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Risk assessments for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) should be based on the group risk and not the median individual risk. The group risk is calculated from the arithmetic mean risk, which in the case of dorsal root ganglia, is a factor of 50-fold higher than the median. For environmental routes, the arithmetic mean exposure is sufficient for risk assessment, while for food-borne routes failure to accommodate the variation in exposures to individuals across the UK population could overestimate the group risk considerably. Ignoring prion destruction by cooking could overestimate the food-borne risks still further. The recent estimate for the arithmetic mean cow-to-man species barrier of 4000 does not take into accounts either of these factors and thus may be too high. Until evidence for a threshold dose is demonstrated, public health scientists should avoid assessing safety on the basis of a 'minimum infective dose'. The incubation period observed in cattle-feeding studies, when completed, would continue to increase with decreasing dose below the ID50if there is a threshold or co-operative effect. The question is raised of whether fears over BSE in drinking water contributed to the spread of foot-and-mouth disease across the UK in 2001; a risk tradeoff.  相似文献   

While there has been considerable interest in female choice for male sexual signals, there have been few studies of the underlying information that different aspects of the signal calls convey. Such studies, however, are essential to understand the significance of signals as honest handicaps, arbitrary Fisherian traits and/or in species recognition. We studied the somewhat exceptional system of audible drumming in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata. We estimated the repeatabilities of signal components, the levels of between-male variance, the symmetry of the signal, the correlations between different aspects of drumming and their correlations with body weight. While in other taxa the frequency of audible signals may convey honest information of male size, in this species signal frequency was not related to male size and had a low repeatability. The pulse rate within each drum was highly repeatable but had a relatively small between-male coefficient of variation. In previous studies on this species, these traits were not important for male mating success. Among the traits directionally preferred by females, signal volume had considerable repeatability. Signal length was repeatable with high variability between males. In one population, signal length and volume were positively correlated with the rate at which males produced the drumming signals, a trait essential for male mating success. Thus, while signal length may reliably indicate male quality, other signal characteristics such as peak frequency and symmetry were not repeatable or were static and not related to any other male traits. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

 Methane monooxygenase (MMO) catalyzes the oxidation of stable hydrocarbons that are not attacked by cytochrome P450 monooxygenase. A key transient intermediate in the catalytic cycle of the soluble form of MMO termed compound Q (Q) has been trapped and characterized through spectroscopic comparisons with novel high valent model complexes. Q appears to contain a non-heme dinuclear Fe(IV) cluster bridged by at least two single oxygen atoms to form a so-called diamond core. Q has the ability to react directly with unactivated hydrocarbons to yield oxidized products. Several types of experiments indicate that this reaction involves formation of an intermediate, probably with radical character. This is consistent with a hydrogen atom abstraction mechanism analogous to that ascribed to cytochrome P450. However, these same experiments show that a pure hydrogen atom abstraction mechanism is unlikely for many substrates without an additional interaction between the intermediate that is formed and the high valent cluster. The results may be of general relevance to monooxygenase catalysis. Received: 15 January 1998 / Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

Communicative complexity is a key behavioural and ecological indicator in the study of animal cognition. Much attention has been given to measures such as repertoire size and syntactic structure in both bird and mammal vocalizations, as large repertoires and complex call combinations may give an indication of the cognitive abilities both of the sender and receiver. However, many animals communicate using a continuous vocal signal that does not easily lend itself to be described by concepts such as ‘repertoire’. For example, dolphin whistles and wolf howls both have complex patterns of frequency modulation, so that no two howls or whistles are quite the same. Is there a sense in which some of these vocalizations may be more ‘complex’ than others? Can we arrive at a quantitative metric for complexity in a continuously varying signal? Such a metric would allow us to extend familiar analyses of communicative complexity to those species where vocal behaviour is not restricted to sequences of stereotyped syllables. We present four measures of complexity in continuous signals (Wiener Entropy, Autocorrelation, Inflection Point Count, and Parsons Entropy), and examine their relevance using example data from members of the genus Canis. We show that each metric can lead to different conclusions regarding which howls could be considered complex or not. Ultimately, complexity is poorly defined and researchers must compare metrics to ensure that they reflect the properties for which the hypothesis is being tested.  相似文献   

1. Traits that benefit males through sexual selection are simultaneously expected to impair males by provoking costs through natural selection. If we consider the two male fitness components, mating success and viability, then we may expect that the increase in male mating success resulting from a larger trait size will be counterbalanced by an increase in viability costs.
2. We studied the benefits and costs of male mate searching and sexual signalling activity in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata . In the field, males search females actively and court them by drumming dry leaves with their abdomen. Females have been shown to prefer males with high drumming rate. Male moving and especially drumming is energetically highly demanding and drumming results in significant mortality costs.
3. Our objective in this study was to determine whether male mate-searching activity or drumming activity affect male mating success and the risk of males being predated.
4. It was evident that both higher mate-searching activity and higher drumming activity benefited males by increasing their mating success. Higher mate-searching activity clearly impaired males by causing direct increase in predation risk. There was also a slight tendency that more actively drumming males had higher risk of predation and from all of the predated males 13.3% were caught directly after they had drummed. Furthermore, male drumming activity decreased drastically in the presence of the predator.
5. We conclude that in H. rubrofasciata both increased mate-searching activity and drumming activity benefit males through sexual selection, but at the same time natural selection provokes direct balancing costs on the same traits.  相似文献   

In 1998, the pack of 7 wolvesCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758, radio-tracked in Białowieża Primeval Forest, East Poland, split into 2 packs (2 and 5 wolves), when an 8-year-old alpha female ceased breeding. The two sister-packs subdivided their original territory, but their ranges overlapped extensively (49%) for one year after the split, except for May-June, when both new packs reared pups. We propose that food related factors could have been the ultimate cause of splitting of a large pack. In European temperate forests, pack size of 5–6 wolves is optimal for the consumption of the red deerCervus elaphus.  相似文献   

Fast-running, long-legged pursuit carnivores are familiar members of the present-day ecosystem, and it has been assumed that extinct large predators took similar ecomorphological roles (i.e., were wolf avatars) in past faunas. While these fossil taxa may also have been meat-specialists, we present evidence from limb morphology to show that there was no modern type of pursuit predator until the latest Tertiary. In contrast, ungulates evolved longer legs similar to those of present-day cursorial taxa by the middle Tertiary, some 20 million years earlier. These data suggest the need for the reevaluation of many classical evolutionary stories, not only about assignation of fossil taxa to a wolf-like mode of predatory behavior, but also to issues such as the coevolution of long legs and fast running speeds between predator and prey, and even the implicit assumption that cursorial morphologies are primarily an adaptation for speed. We conclude that evolutionary change in ungulate limb morphologies represents an adaptation to decrease transport costs in association with Tertiary climatic changes and that the present-day predation mode of long distance pursuit is a Plio-Pleistocene phenomenon, related to the development of colder and more arid climates.  相似文献   

So far the vast majority of studies on large carnivore predation, including kill rates and consumption, have been based on winter studies. Because large carnivores relying on ungulates as prey often show a preference for juveniles, kill rates may be both higher and more variable during the summer season than during the rest of the year leading to serious underestimates of the total annual predation rate. This study is the first to present detailed empirical data on kill rates and prey selection in a wolf–moose system during summer (June–September) as obtained by applying modern Global Positioning System-collar techniques on individual wolves (Canis lupus) in Scandinavia. Moose (Alces alces) was the dominant prey species both by number (74.4%) and biomass (95.6%); 89.9% of all moose killed were juveniles, representing 76.0% of the biomass consumed by wolves. Kill rate in terms of the kilogram biomass/kilogram wolf per day averaged 0.20 (range: 0.07–0.32) among wolf territories and was above, or well above, the daily minimum food requirements in most territories. The average number of days between moose kills across wolf territories and study periods was 1.71 days, but increased with time and size of growing moose calves during summer. Over the entire summer (June–September, 122 days), a group (from two to nine) of wolves killed a total of 66 (confidence interval 95%; 56–81) moose. Incorporation of body growth functions of moose calves and yearlings and wolf pups over the summer period showed that wolves adjusted their kill rate on moose, so the amount of biomass/kilogram wolf was relatively constant or increased. The kill rate was much higher (94–116%) than estimated from the winter period. As a consequence, projecting winter kill rates to obtain annual estimates of predation in similar predator–prey systems may result in a significant underestimation of the total number of prey killed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In the last decades, populations of large carnivores have been making a spectacular return, especially in the USA and Western Europe. These population recoveries result partially from protective legislation and reintroduction programs, but possibly also from land use changes and from large carnivores adapting to human environments. Although public support for large carnivore protection seems to be growing, some stakeholders still have a negative perception of large carnivores because of their alleged negative impacts on livestock and humans. Perceptions of large carnivores are partly determined by underlying visions of nature which differ between stakeholder groups. We therefore examined the relationship between different stakeholder groups’ perceptions of nature and the presence of the fox (Vulpes vulpes), and the possible establishment of the wolf (Canis lupus) and lynx (Lynx lynx) in a Dutch riverine landscape. Stakeholder groups comprised the general public, farmers, scientists and nature conservationists. Although perceptions of large carnivores differed significantly across the stakeholder groups, public support for large carnivores was generally higher than expected. Farmers show the most negative perception, especially regarding the wolf and lynx. This is related to their vision of nature, which is more strongly aligned with mastery over nature compared to other stakeholder groups. Scientists, prominent adherers of stewardship of nature, appear to have the most positive perception of large carnivores. Despite these differences in visions of nature, respondents generally adhere to the stewardship of nature relationship. This could be a good starting point to find common ground when disputes arise over large carnivores.  相似文献   

Atypical neuropathological and molecular phenotypes of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) have recently been identified in different countries. One of these phenotypes, named bovine "amyloidotic" spongiform encephalopathy (BASE), differs from classical BSE for the occurrence of a distinct type of the disease-associated prion protein (PrP), termed PrP(Sc), and the presence of PrP amyloid plaques. Here, we show that the agents responsible for BSE and BASE possess different biological properties upon transmission to transgenic mice expressing bovine PrP and inbred lines of nontransgenic mice. Strikingly, serial passages of the BASE strain to nontransgenic mice induced a neuropathological and molecular disease phenotype indistinguishable from that of BSE-infected mice. The existence of more than one agent associated with prion disease in cattle and the ability of the BASE strain to convert into the BSE strain may have important implications with respect to the origin of BSE and spongiform encephalopathies in other species, including humans.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we showed that estimates of the BSE epidemic in France were censored by cattle mortality and by a lack of diagnosis. Indeed, we estimated that 51 300 cattle were infected by the BSE agent between 1987 and 1997, whereas only 103 clinical BSE cases were detected by the passive surveillance system up to June 2000. The question thus arises as to the part played by each form of censorship in this underestimation. Here, using an updated cattle survival distribution, we estimated that 44 800 cattle were infected by the BSE agent between 1987 and 1997, and that 7100 of them showed clinical signs of BSE up to June 2000, showing the low efficiency of the surveillance system. Moreover, between 2087 and 5980 'infectious' cattle, with clinical or preclinical BSE, entered the human food chain before July 1996, the date of the ban on specified bovine offal.  相似文献   

Oecologia - Faced with rapid environmental changes, individuals may express different magnitude and plasticity in their response to a given stressor. However, little is known about the causes of...  相似文献   

The use of functional mutations, in addition to standard noncoding molecular markers, can help to detect hybridization and gene introgression in wild canid populations. We analyzed ancestry of a canid pack breeding in Central Italy that showed black coats and other unusual morphological traits suggesting wolf × dog hybrid origins. Individuals were identified by genotyping excremental DNA at 13 autosomal microsatellites, mtDNA control region sequences, a male-specific restriction site on the ZFX/Y gene to determine the gender of the individuals, four Y-linked microsatellites to determine male haplotypes, and two melanistic mutations: a SNP at exon 4 of the Agouti locus and a 3-bp deletion at a β-Defensin gene, the K locus. Results showed that: (1) the pack was founded by a single breeding pair of related individuals, probably brother and sister, and no immigrant was detected; (2) parents and offspring showed signals of admixture at autosomal microsatellites; and (3) the melanistic K locus deletion was present in the black-coated female parent and in 8/14 offspring, but it was absent in the wild type male parent. This deletion was found also in 17/40 village dogs randomly sampled from nearby areas, but it was absent in a random sample of 40 Italian wolves. These findings suggest that the pack received the K locus deletion from dogs. Admixture analyses of empirical and simulated genotypes indicate the parents of the pack originated through a single hybridization event at least two generations back. Genetic and phenotypic assessments of coat color mutations can contribute to investigation of the origin and dynamics of functional polymorphisms in hybridizing wolf populations and to develop appropriate guidelines to contrast hybridization with their domesticated relatives.  相似文献   

Have you ever wondered why professionals have so many complicated names for things? Two reasons come to mind: efficient communication, but also 'show'. Connecting with a wider audience means learning to tread the fine line between perfect accuracy and being understood.  相似文献   

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