteins were significantly more abundant in the HF group (AK8, TPI1, TSPAN8, OAT, and DBIL5) whereas five proteins were more abundant in the LF group (RGS22, ATP5J, CLU, LOC616319, and CCT5). Comparison of LD spermatozoa from HF and LF bulls revealed that four proteins were significantly more abundant in the HF group (IL4I1, CYLC2, OAT, and ARMC3) whereas 15 proteins were significantly more abundant in the LF group (HADHA, HSP90AA1, DNASE1L3, SLC25A20, GPX5, TCP1, HIP1, CLU, G5E622, LOC616319, HSPA2, NUP155, DPY19L2, SPERT, and SERPINE2). DBIL5, TSPAN8, and TPI1 showed potential as putative markers of the fully functional sperm subpopulation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of freezing on the function in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar spermatozoa. The semen was frozen in Cortland's medium + 1.3M dimethyl sulphoxide + 0.3M glucose + 2% bovine serum albumin (final concentration) in a ratio of 1:3 (semen:cryoprotectant) as the treatment (T) and fresh semen as the control (F). Straws of 0·5 ml of sperm suspension were frozen in 4 cm of N2L. They were thawed in a thermoregulated bath (40° C). After thawing, the percentage of spermatozoa with fragmented DNA [transferase dUTP (deoxyuridine triphosphate) nick‐end labelling (TUNEL)], plasma membrane integrity (SYBR‐14/PI) and mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨMMit, JC‐1) were evaluated by flow cytometry and motility was evaluated by optical microscope under stroboscopic light. The fertilization rates of the control and treatment semen were tested at a sperm density of 1·5 × 107 spermatozoa oocyte?1, by observation of the first cleavages after 16 h incubation at 10° C. In the cryopreserved semen (T), the mean ± s.d . DNA fragmentation was 4·8 ± 2·5%; plasma membrane integrity 75·2 ± 6·3%; mitochondrial membrane potential 51·7 ± 3·6%; motility 58·5 ± 5·3%; curved line velocity (VCL) 61·2 ± 17·4 µm s?1; average‐path velocity (VAP) 50·1 ± 17·3 µm s?1; straight‐line velocity (VSL) 59·1 ± 18·4 µm s?1; fertilization rate 81·6 ± 1·9%. There were significant differences in the plasma membrane integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential, motility, fertilization rate, VCL, VAP and VSL compared with the controls (P < 0·05). Also the mitochondrial membrane potential correlated with motility, fertilization rate, VCL and VSL (r = 0·75; r = 0·59; r = 0·77 and r = 0·79, respectively; P < 0·05); and the fertilization rate correlated with VCL and VSL (r = 0·59 and r = 0·55, respectively).  相似文献   

Rat spermatozoa from the proximal caput, the proximal corpus, the middle corpus, and the distal cauda epididymidis were examined for their ability to bind to the zona pellucida after a 1-, 2.5-, or 4.5-h incubation at 34°C with rat eggs in cumulus. Caput spermatozoa did not bind to the zona after 1, 2.5, or 4.5 h of incubation. Corpus spermatozoa did bind to the zona, but the percentage of eggs with bound spermatozoa and number of bound spermatozoa per egg increased with the length of incubation. Cauda spermatozoa bound readily to the zona pellucida, and their zona binding ability did not change with longer incubations. It thus appears that rat spermatozoa gradually acquire the ability to bind to the zona pellucida in the corpus epididymidis. The zona-binding capacity of cold immobilized cauda spermatozoa, defined as the percentage of eggs with bound spermatozoa, increased with the number of spermatozoa incubated and reached a plateau characteristic of the endocrine status of the animal. After castration, zona-binding ability is progressively lost from day 3 until day 10 where it is nil. Testosterone supplementation maintains zona-binding ability to control levels. Similarly, fertilizing ability declines from day 5 after castration until day 10. Testosterone prevents this loss of fertilizing ability. It thus appears that the development of zona-binding ability during epididymal transit is, like the development of fertilizing ability, under androgen regulation. The close correlation between the onset of fertilizing ability and zona-binding ability during maturation, the loss of fertilizing ability and zona-binding ability after castration, and the recovery of both fertilizing ability and zona-binding ability with testosterone treatment suggests that the androgen-dependent development of zona-binding ability is an important component of the acquisition of sperm fertilizing ability during epididymal transit.  相似文献   

We demonstrated that mouse spermatozoa cleave their DNA into approximately 50 kb loop-sized fragments with topoisomerase IIB when treated with MnCl(2) and CaCl(2) in a process we term sperm chromatin fragmentation (SCF). SCF can be reversed by EDTA. A nuclease then further degrades the DNA in a process we term sperm DNA degradation (SDD). MnCl(2) alone could elicit this activity, but CaCl(2) had no effect. Here, we demonstrate the existence of a nuclease in the vas deferens that can be activated by ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA) to digest the sperm DNA by SDD. Spermatozoa were extracted with salt and dithiothreitol to remove protamines and then incubated with EGTA. Next, the EGTA was removed and divalent cations were added. We found that Mn(2+), Ca(2+), or Zn(2+) could each activate SDD in spermatozoa but Mg(2+) could not. When the reaction was slowed by incubation on ice, EGTA pretreatment followed by incubation in Ca(2+) elicited the reversible fragmentation of sperm DNA evident in SCF. When the reactions were then incubated at 37 degrees C they progressed to the more complete degradation of DNA by SDD. EDTA could also be used to activate the nuclease, but required a higher concentration than EGTA. This EGTA-activatable nuclease activity was found in each fraction of the vas deferens plasma: in the spermatozoa, in the surrounding fluid, and in the insoluble components in the fluid. These results suggest that this sperm nuclease is regulated by a mechanism that is sensitive to EGTA, possibly by removing inhibition of a calcium binding protein.  相似文献   

A major soluble protein occurring in two forms, a monomer (protein L) and a polymer, has been identified in the voluminous secretory granules produced by the epithelium of Lacerta vivipara epididymis. An antiserum was raised against protein L and used as an immunohistochemical probe. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy has indicated that protein L is able to bind to the heads of the spermatozoa. By incubating spermatozoa with buffers of increasing ionic strength and by using nonionic detergents it was not possible to remove completely the protein L. Therefore it was concluded that the binding of protein L to the spermatozoa was not labile and might play an important role in the physiology of the spermatozoa, which is presently under investigation with this convenient model.  相似文献   

A secretory high-level expression cloning vector designated as pSBC-20 was constructed by inserting a DNA fragment encoding the signal peptide of ompA protein into pBV 220 vector. Any foreign DNA fragment can be inserted into the polylinker cloning sites located after the secretion signal sequence. The cloned foreign gene is under the control of the P R -P L promoter while the expression of the gene is regulated by the cI-gene product. The products are secreted into the periplasmic space of bacteria or into the medium. A recombinant plasmid (pRSD-220) was constructed by inserting the 210 bp from RSD-2, a cDNA encoding a peptide fragment of human sperm protein, into the EcoRI site of pSBC-20. TheE. coli cells transformed with pRSD-220 were propagated at 30 °C, then incubated at 42 °C for several hrs. The cloned gene product was secreted into the culture medium at a high rate. The yield was about 60 mg of gene product per liter of cultured medium.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in spermatozoa is associated with epididymal maturation and though to be central for attainment of a capacitated state and expression of hyperactivated motility. Heparin, the most highly sulfated glycosaminoglycans, was also the most potent at stimulating the acrosomal reaction in bovine epididymal spermatozoa. Studies using radiolabeled inorganic phosphate showed 11-fold increase (32)Pi incorporation in heparin-binding sperm membrane protein (HBSM) during spermatozoal capacitation, and the phosphorylation occurs at the tyrosine residue. Epididymal spermatozoa were induced to undergo capacitation and acrosome reaction by 70% when the cells were incubated in BWW medium supplemented with heparin. The spermatozoa pre-treated with anti-HBSM antibody showed 46% reduction in the hyperactivated motility and lowers the acrosome reaction. This was confirms by measuring the hydrolysis of benzoyl-l-arginine ethyl ether (BAEE) by the acrosomal enzyme; acrosin. The preliminary finding suggests that HBSM may play an important role in the sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Associations of the activity of the paraoxonase 1 (PON1) enzyme with boar sperm quality still needs to be characterized, since boar ejaculates present distinct portions with differences in sperm concentration and quality. This study evaluated PON1 activity in the serum, in the distinct portions of boar ejaculates and estimated correlations with sperm quality parameters. Ejaculates and blood samples were collected from six boars for three weeks (two per week per boar; n = 36). Serum and post-spermatic portion PON1 activities were positively correlated (P = 0.01) but were both uncorrelated with the PON1 activity in the sperm-rich portion and in the whole ejaculate (P > 0.05). Differences in PON1 activity among boars were only observed in the sperm-rich portion of the ejaculate (P < 0.05). The PON1 activity in the serum and in the post-spermatic portion was generally negatively correlated with parameters of spermatozoa kinetics (P < 0.05). In the sperm-rich portion, PON1 activity was positively correlated with sperm concentration (P < 0.0001), curvilinear distance and velocity (both P < 0.05) and DNA integrity (P < 0.05), but negatively correlated with straightness and linearity (P < 0.05). Thus, boar ejaculates with increased PON1 activity in the sperm-rich portion may present increased concentration and spermatozoa with acceptable curvilinear velocity and distance and DNA integrity, which suggests that PON1 activity may be a biomarker for potential fertility.  相似文献   

The epididymis, under control of testosterone, secretes proteins which bind to the membrane of the spermatozoa during their passage through the lumen. One such class is termed PES (prealbumin epididymal specific). Injection of heterologous oPES (ovine PES) into male rats caused antibody production but failed to induce sterility, unlike results previously obtained when rat PES was injected into male rats. This suggests that only very restricted species-specific epitopes of PES might be useful for causing immunocontraception. Despite this, the sperm binding properties of PES purified from the rat (rat PES) and from the ram (oPES) were shown to be similar. When either rat PES or oPES, conjugated with a fluorescent probe (dimethylamino-fluorescein), was incubated with washed rat spermatozoa originating from the caput, corpus or cauda epididymis, results of flow cytometric analysis showed: (1) the number of spermatozoa bound to isologous or heterologous fluorescent PES, and (2) the binding-affinity of spermatozoa for PES was greater for sperm collected from more distal sites in the epididymis. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:483–489, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have identified an 80 kDa protein in ejaculated bull spermatozoa (p80) which is found in acrosomal and post-acrosomal areas of the head. It has a hyaluronidase activity and shares homologies with PH-20, a sperm surface glycoprotein involved in sperm-egg interaction. The aim of the present study was to characterize bull sperm p80 protein at the nucleic and amino acid levels to determine whether it is the bovine PH-20 ortholog. The complete nucleotide sequence determined by RT-PCR, 3' and 5' RACE show that bull p80, displays identity with the PH-20 nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Messenger RNA and protein expressions determined by Northern blot and immunohistochemistry revealed that the protein is testicular (expressed in spermatocytes and spermatids). The localization of p80 on spermatozoa, determined by indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal antibody, shows the protein in acrosomal and post acrosomal areas of the head with an increase in the signal intensity as sperm progress through the epididymis. Post-translational modifications of the protein were investigated during the epididymal maturation by Western blot on protein extracts from sperm collected in the caput, corpus and cauda portions of bull epididymis. Glycolysation status of sperm p80 protein on proteins from ejaculated and epididymidal sperm was investigated. Result show that the glycosylation status is modified as spermatozoa migrate through the epididymis. Hyaluronidase activity evaluated in protein extracts from spermatozoa of the three different epididymal sections revealed that the activity is higher at pH 7 than 4 and is not affected by epididymal maturation. These data strongly suggest that p80 is the bovine PH-20.  相似文献   

Murine cauda epididymal sperm preincubated in either a modified Krebs-Ringer or M 199 solution bind to cumulus-free, zona pellucida-intact eggs. Pretreatment of such eggs with an affinity purified preparation of the seminal inhibitor binding component (acceptor), isolated from epididymal sperm, reduces in a concentration dependent manner, the number of sperm that bind. Treatment of cauda sperm, preincubated in either of the above two media, with the seminal inhibitor, also reduces the number of sperm able to bind. Incubation of cauda sperm in the Krebs-Ringer solution for up to 4 h does not affect their ability to bind the seminal inhibitor. Omission of bovine serum albumin from the preincubation medium results in a significant reduction in sperm binding. These data are interpreted to mean that the seminal inhibitor acceptor sites on the sperm surface of incubated sperm function in the in vitro binding to the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

BSp120 and BSp66 are trypsin-like serine proteases from bovine spermatozoa. The former is active in cryopreserved sperm samples while the latter shows proteolytic activity in recently obtained fresh sperm. Both proteases are immunologically related and co-localize in the apical portion of the sperm head. In Western blots with specific antibodies, sperm samples incubated with reducing agents showed a decrease in the amount of BSp120, while BSp66 was detected with both anti-BSp120 and anti-BSp66 antibodies. BSp120 was evident in frozen intact spermatozoa after 60 days of semen cryopreservation and the kinetic of appearance of this protein was coincident with the decrease in the amount of BSp66. Identical results were obtained by freezing sperm extracts from fresh semen at -20 degrees C. Our results suggest that BSp120 results from disulfide bond-dimerization of BSp66 and that this process may be induced by temperatures below zero in both intact spermatozoa and in sperm extracts.  相似文献   

Low serum HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease. We performed targeted genotyping of a 12.4 Mb linked region on 16q to test for association with low HDL-C by using a regional-tag SNP strategy. We identified one SNP, rs2548861, in the WW-domain-containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) gene with region-wide significance for low HDL-C in dyslipidemic families of Mexican and European descent and in low-HDL-C cases and controls of European descent (p = 6.9 × 10−7). We extended our investigation to the population level by using two independent unascertained population-based Finnish cohorts, the cross-sectional METSIM cohort of 4,463 males and the prospective Young Finns cohort of 2,265 subjects. The combined analysis provided p = 4 × 10−4 to 2 × 10−5. Importantly, in the prospective cohort, we observed a significant longitudinal association of rs2548861 with HDL-C levels obtained at four different time points over 21 years (p = 0.003), and the T risk allele explained 1.5% of the variance in HDL-C levels. The rs2548861 resides in a highly conserved region in intron 8 of WWOX. Results from our in vitro reporter assay and electrophoretic mobility-shift assay demonstrate that this region functions as a cis-regulatory element whose associated rs2548861 SNP has a specific allelic effect and that the region forms an allele-specific DNA-nuclear-factor complex. In conclusion, analyses of 9,798 subjects show significant association between HDL-C and a WWOX variant with an allele-specific cis-regulatory function.  相似文献   

During epididymal transit, mammalian sperm acquire selected proteins secreted by the epididymis. We previously showed that a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) 7 is expressed specifically in the epididymis and transferred to the sperm surface during epididymal transit. Here, we show that mouse ADAM7 secreted to the epididymal lumen is associated with membranous vesicles known as epididymosomes. Furthermore, we found that ADAM7 can be transferred directly from epididymal vesicles to sperm and that it is an integral plasma membrane protein in sperm. Thus, our study provides new information regarding the unique mode of secretion and interaction of ADAM7 during the epididymis-to-sperm transfer process.  相似文献   

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