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Thyroid hormones regulate skeletal development, acquisition of peak bone mass and adult bone maintenance. Abnormal thyroid status during childhood disrupts bone maturation and linear growth, while in adulthood it results in altered bone remodeling and an increased risk of fracture

Scope of Review

This review considers the cellular effects and molecular mechanisms of thyroid hormone action in the skeleton. Human clinical and population data are discussed in relation to the skeletal phenotypes of a series of genetically modified mouse models of disrupted thyroid hormone signaling.

Major Conclusions

Euthyroid status is essential for normal bone development and maintenance. Major thyroid hormone actions in skeletal cells are mediated by thyroid hormone receptor α (TRα) and result in anabolic responses during growth and development but catabolic effects in adulthood. These homeostatic responses to thyroid hormone are locally regulated in individual skeletal cell types by the relative activities of the type 2 and 3 iodothyronine deiodinases, which control the supply of the active thyroid hormone 3,5,3’-L-triiodothyronine (T3) to its receptor.

General Significance

Population studies indicate that both thyroid hormone deficiency and excess are associated with an increased risk of fracture. Understanding the cellular and molecular basis of T3 action in skeletal cells will lead to the identification of new targets to regulate bone turnover and mineralization in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Thyroid hormone signaling.  相似文献   

Late development of endochondral ossification occurs at the boundary between the growth cartilage and bone marrow during the formation of long bones in Xenopus laevis. Since the Indian hedgehog (Ihh) is involved in endochondral ossification in mouse, we investigated the expression of Xenopus banded hedgehog (X-bhh), which is a homolog of mouse Ihh. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the X-bhh mRNA was detected from an early stage of limb formation to formation of femurs in mature frogs, and it was associated with the expression of Xenopus-ptc1 (X-ptc1), Xenopus-gli1 (X-gli1), Xenopus-type II collagen (X-col II), Xenopus-runx2 (X-runx2), and Xenopus-osteocalcin (X-ocn) mRNAs. In situ hybridization revealed that chondrogenic cells observed at early limb development expressed X-bhh and X-gli1. At later stages of limb development, chondrocytes, located slightly away from the boundary between the cartilage and bone marrow, expressed the X-bhh, X-ptc1, and X-gli1 mRNAs; however, the mesenchymal cells at the boundary failed to express these mRNAs. The X-bhh, X-ptc1, and X-gli1 mRNAs as well as those of X-runx2 and X-ocn were expressed by the mesenchymal cells in the periosteal region at the tip of the cortical bone, indicating an intimate relationship between X-bhh expression and bone formation in this region. Considered collectively, the present study suggests that X-bhh evolutionally acquired the function to induce osteogenesis; however, the expression profile of X-bhh in epiphysis is closely related to the late development of endochondral ossification in X. laevis.  相似文献   

Neurons of cranial sensory ganglia are derived from the neural crest and ectodermal placodes, but the mechanisms that control the relative contributions of each are not understood. Crest cells of the second branchial arch generate few facial ganglion neurons and no vestibuloacoustic ganglion neurons, but crest cells in other branchial arches generate many sensory neurons. Here we report that the facial ganglia of Hoxa2 mutant mice contain a large population of crest-derived neurons, suggesting that Hoxa2 normally represses the neurogenic potential of second arch crest cells. This may represent an anterior transformation of second arch neural crest cells toward a fate resembling that of first arch neural crest cells, which normally do not express Hoxa2 or any other Hox gene. We additionally found that overexpressing Hoxa2 in cultures of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells reduced the frequency of spontaneous neuronal differentiation, but only in the presence of cotransfected Pbx and Meis Hox cofactors. Finally, expression of Hoxa2 and the cofactors in chick neural crest cells populating the trigeminal ganglion also reduced the frequency of neurogenesis in the intact embryo. These data suggest an unanticipated role for Hox genes in controlling the neurogenic potential of at least some cranial neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Idiopathic short stature (ISS) is a main reason for low height among children. Its exact aetiology remains unclear. Recent findings have suggested that the aberrant expression of circRNAs in peripheral blood samples is associated with many diseases. However, to date, the role of aberrant circRNA expression in mediating ISS pathogenesis remains largely unknown. The up-regulated circANAPC2 was identified by circRNA microarray analysis and RT-qPCR. Overexpression of circANAPC2 inhibited the proliferation of human chondrocytes, and cell cycle was arrested in G1 phase. The expressions of collagen type X, RUNX2, OCN and OPN were significantly down-regulated following circANAPC2 overexpression. Moreover, Von Kossa staining intensity and alkaline phosphatase activity were also decreased. Luciferase reporter assay results showed that circANAPC2 could be targeted by miR-874-3p. CircANAPC2 overexpression in human chondrocytes inhibits the expression of miR-874-3p. The co-localization of circANAPC2 and miR-874-3p was confirmed in both human chondrocytes and murine femoral growth plates via in situ hybridization. The rescue experiment demonstrated that the high expression of miR-874-3p overexpression antagonized the suppression of endochondral ossification, hypertrophy and chondrocyte growth caused by circANAPC2 overexpression. A high-throughput screening of mRNA expression and RT-qPCR verified SMAD3 demonstrated the highest different expressions following overcircANAPC2. Luciferase reporter assay results indicated that miR-874-3p could be targeted by Smad3, thus down-regulating the expression of Smad3. Subsequent rescue experiments of SMAD3 further confirmed that circANAPC2 suppresses endochondral ossification, hypertrophy and chondrocyte growth through miR-874-3p/Smad3 axis. The present study provides evidence that circANAPC2 can serve as a promising target for ISS treatment.  相似文献   

Matrix GLA protein (MGP), a gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (GLA)-rich, vitamin K-dependent and apatite-binding protein, is a regulator of hypertrophic cartilage mineralization during development. However, MGP is produced by both hypertrophic and immature chondrocytes, suggesting that MGP's role in mineralization is cell stage-dependent, and that MGP may have other roles in immature cells. It is also unclear whether MGP regulates the quantity of mineral or mineral nature and quality as well. To address these issues, we determined the effects of manipulations of MGP synthesis and expression in (a) immature and hypertrophic chondrocyte cultures and (b) the chick limb bud in vivo. The two chondrocyte cultures displayed comparable levels of MGP gene expression. Yet, treatment with warfarin, a gamma-carboxylase inhibitor and vitamin K antagonist, triggered mineralization in hypertrophic but not immature cultures. Warfarin effects on mineralization were highly selective, were accompanied by no appreciable changes in MGP expression, alkaline phosphatase activity, or cell number, and were counteracted by vitamin K cotreatment. Scanning electron microscopy, x-ray microanalysis, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy revealed that mineral forming in control and warfarin-treated hypertrophic cell cultures was similar and represented stoichiometric apatite. Virally driven MGP overexpression in cultured chondrocytes greatly decreased mineralization. Surprisingly, MGP overexpression in the developing limb not only inhibited cartilage mineralization, but also delayed chondrocyte maturation and blocked endochondral ossification and formation of a diaphyseal intramembranous bone collar. The results show that MGP is a powerful but developmentally regulated inhibitor of cartilage mineralization, controls mineral quantity but not type, and appears to have a previously unsuspected role in regulating chondrocyte maturation and ossification processes.  相似文献   

Phenotypic robustness requires a process of developmental buffering that is largely not understood, but which can be disrupted by mutations. Here we show that in mef2cab1086 loss of function mutant embryos and early larvae, development of craniofacial hyoid bones, the opercle (Op) and branchiostegal ray (BR), becomes remarkably unstable; the large magnitude of the instability serves as a positive attribute to learn about features of this developmental buffering. The OpBR mutant phenotype variably includes bone expansion and fusion, Op duplication, and BR homeosis. Formation of a novel bone strut, or a bone bridge connecting the Op and BR together occurs frequently. We find no evidence that the phenotypic stability in the wild type is provided by redundancy between mef2ca and its co-ortholog mef2cb, or that it is related to the selector (homeotic) gene function of mef2ca. Changes in dorsal–ventral patterning of the hyoid arch also might not contribute to phenotypic instability in mutants. However, subsequent development of the bone lineage itself, including osteoblast differentiation and morphogenetic outgrowth, shows marked variation. Hence, steps along the developmental trajectory appear differentially sensitive to the loss of buffering, providing focus for the future study.  相似文献   

An antiserum to transdifferentiated striated muscle cells from the medusa of Podocoryne carnea was prepared and used to screen a gt11-expression library prepared from gonozoids of P. carnea. We isolated a cDNA clone termed Pod-EPPT with at least 63 tandem repeats of the tetrapeptide-motive glu-pro-pro-thr, named Pod-EPPT. Using Pod-EPPT as a molecular marker for head quality the morphological relationship between the two metagenic life stages of this hydroid, the polyp and the medusa, was studied. In situ hybridization demonstrated that expression of the gene corresponding is restricted to secretory cells in the endoderm of the oral hypostome region of polyps and medusae and, presumably, to progenitor cells of this type. Cells expressing Pod-EPPT could not be observed in the larval stage. During head regeneration in polyps, Pod-EPPT expression is upregulated soon after head removal in previously non-expressing cells and in newly differentiating secretory cells. This activation of a head-specific gene precedes the morphologically obvious events of head regeneration. Pod-EPPT is one of the genes that are activated during manubrium (mouth) regeneration from experimentally combined subumbrellar plate endoderm and striated muscle of the medusa.  相似文献   

Summary Skeletal muscle regeneration in SJL/J and BALB/c mice subjected to identical crush injuries is markedly different: in SJL/J mice myotubes almost completely replace damaged myofibres, whereas BALB/c mice develop fibrotic scar tissue and few myotubes. To determine the cellular changes which contribute to these differential responses to injury, samples of crushed tibialis anterior muscles taken from SJL/J and BALB/c mice between 1 and 10 days after injury were analysed by light and electron microscopy, and by autoradiography. Longitudinal muscle sections revealed about a 2-fold greater total mononuclear cell density in SJL/J than BALB/c mice at 2 to 3 days after injury. Electron micrographs identified a similar proportion of cell types at 3 days after injury. Autoradiographic studies showed that the proportions of replicating mononuclear cells in both strains were similar: therefore greater absolute numbers of cells (including muscle precursors and macrophages) were proliferating in SJL/J muscle. Removal of necrotic muscle debris in SJL/J mice was rapid and extensive, and by 6 to 8 days multinucleated myotubes occupied a large part of the lesion. By contrast, phagocytosis was less effective in BALB/c mice, myotube formation was minimal, and fibrotic tissue conspicuous. These data indicate that the increased mononuclear cell density, more efficient removal of necrotic muscle, together with a greater capacity for myotube formation in SJL/J mice, contribute to the more successful muscle regeneration seen after injury.  相似文献   

为了构建猪瘟重组腺病毒载体疫苗,通过细菌内同源重组法构建了含有猪瘟病毒E2基因的重组腺病毒rAdV-E2.测定其一步生长曲线,同时用间接免疫荧光试验和Western blotting检测外源基因表达,然后用rAdV-E2免疫家兔,免疫后6周用猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株(c株)进行攻击,攻毒后3 d取其脾脏,用实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测C株病毒RNA.结果表明,该重组腺病毒传至第10代时,毒价可达1.0×1010TCID<,50/mL;外源基因可在其中得到稳定表达;rAdV-E2接种兔免疫后2周产生猪瘟特异性抗体,免疫后5 W抗体达到峰值,攻毒后rAdV-E2接种兔和C株接种兔均未出现定型热反应,从其脾脏也未检测到C株病毒RNA,而野生型腺病毒接种兔均出现了定型热反应,并且从其脾脏检测大量C株病毒RNA,其含量达到了103拷贝/μL以上.由此表明,rAdV-E2可望开发为猪瘟候选疫苗.  相似文献   

The pattern of RNA expression of the murine Dlx-2 (Tes-1) homeobox gene is described in embryos ranging in age from E8.5 through E11.5. Dlx-2 is a vertebrate homologue of the Drosophila Distal-less (Dll) gene. Dll expression in the Drosophila embryo is principally limited to the primordia of the brain, head and limbs. Dlx-2 is also expressed principally in the primordia of the forebrain, head and limbs. Within these regions it is expressed in spatially restricted domains. These include two discontinuous regions of the forebrain (basal telencephalon and ventral diencephalon), the branchial arches, facial ectoderm, cranial ganglia and limb ectoderm. Several mouse and human disorders have phenotypes which potentially are the result of mutations in the Dlx genes.  相似文献   

The Food-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) 2A proteinis only 16–20 amino acid long. It is responsible for thecleavage of the FMDV polyprotein at its own carboxyl-terminus. Weused the cleavage property of the 2A protein to processartificial polyproteins produced in transgenic plants. In our system, single or multiplecopies of the reporter CAT and GUS genes were fused into a single open readingframe (ORF) with a copy of the FMDV 2A protein gene placed between the reportergenes. Expression of various constructs in transgenic tobacco resulted inconsistent detection of freed CAT and/or GUS proteins, suggesting that FMDV 2Aprotein functioned properly in plant cells. Cleavage efficiencyranged from 80% to 100% depending on the constructs. The variability incleavage efficiency suggested that the contexts flanking a 2Aprotein might modulate its activity. We further expressed constructs wheremultiple copies of the 2A and reporter genes were fused into one ORF. Thepresence of freed GUS protein together with partially processed polyproteinintermediates in the transgenic plants indicated that multiple copies of the 2Aprotein in a single ORF function independently. Our data demonstrate that usingthe FMDV 2A protease as a linker, multiple genes could be easily expressed in asingle ORF.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that modulation of dopaminergic transmission alters striatal levels of extracellular adenosine. The present study used reverse microdialysis of the selective dopamine D2 receptor antagonist raclopride to investigate whether a blockade of dopamine D2 receptors modifies extracellular adenosine concentrations in the nucleus accumbens. Results reveal that perfusion of raclopride produced an increase of dialysate adenosine which was significant with a high (10 mM) and intermediate (1 mM) drug concentration, but not with lower drug concentrations (10 and 100 μM). Thus, the present study demonstrates that a selective blockade of dopamine D2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens produced a pronounced increase of extracellular adenosine. The cellular mechanisms underlying this effect are yet unknown. It is suggested that the increase of extracellular adenosine might be related to a homeostatic modulatory mechanism proposed to be a key function of adenosine in response to neuronal metabolic challenges.  相似文献   

Vertebrate oocytes proceed through meiosis I before undergoing a cytostatic factor (CSF)-mediated arrest at metaphase of meiosis II. Exit from MII arrest is stimulated by a sperm-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+. This increase in Ca2+ results in the destruction of cyclin B1, the regulatory subunit of cdk1 that leads to inactivation of maturation promoting factor (MPF) and egg activation. Progression through meiosis I also involves cyclin B1 destruction, but it is not known whether Ca2+ can activate the destruction machinery during MI. We have investigated Ca2+ -induced cyclin destruction in MI and MII by using a cyclin B1-GFP fusion protein and measurement of intracellular Ca2+. We find no evidence for a role for Ca2+ in MI since oocytes progress through MI in the absence of detectable Ca2+ transients. Furthermore, Ca2+ increases induced by photorelease of InsP3 stimulate a persistent destruction of cyclin B1-GFP in MII but not MI stage oocytes. In addition to a steady decrease in cyclin B1-GFP fluorescence, the increase in Ca2+ stimulated a transient decrease in fluorescence in both MI and MII stage oocytes. Similar transient decreases in fluorescence imposed on a more persistent fluorescence decrease were detected in cyclin-GFP-injected eggs undergoing fertilization-induced Ca2+ oscillations. The transient decreases in fluorescence were not a result of cyclin B1 destruction since transients persisted in the presence of a proteasome inhibitor and were detected in controls injected with eGFP and in untreated oocytes. We conclude that increases in cytosolic Ca2+ induce transient changes in autofluorescence and that the pattern of cyclin B1 degradation at fertilization is not stepwise but exponential. Furthermore, this Ca2+ -induced increase in degradation of cyclin B1 requires factors specific to mature oocytes, and that to overcome arrest at MII, Ca2+ acts to release the CSF-mediated brake on cyclin B1 destruction.  相似文献   

To study the role of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in the atrophy of mouse masseter muscle in response to a change from a hard to a soft diet, we analyzed the amounts of mRNA and the immunolocalization for IGF-I, IGF-II, their receptors (IGFRs), and binding proteins (IGFBPs). Sixteen male ICR mice were fed a hard diet after weaning; they were divided into two groups at 6 months of age and fed a hard or a soft diet for 1 week. The soft diet treatment decreased masseter weight by 19% (P<0.01) and the minimal diameter of masseter myofibers by 19% (P<0.01), verifying that a soft diet led to atrophy of mouse masseter muscle. The soft diet treatment induced a 30% reduction in the amount of IGF-I mRNA (P<0.05) in preparations of whole masseter tissues. Immunohistochemical findings suggested that a reduction in the expression of IGF-I protein took place in the neural tissues, not in the masseter myofibers. The soft diet treatment induced a 56% decrease in IGF-II mRNA (P<0.05), a 21% increase in IGFR2 mRNA (P<0.01), and a 38% decrease in IGFBP5 mRNA (P<0.01). Immunohistochemical results suggested that these changes at the protein level occurred in the masseter myofibers. No significant or marked difference in the mRNA amount or immunostaining pattern for IGFR1, IGFBP3, IGFBP4, or IGFBP6 was found between the soft and hard diet groups. No IGFBP1 or IGFBP2 mRNA was detected. Thus, IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFR2, and IGFBP5 seem to play a role in the atrophy of mouse masseter muscle in response to the change from a hard to a soft diet in an autocrine and/or paracrine manner.Part of the present study was supported by a grant-in-aid for funding scientific research (no. 13671955), Bio-ventures and High-Technology Research Center, from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan  相似文献   

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