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The susceptibility of the DNA in chromatin to single strand-specific nucleases was examined using nuclease P1, mung bean nuclease, and venom phosphodiesterase. A stage in the reaction exists where the size range of the solubilized products is similar for each of the three nucleases and is nearly independent of incubation time. During this stage, the chromatin fragments sediment in the range of 30 to 100 S and contain duplex DNA ranging from 1 to 10 million daltons. Starting with chromatin depleted of histones H1 and H5 similar fragments are generated. In both cases these nucleoprotein fragments are reduced to nucleosomes and their multimers by micrococcal nuclease. Thus, chromatin contains a limited number of DNA sites which are susceptible to single strand-specific nucleases. These sites occur at intervals of 8 to 80 nucleosomes and are distributed throughout the chromatin. Nucleosome monomers, dimers, or trimers were not observed at any stage of single strand-specific nuclease digestion of nuclei, H1- and H5-depleted chromatin, or micrococcal nuclease-generated oligonucleosomes. Each of the three nucleases converted mononucleosomes (approximately 160 base pairs) to nucleosome cores (approximately 140 base pairs) probably by exonucleolytic action that was facilitated by the prior removal of H1 and H5. The minichromosome of SV40 is highly resistant to digestion by nuclease P1.  相似文献   

Single strand-specific s1 nuclease prepared as previously described from crude alpha amylase by DEAE-cellulose chromatography also contains nuclease which degrades double strand nucleic acid. The double strand activity can be removed by repeating the DEAE-cellulose chromatography procedure at least two additional times. S1 nuclease prepared by this procedure does not degrade double strand sheared DNA as measured by Sephadex chromatography. Under the same conditions single strand DNA is completely degraded. Thus, S1 nuclease prepared by this procedure is suitable for use in removing single strand regions in DNA/DNA duplexes and DNA/RNA hybrids.  相似文献   

A Larsen  H Weintraub 《Cell》1982,29(2):609-622
The single-stranded activity of S1-nuclease cleaves globin chromatin in red cell nuclei in specific regions. The cleavages are observed only in tissues in which the globin genes are active, and they "switch" to reflect the switching pattern of globin-gene expression in embryonic and adult red cells. The positions of the S1 cleavages in the beta- and alpha-globin chromatin correspond to the general region of known DNAase I-hypersensitive sites, but can be distinguished in detail. When DNA segments containing these regions are subcloned into pBR322 and the supercoiled molecules are treated with S1, similar sites are cleaved in the purified supercoiled (but not linear) recombinant plasmid DNA. However, the dominant S1 cutting sites are shifted in the plasmid vis-a-vis the chromatin. We believe that some aspect of DNA sequence is translated into an altered DNA structure in chromatin and that it is this altered structure that is recognized by s1 nuclease and possibly by certain chromosomal proteins. Several physical properties reflected in the S1 digestion of supercoiled plasmids suggest a mechanism for generating differences in daughter cells during development.  相似文献   

A purification method for isolating homogeneous single-strand specific nuclease S1 from alpha-amyloryzin has been developed. The yield was about 16% and purification factor--9000. Nuclease S1 thus obtained was proved to be free of contaminations of any others nucleolytic enzymes. It is shown for the first time that ribo- and deoxy-dinucleosidemonophosphates are hydrolyzed by nuclease S1 to form 5'-nucleotides with pH optimum for ApA equal to 4.6.  相似文献   

A sensitive new approach for measuring the repair of single strand breaks in DNA induced by low doses of gamma irradiation was tested in cultured fibroblasts from Chinese hamster lung, human afflicted with ataxia telangiectasia or Fanconi's anemia and in normal cells of early and late passages. The assay is based on the increasing rate of strand separation of DNA duplexes in alkali for molecules with increasing numbers of single strand scissions. DNA strand separation is shown to follow the relation, in F = -(1/Mn - const) - tbeta where F is the proportion of double-stranded DNA, detected as S1 nuclease resistant, after alkaline denaturation time, t. Mn is the number-average molecular weight of DNA between single strand breaks. beta less than 1 is an empirically determined constant. The results suggest an increase in the number-average molecular weight between breaks, Mn, with increasing times for repair. The final level attained corresponds to the Mn of control DNA in unirradiated cells. As few as one break introduced into 109 daltons of single-stranded control cell DNA can be detected. The kinetics, requirements and sensitivities of this assay are described.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(5):1003-1020.e15
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The chromatin of the lepidopteran Ephestia kuehniella was digested by micrococcal nuclease, DNase I and S1-nuclease combined with DNase I pretreatment. The resulting DNA fragments were analyzed by gel electrophoresis and compared with the DNA fragments of rat liver nuclei obtained by the same process. Extensive homology was revealed between insect and mammalian chromatin structure. The combined DNase I- S1-nuclease digestion yields double-stranded DNA fragments of lengths from 30 to 110 base-pairs. These DNA fragments are not obtained from nuclei predigested extensively with micrococcal nuclease. The results are discussed with respect to the internal structure of the chromatin subunit.  相似文献   

We have monitored the differential nuclease sensitivity of defined regions of the chicken genome in different cells using a method which combines restriction enzyme digestion and blotting to diazobenzyloxymethyl (DBM)-paper (see Ref. 11). By using different specific probes and by scanning the bands on the autoradiograms, it is possible to compare on the same blot the digestion patterns of similar-sized fragments from different regions of the genome corresponding to "active" and reference "inactive" genes. We have demonstrated the preferential sensitivity to DNaseI and micrococcal nuclease digestion of the ovalbumin gene region in hen oviduct chromatin. The beta-globin gene region (containing both an adult and an embryonic gene) is also preferentially digested by DNaseI in hen mature erythrocyte nuclei, but at a lower rate than the ovalbumin gene region in oviduct. These observations raise the possibility that there may be several types of preferential nuclease sensitivities, all characterized by increased rates of digestion but to different levels, the highest corresponding to the very actively transcribing genes.  相似文献   

Nuclei of mouse liver and an immunoglobulin producing myeloma were digested with HaeIII or its isoschizomer BspRI. The DNA fragment patterns after electrophoresis, blotting, and hybridization were very similar for the two types of nuclei when a probe for the non-expressed beta-globin gene was used. The constant (C) region of the kappa light chain gene, on the other hand, was more accessible to the nuclease in myeloma than on liver nuclei. In myeloma nuclei the BspRI sites were about equally sensitive, in fact the pattern resembled a partial digestion pattern of free DNA. In contrast, in liver nuclei some sites were much more protected than others. This is interpreted by assuming that this single copy non-expressed gene region is covered by nucleosomes which are preferentially located on certain DNA sequences. Restriction nuclease digestion of nuclei seems to be a promising method for the analysis of genes in their expressed and non-expressed states.  相似文献   

The interaction between beta-globin RNA and proteins in chicken reticulocyte nuclei was studied by determining the sequence of nuclease-resistant beta-globin RNA. Two types of nuclease-resistant RNAs were isolated for this study: endogenous nuclease-resistant RNA from 50S heterogeneous nuclear RNA-protein complexes and micrococcal nuclease-resistant nuclear RNA from whole nuclei. The nuclease-resistant regions were identified with the use of a RNA mapping method we recently developed (J.R. Patton and C.-B. Chae, J. Biol. Chem. 258:3991-3995, 1983). We found that beta-globin RNA is assembled into heterogeneous nuclear RNA-protein complexes in a specific manner. There are several regions of nuclease resistance in the first and third exons interrupted at regular intervals by sensitive regions. The second exon has only one nuclease-resistant region. The resistant regions range in size from 20 to 50 nucleotides. This organization may reflect a specific mode of assembly for heterogeneous nuclear RNA-protein complexes.  相似文献   

In Physarum polycephalum most genes coding for ribosomal RNA are not integrated in chromosomes, but are located in many copies in the nucleolus as plasmid-like palindromic DNA molecules. To find out whether coding sequences of rDNA are organized in a chromatin-like structure similar to that of bulk chromatin, nuclei were treated with micrococcal nuclease and DNA fragments were isolated. From bulk chromatin multimers of a basic unit of 170-180 base pairs were obtained. Nuclease fragmented DNA hybridized with labelled 19-S + 26-S rRNA was found to give the same saturation value as did unfragmented control DNA. No preferential degradation of ribosomal genes to acid soluble products was observed. A more detailed analysis of the nuclease degradation products was carried out with fragments separated by preparative gel electrophoresis. DNA eluted from the gels was hybridized in solution with labelled 19-S + 26-S rRNA. The coding sequences of rRNA were found to be degraded to approximately nucleosome size slightly more quickly than was the DNA of bulk chromatin. However, the distribution of the rDNA fragments on the gels did not coincide with the distribution of the fragments derived from bulk chromatin nucleosomes and their oligomers. The amount of rDNA in the interband regions was about intermediate between that found in the two adjacent bands. These results lead to the conclusion that the ribosomal genes, most of which are presumably active during rapid growth, are protected by proteins, probably histones. However, the ribosomal genes are present in a structure differing in some way from that of bulk chromatin.  相似文献   

A novel method for sequence specific double strand DNA cleavage using PNA (peptide nucleic acid) targeting is described. Nuclease S1 digestion of double stranded DNA gives rise to double strand cleavage at an occupied PNA strand displacement binding site, and under optimized conditions complete cleavage can be obtained. The efficiency of this cleavage is more than 10 fold enhanced when a tandem PNA site is targeted, and additionally enhanced if this site is in trans rather than in cis orientation. Thus in effect, the PNA targeting makes the single strand specific nuclease S1 behave like a pseudo restriction endonuclease.  相似文献   

The effect of prebound poly-L-lysine upon the template activity of DNA, chromatin and F1 histone-depleted chromatin for E. coli DNA polymerase I has been investigated. Measurements have been made in the absence and presence of 0.1M NaCl. From the results we conclude that only ca 60% of the polylysine-accessible DNA, i.e. 22% of the total DNA of the chromatin, is accessible to the DNA polymerase I and that ca. 30% of the polylysine-accessible DNA, i.e. 11% of the total DNA, is associated with the F1 histone.  相似文献   

The chromatin structure encompassing the lysozyme gene domain in hen oviduct nuclei was studied by measuring the partitioning of coding and flanking sequences during chromatin fractionation and by analyzing the nucleosome repeat in response to micrococcal nuclease digestion. Following micrococcal nuclease digestion, nuclei were sedimented to obtain a chromatin fraction released during digestion (S1) and then lysed in tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-(ethylenedinitrilo)tetraacetic acid-[ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid and centrifuged again to yield a second solubilized chromatin fraction (S2) and a pelleted fraction (P2). By dot-blot hybridization with 14 specific probes, it is found that the fractionation procedure defines three classes of sequences within the lysozyme gene domain. The coding sequences, which partition with fraction P2, are flanked by class I flanking sequences, which partition with fractions S1 and P2 and which extend over 11 kilobases (kb) on the 5'side and probably over about 4 kb on the 3' side. The partitioning of class II flanking sequences, which are located distal of class I flanking sequences, is different from that of class I flanking sequences. Coding sequences lack a canonical nucleosome repeat, class I flanking sequences possess a disturbed nucleosome repeat, and class II flanking sequences generate an extended nucleosomal ladder. Coding and class I flanking sequences are more readily digested by micrococcal nuclease than class II flanking sequences and the inactive beta A-globin gene. In hen liver, where the lysozyme gene is inactive, coding and class I flanking sequences fractionate into fractions S2 and P2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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