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Signalling through protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) is critical in the regulation of important cellular processes and its deregulation is associated with pathophysiological disorders such as cancer. We investigated the function of the PTK spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) in the regulation of growth factor signalling pathways in human mammary epithelial cells. Our results show that downregulation of endogenous Syk expression enhances the ligand-induced activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) but not that of the closely related human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3) receptors. Moreover, Syk function interfered with EGFR-mediated cell responses such as proliferation and survival of mammary epithelial cells. A mechanistic link between Syk and EGFR is further supported by the colocalisation of the two PTKs in membrane fractions as well as the regulatory feedback effects of the EGFR kinase on Syk activity. Our findings demonstrate that Syk acts a negative control element of EGFR signalling.  相似文献   

Abstract. Normal mammary epithelial (NME) cells and MCF-7 cells aggregate and grow as spheroids when cultured on extracellular matrix derived from Engelbreth/ Holmes/Swarth (EHS) tumour. NME cells stop dividing and differentiate but MCF-7 cells continue to proliferate, although growth is counterbalanced by cell death. In mixed cultures of NME cells and MCF-7 cells, the two cell types form mixed aggregates but then segregate to form well separated domains, often joined by only a narrow neck of cells. In these mixed cultures the growth of MCF-7 cells is inhibited by a factor secreted by NME cells into the medium.  相似文献   

Rezaei  Reza  Wu  Guoyao 《Amino acids》2022,54(11):1491-1504
Amino Acids - Dietary supplementation with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to lactating sows has been reported to enhance their milk production, but the underlying mechanisms remain largely...  相似文献   

Differentiation of mammary epithelium in vivo requires signaling through prolactin- and ErbB4/HER4-dependent mechanisms; how these pathways intersect is unknown. We show herein that HC11 mouse mammary cells undergo ErbB4-dependent lactational differentiation. Prolactin and the ErbB4 ligand HB-EGF each induced STAT5A activation, expression of lactogenic differentiation markers, and lumen formation in three-dimensional Matrigel cultures in HC11 cells. ErbB4 undergoes ligand-dependent transmembrane domain cleavage at Val-675, releasing a soluble 80-kDa intracellular domain (s80(HER4)) that localizes to nuclei; the physiological relevance of s80(HER4) is unknown. A HER4(V675A) mutant abolishing transmembrane cleavage impaired STAT5A activity, lactogenic gene expression, and lumen formation. Kinase-dead HER4(KD) was neither cleaved nor able to induce differentiation of HC11 cells. Without treating HC11 cells with prolactin or HB-EGF, s80(HER4) (expressed from a cDNA construct) localized to the nucleus, activated STAT5A, and induced three-dimensional lumen formation. Nuclear localization of exogenous s80(HER4) required intact kinase activity of s80(HER4), as did activation of STAT5A. In contrast, nuclear localization of s80(HER4) and STAT5A activation did not require the 16-amino acid region of the ErbB4 intracellular domain specific to the Cyt-1 isoform of ErbB4, and absent in the Cyt-2 isoform. These results suggest that s80(HER4) formation contributes to ErbB4-dependent differentiation of mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated immunolocalization of antikeratin antibodies in apparently random subpopulations of malignant cells in fresh surgical specimens of breast carcinoma (S. H. Dairkee and A. J. Hackett, 1988, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 80, 1216-1220). The goal of the present study was to determine whether deficiencies in essential nutrients contribute toward cellular alterations in membrane integrity, consequently allowing antikeratin to bind to the cytoskeleton within live, unfixed cells. We have demonstrated here that in an in vitro model in which human mammary epithelial cells are subjected to an oxygen-glucose gradient, immunolocalization of antikeratin within the cells is observed in a dose-dependent manner in the depleted regions of the gradient, even though the cells appear to be morphologically unaltered. The potential use of antibodies to intracellular antigens for immunotargeting solid tumors and the use of this method in antibody-loading studies toward understanding functional aspects of specific cellular antigens, as well as determining differential response of various cell types under these culture conditions, are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Interaction of adjacent secretory vesicles through ball and socket figures was observed in milk secreting mammary epithelial cells preserved by quick freezing without chemical fixation. Membranes of adjacent vesicles appeared to be fused together. Such vesicle-vesicle interactions have been described in chemically fixed tissues, but it has been argued that these interactions may have been fixation artifacts. Ball and socket figures in quick-frozen cells were smaller than those in chemically fixed cells. However, their existence in cells arrested by quick freezing argues that such vesicle-vesicle interactions occur in living cells.  相似文献   

Parity-induced mammary epithelial cells (PI-MECs) are defined as a pregnancy hormone-responsive cell population that activates the promoter of late milk protein genes during the second half of pregnancy and lactation. However, unlike their terminally differentiated counterparts, these cells do not undergo programmed cell death during post-lactational remodeling of the gland. We previously demonstrated that upon transplantation into an epithelial-free mammary fat pad, PI-MECs exhibited two important features of multipotent mammary epithelial progenitors: a) self-renewal, and b) contribution to ductal and alveolar morphogenesis. In this new report, we introduce a new method to viably label PI-MECs. Using this methodology, we analyzed the requirement of ovarian hormones for the maintenance of this epithelial subtype in the involuted mammary gland. Furthermore, we examined the expression of putative stem cell markers and found that a portion of GFP-labeled PI-MECs were part of the CD24(+)/CD49f(high) mammary epithelial subtype, which has recently been suggested to contain multipotent stem cells. Subsequently, we demonstrated that isolated PI-MECs were able to form mammospheres in culture, and upon transplantation, these purified epithelial cells were capable of establishing a fully functional mammary gland. These observations suggest that PI-MECs contain multipotent progenitors that are able to self renew and generate diverse epithelial lineages present in the murine mammary gland.  相似文献   

The metabolic and morphological characteristics of two human epithelial breast cell populations--MCF7 cells, a cancerous cell line, and 48R human mammary epithelial cells (48R HMECs), a noncancerous, finite lifespan cell strain--were compared at identical growth rates. Both cell types were induced to grow rapidly in nutrient-rich media containing 13C-labeled glucose, and the isotopic enrichment of cellular metabolites was quantified to calculate metabolic fluxes in key pathways. Despite their similar growth rates, the cells exhibited distinctly different metabolic and morphological profiles. MCF7 cells have an 80% smaller exposed surface area and contain 26% less protein per cell than the 48R cells. Surprisingly, rapidly proliferating 48R cells exhibited a 225% higher per-cell glucose consumption rate, a 250% higher per-cell lactate production rate, and a nearly identical per-cell glutamine consumption rate relative to the cancer cell line. However, when fluxes were considered on the basis of exposed area, the cancer cells were observed to have higher glucose, lactate, and glutamine fluxes, demonstrating superior transport capabilities per unit area of cell membrane. MCF7 cells also consumed amino acids at rates much higher than are generally required for protein synthesis, whereas 48R cells generally did not. Pentose phosphate pathway activity was higher in MCF7 cells, and the flux of glutamine to glutamate was less reversible. Energy efficiency was significantly higher in MCF7 cells, as a result of a combination of their smaller size and greater reliance on the TCA cycle than the 48R cells. These observations support evolutionary models of cancer cell metabolism and suggest targets for metabolic drugs in metastatic breast cancers.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between cellular sphingomyelin content and the distribution of unesterified cholesterol between the plasma-membrane pool and the putative intracellular regulatory pool. The sphingomyelin content of cultured human skin fibroblasts was reduced by treatment of intact cells with extracellularly added neutral sphingomyelinase, and subsequent changes in the activities of cholesterol-metabolizing enzymes were determined. Exposure of fibroblasts to 0.1 unit of sphingomyelinase/ml for 60 min led to the depletion of more than 90% of the cellular sphingomyelin, as determined from total lipid extracts. In a time-course study, it was found that within 10 min of the addition of sphingomyelinase to cells, a dramatic increase in acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase activity could be observed, whether measured from the appearance of plasma membrane-derived [3H]cholesterol or exogenously added [14C]oleic acid, in cellular cholesteryl esters. In addition, the cholesteryl ester mass was significantly higher in sphingomyelin-depleted fibroblasts at 3 h after exposure to sphingomyelinase compared with that in untreated fibroblasts [7.1 +/- 0.4 nmol of cholesterol/mg equivalents of esterified cholesterol compared with 4.2 +/- 0.1 nmol of cholesterol/mg equivalents of cholesteryl ester in control cells (P less than 0.05)]. The sphingomyelin-depleted cells also showed a reduction in the rate of endogenous synthesis of cholesterol, as measured by incorporation of sodium [14C]acetate into [14C]cholesterol. These results are consistent with a rapid movement of cholesterol from sphingomyelin-depleted plasma membranes to the putative intracellular regulatory pool of cholesterol. This mass movement of cholesterol away from the plasma membranes presumably resulted from a decreased capacity of the plasma membranes to solubilize cholesterol, since sphingomyelin-depleted cells also had a decreased capacity to incorporate nanomolar amounts of [3H]cholesterol from the extracellular medium, as compared with control cells. These findings confirm previous assumptions that the membrane sphingomyelin content is an important determinant of the overall distribution of cholesterol within intact cells.  相似文献   

Summary Normal epithelial cells from the rat mammary gland proliferated in culture when plated with lethally irradiated cells of the LA7 rat mammary tumor line. Proliferation of the normal rat cells occured as the LA7 cells slowly died from the radiation. By labeling the cultures with3H-thymidine it was determined that most of the proliferating rat cells were those adjacent to the LA7 feeder cells. The epithelial cells from the primary culture proliferated after subsequent passages if the cells were plated at each subculture with newly irradiated LA7 cells. If the cells were plated at a ratio of ∼1:8 rat:LA7 a confluent layer of normal rat cells covered the plastic substrate after 6 to 7 wk. The cells have so far been carried up through Passage 7, which amounted to ∼19 doublings in cell number, and still proliferate vigorously. The growth medium for this culture system was Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium:Ham’s F12 1:1 supplemented with fetal bovine serum, insulin, and antibiotics. The presence in the cells of keratin, desmosomes, and cell junctions attested to their epithelial origin. The cultures were composed of cells with diploid or near diploid chromosome numbers. Samples of the cultured cells were implanted into the cleared fat pads of nude mice. Most of the implants from Passage 2 formed normal mammary ductal structures, but the incidence of outgrowths decreased significantly with later passages until no out-growths resulted from the implantation of cells from Passage 5. The one unusual, feeder-independent cell line that arose from a primary culture seemed to be immortal in culture, contained a hyperdiploid chromosome complement, and formed abnormal structures when implanted into cleared fat pads. This work was supported by the Veterans Administration, Washington, DC, and by CA grant 05388 from the U.S. Public Health Service, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

To investigate Ca2+ uptake by Ca2+-depleted bovine chromaffin cells we depleted these cells of Ca2+ by incubating them in Ca2+-free buffer, then measured changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+ 1)45Ca2+ uptake, and Mn2+ uptake in response to added Ca2+ or MN2+. In depleted cells, the increase in [Ca2+]i after Ca2+ addition, and the Mn2+ and45Ca2+ uptakes were higher than in control cells, and were inhibited by verapamil. The size of the intracellular Ca2+ pools in depleted cells increased after Ca2+ addition. The times for [Ca2+]i rise and Mn2+ entry to reach plateau levels were much shorter than the time for refilling of intracellular Ca2+ stores. In Ca2+-depleted cells and cells which had been loaded with BAPTA,45Ca2+ uptake was much higher than in control cells. These results suggest that extracellular Ca2+ enters the cytoplasm first before refilling the intracellular stores. The rate of Mn2+ influx depended on the level of filling of the Ca2+ stores, suggesting that some signalling takes place between the intracellular stores and Ca2+ entry pathways through the plasma membrane.Abbreviations used BAPTA 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N', N'-tetraacetic acid - BAPTA/AM acetoxymethyl ester of BAPTA - [Ca2+]i cytosolic Ca2+ concentration - IP3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate - tBHQ 2,5-di-(t-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone This work was included in a thesis submitted by A.-L. Sui to the Department of Biochemistry, National Yang-Ming Medical College, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2683-2696
The cell surface proteoglycan on normal murine mammary gland mouse mammary epithelial cells consists of an ectodomain bearing heparan and chondroitin sulfate chains and a lipophilic domain that is presumed to be intercalated into the plasma membrane. Because the ectodomain binds to matrix components produced by stromal cells with specificity and high affinity, we have proposed that the cell surface proteoglycan is a matrix receptor that binds epithelial cells to their underlying basement membrane. We now show that the proteoglycan surrounds cells grown in subconfluent or newly confluent monolayers, but becomes restricted to the basolateral surface of cells that have been confluent for a week or more; Triton X-100 extraction distinguishes three fractions of cell surface proteoglycan: a fraction released by detergent and presumed to be free in the membrane, a fraction bound via a salt-labile linkage, and a nonextractable fraction; the latter two fractions co-localize with actin filament bundles at the basal cell surface; and when proteoglycans at the apical cell surface are cross- linked by antibodies, they initially assimilate into detergent- resistant, immobile clusters that are subsequently aggregated by the cytoskeleton. These findings suggest that the proteoglycan, initially present on the entire surface and free in the plane of the membrane, becomes sequestered at the basolateral cell surface and bound to the actin-rich cytoskeleton as the cells become polarized in vitro. Binding of matrix components may cross-link proteoglycans at the basal cell surface and cause them to associate with the actin cytoskeleton, providing a mechanism by which the cell surface proteoglycan acts as a matrix receptor to stabilize the morphology of epithelial sheets.  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis is a common disease in the dairy industry that causes great economic losses. As the primary pathogen of contagious mastitis, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) can invade bovine mammary epithelial cells, thus evading immune defenses and resulting in persistent infection. Recently, autophagy has been considered an important mechanism for host cells to clear intracellular pathogens. In the current study, autophagy caused by S. aureus was detected, and the correlation between autophagy and intracellular S. aureus survival was assessed. First, a model of intracellular S. aureus infection was established. Then, the autophagy of MAC-T cells was evaluated by confocal microscopy and western blot. Moreover, the activation of the PI3K-Akt-mTOR and ERK1/2 signaling pathways was determined by western blot. Finally, the relationship between intracellular bacteria and autophagy was analyzed by using autophagy regulators (3-methyladenine [3-MA], rapamycin [Rapa] and chloroquine [CQ]). The results showed that S. aureus caused obvious induction of autophagosome formation, transformation of LC3I/II, and degradation of p62/SQSTM1 in MAC-T cells; furthermore, the PI3K-Akt-mTOR and ERK1/2 signaling pathways were activated. The number of intracellular S. aureus increased significantly with autophagy activation by rapamycin, whereas the number decreased when the autophagy flux was inhibited by chloroquine. Therefore, this study indicated that intracellular S. aureus can induce autophagy and utilize it to survive in bovine mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   



In the bovine species milk production is well known to correlate with mammary tissue mass. However, most advances in optimizing milk production relied on improvements of breeding and husbandry practices. A better understanding of the cells that generate bovine mammary tissue could facilitate important advances in milk production and have global economic impact. With this possibility in mind, we show that a mammary stem cell population can be functionally identified and isolated from the bovine mammary gland. We also demonstrate that this stem cell population may be a promising target for manipulating the composition of cow''s milk using gene transfer.

Methods and Findings

We show that the in vitro colony-forming cell assay for detecting normal primitive bipotent and lineage-restricted human mammary clonogenic progenitors are applicable to bovine mammary cells. Similarly, the ability of normal human mammary stem cells to regenerate functional bilayered structures in collagen gels placed under the kidney capsule of immunodeficient mice is shared by a subset of bovine mammary cells that lack aldehyde dehydrogenase activity. We also find that this activity is a distinguishing feature of luminal-restricted bovine progenitors. The regenerated structures recapitulate the organization of bovine mammary tissue, and milk could be readily detected in these structures when they were assessed by immunohistochemical analysis. Transplantation of the bovine cells transduced with a lentivirus encoding human β-CASEIN led to expression of the transgene and secretion of the product by their progeny regenerated in vivo.


These findings point to a common developmental hierarchy shared by human and bovine mammary glands, providing strong evidence of common mechanisms regulating the maintenance and differentiation of mammary stem cells from both species. These results highlight the potential of novel engineering and transplant strategies for a variety of commercial applications including the production of modified milk components for human consumption.  相似文献   

Mouse strains which develop tumors at a high incidence with characteristics very similar to human cancers have been derived over the last 8 years. The tumors are caused by defined genetic alterations in the mouse genome. Three areas of research have contributed to the derivation of these mouse strains: (1) Molecular analysis of human tumors has shown that distinct oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are consistently involved in a high percentage of primary tumors. (2) Regulatory enhancer-promoter sequences have been identified which direct gene expression to specific target cells, preferentially mammary epithelial cells. (3) The introduction of recombinant DNA molecules into fertilized mouse eggs by microinjection and integration of the injected DNA into the genome of injected cells has given rise to mutant mouse strains with unique and defined genetic alterations. Studies with different promoter-oncogene combinations introduced into transgenic mouse strains have led to the following general conclusions: (1) Oncogenes expressed in mammary gland cells predispose transgenic mice to mammary tumors. (2) The oncogenic potential of individual oncogenes in mammary epithelial cells differs. (3) Oncogene expression initially often causes a preneoplastic state affecting growth and differentiation parameters of cells. (4) The expression of different oncogenes synergizes to reduce tumor latency. Synergism can also be observed with physiological growth signals like estrogen or growth hormone. The oncogenes with a role in mammary carcinomas which have been investigated in transgenic mice will be described here. The phenotypic consequences of oncogene expression and the implications for the multistep carcinogenesis model will be discussed.  相似文献   

E V Gaffney  D Pigott 《In vitro》1978,14(7):621-624
Rapid proliferation of mammary epithelial cells derived from biopsy specimens of human fibroadenomas was observed when medium was supplemented with ten percent fetal bovine serum and hydrocortisone (5 microgram per ml-1). Hydrocortisone in combination with FBS also led to a 2.5-fold increase in cell cluster attachment and subsequent colony formation. A similar effect was not observed with human serum. In contrast to fibroblast cell systems, insulin did not significantly alter cell growth. The results show that a mitogenic response to glucocorticoids by mammary epithelium may depend on the presence of factors in sera.  相似文献   

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