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Fleas of the Caucasus belong to 155 species of 40 genera, constituting 17% and 43% of the species and generic composition of the Palaearctic fauna, respectively. The Caucasian fauna includes 23 endemic species but no endemic genera or subgenera. In the number of species, the Caucasian fauna is similar to that of the Mediterranean Subregion and is significantly poorer than the faunas of the Euro-Siberian (by 2.2 times) and Irano-Turanian (by 1.7 times) Subregions. Based on taxonomic diversity, we can propose a hypothesis on the West and East Palaearctic sources of the Caucasian fauna. The West Palaearctic source has determined the distribution of pulicomorph fleas of the families Pulicidae and Coptopsyllidae from Africa, on the one hand, and of fleas of the genera Ctenopthalmus and Palaeopsylla from Europe, on the other hand. Fleas of the Holarctic genera, such as Ceratophyllus and Megabothris, entered the Caucasus by the north Asian route; fleas of the genera Neopsylla, Rhadinopsylla, and Hystrichopsylla migrated to the Caucasus from east and central Asia by the south Asian route, through Middle and Western Asia.  相似文献   

The Brazilian coast, the Caribbean and the tropical South Atlantic oceanic islands reef ichthyofauna separated into two major clusters: (1) the western Atlantic continental margin and Bermuda, further divided into (1a) the western North Atlantic, and (1b) the Brazilian coast; and (2) the South Atlantic oceanic islands, also divided in (2a) the Brazilian offshore islands, and (2b) Ascension and St Helena. Species geographic ranges suggest the recognition of only two western Atlantic zoogeographic provinces for tropical marine shore fishes. A Brazilian Province, including the offshore localities of Atol das Rocas, Fernando de Noronha, Trindade and St Paul's Rocks, and an expanded West Indian Province that includes Bermuda. Ascension and St Helena should be regarded as a separated Central Atlantic Province.  相似文献   

江苏省(含上海市)爬行动物区系及地理区划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邹寿昌  陈才法 《四川动物》2002,21(3):130-135
关于江苏的爬行动物 ,曾有Gee(1 91 9)报道过苏州的少数种类 ,孙宗彭 (1 92 6)就南京的蜥蜴类 ,张宗汉及方炳文 (1 93 1 )就南京的蛇类及龟鳖类分别作过研究 ;Sowerby(1 93 2 )曾涉及上海的爬行动物 ;在Pope(1 93 5 )的专著中收集有各家论文中有关江苏的爬行动物的记录 ;陈义 (1 962 )报导了南京附近的二种龟鳖类 ;《中国动物图谱———爬行动物》(1 962 )也有新资料 ;周开亚 (1 964)对江苏省爬行动物的地理分布及地理区划作了详细的叙述与讨论。在其后的几十年中随着调查工作的深入 ,对江苏省的爬行动物无论在属、种的数量及…  相似文献   

Adult cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouché), from two laboratory colonies (one originating in California and one from Florida) were exposed to residues of eight pyrethroids to compare their susceptibilities. The Florida strain was more tolerant than the California strain, with 6.8-, 5.2-, and 4.8-fold tolerance to cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, and fluvalinate, respectively. The Florida strain showed less than 3-fold tolerance to the other five insecticides (permethrin, tralomethrin, d-phenothrin, resmethrin, and fenvalerate). Overall, the pyrethroids were ineffective against the Florida strain.  相似文献   

姜雅风 《四川动物》2002,21(3):123-137
1 研究简史辽宁省爬行动物分类和区系的研究主要是在中华人民共和国成立后由中国学者进行的。秦耀庭、季达明 (1 965 )对蛇类做了报道。四川生物研究所在《中国爬行动物系统检索》(1 977)一书中列出辽宁省有爬行动物 1 3种 ,其中陆栖种类 (不包括海产种类 )含黑眉锦蛇共 1 2种。赵尔宓 (1 979,1 980 )对大连蛇岛上的蝮属蛇种进行研究 ,订新种蛇岛蝮。季达明、刘明玉等(1 981 )报道辽宁产蛇类 1 0种。黄康彩 (1 981 )增加辽宁省蜥蜴类新纪录 1种。赵尔宓、黄康彩 (1 982 )对辽宁省两栖爬行动物种类、分类进行系统研究 ,订新种桓仁滑蜥 ,增加…  相似文献   

The stonefly fauna of the Systellognatha group of Russia and adjacent countries comprises 120 species belonging to 43 genera of 5 families. According to the geographical distribution, 12 groups of genera and 16 species-groups are distinguished. Most of the genera belong to the Holarctic (5), Nearctic-Eastern Palaearctic (7), Amphipacific (9), and Western Palaearctic (8) groups; among the species, the Eastern Palaearctic (29), Palaearchearctic (25), and Western Palaearctic (19) ones are prevalent. There are endemic species, especially in the Caucasus and Middle Asia.  相似文献   

Fleas fauna of the Caucasus is considered, possible ways of its formation are discussed. Caucasian fleas belong to 155 species and 40 genera; 23 species are endemics. Hypothesis on Western Palearctic and Eastern Palearctic sources of the Caucasian fleas' fauna formation are proposed.  相似文献   

报道蚤雌雄同体畸形一例。  相似文献   

福建省两栖动物区系及地理区划   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
耿宝荣 《四川动物》2002,21(3):170-174
1 研究简史福建省两栖动物的研究 ,最早见于 1 869年Stein dachner的采集报告。G .A .Boulenger(1 882、1 899)、W .Wolterstorff(1 90 6)、N .Annandale(1 91 7)、L .Stejneger(1 92 5 )分别研究报道了福建的两栖动物。 1 92 5年C .H .Pope受美国自然历史博物馆的委派加入“中亚调查队” ,来到我国许多省份采集两栖爬行动物 ,曾在福建省的南平、福清、崇安等地进行采集 ,对两栖动物的生活史作了详细的观察。尔后 ,K .P .Schmidt(1 92 7)、伍献文 (1 92 9)、徐锡…  相似文献   

安徽省爬行动物区系及地理区划   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张盛周  陈壁辉 《四川动物》2002,21(3):136-141
1 研究简史安徽省爬行动物在明清两代的地方志中有过一些记载 ,多归属在食货、土产或地理志、物产类。从众多地方志中 ,能考证其确切学名者共有 :乌龟、大头平胸龟、中华鳖、鼋、乌梢蛇、银环蛇、扬子鳄等 7种 ,其中 ,鼋 (Pelochelysbibroni)一种 ,近几十年从未发现过 ,可能已绝迹。 1 93 5年 ,Pope著《中国爬行动物》一书 ,记载安徽省爬行动物 2 2种。 1 973年浙江医科大学中医研究所蛇伤组记载了黄山蛇类 2 8种。 1 974年四川省生物研究所两栖爬行动物研究室对安徽省大别山和黄山地区进行了较系统的调查 ,并总结了…  相似文献   

云南省爬行动物区系及地理区划   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
何晓瑞  周希琴 《四川动物》2002,21(3):161-169
1 研究简史1 9世纪末 ,英国、美国及法国等学者先后进入云南考察爬行动物 ,地点主要是滇中及滇西地区。Anderson ,J.(1 879)、Boulenger,C .(1 890、1 993、1 90 6)、Pope.C .H .(1 93 5 )等人均有报道。Boulenger发表了不少爬行动物新种。Pope 1 93 5年在美国纽约出版了“TheReptilesofChina”书中记述了云南爬行动物 61种。2 0世纪 2 0年代 ,我国学者张玺、成庆泰在云南作过考察 ,1 943及 1 946年曾有报道。 2 0世纪 5 0年代以后 ,赵尔宓、江耀明 (1 966) ,黄祝坚 (1 95 9)有考…  相似文献   

陕西省爬行动物区系及地理区划   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
宋鸣涛 《四川动物》2002,21(3):146-148
Pope(1 93 5 )、胡淑琴等 (1 966)、方荣威等 (1 983 )、李保国等 (1 984)、原洪 (1 985 )、宋鸣涛 (1 987)对陕西爬行动物曾做了论述。现笔者根据近年来爬行动物分类及生态研究资料整理成此文 ,并提出陕西爬行动物区系组成与动物地理区划。1 自然概况陕西省位于我国内陆腹地黄河中游 ,东经 1 0 5°2 9′~ 1 1 1°1 5° ,北纬 3 1°42°~ 3 9°3 5°之间 ,面积 2 0 6万km2 。地势南北高中部低 ,亦由西向东明显倾斜。北部山地和秦岭把陕西分为三大自然区域 :北部黄土高原是我国黄土高原的中心部分 ,黄土层经流水切割和土壤浸蚀形成…  相似文献   

山西省爬行动物区系及地理区划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
郭萃文  王琰  连丽萍 《四川动物》2002,21(3):115-118
山西省属古北界华北区黄土高原亚区 ,根据动物区系组成、地理分布和自然条件 ,可把山西划分为 3个动物地理省。全山西共有爬行动物 2 9种 ,隶属 7科 15属 ,其中古北界 11种、东洋界 12种 ,广布两界种 6种。  相似文献   

To counteract water loss due to excretion, cuticular transpiration and respiration, various groups of arthropods have developed mechanisms for active uptake of water vapor from unsaturated air. In this study, active uptake capabilities and water loss rates were examined in the various developmental stages of the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. To determine critical equilibrium humidity, the lowest relative humidity at which active water uptake can occur, pre-desiccated immature and adult fleas were placed in a series of humidity regimes ranging from 44 to 93% RH. Active uptake occurred in larval stages at relative humidities above 53% and in pre-pupae at 75-93% RH. Pupae and adults did not demonstrate active uptake at any humidity. Optimal uptake for larvae occurred between 20 and 30 degrees C. When placed over Drierite (<10% RH), larval and adult stages demonstrated a higher rate of water loss than pre-pupal and pupal stages. Active water uptake is necessary to ensure proper development of the larvae of C. felis. Active uptake ceases after the larval-pupal ecdysis and it appears that adults have lost the ability to actively uptake water.  相似文献   

The zoogeographic composition of insects in the raised bogs of the Belarusian Lakeland was investigated. The boundaries of this region coincide with those of the last glaciation and the distribution of raised bogs on the East European Plain. By the example of three model groups (Odonata, Coleoptera, and Macrolepidoptera) it was found that the insect fauna complexes in the bogs of the Belarusian Lakeland had a typical boreal pattern with prevalence of species with Euro-Siberian ranges, and also included large fractions of species with Circumboreal and Circum-Arctoboreal ranges. The environmental conditions of bogs in the temperate zone of Europe facilitate the southward expansion of many cold-adapted species.  相似文献   

In experiment, the mean diurnal fecundity of Leptopsylla segnis females increased during the first five days since the beginning of feeding on white mice and reached the maximum in the second five-day period (15.7-16.7 eggs per 1 female during a day). In subsequent period of stay on a host, an activity of egg laying gradually decreased. In flea females, which had lived on hosts for 40 days and more this index was 3.7 eggs. During the mean life longevity (23 days), the flea females lay about 260 eggs; the females, which have lived more than 40 days, produce above 400 eggs.  相似文献   

Morphological characters and their diversity in the Afrotropical subfamilies Dinopsyllinae and Listropsyllinae, and the Holarctic subfamily Anomiopsyllinae are evaluated. Three centers had the major significance in the formation of the family Hystrichopsyllidae: the South American (extra-Caribbean), Afro-European, and North American and Asian ones. One more center may have been located in Australia but its fauna has become largely extinct or remains unknown. The origin of a number of tribes of the subfamilies Hystrichopsyllinae and Doratopsyllinae is associated with the South American center; the origin of subgenera of the subfamily Ctenophthalminae as well as the subfamilies Listropsyllinae and Dinopsyllinae, with the Afro-European center; and the origin of the subfamilies Neopsyllinae, Rhadinopsyllinae, Anomiopsyllinae, Stenoponiinae, and Liuopsyllinae, with the North American and Asian center. Distribution of the subfamilies Doratopsyllinae and Hystrichopsyllinae sheds light on the initial stages of formation of the family Hystrichopsyllidae.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of homologous character states and considering the molecular-biological data (Whiting et al., 2008), phylogenetic relationships of the tribes and subfamilies of the family Hystrichopsyllidae are discussed. In some cases, homologous states of the skeleton characters mark the clades revealed by the moleculargenetic analysis, but are shared by taxa from other clades. In contrast to the molecular-genetic data, morphological characters indicate the phylogenetic integrity of the family Hystrichopsyllidae. Morphological characters depict the subfamily Anomiopsyllinae as a monophyletic taxon (having synapomorphic states of the metaphragma, metasternite, and the mesosternal apodeme) closest to the subfamilies Neopsyllinae and Rhadinopsyllinae. The subfamilies Neopsyllinae, Rhadinopsyllinae, and Stenoponiinae have a non-thickened metasternite; the former two subfamilies also have in common a similar structure of articulation of the digitoid with the clasper, type of the metaphragma modification, and the presence of the sclerotized central sclerite. Homologous modifications of the metaphragma are also present in fleas of the subfamily Stenoponiinae. Close to this group are the subfamily Hystrichopsyllinae whose representatives also possess non-thickened metasternal apodemes, and the subfamily Listropsyllinae with its frontal sclerotized tubercle being a specialized modification of the frontal sclerotized fold. A specific feature shared by fleas of the subfamilies Hystrichopsyllinae and Listropsyllinae is the presence of the metasternal furca with high sharp processes and a high medial ridge. The closeness of these taxa is supported by the results of molecular-genetic analysis. The subfamilies Doratopsyllinae and Ctenophthalminae (tribes Ctenophthalmini and Carterettini) are united by the type of the attachment of the mesopleural rod to the special ridge at the upper margin of the mesopleuron. According to the molecular-genetic data, the tribe Neotyphloceratini is related to these subfamilies, even though its members have no ridge on the mesopleuron. The similarity in the structure of the furca (the presence of high dorsal processes with rounded apices and a high median ridge) and in the length ratio of the fulcrum lobes relates the subfamilies Ctenophthalminae and Dinopsyllinae.  相似文献   

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