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In order to study the mechanism of the glutamate-aspartate translocator, rat liver mitochondria were loaded with either glutamate or aspartate. In the presence of ascorbate plus tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine as an electron donor at the third energy conservation site, exchange of external glutamate for matrix aspartate is highly favored over the reverse exchange. In the absence of an energy source, although the asymmetry of the exchange rates is much smaller, it is still observable. Further studies have shown that the proton uptake accompanying influx of glutamate in exchange for aspartate efflux occurs by protonation of a group on the carrier (pK = 7.9) at the external side of the inner mitochondrial membrane, followed by deprotonation at the matrix surface. It is postulated that glutamate binds to the protonated form of the carrier and aspartate to the deprotonated form. Because of the alkaline pK, aspartate efflux is inhibited with increased matrix [H+] due to limitation of the availability of deprotonated carrier for aspartate binding. For the reverse exchange, aspartate uptake is inhibited by increasing external [H+]. Thus the rate of aspartate uptake by mitochondria is apparently impeded both by a proton motive force (Δp) unfavorable to entry of ions with net negative charge as well as by the small proportion of deprotonated carrier at the outer surface of the membrane. This conclusion is further illustrated by inhibition of the aspartate-aspartate exchange with increased [H+] and by addition of an energy source. The glutamate-glutamate exchange, however, showed a slight stimulation by increased [H+] and was unaffected by the energy state.The model initially proposed for the carrier, in which a neutral glutamate-carrier complex exchanges for a negatively charged aspartate-carrier complex, is tested further. Glutamate uptake was noncompetitively inhibited by external aspartate, which indicates that aspartate and glutamate bind to separate forms of the carrier. Intramitochrondrial glutamate at a concentration of 18 mm, however, had no effect on aspartate efflux. Arrhenius plots for the glutamate-aspartate and aspartate-glutamate exchanges were linear over the range of temperatures tested (1–35 °C and 5–25 °C, respectively) and provided an average value of 14.3 kcal/mol for the energy of activation. In addition, there appear to be two pools, exchangeable and nonexchangeable, of matrix aspartate available to the translocator, since extramitochondrial radiolabeled aspartate can equilibrate only with unlabeled matrix aspartate at low aspartate loading (1–2 nmol of aspartate/mg of protein). The physiological significance of the data is discussed.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane has a central function for the energy metabolism of the cell. The respiratory chain generates a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, which is used to produce ATP by the F1Fo-ATPase. To maintain the electrochemical gradient, the inner membrane represents an efficient permeability barrier for small molecules. Nevertheless, metabolites as well as polypeptide chains need to be transported across the inner membrane while the electrochemical gradient is retained. While specialized metabolite carrier proteins mediate the transport of small molecules, dedicated protein translocation machineries in the inner mitochondrial membrane (so called TIM complexes) transport precursor proteins across the inner membrane. Here we describe the organization of the TIM complexes and discuss the current models as to how they mediate the posttranslational import of proteins across and into the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

The kinetics and mechanism of passive and active proton translocation in submitochondrial vesicles, obtained by sonication of beef heart mitochondria, have been studied.Analysis of the anaerobic release of the protons taken up by submitochondrial particles in the respiring steady state shows that proton diffusion consists of two parallel, apparent first-order processes: a fast reaction which, on the basis of its kinetic properties and response to cations and various effectors, is considered to consist of a proton/monovalent cation exchange; and a slow process which, on analogous grounds, is considered as a single electrogenic flux.The study of the various parameters of the respiration-linked active proton translocation and of the accompanying migration of permeant anions and K+ led to the following conclusions: (i) The oxidoreduction-linked proton translocation is electrogenic. (ii) Cation counterflow is not a necessary factor in the respiration-driven proton translocation. (iii) The membrane potential developed by active proton translocation exerts a coupling with respect to permeant cations and anions. (iv) The respiration-driven proton translocation is secondarily coupled, through the ΔμH component of the electrochemical proton gradient and at the level of a proton-cation exchange system of the membrane, to the flow of K+ and Na+.  相似文献   

The protein transport machinery of the inner mitochondrial membrane contains three essential Tim proteins. Tim17 and Tim23 are thought to build a preprotein translocation channel, while Tim44 transiently interacts with the matrix heat shock protein Hsp70 to form an ATP-driven import motor. For this report we characterized the biogenesis and interactions of Tim proteins. (i) Import of the precursor of Tim44 into the inner membrane requires mtHsp70, whereas import and inner membrane integration of the precursors of Tim17 and Tim23 are independent of functional mtHsp70. (ii) Tim17 efficiently associates with Tim23 and mtHsp70, but only weakly with Tim44. (iii) Depletion of Tim44 does not affect the co-precipitation of Tim17 with antibodies directed against mtHsp70. (iv) Tim23 associates with both Tim44 and Tim17, suggesting the presence of two Tim23 pools in the inner membrane, a Tim44-Tim23-containing sub-complex and a Tim23-Tim17-containing sub-complex. (v) The association of mtHsp70 with the Tim23-Tim17 sub-complex is ATP sensitive and can be distinguished from the mtHsp70-Tim44 interaction by the differential influence of an amino acid substitution in mtHsp70. (vi) Genetic evidence, suppression of the protein import defect of a tim17 yeast mutant by overexpression of mtHsp70 and synthetic lethality of conditional mutants in the genes of Tim17 and mtHsp70, supports a functional interaction of mtHsp70 with Tim17. We conclude that the protein transport machinery of the mitochondrial inner membrane consists of dynamically interacting sub-complexes, each of which transiently binds mtHsp70.  相似文献   

Adriamycin (doxorubicin, AdM) is a potent antineoplastic agent which binds specifically and with high affinity to the acidic phospholipid cardiolipin (CL) [Goormaghtigh et al. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 597, 1]. Duramycin (DM), a polypeptide antibiotic, has been reported to interact selectively with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol [Navarro et al. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 4645]. The selectivity of DM-PE interaction was confirmed. AdM and DM were then used to explore the roles of CL and PE in Ca2+ translocation in a phosphatidylcholine (PC)/PE/CL liposome system modeled on the inner mitochondrial membrane with the following results: (i) AdM (100-400 microM) altered Ca2+ uptake by PC/PE/CL (4/4/1, mol/mol) liposomes in a concentration-dependent fashion which varied with temperature, external Ca2+ concentration, and liposome PE content. (ii) Addition of AdM was qualitatively equivalent to increasing temperature, Ca2+ concentration, or liposome PE content, and cooperative interactions among these parameters were observed. An increase in any one factor generally enhanced Ca2+ uptake; simultaneous increases in several factors inhibited uptake. (iii) Inhibition of Ca2+ uptake was correlated with efflux of Arsenazo III. (iv) Ca2+ uptake by PC/PE/CL liposomes is biphasic [Kester and Sokolove (1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 980, 127]. DM suppressed the PE-dependent slow phase and stimulated the PE-independent initial phase. Ca2+ uptake by PC/PE/CL liposomes in the presence of DM resembled uptake by PC/CL liposomes. These data confirm the ability of PE to enhance the slow, highly temperature-dependent component of CL-mediated Ca2+ translocation and suggest that this process is sensitive to lipid phase behavior.  相似文献   

Electrophysiology of the inner mitochondrial membrane   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The application of electrophysiological techniques to mitochondrial membranes has allowed the observation and partial characterization of several ion channels, including an ATP-sensitive K+-selective one, a high-conductance megachannel, a 107 pS anionic channel and three others studied at alkaline pH's. A reliable correlation with the results of non-electrophysiological studies has been obtained so far only for the first two cases. Activities presumed to be associated with the Ca2+ uniporter and with the adenine nucleotide translocator, as well as the presence of various other conductances have also been reported. The review summarizes the main properties of these pores and their possible relationship to permeation pathways identified in biochemical studies.  相似文献   

M J Selwyn  C L Ng  H L Choo 《FEBS letters》1990,269(1):205-208
Stimulation of the rat liver mitochondrial inner-membrane anion-conducting channel by aeration is dependent on the concentration of Ca2+ ions in the assay medium. Ca2+ activates anion conduction in both aerated and non-energised mitochondria but acts over a wider concentration range and produces a greater increase in anion-conductivity in aerated mitochondria. EGTA reverses Ca2+ stimulation but takes several seconds to act, indicating slow release of Ca2+ from the activation site possibly on the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is suggested that this channel may respond to hormone-induced changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Michael Schlame 《BBA》2021,1862(1):148305
The inner membrane of mitochondria is known for its low lipid-to-protein ratio. Calculations based on the size and the concentration of the principal membrane components, suggest about half of the hydrophobic volume of the membrane is occupied by proteins. Such high degree of crowding is expected to strain the hydrophobic coupling between proteins and lipids unless stabilizing mechanisms are in place. Both protein supercomplexes and cardiolipin are likely to be critical for the integrity of the inner mitochondrial membrane because they reduce the energy penalty of crowding.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are complex organelles with two membranes. Their architecture is determined by characteristic folds of the inner membrane, termed cristae. Recent studies in yeast and other organisms led to the identification of four major pathways that cooperate to shape cristae membranes. These include dimer formation of the mitochondrial ATP synthase, assembly of the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS), inner membrane remodelling by a dynamin-related GTPase (Mgm1/OPA1), and modulation of the mitochondrial lipid composition. In this review, we describe the function of the evolutionarily conserved machineries involved in mitochondrial cristae biogenesis with a focus on yeast and present current models to explain how their coordinated activities establish mitochondrial membrane architecture.  相似文献   

S. Papa  M. Lorusso  F. Guerrieri 《BBA》1975,387(3):425-440
A study is presented of the kinetics and stoichiometry of fast proton translocation associated to aerobic oxidation of components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.

1. 1. Aerobic oxidation of ubiquinol and b cytochromes is accompanied in EDTA particles, obtained by sonication of beef-heart mitochondria, by synchronous proton uptake.

2. 2. The rapid proton uptake associated to oxidation of ubiquinol and b cytochromes is greatly stimulated by valinomycin plus K+, but is unaffected by carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone.

3. 3. 4 gion H+ are taken up per mol ubiquinol oxidized by oxygen. This H+/2e− ratio, measured in the rapid anaerobic-aerobic transition of the particles is unaffected by carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone.

4. 4. In intact mitochondria aerobic oxidation of oxygen-terminal electron carriers is accompanied by antimycin-insensitive synchronous proton release, oxidation of ubiquinol and reduction of b cytochromes. The amount of protons released is in excess with respect to the amount of ubiquinol oxidized.

5. 5. It is concluded that electron flow along complex III, from ubiquinol to cytochrome c, is directly coupled to vectorial proton translocation. The present data suggest that there exist(s) between ubiquinol and cytochrome c one (or two) respiratory carrier(s), whose oxido-reduction is directly linked to effective transmembrane proton translocation.

Abbreviations: FCCP; carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone  相似文献   

Resolution and reconstitution of the inner mitochondrial membrane   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

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