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Telomere repeat sequences cap the ends of eucaryotic chromosomes and help stabilize them. At interstitial sites, however, they may destabilize chromosomes, as suggested by cytogenetic studies in mammalian cells that correlate interstitial telomere sequence with sites of spontaneous and radiation-induced chromosome rearrangements. In no instance is the length, purity, or orientation of the telomere repeats at these potentially destabilizing interstitial sites known. To determine the effects of a defined interstitial telomere sequence on chromosome instability, as well as other aspects of DNA metabolism, we deposited 800 bp of the functional vertebrate telomere repeat, TTAGGG, in two orientations in the second intron of the adenosine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) gene in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In one orientation, the deposited telomere sequence did not interfere with expression of the APRT gene, whereas in the other it reduced mRNA levels slightly. The telomere sequence did not induce chromosome truncation and the seeding of a new telomere at a frequency above the limits of detection. Similarly, the telomere sequence did not alter the rate or distribution of homologous recombination events. The interstitial telomere repeat sequence in both orientations, however, dramatically increased gene rearrangements some 30-fold. Analysis of individual rearrangements confirmed the involvement of the telomere sequence. These studies define the telomere repeat sequence as a destabilizing element in the interior of chromosomes in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Regions of the mouse and human genomes with strong homology to the Drosophila engrailed gene have been identified by Southern blot analysis. One mouse engrailed-like region, Mo-en.1, has been cloned and partially sequenced; homology with the engrailed gene is localized to a 180 bp engrailed-like homeo box and 63 nucleotides immediately 3' to it. The protein sequence this region can encode includes 81 amino acids, of which 60 (75%) are identical with those of the putative translation product of the corresponding engrailed sequence. These data suggest that Mo-en.1 represents a mouse homolog of a gene of the Drosophila engrailed gene complex. Mo-en.1 has been mapped to chromosome 1, indicating it is not linked to other homeo box sequences that have been mapped in the mouse genome. Analysis of poly(A)+ RNA extracted from teratocarcinoma cells and whole mouse embryos demonstrates that the conserved homeo box region of Mo-en.1 is expressed differentially during mouse embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Alu elements have repeatedly been found involved in gene rearrangements in humans. Although these elements have been suggested to stimulate gene rearrangements, sparse information is available for the possible mechanism(s) of these events. Here we present a compilation of Alu elements that have been involved in recombinational events leading to gene rearrangements, indicating the presence of a common 26 bp core sequence at or close to the sites of recombination. Besides the obvious possibility of retrotransposition, gene rearrangements may be induced by sequences that stimulate genetic recombination. We suggest that the core sequence stimulates recombination and may thereby cause the frequent involvement of these elements in gene rearrangements. Curiously, the core sequence contains the pentanucleotide motif CCAGC, which is also part of chi, an 8 bp sequence known to stimulate recBC mediated recombination in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo data on the comparison of a short sequence with a long one are developed in a manner to quantify the occurrence of gaps.  相似文献   

Missense mutations in the calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) gene have previously been identified in patients with familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) and neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT). We studied family members of a Nova Scotian deme expressing both FHH and NSHPT and found, by PCR amplification of CaR gene exons, that FHH individuals were heterozygous and NSHPT individuals were homozygous for an abnormally large exon 7. This is due to an insertion at codon 877 of an Alu-repetitive element of the predicted-variant/human-specific-1 subfamily. It is in the opposite orientation to the CaR gene and contains an exceptionally long poly(A) tract. Stop signals are introduced in all reading frames within the Alu sequence, leading to a predicted shortened mutant CaR protein. The loss of the majority of the CaR carboxyl-terminal intracellular domain would dramatically impair its signal transduction capability. Identification of the specific mutation responsible for the FHH/NSHPT phenotype in this community will allow rapid testing of at-risk individuals.  相似文献   

Insertion of a rabbit beta-globin gene sequence into an E. coli plasmid.   总被引:13,自引:16,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Double stranded DNA has been synthesized in vitro from rabbit globin messenger RNA and elongated with homopolymeric dG tails. An E. coli plasmid was cleaved by EcoRI. The cohesive ends were repaired and dC tails added, to permit reconstitution of the EcoRI sites upon annealing with the dG elongated globin DNA. Transformation of E. coli with the globin-plasmid DNA hybrid has yielded a clone which harbours a recombinant plasmid (pCR1-betaG1), as demonstrated by hybridization experiments with radioactive globin cDNA. The sequence carried by the recombinant plasmid corresponds to part of the gene sequence coding for the beta chain of rabbit globin. Circular DNA of the purified recombinant plasmid exhibits sensitivity to EcoRI.  相似文献   

A useful strategy directed to the isolation of a required gene with a high GC content is reported. Using a degenerate oligonucleotide probe, deduced from the amino terminus of a protein, it is possible to obtain a fragment of DNA containing its encoding gene by PCR amplification. Furthermore, the cloning of a desired gene can be accomplished in two steps by using an oligonucleotide deduced (i) from an internal sequence, (ii) from a consensus sequence, or (iii) from a DNA sequence adjacent to a disrupting element (transposon, insertion sequence, cassette). This method, which could be applied to a bacteriophage, plasmid, or cosmid genomic library, has been successfully used for cloning several genes from different biological systems.  相似文献   

Summary An experimental approach towards the molecular analysis of the male fertility function, located in interval 6 of the human Y chromosome, is presented. This approach is not based on the knowledge of any gene product but on the assumption that the functional DNA structure of male fertility genes, evolutionary conserved with their position on the Y chromosome, may contain an evolutionary conserved frame structure or at least conserved sequence elements. We tested this hypothesis by using dhMiF1, a fertility gene sequence of the Y chromosome of Drosophila hydei, as a screening probe on a pool of cloned human Y-DNA sequences. We were able to select 10 human Y-DNA sequences of which 7 could be mapped to Y interval 6 (the pY6H sequence family). Since the only fertility gene of the human Y chromosome is mapped to the same Y interval, our working hypothesis seems to be strongly supported. Most interesting in this respect is the isolation of the Y-specific repetitive pY6H65 sequence. The pY6H65 locus extends to a length of at least 300 kb in Y interval 6 and has a locus-specific repetitive sequence organization, reminiscent of the functional DNA structure of Y chromosomal fertility genes of Drosophila. We identified the simple sequence family (CA)n as one sequence element conserved between the Drosophila dhMiFi fertility gene sequence and the homologous human Y-DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Genes from Pseudomonas fluorescens, Chromatium vinosum, Micrococcus luteus, Deinococcus radiodurans, and Thermotoga maritima with homology to the Escherichia coli rho gene were cloned and sequenced, and their sequences were compared with other available sequences. The species for all of the compared sequences are members of five bacterial phyla, including Thermotogales, the most deeply diverged phylum. This suggests that a rho-like gene is ubiquitous in the Bacteria and was present in their common ancestor. The comparative analysis revealed that the Rho homologs are highly conserved, exhibiting a minimum identity of 50% of their amino acid residues in pairwise comparisons. The ATP-binding domain had a particularly high degree of conservation, consisting of some blocks with sequences of residues that are very similar to segments of the alpha and beta subunits of F1-ATPase and of other blocks with sequences that are unique to Rho. The RNA-binding domain is more diverged than the ATP-binding domain. However, one of its most highly conserved segments includes a RNP1-like sequence, which is known to be involved in RNA binding. Overall, the degree of similarity is lowest in the first 50 residues (the first half of the RNA-binding domain), in the putative connector region between the RNA-binding and the ATP-binding domains, and in the last 50 residues of the polypeptide. Since functionally defective mutants for E. coli Rho exist in all three of these segments, they represent important parts of Rho that have undergone adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

A restriction fragment length polymorphism within the human alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor gene has been detected by Southern blot hybridization using an alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor cDNA probe. This restriction fragment length polymorphism can be attributed to the presence of two alleles, A and B, that are distributed in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with frequencies of 73.5% and 2.65%, respectively, in 66 unrelated Caucasian individuals or with frequencies of 51.0% and 49.0%, respectively, in 50 unrelated Japanese individuals. The minor allele, B, is due to a deletion of about 720 base pairs in intron 8 of the alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor gene. Sequence analysis of the deletion junction in allele B and the corresponding regions of allele A demonstrated the presence of oppositely oriented Alu sequences at the 5' and 3' deletion boundaries. These data suggest that this restriction fragment length polymorphism was caused by intrastrand recombination between Alu sequences.  相似文献   

To search for genes involved in determining the morphology of individual neuronal types, a cDNA library was constructed from postnatal day 13 mouse cerebellum. From this library, 2 clones, L7 and L19, were isolated by a differential hybridization procedure and shown by in situ hybridization to be Purkinje cell-specific within the cerebellum. Both RNAs appear between postnatal days 4 and 8 and continue into adulthood, coinciding with terminal differentiation of the Purkinje cells. L7 seems to be expressed exclusively in the cerebellum, whereas L19 is expressed throughout the brain. Consistent with the RNA localization, L7 protein is found only in the cerebellum and is confined to the Purkinje cells. The L7 amino acid sequence has been deduced from the cDNA sequence, and a pseudo-repeat within the L7 protein sequence is homologous to the amino acids sequence in the primary translation product of the gene for human sis/PDGF.  相似文献   

Summary The Gal+ allele IS2-43 is known to segregate Gal- clones. Among 11 Gal- segregants, one was shown to be due to the integration of IS3 into IS2-43. Precise excision of the integrated IS3 element occured at a rate of 5x10-9/cell/generation. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the termini of the IS3 element have the relation of imperfect inverted repeats and it is now flanked by a 3bp or 4bp duplication, a size which has not been seen before with other elements.  相似文献   

A previous report described several cDNAs corresponding to mRNAs which accumulated in wheat aleurone layers treated with gibberellic acid (GA) (Baulcombe and Buffard, 1983). The protein sequence deduced from one of these clones (2529) has extensive similarity to the thiol protease, cathepsin B from mammalian cells. Southern analysis of wheat DNA has shown that the 2529 mRNA is encoded by a small family of genes carried on the group 4 chromosome. The nucleotide sequence of a member of the gene family expressed at a low level in aleurone layers and the use of a primer extension assay to identify a clone of a member of the gene family producing an abundant mRNA are reported. The 2529 mRNA accumulates in the scutellum and the aleurone layer of germinating grains where its expression is regulated by GA. In the scutellum the expression was restricted to the parenchyma, suggesting that the 2529 product may have a role other than for mobilization of the endosperm.  相似文献   

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