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Transport between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and late endosome represents a conserved, clathrin-dependent sorting event that separates lysosomal from secretory cargo molecules and is also required for localization of integral membrane proteins to the TGN. Previously, we reported a cell-free reaction that reconstitutes transport from the yeast TGN to the late endosome/prevacuolar compartment (PVC) and requires the PVC t-SNARE Pep12p. Here, we report that factors required both for formation of clathrin-coated vesicles at the TGN (the Chc1p clathrin heavy chain and the Vps1p dynamin homolog) and for vesicle fusion at the PVC (the Vps21p rab protein and Vps45p SM (Sec1/Munc18) protein) are required for cell-free transport. The marker for TGN-PVC transport, Kex2p, is initially present in a clathrin-containing membrane compartment that is competent for delivery of Kex2p to the PVC. A Kex2p chimera containing the cytosolic tail (C-tail) of the vacuolar protein sorting receptor, Vps10p, is also efficiently transported to the PVC. Antibodies against the Kex2p and Vps10p C-tails selectively block transport of Kex2p and the Kex2-Vps10p chimera. The requirements for factors involved in vesicle formation and fusion, the identification of the donor compartment as a clathrin-containing membrane, and the need for accessibility of C-tail sequences argue that the TGN-PVC transport reaction involves selective incorporation of TGN cargo molecules into clathrin-coated vesicle intermediates. Further biochemical dissection of this reaction should help elucidate the molecular requirements and hierarchy of events in TGN-to-PVC sorting and transport.  相似文献   

Golgi-mediated transport to the lytic vacuole involves passage through the prevacuolar compartment (PVC), but little is known about how vacuolar proteins exit the PVC. We show that this last step is inhibited by overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana syntaxin PEP12/SYP21, causing an accumulation of soluble and membrane cargo and the plant vacuolar sorting receptor BP80 in the PVC. Anterograde transport proceeds normally from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi and the PVC, although export from the PVC appears to be compromised, affecting both anterograde membrane flow to the vacuole and the recycling route of BP80 to the Golgi. However, Golgi-mediated transport of soluble and membrane cargo toward the plasma membrane is not affected, but a soluble BP80 ligand is partially mis-sorted to the culture medium. We also observe clustering of individual PVC bodies that move together and possibly fuse with each other, forming enlarged compartments. We conclude that PEP12/SYP21 overexpression specifically inhibits export from the PVC without affecting the Golgi complex or compromising the secretory branch of the endomembrane system. The results provide a functional in vivo assay that confirms PEP12/SYP21 involvement in vacuolar sorting and indicates that excess of this syntaxin in the PVC can be detrimental for further transport from this organelle.  相似文献   

The precise cellular function of Arl1 and its effectors, the GRIP domain Golgins, is not resolved, despite our recent understanding that Arl1 regulates the membrane recruitment of these Golgins. In this report, we describe our functional study of Golgin-97. Using a Shiga toxin B fragment (STxB)-based in vitro transport assay, we demonstrated that Golgin-97 plays a role in transport from the endosome to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The recombinant GRIP domain of Golgin-97 as well as antibodies against Golgin-97 inhibited the transport of STxB in vitro. Membrane-associated Golgin-97, but not its cytosolic pool, was required in the in vitro transport assay. The kinetic characterization of inhibition by anti-Golgin-97 antibody in comparison with anti-Syntaxin 16 antibody established that Golgin-97 acts before Syntaxin 16 in endosome-to-TGN transport. Knock down of Golgin-97 or Arl1 by their respective small interference RNAs (siRNAs) also significantly inhibited the transport of STxB to the Golgi in vivo. In siRNA-treated cells with reduced levels of Arl1, internalized STxB was instead distributed peripherally. Microinjection of Golgin-97 antibody led to the fragmentation of Golgi apparatus and the arrested transport to the Golgi of internalized Cholera toxin B fragment. We suggest that Golgin-97 may function as a tethering molecule in endosome-to-TGN retrograde traffic.  相似文献   

Several GTPases of the Rab family, known to be regulators of membrane traffic between organelles, have been described and localized to various intracellular compartments. Rab11 has previously been reported to be associated with the pericentriolar recycling compartment, post-Golgi vesicles, and the trans-Golgi network (TGN). We compared the effect of overexpression of wild-type and mutant forms of Rab11 on the different intracellular transport steps in the endocytic/degradative and the biosynthetic/exocytic pathways in HeLa cells. We also studied transport from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus using the Shiga toxin B subunit (STxB) and TGN38 as reporter molecules. Overexpression of both Rab11 wild-type (Rab11wt) and mutants altered the localization of the transferrrin receptor (TfR), internalized Tf, the STxB, and TGN38. In cells overexpressing Rab11wt and in a GTPase-deficient Rab11 mutant (Rab11Q70L), these proteins were found in vesicles showing characteristics of sorting endosomes lacking cellubrevin (Cb). In contrast, they were redistributed into an extended tubular network, together with Cb, in cells overexpressing a dominant negative mutant of Rab11 (Rab11S25N). This tubularized compartment was not accessible to Tf internalized at temperatures <20 degrees C, suggesting that it is of recycling endosomal origin. Overexpression of Rab11wt, Rab11Q70L, and Rab11S25N also inhibited STxB and TGN38 transport from endosomes to the TGN. These results suggest that Rab11 influences endosome to TGN trafficking primarily by regulating membrane distribution inside the early endosomal pathway.  相似文献   

A native immunoisolation procedure has been used to investigate the role of clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) in the transport of vacuolar proteins between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and the prevacuolar/endosome compartments in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find that Apl2p, one large subunit of the adaptor protein-1 complex, and Vps10p, the carboxypeptidase Y vacuolar protein receptor, are associated with clathrin molecules. Vps10p packaging in CCVs is reduced in pep12 Delta and vps34 Delta, two mutants that block Vps10p transport from the TGN to the endosome. However, Vps10p sorting is independent of Apl2p. Interestingly, a Vps10C(t) Delta p mutant lacking its C-terminal cytoplasmic domain, the portion of the receptor responsible for carboxypeptidase Y sorting, is also coimmunoprecipitated with clathrin. Our results suggest that CCVs mediate Vps10p transport from the TGN to the endosome independent of direct interactions between Vps10p and clathrin coats. The Vps10p C-terminal domain appears to play a principal role in retrieval of Vps10p from the prevacuolar compartment rather than in sorting from the TGN.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,121(6):1245-1256
We are studying intercompartmental protein transport to the yeast lysosome-like vacuole with a reconstitution assay using permeabilized spheroplasts that measures, in an ATP and cytosol dependent reaction, vacuolar delivery and proteolytic maturation of the Golgi-modified precursor forms of vacuolar hydrolases like carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). To identify the potential donor compartment in this assay, we used subcellular fractionation procedures that have uncovered a novel membrane-enclosed prevacuolar transport intermediate. Differential centrifugation was used to separate permeabilized spheroplasts into 15K and 150K g membrane pellets. Centrifugation of these pellets to equilibrium on sucrose density gradients separated vacuolar and Golgi complex marker enzymes into light and dense fractions, respectively. When the Golgi-modified precursor form of CPY (p2CPY) was examined (after a 5-min pulse, 30-s chase), as much as 30-40% fractionated with an intermediate density between both the vacuole and the Golgi complex. Pulse-chase labeling and fractionation of membranes indicated that p2CPY in this gradient region had already passed through the Golgi complex, which kinetically ordered it between the Golgi and the vacuole. A mutant CPY protein that lacks a functional vacuolar sorting signal was detected in Golgi fractions but not in the intermediate compartment indicating that this corresponds to a post-sorting compartment. Based on the low transport efficiency of the mutant CPY protein in vitro (decreased by sevenfold), this intermediate organelle most likely represents the donor compartment in our reconstitution assay. This organelle is not likely to be a transport vesicle intermediate because EM analysis indicates enrichment of 250-400 nm compartments and internalization of surface-bound 35S-alpha-factor at 15 degrees C resulted in its apparent cofractionation with wild-type p2CPY, indicating an endosome-like compartment (Singer, B., and H. Reizman. 1990. J. Cell Biol. 110:1911-1922). Fractionation of p2CPY accumulated in the temperature sensitive vps15 mutant revealed that the vps15 transport block did not occur in the endosome-like compartment but rather in the late Golgi complex, presumably the site of CPY sorting. Therefore, as seen in mammalian cells, yeast CPY is sorted away from secretory proteins in the late Golgi and transits to the vacuole via a distinct endosome-like intermediate.  相似文献   

Golgi-localized, γ-Ear–containing, ADP-ribosylation factor-binding proteins (GGAs) and adaptor protein-1 (AP-1) mediate clathrin-dependent trafficking of transmembrane proteins between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endosomes. In yeast, the vacuolar sorting receptor Vps10p follows a direct pathway from the TGN to the late endosome/prevacuolar compartment (PVC), whereas, the processing protease Kex2p partitions between the direct pathway and an indirect pathway through the early endosome. To examine the roles of the Ggas and AP-1 in TGN–PVC transport, we used a cell-free assay that measures delivery to the PVC of either Kex2p or a chimeric protein (K-V), in which the Vps10p cytosolic tail replaces the Kex2p tail. Either antibody inhibition or dominant-negative Gga2p completely blocked K-V transport but only partially blocked Kex2p transport. Deletion of APL2, encoding the β subunit of AP-1, did not affect K-V transport but partially blocked Kex2p transport. Residual Kex2p transport seen with apl2Δ membranes was insensitive to dominant-negative Gga2p, suggesting that the apl2Δ mutation causes Kex2p to localize to a compartment that precludes Gga-dependent trafficking. These results suggest that yeast Ggas facilitate the specific and direct delivery of Vps10p and Kex2p from the TGN to the PVC and that AP-1 modulates Kex2p trafficking through a distinct pathway, presumably involving the early endosome.  相似文献   

We have characterized the requirements to inhibit the function of the plant vacuolar sorting receptor BP80 in vivo and gained insight into the crucial role of receptor recycling between the prevacuolar compartment and the Golgi apparatus. The drug wortmannin interferes with the BP80-mediated route to the vacuole and induces hypersecretion of a soluble BP80-ligand. Wortmannin does not prevent receptor-ligand binding itself but causes BP80 levels to be limiting. Consequently, overexpression of BP80 partially restores vacuolar cargo transport. To simulate receptor traffic, we tested a truncated BP80 derivative in which the entire lumenal domain of BP80 has been replaced by the green fluorescent protein (GFP). The resulting chimeric protein (GFP-BP80) accumulates in the prevacuolar compartment as expected, but a soluble GFP fragment can also be detected in purified vacuoles. Interestingly, GFP-BP80 coexpression interferes with the correct sorting of a BP80-ligand and causes hypersecretion that is reversible by expressing a 10-fold excess of full-length BP80. This suggests that GFP-BP80 competes with endogenous BP80 mainly at the retrograde transport route that rescues receptors from the prevacuolar compartment. Treatment with wortmannin causes further leakage of GFP-BP80 from the prevacuolar compartment to the vacuoles, whereas BP80-ligands are secreted. We propose that recycling of the vacuolar sorting receptor from the prevacuolar compartment to the Golgi apparatus is an essential process that is saturable and wortmannin sensitive.  相似文献   

An in vitro transport assay, established with a modified Shiga toxin B subunit (STxB) as a marker, has proved to be useful for the study of transport from the early/recycling endosome (EE/RE) to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Here, we modified this assay to test antibodies to all known soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) that have been shown to localize in the Golgi and found that syntaxin 5, GS28, Ykt6, and GS15 antibodies specifically inhibited STxB transport. Because syntaxin 5, GS28, Ykt6, and GS15 exist as a unique SNARE complex, our observation indicates that these four SNAREs function as a complex in EE/RE-TGN transport. The importance of GS15 in EE/RE-TGN transport was further demonstrated by a block in recombinant STxB transport in HeLa cells when GS15 expression was knocked down by its small interfering iRNA. Morphological analyses showed that some GS15 and Ykt6 were redistributed from the Golgi to the endosomes when the recycling endosome was perturbed by SNX3-overexpression, suggesting that GS15 and Ykt6 might cycle between the endosomes and the Golgi apparatus. Further studies indicated that syntaxin 5 and syntaxin 16 exerted their role in EE/RE-TGN transport in an additive manner. The kinetics of inhibition exhibited by syntaxin 16 and syntaxin 5 antibodies is similar.  相似文献   

The plant trans-Golgi network/early endosome (TGN/EE) is a major hub for secretory and endocytic trafficking with complex molecular mechanisms controlling sorting and transport of cargo. Vacuolar transport from the TGN/EE to multivesicular bodies/late endosomes (MVBs/LEs) is assumed to occur via clathrin-coated vesicles, although direct proof for their participation is missing. Here, we present evidence that post-TGN transport toward lytic vacuoles occurs independently of clathrin and that MVBs/LEs are derived from the TGN/EE through maturation. We show that the V-ATPase inhibitor concanamycin A significantly reduces the number of MVBs and causes TGN and MVB markers to colocalize in Arabidopsis thaliana roots. Ultrastructural analysis reveals the formation of MVBs from the TGN/EE and their fusion with the vacuole. The localization of the ESCRT components VPS28, VPS22, and VPS2 at the TGN/EE and MVBs/LEs indicates that the formation of intraluminal vesicles starts already at the TGN/EE. Accordingly, a dominant-negative mutant of VPS2 causes TGN and MVB markers to colocalize and blocks vacuolar transport. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of the annexin ANNAT3 also yields the same phenotype. Together, these data indicate that MVBs originate from the TGN/EE in a process that requires the action of ESCRT for the formation of intraluminal vesicles and annexins for the final step of releasing MVBs as a transport carrier to the vacuole.  相似文献   

Rha1, an Arabidopsis Rab5 homolog, plays a critical role in vacuolar trafficking in plant cells. In this study, we investigated the localization of Rha1 and Ara7, two Arabidopsis proteins that have highly similar amino acid sequence homology to Rab5 in animal cells. Both Ara7 and Rha1 gave a punctate staining pattern and colocalized when transiently expressed as GFP- (green fluorescent protein) or small epitope-tagged forms in Arabidopsis protoplasts. In protoplasts, transiently expressed Rha1 and Ara7 colocalized with AtPEP12p and VSR(At-1), two proteins that are known to be present at the prevacuolar compartment (PVC). Furthermore, endogenous Rha1 also gave a punctate staining pattern and colocalized with AtPEP12p to the PVC. Mutations in the first and second GTP-binding motifs alter the localizations of GFP: Rha1[S24N] in the cytosol and Rha1[Q69L] in the tonoplast of the central vacuole. Also, mutations in the effector domain and the prenylation site inhibit membrane association of Rha1. Based on these results, we propose that Rha1 and Ara7 localize to the PVC and that GTP-binding motifs as well as the effector domain are important for localization of Rha1 to the PVC.  相似文献   

Transport protein particle (TRAPP), a large complex that mediates membrane traffic, is found in two forms (TRAPPI and -II). Both complexes share seven subunits, whereas three subunits (Trs130p, -120p, and -65p) are specific to TRAPPII. Previous studies have shown that mutations in the TRAPPII-specific gene trs130 block traffic through or from the Golgi. Surprisingly, we report that mutations in trs120 do not block general secretion. Instead, trs120 mutants accumulate aberrant membrane structures that resemble Berkeley bodies and disrupt the traffic of proteins that recycle through the early endosome. Mutants defective in recycling also display a defect in the localization of coat protein I (COPI) subunits, implying that Trs120p may participate in a COPI-dependent trafficking step on the early endosomal pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Trs120p largely colocalizes with the late Golgi marker Sec7p. Our findings imply that Trs120p is required for vesicle traffic from the early endosome to the late Golgi.  相似文献   

The Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is characterized by accumulation of lipids within the late endosome/lysosome (LE/LY) compartment as a result of dysfunctions of the NPC1 or NPC2 proteins and an altered distribution and/or functioning of proteins involved in the regulation of membrane dynamics. In our previous report we isolated membranes of the LE/LY compartment from NPC L1 skin fibroblasts with a mutation in the NPC1 gene (exon 8, R348X) and showed that annexin A6 (AnxA6) may contribute to the impaired dynamics of these membranes in a cholesterol-dependent manner and therefore to the overnormative storage of cholesterol. In this report we show that the LE/LY fraction isolated from NPC L1 cells is characterized by a 4-fold enrichment in cholesterol, 2.5-fold in sphingomyelin and 2-fold in saturated fatty acids. As a result, the fluidity of LE/LY membranes isolated from NPC L1 cells is greatly reduced in comparison to control ones. We conclude that modified lipid composition and properties of this compartment may affect distribution and function of proteins implicated in cellular membrane dynamics. As a consequence, the backward vesicular transport of cholesterol from the LE/LY compartment to the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum and finally to plasma membrane is impaired.  相似文献   

Plant cells contain several types of vacuoles with specialized functions. Although the biogenesis of these organelles is well understood at the morphological level, the machinery involved in plant vacuole formation is largely unknown. We have recently identified an Arabidopsis mutant, vcl1, that is deficient in vacuolar formation. VCL1 is homologous to a protein that regulates membrane fusion at the tonoplast in yeast. On the basis of these observations, VCL1 is predicted to play a direct role in vacuolar biogenesis and vesicular trafficking to the vacuole in plants. In this work, we show that VCL1 forms a complex with AtVPS11 and AtVPS33 in vivo. These two proteins are homologues of proteins that have a well-characterized role in membrane fusion at the tonoplast in yeast. VCL1, AtVPS11, and AtVPS33 are membrane-associated and cofractionate with tonoplast and denser endomembrane markers in subcellular fractionation experiments. Consistent with this, VCL1, AtVPS11, and AtVPS33 are found on the tonoplast and the prevacuolar compartment (PVC) by immunoelectron microscopy. We also show that a VCL1-containing complex includes SYP2-type syntaxins and is most likely involved in membrane fusion on both the PVC and tonoplast in vivo. VCL1, AtVPS11, and AtVPS33 are the first components of the vacuolar biogenesis machinery to be identified in plants.  相似文献   

Resident membrane proteins of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are selectively retrieved from a prevacuolar/late endosomal compartment. Proper cycling of the carboxypeptidase Y receptor Vps10p between the TGN and prevacuolar compartment depends on Vps35p, a hydrophilic peripheral membrane protein. In this study we use a temperature-sensitive vps35 allele to show that loss of Vps35p function rapidly leads to mislocalization of A-ALP, a model TGN membrane protein, to the vacuole. Vps35p is required for the prevacuolar compartment-to-TGN transport of both A-ALP and Vps10p. This was demonstrated by phenotypic analysis of vps35 mutant strains expressing A-ALP mutants lacking either the retrieval or static retention signals and by an assay for prevacuolar compartment-to-TGN transport. A novel vps35 allele was identified that was defective for retrieval of A-ALP but functional for retrieval of Vps10p. Moreover, several other vps35 alleles were identified with the opposite characteristics: they were defective for Vps10p retrieval but near normal for A-ALP localization. These data suggest a model in which distinct structural features within Vps35p are required for associating with the cytosolic domains of each cargo protein during the retrieval process.  相似文献   

The endocytic recycling compartment (ERC) is a series of perinuclear tubular and vesicular membranes that regulates recycling to the plasma membrane. Despite evidence that cargo is sorted at the early/sorting endosome (SE), whether cargo mixes downstream at the ERC or remains segregated is an unanswered question. Here we use three-dimensional (3D) structured illumination microscopy and dual-channel and 3D direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) to obtain new information about ERC morphology and cargo segregation. We show that cargo internalized either via clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) or independently of clathrin (CIE) remains segregated in the ERC, likely on distinct carriers. This suggests that no further sorting occurs upon cargo exit from SE. Moreover, 3D dSTORM data support a model in which some but not all ERC vesicles are tethered by contiguous “membrane bridges.” Furthermore, tubular recycling endosomes preferentially traffic CIE cargo and may originate from SE membranes. These findings support a significantly altered model for endocytic recycling in mammalian cells in which sorting occurs in peripheral endosomes and segregation is maintained at the ERC.  相似文献   

The glucose transport system from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was solubilized from isolated plasma membranes by the nonionic detergent, octylglucoside. The transport system was reconstituted into proteoliposomes with removal of detergent from the extract by dialysis, followed by the addition of asolectin liposomes to the dialyzed proteins with a freeze-thaw and brief bath-sonication step. The reconstituted proteoliposomes exhibit specific carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion of d-glucose, including stimulated equilibrium exchange and influx counterflow. Furthermore, the reconstituted facilitated diffusion system shows substrate specificities similar to those of the intact cell d-glucose transport system.  相似文献   

Although COPI function on the early secretory pathway in eukaryotes is well established, earlier studies also proposed a nonconventional role for this coat complex in endocytosis in mammalian cells. Here we present results that suggest an involvement for specific COPI subunits in the late steps of endosomal protein sorting in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. First, we found that carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) was partially missorted to the cell surface in certain mutants of the COPIB subcomplex (COPIb; Sec27, Sec28, and possibly Sec33), which indicates an impairment in endosomal transport. Second, integral membrane proteins destined for the vacuolar lumen (i.e., carboxypeptidase S [CPS1]; Fur4, Ste2, and Ste3) accumulated at an aberrant late endosomal compartment in these mutants. The observed phenotypes for COPIb mutants resemble those of class E vacuolar protein sorting (vps) mutants that are impaired in multivesicular body (MVB) protein sorting and biogenesis. Third, we observed physical interactions and colocalization between COPIb subunits and an MVB-associated protein, Vps27. Together, our findings suggest that certain COPI subunits could have a direct role in vacuolar protein sorting to the MVB compartment.  相似文献   

Wisner TW  Johnson DC 《Journal of virology》2004,78(21):11519-11535
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other alphaherpesviruses assemble enveloped virions in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) or endosomes. Enveloped particles are formed when capsids bud into TGN/endosomes and virus particles are subsequently ferried to the plasma membrane in TGN-derived vesicles. Little is known about the last stages of virus egress from the TGN/endosomes to cell surfaces except that the HSV directs transport of nascent virions to specific cell surface domains, i.e., epithelial cell junctions. Previously, we showed that HSV glycoprotein gE/gI accumulates extensively in the TGN at early times after infection and also when expressed without other viral proteins. At late times of infection, gE/gI and a cellular membrane protein, TGN46, were redistributed from the TGN to epithelial cell junctions. We show here that gE/gI and a second glycoprotein, gB, TGN46, and another cellular protein, carboxypeptidase D, all moved to cell junctions after infection with an HSV mutant unable to produce cytoplasmic capsids. This redistribution did not involve L particles. In contrast to TGN membrane proteins, several cellular proteins that normally adhere to the cytoplasmic face of TGN, Golgi, and endosomal membranes remained primarily dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Therefore, cellular and viral membrane TGN proteins move to cell junctions at late times of HSV infection when the production of enveloped particles is blocked. This is consistent with the hypothesis that there are late HSV proteins that reorganize or redistribute TGN/endosomal compartments to promote virus egress and cell-to-cell spread.  相似文献   

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