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Increased vascular permeability was induced by prostaglandin E2 (PGE1), arachidonic acid and compound 48/80 in male rats. Natural ACTH in a dose-dependent manner inhibited Evans blue exudation elicited by arachidonic acid or compound 48/80, however, it was ineffective against PGE1. ACTH4--10 (d-Phe7 and 1-Phe7) injected together with the prophlogistic agents depressed the arachidonic acid and compound 48/80 induced vascular reaction. Indomethacin pretreatment inhibited the effect of arachidonic acid on vascular permeability suggesting that arachidonic acid evoked its vascular activity by means of affecting the endogenous synthesis of prostaglandins and, on the other hand, the prostaglandin system played a role in the vascular permeability inducing effect of compound 48/80. ACTH4--10 peptide fragments free of steroidogenic action and natural ACTH inhibited locally the in vivo formation of PGS from arachidonic acid in the rat skin, resulting in a nonspecific decrease of local inflammation.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 1 (FGF-BP1 is BP1) is involved in the regulation of embryonic development, tumor growth, and angiogenesis by mobilizing endogenous FGFs from their extracellular matrix storage. Here we describe a new member of the FGF-BP family, human BP3. We show that the hBP3 protein is secreted from cells, binds to FGF2 in vitro and in intact cells, and inhibits FGF2 binding to heparin. To determine the function of hBP3 in vivo, hBP3 was transiently expressed in chicken embryos and resulted in > 50% lethality within 24 h because of vascular leakage. The onset of vascular permeability was monitored by recording the extravasation kinetics of FITC-labeled 40-kDa dextran microperfused into the vitelline vein of 3-day-old embryos. Vascular permeability increased as early as 8 h after expression of hBP3. The increased vascular permeability caused by hBP3 was prevented by treatment of embryos with PD173074, a selective FGFR kinase inhibitor. Interestingly, a C-terminal 66-amino acid fragment (C66) of hBP3, which contains the predicted FGF binding domain, still inhibited binding of FGF2 to heparin similar to full-length hBP3. However, expression of the C66 fragment did not increase vascular permeability on its own, but required the administration of exogenous FGF2 protein. We conclude that the FGF binding domain and the heparin binding domain are necessary for the hBP3 interaction with endogenous FGF and the activation of FGFR signaling in vivo.  相似文献   

A single dose (3 microg) beta-endorphin was administered to newborn female and male rats (hormonal imprinting). In adult age (at 5 months) sexual behavior, steroid hormone binding capacity and brain serotonin content was studied. Females' sexual activity (lordosis quotient) significantly decreased and more animals protested against mounting (ratio of kicking and crying 21/24 vs. 8/24; p < 0.001). Males' sexual activity did not change, however more males were aggressive (4/10 vs. 1/10). Uterine estrogen receptor density significantly increased and affinity decreased. There was no change in the binding capacity of thymic glucocorticoid receptors. In the brain, five regions were studied for serotonin content. There was a gender difference in serotonin level and the intragroup differences were also high. In the endorphin treated males the serotonin level was significantly lower than in the controls. In the endorphin treated females the intragroup scattering has been significantly reduced. Nociceptin content of the cerebrospinal fluid was not changed. The experiments call attention to the possibility of adjustment of sexual and behavioral sphere by the individually different endorphin surge during labor.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that papaverine, a drug commonly used in studies of transvascular fluid and solute exchange to eliminate confounding effects of changes in vascular tone, may itself increase vascular permeability. In this study, we determined the ability of papaverine to alter pulmonary vascular protein permeability by measuring the osmotic reflection coefficient (sigma) for total proteins in a canine isolated perfused left lower lung lobe (LLL) preparation. The reflection coefficient, determined by the hematocrit-protein double-indicator technique, for control LLL's was 0.83 +/- 0.04 (SE) (n = 7). In separate groups of LLL's, blood papaverine HCl concentrations of 10(-5), 10(-4), and 10(-3) M resulted in sigma's of 0.84 +/- 0.02 (n = 6), 0.73 +/- 0.04 (n = 7), and 0.53 +/- 0.04 (n = 6), respectively. When two LLL's from the 10(-4) M group with sigma's of 0.56 and 0.57 were excluded from the analysis, the average sigma for this group was 0.79 +/- 0.02. We conclude that papaverine increases protein permeability at a concentration of 10(-3) M but does so in only some lobes at 10(-4) M. These results suggest that caution be taken when using high concentrations of papaverine in fluid balance studies.  相似文献   

The effects of bovine beta-casomorphin(1-7) (Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro-Ile) on neonatal sleep in rats were studied. The pups received intraperitoneal injections of beta-casomorphin(1-7) (1 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg/kg) or a corresponding volume of sodium chloride. In any of the doses used, beta-casomorphin(1-7) had no effect on waking. Only 100 mg/kg caused significant changes in sleep: the percentage of quiet state of the total recording time (TRT) increased and the percentage of active sleep decreased. Beta-casomorphin(1-7) did not cause significant respiratory depression. Naloxone pretreatment (1 mg/kg IP) reversed the effects of beta-casomorphin(1-7) on sleep, a finding which suggests that opiate mu-receptors are involved in mediating the sleep effects of beta-casomorphin.  相似文献   

The effect of small negative air ions on the emotional behavior and brain serotonin content of isolated rats was studied. The results indicate that isolated subjects were more reactive to handling and had larger levels of serotonin than did isolated subjects undergoing continuous ion treatment. Group housed subjects were less reactive to handling than were either isolated subjects or isolated subjects intermittently exposed to ions. Thus ions were effective in reducing both emotionality and serotonin. Only continuous ion treatment was effective.
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung kleiner negativer Luftionen auf das Verhalten und den Serotoningehalt des Gehirns wurde an isolierten Ratten untersucht. Isolierte Tiere reagierten im Verhalten auf Ergreifen mit der Hand stärker und der Serotoningehalt war höher als bei gleich isolierten Tieren, die zusätzlich intermittierend Luftionen ausgesetzt waren. Durch Luftionen konnte danach die Emotionalität und der Serotoninspiegel herabgesetzt werden.

Resume On étudie ici les répercussions de petits ions négatifs de l'air sur le comportement et le taux de sérotonine du cerveau de rats isolés. Les bêtes isolées réagissent plus violemment lorsqu'on les saisit à la main et leur taux de sérotonine est plus élevé que chez des bêtes, isolées également, mais auxquelles on a donné à respirer par intermittence des ions négatifs. Par conséquent, l'adjonction d'ions à l'air respiré a permis d'abaisser aussi bien l'impressionnabilité que le taux de sérotonine.



Perinatal brain injury is the leading cause of subsequent neurological disability in both term and preterm baby. Glutamate excitotoxicity is one of the major factors involved in perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Glutamate transporter GLT1, expressed mainly in mature astrocytes, is the major glutamate transporter in the brain. HIE induced excessive glutamate release which is not reuptaked by immature astrocytes may induce neuronal damage. Compounds, such as ceftriaxone, that enhance the expression of GLT1 may exert neuroprotective effect in HIE.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II vascular receptors in fetal and neonatal rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Specific binding sites for angiotensin II in aorta and renal arteries have been studied in rat fetuses (18th day of pregnancy) and 1-day-old newborn rats by binding studies in arterial membranes using [125I] ileu-5-angiotensin II. One type of angiotensin receptor was found both in fetuses and in the newborns; the capacity of this (RT) decreased immediately after birth (from 0.06 +/- 0.01 nM to 0.02 +/- 0.005 nM; +/- SEM) and the affinity (Kd) increased at birth (from 3.5 +/- 0.6 nM to 19.5 +/- 1.2 nM; +/- SEM). Localization of the specific binding sites was studied by autoradiography on arteries from fetal and newborn rats either perfused with iodinated angiotensin II by cannulation of the aorta or in vitro on cryostat sections incubated with the radioactive angiotensin II. Both in fetuses and in the newborn the binding sites were located in the tunica media of the arteries.  相似文献   

Small (40-60 nm in diameter) and large (300-350 nm) negative vesicles were complexed with a cationic polypeptide, poly-L-lysine (PL). Laser microelectrophoresis experiments showed that in small vesicles rendered anionic with the addition of cardiolipin (CL(2-)), only the CL(2-) in the outer leaflet is involved in the complexation with PL. Calorimetric and other data demonstrate that the binding of PL to the membrane surface causes domains ("rafts") of CL(2-) to form in the outer leaflet, and it is these domains that electrostatically bind the polymer. The kinetics of transmembrane permeation of doxorubicin (Dox, a fluorescent anti-tumor drug) was monitored with and without PL binding to the outer surface of the vesicles. It was found that PL mediates the permeation of Dox into the vesicle interior. In the absence of PL, the Dox molecule (possessing an amino group of pK(a)=8.6) binds to the anionic vesicles in the protonated form and, consequently, suffers an impaired mobility through the membrane. On the other hand, when the PL covers the vesicle surface, Dox passes though the membrane with greater ease. The effects of salt and polyanion on the stability of PL-vesicle complexes and the PL-mediated Dox permeation are also discussed.  相似文献   

Single neonatal treatment (imprinting) with 20 microg benzpyrene results in significant increase of the brain serotonin level in the striatum, while in the other four regions (cortex, brainstem, hippocampus, hypothalamus) when measured in adults can be detected. The nocistatin level of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) significantly decreases, while there is no change in the plasma nocistatin level. The results call attention to the comprehensive imprinting effect of benzpyrene, which in addition to receptorial, hormonal and sexual behavioral disturbances causes lasting differences in the brain serotonin and nocistatin levels, probably influencing mood and pain tolerance.  相似文献   

V F Myslitski? 《Ontogenez》1989,20(3):327-331
Newborn female rats were androgenized, and the reaction of neurons of brain septum on excessive quantity of exogenous androgens, introduced during so-called "crucial" period of formation of centers of gonadotropic regulation of sexual cycles, has been studied in 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, and 60 days old animals. Morphometry of brain septum cell nuclei revealed that most neuron nuclei shrink after androgenization. Monoamine content was significantly increased in septum nuclei of experimental animals. Neonatal androgenization led to the increased capacity of septal complex neurons to bind 3H-estradiol and to the decreased 3H-testosterone binding. The data obtained suggest that the brain septum neurons of female rats depend on sex steroids, particularly during "crucial" period of development.  相似文献   

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