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The rectum has a unique physiological role as a sensory organ and differs in its afferent innervation from other gut organs that do not normally mediate conscious sensation. We compared the central processing of human esophageal, duodenal, and rectal sensation using cortical evoked potentials (CEP) in 10 healthy volunteers (age range 21-34 yr). Esophageal and duodenal CEP had similar morphology in all subjects, whereas rectal CEP had two different but reproducible morphologies. The rectal CEP latency to the first component P1 (69 ms) was shorter than both duodenal (123 ms; P = 0.008) and esophageal CEP latencies (106 ms; P = 0.004). The duodenal CEP amplitude of the P1-N1 component (5.0 microV) was smaller than that of the corresponding esophageal component (5.7 microV; P = 0.04) but similar to that of the corresponding rectal component (6.5 microV; P = 0.25). This suggests that rectal sensation is either mediated by faster-conducting afferent pathways or that there is a difference in the orientation or volume of cortical neurons representing the different gut organs. In conclusion, the physiological and anatomic differences between gut organs are reflected in differences in the characteristics of their afferent pathways and cortical processing.  相似文献   

We aimed to determine whether rectal distension and/or infusion of bile acids stimulates propagating or nonpropagating activity in the unprepared proximal colon in 10 healthy volunteers using a nasocolonic manometric catheter (16 recording sites at 7.5-cm spacing). Sensory thresholds and proximal colonic motor responses were assessed following rectal distension by balloon inflation and rectal instillation of chenodeoxycholic acid. Maximum tolerated balloon volume and the volume that stimulated a desire to defecate were both significantly (P < 0.01) reduced after rectal chenodeoxycholic acid. The frequency of colonic propagating pressure wave sequences decreased significantly in response to initial balloon inflations (P < 0.05), but the frequency doubled after subsequent chenodeoxycholic acid infusion (P < 0.002). Nonpropagating activity decreased after balloon inflation, was not influenced by acid infusion, and demonstrated a further decrease in response to repeat balloon inflation. We concluded that rectal chenodeoxycholic acid in physiological concentrations is a potent stimulus for propagating pressure waves arising in the proximal colon and reduces rectal sensory thresholds. Rectal distension inhibits all colonic motor activity.  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder, characterized by recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort in combination with disturbed bowel habits in the absence of identifiable organic cause. Visceral hypersensitivity has emerged as a key hypothesis in explaining the painful symptoms in IBS and has been proposed as a "biological hallmark" for the condition. Current techniques of assessing visceral perception include the computerized barostat using rectal distensions, registering responses induced by sensory stimuli including the flexor reflex and cerebral evoked potentials, as well as brain imaging modalities such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. These methods have provided further insight into alterations in pain processing in IBS, although the most optimal method and condition remain to be established. In an attempt to give an overview of these methods, a literature search in the electronic databases PubMed and MEDLINE was executed using the search terms "assessment of visceral pain/visceral nociception/visceral hypersensitivity" and "irritable bowel syndrome." Both original articles and review articles were considered for data extraction. This review aims to discuss currently used modalities in assessing visceral perception, along with advantages and limitations, and aims also to define future directions for methodological aspects in visceral pain research. Although novel paradigms such as brain imaging and neurophysiological recordings have been introduced in the study of visceral pain, confirmative studies are warranted to establish their robustness and clinical relevance. Therefore, subjective verbal reporting following rectal distension currently remains the best-validated technique in assessing visceral perception in IBS.  相似文献   

Discomfort and pain are the sensations most commonly evoked from viscera. Most nociceptive signals that originate from visceral organs reach the central nervous system (c.n.s.) via afferent fibres in sympathetic nerves, whereas parasympathetic nerves contain mainly those visceral afferent fibres concerned with the non-sensory aspects of visceral afferent function. Noxious stimulation of viscera activates a variety of specific and non-specific receptors, the vast majority of which are connected to unmyelinated afferent fibres. Studies on the mechanisms of visceral sensation can thus provide information on the more general functions of unmyelinated afferent fibres. Specific visceral nociceptors have been found in the heart, lungs, testes and biliary system, whereas noxious stimulation of the gastro-intestinal tract appears to be detected mainly by non-specific visceral receptors that use an intensity-encoding mechanism. Visceral nociceptive messages are conveyed to the spinal cord by relatively few visceral afferent fibres which activate many central neurons by extensive functional divergence through polysynaptic pathways. Impulses in visceral afferent fibres excite spinal cord neurons also driven by somatic inputs from the corresponding dermatome (viscero-somatic neurons). Noxious intensities of visceral stimulation are needed to activate viscero-somatic neurons, most of which can also be excited by noxious stimulation of their somatic receptive fields. The visceral input to some viscero-somatic neurons in the spinal cord can be mediated via long supraspinal loops. Pathways of projection of viscero-somatic neurons include the spino-reticular and spino-thalamic tracts. All these findings give experimental support to the 'convergence-projection' theory of referred visceral pain. Visceral pain is the consequence of the diffuse activation of somato-sensory nociceptive systems in a manner that prevents accurate spatial discrimination or localization of the stimuli. Noxious stimulation of visceral receptors triggers general reactions of alertness and arousal and evokes unpleasant and poorly localized sensory experiences. This type of response may be a feature of sensory systems dominated by unmyelinated afferent inputs.  相似文献   

There is increased prevalence of abdominal pain and diarrhea and decreased gastric sensation with increased body mass index (BMI). Our hypothesis is that increased BMI is associated with increased colonic motility and sensation. The study aim was to assess effect of BMI on colonic sensory and motor functions and transit. We used a database of colonic tone, compliance, and perception of distensions measured by intracolonic, barostat-controlled balloon, and gastrointestinal transit was measured by validated scintigraphy in healthy obese and nonobese subjects. Regression analysis was applied to assess the association of BMI with colonic sensory and motor functions. We included adjustments for sex differences, age, height, balloon volumes during distension, and psychological stress. Among 165 participants (87 women, 78 men), increased BMI was associated with decreased colonic compliance (P < 0.006, adjusted), decreased pain rating during distensions (P = 0.02, adjusted), and a higher threshold for pain (P = 0.042, adjusted). Sensation for gas, colonic tone, and contraction after meal ingestion were not significantly associated with BMI. Transit was assessed in 72 participants (41 women, 31 men); colonic transit was faster with BMI >30 kg/m(2) (P = 0.003 unadjusted, P = 0.08 adjusted for gender). In conclusion, BMI >25 kg/m(2) is associated with decreased colonic compliance and pain sensation; colonic transit is accelerated particularly with BMI >30 kg/m(2) in women. These data suggest that colonic dysfunction may contribute to diarrhea, but the cause of increased abdominal pain in obesity is not explained by the studies of colonic sensation and requires further study of afferent, spinal, and central mechanisms.  相似文献   

Descending serotonergic, noradrenergic, and dopaminergic systems project diffusely to sensory, motor and autonomic spinal cord regions. Using neonatal mice, this study examined monoaminergic modulation of visceral sensory input and sympathetic preganglionic output. Whole-cell recordings from sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs) in spinal cord slice demonstrated that serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine modulated SPN excitability. Serotonin depolarized all, while noradrenaline and dopamine depolarized most SPNs. Serotonin and noradrenaline also increased SPN current-evoked firing frequency, while both increases and decreases were seen with dopamine. In an in vitro thoracolumbar spinal cord/sympathetic chain preparation, stimulation of splanchnic nerve visceral afferents evoked reflexes and subthreshold population synaptic potentials in thoracic ventral roots that were dose-dependently depressed by the monoamines. Visceral afferent stimulation also evoked bicuculline-sensitive dorsal root potentials thought to reflect presynaptic inhibition via primary afferent depolarization. These dorsal root potentials were likewise dose-dependently depressed by the monoamines. Concomitant monoaminergic depression of population afferent synaptic transmission recorded as dorsal horn field potentials was also seen. Collectively, serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine were shown to exert broad and comparable modulatory regulation of viscero-sympathetic function. The general facilitation of SPN efferent excitability with simultaneous depression of visceral afferent-evoked motor output suggests that descending monoaminergic systems reconfigure spinal cord autonomic function away from visceral sensory influence. Coincident monoaminergic reductions in dorsal horn responses support a multifaceted modulatory shift in the encoding of spinal visceral afferent activity. Similar monoamine-induced changes have been observed for somatic sensorimotor function, suggesting an integrative modulatory response on spinal autonomic and somatic function.  相似文献   

Tonic reflexes in the colon and rectum are likely to be important in health and in disorders of gastrointestinal function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fasting and postprandial "colorectal" and "rectocolic" reflexes in response to 2-min isobaric distensions of the colon and rectum, accounting for enteric sensation, compliance, and distending balloon volume. In 14 healthy fasting subjects, a dual barostat assembly was positioned (descending colon and rectum). A 2-min phasic distension was performed in the colon and rectum in random order while the opposing balloon volume was recorded. Sensation (phasic distension) and compliance (ramp distension) were also determined. The experiment was repeated postprandially. Colonic distension resulted in significant rectal tonic contraction in the fasting (rectal volume change: -35.4 +/- 8.4 ml, P < 0.01) and postprandial (-22.2 +/- 8.4 ml, P < 0.01) states. After adjustment for colonic sensitivity, for compliance, and for distending balloon volume, the rectal volume change remained significant; the extent of the tonic response, however, correlated significantly with increasing pain score (P < 0.01). In contrast, rectal distension did not produce a significant tonic response in the colon (fasting: -6.5 +/- 7.3 ml; postprandial: 2.7 +/- 7.3 ml), either unadjusted or adjusted for rectal sensitivity, compliance, and distending balloon volume. In conclusion, the colorectal reflex, but not the rectocolic reflex, can be readily demonstrated both before and after a meal in response to a 2-min isobaric distension in the colon and rectum, respectively. Although the presence of the colorectal reflex does not depend on colonic sensitivity or the volume of the distending colonic balloon, these factors modulate the reflex, especially in the fasting state.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a new method for investigation of the relationship among the mechanical stimulus, the biomechanical properties, and the visceral perception evoked by volume/ramp-controlled distension in the human duodenum in vivo. An impedance planimetric probe for balloon distension was placed in the third part of the duodenum in seven healthy volunteers. Distension of the duodenum was done at infusion rates of 10, 25, and 50 ml/min. The pump was reversed when level 7 was reached on a visual analog scale ranging from 0 to 10. Distensions were done with and without the administration of the antimuscarinic drug butylscopolamine. The total circumferential tension (T(total)) and the passive circumferential tension (T(passive)) were determined from the distension tests without and with the administration of butylscopolamine, respectively. T(total) and T(passive) showed an exponential behavior as a function of strain (a measure of deformation). The active circumferential tension (T(active)) was computed as T(total)-T(passive) and showed a bell-shaped behavior as a function of strain. At low distension intensities, the intensity of sensation at 10 ml/min was significantly higher than that obtained at 25 and 50 ml/min. The coefficient of variation at the pain threshold for circumferential strain (average 4.34) was closer to zero compared with those for volume (8.72), pressure (31.22), and circumferential tension (31.55). This suggests that the mechanoreceptors in the gastrointestinal wall depend primarily on circumferential strain. The stimulus-response functions provided evidence for the existence of low- and high-threshold mechanoreceptors in the human duodenum. Furthermore, the data suggest that high-threshold receptors are nonadapting.  相似文献   

Visceral pain/hypersensitivity is a cardinal symptom of functional gastrointestinal disorders. With their peripheral and central (spinal) projections, sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) are the "gateway" for painful signals emanating from both somatic and visceral structures. In contrast to somatic pain, the neurochemical pathways involved in visceral pain/hypersensitivity have not been well studied. We hypothesized the neuropeptide changes in spinal cord and DRG during visceral pain would mirror similar changes in somatic nociception. Noxious (painful) colorectal distension (CRD) was done by distending a rectal balloon up to 60 mm Hg phasically for 1 h in Sprague-Dawley rats. The spinal content of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP), galanin and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) as well as their mRNAs in DRG were measured at 0, 4 and 24 h after the CRD. Visceromotor reflex (VMR) was measured by recording the electromyogram at the abdominal muscle in response to CRD. Distal colorectum was removed for evaluating the presence of inflammation. No significant evidence of histological inflammation was seen in the colonic mucosa/submucosa after repeated CRD, which is confirmed by myeloperoxidase assay. The spinal content of CGRP and SP decreased significantly 4 h after CRD, while galanin and VIP levels increased gradually and reached highest level at 24 h (p<0.05). The mRNAs in DRG of the neuropeptides were significantly upregulated after CRD (p<0.05). VMR recording showed the rat's colon became hypersensitive 4 h after CRD, a sequence parallel to the spinal changes of CGRP and SP in timeframe. Noxious mechanical distension of the colorectum causes an acute change in the spinal levels of excitatory neurotransmitters (CGRP and SP), probably reflecting central release of these peptides from sensory neurons and contributing to the hypersensitivity following the noxious CRD. This is followed by a slower change in the levels of the inhibitory neurotransmitter galanin and VIP. Such stimulation results in significant alternation of the gene expression in DRG, reflecting the plasticity of the neuronal response. In the absence of visceral inflammation, the aforementioned neuropeptides are important mediators in the processing of visceral pain/hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

猫扣带回前部内脏伤害感受神经元的诱发反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wu MF  Teng GX 《生理学报》2000,52(6):511-514
应用玻璃微电极细胞内电位记录技术,观察了20史猫扣带回前部461个神经元对电刺激对侧内脏大神经的诱发反应及其电生理特性,在被观察的神经元中,176个为刺激相关神经元。根据诱发反应的特性,将其分为特异性内脏伤害感受神经元(114个,64.77%)、非特异性内脏伤害感受神经元(34个,19.32%)及非内脏伤害感受神经元(28个,15.91%)。诱发反应分为兴奋性(59.46%)、抑制性(22.30%  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of achalasia involves the degeneration of enteric and autonomic nervous systems with resultant effects on esophageal motility. The neural degeneration could affect visceral sensation in achalasia. The aim of this study was to examine mechanosensitivity and chemosensitivity in patients with achalasia. Perceptual responses to esophageal distension and acid perfusion were assessed in nine achalasia patients and nine healthy subjects. Mechanosensitivity was evaluated using a barostat with a double-random staircase distension protocol. Responses were graded as follows: 0, no sensation; 1, initial sensation; 2, mild discomfort; 3, moderate discomfort; and 4, pain. Chemosensitivity was graded along a visual analog scale after perfusion of saline and 0.1 N HCl. Barostat pressure-volume relationships were used to report esophageal body compliance. Barostat pressures for initial sensation and mild discomfort were not significantly different for patients and controls. The pressures for moderate discomfort (37.9 +/- 3.5 vs. 25.7 +/- 2.4 mmHg; P < 0.05) and pain (47.8 +/- 2.3 vs. 32.2 +/- 3.5 mmHg; P = 0.002) were significantly higher in achalasics than controls. Seven of the eight achalasia patients never reached pain thresholds at the maximum distension pressure (50 mmHg). Sensation to acid perfusion was significantly lower in achalasics compared with controls (2.2 +/- 1.2 vs. 6.7 +/- 1.7 cm; P < 0.05). Compliance was significantly increased in patients with achalasia compared with controls. We conclude that both mechanosensitivity and chemosensitivity are significantly diminished in achalasia patients compared with controls. Also, initial sensation and pain sensation are differentially affected in achalasics. These findings suggest that neuropathic defects in achalasia may manifest themselves in visceral sensory and motor dysfunction.  相似文献   

Animal studies have demonstrated that visceral afferent stimulation alters autonomic cardiovascular reflexes. This mechanism might play an important role in the pathophysiology of conditions associated with visceral hypersensitivity, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As such, studies in humans are lacking, we measured viscerosensory-cardiovascular reflex interactions in IBS patients and healthy controls. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), heart rate (HR), and arterial baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) were studied in 87 IBS patients and 36 healthy controls under baseline conditions and during mild (15 mmHg) and intense (35 mmHg) visceral stimulation by rectal balloon distension. BRS was computed from continuous ECG and arterial blood pressure signals (Finapres-method) during 5-min periods of 15-min metronome respiration. Baseline SBP and HR were not different between patients and controls. In both groups, SBP increased similarly during rectal stimulation, whereas HR decreased during mild and increased intense stimulation. BRS was significantly higher in patients compared with controls at baseline (7.9 +/- 5.4 vs. 5.7 +/- 3.7 ms/mmHg, P = 0.03) and increased significantly in both groups during mild stimulation. This increase persisted in controls during intense stimulation, but BRS returned to baseline in patients. BRS was not significantly different between groups during rectal distension. This study demonstrates the presence of a viscerosensory-cardiovascular reflex in healthy individuals and in IBS patients. The increased BRS in IBS patients at baseline may either be a training-effect (frequent challenging of the reflex) or reflects altered viscerosensory processing at the nucleus tractus solitarii.  相似文献   

扣带回前部内脏伤害感受神经元的生物电活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了从神经元水平探讨大脑皮层内脏伤害感受的特性及机制,应用玻璃微电极细胞内电位记录技术,研究18只猫扣带回前部312个神经元的自发生物电活动,及其对电刺激同侧内脏大神经的诱发反应.其中,82个为内脏伤害感受神经元,其自发生物电活动有5种主要形式.根据诱发反应的潜伏期等特性,内脏伤害感受神经元分为特异性内脏伤害感受神经元(76个,92.68%)和非特异性内脏伤害感受神经元(6个,7.32%).内脏伤害性诱发反应分为兴奋性(65.86%)、抑制性(17.07%)及混合性反应(17.07%)3种.结果提示内脏大神经的传入通路投射到同侧扣带回前部;扣带回前部神经元具有内脏伤害感受作用,存有特异性与非特异性内脏伤害感受神经元,为痛觉特异性学说提供了新的实验依据.  相似文献   

Although visceral hypersensitivity is thought to be important in generating symptoms in functional gastrointestinal disorders, the neural mechanisms involved are poorly understood. We recently showed that central sensitization (hyperexcitability of spinal cord sensory neurones) may play an important role. In this study, we demonstrate that after a 30-min infusion of 0.15 M HCl acid into the healthy human distal esophagus, we see a reduction in the pain threshold to electrical stimulation of the non-acid-exposed proximal esophagus (9.6 +/- 2.4 mA) and a concurrent reduction in the latency of the N1 and P2 components of the esophageal evoked potentials (EEP) from this region (10.4 +/- 2.3 and 15.8 +/- 5.3 ms, respectively). This reduced EEP latency indicates a central increase in afferent pathway velocity and therefore suggests that hyperexcitability within the central visceral pain pathway contributes to the hypersensitivity within the proximal, non-acid-exposed esophagus (secondary hyperalgesia/allodynia). These findings provide the first electrophysiological evidence that central sensitization contributes to human visceral hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

In mammals, sensory stimuli in visceral organs, including those that underlie pain perception, are detected by spinal afferent neurons, whose cell bodies lie in dorsal root ganglia (DRG). One of the major challenges in visceral organs has been how to identify the different types of nerve endings of spinal afferents that transduce sensory stimuli into action potentials. The reason why spinal afferent nerve endings have been so challenging to identify is because no techniques have been available, until now, that can selectively label only spinal afferents, in high resolution. We have utilized an anterograde tracing technique, recently developed in our laboratory, which facilitates selective labeling of only spinal afferent axons and their nerve endings in visceral organs. Mice were anesthetized, lumbosacral DRGs surgically exposed, then injected with dextran-amine. Seven days post-surgery, the large intestine was removed. The characteristics of thirteen types of spinal afferent nerve endings were identified in detail. The greatest proportion of nerve endings was in submucosa (32%), circular muscle (25%) and myenteric ganglia (22%). Two morphologically distinct classes innervated myenteric ganglia. These were most commonly a novel class of intraganglionic varicose endings (IGVEs) and occasionally rectal intraganglionic laminar endings (rIGLEs). Three distinct classes of varicose nerve endings were found to innervate the submucosa and circular muscle, while one class innervated internodal strands, blood vessels, crypts of lieberkuhn, the mucosa and the longitudinal muscle. Distinct populations of sensory endings were CGRP-positive. We present the first complete characterization of the different types of spinal afferent nerve endings in a mammalian visceral organ. The findings reveal an unexpectedly complex array of different types of primary afferent endings that innervate specific layers of the large intestine. Some of the novel classes of nerve endings identified must underlie the transduction of noxious and/or innocuous stimuli from the large intestine.  相似文献   

Cerebral cortical activity associated with perceived visceral sensation represents registration of afferent transduction and cognitive processes related to perception. Abnormalities of gut sensory function can involve either or both of these processes. Cortical registration of subliminal viscerosensory signals represents cerebral cortical activity induced by stimulation of intestinal sensory neurocircuitry without the influence of perception-related cortical activity, whereas those associated with perception represent both neural circuitry and cognitive processes. Our aims were to determine and compare quantitatively cerebral cortical functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity in response to subliminal, liminal, and nonpainful supraliminal rectal distension between a group of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients and age/gender-matched controls. Eight female IBS patients and eight age-matched healthy female control subjects were studied using brain fMRI techniques. Three barostat-controlled distension levels were tested: 1) 10 mmHg below perception (subliminal), 2) at perception (liminal), and 3) 10 mmHg above perception (supraliminal). In control subjects, there was a direct relationship between stimulus intensity and cortical activity volumes, ie., the volume of fMRI cortical activity in response to subliminal (3,226 +/- 335 microl), liminal (5,751 +/- 396 microl), and supraliminal nonpainful stimulation (8,246 +/- 624 microl) were significantly different (P < 0.05). In contrast, in IBS patients this relationship was absent and fMRI activity volumes for subliminal (2,985 +/- 332 microl), liminal (2,457 +/- 342 microl), and supraliminal nonpainful stimulation (2,493 +/- 351 microl) were similar. Additional recruitment of cortical fMRI activity volume in response to increasing stimulation from subliminal to liminal and supraliminal domains is absent in IBS patients, suggesting a difference in the processing of perceived stimulation compared with controls.  相似文献   

Pregabalin, an α2δ ligand, is used clinically to treat somatic pain. A prior study suggested that pregabalin reduces distension-induced pain while increasing rectal compliance. We aimed to quantify effects of pregabalin on colonic sensory and motor functions and assess relationships between sensory effects and colonic compliance. We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of a single oral administration of 75 or 200 mg of pregabalin in 62 healthy adults (aged 18-75 yr). Subjects underwent left colon intubation. We assessed "stress-arousal symptoms", compliance, sensation thresholds, sensation ratings averaged over four levels of distension, fasting and postprandial colonic tone, and phasic motility index (MI). Analysis of covariance (adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, and corresponding predrug response) and proportional hazard models were used. There were no clinically important differences among treatment groups for demographics, predrug compliance, tone, MI, and sensation. Treatment was associated with reduced energy and increased drowsiness but no change in tension or relaxation. Sensation ratings averaged over the four distension levels were lower for gas sensation [overall effect P = 0.14, P = 0.05 (pregabalin 200 mg vs. placebo)] and for pain sensation [overall effect P = 0.12, P = 0.04 (pregabalin 200 mg vs. placebo)]. The magnitude of the effect of 200 mg of pregabalin relative to placebo is on average a 25% reduction of both gas and pain sensation ratings. Pregabalin did not significantly affect colonic compliance, sensation thresholds, colonic fasting tone, and MI. Thus 200 mg of pregabalin reduces gas and pain sensation and should be tested in patients with colonic pain.  相似文献   

Background and aimsTo be able to characterize intestinal mechano-electrical transduction, i.e. the mechanoreceptor behaviour, quantitative nerve studies with controlled and quantified stimulus are needed. This study aimed to determine the relationship between mechanical stress relaxation and afferent discharge adaptation evoked by fast isovolumetric bag distensions in the rat jejunum.MethodsMultiunit afferent activity was recorded in vivo from jejunum afferents from five male Wistar rats. The jejunum was distended via a bag at a distension speed of 0.5 ml/s to volumes of 0.2, 0.25, 0.3 and 0.4 ml, respectively. The distension was stopped and the volume was kept constant for 2 min to induce stress relaxation. The pressure in the bag, the afferent discharge (spike rate) and the diameter of the segment during the relaxation time were recorded simultaneously.ResultsThe afferent discharge responses to distension showed a pattern with a peak during the sudden loading followed by decreasing activity with time. At distension volumes of 0.2, 0.25, 0.3 and 0.4 ml, the afferent discharge declined faster and to a greater extent (94%, 91%,96% and 87%) than the stress decreased (55%, 45%, 59% and 56%) during stress relaxation (p<0.001). Both the stress and the afferent discharge during the constant volume distension were independent of the distension volumes (p>0.5). The stress and the afferent discharge during the distension can be described mathematically on the basis of the quasi-linear theory of viscoelasticity. The association between the stress and the afferent discharge during the constant volume distension is linear with the same slope under various distension volumes.ConclusionsIntestinal mechanoreceptors were sensitive to the stress stimulus and a linear association between the stress relaxation and afferent discharge adaptation was found. The quasi-linear theory of visco-elasticity can be transferred to analysis of mechanical stimulus evoked afferent discharge.  相似文献   

Activation of the vagal afferents by noxious gastrointestinal stimuli suggests that vagal afferents may play a complex role in visceral pain processes. The contribution of the vagus nerve to visceral pain remains unresolved. Previous studies reported that patients following chronic vagotomy have lower pain thresholds. The patient with irritable bowel syndrome has been shown alteration of vagal function. We hypothesize that vagal afferent nerves modulate visceral pain. Visceromotor responses (VMR) to graded colorectal distension (CRD) were recorded from the abdominal muscles in conscious rats. Chronic subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve sections induced 470, 106, 51, and 54% increases in VMR to CRD at 20, 40, 60 and 80 mmHg, respectively. Similarly, at light level of anesthesia, topical application of lidocaine to the subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve in rats increased VMR to CRD. Vagal afferent neuronal responses to low or high-intensity electrical vagal stimulation (EVS) of vagal afferent Adelta or C fibers were distinguished by calculating their conduction velocity. Low-intensity EVS of Adelta fibers (40 microA, 20 Hz, 0.5 ms for 30 s) reduced VMR to CRD at 40, 60, and 80 mmHg by 41, 52, and 58%, respectively. In contrast, high-intensity EVS of C fibers (400 microA, 1 Hz, 0.5 ms for 30 s) had no effect on VMR to CRD. In conclusion, we demonstrated that vagal afferent nerves modulate visceral pain. Low-intensity EVS that activates vagal afferent Adelta fibers reduced visceral pain. Thus EVS may potentially have a role in the treatment of chronic visceral pain.  相似文献   

To compare the effects of the kappa-opioid agonist asimadoline and placebo on visceral sensation and gastrointestinal (GI) motor functions in humans, 91 healthy participants were randomized in a double-blind fashion to 0.15, 0.5, or 1.5 mg of asimadoline or placebo orally twice a day for 9 days. We assessed satiation (nutrient drink test), colonic compliance, tone, perception of colonic distension (barostat), and whole gut transit (scintigraphy). Treatment effect was assessed by analysis of covariance. Asimadoline increased nutrient drink intake (P = 0.03). Asimadoline decreased colonic tone during fasting (P = 0.03) without affecting postprandial colonic contraction, compliance, or transit. Gas scores in response to colonic distension were decreased with 0.5 mg of asimadoline at low levels (8 mmHg above operating pressure) of distension (P = 0.04) but not at higher levels of distension. Asimadoline at 1.5 mg increased gas scores at 16 mmHg of distension (P = 0.03) and pain scores at distensions of 8 and 16 mmHg (P = 0.003 and 0.03, respectively) but not at higher levels of distension. Further studies of this compound in diseases with altered satiation or visceral sensation are warranted.  相似文献   

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