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Shuji Noguchi 《Biopolymers》2010,93(11):1003-1010
Under physiological conditions, the deamidation and isomerization of asparagine to isoaspartate (isoAsp) proceeds nonenzymatically via succinimide. Although a large number of proteins have been reported to contain isoAsp, information concerning the three‐dimensional structure of proteins containing isoaspartate is still limited. We have crystallized isoAsp containing Ustilago sphaerogena ribonuclease U2B, and determined the crystal structure at 1.32 Å resolution. The structure revealed that the formation of isoAsp32 induces a single turn unfolding of the α‐helix from Asp29 to Asp34, and the region from Asp29 to Arg35 forms a U‐shaped loop structure. The electron density map shows that isoAsp32 retained the L‐configuration at the Cα atom. IsoAsp32 is in gauche conformation about a Cα? Cβ bond, and the polypeptide chain bends by ~90° at isoAsp32. IsoAsp32 protrudes from the surface of the protein, and the abnormal β‐peptide bond in the main‐chain and α‐carboxylate in the side‐chain is fully exposed. The structure suggests that the deamidation of the Asn and the isoAsp formation in proteins could confer immunogenicity. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 1003–1010, 2010.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins play a large variety of functions in life and represent 30% of all genomes sequenced. Due to their hydrophobic nature, they are tightly bound to their biological membrane, and detergents are always required to extract and isolate them before identification by mass spectrometry (MS). The latter, however remains difficult. Peptide mass fingerprinting methods using techniques such as MALDI-TOF MS, for example, have become an important analytical tool in the identification of proteins. However, PMF of membrane proteins is a real challenge for at least three reasons. First, membrane proteins are naturally present at low levels; second, most of the detergents strongly inhibit proteases and have deleterious effects on MALDI spectra; and third, despite the presence of detergent, membrane proteins are unstable and often aggregate. We took the mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) as a model and showed that differential acetonitrile extraction of tryptic peptides combined with the use of polystirene Bio-Beads triggered high resolution of the MALDI-TOF identification of mitochondrial membrane proteins solubilized either with Triton-X100 or CHAPS detergents.  相似文献   

Protein abundance changes during disease or experimental perturbation are increasingly analyzed by label-free LC/MS approaches. Here we demonstrate the use of LC/MALDI MS for label-free detection of protein expression differences using Escherichia coli cultures grown on arabinose, fructose or glucose as a carbon source. The advantages of MALDI, such as detection of only singly charged ions, and MALDI plate archiving to facilitate retrospective MS/MS data collection are illustrated. MALDI spectra from RP chromatography of tryptic digests of the E. coli lysates were aligned and quantitated using the Rosetta Elucidator system. Approximately 5000 peptide signals were detected in all LC/MALDI runs spanning over 3 orders of magnitude of signal intensity. The average coefficients of variation for all signals across the entire intensity range in all technical replicates were found to be <25%. Pearson correlation coefficients from 0.93 to 0.98 for pairwise comparisons illustrate high replicate reproducibility. Expression differences determined by Analysis of Variance highlighted over 500 isotope clusters ( p < 0.01), which represented candidates for targeted peptide identification using MS/MS. Biologically interpretable protein identifications that could be derived underpin the general utility of this label-free LC/MALDI strategy.  相似文献   

Selective deamidation of Asn67 of RNase A to beta-Asp67 and Asp67 residues at neutral pH initially produces greater amounts of the beta-Asp derivative. As the reaction proceeds the relative concentration of [Asp67]-RNase A increases and, at equilibrium, becomes predominant. Such a discrepancy between the kinetic and thermodynamic control on reaction products is discussed in light of information from X-ray three-dimensional analysis and the lower thermodynamic stability of the beta-Asp derivative relative to the parent enzyme.  相似文献   

The rates of deamidation of Asn and Gln residues in peptides and proteins depend upon both the identity of other nearby amino acid residues, some of which can catalyze the deamidation reaction of the Asn and Gln side chains, and upon polypeptide conformation. Proximal amino acids can be contiguous in sequence or brought close to Asn or Gln side chains by higher order structure of the protein. Local polypeptide conformation can stabilize the oxyanion transition state of the deamidation reaction and also enable deamidation through the beta-aspartyl shift mechanism. In this paper, the environments of Asn and Gln residues in known protein structures are examined to determine the configuration and identity of groups which participate in deamidation reactions. Sequence information is also analyzed and shown to support evolutionary selection against the occurrence of certain potentially catalytic amino acids adjacent to Asn and Gln in proteins. This negative selection supports a functional role for deamidation in those non-mutant proteins in which it occurs.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies are subjected to a wide variety of post-translational modifications (PTMs) that cause structural heterogeneity. Characterization and control of these modifications or quality attributes are critical to ensure antibody quality and to define any potential effects on the ultimate safety and potency of antibody therapeutics. The biopharmaceutical industry currently uses numerous tools to analyze these quality attributes individually, which requires substantial time and resources. Here, we report a simple and ultrafast bottom-up liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (uLC-MS) method with 5 min tryptic digestion to simultaneously analyze multiple modifications, including oxidation, deamidation, isomerization, glycation, glycosylation, and N-terminal pyro-glutamate formation, which can occur during antibody production in mammalian cell culture, during purification and/or on storage. Compared to commonly used preparation procedures, this uLC-MS method eliminates assay artifacts of falsely-increased Met oxidation, Asp isomerization, and Asn deamidation, a problem associated with long digestion times in conventional LC-MS methods. This simple, low artifact multi-attribute uLC-MS method can be used to quickly and accurately analyze samples at any stage of antibody drug development, in particular for clone and media selection during cell culture development.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our group have shown that the analyte signal in a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) experiment is strongly influenced by the binding interactions between the target surface and the analyte. Specifically, the analyte signal increases with decreases in surface binding affinity, which has been attributed to more unbound analyte being available for incorporation within the MALDI matrix. In this work, polyethylene glycol (PEG) was chemically grafted onto a polyurethane (PU) film to produce a MALDI target having reduced surface-protein binding affinity, and the effect of this modification on protein MALDI ion signals was investigated. The proteins myoglobin, lysozyme, and albumin were used to evaluate the PEG PU modified target as compared with a PU target and a commercial stainless steel target. It is shown that there are enhancements in the protein MALDI ion signals on the PEG PU modified target and that the limit of detection for these proteins is decreased by a factor of 2 to 6 in comparison with the unmodified PU and the commercial stainless steel targets.  相似文献   

Direct MALDI-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) profiling of tissue lipids often observes isobaric phosphatidylcholine (PC) species caused by the endogenous alkali metal ions that bias the relative abundance of tissue lipids. Fresh rat brain cryosections were washed with 70% etha­nol (EtOH), water (H2O), or 150 mM ammonium acetate (NH4Ac), and the desalting effectiveness of each fluid was evaluated by MALDI-MS profiling of PC and sphingomyelin (SM) species in tissue and in the washing runoff. The results indicated that EtOH and H2O only partially desalted the tissue lipids, yet both substantially displaced the tissue lipids to the washing runoffs. On the other hand, NH4Ac effectively desalted the tissue lipids and produced a runoff containing no detectable PCs or SMs. NH4Ac wash also unveiled the underlying changes of PCs and SMs in the infarcted rat cortex previously masked by edema-caused increase of tissue sodium. The MS/MS of an isobaric PC in the infarcted cortex revealed the precursor change as the result of NH4Ac wash and confirmed the desalting effectiveness of such wash. Other than desalting, NH4Ac wash also removes contaminants in tissue, enhances the overall spectral quality, and benefits additionally in profiling of biological molecules in tissue.  相似文献   

It is shown that AcSDKP a new regulator of the hematopoietic system can be generated from thymosin beta 4 by a one-step enzymatic cleavage in vitro and in vivo. AcSDKP and T beta 4 were both detected in bone marrow cells (BMC). Incubation of [3H]T beta 4 with either intact or lysed BMC led to the formation of [3H]AcSDKP whereas the labelled tetrapeptide was not degraded under these conditions. Model enzymatic degradation of T beta 4 carried out with bacterial enzymes suggests that a mammalian endoproteinase Asp-N might be involved in the formation of AcSDKP through the specific cleavage of the 4Pro-5 Asp peptide bond of T beta 4.  相似文献   



In mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomic data analysis, peak detection is an essential step for subsequent analysis. Recently, there has been significant progress in the development of various peak detection algorithms. However, neither a comprehensive survey nor an experimental comparison of these algorithms is yet available. The main objective of this paper is to provide such a survey and to compare the performance of single spectrum based peak detection methods.  相似文献   

Molecular imaging of tissue by MALDI mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for visualizing the spatial distribution of constituent analytes with high molecular specificity. Although the technique is relatively young, it has already contributed to the understanding of many diverse areas of human health. In recent years, a great many advances in the practice of imaging mass spectrometry have taken place, making the technique more sensitive, robust, and ultimately useful. The purpose of this review is to highlight some of the more recent technological advances that have improved the efficiency of imaging mass spectrometry for clinical applications. Advances in the way MALDI mass spectrometry is integrated with histology, improved methods for automation, and better tools for data analysis are outlined in this review. Refined top-down strategies for the identification and validation of candidate biomarkers found in tissue sections are discussed. A clinical example highlighting the application of these methods to a cohort of clinical samples is described.  相似文献   

A parallel-flow dialysis technique utilizing a Technicon dialyzer and a constant-flow system has been described for the detection of drug-binding proteins. The effect of temperature, flow-rate and drug concentration was investigated by measuring the efficiency of dialysis and detecting the binding of methyl orange to bovine serum albumin. The larger response was shown to be achieved by increasing the efficiency of dialysis or the drug concentration. The present method will enable the continuous monitoring of drug-binding proteins.  相似文献   

l-[U-14C]aspartate, l-[U-14C]asparagine, and l-[U-14C]arginine were administered luminally into isolated segments of rat jejunum in situ, and the radioactive products appearing in venous blood from the segment were identified and quantified, in a continuation of similar studies with l-glutamate and l-glutamine (Windmueller H.G. and Spaeth, A. E. (1975) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 171, 662–672). Aspartate, administered alone (6 mm) or with 18 other amino acids plus glucose, was absorbed more rapidly than glutamate, but, as with glutamate, less than 1% was recovered intact in intestinal venous blood. More than 50% of aspartate carbon was recovered in CO2, 24% in organic acids, mostly lactate, 12% in other amino acids (alanine, glutamate, proline, ornithine, and citrulline), and 10% in glucose, apparently the first demonstration of gluconeogenesis by intestine in vivo. In contrast to aspartate and glutamine, nearly all asparagine was absorbed intact, less than 1% being catabolized. About 4% of the absorbed dose was incorporated into the acid-insoluble fraction of intestine, as was the case with all the amino acids studied. In conventional or germ-free rats, only 60% of arginine was absorbed intact, while 33% was hydrolyzed to ornithine and urea. The urea and 38% of the ornithine were released into the blood; the remaining ornithine was metabolized further by intestine to citrulline, proline, glutamate, organic acids, and CO2. Catabolism of several amino acids from the lumen plus glutamine from arterial blood may provide an important energy source in small intestine.  相似文献   

Methods for the simultaneous identification of interacting proteins and post-translational modifications of the focal adhesion adapter protein, paxillin, are presented. The strategy includes (1) lower-level, transient transfection of FLAG-GFP-Paxillin into HEK293 cells, (2) incubation of cells with phosphatase inhibitors prior to lysis, (3) purification of paxillin by anti-FLAG immunoprecipitation, (4) analysis of peptides generated from on-beads digestion using LTQ-FT or LTQ-ETD mass spectrometry, and (5) enrichment of phosphopeptide methyl esters with IMAC. Using the above strategies, we identify 29 phosphorylation sites (19 novel and 10 previously reported) and a novel glycosylation site on Ser 74. Furthermore, with this method, we simultaneously detect 10 co-purifying proteins which are present in focal adhesion complexes. Extension of these methods to other substrates should facilitate generation of global phosphorylation maps and protein-protein interactions for any protein of interest.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are now widely used for many DNA analysis applications such as linkage disequilibrium mapping, pharmacogenomics and traceability. Many methods for SNP genotyping exist with diverse strategies for allele-distinction. Mass spectrometers are used most commonly in conjunction with primer extension procedures with allele-specific termination. Here we present a novel concept for allele-preparation for SNP genotyping. Primer extension is carried out with an extension primer positioned immediately upstream of the SNP that is to be genotyped, a complete set of four ribonucleotides and a ribonucleotide incorporating DNA polymerase. The allele-extension products are then treated with alkali, which results in the cleavage immediately after the first added ribonucleotide. In addition, to obtain fragments easily detectable by mass spectrometry, we have included a ribonucleotide in the primer usually at the fourth nucleotide from the 3′ terminus. The method was tested on four SNPs each with a different combination of nucleotides. The advantage over other mass spectrometry-based SNP genotyping assays is that this one only requires a PCR, a primer extension reaction with a universal extension mix and an inexpensive facile cleavage reaction, which makes it overall very cost effective and easy in handling.  相似文献   

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