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Sialic acid binding proteins (SAS) of rat uteri have been found in all three stages of the estrous cycle. To study the control of synthesis of these proteins two different animal models were used I-immature female rats (25 d) where the hormones estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) were given separately and together, and II-adult female rats where hormone treatment commenced 14 days after ovariectomy. The data indicated that E2 initiated the synthesis of SAS proteins in the immature animals, while P4 could inhibit SAS synthesis, either given alone or together with E2. However, prior priming of the rat with E2 and subsequent administration of P4 stimulated SAS protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary A variety of designations is currently being used to refer to cellular fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs). Besides from the use of other general names (e.g. Z protein), confusion mostly arises from the application of various abbreviations and symbols to denote the tissue(s) of origin and cellular localization (cytoplasm, plasma membrane) of a specific FABP. In order to minimize confusion a more unified and rational nomenclature is proposed, which is based on application of the formula X-FABPy. The prefix X is a capital letter indicating the tissue of greatest abundance, the suffix Y similarly denotes the (sub)cellular localization of the protein. The general and functional name fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) is preferred for the cellular proteins with the property to bind fatty acids, unless future research reveals that the binding of fatty acids is not the primary biological property or physiological role of (some of) these proteins.  相似文献   

Summary A cytosolic protein, able to facilitate intermembrane movements of phospholipids in vitro, has been purified to homogeneity from sunflower seedlings. This protein, which has the properties of a lipid-transfer protein (UP), is also able to bind oleoyl-CoA, as shown by FPLC chromatography. This finding, in addition to previous observations suggesting that a lipid-transfer protein from spinach leaves can bind oleic acid and that oat seedlings contain a fatty acid-binding protein with similar features than lipid transfer proteins, provides a clear demonstration that plant cells contain bifunctional fatty acid/lipid transfer proteins. These proteins can play an active role in fatty acid metabolism which involves movements of oleyl-CoA between intracellular membranes.Abbreviations FABP Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins - UP Lipid-Transfer Protein - PC Phosphatidylcholine - PI Phosphatidylinositol - PE Phosphatidylethanolamine - pI Isoelectric point  相似文献   

The folding initiation mechanism of human bile acid-binding protein (BABP) has been examined by (19) F NMR. Equilibrium unfolding studies of BABP labeled with fluorine at all eight of its phenylalanine residues showed that at least two sites experience changes in solvent exposure at high denaturant concentrations. Peak assignments were made by site-specific 4FPhe incorporation. The resonances for proteins specifically labeled at Phe17, Phe47, and Phe63 showed changes in chemical shift at denaturant concentrations at which the remaining five phenylalanine residues appear to be fully solvent-exposed. Phe17 is a helical residue that was not expected to participate in a folding initiation site. Phe47 and Phe63 form part of a hydrophobic core region that may be conserved as a site for folding initiation in the intracellular lipid-binding protein family.  相似文献   

The crystal and solution structures of all of the intracellular lipid binding proteins (iLBPs) reveal a common -barrel framework with only small local perturbations. All existing evidence points to the binding cavity and a poorly delimited portal region as defining the function of each family member. The importance of local structure within the cavity appears to be its influence on binding affinity and specificity for the lipid. The portal region appears to be involved in the regulation of ligand exchange. Within the iLBP family, liver fatty acid binding protein or LFABP, has the unique property of binding two fatty acids within its internalized binding cavity rather than the commonly observed stoichiometry of one. Furthermore, LFABP will bind hydrophobic molecules larger than the ligands which will associate with other iLBPs. The crystal structure of LFABP contains two bound oleate molecules and provides the explanation for its unusual stoichiometry. One of the bound fatty acids is completely internalized and has its carboxylate interacting with an arginine and two serines. The second oleate represents an entirely new binding mode with the carboxylate on the surface of LFABP. The two oleates also interact with each other. Because of this interaction and its inner location, it appears the first oleate must be present before the second more external molecule is bound.  相似文献   

Brain-type fatty acid-binding protein (B-FABP) was localized in Kupffer cells of liver of postnatal day 10 (P10) and older mice in immunolight and electron microscopy as well as by in situ hybridization histochemistry. The immunoreaction products were localized in the cytoplasmic matrix but not within the nucleus. After peritoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the immunoreaction for B-FABP decreased markedly in Kupffer cells at 1 h postinjection and thereafter gradually recovered to the preinjection level by 24 h postinjection, although no decrease in the mRNA expression was detected in Northern blotting throughout the course after the injection. The specific localization of B-FABP, but not the other FABPs, in Kupffer cells, and its rapid decrease after LPS injection suggest the intimate involvement of B-FABP in Kupffer cells in the inflammatory reaction, probably through mediation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are strong binders of B-FABP.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to characterize and quantify intestinal fatty acid-binding proteins of the pig. Small intestinal mucosa from 13-19 kg pigs was homogenized and centrifuged to obtain cytosol. Isolation of fatty acid-binding proteins from delipidated cytosol was achieved using molecular sieve, oleic acid affinity, and ion exchange chromatography. Fatty acid-binding protein isolation was monitored using a fatty-acid binding assay in conjunction with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Antisera to rat liver-fatty acid-binding protein cross reacted with an isolated intestinal fatty acid-binding protein of Mr = 13,000, whereas antisera to rat intestine-fatty acid-binding protein was not cross reactive with isolated pig intestinal proteins. These experiments identify a pig intestinal fatty acid-binding protein that exhibits strong immunochemical similarity to rat liver-fatty acid-binding protein. Cytosol prepared from intestinal mucosa of pigs at -4, 2, 4, 7, 15, 22, 28, and 35 d of age was assayed for fatty acid-binding protein activity. Preweaning fatty acid-binding protein activity in cytosol was maximal at 7 days of age when expressed as total jejunal fatty acid binding per kilogram bodyweight, intestinal or mucosal weight or milligram total protein. After weaning (21 d), fatty acid-binding protein activities declined to 28 days, but increased again by 35 days. Total soluble fatty acid-binding protein activity in pig intestine is regulated during postnatal development and this may account in part for the altered intestinal absorption of lipids observed in young pigs at weaning.  相似文献   

Proteins in the intracellular lipid-binding protein (iLBP) family show remarkably high structural conservation despite their low-sequence identity. A multiple-sequence alignment using 52 sequences of iLBP family members revealed 15 fully conserved positions, with a disproportionately high number of these (n=7) located in the relatively small helical region. The conserved positions displayed high structural conservation based on comparisons of known iLBP crystal structures. It is striking that the beta-sheet domain had few conserved positions, despite its high structural conservation. This observation prompted us to analyze pair-wise interactions within the beta-sheet region to ask whether structural information was encoded in interacting amino acid pairs. We conducted this analysis on the iLBP family member, cellular retinoic acid-binding protein I (CRABP I), whose folding mechanism is under study in our laboratory. Indeed, an analysis based on a simple classification of hydrophobic and polar amino acids revealed a network of conserved interactions in CRABP I that cluster spatially, suggesting a possible nucleation site for folding. Significantly, a small number of residues participated in multiple conserved interactions, suggesting a key role for these sites in the structure and folding of CRABP I. The results presented here correlate well with available experimental evidence on folding of CRABPs and their family members and suggest future experiments. The analysis also shows the usefulness of considering pair-wise conservation based on a simple classification of amino acids, in analyzing sequences and structures to find common core regions among homologues.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study in the adult rat heart the effect of modifications of fatty acid (FA) supply on the content of cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABPc). To modify the amount of circulating lipids, three different treatments were chosen: (i) an hypolipidemic treatment with Clofibrate, administered daily through a gastric tube at a dose of 250 mg/kg per day for one week, (ii) a continuous intravenous infusion of 20% Intralipid, a fat emulsion, for one week at a dose of 96 ml/kg per day, and (iii) a normobaric hypoxia exposure (pO2=10%) for three weeks. At the end of each treatment plasma lipids, myocardial H-FABPc content and the activities of three key enzymes (citrate synthase, CS, fructrose-6-phosphate kinase, FPK and hydroxy-acyl CoA-dehydrogenase, HAD) were assessed. With each of the three treatments a decrease of plasma cholesterol and phospholipid levels was observed. Plasma FA concentration increased with Intralipid infusion and decreased with chronic hypoxia. The heart H-FABPc content was increased by 20% with Clofibrate, decreased by 20% with chronic hypoxia and remained unaltered upon Intralipid treatment. The induced changes in H-FABPc content were not related directly to changes in plasma lipid levels. CS activity was slightly decreased in the hypoxia group, FPK activity decreased in the Clofibrate group, and HAD activity decreased in the Intralipid group. Among the various groups heart H-FABPc content was related to HAD activity. In conclusion, the H-FABPc content of adult rat heart appears responsive to changes in plasma lipid levels.  相似文献   

Histochemical techniques, including radioisotope histochemistry, have been used to investigate the nature of the surface carbohydrates at the apex of cells of the luminal epithelium of the rat uterus under various hormonal conditions. Binding of ruthenium red was quantitatively similar in ovariectomized rats without further treatment and in those given three daily injections of progesterone. Ruthenium red binding was significantly lower after 3 days treatment with estradiol, and also after 3 days treatment with progesterone with an additional dose of estradiol on day 3, a regime known to produce an epithelium receptive to the implanting blastocyst. Binding of concanavalin A (con A), whether studied by electron microscope histochemistry after incubation of tissue with con A-horseradish peroxidase, or by light microscope autoradiography after incubation with3H-con A, was not statistically different in any of the four groups of rats. The results with ruthenium red show a reduction in net negative charge of the carbohydrates on the apical cell membrane in conditions permitting implantation: this change is not due to variations in the amounts of the neutral carbohydrates, mannose and glucose, as demonstrated by con A.  相似文献   

The binding of racemic zopiclone (ZOP) and of its two enantiomers to plasma proteins, albumin and α1‐acid glycoprotein were compared. Our work shows that the binding of ZOP to human plasma proteins is stereoselective. The total plasma protein binding percentages were 79.3 ± 5.5%, 83.8 ± 5.2%, and 75.1 ± 2.1%, for racemic zopiclone, (−)zopiclone and (+)zopiclone, respectively. These results were confirmed by the analysis of samples obtained from healthy volunteers after the oral administration of ZOP. The anticoagulant used for sampling was also shown to have an influence on the percentage binding and on its stereoselectivity. Considering albumin and α1‐acid glycoprotein separately, stereoselectivity was also observed. Chirality 11:129–132, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sialoadhesin is a macrophage-restricted cell surface receptor, consisting of 17 immunoglobulin domains, which mediates cell adhesion via the recognition of specific sialylated glycoconjugates. A functional fragment of sialoadhesin, comprising the N-terminal immunoglobulin domain, has been expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells as both native (SnD1) and selenomethionyl (Se-SnD1) stop protein. The successful production of 86% selenomethionine-incorporated protein represents a rare example of production of selenium-labeled protein in mammalian cells. SnD1 and Se-SnD1 have been crystallized in the absence of ligand, and SnD1 has also been crystallized in the presence of its ligand 2,3 sialyllactose. The ligand-free crystals of SnD1 and Se-SnD1 were isomorphous, of space group P3(1)21 or P3(2)21, with unit cell dimensions a = b 38.9 A,c = 152.6 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees, and diffracted to a maximum resolution of 2.6 A. Cocrystals containing 2,3 sialyllactose diffracted to 1.85 A at a synchrotron source and belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 40.9 A, b = 97.6 A,c = 101.6 A, alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the effects of Efamol evening primrose oil (EPO) on fatty acid-binding proteins (L-FABP) of rat liver. EPO contains 72% cis-linoleic acid and 9% cis-gamma linolenic acid. EPO has been clinically used for treatment of a number of diseases in humans and animals. EPO is also known to lower cholesterol level in humans and animals. Feeding of an EPO supplemented diet to rats (n = 9) for 2 months decreases the oleate binding capacity of purified L-FABP of rat liver whereas the palmitate binding activity was increased by 38%. However, EPO feeding did not alter the L-FABP concentrations significantly as measured by using the fluorescence fatty acid probe, dansylamino undecanoic acid. Endogenous fatty acid analysis of L-FABPs revealed significant qualititative and quantitative changes in fatty acid pattern after EPO feeding. EPO feeding decreased the endogenous palmitate level by 53% and oleate level by 64% in L-FABPs and also EPO feeding decreased the total endogenous fatty acid content from 62 nanomole per mg of protein to 42 nanomole per mg of L-FABP (n = 3).  相似文献   

Freeze fracture techniques have been used to study the apical membrane of cells of the luminal epithelium of the rat uterus under various hormonal regimes. In the ovariectomized but otherwise untreated rat, intramembranous particles (IMPs) occur at a density of 1395±122 per μm2; they appeared spherical and uniformly distributed. After 3 days treatment with estrogen, no change in appearance or density was found, but 3 days of progesterone treatment produced a significant increase in IMP density to 1622±104. Treatment with progesterone, with an additional dose of estrogen on day 3, is known to produce an epithelium receptive to the implanting blastocyst. In these conditions, the IMP density rose to 3818±337; rod-shaped particles and aggregations of IMPs were seen, and some particle arrays resembling gap junctions, in addition to the isolated spherical particles.  相似文献   

R.J.W. De Wit 《FEBS letters》1982,150(2):445-448
Folic acid is degraded too fast by Dictyostelium discoideum to study binding of this ligand to cell surface binding proteins. Folate deaminase activity was inhibited in the presence of 3.3 × 10−4 M 8-azaguanine. This inhibitor enabled us to detect two folate binding proteins. One type bound folic acid and deamino-folic acid with the same affinity (K0.5 = 3–6 × 10−7 M) and apparently negative cooperativity. Binding to only this type was observed if 8-azaguanine was omitted. The second type bound folic acid noncooperatively with Kd = 7 × 10−7 M. Deamino-folic acid did not compete even at a 1000-fold excess. This type may correspond to the chemotactic receptor.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a clinically important classic acute phase pentameric protein. It is thought to play an important role in immunomodulation. Earlier reports convincingly demonstrated that human CRP is differentially glycosylated in different pathological conditions. Although CRP is considered to be a clinically important molecule, changes in binding characteristics with appropriate ligands with respect to glycosylation remain unexplored. In an effort to demonstrate that these glycosylated molecular variants are capable of modulating their binding activity with different ligands, CRPs were affinity purified from six different clinical samples. Variable amounts of linkage-specific sialic acid derivatives were found in these CRPs with varying tryptophan contents. Differential binding patterns with antibodies against human CRP, human IgG, and other ligands like fibronectin, fetuin, and asialofetuin indicated that the purified CRPs differed significantly in their lectin-like interactions. Thus, we have convincingly demonstrated that differentially induced CRPs exhibited variable binding characteristics. These results may have far reaching practical applications for understanding acute phase responses. Published in 2004..  相似文献   

The family of the liver bile acid-binding proteins (L-BABPs), formerly called liver basic fatty acid-binding proteins (Lb-FABPs) shares fold and sequence similarity with the paralogous liver fatty acid-binding proteins (L-FABPs) but has a different stoichiometry and specificity of ligand binding. This article describes the first X-ray structure of a member of the L-BABP family, axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) L-BABP, bound to two different ligands: cholic and oleic acid. The protein binds one molecule of oleic acid in a position that is significantly different from that of either of the two molecules that bind to rat liver FABP. The stoichiometry of binding of cholate is of two ligands per protein molecule, as observed in chicken L-BABP. The cholate molecule that binds buried most deeply into the internal cavity overlaps well with the analogous bound to chicken L-BABP, whereas the second molecule, which interacts with the first only through hydrophobic contacts, is more external and exposed to the solvent.  相似文献   

Summary Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABP) are distinct but related gene products which are found in many mammalian cell types. They are generally present in high abundance, and are found in those tissues where free fatty acid (ffa) flux is high. The function(s) of FABP is unknown. Also not known is whether all FABP function similarly in their respective cell types, or whether different FABP have unique functions. The purpose of these studies was to assess whether different members of the FABP family exhibit different structural and functional properties. Two fluorescent analogues of ffa were used to compare the liver (L-FABP) and heart (H-FABP) binding proteins. The propionic acid derivative of diphenylhexatriene (PADPH) was used to examine the physical properties of the ffa binding site on L- and H-FABP, as well as the relative distribution of ffa between FABP and membranes. An anthroyloxy-derivative of palmitic acid, 2AP, was used to monitor the transfer kinetics of ffa from liver or heart FABP to acceptor membranes, using a resonance energy transfer assay. The results demonstrate that the ffa binding sites of both FABP are hydrophobic in nature, although the L-FABP site is more nonpolar than the H-FABP site. Equilibration of PADPH between L-FABP and phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers resulted in a molar partition preference of > 20: 1, L-FABP : PC. Similar studies with H-FABP resulted in a PADPH partition preference of only 3:1, H-FABP : PC. Finally, the transfer of 2AP from H-FABP to acceptor membranes was found to be 50-fold faster than transfer from L-FABP. These studies demonstrate that important structural and functional differences exist between different members of the FABP family, and therefore imply that the roles of different FABP may be unique.Abbreviations FABP Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - L-FABP Liver FABP - H-FABP Heart FABP - SUV Small Unilamellar Vesicle - PADPH 3-[p-(6-Phenyl)-1,3,5-Hexatrienyl]-phenylpropionic acid - 2AP 2-(9-Anthroyloxy)Palmitic acid - Q Quantum yield - F Fluorescence lifetime  相似文献   

Studies on the reproductive mechanisms of the squirrel monkey have been hampered by inadequate measurements of luteinizing hormone (LH). The mouse interstitial cell bioassay, which measures testosterone production as the endpoint, was validated for use in the squirrel monkey by parallel responses of serum to LH standards and by in vivo responses to an LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) analogue. The LH surge profile, as determined by daily blood sampling, was found to be of 1–2 days duration and comparable in amplitude to those of other primates. A 9.7-day ovulatory cycle length was also calculated and was similar to previous estimates based on other hormonal and behavioral methods. A 150-fold decrease in basal LH was found in the nonbreeding season, as was a decreased LHRH response. This assay makes possible future studies on hypothalamic-ovarian mechanisms in this species.  相似文献   

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