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Colonic crypts can absorb fluid, but the identity of the absorptive transporters remains speculative. Near the crypt base, the epithelial cells responsible for vectorial transport are relatively undifferentiated and often presumed to mediate only Cl- secretion. We have applied confocal microscopy in combination with an extracellular fluid marker [Lucifer yellow (LY)] or a pH-sensitive dye (2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein) to study mouse colonic crypt epithelial cells directly adjacent to the crypt base within an intact mucosal sheet. Measurements of intracellular pH report activation of colonocyte Na+/H+ exchange in response to luminal or serosal Na+. Studies with LY demonstrate the presence of a paracellular fluid flux, but luminal Na+ does not activate Na+/H+ exchange in the nonepithelial cells of the lamina propria, and studies with LY suggest that the fluid bathing colonocyte basolateral membranes is rapidly refreshed by serosal perfusates. The apical Na+/H+ exchange in crypt colonocytes is inhibited equivalently by luminal 20 microM ethylisopropylamiloride and 20 microM HOE-694 but is not inhibited by luminal 20 microM S-1611. Immunostaining reveals the presence of epitopes from NHE1 and NHE2, but not NHE3, in epithelial cells near the base of colonic crypts. Comparison of apical Na+/H+ exchange activity in the presence of Cl- with that in the absence of Cl- (substitution by gluconate or nitrate) revealed no evidence of the Cl--dependent Na+/H+ exchange that had been previously reported as the sole apical Na+/H+ exchange activity in the colonic crypt. Results suggest the presence of an apical Na+/H+ exchanger near the base of crypts with functional attributes similar to those of the cloned NHE2 isoform.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that Na+-dependent calcium extrusion is important in protecting against neuronal excitotoxicity was tested. In cocultures of embryonic rat hippocampal neurons and mouse neuroblastoma hybrid (NCB-20) cells, calcium ionophore A23187 (1 microM) or high levels of extracellular K+ killed hippocampal neurons selectively, leaving NCB-20 cells unscathed. Hippocampal neurons showed large, sustained rises in intracellular calcium in response to A23187 or K+, whereas NCB-20 cells showed only transient calcium responses. The ability of NCB-20 cells to reduce the calcium load and to survive exposure to A23187 or K+ were dependent on extracellular Na+, suggesting that an active Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanism was important in protecting against cell death. Finally, removal of extracellular Na+ reduced the threshold for glutamate neurotoxicity in hippocampal neurons, demonstrating the importance of Na+/Ca2+ exchange in protecting against excitotoxicity. Taken together, these findings suggest that differences in cell calcium-regulating systems may determine whether a neuron lives or degenerates in the face of an excitatory challenge.  相似文献   

We examined the regulation of theNa+/H+exchangers (NHEs) NHE2 and NHE3 by expressing them in human intestinalC2/bbe cells, which spontaneously differentiate and have little basalapical NHE activity. Unidirectional apical membrane22Na+influxes were measured in NHE2-transfected (C2N2) and NHE3-transfected (C2N3) cells under basal and stimulated conditions, and their activities were distinguished as the HOE-642-sensitive and -insensitive components of5-(N,N-dimethyl)amiloride-inhibitableflux. Both C2N2 and C2N3 cells exhibited increased apical membrane NHEactivity under non-acid-loaded conditions compared with nontransfected control cells. NHE2 was inhibited by 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and thapsigargin, was stimulatedby serum, and was unaffected by cGMP- and protein kinase C-dependent pathways. In contrast, NHE3 was inhibited by all regulatory pathways examined. Under acid-loaded conditions (which increase apical Na+ influx), NHE2 and NHE3exhibited similar patterns of regulation, suggesting that the secondmessenger effects observed were not secondary to effects on cell pH.Thus, in contrast to their expression in nonepithelial cells, NHE2 andNHE3 expressed in an epithelial cell line behave similarly toendogenously expressed intestinal apical membrane NHEs. We concludethat physiological regulation and function of epithelium-specific NHEsare dependent on tissue-specific factors and/or conditionalrequirements.


The stimulation of the alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor by phenylephrine results in a sizable extrusion of Mg2+ from liver cells. Phenylephrine-induced Mg2+ extrusion is almost completely abolished by the removal of extracellular Ca2+ or in the presence of SKF-96365, an inhibitor of capacitative Ca2+ entry. In contrast, Mg2+ extrusion is only partially inhibited by the Ca2+-channel blockers verapamil, nifedipine, or (+)BAY-K8644. Furthermore, Mg2+ extrusion is almost completely prevented by TMB-8 (a cell-permeant inhibitor of the inositol trisphosphate receptor), 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (an intracellular Ca2+-chelating agent), or W-7 (a calmodulin inhibitor) Thapsigargin can mimic the effect of phenylephrine, and the coaddition of thapsigargin and phenylephrine does not result in an enlarged extrusion of Mg2+ from the hepatocytes. Regardless of the agonist used, Mg2+ extrusion is inhibited by >90% when hepatocytes are incubated in the presence of physiological Ca(2+) but in the absence of extracellular Na(+). Together, these data suggest that the stimulation of the hepatic alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor by phenylephrine results in an extrusion of Mg2+ through a Na(+)-dependent pathway and a Na(+)-independent pathway, both activated by changes in cellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

The components of magnesium efflux in squid axons have been studied under internal dialysis and voltage clamp conditions. The present report rules out the existence of an ATP-dependent, Nao- and Mgo-independent Mg2+ efflux (ATP-dependent Mg2+ pump) leaving the Mg2+-Na+ exchange system as the only mechanism for Mg2+ extrusion. The main features of the Mg2+ efflux are: (1) The efflux is completely dependent on ATP. (2) The efflux can be activated either by external Na+ (forward Mg2+-Na+ exchange) or external Mg2+ (Mg2+-Mg2+ exchange). (3) The mobility of the Mg2+ exchanger in the Na+o-loaded form is greater than that in the Mg2+-loaded one. (4) In variance with the Na+-Ca2+ exchange mechanism, Mg2+-Mg2+ exchange is not activated by external monovalent cations. (5) ATP gamma S replaces ATP in activating Mg2+-Na+ exchange suggesting that a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation process regulates this transport mechanism.  相似文献   

The uptake of l-methionine-methyl-3H and l-leucine-3H from completely defined medium into acid-soluble fractions of preimplantation mouse embryos has been studied. Late four-cell embryos and early blastocysts raised in vitro can concentrate both amino acids by processes which exhibit saturable, Michaelis-Menten type kinetics, characteristic of carrier-mediated active transport systems. This uptake is temperature-sensitive and inhibited by certain amino acids which compete for the same uptake sites. Methionine uptake seems to be mediated by a single transport system (Km = 6.25 × 10?5M) at the four-cell stage. Complex kinetics suggest that two distinct transport systems exist at the early blastocyst stage (Km = 6.25 × 10?5M; 8.9 × 10?4M). Vmax values (mg/embryo/15 min) for methionine and leucine transport increase significantly from the late four-cell stage to the blastocyst stage, suggesting that additional carriers are produced or activated during development.Most importantly, leucine and methionine transport is Na+-independent at the four-cell stage, methionine transport is partially dependent at the morula stage, and both amino acids are completely Na+-dependent at the blastocyst stage. The cumulative results suggest that preimplantation embryos accumulate leucine and methionine by specific, chemically mediated, active transport systems. The qualitative and quantitative developmental changes in cell membrane function may represent preparatory steps for subsequent growth of embryonic and/or trophoblastic cells.  相似文献   

The NHE4 Na+/H+ exchanger is abundantly expressed on the basolateral membrane of gastric parietal cells. To test the hypothesis that it is required for normal acid secretion, NHE4-null mutant (NHE4-/-) mice were prepared by targeted disruption of the NHE4 (Slc9a4) gene. NHE4-/- mice survived and appeared outwardly normal. Analysis of stomach contents revealed that NHE4-/- mice were hypochlorhydric. The reduction in acid secretion was similar in 18-day-old, 9-week-old, and 6-month-old mice, indicating that the hypochlorhydria phenotype did not progress over time, as was observed in mice lacking the NHE2 Na+/H+ exchanger. Histological abnormalities were observed in the gastric mucosa of 9-week-old NHE4-/- mice, including sharply reduced numbers of parietal cells, a loss of mature chief cells, increased numbers of mucous and undifferentiated cells, and an increase in the number of necrotic and apoptotic cells. NHE4-/- parietal cells exhibited limited development of canalicular membranes and a virtual absence of tubulovesicles, and some of the microvilli had centrally bundled actin. We conclude that NHE4, which may normally be coupled with the AE2 Cl-/HCO3- exchanger, is important for normal levels of gastric acid secretion, gastric epithelial cell differentiation, and development of secretory canalicular and tubulovesicular membranes.  相似文献   

Villus enterocyte nutrient absorption occurs via precisely orchestrated interactions among multiple transporters. For example, transport by the apical Na(+)-glucose cotransporter, SGLT1, triggers translocation of NHE3, Na(+)-H(+) antiporter isoform 3, to the plasma membrane. This translocation requires activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), Akt2, and ezrin. Akt2 directly phosphorylates ezrin, but the precise role of p38 MAPK in this process remains to be defined. Sequence analysis suggested that p38 MAPK could not directly phosphorylate Akt2. We hypothesized that MAPKAPK-2 might link p38 MAPK and Akt2 activation. MAPKAPK-2 was phosphorylated after initiation of Na(+)-glucose cotransport with kinetics that paralleled activation of p38 MAPK, Akt2, and ezrin. MAPKAPK-2, Akt2, and ezrin phosphorylation were all attenuated by p38 MAPK inhibition but were unaffected by dominant negative ezrin expression. Akt2 inhibition blocked ezrin but not p38 MAPK or MAPKAPK-2 phosphorylation, suggesting that MAPKAPK-2 could be an intermediate in p38 MAPK-dependent Akt2 activation. Consistent with this, MAP-KAPK-2 could phosphorylate an Akt2-derived peptide in vitro. siRNA-mediated MAPKAPK-2 knockdown inhibited phosphorylation of Akt2 and ezrin but not p38 MAPK. MAPKAPK-2 knockdown also blocked NHE3 translocation. Thus, MAP-KAPK-2 controls Akt2 phosphorylation. In so doing, MAP-KAPK-2 links p38 MAPK to Akt2, ezrin, and NHE3 activation after SGLT1-mediated transport.  相似文献   

Two PDZ domain-containing proteins, NHERF and E3KARP are necessary for cAMP-dependent inhibition of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3). In this study, we demonstrate a specific role of E3KARP, which is not duplicated by NHERF, in Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition of NHE3 activity. NHE3 activity is inhibited by elevation of intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) in PS120 fibroblasts stably expressing E3KARP but not those expressing NHERF. In addition, this Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition requires Ca(2+)-dependent association between alpha-actinin-4 and E3KARP. NHE3 is indirectly connected to alpha-actinin-4 in a protein complex through Ca(2+)-dependent interaction between alpha-actinin-4 and E3KARP, which occurs through the actin-binding domain plus spectrin repeat domain of alpha-actinin-4. Elevation of [Ca(2+)](i) results in oligomerization and endocytosis of NHE3 as well as in inhibition of NHE3 activity. Overexpression of alpha-actinin-4 potentiates the inhibitory effect of ionomycin on NHE3 activity by accelerating the oligomerization and endocytosis of NHE3. In contrast, overexpression of the actin-binding domain plus spectrin repeat domain acts as a dominant-negative mutant and prevents the inhibitory effect of ionomycin on NHE3 activity as well as the oligomerization and internalization of NHE3. From these results, we propose that elevated Ca(2+) inhibits NHE3 activity through oligomerization and endocytosis of NHE3, which occurs via formation of an NHE3-E3KARP-alpha-actinin-4 complex.  相似文献   

The effects of H+ on the kinetics of α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) influx in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells have been investigated at different external Na+ concentrations. Elevation of [H+] in the presence of both high (154 mEq/l) and low (10 mEq/l) external Na+ leads to decreases in the maximum influx (J) and increases in the apparent Michaleis-Menten constant (K) for influx of AIB. In the virtual absence of external Na+ (0.96 ± 0.04 mEq/l), alterations in [H+] are without measurable effect on AIB flux. Furthermore, addition of AIB (10 mM) to cell suspensions (pH 5.90) stimulates H+ uptake by the cells in either the presence or absence of Na+. The data are consistent with two kinetic models for Na+-dependent amino acid transport: an order bireactant (Na+-binding necessary before AIB binding) system or a random bireactant system. Both models require that H+ serve as an alternative substrate for Na+. The consistency of the models was tested by fit to data from the present study (not used to evaluate the kinetic parameters) and by prediction of the pH dependence of Na+-dependent amino acid transport compared to earlier studies.  相似文献   

1. Freshly prepared microsomal fractions of the outermost cortex of guinea pig kidney show an Mg-2+-dependent ATPase activity which is partially inhibited by 100 mM NaCl, LiCl, KCl, RbCl, CsCl, NH4Cl or choline chloride. 2. If the microsomal preparation is aged by storage at 4 degrees C for 10-15 days, the Mg-2+-dependent activity shows stimulation by Na-+ and Li-+ but not by K-+, Rb-+, Cs-+, NH4-+ or choline. 3. Stimulation is similar with sodium salts of Cl-minus, HCO3-minus, CH3COO-minus, BR-minus, SO4-2-minus or methylsulphonate. 4. Stimulation is insensitive to 1 mM and 10 mM ouabain. 5. Stimulation is unaltered by the presence of 0.5 mM ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N'-tetracetic acid. 6. Stimulation is 100% inhibited by 2 mM ethacrynic acid, a concentration which inhibits only 30% of the Mg-2+-dependent ATPase and 50% of the (Na-++K-+)-stimulated ATPase. 7. Some of these characteristics coincide with those of an ouabain-resistant, K-+-independent, ethacrynic acid-sensitive mode of Na-+ extrusion out of guinea pig kidney cortex cells.  相似文献   

The activation of Ca2+-dependent K+ channel by propranolol or by ascorbate-phenazine methosulphate stimulates Na+-dependent transport of α-aminoisobutyric acid. This stimulation arises from a membrane hyperpolarization due to the specific increase of membrane K+ conductance. The same treatment does not modify the Na+-independent uptake of the norbornane amino acid.  相似文献   

The activation of Ca2+ -dependent K+ channel by propranolol or by ascorbate-phenazine methosulphate stimulates Na+ -dependent transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid. This stimulation arises from a membrane hyperpolarization due to the specific increase of membrane K+ conductance. The same treatment does not modify the Na+ -independent uptake of the norbornane amino acid.  相似文献   

Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3) kinase A regulatory protein (E3KARP) has been implicated in cAMP- and Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition of NHE3. In the current study, a new role of E3KARP is demonstrated in the stimulation of NHE3 activity. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a mediator of the restitution phase of inflammation but has not been studied for effects on sodium absorption. LPA has no effect on NHE3 activity in opossum kidney (OK) proximal tubule cells, which lack expression of endogenous E3KARP. However, in OK cells exogenously expressing E3KARP, LPA stimulated NHE3 activity. Consistent with the stimulatory effect on NHE3 activity, LPA treatment increased the surface NHE3 amount, which occurred by accelerating exocytic trafficking (endocytic recycling) to the apical plasma membrane. These LPA effects only occurred in OK cells transfected with E3KARP. The LPA-induced increases of NHE3 activity, surface NHE3 amounts, and exocytosis were completely inhibited by pretreatment with the PI 3-kinase inhibitor, LY294002. LPA stimulation of the phosphorylation of Akt was used as an assay for PI 3-kinase activity. LY294002 completely prevented the LPA-induced increase in Akt phosphorylation, which is consistent with the inhibitory effect of LY294002 on the LPA stimulation of NHE3 activity. The LPA-induced phosphorylation of Akt was the same in OK cells with and without E3KARP. These results show that LPA stimulates NHE3 in the apical surface of OK cells by a mechanism that is dependent on both E3KARP and PI 3-kinase. This is the first demonstration that rapid stimulation of NHE3 activity is dependent on an apical membrane PDZ domain protein.  相似文献   

The presence of a nonmetabolizable solute whose uptake is coupled to the inward translocation of Na+ has been found to enhance Na+-dependent pH homeostasis and survival of an obligately alkalophilic bacterium. Upon shift of cells of Bacillus firmus RAB from growth medium to buffers at pH 10.5, viability and maintenance of a relatively acidified cytoplasm depended upon the presence of Na+ and was augmented by the inclusion of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid in the buffer. Similarly, when cells were first equilibrated at pH 8.5 and then shifted to buffer at pH 10.5, an extraordinary capacity to maintain a relatively low pHin was exhibited, but only in the presence of Na+. In this protocol, the inclusion of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid actually resulted in an early overshoot of proton influx and also rendered a suboptimal concentration of Na+ efficacious in pH homeostasis. When a protonophoric uncoupler was added to the equilibration and shift buffers, Na+-dependent acidification of the interior was inhibited at early time points. The results support the conclusion drawn from earlier work that a Na+/H+ antiporter plays a critical role in pH homeostasis in the obligately alkalophilic bacilli. Moreover, the current findings indicate that the Na+/solute symporters are a physiologically functional pathway for completing the sodium cycle that controls pHin.  相似文献   

The hASBT (human apical Na(+)-dependent bile acid transporter) constitutes a key target of anti-hypercholesterolaemic therapies and pro-drug approaches; physiologically, hASBT actively reclaims bile acids along the terminal ileum via Na(+) co-transport. Previously, TM (transmembrane segment) 7 was identified as part of the putative substrate permeation pathway using SCAM (substitute cysteine accessibility mutagenesis). In the present study, SCAM was extended through EL3 (extracellular loop 3; residues Arg(254)-Val(286)) that leads into TM7 from the exofacial matrix. Activity of most EL3 mutants was significantly hampered upon cysteine substitution, whereas ten (out of 31) were functionally inactive (<10% activity). Since only E282C lacked plasma membrane expression, EL3 amino acids predominantly fulfill critical functional roles during transport. Oppositely charged membrane-impermeant MTS (methanethiosulfonate) reagents {MTSET [(2-trimethylammonium) ethyl MTS] and MTSES [(2-sulfonatoethyl) MTS]} produced mostly similar inhibition profiles wherein only middle and descending loop segments (residues Thr(267)-Val(286)) displayed significant MTS sensitivity. The presence of bile acid substrate significantly reduced the rates of MTS modification for all MTS-sensitive mutants, suggesting a functional association between EL3 residues and bile acids. Activity assessments at equilibrative [Na(+)] revealed numerous Na(+)-sensitive residues, possibly performing auxiliary functions during transport such as transduction of protein conformational changes during translocation. Integration of these data suggests ligand interaction points along EL3 via electrostatic interactions with Arg(256), Glu(261) and probably Glu(282) and a potential cation-pi interaction with Phe(278). We conclude that EL3 amino acids are essential for hASBT activity, probably as primary substrate interaction points using long-range electrostatic attractive forces.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the colonic H+,K+-ATPase (HKalpha2) can secrete either Na+ or H+ in exchange for K+. If correct, this view would indicate that the transporter could function as either a Na+ or a H+ pump. To investigate this possibility a series of experiments was performed using apical membranes from rat colon which were enriched in colonic H+,K+-ATPase protein. An antibody specific for HKalpha2 was employed to determine whether HKalpha2 functions under physiological conditions as a Na+-dependent or Na+-independent K+-ATPase in this same membrane fraction. K+-ATPase activity was measured as [gamma-32P]ATP hydrolysis. The Na+-dependent K+-ATPase accounted for approximately 80% of overall K+-ATPase activity and was characterized by insensitivity to Sch-28080 but partial sensitivity to ouabain. The Na+-independent K+-ATPase activity was insensitive to both Sch-28080 and ouabain. Both types of K+-ATPase activity substituted NH4+ for K+ in a similar manner. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that when incubated with native distal colon membranes, the blocking antibody inhibited dramatically Na+-dependent K+-ATPase activity. Therefore, these data demonstrate that HKalpha2 can function in native distal colon apical membranes as a Na+-dependent K+-ATPase. Elucidation of the role of the pump as a transporter of Na+ versus H+ or NH4+ versus K+ in vivo will require additional studies.  相似文献   

SGLT1, an isoform of Na+-dependent glucose transporters, is localized at the apical plasma membrane in the epithelial cells of the small intestine and the kidney. In the present study we examined its location in SGLT1 cDNA-transfected MDCK cells, which form an epithelial sheet connected by tight junctions in culture. Formation of tight junctions was monitored by staining for occludin, an integral tight junction protein. In the cells demarcated by an uninterrupted occludin meshwork, SGLT1 was specifically localized at the apical plasma membrane, showing that SGLT1 has a signal to accomplish this restricted localization. In the cells with little or no occludin accumulation in the tight junction, however, SGLT1 was present along the entire aspect of the plasma membrane. Similar distribution of SGLT1 was observed in the cells as long as the occludin meshwork remained incomplete. These observations sugget that apical localization of SGLT1 occurs upon the completion of the uninterrupted meshwork of tight junctions.  相似文献   

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