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Human V alpha 24+ NKT cells with an invariant TCR (V alpha 24-J alpha Q) have been shown to be specifically activated by synthetic glycolipids such as alpha-galactosylceramide and alpha-glucosylceramide in a CD1d-restricted and V alpha 24 TCR-mediated manner. We recently characterized V alpha 24+ CD4- CD8- double negative (DN) NKT cells using alpha-galactosylceramide-pulsed monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Here, we compare V alpha 24+ CD4+ NKT cells with human V alpha 24+ DN NKT cells from the same donor using alpha-galactosylceramide-pulsed monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Human V alpha 24+ CD4+ NKT cells were phenotypically and functionally similar to the human V alpha 24+ DN NKT cells characterized previously. Both of them use V alpha 24-J alpha Q-V beta 11 TCR and express CD161 (NKR-P1A), but not the other NK receptors tested so far. They also produce cytokines such as IL-4 and IFN-gamma, and, in regard to IL-4 production, V alpha 24+ CD4+ NKT cells produce more IL-4 than V alpha 24+ DN NKT cells. The cells exhibit marked cytotoxic activity against the U937 tumor cell line, but not against the NK target cell line, K562. Although at least some of the factors responsible for the stimulation of V alpha 24+ NKT cells have been clarified, little is known regarding the killing phase of these cells. Here we show that the cytotoxic activity of V alpha 24+ NKT cells against U937 cells is mediated mainly through the perforin pathway and that ICAM-1/LFA-1 as well as CD44/hyaluronic acid interactions are important for the effector phase of V alpha 24+ NKT cell-mediated cytotoxicity against U937 cells.  相似文献   

Invariant Valpha14(+) NKT cells are a specialized CD1-reactive T cell subset implicated in innate and adaptive immunity. We assessed whether Valpha14(+) NKT cells participated in the immune response against enteric Listeria monocytogenes infection in vivo. Using CD1d tetramers loaded with the synthetic lipid alpha-galactosylceramide (CD1d/alphaGC), we found that splenic and hepatic Valpha14(+) NKT cells in C57BL/6 mice were early producers of IFN-gamma (but not IL-4) after L. monocytogenes infection. Adoptive transfer of Valpha14(+) NKT cells derived from TCRalpha degrees Valpha14-Jalpha18 transgenic (TCRalpha degrees Valpha14Tg) mice into alymphoid Rag(null) gamma(c)(null) mice demonstrated that Valpha14(+) NKT cells were capable of providing early protection against enteric L. monocytogenes infection with systemic production of IFN-gamma and reduction of the bacterial burden in the liver and spleen. Rechallenge experiments demonstrated that previously immunized wild-type and Jalpha18null mice, but not TCRalpha(null) or TCRalpha(null) Valpha14Tg mice, were able to mount adaptive responses to L. monocytogenes. These data demonstrate that Valpha14(+) NKT cells are able to participate in the early response against enteric L. monocytogenes through amplification of IFN-gamma production, but are not essential for, nor capable of, mediating memory responses required to sterilize the host.  相似文献   

Despite more than a 10-fold increase in T cell numbers in G-CSF-mobilized peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) grafts, incidence and severity of acute graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) are comparable to bone marrow transplantation. As CD1d-restricted, Valpha24+Vbeta11+ NKT cells have pivotal immune regulatory functions and may influence GVHD, we aimed to determine whether G-CSF has any effects on human NKT cells. In this study, we examined the frequency and absolute numbers of peripheral blood NKT cells in healthy stem cell donors (n = 8) before and following G-CSF (filgrastim) treatment. Effects of in vivo and in vitro G-CSF on NKT cell cytokine expression profiles and on responsiveness of NKT cell subpopulations to specific stimulation by alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) were assessed. Contrary to the effects on conventional T cells, the absolute number of peripheral blood NKT cells was unaffected by G-CSF administration. Furthermore, responsiveness of NKT cells to alpha-GalCer stimulation was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) following exposure to G-CSF in vivo. This hyporesponsiveness was predominantly due to a direct effect on NKT cells, with a lesser contribution from G-CSF-mediated changes in APC. G-CSF administration resulted in polarization of NKT cells toward a Th2, IL-4-secreting phenotype following alpha-GalCer stimulation and preferential expansion of the CD4+ NKT cell subset. We conclude that G-CSF has previously unrecognized differential effects in vivo on NKT cells and conventional MHC-restricted T cells, and effects on NKT cells may contribute to the lower than expected incidence of GVHD following allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Human invariant V alpha 24(+) NKT cells are a relatively new subpopulation of lymphocytes. It has been reported that V alpha 24 NKT cells are significantly involved in some human diseases. We have evaluated the number and function of V alpha 24 NKT cells in both healthy volunteers and cancer patients. In this study we found that V alpha 24 NKT cells in unfractionated PBMCs obtained from cancer patients did not respond efficiently to alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) in vitro. Thus, their proportion after stimulation with alpha-GalCer was smaller than that found in healthy volunteers. However, the cancer patients' V alpha 24 NKT cells retained cytotoxic activity against malignant target cells, and they could efficiently proliferate to alpha-GalCer when fractionated by sorting. Furthermore, we found that addition of G-CSF to the culture could restore the low proliferative response of V alpha 24 NKT cells from cancer patients. These results suggest that some functions of NKT cells in cancer patients are impaired, and this observation carries significant implications for immunotherapy-based cancer treatments.  相似文献   

Li D  Xu XN 《Cell research》2008,18(8):817-822
Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a unique T cell population that have important immunoregulatory functions and have been shown to be involved in host immunity against a range of microorganisms. It also emerges that they might play a role in HIV-1 infection, and therefore be selectively depleted during the early stages of infection. Recent studies are reviewed regarding the dynamics of NKT depletion during HIV-1 infection and their recovery under highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). Possible mechanisms for these changes are proposed based on the recent developments in HIV pathogenesis. Further discussions are focused on HIV's disruption of NKT activation by downregulating CDld expression on antigen presentation cells (APC). HIV-1 protein Nefis found to play the major role by interrupting the intracellular trafficking of nascent and recycling CDld molecules.  相似文献   

V alpha 24 natural killer T (NKT) cells are innate immune cells involved in regulation of immune tolerance, autoimmunity, and tumor immunity. However, the effect of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection on these cells is unknown. Here, we report that the V alpha 24 NKT cells can be subdivided into CD4(+) or CD4(-) subsets that differ in their expression of the homing receptors CD62L and CD11a. Furthermore, both CD4(+) and CD4(-) NKT cells frequently express both CXCR4 and CCR5 HIV coreceptors. We find that the numbers of NKT cells are reduced in HIV-infected subjects with uncontrolled viremia and marked CD4(+) T-cell depletion. The number of CD4(+) NKT cells is inversely correlated with HIV load, indicating depletion of this subset. In contrast, CD4(-) NKT-cell numbers are unaffected in subjects with high viral loads. HIV infection experiments in vitro show preferential depletion of CD4(+) NKT cells relative to regular CD4(+) T cells, in particular with virus that uses the CCR5 coreceptor. Thus, HIV infection causes a selective loss of CD4(+) lymph node homing (CD62L(+)) NKT cells, with consequent skewing of the NKT-cell compartment to a predominantly CD4(-) CD62L(-) phenotype. These data indicate that the key immunoregulatory NKT-cell compartment is compromised in HIV-1-infected patients.  相似文献   

NK1.1+ alpha beta T cells emerge in the peritoneal cavity after an i.p. infection with Salmonella choleraesuis in mice. To elucidate the role of the NK1.1+ alpha beta T cells during murine salmonellosis, mice lacking NK1.1+ alpha beta T cells by disruption of TCR beta (TCR beta-/-), beta 2m (beta 2m-/-), or J alpha 281 (J alpha 281-/-) gene were i.p. inoculated with S. choleraesuis. The peritoneal exudate T cells in wild type (wt) mice on day 3 after infection produced IL-4 upon TCR alpha beta stimulation, whereas those in TCR beta-/-, beta 2m-/-, or J alpha 281-/- mice showed no IL-4 production upon the stimulation, indicating that NK1.1+ alpha beta T cells are the main source of IL-4 production at the early phase of Salmonella infection. Neutralization of endogenous IL-4 by administration of anti-IL-4 mAb to wt mice reduced the number of Salmonella accompanied by increased IL-12 production by macrophages after Salmonella infection. The IL-12 production by the peritoneal macrophages was significantly augmented in mice lacking NK1.1+ alpha beta T cells after Salmonella infection accompanied by increased serum IFN-gamma level. The aberrantly increased IL-12 production in infected TCR beta-/- or J alpha 281-/- mice was suppressed by adoptive transfer of T cells containing NK1.1+ alpha beta T cells but not by the transfer of T cells depleted of NK1.1+ alpha beta T cells or T cells from J alpha 281-/- mice. Taken together, it is suggested that NK1. 1+ alpha beta T cells eliciting IL-4 have a regulatory function in the IL-12 production by macrophages at the early phase of Salmonella infection.  相似文献   

DQw6b transgenic mice have been generated by microinjecting a linearized cosmid clone containing 34-kb DQb genomic DNA, isolated from HLA-homozygous B cell line AKIBA (DR2, Dw12, DQw6), into embryos of (CBA x B10.M)F2 or (SWR x SJL)F2. Among 85 mice screened, eight mice were transgene-positive. The transgene in seven of eight founders was germline-transmitted. FACS analysis and immunohistochemical studies with DQ beta-specific mAb demonstrated that DQ beta molecules in association with mouse A alpha f molecules are expressed on peripheral mononuclear cells, spleen cells, and in thymic medulla. More interestingly, V beta 11-, V beta 5.1-, and V beta 5.2-bearing T cells, but not V beta 8.2-bearing T cells, were clonally deleted in the H-2E-negative but DQ beta+ progeny of two selected founders (260-23 and 258-10). The deletion was found to take place intrathymically during the transition stage from immature to mature thymocyte development. We postulate that although human DQ genes are more homologous to mouse H-2A genes, A alpha f/DQ beta hybrid molecules may possess the same self-peptide- (or superantigen)-presenting epitope as E alpha/E beta molecules critical for deletion of V beta 11-, V beta 5.1-, and V beta 5.2-bearing T cells in thymus. Our results also confirm the previous findings that accessory molecules on thymocytes such as CD4 may be involved in thymic selection, and further suggest that an interaction of mousE CD4 and mouse A alpha chain is required for the clonal deletion.  相似文献   

We previously studied the lung Vbeta TCR repertoire of C57BL/6 mice during primary infection with the pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum. We observed a consistent oligoclonal expansion of Vbeta4(+) T cells during the peak of infection and early stages of resolution. The Vbeta4(+) family played a role in protective immunity against the fungus. Depletion of this subpopulation of T cells hindered optimal clearance of infection from tissues. In this report we analyze the flux of the Vbeta TCR repertoire in the lungs of C57BL/6 mice with reinfection histoplasmosis. We observed a significant increase in Vbeta6(+) T cells on days 7, 10, and 14, the peak and early resolution phases of infection. This skewing was preceded by an increased number of memory T cells within Vbeta6(+) cells. The VDJ sequences of Vbeta6 chains were oligoclonal during the early stages of the infection, suggesting that the expansion was driven by a small number of Ags. More than 96% of the expanded Vbeta6(+) cells were CD4(+). Depletion of Vbeta6(+) T cells but not Vbeta4(+) T cells induced a modest but significant delay in fungal clearance. Simultaneous depletion of Vbeta4(+) and Vbeta6(+) T cells induced a more pronounced impairment of host resistance. These studies illustrate the dynamic interactions between Vbeta families in the response to microbial challenge.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of NKT cells in the host defense to cryptococcal infection, we examined the proportion of these cells, identified by the expression of CD3 and NK1.1, in lungs after intratracheal infection with Cryptococcus neoformans. This population increased on day 3 after infection, reached a peak level on days 6-7, and decreased thereafter. In Valpha14 NKT cell-deficient mice, such increase was significantly attenuated. The proportion of Valpha14 NKT cells, detected by binding to alpha-galactosylceramide-loaded CD1d tetramer, and the expression of Valpha14 mRNA increased after infection with a similar kinetics. The delayed-type hypersensitivity response and differentiation of the fungus-specific Th1 cells was reduced in Valpha14 NKT cell-deficient mice, compared with control mice. Additionally, elimination of this fungal pathogen from lungs was significantly delayed in Valpha14 NKT cell-deficient mice. Production of monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 in lungs, detected at both mRNA and protein levels, increased on day 1, reached a peak level on day 3, and decreased thereafter, which preceded the increase in NKT cells. Finally, the increase of total and Valpha14(+) subset of NKT cells after infection was significantly reduced in MCP-1-deficient mice. Our results demonstrated that NKT cells, especially Valpha14(+) subset, accumulated in a MCP-1-dependent manner in the lungs after infection with C. neoformans and played an important role in the development of Th1 response and host resistance to this fungal pathogen.  相似文献   

Most mammalian rotaviruses contain tripeptide amino acid sequences in outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7 which have been shown to act as ligands for integrins alpha2beta1 and alpha4beta1. Peptides containing these sequences and monoclonal antibodies directed to these integrins block rotavirus infection of cells. Here we report that SA11 rotavirus binding to and infection of K562 cells expressing alpha2beta1 or alpha4beta1 integrins via transfection is increased over virus binding to and infection of cells transfected with alpha3 integrin or parent cells. The increased binding and growth were specifically blocked by a monoclonal antibody to the transfected integrin subunit but not by irrelevant antibodies. In our experiments, integrin activation with phorbol ester did not affect virus binding to cells. However, phorbol ester treatment of K562 parent and transfected cells induced endogenous gene expression of alpha2beta1 integrin, which was detectable by flow cytometry 16 h after treatment and quantitatively correlated with the increased level of SA11 virus growth observed after this time. Virus binding to K562 cells treated with phorbol ester 24 h previously and expressing alpha2beta1 was elevated over binding to control cells and was specifically blocked by the anti-alpha2 monoclonal antibody AK7. Virus growth in alpha4-transfected K562 cells which had also been induced to express alpha2beta1 integrin with phorbol ester occurred at a level approaching that in the permissive MA104 cell line. We therefore have demonstrated that two integrins, alpha2beta1 and alpha4beta1, are capable of acting as cellular receptors for SA11 rotavirus.  相似文献   

Ag-presenting molecule CD1 and CD1-restricted NKT cells are known to contribute to defense against a range of infectious pathogens, including some viruses. CD1-restricted NKT cells, a distinct subpopulation of T cells, have striking and rapid effector functions that contribute to host defense, including rapid production of IFN-gamma and IL-4, and activation of NK cells. Consideration of the important contributions of innate and adaptive immunity to clearance of HSV prompted us to investigate the role of CD1 and of NKT cells expressing the V alpha 14-J alpha 281 TCR in the pathogenesis of HSV infection. To address this issue, we compared infection in wild-type mice with that in CD1 gene knockout (GKO) and J alpha 281 GKO mice. In this study, we report impaired clearance of virus and viral Ags, and more florid acute infection in mice lacking CD1 (and by inference, CD1-restricted T cells), in comparison with parental C57BL6 mice. In J alpha 281 GKO mice there was also impairment of virus clearance, resembling that seen in CD1 GKO mice. These results imply roles for the V alpha 14-J alpha 281 subset of NKT cells and for CD1d in control of HSV infection.  相似文献   

Primary viral infections of the lung induce potent effector CD8 T cell responses. To function in the influenza-infected airways, CD8 T cells must be able to resist cell death. The majority of the CD8 T cells in the airways and lung parenchyma expressed CD49a, the alpha-chain of the type IV collagen receptor VLA-1, and these cells were highly activated, producing both IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. In the airways, where type IV collagen is abundant, but not the spleen, the CD49a(+) CD8 cells had reduced proportions of annexin V and caspase 8, and >80% expressed the TNF-alpha receptor II, while Fas, TNFR-I, and CD27 expression were similar to CD49a(-) cells. Furthermore, the CD49a(+), but not CD49a(-), CD8 T cells from the airways were resistant to active induction of apoptosis in the presence of type IV collagen and TNF-alpha in vitro. We propose that TNFR-II and the VLA-1 synergize to protect effector CD8 T cells in the infected airways from apoptosis during the acute infection.  相似文献   

CD1d tetramers loaded with alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) bind selectively to mouse invariant Valpha14 (Valpha14i) NKT cells and their human counterparts. Whereas tetramer binding strictly depends on the expression of a Valpha14-Jalpha18 chain in murine NKT cells, the associated beta-chain (typically expressing Vbeta8.2 or Vbeta7) appears not to influence tetramer binding. In this study, we describe novel alpha-GalCer-loaded mouse and human CD1d-IgG1 dimers, which revealed an unexpected influence of the TCR-beta chain on the avidity of CD1d:alpha-GalCer binding. A subset of Valpha14i NKT cells clearly discriminated alpha-GalCer bound to mouse or human CD1d on the basis of avidity differences conferred by the Vbeta domain of the TCR-beta chain, with Vbeta8.2 conferring higher avidity binding than Vbeta7.  相似文献   

Natural killer T (NKT) cells are thought to be involved in innate responses against infection. We investigated one specific type of NKT cell, Valpha24/Vbeta11 double positive, in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Lower frequencies of this population were detected in the blood of HCV PCR-positive patients than in controls. Unlike Valpha24/Vbeta11 NKT cells found in blood, those in the liver appeared to be recently activated.  相似文献   

Integrins can mediate the attachment of cells to collagen type I. In the present study we have investigated the possible differences in collagen type I recognition sites for the alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1 integrins. Different cyanogen bromide (CB) fragments of the alpha 1 (I) collagen chain were used in cell attachment experiments with three rat cell types, defined with regard to expression of collagen binding integrins. Primary rat hepatocytes expressed alpha 1 beta 1, primary rat cardiac fibroblasts alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1, and Rat-1 cells only alpha 2 beta 1. All three cell types expressed alpha 3 beta 1 but this integrin did not bind to collagen--Sepharose or to immobilized collagen type I in a radioreceptor assay. Hepatocytes and cardiac fibroblasts attached to substrata coated with alpha 1(I)CB3 and alpha 1(I)CB8; Rat-1 cells attached to alpha 1(I)CB3 but only poorly to alpha 1(I)CB8-coated substrata. Cardiac fibroblasts and Rat-1 cells spread and formed beta 1-integrin-containing focal adhesions when grown on substrata coated with native collagen or alpha 1(I)CB3; focal adhesions were also detected in cardiac fibroblasts cultured on alpha 1(I)CB8. The rat alpha 1 specific monoclonal antibody 3A3 completely inhibited hepatocyte attachment to alpha 1(I)CB3 and alpha 1(I)CB8, as well as the attachment of cardiac fibroblasts to alpha 1(I)CB8, but only partially inhibited the attachment of cardiac fibroblasts to alpha 1(I)CB3. 3A3 IgG did not inhibit the attachment of Rat-1 cells to collagen type I or to alpha 1(I)CB3.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

alpha 5 beta 1 integrin mediates cell adhesion to extracellular matrix by interacting with fibronectin (FN). Mouse lines carrying null mutations in genes encoding either the alpha 5 integrin subunit or FN have been generated previously. Both mutations are embryonic lethal with overlapping defects, but the defects of alpha 5-null embryos are less severe. Primary embryonic cells lacking alpha 5 beta 1 are able to adhere to FN, form focal contacts, migrate on FN, and assemble FN matrix. These results suggest the involvement of (an)other FN receptors(s). In this study, we examined functions of alpha 4 beta 1 and alpha V integrins in embryonic cells lacking alpha 5 beta 1. Our analysis of cells lacking both alpha 4 beta 1 and alpha 5 beta 1 showed that alpha 4 beta 1 is also not required for these FN-dependent functions. Using alpha V-specific blocking reagents, we showed that alpha V integrins are required for alpha 5-null cells, but not wild-type cells, to adhere and spread on FN. Our data also showed that, although the expression levels of alpha V integrins on the wild-type and alpha 5-null cells are similar, there is an increase in recruitment of alpha V integrins into focal contacts in alpha 5-null cells plated on FN, indicating that alpha V integrins can compensate functionally for the loss of alpha 5 beta 1 in focal contacts of alpha 5-null cells. Finally, our data suggested possible roles for alpha V integrins in replacing the role of alpha 5 beta 1 in FN matrix assembly in vitro and in FN-dependent embryonic functions in vivo.  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) by which herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) latency is established in neurons is not known. In this study, we examined the effect of dendritic cells (DCs) on the level of HSV-1 latency in trigeminal ganglia (TGs) of ocularly infected BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. We found that immunization of wild-type mice with FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (Flt3L) DNA, which increases the number of DCs, increased the amount of latency in infected mice. Conversely, depletion of DCs was associated with reduced latency. Latency was also significantly reduced in Flt3L−/− and CD8−/− mice. Interestingly, immunization of Flt3L−/− but not CD8−/− mice with Flt3L DNA increased latency. Transfer experiments using DCs expanded ex vivo with Flt3L or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor suggested that increased latency was associated with the presence of lymphoid-related (CD11c+ CD8α+) DCs, while reduced latency was associated with myeloid-related (CD11c+ CD8α) DCs. Modulation of DC numbers by Flt3L DNA immunization or depletion did not alter acute virus replication in the eye or TG or eye disease in ocularly infected mice. Our results suggest that CD11c+ CD8α+ DCs directly or indirectly increase the amount of HSV-1 latency in mouse TGs.  相似文献   

NK T cells are a T cell subset in the human that express an invariant alpha-chain (V alpha 24invt T cells). Because of the well-described immunomodulation by glucocorticoids on activation-induced cell death (AICD), the effects of dexamethasone and anti-CD3 stimulation on V alpha 24invt T cell clones and CD4+ T cell clones were investigated. Dexamethasone significantly enhanced anti-CD3-mediated proliferation of V alpha 24invt T cells, whereas CD4+ T cells were inhibited. Addition of neutralizing IL-2 Ab partially abrogated dexamethasone-induced potentiation of V alpha 24invt T cell proliferation, indicating a role for autocrine IL-2 production in corticosteroid-mediated proliferative augmentation. Dexamethasone treatment of anti-CD3-stimulated V alpha 24invt T cells did not synergize with anti-Fas blockade in enhancing proliferation or preventing AICD. The V alpha 24invt T cell response to dexamethasone was dependent on the TCR signal strength. In the presence of dexamethasone, lower doses of anti-CD3 inhibited proliferation of V alpha 24invt T cells and CD4+ T cells; at higher doses of anti-CD3, which caused inhibition of CD4+ T cells, the V alpha 24invt T cell clones proliferated and were rescued from AICD. These results demonstrate significant differences in TCR signal strength required between V alpha 24invt T cells and CD4+ cells, and suggest important immunomodulatory consequences for endogenous and exogenous corticosteroids in immune responses.  相似文献   

The collagen-binding integrins α1β1 and α2β1 have profoundly different functions, yet they are often co-expressed in epithelial cells. When both integrins are expressed in the same cell, it has been suggested that α1β1 negatively regulates integrin α2β1-dependent functions. In this study we utilized murine ureteric bud (UB) epithelial cells, which express no functionally detectable levels of endogenous integrins α1β1 and α2β1, to determine the mechanism whereby this regulation occurs. We demonstrate that UB cells expressing integrin α2β1, but not α1β1 adhere, migrate and proliferate on collagen I as well as form cellular cords in 3D collagen I gels. Substitution of the transmembrane domain of the integrin α2 subunit with that of α1 results in decreased cell adhesion, migration and cord formation. In contrast, substitution of the integrin α2 cytoplasmic tail with that of α1, decreases cell migration and cord formation, but increases proliferation. When integrin α1 and α2 subunits are co-expressed in UB cells, the α1 subunit negatively regulates integrin α2β1-dependent cord formation, adhesion and migration and this inhibition requires expression of both α1 and α2 tails. Thus, we provide evidence that the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the α2 integrin subunit, as well as the α1 integrin subunit, regulate integrin α2β1 cell function.  相似文献   

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