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Volatile‐oils chemical composition and bioactivity of the essentail oils from Plectranthus barbatus, P. neochilus, and P. ornatus (Lamiaceae) were assessed. Aerial parts from these three related Plectranthus species were collected from cultivated plants grown in Portugal, during vegetative and flowering phases. Volatiles, isolated by distillation? extraction, were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Monoterpene hydrocarbons (12–74%) and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (4–45%) constituted the main fractions in all volatiles. α‐Pinene ( 3 ; 12–67%), oct‐1‐en‐3‐ol ( 6 ; traces–28%), β‐pinene ( 7 ; 0.1–22%), and β‐caryophyllene ( 50 ; 7–12%) dominated P. barbatus volatiles. P. neochilus major volatile components were α‐terpenyl acetate ( 41 ; traces–48%), α‐thujone ( 2 ; 2–28%), β‐caryophyllene ( 50 ; 2–28%), β‐pinene ( 7 ; 1–25%), and α‐pinene ( 3 ; 1–19%). Oct‐1‐en‐3‐ol ( 6 ; 13–31%), β‐pinene ( 7 ; 11–24%), α‐pinene ( 3 ; 11–19%), and β‐caryophyllene ( 50 ; traces–11%) were the main constituents from P. ornatus volatiles. These chemical compositions were rather different from those previously found for specimens harvested in Africa and Brazil. Moreover, the volatiles from the flowers are herewith reported for the first time. Essential oils, isolated by hydrodistillation from leaves and stems, showed a yellowish color and unpleasant odor, with yields ranging from 0.08% to 0.84% (v/dry weight). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils were evaluated by DPPH. and TBARS assays, and agar disc‐diffusion method, respectively. Results showed low or moderate antioxidant capacity and significant antimicrobial activity against Gram‐positive bacteria.  相似文献   

Three new dinoflagellate species, Gambierdiscus polynesiensis, sp. nov., Gambierdiscus australes, sp. nov., and Gambierdiscus pacificus, sp. nov., are described from scanning electron micrographs. The morphology of the three new Gambierdiscus species is compared with the type species Gambierdiscus toxicus Adachi et Fukuyo 1979, and two other species: Gambierdiscus belizeanus Faust 1995 and Gambierdiscus yasumotoi Holmes 1998. The plate formula is: Po, 3′, 7", 6C, 8S, 5‴, 1p, 2". Culture extracts of these three new species displayed both ciguatoxin- and maitotoxin-like toxicities. The following morphological characteristics differentiated each species. 1) Cells of G. polynesiensis are 68–85 μm long and 64–75 μm wide, and the cell’s surface is smooth. They are identified by a large triangular apical pore plate (Po), a narrow fish-hook opening surrounded by 38 round pores, and a large, broad posterior intercalary plate (1p) wedged between narrow postcingular plates 2‴ and 4‴. Plate 1p occupies 60% of the width of the hypotheca. 2) Cells of G. australes also have a smooth surface and are 76–93 μm long and 65–85 μm wide in dorsoventral depth. They are identified by the broad ellipsoid apical pore plate (Po) surrounded by 31 round pores and a long and narrow 1p plate wedged between postcingular plates 2‴ and 4‴. Plate 1p occupies 30% of the width of the hypotheca. 3) Cells of G. pacificus are 67–77 μm long and 60–76 μm wide in dorsoventral depth, and its surface is smooth. They are identified by the four-sided apical pore plate (Po) surrounded by 30 round pores. A short narrow 1p plate is wedged between the wide postcingular plates 2‴ and 4‴. Plate 1p occupies 20% of the width of the hypotheca. These three newly described species were also characterized by isozyme electrophoresis and DNA sequencing of the D8–D10 region of their large subunit (LSU) rRNA genes. The consistency between species designations based on SEM microscopy and classification inferred from biochemical and genetic heterogeneities was examined among seven isolates of Gambierdiscus. Their classification into four morphospecies was not consistent with groupings inferred from isozyme patterns. Three molecular types could be distinguished based on the comparison of their LSU rDNA sequences. Although G. toxicus TUR was found to be more closely related to G. pacificus, sp. nov. than to other G. toxicus strains, the molecular classification was able to discriminate G. polynesiensis, sp. nov. and G. australes, sp. nov. from G. toxicus. These results suggest the usefulness of the D8–D10 portion of the Gambierdiscus LSU rDNA as a valuable taxonomic marker.  相似文献   

The morphology and morphogenesis of a new ciliate species, Neobakuella aenigmatica n. sp., which was discovered in an estuary in Korea, were investigated, using live observation, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. This new species is characterized by a large (185–300 × 55–105 μm in vivo), elongate‐ellipsoidal, flexible but not contractile body. It has ellipsoidal, yellowish cortical granules, 1.3 × 1.0 μm in size. The species has invariably 3 frontal and 2 frontoterminal cirri, about 5–10 buccal and 1–6 parabuccal cirri, 7 midventral rows, and 1 right and 2–4 left marginal rows. The outer left marginal row(s) consists of 1–7 short rows of cirri. The nuclear apparatus comprises 130 macronuclear nodules and 2 spherical micronuclei on average. The dorsal ciliature consists of 3 dorsal kineties. The leftmost left marginal row(s) likely develops from anlagen originating from both the rightmost and leftmost left marginal row(s). The molecular phylogenetic tree based on SSU rDNA suggests the nonmonophyly of the genus Neobakuella.  相似文献   

Murdannia nampyana sp. nov. (Commelinaceae), collected from a marshy riparian area by the Kadambrayar River, near Bhramapuram Diesel Power Project, Kakkanad, Ernakulam district, Kerala is described. The new species can be distinguished from the similar species M. spirata G.Brückn. by its creeping habit, up to 1.5 m long with no definite base (vs erect, ascending, decumbent habit, with or without definite base), 1.1–2.2 cm wide flower diameter (vs 0.65–0.80 cm), petals 1.1 × 0.5–0.7 cm (vs 0.35–0.40 × 0.25–0.35 cm), 0.6–0.5–0.9 cm long stamen filaments (vs 0.06–0.15 cm), 0.20–0.25 cm long staminode filaments, (vs 0.06–0.15 cm), 2–3 smooth seeds per locule, with ridges and furrows and 1–2 small ventral depression on both side of the linear hilum and dorsal embryotega (vs 3–4 verrucose seeds per locule, with ridges and warts, 1–3 deep ventral pits on both side of elliptic hilum, edges of pits surrounded by warts, brownish powdery material in the testa and semidorsal embryotega).  相似文献   

The tropical green algal genus Halimeda is one of the best studied examples of pseudo-cryptic diversity within the algae. Previous molecular and morphometric studies revealed that within Halimeda section Rhipsalis, Halimeda incrassata included three pseudo-cryptic entities and that the morphological boundaries between H. incrassata and Halimeda melanesica were ill-defined. In this paper, the taxonomy of H. incrassata is revised: two pseudo-cryptic entities are described as new species, Halimeda kanaloana and Halimed heteromorpha, while H. incrassata is redefined to encompass a single, monophyletic entity. Similarities and differences between the three species and H. melanesica are discussed. Monophyly of H. heteromorpha, which was questioned in a former study, is reinvestigated using sets of 32 ITS1–ITS2 and 21 plastid rps3 sequences and various alignment and inference methods. The phylogenetic relationships within Halimeda section Rhipsalis are inferred from nuclear 18S–ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 and concatenated plastid sequences (tufA & rpl5–rps8–infA) and interpreted in a biogeographic context.  相似文献   

The morphology and phylogeny of Pleuronema binucleatum n. sp., P. parawiackowskii n. sp., and P. marinum Dujardin 1841, collected from Hangzhou Bay estuary, China, were investigated using standard methods. Pleuronema binucleatum n. sp. can be identified by possessing about 90–120 × 35–50 μm cell size in vivo, reniform body outline, two macronuclei, six to eight preoral kineties, 32–41 somatic kineties, and posterior end of the anterior fragment of membranelle 2 (M2a) hook‐like. Pleuronema parawiackowskii n. sp. is characterized by the combination of the following characters: body size about 60–90 × 20–40 μm in vivo, elliptical in outline, four to eight preoral kineties, 20–29 somatic kineties, posterior portion of the M2a slightly curved but nonhooked, and single macronucleus sausage‐like. After comparison with other populations of P. marinum, it is suggested that many misidentifications exist in previous studies. And an improved diagnosis of P. marinum was supplied: cell about 95–180 μm long, elliptical in outline; 2–4 preoral kineties and 53–70 somatic kineties; both membranelle 1 and membranelle 3 three‐rowed; posterior end of the M2a straight; single contractile vacuole characteristically positioned near mid‐body. The small subunit rRNA genes of three forms were sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the monophyly of the genus Pleuronema is still not supported.  相似文献   

Races and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) in Greek isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis(Fom) were characterized. Three races (0, 2 and 1–2) among 12 isolates tested and two VCGs among 19 isolates tested, were identified. Race 1–2 was the most common and race 1 was not detected. One widespread VCG corresponded to a VCG previously reported from Israel (coded 0138), and included seven isolates of races 0 and 1–2. The other VCG, which was unclassified, included four isolates of races 0, 2 and 1–2. The latter VCG was detected only in a specific melon‐growing location of Evros. The remaining eight isolates tested for VCG did not show positive reactions with other isolates, with each other or with the testers of VCGs 0135 or 0138, although they produced complementary mutants. Using two inoculation methods, the local cv. ‘Golden Head’ was found susceptible to all known Fom races, and especially to race 1–2. These results show the presence of more than one VCG and the widespread distribution of the race 1–2, in Greece.  相似文献   

Two species of Phycodrys, Phycodrys quercifolia (Bory) Skottsberg and Phycodrys profunda E.Y.Dawson were previously recorded from New Zealand. However, an examination of Phycodrys collections from the New Zealand region showed that all were morphologically different from P. quercifolia (Type locality: the Falkland Islands) and P. profunda (Type locality: CA, USA). RbcL sequence analyses established that the New Zealand Phycodrys species formed a natural assemblage within the genus, consisting of three new species: P. novae-zelandiae sp. nov., P. franiae sp. nov. and P. adamsiae sp. nov. Phycodrys novae-zelandiae is the largest of the three, up to 20 cm in height, with a distinct midrib and multicellular, opposite to subopposite lateral macroscopic veins. It has entirely monostromatic blades except near the midrib and veins, and its procarp contains a three-celled sterile group one (st1) and a one-celled sterile group two (st2). Phycodrys franiae was previously treated as a cryptic species among herbarium collections of P. ‘quercifolia’. It is smaller (4–11 cm high) with weakly developed midribs and veins, the blade is tristromatic throughout, except at the growing margins, and the procarp consists of a four-celled st1 and a two–three-celled st2. Phycodrys adamsiae, previously reported as P. profunda, is a small decumbent or prostrate plant, 1–8 cm long, with a midrib and inconspicuous lateral veins. The blades are tristromatic with serrated margins, two–four-celled surface spines and multicellular marginal holdfasts that differ from those of Californian specimens. The tetrasporangia are borne on marginal bladelets. Phylogenetic analyses place the New Zealand species in a separate group that is distantly removed from most other Phycodrys species.  相似文献   

Stromanthe bahiensis Yoshida‐Arns, Mayo & J. M. A. Braga sp. nov. (Marantaceae) is described as an endemic to the Atlantic Forest coast of southern Bahia State in Brazil. It is similar to S. hjalmarssonii (Körn.) Petersen, which is restricted to Central America, but differs from it by the following characteristics: petiole 14–70 cm long, leaf blade oblong‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate, fertile bracts 18–30×2–4 mm, narrowly lanceolate to ovate‐lanceolate, sepals 4–6 mm long, corolla lobes 3.0–3.5 mm long, outer staminodes 2.0–3.5×1–2 mm, pale bluish or purplish, callose staminode 2–3×1–2 mm, cucullate staminode 2–3 mm long and ovary hirsute. The new species is described and illustrated with diagnostic characters, taxonomic comments and remarks on its conservation status.  相似文献   

E J Gabbay 《Biopolymers》1967,5(8):727-747
Information concerning the structures of rA–rU, rA–rU2 rI–rC, rA–rI2, and acid rA helices in solutions is reported. Through the use of diquaternary ammonium salts of the general structure, \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ {\rm R}_1 {\rm R}_2 {\rm R}_3 \mathop {\rm N}\limits^ + ({\rm CH}_2 )n\mathop {\rm N}\limits^ + {\rm R}_1 {\rm R}_2 {\rm R}_3 \cdot 2{\rm Br}^ - $\end{document} (I), it is shown that (1) the distances between adjacent negatively charged oxygen atoms on the helix increases in the following order rA–rI2 < rI–rC < rA–rU ? rA–rU2; (2) the density of the helices increases in the order. rA–rI2 < rA–rU < rA–rU2 < rI–rC; (3) there is a large hydrophobia site in rA–rI2 and possibly also in rA–rU, rA–rU2, and rI–rC helices; (4) the results of the interactions between the salts of type I and the helices may be formulated in semi-quantitative terms by the use of two parameters, α, and β which are shown to be related to the charge separation and the density of the helices, respectively; (5) the studies in solutions compare favorably with the x-ray studies on the fibers; and (6) the acid rA helix differs significantly from the other helices by the fact that the electrostatic interstrand interactions between the negatively charged oxygen atom of a phosphate group and the positively charged 10-amino group of adenine contribute significantly to the stabilization of the helix, and thus it is found that the presence of the salts, I, leads to a significant destabilization of the acid rA helix.  相似文献   

The new species Picrorhiza tungnathii Pusalkar is described and illustrated from the western Himalaya, India. It is distinguished from the allied P. kurrooa Royle ex Benth. by being 10–25 cm tall, having a moderately dense, (10–)15–25‐flowered spike, a zygomorphic, 2‐lipped, glandular‐ciliate corolla that is equaling or slightly exceeding the calyx and partly visible or sub‐exserted between the calyx lobes, a conspicuously long (longer than the corolla lobes), curved corolla tube (1/2–4/5 the length of the calyx), unequal corolla lobes that are ovate‐lanceolate to lanceolate, acute to sub‐acuminate and moderately ciliate, a mid‐lobe of the upper lip that is obliquely erect, galeate with retuse or emarginate apex, lateral corolla lobes that are slightly smaller than the mid‐lobe of the upper lip, a lower corolla lip that is slightly shorter than the lateral lobes, obliquely erect or spreading, didynamous, long‐exserted (2–3 times the corolla) stamens, pollen of the Paederota‐type and a style that is 2–3 times as long as the corolla.  相似文献   

Hemiboea lutea F. Wen, G. Y. Liang & Y. G. Wei, a new species in Gesneriaceae is described and illustrated from Guangxi, China. It differs from the similar species H. cavaleriei by having sessile or subsessile leaves, longer peduncles (6–10 cm), spheroidal or triangular‐spheroidal subinvolucre, 5‐divided calyx with lobes fused for 1/3 of their length, revolute and uncinate apex of calyx lobes, larger bright yellow corolla (5–7 cm long), longer staminodes with indistinctively uncinate anther and longer pistil (3.5–3.7 cm).  相似文献   

A new species of Goniothalamus (Blume) Hook.f. & Thomson (Annonaceae), G. banii B. H. Quang, R. K. Choudhary & V.T. Chinh, is described and illustrated from Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. This species shows morphological similarities with G. uvarioides King and G. donnaiensis Finet & Gagnep. but is differentiated by having 22–30 (or more) secondary veins in the leaf, a 1–3‐flowered cyme, a ca 2–3 cm long pedicel, lanceolate and tomentose outer petals, stipitate obovoid‐oblong monocarps, and a single‐seeded monocarp.  相似文献   

Warén, A. (Department of Zoology, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.) Cingula globuloides sp.n. (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) from northern Atlantic. Zool. Scripta 1(3–4): 191–192, 1972. –Cingula globuloides sp.n. is described from the northern Atlantic. This species has earlier been confused with Cingula globulus (Möller, 1842). The distinctive characteristics and distribution of C. globulus are given.  相似文献   

The association of coenzyme A(CoASH) and glutathione (GSH) with the water-soluble polymers and their esterolytic reactivities were evaluated through the reaction with p-nitrophenyl acetate in the presence of cationic polymer micelles: partially laurylated poly(2-ethyl-1-vinylimidazole) and poly(4-vinylpyridine). The polymer micelles with high lauryl-group content (more than 12 mol%) markedly accelerated the reaction at very low concentrations of the polymer. Other polymers with no or small lauryl-group content only slightly enhanced the association and the reaction rate. From the rate-polymer concentration profiles, the association constants (K) and the rate constants for thiol coenzymes bound to the polymer (ka,bound) were determined: for polymers with more than 12 mol % lauryl-group content, KCoASH = 1110–2270 M?1, KGSH = 170–503M?1, ka,bound at pH 8.65 = 142–341M?1 sec?1. ka,bound were 20–340 times larger than that observed in the absence of the polymer. The logarithm of ka,bound was found to be correlated well with the polymer hydrophobicity, indicating that the hydrophobic environment of the polymer activated the bound thiol anions. On the other hand, the polymer hydrophobicity did not correlate with the association constant.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):126-132

Two new species of Lejeunea Lib., L. kashyapii sp. nov. and L. mehrana sp. nov. are described from Sikkim, India. The former is characterized by sub-orbicular leaves; first tooth of leaf lobule, 1–3 cells long 1–2 cells wide at base; reniform underleaves slightly wider than long; monoicous sexuality; 2–3-paired male bracts; obcordate perianth with 4–5 smooth keels (2 lateral, auriculate; 2 ventral; 0–1 dorsal, indistinct). Whereas, the latter is characterized by oblong – ovate leaves; lobule 1/6–1/5 as long as lobe; distant – contiguous underleaves with 1–3 teeth on each lobe; dioicous (?) sexuality; 2–4-paired male bracts and 1–2 male bracteoles present near the base of androecia. A key to the Indian species of the genus are provided.  相似文献   

Grateloupia variata sp. nov. H. W. Wang (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) is newly described from Qingdao, China. The results indicated that: (1) thalli are cartilaginous or gelatinous in texture; (2) thalli are constricted at the base with frequent proliferations; (3) the end portion of branches are irregular, wide, flat or ungulate, split; (4) the cortex is 50–80?μm thick, consisting of four to six layers of cells; the medulla is 10–15?μm long and 1–3?μm wide, consisting of densely and irregularly intertwined filaments; (5) six-celled carpogonial ampullae branched and five-celled auxiliary cell ampullae branched; they are of the typical Grateloupia-type; (6) tetraspores and carpospores grow directly into discoid crusts through initial cell division and are of the immediate discal type; (7) Grateloupia variata sp. nov. shows a typical triphasic life history with homotypic gametophytes, carposporophytes and tetrasporophytes, and a typical homotypic alternation of generations; and (8) the rbcL sequences show no pairwise divergence and the species form a small single monophyletic subclade within the Grateloupia clade. Morphological observations, life history and molecular analysis support G. variata as a new species.  相似文献   

Tremacron aurantiacum var. weiningense (Gesneriaceaea), a new variety of Tremacron aurantiacum found in northwest Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated. This new variety differs from T. aurantiacum K. Y. Pan var. aurantiacum in the following respects: it has appressed pubescence and tomentum on the lower surface of its leaves, inflorescence is 4–8‐flowered, 5–10 cymes, peduncles and pedicels are covered with glandular pubescence, the corolla is thin with tube‐like upper lips indistinct and cut‐like, the stigma is 1, capitate.  相似文献   

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