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Raising intact male pigs would have a significant economic impact on the pork industry. However, the presence of skatole (a major cause of boar taint) in meat from intact male pigs could be highly objectionable to consumer. The excessive accumulation of skatole in fat is a major cause of boar taint, and is associated with defective expression of cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP2E1). In pigs, it has been found that CYP2E1 is negatively correlated with accumulation of skatole. The searching for polymorphism of CYP2E1 and the relevant functional analysis would help develop a genetic marker for the selection of pigs with low skatole levels in fat. The aim of this study was to measure the expression pattern of CYP2E1 mRNA in various tissues of the pig, to identify genetic polymorphisms, and to evaluate the functional relevance of polymorphic sites with respect to the skatole level in fat. We show herein that a substitution of G → A at base 1423 of the CYP2E1 gene in the liver causes a significant decrease in the expressed CYP2E1 level. Our data suggest that the G → A substitute might be at least partially responsible for a high level of skatole in pigs. We believe that this is an important step toward the selection of genetic markers for boar taint by lowering fat levels of skatole in fat.  相似文献   

The identification of genetic factors underlying the complex responses of plants to drought stress provides a solid basis for improving drought resistance. The stay-green character in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a post-flowering drought resistance trait, which makes plants resistant to premature senescence under drought stress during the grainfilling stage. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that control premature senescence and maturity traits, and to investigate their association under post-flowering drought stress in grain sorghum. A genetic linkage map was developed using a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) obtained from the cross B35 × Tx430, which were scored for 142 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The RILs and their parental lines were evaluated for post-flowering drought resistance and maturity in four environments. Simple interval mapping identified seven stay-green QTLs and two maturity QTLs. Three major stay-green QTLs (SGA, SGD and SGG) contributed to 42% of the phenotypic variability (LOD 9.0) and four minor QTLs (SGB, SGI.1, SGI.2, and SGJ) significantly contributed to an additional 25% of the phenotypic variability in stay-green ratings. One maturity QTL (DFB) alone contributed to 40% of the phenotypic variability (LOD 10.0), while the second QTL (DFG) significantly contributed to an additional 17% of the phenotypic variability (LOD 4.9). Composite interval mapping confirmed the above results with an additional analysis of the QTL × Environment interaction. With heritability estimates of 0.72 for stay-green and 0.90 for maturity, the identified QTLs explained about 90% and 63% of genetic variability for stay-green and maturity traits, respectively. Although stay-green ratings were significantly correlated (r=0.22, P ≤ 0.05) with maturity, six of the seven stay-green QTLs were independent of the QTLs influencing maturity. Similarly, one maturity QTL (DFB) was independent of the stay-green QTLs. One stay-green QTL (SGG), however, mapped in the vicinity of a maturity QTL (DFG), and all markers in the vicinity of the independent maturity QTL (DFB) were significantly (P ≤ 0.1) correlated with stay-green ratings, confounding the phenotyping of stay-green. The molecular genetic analysis of the QTLs influencing stay-green and maturity, together with the association between these two inversely related traits, provides a basis for further study of the underlying physiological mechanisms and demonstrates the possibility of improving drought resistance in plants by pyramiding the favorable QTLs. Received: 10 October 1998 / Accepted: 12 July 1999  相似文献   

Li W  Gill BS 《Genetics》2002,160(3):1153-1162
The Sh2/A1 orthologous region of maize, rice, and sorghum contains five genes in the order Sh2, X1, X2, and two A1 homologs in tandem duplication. The Sh2 and A1 homologs are separated by approximately 20 kb in rice and sorghum and by approximately 140 kb in maize. We analyzed the fate of the Sh2/A1 region in large-genome species of the Triticeae (wheat, barley, and rye). In the Triticeae, synteny in the Sh2/A1 region was interrupted by a break between the X1 and X2 genes. The A1 and X2 genes remained colinear in homeologous chromosomes as in other grasses. The Sh2 and X1 orthologs also remained colinear but were translocated to a nonhomeologous chromosome. Gene X1 was duplicated on two nonhomeologous chromosomes, and surprisingly, a paralog shared homology much higher than that of the orthologous copy to the X1 gene of other grasses. No tandem duplication of A1 homologs was detected but duplication of A1 on a nonhomeologous barley chromosome 6H was observed. Intergenic distances expanded greatly in wheat compared to rice. Wheat and barley diverged from each other 12 million years ago and both show similar changes in the Sh2/A1 region, suggesting that the break in colinearity as well as X1 duplications and genome expansion occurred in a common ancestor of the Triticeae species.  相似文献   

Crude protein extracts were made from kernels of 12 cultivars each of maize, sorghum and wheat. These preparations were fractionated on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels and subjected to Western blot analyses. Bands corresponding to chitinases and β-glucanases were identified immunologically (Western blots) and on activity gels. Ribosome Inactivating Protein(s) (RIP) and permatins were identified immunologically. In maize, two chitinase bands (25–29 kDa) were seen in all cultivars, and a third band of about 23 kDa was detected in 7 of the 12 cultivars. Two or three β-glucanase bands of sizes between 24 and 36 kDa (probably a mixture of 1,3–β- and 1,3–1,4-β-glucanases) were detected in blots of SDS gels, and one band was detected in activity gels (1,3-β-glucanase). In sorghum, one chitnase band of approximately 29 kDa, and two or three additional bands ranging in size from 21–24 kDa were observed. Only one β-glucanase band was identified, with an estimated molecular weight of 30 kDa. All bands that appeared on Western blots of SDS gels corresponded to bands detected on activity gels. In wheat, one chitmase band of around 20 kDa, one β-glucanase band of about 30 kDa and one RIP band of about 30 kDa were identified. Permatins (molecular weight about 22 kDa) were identified in maize, sorghum and wheat, with the different cultivars having varying amounts of permatins.  相似文献   

粘、易、偏型非1BL/1RS小麦雄性不育系育性恢复性研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
以粘、易、偏型非1BL/1RS不育系ms(kots)-90-110、ms(var)-90-110为母本,一些优良小麦品种(系)为父本,广泛进行测交和育性恢复性分析,结果表明:(1)粘、易、偏型非1BL/1RS不育系不同于相同细胞质背景下1BL/1RS易位型不育系,突出地表现为:不育性稳定,恢复源广泛,高恢复度恢复系在普通小麦中占较大比例,且F1育性变异幅度小,变异系数低,并可将二者视为选择优良恢复系的辅助指标(2)粘、易、偏型非1BL/1RS不育系安全克服了同质1BL/1RS不育系产生单倍体的缺点,不育系和测交F1无单倍体产生;(3)粘、易、偏型非1BL/1RS不育系持有的易恢复性特点,为常规育种的最新成果直接应用于杂种小麦组配强优势组合创造了极有利条件。  相似文献   

MYST histone acetyltransferase 2 (MYST2) is an important reproduction related gene. In this study, we cloned the full-length cDNA sequence of porcine MYST2 gene through the rapid amplification of cDNA ends method. The porcine MYST2 gene encodes a protein of 611 amino acids which shares high homology with the MYST2 of six species: cattle (99%), rabbit (99%), human (99%), rat (99%), mouse (99%) and chicken (98%).The open reading frame of this gene is structured in 15 exons and 14 introns as revealed by computer-assisted analysis. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the porcine MYST2 gene has a closer genetic distance with the MYST2 gene of cattle. PCR-RFLP was established to detect the GU373686:c.2872G > A substitution of porcine MYST2 gene mRNA and association of this mutation with litter size traits was assessed in Large White (n = 200) and Landrace (n = 200) pig populations. Results demonstrated that this polymorphic locus was significantly associated with the litter size of all parities in Large White sows and Landrace sows. These data serve as a foundation for further insight into this porcine gene.  相似文献   

FUT1基因多态性及其与产仔性状的关联性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张引红  周忠孝  曹果清 《遗传》2007,29(1):52-56
采用PCR-RFLP技术6个中外品种共245头猪的FUT1基因进行了研究, 结果表明, Hin 6Ⅰ位点上, 大白猪、长白猪和杜洛克猪3个外来猪种均存在多态, 且以敏感型(GG型和AG型)居多; 山西黑猪、太原花猪和马身猪3个本地猪种的所有检测样品都表现为GG型。用方差分析方法分析FUT1基因型、品种和胎次与产仔性状之间的关系, 基因型和品种对猪的总产仔数的影响显著, 胎次对总产仔数影响不显著。而基因型、品种和胎次对产活仔数影响均不显著。  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain quality, yield components and other traits were investigated in two Sorghum caudatum×guinea recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations. A total of 16 traits were evaluated (plant height, panicle length, panicle compactness, number of kernels/panicle, thousand-kernel weight, kernel weight/panicle, threshing percentage, dehulling yield, kernel flouriness, kernel friability, kernel hardness, amylose content, protein content, lipid content, germination rate and molds during germination and after harvest) and related to two 113- and 100-point base genetic maps using simple (SIM) and composite (CIM) interval mapping. The number, effects and relative position of QTLs detected in both populations were generally in agreement with the distributions, heritabilities and correlations among traits. Several chromosomal segments markedly affected multiple traits and were suspected of harbouring major genes. The positions of these QTLs are discussed in relation to previously reported studies on sorghum and other grasses. Many QTLs, depending on their relative effects and position, could be used as targets for marker-assisted selection and provide an opportunity for accelerating breeding programmes. Received: 14 February 1998 / Accepted: 4 March 1998  相似文献   

Acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 1 (ACOX1) is the first enzyme in peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation; it is rate-limiting and plays a key role in fatty acid metabolism and fat deposition. ACOX1 is an important candidate gene for meat quality selection through marker-assisted selection. Genomic structural analysis showed that bovine ACOX1 shares 86% identity with human ACOX1. Using PCR-SSCP technology, we discovered a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (A1865C) in exon 13 of the ACOX1 gene. Allele frequencies of this SNP were investigated and evaluated with the χ(2) test in 641 cattle populations; only the Jiaxian red population was not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Gene heterozygosity, effective allele numbers and polymorphism information content of the bovine ACOX1 locus in seven populations varied from 0.2778 to 0.4954, 1.3846 to 1.9817 and 0.2392 to 0.3727, respectively. We also looked for a potential association of this SNP with ultrasound traits in 327 individuals and found a significant effect on ultrasound backfat thickness and ultrasound marbling score (P < 0.05). Meat quality traits were analyzed in another 71 Qinchuan individuals to determine associations with genotype. Animals with genotype AA had higher mean values of backfat thickness than those with genotypes AC and CC. A represents the base before mutation and C represents the base after mutation. We conclude that this SNP of the ACOX1 gene has potential as a genetic marker for meat quality traits in cattle reproduction and breeding.  相似文献   

The yellow pigment (YP) of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) semolina is due in part to the presence of carotenoid pigments found in the endosperm and is an important end-use quality trait. Phytoene synthase (Psy) is considered a rate-limiting enzyme in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway and in this study, three alleles of Psy1-A1 were sequenced from four durum wheat cultivars and a co-dominant marker was developed for genetic mapping. Psy1-A1 mapped to chromosome 7AL near Xwmc809 in three durum mapping populations and was significantly associated with a pigment quantitative trait loci (QTL) identified on that chromosome. A second QTL localized 25 cM proximal to Psy1-A1 in two populations, and the interaction between the two QTL was not significant. Consistent with QTL mapping data, the Psy1-A1o allele was associated with elevated pigment in a validation population comprising 93 diverse cultivars and breeding lines. These results confirm an earlier hypothesis that Psy1, and at least one additional gene in the distal region of 7AL, are associated with grain YP differences in durum wheat. The functional co-dominant marker developed in this study differentiates the Psy1-A1 alleles reported here and could be used as a target to enhance YP selection in durum wheat breeding programs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: West African sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) varieties are generally highly photoperiod-sensitive, which is a necessary adaptation to the variable onset date of the rainy season and the variable dates of sowing in the savannah zone. Depending on sowing date, plants can produce from 12 to >40 leaves on the main culm, with height varying from 1 m to more than 5 m. The present study aimed to better understand the complex phenology of these variables. METHODS: A 2-year series of monthly sowings of three West African sorghum varieties was conducted near Bamako, Mali. Drought stress was avoided by supplemental irrigation. Rate of initiation of primordia at the stem apex was recorded, together with rate of leaf emergence and increase in plant height. KEY RESULTS: Leaf initiation and appearance rates (plastochron(-1) and phyllochron(-1)) were constant for a given sowing date in cases where less than 20 leaves were produced (generally observed with late sowing dates). In contrast, rates were bilinear for early sowing dates, for which plants produced more than 20 leaves. The secondary rates, which occurred from the 20th leaf onwards, were only half of the initial rate. Plastochron and phyllochron showed large variations among sowing dates, and were correlated with the rate of plant height increase. The initial plastochron and phyllochron were positively correlated with soil temperature and negatively correlated with both day length and day-to-day change of day length prevailing at plant emergence, but these factors explained only half of the variation observed. CONCLUSIONS: Although they belong to different genetic groups and have different height and photoperiod sensitivity, the three varieties studied exhibited similar response patterns of development rates among phenological phases and seasons, with the local landrace showing the greatest variation due to its longer vegetative phase and longer stem internodes. The possible adaptive advantages in African savannah environments of bilinear development rates and the associated limitation in height increase are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to identify polymorphisms of the CACNA2D1 gene, and to analyze associations between these polymorphisms and mastitis in several cattle breeds. Through PCR-RFLP methods and DNA sequencing, an allelic variant corresponding to the A→G mutations and Aspartic (Asp) to Glycine (Gly) amino acid replacement at positions 526745 in the exon 25 of bovine CACNA2D1 gene could be detected. Two alleles, A and G, and three genotypes, AA, AG and GG were defined. Genetic character in the studied populations indicated that the A526745G loci of CACNA2D1 gene was moderate polymorphism and fitted with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P > 0.05). The effects of CACNA2D1 polymorphisms on somatic cell score (SCS) were analyzed and significant association was found between A526745G and SCS. The mean of genotype GG was significantly lower than those of genotype AG and AA (P = 0.0469). Information provided in this research could be useful in further studies to determine the role of CACNA2D1 gene in the mastitis resistance.  相似文献   

Micronuclei (MN) are used as one of the cytogenetic biomarkers, and intra- and inter-individual variations in this frequency have been reported in human blood lymphocytes. Polymorphisms in a few metabolic enzyme genes seem to account for a proportion of this variability, but the impacts of specific genetic variants on the MN frequency have not yet been clarified. Here, we investigated the relationship between the MN frequency and several gene polymorphisms in 90 healthy Japanese men. The subjects with the CYP2E1(*)3 variant allele had a statistically lower mean MN frequency than subjects with the CYP2E1(*)1/(*)1 wild type. Furthermore, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) of the CYP2E1(*)3 variant with higher MN frequency levels was also significantly lower and calculated to be 0.25 (95% CI 0.07-0.83), when the OR for the subjects with the CYP2E1(*)1/(*)1 wild type was defined as 1.00. These data suggest that the CYP2E1(*)3 polymorphism may have the potential to influence the baseline frequency of MN.  相似文献   

Two hundred and twenty-eight isolates of Vibrio anguillarum serovar O1 (125 isolates) and serovar O2 (103 isolates) have been characterized with regard to plasmid contents, biochemical properties, and in vitro hemagglutination and hydrophobic properties. Among 74 V. anguillarum isolates from diseased fish, 63 carried only a 67-kb plasmid (pJM1), 9 carried an additional 98-kb plasmid, and 1 isolate carried only the 98-kb plasmid. Only one isolate was without plasmids. In V. anguillarum serovar O1 from nondiseased fish (mucus and gills), plasmids of the same sizes were present in 29 isolates (58%), whereas 21 isolates (42%) were plasmid free. Based on hemagglutination and biochemical properties, V. anguillarum serovar O1 isolates were divided into eight biovars. The plasmid-carrying strains (102 isolates) all fell within biovars 1 and 2, whereas the 23 strains of biovars 3 to 8 were without plasmids. It was tentatively concluded there are two populations of V. anguillarum serovar O1. One population contains plasmid(s), is hemagglutination negative and trehalose negative, and does not form pellicles in broth cultures, whereas the other population is plasmid free and has the opposite characteristics. The former group is the one related to disease in fish. All 20 V. anguillarum serovar O2 isolates from the environment were without plasmids, whereas 54 (65%) of the isolates from fish (trout and cod) carried plasmids. The biochemical diversity within serovar O2 was pronounced; 13 different biovars were demonstrated. No correlation between the presence of plasmids and biochemical properties was observed.  相似文献   

Two hundred and twenty-eight isolates of Vibrio anguillarum serovar O1 (125 isolates) and serovar O2 (103 isolates) have been characterized with regard to plasmid contents, biochemical properties, and in vitro hemagglutination and hydrophobic properties. Among 74 V. anguillarum isolates from diseased fish, 63 carried only a 67-kb plasmid (pJM1), 9 carried an additional 98-kb plasmid, and 1 isolate carried only the 98-kb plasmid. Only one isolate was without plasmids. In V. anguillarum serovar O1 from nondiseased fish (mucus and gills), plasmids of the same sizes were present in 29 isolates (58%), whereas 21 isolates (42%) were plasmid free. Based on hemagglutination and biochemical properties, V. anguillarum serovar O1 isolates were divided into eight biovars. The plasmid-carrying strains (102 isolates) all fell within biovars 1 and 2, whereas the 23 strains of biovars 3 to 8 were without plasmids. It was tentatively concluded there are two populations of V. anguillarum serovar O1. One population contains plasmid(s), is hemagglutination negative and trehalose negative, and does not form pellicles in broth cultures, whereas the other population is plasmid free and has the opposite characteristics. The former group is the one related to disease in fish. All 20 V. anguillarum serovar O2 isolates from the environment were without plasmids, whereas 54 (65%) of the isolates from fish (trout and cod) carried plasmids. The biochemical diversity within serovar O2 was pronounced; 13 different biovars were demonstrated. No correlation between the presence of plasmids and biochemical properties was observed.  相似文献   

The full-length cDNA sequence of one porcine gene, ROPN1, was isolated using the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) method based on one pig EST sequence which was highly homologous to the coding sequence of human ROPN1 gene. The porcine ROPN1 gene encodes a protein of 212 amino acids which shares high homology with the rhophilin associated protein 1 (ROPN1) of eight species: gray short-tailed opossum (96%), horse (95%), cattle (94%), mouse (93%), rat (92%), chimpanzee (85%), human (85%) and rhesus monkey (85%). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the porcine ROPN1 gene has a closer genetic relationship with the ROPN1 gene of gray short-tailed opossum. Polymorphism analysis showed that there was a T/C mutation at the position of 536 bp of mRNA and this leaded to the amino acid alteration from the Arg residue to the Cys residue. PCR-Hae III-RFLP was established to detect this T/C mutation and eight pig breeds display obvious genotype and allele frequency differences at this mutation locus. Association of this SNP with litter size traits was assessed in Large White (n = 100) and Landrace (n = 100) pig populations, and results demonstrated that this polymorphic locus was significantly associated with the litter size of first parity (P < 0.01) and all parities (P < 0.05) in Large White sows, and also significantly associated with the litter size of all parities in Landrace sows (P < 0.01). Therefore, ROPN1 gene could be a useful candidate gene in selection for increasing litter size in pigs. These data serve as a foundation for further insight into this novel porcine gene.  相似文献   

We investigated the association of As exposure and genetic polymorphism in glutathione S-transferase π1 (GSTP1) with As metabolism in 190 local residents from the As contaminated groundwater areas in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Total As concentrations in groundwater ranged from <0.1 to 502 μg l(-1). Concentrations of dimethylarsinic acid (DMA(V)), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA(V)), and arsenite (As(III)) in human urine were positively correlated with total As levels in the groundwater, suggesting that people in these areas may be exposed to As through the groundwater. The concentration ratios of urinary As(III)/arsenate (As(V)) and MMA(V)/inorganic As (IA; As(III) + As(V))(M/I), which are indicators of As metabolism, increased with the urinary As level. Concentration and proportion of As(III) were high in the wild type of GSTP1 Ile105Val compared with the hetero type, and these trends were more pronounced in the higher As exposure group (>56 μg l(-1) creatinine in urine), but not in the lower exposure group. In the high As exposure group, As(III)/As(V) ratios in the urine of wild type of GSTP1 Ile105Val were significantly higher than those of the hetero type, while the opposite trend was observed for M/I. These results suggest that the excretion and metabolism of IA may depend on both the As exposure level and the GSTP1 Ile105Val genotype.  相似文献   

C. P. Warren  J. Manfreda 《CMAJ》1980,122(11):1259-1264
Of a random sample of farmers in two crop districts of Manitoba mailed a respiratory questionnaire in 1976, 833 (82% of those currently farming in the area) replied. More than half were grain farmers and nearly half had never smoked cigarettes. The prevalence of chronic cough and phlegm production, wheezing and exertional dyspnea was positively related to the amount of smoking but was also higher than expected in nonsmokers. Acute dyspnea, sometimes of delayed onset and accompanied by fever, was most commonly related to handling old grain and was reported by 44% of the farmers. Current smokers were more susceptible than nonsmokers to this type of dyspnea. Farmers with history of acute dyspnea while handling grain were more likely to wear masks, but the overall rate of mask wearing, even among those at highest risk, was low.  相似文献   

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