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The critically endangered box‐gum grassy woodlands of south‐east Australia face numerous threats including the failure of woody plant regeneration caused by over‐browsing. In the Australian Capital Territory, over‐browsing of tree and shrub saplings is likely caused by dense populations of Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) found in many nature reserves free of livestock. One possible way to protect these saplings is using coarse woody debris (CWD) as a browsing deterrent. We tested this idea by planting palatable Red Stemmed Wattle (Acacia rubida) saplings among manually applied CWD, among naturally fallen CWD, and in the open, in five woodland reserves. We recorded the proportion of saplings browsed, the number of weeks to first browsing and the browsing severity (sapling height lost). Applied CWD protected saplings from being browsed only at relatively low‐to‐moderate kangaroo browsing pressure (as measured by faecal pellet counts). At relatively high browsing pressure, the probability of a sapling being browsed among applied CWD was 100%, similar to the probability in the open treatment (no CWD). Natural CWD, in contrast, provided some protection even at high browsing pressures. Time to browsing was most affected by browsing pressure, although CWD cover also had an influence. Browsing severity was similar between the three treatments and was only affected by browsing pressure. These results indicate that without protection, palatable woody plant saplings have a high chance of being browsed by kangaroos in woodland reserves, and therefore, some protection is needed for successful regeneration. The CWD being applied to reserves has a limited capacity to protect regenerating saplings. If more protection is wanted a CWD structure more resembling natural fallen timber should be used. This could be done by artificially placing branches around plantings. However, the most important action to facilitate regeneration is to manage kangaroo populations to reduce overall browsing pressure.  相似文献   

This study treats dead trees and their remnants in the managed and virgin forest of Rajhenavski Rog, Slovenia, at a location of Omphalodo-Fagetum omphalodetosum plant community. The study plots were selected in four forest cycle developmental phases (optimal, mixed, regeneration and juvenile phase) of both managed and virgin forest. The quantity (volume and dry matter) and the structure of coarse woody debris (CWD) were compared between the selected plots within the particular type of the forest, and between the virgin and the managed forest. Belowground CWD was quantified by modeling the tree's biomass and decaying processes of the trees. The results show significant differences in CWD between the virgin forest developmental phases. The highest concentration of CWD in the virgin forest was found in the regeneration phase (626.0 m3/ha and 179.3 tdry matter/ha), while the juvenile phase (248.3 m3/ha and 40.2 tdry matter/ha) has the smallest amount of CWD. Managed forest has very evenly distribution of CWD between developmental phases and it ranges from 41.0 m3/ha and 49.0 tdry matter/ha in the mixed developmental phase to 67.0 m3/ha and 56.2 tdry matter/ha in the juvenile phase. The main reasons for such a large differences are forest management measures (e.g. wood extraction, short rotation time, reduction of natural tree mortality), which decrease quantity, distribution and size of CWD. It was identified that forest management causes reduction and homogenization of CWD on our study plots, which can trigger degradation processes (e.g. soil erosion, reduction of site productivity, reduction of habitats). Tree heights curves show significant differences in maximum tree's height between the virgin and the managed forest. Maximum tree's height is lower in the managed forest which may indicate the reduction of forest productivity due to reduction of CWD. Study has shown some positive effects of forest management on accumulation of underground CWD in the managed forest (from 40.0 tdry matter/ha to 48.2 tdry matter/ha), which significantly exceeds underground CWD in the virgin forest (from 2.0 tdry matter/ha to 22.8 tdry matter/ha).  相似文献   

Harsh habitats dominated by invasive species are difficult to restore. Invasive grasses in arid environments slow succession toward more desired composition, yet grass removal exacerbates high light and temperature, making the use of “nurse plants” an appealing strategy. In this study of degraded subtropical woodlands dominated by alien grasses in Hawai'i, we evaluated whether individuals of two native (Dodonaea viscosa, Leptocophylla tameiameia) and one non‐native (Morella faya) woody species (1) act as natural nodes of recruitment for native woody species and (2) can be used to enhance survivorship of outplanted native woody species. To address these questions, we quantified the presence and persistence of seedlings naturally recruiting beneath adult nurse shrubs and compared survival and growth of experimentally outplanted seedlings of seven native woody species under the nurse species compared to intact and cleared alien‐grass plots. We found that the two native nurse shrubs recruit their own offspring, but do not act as establishment nodes for other species. Morella faya recruited even fewer seedlings than native shrubs. Thus, outplanting will be necessary to increase abundance and diversity of native woody species. Outplant survival was the highest under shrubs compared to away from them with few differences between nurse species. The worst habitat for native seedling survival and growth was within the unmanaged invasive grass matrix. Although the two native nurse species did not differentially affect outplant survival, D. viscosa is the most widespread and easily propagated and is thus more likely to be useful as an initial nurse species. The outplanted species showed variable responses to nurse habitats that we attribute to resource requirements resulting from their typical successional stage and nitrogen fixation capability.  相似文献   

Abstract Coarse woody debris (CWD) is the standing and fallen dead wood in a forest and serves an important role in ecosystem functioning. There have been several studies that include estimates of CWD in Australian forests but little synthesis of these results. This paper presents findings from a literature review of CWD and fine litter quantities. Estimates of forest‐floor CWD, snags and litter from the literature are presented for woodland, rainforest, open forest and tall open forest, pine plantation and native hardwood plantation. Mean mass of forest floor CWD in Australian native forests ranged from 19 t ha?1 in woodland to 134 t ha?1 in tall open forest. These values were generally within the range of those observed for similar ecosystems in other parts of the world. Quantities in tall open forests were found to be considerably higher than those observed for hardwood forests in North America, and more similar to the amounts reported for coniferous forests with large sized trees on the west coast of the USA and Canada. Mean proportion of total above‐ground biomass as forest floor CWD was approximately 18% in open forests, 16% in tall open forests, 13% in rainforests, and 4% in eucalypt plantations. CWD can be high in exotic pine plantations when there are considerable quantities of residue from previous native forest stands. Mean snag biomass in Australian forests was generally lower than the US mean for snags in conifer forests and higher than hardwood forest. These results are of value for studies of carbon and nutrient stocks and dynamics, habitat values and fire hazards.  相似文献   

森林生态系统中的粗死木质残体及其功能   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
粗死木质残体(Coarse Woody Debris,CWD)是指所有地上和地下小头直径>2.5cm的死木质物,林分中CWD主要来源于个体的死亡和干扰所造成的死亡,在森林群落的生长发育过程中,CWD的数量变化呈“U”型,CWD的分解是动物和微生物吸收吸收养分,淋溶和自然破碎综合作用的结果,CWD的分解过程就是其发挥功能的过程,在此过程中各阶段都会有不同类型的生物群体利用其提供生境食物;CD具有吸收和释放养分的能力,是植物生长的营养库,是森林树木更新的良好介质;CWD是许多陆生生物和水生生物的食物来源,栖息地,避难所,哺育地,迁移通道等,在生物多样性保持方面发挥着不同替代的,在CWD的形成过程产生了林窗斑块,推动了森林生态系统的小循环,因此,CWD是森林生态系统中重要的结构性和功能性组成要素,在保持森林生态系统和水生生态系统的生物多样性及其生态过程完整性等方面起着不可替代的作用,应当给予了充分的重视。  相似文献   

通过对我国长白山自然保护区红松针阔混交林和美国Andrews试验林异叶铁杉林的林木死亡量、粗死木质物(CWD)贮量、分解速率和它们在生态系统养分循环等方面动态研究表明,CWD是温带天然林生态系统的重要组成部分,它们在生态系统功能方面的重要性,因森林类型的不同而不尽相同,CWD在针叶林中比针阔混交林中更为重要。CWD在生态系统养分循环中的一个重要作用,很可能在于系统遭受重大外界扰动后,起到贮藏养分,增加系统稳定性的作用。未来全球森林凋落物C贮量估测时,应该包括CWD,否则将低估全球森林凋落物C贮量2.0—16×10~(13)kg,系统相对误差达2—10%。  相似文献   

John T. Hunter 《Ecography》2005,28(4):505-514
Species density, pattern diversity and species pool are often studied in isolation and correlated individually to environmental gradients. However analysis of how these three measures interrelate can give insights into the interpretation of local and regional processes. In addition, an understanding of how these diversity measures change across the natural distribution of a community may help in decision making processes regarding reservation. Temperate eucalypt woodlands in eastern Australia are one of the most visible and ubiquitous communities in eastern Australia, but have undergone one of the most significant modification and fragmentation processes due to past and current pressure to clear for agriculture. Data from 176 vascular plant survey sites sampled across 14 woodland assemblages are used here to analyse geographic gradients in species density, pattern diversity and species pool size. It was discovered that species density was significantly correlated to pattern diversity and species pool size but that pattern diversity and species pool size were uncorrelated. There was a significant relationship whereby species density increased as pattern diversity decreased. These patterns may be explained by the maintenance of interconnectedness, dispersal and rescue effects at this scale of investigation but local interactions cannot be ruled out as important. Generally species density and species pool size increased from west to east in the study area and pattern diversity was strongly correlated to the coldest minimum winter temperatures. It is suggested that if local woodland richness is maintained by low pattern diversity and greater habitat connectedness then larger reserves are required in order to maintain the largest area of contiguous habitat. In such situations small isolated patches, which are increasingly fragmented by the pressure to clear for agriculture will accumulate larger extinction debts.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris mass and nutrients in forest ecosystems of Korea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an essential component of forests. However, quantification of both the mass and nutrient content of CWD within a given environment tends to be a fairly labor-intensive proposition that requires long-term studies to be conducted for viable data to be obtained. As a result, various aspects of CWD in forest ecosystems remain somewhat poorly understood. In this review, we have compiled all available estimates of CWD mass and nutrients from both coniferous and deciduous forests in Korea. The CWD mass data varied substantially by forest type, age, location, and sampling time, ranging from 1.5 to 24.5 Mg ha−1, and for the amount (kg ha−1) of nutrients in the CWD, ranging from 3.5 to 23.6 for nitrogen (N), 0.8 to 4.7 for phosphorus (P), 3.9 to 13.3 for potassium (K), 25.9 to 30.9 for calcium (Ca), 1.4 to 4.2 for magnesium (Mg), and 0.1 to 0.6 for sodium (Na). The mass of CWD transferred from live trees to the forest floor ranged between 0.1 and 4.9 Mg ha−1 year−1, and these values were roughly equivalent to 26–42% of the annual litterfall inputs (2.5–10.8 Mg ha−1 year−1) for mixed Quercus spp. forests within the relevant region. Annual nutrients inputs (kg ha−1 year−1) through CWD decomposition were 0.7–1.6 for N, 0.04–0.3 for P, 0.3–1.0 for K, 1.7–3.1 for Ca, and 0.1–0.3 for Mg. Consequently, these results revealed that the ecological value of CWD for C and nutrient cycling was relatively insignificant. However, only a limited number of studies have been conducted on CWD in different coniferous or mixed deciduous forests in the region. As a direct result of this paucity of data, further long-term studies on CWD mass and nutrients in a variety of forest types are required in order to be able to evaluate accurately the ecological value of CWD on biodiversity and physical properties in Korean forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Fallen branches are a substantial component of coarse woody debris and a key ecological resource. The depletion of stocks of coarse woody debris since European settlement has contributed to the degradation of Australian grassy box woodlands, including the loss of biodiversity. Restoration options for remnant woodlands include the augmentation of coarse woody debris stocks. However, the extensive modification of grassy box woodlands has left few reference sites for establishing benchmarks to guide such restoration. In this paper we demonstrate a method for predicting fallen branch debris loads in the absence of reference sites, using data from a yellow box–red gum woodland. Our methodology is in two stages: first, the total volume of branch debris under individual trees was modelled; and second, these models were applied to groups of trees to predict stand‐level loads of fallen branch debris. Although the models were developed for yellow box–red gum woodlands, the methodology would be applicable to other communities that lack reference sites. Predicted benchmark loads of fallen branch debris for yellow box–red gum woodland were between 7.0 m3 ha?1 and 11.9 m3 ha?1. Large senescing trees contributed the bulk of fallen branch debris. Model predictions indicated a 100‐cm diameter at breast height (dbh) tree was 10 times more likely to produce debris than a 50‐cm dbh tree, and if debris was present a 100‐cm dbh tree produced approximately 10 times the volume of branch debris produced by a 50‐cm dbh tree. These results highlight the importance of large senescing trees for the production of fallen branch debris and support the keystone role of large trees within remnant woodlands, and the need to conserve these structures. Our results also support the active management of regrowth woodland stands to facilitate the progression of individual trees to maturity and senescence. In particular, thinning of regrowth stands may promote the growth of retained trees, ensuring they contribute to fallen branch debris stocks with a minimum time lag.  相似文献   

Ants are ubiquitous, abundant and have widespread impacts on ecological communities and ecosystem processes. However, ant effects on coarse woody debris decomposition are unexplored. Several ant species colonize coarse woody debris for nesting, and this puts them in contact with fauna and microbes that utilize coarse woody debris as habitat and food, potentially influencing nutrient cycling and, ultimately, forest productivity. We report results from a field experiment employing 138 artificial ant nests (routed pine blocks) across five locations in southeastern US deciduous forests. We examine the correspondence between ant, termite and wood-eating fungi colonization and variation in coarse woody debris decomposition. After 1 year, nests colonized by ants had 5% more mass than those not colonized. Ant colonization corresponded with significantly less termite- and fungal-mediated decomposition of the nests. Without ants, termites removed 11.5% and fungi removed 4% more wood biomass. Ants, termites and wood-eating fungi all colonized pine nests where temperatures were highest, and ants also preferred higher soil moisture whereas termites and fungi responded negatively to high soil moisture when temperatures were higher. Ants reduce termite colonies through predation, and may inhibit fungi through the secretion of antimicrobial compounds. Our results indicate that interactions between forest understory ants, termites and fungi may influence the rate of coarse woody debris decomposition—biotic interactions that potentially influence forest structure and function.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates experimentally that coarse woody debris (CWD) can provide refuge from predation in aquatic habitats. In the Rhode River subestuary of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, (USA), we (1) measured the abundance of CWD, (2) examined the utilization of CWD by mobile epibenthic fish and crustaceans, and (3) tested experimentally the value of CWD as a refuge from predation. CWD was the dominant above-bottom physical structure in shallow water, ranging in size from small branches (<2 cm diameter) to fallen trees (>50 cm diameter). In response to experimental additions of CWD, densities of common epibenthic cpecies (Callinectes sapidus, Fundulus heteroclitus, Fundulus majalis, Gobiosoma bosc, Gobiesox strumosus, Palaemonetes pugio, and Rithropanopeus harrisii) increased significantly compared to control sites without CWD. In laboratory experiments, grass shrimp (P. pugio) responded to predatory fish (F. heteroclitus and Micropogonias undulatus) by utilizing shelter at CWD more frequently than in absence of fish. Access to CWD increased survivorship of grass shrimp in laboratory and field experiments. These experimental results (1) support the hypothesis, commonly proposed but untested for freshwater habitats, that CWD can provide a refuge from predation for epibenthic fish and invertebrates and (2) extend the recognized functional importance of CWD in freshwater to estuarine and marine communities. We hypothesize that CWD is an especially important refuge habitat in the many estuarine and freshwater systems for which alternative physical structure (e.g., vegetation or oyster reefs) are absent or in low abundance.  相似文献   

Degraded communities often contain a subset of the species that comprised the predisturbance community. These represent an important legacy of the predisturbance state, yet restoration treatments may be detrimental to them. This study examined the potential of leaf traits and life form to predict whether restoration treatments can maintain legacy swards of Austrostipa bigeniculata (hereafter Austrostipa) while controlling exotic annuals in temperate eucalypt woodlands. Treatments included carbon addition to reduce soil nitrate, both with and without burning or pulse grazing to deplete exotic seed pools. We compared leaf traits of Austrostipa with a native grass (Themeda triandra) known to be advantaged, and 8 exotic annual species known to be disadvantaged by these treatments. Leaf traits indicated potentially greater negative impacts of carbon addition on exotic annuals compared to Austrostipa, and on Austrostipa compared to Themeda, suggesting a net restoration benefit. Similarly, burning or pulse grazing is expected to have little negative impact on perennial resprouting grasses (hemicryptophytes; Austrostipa and Themeda) compared with annual exotics (therophytes) with short‐lived seed banks. Treatment responses were largely consistent with predictions: treatments that significantly reduced exotic annuals had no net disadvantage to Austrostipa swards despite significant reductions in Austrostipa seedling growth with carbon addition. Indeed by Year 3, Austrostipa mortality in untreated plots led to 46% lower Austrostipa abundance than in treated plots at one site, potentially due to litter build‐up or other mechanisms. We conclude that plant traits provide a useful framework for designing restoration transitions that retain native legacy species while controlling exotics.  相似文献   

11种温带树种粗木质残体呼吸的时间动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张利敏  王传宽  唐艳 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3126-3134
粗木质残体(CWD)呼吸释放出的CO2(RCWD)与温度的关系是森林生态系统RCWD年通量估测的基础,是随树种和时间而变化的,但这种关系的时间动态目前尚不清楚。采用红外气体分析法测定自然条件下东北东部山区典型天然次生林中11个主要树种RCWD的时间动态,尤其注重于其日变化格局及其对温度的响应。测定树种包括:白桦、山杨、紫椴、胡桃楸、蒙古栎、色木槭、春榆、红松、黄檗、兴安落叶松和水曲柳。结果表明:在测定的生长季期间,11个树种RCWD的日动态多表现为受10cm深的CWD温度(TCWD)驱动的单峰曲线日变化格局,RCWD最高值出现在13:0015:00时,明显滞后于气温(TA)的日变化。然而,在7月和8月份RCWD对温度的响应不明显,呈现出无峰或多峰的日变化格局。各树种均表现为白昼RCWD平均值高于黑夜。RCWD与TCWD、TA有显著的相关关系(P0.05),但与测定前两个小时的TA相关更紧密,说明RCWD对TA响应的滞后性。RCWD温度系数(Q10)平均为2.61,但随树种和季节而变化。Q10值波动在1.74(白桦)和4.20(蒙古栎)之间,并有随温度升高而减小的趋势。本研究结果表明粗木质残体分解碳释放的估算应该考虑RCWD温度敏感性随树种和时间的变化特性。  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important component of the carbon cycle in tropical forests. We measured the volume and density of fallen CWD at two sites, Cauaxi and Tapajós in the Eastern Amazon. At both sites we studied undisturbed forests (UFs) and logged forests 1 year after harvest. Conventional logging (CL) and reduced impact logging (RIL) were used for management on areas where the geometric volumes of logs harvested was about 25–30 m3 ha?1. Density for five classes of fallen CWD for large material (>10 cm diameter) ranged from 0.71 to 0.28 Mg m?3 depending upon the degree of decomposition. Density of wood within large fallen logs varied with position relative to the ground and with distance from the center of the log. Densities for materials with diameters from 2 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm were 0.36 and 0.45 Mg m?3, respectively. The average mass (±SE) of fallen CWD at Cauaxi was 55.2 (4.7), 74.7 (0.6), and 107.8 (10.5) Mg ha?1 for duplicate UF, RIL, and CL sites, respectively. At Tapajós, the average mass of fallen CWD was 50.7 (1.1) Mg ha?1 for UF and 76.2 (10.2) Mg ha?1 for RIL for duplicate sites compared with 282 Mg ha?1 for live aboveground biomass. Small‐ and medium‐sized material (<10 cm dia.) accounted for 8–18% of the total fallen CWD mass. The large amount of fallen CWD at these UF sites relative to standing aboveground biomass suggests either that the forests have recently been subjected to a pulse of high mortality or that they normally suffer a high mortality rate in the range of 0.03 per year. Accounting for background CWD in UF, CL management produced 2.7 times as much CWD as RIL management. Excess CWD at logging sites would generate a substantial CO2 emission given the high rates of decay in moist tropical forests.  相似文献   

Question. Can strategic burning, targeting differing ecological characteristics of native and exotic species, facilitate restoration of native understorey in weed‐invaded temperate grassy eucalypt woodlands? Location. Gippsland Plains, eastern Victoria, Australia. Methods. In a replicated, 5‐year experimental trial, the effects of repeated spring or autumn burning were evaluated for native and exotic plants in a representative, degraded Eucalyptus tereticornis grassy woodland. Treatments aimed to reduce seed banks and modify establishment conditions of exotic annual grasses, and to exhaust vegetative reserves of exotic perennial grasses. Treatments were applied to three grassland patch types, dominated by the native grass Austrodanthonia caespitosa, ubiquitous exotic annuals, or the common exotic perennial grass Paspalum dilatatum. Results. The dominant native grass Austrodanthonia caespitosa and native forbs were resilient to repeated fires, and target exotic annuals and perennials were suppressed differentially by autumn and spring fires. Exotic annuals were also suppressed by drought, reducing the overall treatment effects but indicating important opportunities for restoration. The initially sparse exotic geophyte Romulea rosea increased in cover with fire and the impact of this species on native forbs requires further investigation. There was minimal increase in diversity of subsidiary natives with fire, probably owing to lack of propagules. Conclusions. While fire is often considered to increase ecosystem invasibility, our study showed that strategic use of fire, informed by the relative responses of available native and exotic taxa, is potentially an effective step towards restoration of weed‐invaded temperate eucalypt woodlands.  相似文献   

Abstract Areas of warm temperate eucalypt forests of northern NSW escarpment, previously managed for cattle production, have recently been transferred into the conservation reserve system. The forests were seasonally grazed by cattle and were burnt frequently to promote green pick for stock feed. The hypothesis that disturbances associated with previous management had led to a simplification of the forest understorey, particularly a depletion in the density and species richness of shrubs was investigated. A disturbance history of the study area was constructed by compiling fire history records and using surrogate measures for recent and historical grazing. Shrub species composition was sampled in randomly located quadrats in dells within the forest, with a set of environmental and spatial covariables. Variation in shrub composition was partitioned among three sources (disturbance, environment and space) using a stepwise canonical correspondence analysis. Grazing and burning disturbance explained substantially more variation in vegetation than the environmental and spatial variables combined. Between 15 and 45% of total variation in adult shrub composition was attributable to the disturbance indicators. Similar results were obtained for composition of juvenile shrubs. Species richness and population densities of woody species were lower where disturbance was more intensive. It is concluded that historical grazing and burning practices had a substantial impact on the woody understoreys of the north‐east escarpment forests. The species that were adversely affected spanned a range of life‐history functional types. Estimates of the magnitude of grazing and burning impacts were limited by the lack of spatially explicit disturbance history data over the full period of pastoral exploitation and the unavailability of suitable ungrazed‘controls’for sampling.  相似文献   

Deadwood is widely recognized to be an important issue for biodiversity conservation in forest ecosystems. Establishing guidelines for its management requires a better understanding of relationships between woody debris characteristics and associated species assemblages. Although deadwood diameter has been identified as an important factor predicting occurrence of many saproxylic species, the boundary between small and large diameter has not yet been precisely defined. In commercial forests, it is also of critical importance to know which diameter is large enough to host the beetle species associated with large logs in order to ensure cost-effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures. We investigated the differences in saproxylic beetle assemblages among four different diameter classes of downed woody oak and maritime pine debris, in France. Beetles were sampled using in situ emergence traps. The diameter of deadwood pieces ranged from 1 to 40 cm. No patterns of nestedness associated with the gradient of diameter size were identified for either tree species. More indicator saproxylic species were observed in large logs and branches than in small logs. A clear distinction appeared in assemblage composition around the 5-cm diameter threshold whereas no similar pattern occurred around the 10 cm value, i.e. the classical threshold used in forestry to distinguish fine woody debris from coarse woody debris. For both tree species, the mean body length of beetles increased with the diameter of deadwood suggesting that the quantity of available resources per piece may constitute a limiting factor for large beetle species. This study confirms that not only large deadwood pieces are relevant for saproxylic biodiversity conservation but also the smallest pieces. Therefore, forest managers would be well advised to maintain a high diversity of deadwoods to maintain saproxylic biodiversity.  相似文献   

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