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Plants are frequently submitted to iron deficiency when growing on calcareous soils, which contain high concentrations of bicarbonate. The purpose of this study was to investigate the variability of physiological responses of Tunisian grapevine varieties to bicarbonate-induced iron chlorosis. Vine woodcuttings of seven autochthonous Tunisian varieties (Khamri, Mahdaoui, Blan3, Saouadi, Arich Dressé, Beldi and Balta4), two rootstocks (140Ru and S.O.4), and an introduced table variety (Cardinal) were cultivated on inert sand for 2 months using a complete nutrient solution (20 microM Fe) that was either well supplied or not supplied with 10 mM HCO3-. Young leaves of plants cultivated on bicarbonate-enriched medium showed characteristic symptoms of iron chlorosis, although the intensity of the symptoms depended on the variety and the rootstock. Chlorosis score confirmed these observations since the most sensitive varieties showed the highest values. This variability in tolerance to iron deficiency was also displayed when analysing the physiological parameters (shoot length, plant dry weight, and chlorophyll concentration) and the iron contents in the 4th leaf. Analysis of morphological and physiological parameters showed three behaviour groups. The first one corresponded to tolerant varieties (Khamri, Mahdaoui, and the root-stock: 140Ru), the second included moderately tolerant vines (Saouadi, Arich Dressé, Blanc3, and the rootstock: S.O.4) and the third represented the sensitive ones (Balta4, Beldi, and Cardinal).  相似文献   

不同砧穗组合葡萄植株对部分根区干旱的生理生化响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自制木箱对嫁接在3309C、420A和110R砧木上的玛瓦斯亚葡萄(M)进行双侧根区交替灌溉(AI)和单侧灌溉(UI)两种水分胁迫处理,以探讨不同葡萄砧穗组合对干旱的适应能力.结果表明:水分胁迫导致葡萄叶片ABA浓度大幅度增加,AI和UI的3种组合平均分别提高了267.5%和394.7%,而气孔导度和蒸腾速率显著下降.UI处理的3种组合叶片SOD和CAT活性显著增加,脯氨酸(Pro)含量极显著增加,且均以M/110R增幅较大,M/3309C增幅较小;而AI处理的SOD和CAT活性增加较小,但Pro含量显著增加.干旱胁迫导致葡萄叶片质膜透性、MDA和H2O2含量极显著增加,以M/3309C增加最多,M/110R增加较少.不同砧穗组合适应干旱逆境的能力主要取决于砧木品种,110R适应干旱逆境的能力强于420A和3309C,其对应的嫁接植株的生长量亦呈同样趋势.与根区单侧灌溉相比,双侧根区交替灌溉对植株造成的伤害较小,是可推广的节水灌溉方式.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen source on iron deficiency responses were investigated in two Vitis genotypes, one tolerant to limestone chlorosis Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera cv.) and the other susceptible Gloire de Montpellier (Vitis riparia cv.). Plants were grown with or without Fe(III)-EDTA, and with NO3 alone or a mixture of NO3 and NH4+. Changes in pH of the nutrient solution and root ferric chelate reductase (FC-R) activity were monitored over one week. We carried out quantitative metabolic profiling (1H-NMR) and determined the activity of enzymes involved in organic acid metabolism in root tips. In iron free-solutions, with NO3 as the sole nitrogen source, the typical Fe-deficiency response reactions as acidification of the growth medium and enhanced FC-R activity in the roots were observed only in the tolerant genotype. Under the same nutritional conditions, organic acid accumulation (mainly citrate and malate) was found for both genotypes. In the presence of NH4+, the sensitive genotype displayed some decrease in pH of the growth medium and an increase in FC-R activity. For both genotypes, the presence of NH4+ ions decreased significantly the organic acid content of roots. Both Vitis genotypes were able to take up NH4+ from the nutrient solution, regardless of their sensitivity to iron deficiency. The presence of N-NH4+ modified typical Fe stress responses in tolerant and sensitive Vitis genotypes.  相似文献   

By using two tomato genotypes line 227/1 (Fe chlorosis susceptible) and Roza (Fe chlorosis tolerant) and their reciprocal F1hybrid, some root morphological changes, pH changes of nutrient solution, reduction capacity of FeIII and uptake and root-to-shoot translocation of 59Fe were studied under controlled environmental conditions in nutrient solution with 3 different Fe supplies as Fe EDDHA (i.e., 10–7 M, severe Fe deficiency; 10–6 M, intermediate Fe deficiency; 10–4 M, adequate Fe supply). Tolerant parent `Roza' was less affected by low Fe supply than susceptible parent `line 227/1' as judged from the severity of leaf chlorosis. Under both Fe deficient conditions there were no differences between the reciprocal hybrids concerning the appearance of chlorosis. Under intermediate Fe deficiency, reciprocal F1 hybrids (`line 227/1 × Roza' and `Roza × line' 227/1) showed an intermediate chlorosis between tolerant and susceptible parents. However, under severe Fe deficiency the reciprocal hybrids were more chlorotic than the tolerant parent irrespective of which parent was the cytoplasm contributor. A decreased Fe supply during preculture enhanced FeIII reduction capacities of the parents and reciprocal hybrids. Differences in the tolerance to Fe deficiency always were better correlated with FeIII reduction capacity of the genotypes than the Fe deficiency-induced release of H+ ions. Under both Fe deficient conditions the tolerant parent Roza had a much higher FeIII reduction capacity than the susceptible parent line 227/1. The reduction capacity of the hybrids `Roza × line 227/1' was very similar to the capacity of the parent Roza, but higher than the capacity of the hybrids `line 227/1×Roza' at both Fe-deficient conditions. Under both Fe deficient conditions tolerant parent had higher number of lateral roots than the susceptible parent. Among the reciprocal hybrids `Roza × line 227/1' possessed more lateral roots than the `line 227/1 × Roza' under both Fe deficient conditions. Low Fe nutritional status resulted in marked increase in root uptake of 59Fe. At adequate Fe supply, reciprocal hybrids and their parents did not differ in uptake and root-to-shoot translocation of Fe. However, under Fe-deficient conditions uptake and root-to-shoot translocation of 59Fe were significantly higher in the Fe chlorosis tolerant than the susceptible parent. Based on the reduction capacity of FeIII and uptake and root-to-shoot translocation of Fe, the F1 hybrids obtained from the cross in which the maternal genotype was Roza appeared to be more tolerant than when the maternal genotype was the susceptible line 227/1. Uptake and translocation ratio of the F1 hybrids obtained from `Roza × line 227/1' were similar to those of the parent Roza, but higher than the F1 hybrids obtained from `line 227/1 × Roza', particularly under intermediate Fe deficiency. The results indicate that FeIII reduction show a better relationship to Fe efficiency than Fe deficiency induced release of H+ ions. The inheritance of Fe deficiency tolerance of Roza seems not to be simple monogenic. It might be characterised by both, nuclear and extranuclear heredity. The intermediate responses of the reciprocal hybrids of the `line 227/1 × Roza' indicates that the Fe deficiency tolerance character of Roza is transferable by nuclear heredity. The better responses of the hybrids of `Roza × line 227/1' than the hybrids of `line 227/1 × Roza' may be due to maternal transmission from the parent Roza besides the nuclear transmission.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of iron supplementation on physiological and biochemical status of the low-chill peach cultivars (Saharanpur Prabhat, Shan-e-Punjab and Pratap) suffered from iron chlorosis in artificially created calcareous soil. Three most commonly used iron sources viz. Fe-sulphate (1.0 % and 0.5 %), Fe-citrate (1.0 % and 0.5 %) and FeEDTA (0.1 % and 0.2 %) were sprayed on the 4th and 5th leaves from the apex of the twig. And after 1 week of spraying, observation on various physiological and biochemical parameters in leaves were recorded. Improvement in plant physiological parameters like chlorophyll content index (CCI), photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs) and intercellular CO2 conc. (Ci) were recorded best with the application of 1.0 % Fe-sulphate both in treated and untreated upper leaves. The maximum recovery in biochemical parameters such as total leaf chlorophyll content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activity was also noted with the application of 1.0 % Fe-sulphate. However, application of 1.0 % Fe-sulphate and 0.5 % Fe-sulphate had similar effect for most of the parameters under study. The ability of iron sources to induce physiological and biochemical responses in iron deficient low-chill peach plants were in the following order Fe-sulphate>Fe-citrate>FeEDTA. Differential responses in plant physiological and biochemical parameters were also exhibited by the low-chill peach cultivars with regard to supplementation of various iron sources. Among the low-chill peach cultivars, Saharanpur Prabhat responded best with the application of iron sources followed by Shan-e-Punjab and Pratap.  相似文献   

Iron is essential to plants for chlorophyll formation as well as for the functioning of various iron-containing enzymes. Iron deficiency chlorosis is a wide-spread disorder of plants, in particular, of those growing on calcareous soils. Among the different ways to control iron deficiency problems for crops, plant material and especially rootstock breeding is a suitable and reliable method, especially for fruit trees and grapes. The aim of the experiment was to characterize the genetic basis of grapevine chlorosis tolerance under lime stress conditions. A segregating population of 138 F1 genotypes issued from an inter-specific cross between Vitis vinifera Cabernet Sauvignon (tolerant) × V. riparia Gloire de Montpellier (sensitive) was developed and phenotyped both as cuttings and as rootstock grafted with Cabernet Sauvignon scions in pots containing non-chlorosing and chlorosing soils. Tolerance was evaluated by chlorosis score, leaf chlorophyll content and growth parameters of the shoots and roots. The experiments were performed in 2001, 2003 and 2006. The plants analysed in 2006 were reassessed in 2007. The most significant findings of the trial were: (a) the soil properties strongly affect plant development, (b) there are differences in tolerance among segregating genotypes when grown as cuttings or as rootstocks on calcareous soil, (c) calcareous conditions induced chlorosis and revealed quantitative trait loci (QTLs) implicated in polygenic control of tolerance, (d) rootstock strongly contributes to lime-induced chlorosis response, and (e) a QTL with strong effect (from 10 to 25 % of the chlorotic symptom variance) was identified on chromosome 13. This QTL colocalized with a QTL for chlorophyll content (R 2 = 22 %) and a major QTL for plant development that explains about 50 % of both aerial and root system biomass variation. These findings were supported by stable results among the different years of experiment. These results open new insights into the genetic control of chlorosis tolerance and could aid the development of iron chlorosis-tolerant rootstocks.  相似文献   

Two Prunus rootstocks, the Myrobalan plum P 2175 and the interspecific peach-almond hybrid, Felinem, were studied to characterize their biochemical and molecular responses induced under iron-Deficient conditions. Plants of both genotypes were submitted to different treatments using a hydroponic system that permitted removal of Fe from the nutrient solution. Control plants were grown in 90 μM Fe (III)-EDTA, Deficient plants were grown in an iron free solution, and plants submitted to an Inductor treatment were resupplied with 180 μM Fe (III)-EDTA over 1 and 2 days after a period of 4 or 15 days of growth on an iron-free solution. Felinem increased the activity of the iron chelate reductase (FC-R) in the Inductor treatment after 4 days of iron deprivation. In contrast, P 2175 did not show any response after at least 15 days without iron. The induction of the FC-R activity in this genotype was coincident in time with the medium acidification. These results suggest two different mechanisms of iron chlorosis tolerance in both Strategy I genotypes. Felinem would use the iron reduction as the main mechanism to capture the iron from the soil, and in P 2175, the mechanism of response would be slower and start with the acidification of the medium synchronized with the gradual loss of chlorophyll in leaves. To better understand the control of these responses at the molecular level, the differential expression of PFRO2, PIRT1 and PAHA2 genes involved in the reductase activity, the iron transport in roots, and the proton release, respectively, were analyzed. The expression of these genes, estimated by quantitative real-time PCR, was different between genotypes and among treatments. The results were in agreement with the physiological responses observed.  相似文献   


Key message

Carrizo citrange was the most tolerant citrus rootstock to B-deficiency and some physiological performance could be attributed to the decreased mineral nutrient concentrations caused by B-deficiency.


Boron (B) is an essential microelement for normal growth and development in vascular plants, and adequate B nutrition is crucial for agricultural production. Although citrus plants are not classified as the most sensitive species to B-deficiency, the occurrence of B-deficiency has been reported in the major citrus producing countries of the world, including the east and south of China. In this study, in order to evaluate the effects of B-deficiency on plant growth, root-morphological traits, B and other nutritional responses of citrus rootstock and to investigate the relationship between this physiological performance and mineral nutrients seven common rootstock seedlings, including Trifoliate orange (TO), Carrizo citrange (CC), Chongyi tangerine (CT), Red tangerine (RT), Cleopatra mandarin (CM), Fragrant citrus (FC), and Sour orange (SO), were treated by B-deficiency (0 mg L?1) or moderate B (0.25 mg L?1). All the seedlings were grown in hydroponics situation with modified 1/2-strength Hoagland’s solution under greenhouse conditions for 10 weeks. The results showed that B-deficiency inhibited the growth and development of all tested citrus rootstocks, but substantial differences were observed among these rootstocks. Different visible symptoms were observed both in the leaf and root. Corking of the leaf veins and leaf yellowing symptoms were observed on all rootstock genotypes except on CC, which exhibited a little discoloration at the end of the experiment. In addition, root growth of the citrus seedlings were also decreased by B-deficiency, but the decreases were more obvious in TO and FC. It was worth noting that B-deficiency inhibited lateral root growth and development more significantly than tap root, but not in lateral root initiation. The different performance of these rootstock genotypes indicated that CC was the most tolerant while TO was the most sensitive to B-deficiency. In addition, under B-deficiency conditions, not only the B concentration, but also the other mineral nutrient concentrations were influenced, especially in Mg, Fe and Mn. This change in nutrient concentrations might partly contribute to the seedlings’ physiological performances under B-deficiency.  相似文献   

藜对干旱胁迫的生理生化反应   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
孙存华  李扬  贺鸿雁  孙东旭  杜伟  郑曦 《生态学报》2005,25(10):2556-2561
干旱是植物最易遭受的胁迫之一,每年由于干旱胁迫给农业造成损失几乎相当于其他所有环境因子胁迫所造成的损失的总和。通过人工控制水分模拟干旱来研究生长期的藜对干旱胁迫的生理生化反应,以期望为干旱农业的高效生产提供理论依据。以盆栽的藜为材料,用控制浇水的方法分对照、轻度胁迫、中度胁迫、重度胁迫4个组,研究了不同程度干旱胁迫对藜叶片的水分状况、渗透调节物质、活性氧代谢以及内生保护系统的影响。结果表明:在干旱胁迫下,藜叶片相对含水量(RW C)、自由水含量(FW C)下降,束缚水含量(BW C)上升;可溶性糖、脯氨酸、K 、C a2 含量增加,表现出藜对适度干旱有一定的适应性。但重度干旱胁迫,O2.产生速率和丙二醛(M DA)含量显著提高,导致膜损伤,质膜透性上升;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性先上升,后下降;抗坏血酸(A SA)含量降低。过分干旱胁迫对藜会造成一定伤害。  相似文献   

Summary Physiological and biochemical responses of micropropagated tea plants grown under field conditions were investigated in comparison to vegetatively propagated (VP) plants. No significant variation was observed between tissue culture raised (TC) and VP plants in terms of photosynthetic carbon assimilation rate. However, clones showed significant variation among themselves. Carbon assimilation studies carried out with a radiotracer technique revealed that ‘Assam’ cultivar UPASI-27 assimilated a higher amount of labeled carbon dioxide followed by UPASI-3. However, UPASI-27 was marginally better than UPASI-3 in terms of mobilization of assimilates to the growing sinks. Both, UPASI-3 and UPASI-27 reassimilated higher quantities of photosynthates followed by BSB-1 and UPASI-26. Though there was a marginal variation in photosynthetic pigments of TC and VP plants, it was not statistically significant. Similarly, no significant variations were observed in certain substrates (polyphenols, catechins and amino acids) and enzymes (polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase) except protease involved in the formation of quality constituents of made tea. However, clonal variation was evident with respect to photosynthetic pigments, substrates/enzymes. Under soil moisture stress, no significant variation was observed between VP and TC plants in terms of proline accumulation.  相似文献   

为探索防止果树缺铁失绿症方案,该研究以Fe-N为铁肥品种,以管道输液滴干的方式对中秋王苹果树输入不同浓度的溶液,测定叶片的叶绿素相对含量(SPAD值)、百叶重、百叶厚、全铁和活性铁含量及荧光参数等指标。结果表明:Fe-N管道输液滴干处理显著提高了苹果叶片的SPAD值、百叶重、百叶厚、全铁以及活性铁的含量,发现叶片SPAD值与活性铁含量之间呈现良好的线性关系(相关系数为0.899),表明叶片SPAD值可以作为苹果缺铁诊断指标,同时也说明了苹果树体叶片黄化主要是由于活性铁含量低所致。16.4×10~(-3)mol·L~(-1)Fe-N溶液处理的叶片SPAD值、百叶重、百叶厚、全铁及活性铁含量显著高于其它处理,分别比对照提高了89.66%、20.42%、9.26%、158.0%、277.4%,该处理荧光参数也达到了较优水平。该研究结果为管道输液滴干防止苹果缺铁失绿症的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Flooding is common in lowlands and areas with high rainfall or excessive irrigation. A major effect of flooding is the deprivation of O2 in the root zone, which affects several biochemical and morphophysiological plant processes. The objective of this study was to elucidate biochemical and physiological characteristics associated with tolerance to O2 deficiency in two clonal cacao genotypes. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with two contrasting clones differing in flood tolerance: TSA-792 (tolerant) and TSH-774 (susceptible). Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, chemical composition and oxidative stress were assessed during 40 d for control and flooded plants. Flooding induced a decrease in net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration of both genotypes. In flood conditions, the flood-susceptible clone showed changes in chlorophyll fluorescence, reductions in chlorophyll content and increased activity of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase. Flooding also caused changes in macro- and micronutrients, total soluble sugars and starch concentrations in different plant organs of both genotypes. Response curves for the relationship between photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and net photosynthetic rate (P N) for flooded plants were similar for both genotypes. In flood conditions, the flood-susceptible clone exhibited (1) nonstomatal limitations to photosynthesis since decreased in maximum potential quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) values indicated possible damage to the PSII light-harvesting complex; (2) oxidative stress; (3) increased leaf chlorosis; and (4) a reduction in root carbohydrate levels. These stresses resulted in death of several plants after 30 d of flooding.  相似文献   

Genetics of tolerance to iron chlorosis was investigated in eight crosses involving parents distinctly different in their level of tolerance. The segregating populations with parents and F1s were screened under actual stress conditions in the field. Also, selected crosses were studied for Fe3+ uptake capacity. Tolerance/moderate tolerance to Fe chlorosis was dominant over susceptibility and it was controlled by two sets of nonallelic genes with complementary interaction. Gene Ic 1 has been found to be basic and in complementation with Ic 3 it confers tolerance. Likewise, Ic 2 with Ic 4 confers tolerance. The basic genes Ic 1 and Ic 2 are nonallelic and, in the absence of their respective complementary genes Ic 3 and 4 , ineffective, which results in susceptibility. Of tolerant cultivars, ARC 10372 and Cauvery have been tentatively assigned the genotype of Ic 1 , Ic 2 , Ic 3 , Ic 4 , and moderately tolerant IET 7613, Prasanna and Akashi Ic 1 , 2 Ic 3 Ic 4 . The susceptible ARC 5723 has been assigned Ic 1 , 2 , Ic 3 , Ic 4 , and IET 9829, Ic 1 , 2 Ic 3 Ic 4 . IET 7614 is susceptible, due to the presence of inhibitory genes I-Ic 1 , I-Ic 2 together with ic 1 pt>, ic 2 , Ic 3 , Ic 4 . Further, the gene Pc for purple coleoptile shows linkage with one of the complementary genes with a crossover value of 15.26%, while the gene(s) for seedling height Ts with Ic 1 with a crossover value of 1.7%. It is possible that the gene(s) for iron chlorosis tolerance might belong to the second linkage group, where genes for purple leaf were located.  相似文献   

Phoebe bournei commonly called nanmu is an important and endemic wood species in China, and its planting, nursing, and preserving are often affected by drought stress. Two-year-old P. bournei seedlings were subjected to water stress and recovery treatment to study their physiological and biochemical responses. Physiological and biochemical indices did not change when seedlings were subjected to mild water stress (<15 days of water withholding). As drought stress intensified (>20 days of water withholding), malondialdehyde and electrolyte leakage increased, and chlorophyll and soluble protein decreased, indicating an increased oxidative stress induced by water deficit. Enhanced activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POX), accumulation of free proline and total soluble sugar contribute to plant protection against the oxidative stress. However, SOD and POX decreased when seedlings were subjected to an extended drought. After 5 days of recovery, physiological and biochemical indices were not restored to the control level values except for leaf relative water content when the seedlings were subjected to more than 20 days water stress. These results demonstrate that P. bournei could enhance their ability to mitigate water stress effects by up-regulating antioxidant system and osmotic adjustment, but these two protective mechanisms were limited when seedlings were subjected to moderate and severe water stress. The threshold of water deficit to P. bournei seedlings is 15–20 days, and permanent damage will be induced if water status is not improved before this threshold. The results will provide some theoretical and practical guidance for nanmu afforestation and production.  相似文献   

In this study the cold tolerance potential of three Vitis vinifera cultivars including ‘Red Sultana’, ‘White Sultana,’ and ‘Flame Seedless’ was evaluated under greenhouse condition. After 15 leaves stage in average, the grapevine plants were subjected to cold stress regimes (4, 0 and ? 4 °C) and compared with control plants (24 °C). A clear increase in leaf electrolyte leakage (EL), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and H2O2 concentrations was observed with decreasing temperature from 4 to ? 4 °C in all grapevine cultivars. Chilled plants showed marked increases in their abscisic acid (ABA), soluble sugars, and proline contents in compared to control vines. Upon exposure to cold stress, the EL, TBARS, H2O2, and relative water content of ‘Red Sultana’ were found to be lower compared to ‘White Sultana’ and ‘Flame Seedless’. Under 0 °C condition, ‘Red Sultana’ had the highest superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase and catalase activities, which was approximately twofold higher than those of all other cultivars. Soluble sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose increased from 4 to ? 4 °C. These increments were higher in ‘Red Sultana’ compared to other cultivars which was concomitant with higher accumulation of endogenous ABA concentration in this cultivar. Higher accumulation of ABA and soluble sugars in ‘Red Sultana’ confirmed the key roles of these compounds in cold tolerance which could be applied as a cold tolerance marker for early selection of grapevine cultivars with the aim to establish vineyards in cold winter regions.  相似文献   

胀果甘草种子萌发对干旱胁迫的生理响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史薇  徐海量  赵新风  凌红波  李媛 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2112-2117
为探讨胀果甘草种子萌发对干旱胁迫的生理生化适应机制,以聚乙二醇(PEG)-6000模拟干旱胁迫,分析了胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata)种子萌发过程中发芽率(GR)、丙二醛(MDA)及游离脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性糖(SS)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性的动态变化规律。结果显示,水势为-0.1MPa时,GR达到100%,之后随着干旱胁迫增强而显著降低(P0.05);MDA、Pro含量及SOD、POD活性都表现出水势≥-0.2MPa时增加和-1.4MPa≤水势-0.2MPa时减少的明显趋势(P0.05),这4个指标两两之间的相关关系均达到显著水平(P0.05);而干旱胁迫增强使SS含量显著增加(P0.05)。  相似文献   

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