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The flavoprotein moiety of Escherichia coli sulfite reductase (SiR-FP) is homologous to electron transfer proteins such as cytochrome-P450 reductase (CPR) or nitric oxide synthase (NOS). We report on the three-dimensional structure of SiR-FP18, the flavodoxin-like domain of SiR-FP, which has been determined by NMR. In the holoenzyme, this domain plays an important role by shuttling electrons from the FAD to the hemoprotein (the beta-subunit). The structure presented here was determined using distance and torsion angle information in combination with residual dipolar couplings determined in two different alignment media. Several protein-FMN NOEs allowed us to place the prosthetic group in its binding pocket. The structure is well-resolved, and (15)N relaxation data indicate that SiR-FP18 is a compact domain. The binding interface with cytochrome c, a nonphysiological electron acceptor, has been determined using chemical shift mapping. Comparison of the SiR-FP18 structure with the corresponding domains from CPR and NOS shows that the fold of the protein core is highly conserved, but the analysis of the electrostatic surfaces reveals significant differences between the three domains. These observations are placed in the physiological context so they can contribute to the understanding of the electron transfer mechanism in the SiR holoenzyme.  相似文献   

L J Young  L M Siegel 《Biochemistry》1988,27(14):4991-4999
The heme protein subunit of Escherichia coli sulfite reductase shows enhanced reactivity with its substrate and a number of other ligands after a cycle of reduction and reoxidation at alkaline pH. At pH 9.5 this variant of the enzyme possesses at least four EPR-detectable, chloride-sensitive high-spin conformers, in contrast to the single chloride-insensitive species observed in the oxidized, resting enzyme at pH 7.7. Quantitative reversal of the spectral and ligand-binding properties of the "activated" enzyme to those of the resting enzyme is observed on reacidification to pH 7.7. At intermediate pH values, there occurs an acid-catalyzed relaxation of the activated enzyme to the resting form. This reaction is distinct from the one responsible for the accelerated ligand binding and production of multiple EPR conformers, which appears to be regulated by a process with a pK of 8.5.  相似文献   

L J Young  L M Siegel 《Biochemistry》1988,27(16):5984-5990
The oxidized forms of resting and sulfite-complexed Escherichia coli sulfite reductase heme protein subunit react with near-stoichiometric amounts of porphyrexide to produce what is best characterized as a ferrisiroheme pi cation radical. Addition of either sodium ascorbate or NADPH completely regenerates the parent form. Implications of these findings with respect to mechanisms of metal-radical J coupling and catalysis are discussed.  相似文献   

C Li  H D Peck  A E Przybyla 《Gene》1987,53(2-3):227-234
The structural genes for 3'-phosphoadenylyl sulfate (PAPS) reductase (cysH) and sulfite reductase (alpha and beta subunits; EC and cysJ) of Escherichia coli K-12 have been cloned by complementation. pCYSI contains two PstI fragments (18.3 and 2.9 kb) which complement cysH-, cysI-, and cysJ- mutants. Subcloning showed that the cysH gene is located on a 1.6-kb ClaI subfragment (pCYSI-3) whereas cysI and most of cysJ are carried on a 3.7-kb ClaI subfragment (pCYSI-5). The PAPS reductase gene is closely linked to the sulfite reductase genes, but its expression is regulated by a unique promoter. The cysI and cysJ genes, on the other hand, are transcribed as an operon and the promoter precedes the cysI gene. Maxicell analysis demonstrated that pCYSI encodes three polypeptides of Mr 27,000, 57,000, and 60,000, in addition to the tetracycline-resistance determinant. The 60- and 57-kDa proteins are most likely the alpha and beta subunits, respectively, of E. coli sulfite reductase while the 27-kDa protein is putatively identified as PAPS reductase. Preliminary data suggest that the alpha and beta subunits of sulfite reductase are encoded by cysI and cysJ, respectively.  相似文献   

The flavodoxin-like domain, missing in the three-dimensional structure of the monomeric, simplified model of the Escherichia coli sulfite reductase flavoprotein component (SiR-FP), has now been expressed independently. This 168 amino acid protein was named SiR-FP18 with respect to its native molecular weight and represents the FMN-binding domain of SiR-FP. This simplified biological object has kept the main characteristics of its counterpart in the native protein. It could incorporate FMN exclusively and stabilize a neutral air-stable semiquinone radical. Both the radical and the fully reduced forms of SiR-FP18 were able to transfer their electrons to DCPIP or cytochrome c quantitatively. SiR-FP18 was able to form a highly stable complex with SiR-HP, the hemoprotein component of the sulfite reductase containing an iron-sulfur cluster coupled to a siroheme. In agreement with the postulated catalytic cycle of SiR-FP, only the fully reduced form of SiR-FP18 could transfer one electron to SiR-HP, the transferred electron being localized exclusively on the heme. As isolated SiR-FP18 has kept the main characteristics of the FMN-binding domain of the native protein, a structural analysis by NMR was performed in order to complete the partial structure obtained previously. Structural modeling was performed using sequence homologues, cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR; 29% identity) and bacterial cytochrome P450 (P450-BM3; 26% identity), as conformational templates. These sequences were anchored using common secondary structural elements identified from heteronuclear NMR data measured on the protein backbone. The resulting structural model was validated, and subsequently refined using residual (C(alpha)-C', N-H(N), and C'-H(N)) dipolar couplings measured in an anisotropic medium. The overall fold of SiR-FP18 is very similar to that of bacterial flavodoxins and of the flavodoxin-like domain in CPR or P450-BM3.  相似文献   

SiR-FP60, the monomeric form of the Escherichia coli sulfite reductase flavoprotein component (SiR-FP), has been analysed by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. This protein was reported previously as a reliable simplified model for native SiR-FP [Zeghouf, M., Fontecave, M., Macherel, D., & Covès, J. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 6117-6123]. SiR-FP60 was examined in its native form, as a complex with NADP+ and after monoelectronic reduction either with NADPH or dithionite. In these latter cases, the stabilized FMN semiquinone radical offers a natural and internal paramagnetic probe. The paramagnetic effect of added manganese was also studied. In each case, the NMR parameters were extracted from digitalized data by a deconvolution procedure and compared with those obtained previously with cytochrome P450 reductase. Evolution of the NMR parameters and of calculated relaxation rate constants upon biochemical modifications of SiR-FP60 led us to propose that the reactive center is more compact than the one of cytochrome P450 reductase, with the redox components, FMN, FAD and NADPH, in a tighter spatial arrangement, close to the protein surface. This underlies some subtle differences between the two proteins for which a very similar overall structure is likely considering their common genetic origin and common operating cycle.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra are reported for the hemoprotein subunit (SiR-HP) of Escherichia coli NADPH-sulfite reductase (EC in various ligation and redox states. Comparison of the RR spectra of extracted siroheme and the mu-oxo FeIII dimer of octaethylisobacteriochlorin with those of mu-oxo FeIII octaethylchlorin dimer and mu-oxo FeIII octaethylporphyrin dimer demonstrates that many siroheme bands can be correlated with established porphyrin skeletal modes. Depolarization measurements are a powerful tool in this correlation, since the 45 degrees rotation of the C2 symmetry axis of the isobacteriochlorin ring relative to the chlorin system results in reversal of the polarization properties (polarized vs anomalously polarized) of bands correlating with B1g and B2g modes of porphyrin. Various SiR-HP adducts (CO, NO, CN-, SO3(2-] show upshifted high-frequency bands, characteristic of the low-spin state and consistent with the expected core size sensitivity of the skeletal modes. Fully reduced unliganded SiR-HP (both siroheme and Fe4S4 cluster reduced) in liquid solution displays RR features comparable to those of high-spin ferrous porphyrins; on freezing, the RR spectrum changes, reflecting an apparent mixture of siroheme spin states. At intermediate reduction levels in solution a RR species is observed whose high-frequency bands are upshifted relative to oxidized and fully reduced SiR-HP. This spectrum, thought to arise from the "one-electron" state of SiR-HP (siroheme reduced, cluster oxidized), may be due to S = 1 FeII siroheme.  相似文献   

Isolated hemoprotein subunits of Escherichia coli NADPH:sulfite reductase catalyze the 6-electron reduction of SO2-3 to S2-. The prosthetic groups of the hemoprotein, a siroheme and a Fe4S4 cluster, have been shown by spectroscopy to be tightly coupled. We have crystallized the isolated hemoprotein subunits and produced a 3-A electron density map by x-ray crystallography. A single heavy atom derivative and the native anomalous scattering (from the protein's 5 Fe and several S) were used to calculate the phases. In the electron density map, the cluster has a geometry similar to other Fe4S4 clusters. Both the cluster and the siroheme are found near the surface of the protein. The siroheme and the Fe4S4 cluster pack next to each other in the structure, apparently with a common ligand, consistent with a cysteine S gamma, shared by the siroheme Fe and one of the cluster Fe. The distance from the siroheme Fe to the center of the cluster is 5.5 A and the distance from the siroheme Fe to the nearest cluster Fe is 4.4 A. The edge of the siroheme macrocycle appears to be in Van der Waals contact with a cubane S atom of the cluster. The sixth coordination position of the siroheme Fe appears unoccupied and is quite exposed to the solvent. Some possible implications of the proposed structure on the role of the bridged siroheme-Fe4S4 cluster in catalysis are discussed.  相似文献   

S H Han  J F Madden  L M Siegel  T G Spiro 《Biochemistry》1989,28(13):5477-5485
The vibrations of the bound diatomic heme ligands CO, CN-, and NO are investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy in various redox states of Escherichia coli sulfite reductase hemoprotein, and assignments are generated by use of isotopically labeled ligands. For the fully reduced CO complex (ferrous siroheme, reduced Fe4S4 cluster) at room temperature, nu CO is observed at 1904 cm-1, shifting to 1920 cm-1 upon oxidation of the cluster. The corresponding delta FeCO modes are identified at 574 and 566 cm-1, respectively, by virtue of the zigzag pattern of their isotopic shifts. In frozen solution, two species are observed for the cluster-oxidized state, with nu CO at 1910 and 1936 cm-1 and nu FeC at 532 and 504 cm-1, respectively; nu FeC for the fully reduced species is identified at 526 cm-1 in the frozen state. For the ferrous siroheme-NO complex (cluster oxidized), nu NO is identified at 1555 cm-1 in frozen solution and a low-frequency mode is identified at 558 cm-1; this stretching mode is significantly lower than that observed in Mb-NO. For the ferric siroheme cyanide complexes evidence of two ligand-bonding forms is observed, with modes at 451/390 and 451/352 cm-1; they are distinguished by a reversal of the isotopic shift patterns of the upper and lower modes and could arise from a linear and a bent Fe-C unit, respectively. For the ferrous siroheme cyanide complex isotope-sensitive modes observed at 495 and 452 cm-1 are assigned to the FeCN- bending and FeC stretching vibrations, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Escherichia coli NADPH-sulfite reductase can be dissociated into an oligomeric flavoprotein and a monomeric hemoprotein (HP) subunit in 4 M urea. HP catalyzes stoichiometric 6-electron reductions of SO32- (to S2-) and of NO2-, as well as 2-electron reduction of NH2OH, with reduced methyl viologen (MV+) as reductant. While Vmax values are highest with the nitrogenous substrates, Km for SO32- is 2 to 3 orders of magnitude less than the Km for NO2- or NH2OH. EPR spectroscopic and chemical analyses show that HP contains one siroheme and one Fe4S4 center per polypeptide. The heme is in the high spin Fe3+ state in HP as isolated. Near-quantitative reduction of the Fe4S4 center to a state yielding a g = 1.94 type of EPR spectrum by S2O42- and/or MV+ could be achieved if HP was converted to either the CN- or CO complex or treated with 80% dimethyl sulfoxide. HP binds one SO32- or CN- per peptide. Binding of these ligands, as well as CO, appears to be mutually exclusive and to involve the heme. The heme Fe3+/Fe2+ potential is shifted from -340 mV in the free HP to -155 mV in the HP-CN- complex. The potential of the Fe4S4 center is approximately 70 mV more negative in the CN- as opposed to the CO-ligated HP (-420 mV), a result which indicates the presence of heme-Fe4S4-ligand interaction in the HP complexes.  相似文献   

We have employed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy to study the 57Fe hyperfine interactions in the bridged-siroheme [4Fe-4S] cluster that forms the catalytically active center of the two-electron-reduced hemoprotein subunit of Escherichia coli NADPH-sulfite reductase (SiR2-). Previous electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and M?ssbauer studies have shown that this enzyme oxidation state can exist in three distinct spectroscopic forms: (1) a "g = 2.29" EPR species that predominates in unligated SiR2-, in which the siroheme Fe2+ is believed to be in an S = 1 state; (2) a "g = 4.88" type of EPR species that predominates in SiR2- in the presence of small amounts of guanidinium sulfate, in which the siroheme Fe2+ is in an S = 2 state; and (3) a classical "g = 1.94" type of EPR species that is seen in SiR2- ligated with CO, in which the siroheme Fe2+ is in an S = 0 state. In all three species, the cluster is in the [4Fe-4S]1+ state, and two distinct types of Fe site are seen in M?ssbauer spectroscopy. ENDOR studies confirm the M?ssbauer assignments for the cluster 57Fe in the g = 1.94 state, with A values of 37, 37, and 32 MHz for site I and ca. 19 MHz for site II. The hyperfine interactions are not too different on the g = 2.29 state, with site I Fe showing more anisotropic A values of 32, 24, and 20 MHz (site II was not detected).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Escherichia coli pyridine I-oxide reductase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

J T Chen  K Taira  C P Tu  S J Benkovic 《Biochemistry》1987,26(13):4093-4100
The role of Phe-31 of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase in binding and catalysis was probed by amino acid substitution. Phe-31, a strictly conserved residue located in a hydrophobic pocket and interacting with the pteroyl moiety of dihydrofolate (H2F), was replaced by Tyr and Val. The kinetic behavior of the mutant enzymes in general is similar to that of the wild type. The rate-limiting step for both mutant enzymes is the release of tetrahydrofolate (H4F) from the E X NADPH X H4F ternary complex as determined for the wild type. The 2-fold increase in V for the two mutant enzymes arises from faster dissociation of H4F from the enzyme-product complex. The quantitative effect of these mutations is to decrease the rate of hydride transfer, although not to the extent that this step becomes partially rate limiting, but to accelerate the dissociation rates of tetrahydrofolate from product complexes so that the opposing effects are nearly compensating.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase (5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate: NADP+ oxidoreductase, EC was purified from Escherichia coli strains that carried derivatives of the multicopy recombinant plasmid, pJFM8. The results of enzyme kinetic and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis experiments showed that the cloned enzyme is indistinguishable from the chromosomal enzyme. Therefore it can be concluded that these strains are ideal for use as a source of enzyme for further studies on the biochemistry and regulation of this important enzyme. The plasmid derivatives were constructed by recloning experiments that utilized several restriction endonucleases. From the analysis both of these plasmids and the purified dihydrofolate reductase enzymes it was possible to deduce the location and orientation of the dihydrofolate reductase structural gene on the parent plasmid, pJFM8.  相似文献   

The B1 subunit of Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase is coded for by the nrdA gene, of determined structure. Protein B1 contains two types of allosteric binding sites. One type (h-sites) determines the substrate specificity while the other type (l sites) governs the overall activity. The effectors dGTP and dTTP bind only to the h-sites while dATP and ATP bind to both the h- and the l-sites. Protein B1 has been photoaffinity-labeled with radioactive dTTP and dATP using direct UV irradiation. Following tryptic digestion of labeled protein B1 only one peptide labeled with dTTP was found, while several peptides were labeled with dATP. One of the dATP-labeled peptides had chromatographic properties very similar to that labeled with dTTP and this peptide most likely forms part of the h-site of protein B1. Labeling of the l-site could not be conclusively shown since substantial non-specific labeling occurred with dATP. CNBr fragments of dTTP-labeled protein B1 were used to localize the region of nucleotide binding in the deduced primary structure of the nrdA gene. The dTTP label was further localized to a tryptic octapeptide with the sequence Ser-X-Ser-Gln-Gly-Gly-Val-Arg. The labeled amino acid was found at position 2, but the residue itself could not be directly identified. Unexpectedly, this sequence was not found in the earlier reported primary structure of the nrdA gene. However, a recent revised structure of the gene identifies the labeled residue as Cys-289 and fully confirms the rest of the peptide sequence. Thus the present result clearly defines one of the allosteric binding sites in ribonucleotide reductase.  相似文献   

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