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Measurements of littoral vegetation stands and species‐level surveys of associated plant communities were made in channels of the Kissimmee River from 1998 through 2008, a period that spanned channelized, non‐flowing conditions through 7 years of near‐continuous reestablished flow. Dissected by flood control canal C‐38 in 1971, the river was virtually without flow until early 2001, when Phase I of the Kissimmee River Restoration Project (KRRP) reestablished flow to a central section of river channel. This study evaluated the effects of reestablished flow on littoral vegetation in river channels as an indicator of system status and progress toward the project goal of ecological integrity. Predictions of vegetation response to reestablished flow included reduction in the width of vegetation stands, and changes in the growth‐form composition of littoral stands from near‐equal dominance by floating and emergent species to overwhelming dominance by emergent growth forms. Variables included plant cover by species and growth‐form, width of vegetation stands, and vegetated percentage of channel. Under the currently incomplete (interim) status of the KRRP, results for littoral vegetation stands indicate trends in the predicted directions of change, and three of four predicted changes have occurred. Vegetation stand widths decreased substantially and littoral plant communities became heavily dominated by emergent species; BACIPS (before‐after‐control‐impact‐paired series) analyses indicated significant restoration effects for most littoral stand metrics.  相似文献   

采用典型样地法,以金马河流域温江段河岸带草本植物为研究对象,经实地踏查,根据采沙运沙干扰程度及样地具体使用情况,将样地划分为河滩地(未受采沙行为干扰,但后期受人类其他活动影响较大)、砾石地(采沙后经河水水位变化形成)、芦苇地[经运沙的车辆碾压形成,后长满芦苇(Phragmites australis)]、斑茅地[采沙后不再受水位影响的高地部分,后长满斑茅(Saccharum arundinaceum)]、沙坑(采沙后直接形成)5个生境类型,以探究不同生境对河岸带草本植物物种多样性和构件生物量的影响。结果表明:(1)在5个生境类型样地中共记录草本植物113种,隶属32科80属,其中沙坑生境草本植物物种数最多,共计59种,隶属21科46属,物种丰富度高,菊科(Compositae)、禾本科(Gramineae)植物在各样地中均较多。(2)斑茅地、芦苇地物种多样性指数较小,优势度指数较大,均匀度指数较小,群落物种分布极不均匀,集中度与均匀度较差,群落存在极大的不稳定性。(3)河滩地植物构件生物总量最少,斑茅地最多且根、茎干重与其他生境存在显著差异。(4)与其它生境类型相比,沙坑物种多样性丰富,分布均匀,构件生物量较多,其环境有利于河岸带植物生长。  相似文献   

While riverine organisms are adapted to the natural flow regime, it is impractical to fully restore natural flows along most regulated rivers. We propose an alternative with the delivery of downscaled flow regimes that provide the seasonal patterns that are essential for aquatic and riparian ecosystems. The Bridge River in British Columbia provided a novel case study as a downscaled flow regime commenced in 2000 along a reach that had generally experienced no flow for the prior half‐century. The experimental flow delivered a mean discharge of about 3 m3/s, versus the pre‐dam mean of 100 m3/s, with a seasonal pattern that mimicked the natural snowmelt‐dominated pattern. To assess the environmental response, we investigated black cottonwoods, Populus trichocarpa, the dominant riparian trees, in the pre‐flow versus post‐flow intervals, using tree ring interpretation for growth analyses and age determination. Sparse mature trees established prior to the 1948 damming did not show significant growth changes in the pre‐ versus post‐flow intervals. In contrast, younger trees that established closer to the river in the decade prior to 2000 displayed significant growth increases by 2002, and juveniles established after 2000 demonstrated faster initial growth than juveniles established before 2000. Further, bands of cottonwood saplings resulted from seedling recruitment along the new river fringe, particularly in 2002, 2003, and 2004, years with gradual flow recession. These responses demonstrate that a downscaled, seasonal flow regime provided environmental benefit, thereby restoring some river function and resulting in a resized river flanked by narrow and reproducing cottonwood bands.  相似文献   

Riparian zones effectively remove nitrogen (N) from water flowing through riparian soils, particularly in agricultural watersheds. The mechanism of N removal is still unclear, especially the role of vegetation. Uptake and denitrification are the two most commonly studied mechanisms. Retention of groundwater N by plant uptake is often inferred from measurements of N in net incremental biomass. However, this assumes other sources of N are not contributing to the N demand of plants. The purpose of this work was to investigate the relative importance of three sources of available N to riparian trees in a desert stream—input in stream water during floods, input during baseflow, and mineralization of N from soil organic matter. Two approaches were used; a mass balance approach in which the mass of available N from each source was estimated, and a correlational approach in which indexes of each source were compared to leaf N for individual willow trees. Total N from all sources was 396 kg ha−1 y−1, with 172 kg ha−1 y−1 from mineralization, 214 kg ha−1 y−1 from the stream during baseflow, and 9.6 kg ha−1 y−1 from floods. Leaf N was significantly related to N mineralization rates and flood inputs; it was not related to baseflow inputs. We conclude that mineralization is a major source of available N for willow trees, subsidized by input of N from floods. Baseflow inputs are most likely removed by rapid denitrification at the stream–riparian edge, while higher rates of flood supply exceed the capacity of this “filter.” Received 18 January 2001; accepted 15 June 2001.  相似文献   

Flood disturbance and water resource availability vary sharply over time and space along arid‐region rivers and can interact in complex fashion to shape diversity patterns. Plant diversity showed spatial patterning along a topogradient from the floodplain of the San Pedro River (Arizona, USA) to the arid upland, but the patterns shifted temporally as the suite of limiting factors changed. During two of three sampling times, spatial diversity patterns were shaped primarily by gradients of water availability, the regional limiting factor. In the summer dry season, microscale diversity (species richness per 1 m2) and mesoscale diversity (cumulative species and functional types in 20, 1‐m2 plots) of herbaceous plants decreased along the topogradient from floodplain to upland, reflecting the greater water availability on the low surfaces. During a summer wet season with moderate rains and flooding, diversity increased in all hydrogeomorphic zones (floodplain, terrace, upland), but the spatial pattern along the topogradient persisted. Following a very wet winter, patterns along the topogradient reversed: scour from large floods limited diversity on the floodplain and competitive exclusion limited the diversity on undisturbed river terrace, while abundant rains allowed for high microscale diversity in the upland. Disturbance and resource availability thus interacted to influence plant species diversity in a fashion consistent with the dynamic‐equilibrium model of species diversity. In contrast to the microscale patterns, mesoscale diversity of species and functional types remained high in the floodplain during all sampling times, with 58% more plant species and 90% more functional types sampled in low floodplain than arid upland for the year as a whole. Species with a wide range of moisture and temperature affinities were present in the floodplain, and seasonal turnover of species was high in this zone. The floodplain zone of a perennial to intermittent‐flow river thus had greater plant diversity than arid Sonoran Desert upland, as measured at temporal scales that capture seasonal variance in resource and disturbance pulses and at spatial scales that capture the environmental heterogeneity of floodplains. Although periodically limited by intense flood disturbance, diversity remains high in the floodplain because of the combination of moderate resource levels (groundwater, seasonal flood water) and persistent effects of flood disturbance (high spatial heterogeneity, absence of competitive exclusion), in concert with the same climatic factors that produce seasonally high diversity in the region (temporally variable pulses of rainfall).  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, dredge material has been removed from the Illinois River and placed along the main channel border in shallow depths to maintain a 2.7 m deep main channel for commercial navigation. Placement of this material changes the sediment composition from primarily silt/clay to primarily sand, and it buries pre-existing benthic invertebrates. During 1997 and 1998, the benthos of an 125 km reach of the middle Illinois River (La Grange Reach) was studied by extracting 1065 Ponar samples from randomly-selected sites which had never received dredge material, received dredge material one year previous, or received dredge material during the current year. Although total numbers of macroinvertebrates collected was lower in 1998 than in 1997, relative abundances of eight targeted taxa were highly similar between years. Chironimidae were most abundant and comprised >66% of all macroinvertebrates collected both years. Differences in densities of Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, Sphaeriidae, Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774), Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771), Odonata, and Gastropoda among the three classes of dredge material placement were all significant (P< 0.05). For all taxa, densities were highest at sites that had never received dredge material; and, for all taxa except Chironimidae, densities were lowest at sites that received dredge material during the current year. No significant recovery by macroinvertebrates was noticed on dredge areas of this reach after one year (P>0.05). Future operations to maintain a channel for navigation should consider preexisting densities of macroinvertebrate taxa. Because benthic macroinvertebrates are an important component of the food web and shifting sand does not support diverse macroinvertebrate communities, strategic placement of dredge material by avoiding islands or other areas of high macroinvertebrate diversity could improve overall system productivity and biotic integrity of large river-floodplains.  相似文献   

J.-P. Descy 《Hydrobiologia》1993,249(1-3):111-116
A data set on community composition of the phytoplankton of the River Moselle (France) has been used for testing the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). After a short presentation of the ecology of the river and of its phytoplankton, the main changes in composition and diversity of the suspended algal assemblage are described. It is emphasized that discharge fluctuations, related to weather changes, play a key role, but that biotic factors such as grazing and parasitism may also influence diversity in stable summer conditions.  相似文献   

Preservation of biodiversity depends on restoring the full range of historic environmental variation to which organisms have evolved, including natural disturbances. Lotic ecosystems have been fragmented by dams causing a reduction in natural levels of environmental variation (flow and temperature) and consequently a reduction of biodiversity in downstream communities. We conducted a long‐term study of the macroinvertebrate communities before and after natural flood disturbances in an unregulated reference site (natural flows and temperatures), a regulated site (regulated flows and temperatures), and a partially regulated reference site (regulated flows and natural temperatures) on the upper Colorado River downstream from a deep‐release storage reservoir. We aimed to test the hypothesis that floods and temperature restoration would cause an increase in macroinvertebrate diversity at the regulated site. Over the short term, macroinvertebrate richness decreased at the regulated site when compared to pre‐flood levels, whereas total macroinvertebrate density remained unchanged. Over the long term (1 and 10 years after the floods), macroinvertebrate diversity and community structure at the regulated site returned to pre‐flood levels without increasing to reference conditions. Occasional floods did not restore biodiversity in this system. As long as the physical state variables remain altered beyond a threshold, the community will return to its altered regulated condition. However, temperature restoration at the partially regulated site resulted in an increase in macroinvertebrate diversity. Our results indicate that restoration of the natural temperature regime will have a stronger effect on restoring biodiversity than occasional channel‐forming floods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Prescribed fire is used widely to manage grasslands on National Wildlife Refuges and other public lands in the northern Great Plains, but its effects on habitat use or production of wildlife in the region are poorly understood. During 1998–2003, we used point counts to examine effects of prescribed fire on vegetation and passerines in a mixed-grass prairie complex in north-central North Dakota, USA (n = 7 units, each 40–70 ha). Vegetation structure and, to a lesser extent, plant community composition varied with year of study (likely related to changes in annual precipitation) and with number of growing seasons since fire. Fire altered plant structure, especially the amount of residual vegetation, which in turn influenced bird species richness and abundance. The number of indicated pairs for sedge wren (Cistothorus platensis), clay-colored sparrow (Spizella pallida), Le Conte's sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii), Savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), and bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) were lowest during the first postfire growing season but generally increased and stabilized within 2–3 postfire growing seasons. Our results support the premise that grassland passerines are well-adapted to frequent, periodic fires, generally corresponding to those occurring prior to Euro-American settlement of the region. Prescribed fire is important for reducing tree and shrub invasion, restoring biological integrity of plant communities, and maintaining or enhancing populations of grassland-dependent bird species. Managers in the northern mixed-grass prairie region should not be overly concerned about reductions in bird abundances that are limited mostly to the first growing season after fire.  相似文献   

Ecosystem restoration often aims to recreate the physical habitat needed to support a particular life‐stage of a focal species. For example, river channel reconstruction, a common restoration practice along the Pacific coast, is typically used to enhance spawning habitat for adult Chinook salmon, a species experiencing large population declines. These restoration efforts rarely consider, however, that altering spawning habitat could have indirect effects on other life‐stages, such as juveniles, which might occur if, e.g. reconstruction alters the benthic food web. To determine how channel reconstruction impacts benthic macroinvertebrates, juvenile Chinook's primary prey, we conducted two studies at a restoration site in the Merced River, California. We asked (1) has gravel enhancement altered invertebrate assemblages in the restored reach compared with an unrestored reach? and, if so, (2) can shifts in the invertebrate community be explained by increased substrate mobility and by reduced heterogeneity that results from restoration? We show that invertebrate abundance and biomass were lower in the restored reach and that these changes were accompanied by a shift from dominance by filter‐feeding caddisflies (Hydropsyche) in the unrestored reach to grazing mayflies (Baetis) in the restored reach. Using an in situ manipulation, we demonstrated that this trend was driven by increased substrate mobility that reduces the abundance of Hydropsyche and by decreased substrate heterogeneity that reduces the abundance of Baetis. Our studies suggest that geomorphic changes typical of reconstructed rivers can alter food webs in ways that may have important implications for supporting the focal species of restoration efforts.  相似文献   

1. Riparian vegetation in dry regions is influenced by low‐flow and high‐flow components of the surface and groundwater flow regimes. The duration of no‐flow periods in the surface stream controls vegetation structure along the low‐flow channel, while depth, magnitude and rate of groundwater decline influence phreatophytic vegetation in the floodplain. Flood flows influence vegetation along channels and floodplains by increasing water availability and by creating ecosystem disturbance. 2. On reference rivers in Arizona's Sonoran Desert region, the combination of perennial stream flows, shallow groundwater in the riparian (stream) aquifer, and frequent flooding results in high plant species diversity and landscape heterogeneity and an abundance of pioneer wetland plant species in the floodplain. Vegetation changes on hydrologically altered river reaches are varied, given the great extent of flow regime changes ranging from stream and aquifer dewatering on reaches affected by stream diversion and groundwater pumping to altered timing, frequency, and magnitude of flood flows on reaches downstream of flow‐regulating dams. 3. As stream flows become more intermittent, diversity and cover of herbaceous species along the low‐flow channel decline. As groundwater deepens, diversity of riparian plant species (particularly perennial species) and landscape patches are reduced and species composition in the floodplain shifts from wetland pioneer trees (Populus, Salix) to more drought‐tolerant shrub species including Tamarix (introduced) and Bebbia. 4. On impounded rivers, changes in flood timing can simplify landscape patch structure and shift species composition from mixed forests composed of Populus and Salix, which have narrow regeneration windows, to the more reproductively opportunistic Tamarix. If flows are not diverted, suppression of flooding can result in increased density of riparian vegetation, leading in some cases to very high abundance of Tamarix patches. Coarsening of sediments in river reaches below dams, associated with sediment retention in reservoirs, contributes to reduced cover and richness of herbaceous vegetation by reducing water and nutrient‐holding capacity of soils. 5. These changes have implications for river restoration. They suggest that patch diversity, riparian plant species diversity, and abundance of flood‐dependent wetland tree species such as Populus and Salix can be increased by restoring fluvial dynamics on flood‐suppressed rivers and by increasing water availability in rivers subject to water diversion or withdrawal. On impounded rivers, restoration of plant species diversity also may hinge on restoration of sediment transport. 6. Determining the causes of vegetation change is critical for determining riparian restoration strategies. Of the many riparian restoration efforts underway in south‐western United States, some focus on re‐establishing hydrogeomorphic processes by restoring appropriate flows of surface water, groundwater and sediment, while many others focus on manipulating vegetation structure by planting trees (e.g. Populus) or removing trees (e.g. Tamarix). The latter approaches, in and of themselves, may not yield desired restoration outcomes if the tree species are indicators, rather than prime causes, of underlying changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

We used LANDIS, a model of forest disturbance and succession, to simulate successional dynamics of forests in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The simulated environments are based on the Great Smoky Mountains landscapes studied by Whittaker. We focused on the consequences of two contrasting disturbance regimes—fire exclusion versus frequent burning—for the Yellow pine (Pinus L., subgenus Diploxylon Koehne) and oak (Quercus L.) forests that occupy dry mountain slopes and ridgetops. These ecosystems are a conservation priority, and declines in their abundance have stimulated considerable interest in the use of fire for ecosystem restoration. Under fire exclusion, the abundance of Yellow pines is projected to decrease, even on the driest sites (ridgetops, south‐ and west‐facing slopes). Hardwoods and White pine (P. strobus L.) replace the Yellow pines. In contrast, frequent burning promotes high levels of Table Mountain pine (P. pungens Lamb.) and Pitch pine (P. rigida Mill.) on the driest sites and reduces the abundance of less fire‐tolerant species. Our simulations also imply that fire maintains open woodland conditions, rather than closed‐canopy forest. For oaks, fire exclusion is beneficial on the driest sites because it permits oaks to replace the pines. On moister sites (north‐ and east‐facing slopes), however, fire exclusion leads to a diverse mix of oaks and other species, whereas frequent burning favors Chestnut oak (Q. montana Willd.) and White oak (Q. alba L.) dominance. Our results suggest that reintroducing fire may help restore decadent pine and oak stands in the southern Appalachian Mountains.  相似文献   

四川省王朗自然保护区地震干扰后大熊猫栖息地的恢复   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王梦君  李俊清 《生态学报》2008,28(12):5848-5855
四川省王朗自然保护区是大熊猫的重要栖息地,1976年该地区发生了震级为7.2和6.7级地震(松潘-平武大地震),给该地区森林植被造成了不同程度的破坏。通过对地震遗迹的植被调查,研究了地震后不同干扰强度下,恢复群落的物种组成及多样性特征。结果表明:受地震干扰较严重的群落(群落E1)缺失乔木层,在灌木和草本层中主要由阳性先锋物种幼树、幼苗及部分灌木和草本组成;干扰较轻的群落(群落E2)乔木层物种组成与未受破坏的对照原始林(群落F)相似,但还包含部分先锋物种,而在灌木和草本层物种组成上与群落F没有明显差异;群落E1中植物的科、属及种的丰富度显著低于群落E2和群落F,而后两者之间没有显著差异。3种群落类型间的物种组成及多样性差异是由不同的地震干扰强度造成的。  相似文献   

伊洛河河岸带生态系统草本植物功能群划分   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
郭屹立  卢训令  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2012,32(14):4434-4442
植物功能群是对环境有相同响应和对主要生态系统过程有相似作用的组合。伊洛河是黄河中游南岸的一条重要水系,其河岸带生态系统不同生境类型中草本植物优势种变化明显,能较好地反映出植被与环境的动态关系。根据调查结果,结合出现次数和重要值,选取27种优势种进行种间联结及相关性分析。以$2检验为基础,结合联结系数AC和共同出现百分率PC来测定草本层优势种间的联结性,根据优势种间的联结性及其在不同生境中的变化异同,以优势种为主体划分伊洛河河岸带生态系统中草本植物功能群。结果表明,对27种草本植物优势种共划分了5组功能群:"广布型"、"湿生型"、"中旱生型"、"农田逃逸型"和"入侵型"。表明以优势种为主体对伊洛河河岸带生态系统草本植物进行功能群划分可行性高,有较强的代表性。同一功能群物种间表现出显著正联结性,一起出现在同一生境下的几率较大,在长期的生长演化过程中,能够适应相似的资源环境且对干扰有相似的响应。伊洛河河岸带生态系统由于长期的自然和人为干扰,加上外来物种的入侵,河岸带生态系统的生物多样性和生态安全面临着严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

退化农地通过植被恢复能够提高生态系统的固碳能力,但是植被恢复中植物群落特征如何影响生态系统碳储量仍存在不确定性。以农田为对照,选取自然恢复8、15、25、35 a草地为对象,探讨退耕还草地植物群落特征对生态系统碳储量的影响。结果表明:群落盖度随着恢复年限的增加而显著增加,恢复35 a时达到最大值(64.0%),优势种从达乌里胡枝子、赖草、茵陈蒿演变为长芒草、铁杆蒿;禾草类、多年生草本和灌木逐渐成为优势种。Shannon-Weiner指数、Patrick指数均呈先上升后下降的趋势,均在第15年达到最大值。地上植被碳储量和地下植被碳储量在恢复期间呈直线增加的趋势,且均在35 a达最大值,分别为0.83 Mg C/hm2、1.49 Mg C/hm2,而凋落物碳储量在第25年达到最大值,为0.40 Mg C/hm2。土壤碳储量与有机碳含量总体呈先下降后上升的趋势,在第8年达到最低值,在第35年恢复到农田水平之上,占生态系统碳储量的93.3%-99.6%;表层0-10 cm土壤碳储量占0-30 cm碳储量的38.9%-50.3%,呈表聚现象。生态系统碳储量与土壤碳储量趋势一致,即恢复到第8年最低,为24.32 Mg C/hm2,恢复到第35年最高,为43.70 Mg C/hm2。群落盖度、地上生物量、凋落物生物量、禾草、豆科以及多年生植物的重要值与生态系统碳储量呈显著正相关(P<0.05),杂草和一年生植物重要值与生态系统碳储量呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。研究表明植被群落组成的动态变化通过增加植被碳储量和土壤碳储量实现生态系统碳储量的增加,而多年生植物、杂草与禾草的重要值和地下生物量与凋落物生物量是影响生态系统碳储量的重要植被因子。  相似文献   

Changes in structural and compositional attributes of shinnery oak (Quercus havardii Rydb.) plant communities have occurred in the twentieth century. These changes may in part relate to altered fire regimes. Our objective was to document effects of prescribed fire in fall (October), winter (February), and spring (April) on plant composition. Three study sites were located in western Oklahoma; each contained 12, 60 × 30‐m plots that were designated, within site, to be seasonally burned, annually burned, or left unburned. Growing season canopy cover for herbaceous and woody species was estimated in 1997–1998 (post‐treatment). At one year post‐fire, burning in any season reduced shrub cover, and spring burns reduced cover most. Winter and annual fires increased cover of rhizomatous tallgrasses, whereas burning in any season decreased little bluestem cover. Perennial forbs increased with fall and winter fire. Shrub stem density increased with fire in any season. Communities returned rapidly to pre‐burn composition with increasing time since fire. Fire effects on herbaceous vegetation appear to be manifested through increases in bare ground and reduction of overstory shrub dominance. Prescribed fire can be used as a tool in restoration efforts to increase or maintain within and between community plant diversity. Our data suggest that some plant species may require or benefit from fire in specific seasons. Additional research is needed to determine the long‐term effects of repeated fire over time.  相似文献   

The talus slope adjacent to the Niagara River at Niagara Falls (Ontario, Canada) has been severely disturbed over the course of the past century as the area has been increasingly developed for tourism. In addition the lower talus slope is disturbed by periodic ice scour, most recently one year prior to this study. Historical evidence suggests that the original vegetation was similar to that currently found on talus slopes of the Niagara Escarpment, which could, therefore, be used as a reference system and restoration target. The current community structure and physical environment were sampled in 75 randomly placed 1‐×‐1–m quadrats. A total of 137 species were found, of which 62%were aliens. ANOVA showed that species richness, woody debris cover, litter cover, soil depth, and photosynthetically active radiation changed along a gradient perpendicular to the river. Three different sections of the study area whose last severe disturbance dated back 100, 30, and 4 years, respectively, were similar in their physical environment but were significantly different in species richness. Ordinations of species frequencies showed that light levels and distance from the river were the principal gradients controlling the vegetation structure. The species composition of the section last disturbed 100 years ago was different from that of the more recently disturbed sections. Ordination and cluster analysis of the pooled data showed large differences between the Niagara Falls site and reference escarpment talus slopes. Natural escarpment vegetation was much more homogeneous and had more species and fewer aliens. By comparing reference talus with sections of the study area at Niagara Falls that were last disturbed at different times, we conclude that the trajectory of natural succession at Niagara Falls is leading to an alternative state, an urban forest dominated by aliens, and that active restoration will be required to return the talus to its original state.  相似文献   

Human activities such as deforestation, cultivation, and overgrazing have contributed to the destruction of forest ecosystems in the upper Minjiang River basin for a long time, which has led to the reduction in forest coverage and biodiversity. On the Giant Panda Corridor of Tudiling in this basin, the effects of the existing disturbance regimes on plant communities after the vegetation restoration in the 1980s were assessed, and the community composition, the species diversity and their relationships with environmental factors significantly associated with the disturbance were analyzed using the transect sampling method, the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and the detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA). The results were as follows: communities could be classified into six types, and species were clustered into four functional groups (responsive to disturbance, retarded disturbance, resistant to intermediate disturbance, and resistant to heavy disturbance) based on both TWINSPAN and DCCA. DCCA with species composition of plots is similar to that with species diversity of plots. The communities were separated into distinct groups along the DCCA axis, and this pattern was significantly correlated with environmental factors. Elevation differences, shape, slope, distance to roads, and the number of paths in the plots had an evident influence on the distribution of the species and communities. Environmental factors including slope, distance to roads, and the number of paths revealed the gradient of disturbance among the communities along the DCCA axis. High disturbance intensity caused significantly lower species diversity and inhibited the regeneration of vegetation compared with the more diverse undisturbed communities. Artificial restoration was more effective than natural restoration in maintaining high species diversity. The process of succession was inhibited in natural restoration because of the failure of tree establishment, growth, and survival during regeneration.  相似文献   

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