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BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to design improved regulatable lentivirus vector systems. The aim was to design tetracycline (tet)-regulatable lentivirus vectors based on the Tet-on system displaying low background expression in the absence of the doxycycline (DOX) inducer and high transgene expression levels in the presence of DOX. METHODS: We constructed a binary lentivirus vector system that is composed of a self-inactivating (SIN) lentivirus vector bearing inducible first- or second-generation tet-responsive promoter elements (TREs) driving expression of a transgene and a second lentivirus vector encoding a reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator (rtTA) that activates transgene expression from the TRE in the presence of DOX. RESULTS: We evaluated a number of different rtTAs and found rtTA2S-M2 to induce the highest levels of transgene expression. Regulated transgene expression was stable in human breast carcinoma cells implanted into nude mice for up to 11 weeks. In an attempt to minimize background expression levels, the chicken beta-globin cHS4 insulator element was cloned into the 3' long terminal repeat (LTR) of the transgene transfer vector. The cHS4 insulator element reduced background expression but expression levels following DOX addition were lower than those observed with vectors lacking an insulator sequence. In a second strategy, vectors bearing second-generation TREs harboring repositioned tetracycline operator elements were used. Such vectors displayed greatly reduced leakiness in the absence of DOX and induced transgene expression levels were up to 522-fold above those seen in the absence of DOX. CONCLUSIONS: Inducible lentivirus vectors bearing insulators or second-generation TREs will likely prove useful for applications demanding the lowest levels of background expression.  相似文献   

Viral vectors provide a highly efficient method for the transfer of foreign genes into a variety of quiescent or dividing eukaryotic cells from many animal origins. While recombinant vectors derived from an increasing number of mammalian viruses (herpes simplex virus, autonomous and non-autonomous parvoviruses, poxviruses, retroviruses, adenoviruses available today, vectors based on murine retroviruses and human adenoviruses constitute preferential candidates for the delivery of marker or therapeutic genes into human somatic cells. The availability of such vectors has made possible the recent transition of human gene therapy from laboratory benches to clinical settings. Most current recombinant vectors have been generated by deleting essential viral genes in order to make space available for the introduction of passenger genes. Such vectors are therefore unable to replicate in the absence of these critical gene products and their production relies on the development of stable complementation cell lines providingin trans the missing viral functions. Although complementation (or packaging) cell lines are available for both adenovirus and retrovirus vectors, their respective drawbacks still limit their use to research applications and phase I clinical trials. The future success or failure of human gene therapy will therefore rely on the production of improved generations of packaging cell lines that can produce safer and more efficient vectors which are fully adapted to large scale production and clinical applications.  相似文献   

The novel adenoretroviral vector, AdLTR-luc, infects dividing and nondividing cells, and mediates long-term transgene expression(Zheng, C., Baum, B. J., Iadarola, M. J., and O'Connell, B. C., Nat. Biotech. 18, 176-180, 2000). To determine the source of this expression we examined two epithelial cell lines. One, HSG, permits E1(-) recombinant adenoviral replication, while the other, A5, does not. An HSG clone, that expressed luciferase stably for > 6 months, was obtained following infection at approximately 0.2 AdLTR-luc particles/cell. Southern and PCR analyses showed that luciferase cDNA present was integrated. A5 cells were infected with AdLTR-luc at approximately 1000 particles/cell, and colonies were obtained by limiting dilution. Eight clones showed stable luciferase activity for > 9 months. High molecular weight DNA extracts from clones were positive for genomic integration by Southern, PCR, and quantitative PCR analyses. Similar analyses of low molecular weight DNA extracts indicated the absence of intact extrachromosomal vector. These data demonstrate that long-term luciferase expression after infection by AdLTR-luc is derived from the integrated cDNA.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice are an effective model to study gene function in vivo; however, position effects can complicate tissue-specific transgene analysis. To facilitate precise targeting of a transgenic construct into the mouse genome, we combined the Cre/lox and Flp/FRT recombination systems to allow for rapid transgene replacement and conditional transgene expression from the endogenous beta-actin locus. Flp/FRT recombination was used to rapidly exchange FRT-flanked transgene cassettes by recombinase-mediated cassette exchange in embryonic stem cells, while transgene expression can be activated in mice after Cre-mediated excision of a floxed STOP cassette. To validate our system, we analyzed the expression profile of an EGFP reporter gene after integration into the beta-actin locus and Cre-mediated excision of the floxed STOP cassette. Breeding of EGFP reporter mice with various Cre mouse lines resulted in the expected expression profiles, demonstrating the feasibility of the model to facilitate predictable and strong transgene expression in a spatially and temporally controlled manner.  相似文献   

PTEN is a tumour suppressor that is frequently mutated in a variety of cancers. Hence, PTEN has significant potential as a therapeutic molecule. PTEN‐long is an alternative translation variant, with an additional 173 amino acids added to the N‐terminal of the canonical PTEN when CUG of the mRNA is utilized as the start codon. PTEN‐long is secreted into serum and can re‐enter cells throughout the body. One of the major barriers for gene therapy is to efficiently and specifically deliver DNA or RNA material to target cells. As an alternative approach, if a therapeutic protein can be directly delivered to target cell of interest, it should theoretically function well within the cells, particularly for genes that are deficiently expressed in vivo. Most therapeutic proteins are incapable of efficiently permeating the cell membrane. In this study, we have employed CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing tool combined with single‐stranded template to edit CTG of PTEN‐long to ATG in the genome. Two guide RNAs close to CTG site were found to have similar efficiency in driving PTEN‐long expression. Furthermore, we detected PTEN‐long expression in transfected whole‐cell lysate and in concentrated culture media in Western blot. Interestingly, the culture media of PTEN‐long expression can reduce Akt phosphorylation level and repress U87 cell proliferation compared to wild‐type U87 or control media. Taken together, PTEN‐long driven by CRISPR/Cas9 imports and exports cells and represses nearby cell proliferation, indicating the PTEN‐long generated by CRISPR/Cas9 has potential to be an alternative strategy for PTEN gene therapy.  相似文献   

Four promoters derived from sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV) were compared and characterised. Three were obtained by PCR amplification of purified virion DNA extracted from three sugarcane cultivars. The fourth promoter was obtained by subcloning from an almost genome-length clone of SCBV. All promoters were able to drive stable expression of -glucuronidase in sugarcane. The PCR-derived promoter sequences shared more DNA homology with banana streak virus than to the subcloned SCBV. The subcloned promoter was the strongest expressing and was able to drive reporter gene expression in vitro and in the leaves, meristems and roots of glasshouse-grown sugarcane. Expression levels were at least equal to or higher than those measured for the maize polyubiquitin promoter.  相似文献   

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