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Transposition of Tn4560 of Streptomyces fradiae in Mycobacterium smegmatis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tn4560 (8.6 kb) was derived from Tn4556, a Tn3-like element from Streptomyces fradiae. It contains a viomycin resistance gene that has not been used previously for selection in mycobacteria. Tn4560, cloned in a Streptomyces plasmid, was introduced by electroporation into Mycobacterium smegmatis mc(2)155. Tn4560 transposed into the host genome: there was no obvious target sequence preference, and insertions were in or near several conserved open reading frames. The insertions were located far apart on different AseI macrorestriction fragments. Unexpectedly, the transposon delivery plasmid, pUC1169, derived from the Streptomyces multicopy plasmid pIJ101, replicated partially in M. smegmatis, but was lost spontaneously during subculture. Replication of pUC1169 probably contributed to the relatively high efficiency of Tn4560 delivery: up to 28% of the potential M. smegmatis transformants acquired a stable transposon insertion. The data indicated that Tn4560 may be useful for random mutagenesis of M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

Six auxotrophs were induced in Streptomyces tendae ATCC 31160 with transposon Tn 4560 . Insertion of the transposon into chromosomal DNA of these auxotrophs occurred at different sites suggesting that transposition may be random. Transposition frequency was 1 times 10-3. Transposon-tagged antibiotic biosynthetic genes will provide a powerful tool for the isolation of genes involved in nikkomycin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Streptomyces fradiae expressed an adaptive response to treatment with small doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) that caused a reduction in mutagenesis by treatment with larger doses of MNNG. Treatment of S. fradiae with high levels of MNNG in the presence of chloramphenicol caused enhancement of mutagenesis, independent of the adaptive response.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular mechanisms that influence transposable element target site preferences is a fundamental challenge in functional and evolutionary genomics. Large-scale transposon insertion projects provide excellent material to study target site preferences in the absence of confounding effects of post-insertion evolutionary change. Growing evidence from a wide variety of prokaryotes and eukaryotes indicates that DNA transposons recognize staggered-cut palindromic target site motifs (TSMs). Here, we use over 10 000 accurately mapped P-element insertions in the Drosophila melanogaster genome to test predictions of the staggered-cut palindromic target site model for DNA transposon insertion. We provide evidence that the P-element targets a 14-bp palindromic motif that can be identified at the primary sequence level, which predicts the local spacing, hotspots and strand orientation of P-element insertions. Intriguingly, we find that the although P-element destroys the complete 14-bp target site upon insertion, the terminal three nucleotides of the P-element inverted repeats complement and restore the original TSM, suggesting a mechanistic link between transposon target sites and their terminal inverted repeats. Finally, we discuss how the staggered-cut palindromic target site model can be used to assess the accuracy of genome mappings for annotated P-element insertions.  相似文献   

We designed a transposon insertion mutagenesis system for Methanococcus species and used it to make mutations in and around a nifH gene in Methanococcus maripaludis. The transposon Mudpur was constructed with a gene for puromycin resistance that is expressed and selectable in Methanococcus species. A 15.6-kb nifH region from M. maripaludis cloned in a lambda vector was used as a target for mutagenesis. A series of 19 independent Mudpur insertions spanning the cloned region were produced. Four mutagenized clones in and around nifH were introduced by transformation into M. maripaludis, where each was found to replace wild-type genomic DNA with the corresponding transposon-mutagenized DNA. Wild-type M. maripaludis and a transformant containing a Mudpur insertion upstream of nifH grew on N2 as a nitrogen source. Two transformants with insertions in nifH and one transformant with an insertion downstream of nifH did not grow on N2. The transposon insertion-gene replacement technique should be generally applicable in the methanococci for studying the effects of genetic manipulations in vivo.  相似文献   

Although mariner transposons are widespread in animal genomes, the vast majority harbor multiple inactivating mutations and only two naturally occurring elements are known to be active. Previously, we discovered a mariner-family transposon, Mboumar, in the satellite DNA of the ant Messor bouvieri. Several copies of the transposon contain a full-length open reading frame, including Mboumar-9, which has 64% nucleotide identity to Mos1 of Drosophila mauritiana. To determine whether Mboumar is currently active, we expressed and purified the Mboumar-9 transposase and demonstrate that it is able to catalyze the movement of a transposon from one plasmid to another in a genetic in vitro hop assay. The efficiency is comparable to that of the well-characterized mariner transposon Mos1. Transposon insertions were precise and were flanked by TA duplications, a hallmark of mariner transposition. Mboumar has been proposed to have a role in the evolution and maintenance of satellite DNA in M. bouvieri and its activity provides a means to examine the involvement of the transposon in the genome dynamics of this organism.  相似文献   

A collection of Tn5-derived minitransposons has been constructed that simplifies substantially the generation of insertion mutants, in vivo fusions with reporter genes, and the introduction of foreign DNA fragments into the chromosome of a variety of gram-negative bacteria, including the enteric bacteria and typical soil bacteria like Pseudomonas species. The minitransposons consist of genes specifying resistance to kanamycin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin-spectinomycin, and tetracycline as selection markers and a unique NotI cloning site flanked by 19-base-pair terminal repeat sequences of Tn5. Further derivatives also contain lacZ, phoA, luxAB, or xylE genes devoid of their native promoters located next to the terminal repeats in an orientation that affords the generation of gene-operon fusions. The transposons are located on a R6K-based suicide delivery plasmid that provides the IS50R transposase tnp gene in cis but external to the mobile element and whose conjugal transfer to recipients is mediated by RP4 mobilization functions in the donor.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage PM2 presently is the only member of the Corticoviridae family. The virion consists of a protein-rich lipid vesicle, which is surrounded by an icosahedral protein capsid. The lipid vesicle encloses a supercoiled circular double-stranded DNA genome of 10,079 bp. PM2 belongs to the marine phage community and is known to infect two gram-negative Pseudoalteromonas species. In this study, we present a characterization of the PM2 genome made using the in vitro transposon insertion mutagenesis approach. Analysis of 101 insertion mutants yielded information on the essential and dispensable regions of the PM2 genome and led to the identification of several new genes. A number of lysis-deficient mutants as well as mutants displaying delayed- and/or incomplete-lysis phenotypes were identified. This enabled us to identify novel lysis-associated genes with no resemblance to those previously described from other bacteriophage systems. Nonessential genome regions are discussed in the context of PM2 genome evolution.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium are pathogenic slow-growing mycobacteria that cause distinct human diseases. In contrast to recent advances in M. tuberculosis genetics and pathogenesis investigation, M. avium has remained genetically intractable and, consequently, its pathogenic strategies remain poorly understood. Here we report the successful development of efficient allelic exchange and transposon mutagenesis in an opaque clinical strain of M. avium by specialized transduction. Efforts to disrupt the leuD gene of M. avium by specialized transduction were successful but were complicated by inefficient isolation of recombinants secondary to high spontaneous antibiotic resistance. However, by using this leucine auxotroph as a genetic host and the Streptomyces coelicolor leuD gene as a selectable marker, we achieved efficient allelic exchange at the M. avium pcaA locus. A leuD-marked transposon delivered by specialized transduction mutagenized M. avium with efficiencies similar to M. tuberculosis. These results establish a system for random and directed mutagenesis of M. avium. In combination with the forthcoming M. avium genome sequence, these tools will allow the distinct physiologic and pathogenic properties of M. avium to be dissected in molecular detail.  相似文献   

Better understanding of proteins'' structure/function relationship and dissecting their functional domains are still challenges yet to be mastered. Site-directed mutagenesis approaches that can alter bases at precise positions on the gene sequence can help to reach this goal. This article describes an efficient strategy that can be applied not only for both deletion and substitution of target amino acids, but also for insertion of point mutations in promoter regions to study cis-regulating elements. This method takes advantage of the plasticity of the genetic code and the use of compatible restriction sites.Key words: site-directed mutagenesis, restriction site, cloning, PCRUnderstanding the proteins structure/function relationship and dissecting their functional domains is one of the biggest challenges to current proteomic studies.1 This is mainly achieved by site-directed mutagenesis experiments that can alter bases at precise positions on the gene sequence.2 Modifying DNA sequences has become feasible with PCR amplification.3 During the last decade, several strategies have been developed to simplify this approach and increase its efficiency.4 The introduction of a site-directed mutation can be realized by one or more PCR reactions. Most of the strategies used in site-directed mutagenesis are based on a substitution of a single base, which leads to a change in one amino acid. This article describes an efficient strategy that can be applied for either deletion or substitution of target amino acids. This strategy is based on performing PCR reactions to create a new restriction site in the sequence of origin, corresponding to the desired mutation. The choice of the restriction site to be created depends on the nature of the amino acid that one desires to introduce in the protein sequence. Since such restriction sites may extend beyond the mutated codon. The preservation of the other codon is done by taking advantage of the plasticity of the genetic code where one amino acid can be encoded by multiple codons.This method was performed in two steps (Fig. 1). In the first step, the DNA sequence of interest, cloned in a plasmid, served as a template for two PCR reactions. Two PCR products are generated. The first one consists of the beginning of the sequence, from the start codon to the mutagenized amino acid codon, where the forward primer bears the start codon region and the reverse primer bears the newly introduced restriction site at the same location of the mutagenized codon. The second PCR product consists of the end of the coding sequence, from the mutagenized amino acid codon to the stop codon. This fragment is generated using a forward primer bearing the same new restriction site as the first PCR product''s reverse primer, and a reverse primer bearing the stop codon region. The two PCR products were cloned separately into a vector in the appropriate orientation. In the second step, the cloning vector bearing the first PCR product was digested with a restriction enzyme site in the vector, and by the restriction enzyme corresponding to the restriction site created by the reverse primer used in the PCR reaction. The resulting fragment was cloned into the vector containing the second PCR fragment, predigested with same two restriction enzymes. The whole mutagenized coding sequence is reassembled by in-frame subcloning of the 3′ end of the coding sequence downstream the 5′ end. All the PCR products were generated using the high fidelity Pfu DNA Polymerase (Promega, Madison, WI USA). For any site-directed mutagenesis experiment, this two-step cloning procedure requires the use of appropriate PCR primers that harbor the desired mutation of the target amino acid. These primers are partially overlapping and contain a common or complementary restriction site enabling the in-frame assembly of the whole coding sequence.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Mutagenesis strategy by restriction enzyme site insertion. (A) In the first step, two PCR products were generated using the full length coding sequence as template. The mutation is carried by the two primers b and c, which are flanked by the same or compatible restriction enzyme''s site (white segment). Both PCR products are separately cloned in the cloning vector in the appropriate orientation. In the second step, the whole mutagenized coding sequence is reassembled by in-frame sub cloning of the 3′ end of the coding sequence downstream the 5′ end. (B) Substitution of threonine by arginine as a result of the insertion of a BglII restriction site. DNA sequencing is carried out to make sure that only the desired change is introduced in the coding sequence. (B-1) The sequence of the native cDNA. (B-2) the sequence of the mutagenized cDNA included BglII restriction site sequence.This approach has been used in a recent study to address the structure/function relationship of the STAS domain of the Arabidopsis thaliana Sultr1;2 sulfate transporter.5 A good example of this approach is the replacement of the threonine-serine couple at position 587–588 with an arginine-serine couple. The codon for threonine is: TGT, and that for arginine is: TCT. Serine can be encoded by both TCA and AGA codons. The chosen restriction site used for the reassembly of the whole coding sequence is that of the BglII enzyme: TCT AGA. The insertion of this restriction site enables the substitution of the Thr in position 587 with an Arg while preserving the serine residue in position 588. The BglII restriction site is introduced in the reverse primer and the forward primer used to generate the first and second PCR products respectively. The DNA sequence of the reassembled mutagenized cDNA was checked by sequencing. Than it was expressed, under pGAL1O promoter bearing by pYES2 vector, in yeast mutant deficient in sulfate transporter and the mutagenic protein was detected by imunodetection.Bioinformatic study reveals that this method can be applied to checked a large number of substitutions, insertions or deletions and that finding the right restriction site is not a limiting factor (data no shown).In conclusion, this article describes an efficient two-step procedure for site-directed mutagenesis using primers bearing a restriction site, which is absent from the sequence of origin. The primers flanked by sequences introducing the same or compatible restriction sites mediate the incorporation of the mutation at the selection site. The choice of the restriction site depends on the nature of the desired mutation: insertion, substitution or deletion of an amino acid in a particular position. This strategy can be also used to insert point mutations in promoter regions to study cis-regulating elements.  相似文献   

After the deciphering of the genome sequences of several Plasmodium species, efforts must turn to elucidating gene function and identifying essential gene products. However, random approaches are lacking and gene targeting is inefficient in Plasmodium. Here, we established shuttle transposon mutagenesis in Plasmodium berghei. We constructed a mini-Tn5 derivative that can transpose into parasite genes cloned in Escherichia coli, providing an efficient means of generating knockout fragments. A 104-fold increase in frequencies of double-crossover homologous recombination in the parasite using a new electroporation technology permits to reproducibly generate pools of distinct mutants after transfection with mini-Tn5-interrupted sequences. The procedure opens the way to the systematic identification of essential genes in Plasmodium.  相似文献   

To contribute to the understanding of glutamate synthase and of beta subunit-like proteins, which have been detected by sequence analyses, we identified the NADPH-binding site out of the two potential ADP-binding regions found in the beta subunit. The substitution of an alanyl residue for G298 of the beta subunit of Azospirillum brasilense glutamate synthase (the second glycine in the GXGXXA fingerprint of the postulated NADPH-binding site) yielded a protein species in which the flavin environment and properties are unaltered. On the contrary, the binding of the pyridine nucleotide substrate is significantly perturbed demonstrating that the C-terminal potential ADP-binding fold of the beta subunit is indeed the NADPH-binding site of the enzyme. The major effect of the G298A substitution in the GltS beta subunit consists of an approximately 10-fold decrease of the affinity of the enzyme for pyridine nucleotides with little or no effect on the rate of the enzyme reduction by NADPH. By combining kinetic measurements and absorbance-monitored equilibrium titrations of the G298A-beta subunit mutant, we conclude that also the positioning of its nicotinamide portion into the active site is altered thus preventing the formation of a stable charge-transfer complex between reduced FAD and NADP(+). During the course of this work, the Azospirillum DNA regions flanking the gltD and gltB genes, the genes encoding the GltS beta and alpha subunits, respectively, were sequenced and analyzed. Although the Azospirillum GltS is similar to the enzyme of other bacteria, it appears that the corresponding genes differ with respect to their arrangement in the chromosome and to the composition of the glt operon: no genes corresponding to E. coli and Klebsiella aerogenes gltF or to Bacillus subtilis gltC, encoding regulatory proteins, are found in the DNA regions adjacent to that containing gltD and gltB genes in Azospirillum. Further studies are needed to determine if these findings also imply differences in the regulation of the glt genes expression in Azospirillum (a nitrogen-fixing bacterium) with respect to enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

The spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi is the causative agent of Lyme disease, the leading vector-borne illness in the United States. Many of the genetic factors affecting spirochete morphology and physiology are unknown due to the limited genetic tools available and the large number of open reading frames with unknown functions. By adapting a mariner transposon to function in B. burgdorferi, we have developed a random mutagenesis system that tags the mutated locus for rapid identification. Transposition occurs at saturating levels in B. burgdorferi and appears to be random, targeting both linear and circular replicons. By combining the transposon system with a screen for factors affecting growth rate, mutations were readily identified in genes putatively involved in cell division and chemotaxis and a hypothetical open reading frame involved in outer membrane integrity. The successful adaptation of a mariner transposon to function in B. burgdorferi should aid in identifying virulence factors and novel gene products related to spirochete physiology.  相似文献   

A gene encoding valine dehydrogenase (Vdh) has been cloned from Streptomyces albus, a salinomycin producer, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The S. albus Vdh is composed of 364 amino acids that showed high homology with several other amino acid dehydrogenases as well as Vdhs from Streptomyces spp. and leucine and phenylalanine dehydrogenases (Ldh and Pdh) from Bacillus spp. A protein of 38 kDa, corresponding to the approximate mass of the predicted S. albus Vdh product (38.4 kDa) exhibiting specific Vdh activity, was observed when the S. albus vdh gene was overexpressed in E. coli under the controlled T7 promoter and was subsequently purified to homogeneity. Among branched- and straight-chain amino acids, L-valine and L-alpha-aminobutyrate were the preferred substrates for the enzyme. Lys-79 and Lys-91 of S. albus Vdh were highly conserved in the corresponding region of NAD(P)(+)-dependent amino acid dehydrogenase sequences. To elucidate the functional roles of the lysyl residues, the Lys residues have individually been replaced with Ala by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic analyses of the Lys-79 and Lys-91-mutated enzymes revealed that they are involved in the substrate binding site and catalysis, respectively, analogous to the corresponding residues in the homologous Ldh and Pdh.  相似文献   

To improve transposon mutagenesis of antibiotic-producing Streptomyces, a mini-transposon, Tn1792, was constructed, based on IS6100, originally isolated from Mycobacterium fortuitum. Easily manageable transposition assays were developed to demonstrate inducible transposition of Tn1792 into the Streptomyces genome from a temperature-sensitive delivery plasmid. Introduction of the selectable aac1 gene between the inverted repeats in Tn1792 allowed for both reliable identification of transposition events in Streptomyces, and also subsequent cloning of transposon-tagged sequences in Escherichia coli. This enabled the target site specificity of Tn1792 to be determined at nucleotide resolution, revealing no significant shared homology between different target sites. Consequently, Tn1792 is well suited for random mutagenesis of Streptomyces.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses are important pathogens in animals and humans. The large DNA genomes of several herpesviruses have been sequenced, but the function of the majority of putative genes is elusive. Determining which genes are essential for their replication is important for identifying potential chemotherapy targets, designing herpesvirus vectors, and generating attenuated vaccines. For this purpose, we recently reported that herpesvirus genomes can be maintained as infectious bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) in Escherichia coli. Here we describe a one-step procedure for random-insertion mutagenesis of a herpesvirus BAC using a Tn1721-based transposon system. Transposon insertion sites were determined by direct sequencing, and infectious virus was recovered by transfecting cultured cells with the mutant genomes. Lethal mutations were rescued by cotransfecting cells containing noninfectious genomes with the corresponding wild-type subgenomic fragments. We also constructed revertant genomes by allelic exchange in bacteria. These methods, which are generally applicable to any cloned herpesvirus genome, will facilitate analysis of gene function for this virus family.  相似文献   

Conventional mutagenesis (UV irradiation and exposure to nitrosoguanidine) were used to produce and regenerate protoplasts, aiming at increasing the antibiotic activity of a Streptomycesfradiae strain producing tylosin. Variants exceeding the activity of the initial producer strain by 0.5-28.3% were obtained. The most active variants were produced by a combined exposure to UV and nitrosoguanidine, as well as upon regeneration of protoplasts formed from the cells of clones produced by UV irradiation. Unstable inheritance of the trait of increased tylosin production was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Streptomyces fradiae JS6 (mcr-6) is a mutant which is defective in repair of DNA damage induced by a variety of chemical mutagens and UV light. JS6 is also defective in error-prone (mutagenic) DNA repair (J. Stonesifer and R. H. Baltz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:1180-1183, 1985). The recA gene of Escherichia coli, cloned in a bifunctional vector that replicates in E. coli and Streptomyces spp., complemented the mutation in S. fradiae JS6, indicating that E. coli and S. fradiae express similar SOS responses and that the mcr+ gene product of S. fradiae is functionally analogous to the protein encoded by the recA gene of E. coli.  相似文献   

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