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Plasma immunoreactive estrogen was significantly lower on days 9 and 8 before menstruation in a group of 15 women with premenstrual tension (PMT) syndrome, than in a control group of 17 women. Estrogen thereafter started to increase and was significantly higher in the PMT-group than in the controls on day 5 before menstruation. This increase was significant until day 1 before menstruation. Progesterone levels were constantly lower in the PMT-group than in the controls.The mean FSH level in plasma in PMT patients was significantly increased above controls on day 9, 8, 7 and 6 before menstruation. No difference between groups was seen in LH levels nor in serum albumin and binding capacity of testosterone-estradiol binding globulin (TeBG), neither could changes in LH, albumin or TeBG capacity explain the increase seen in estrogen concentration. The possible role of FSH in the PMT syndrome is discussed in order to explain the increased estrogen secretion.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation in progesterone and LH during the luteal phase and the temporal relationships between oscillations of the two hormones were studied in 10 heifers by collection of blood samples at 0100, 0700, 1300, and 1900 h each day, beginning on Day 1 (Day 0 = ovulation). Concentration of LH on Days 5-9, but not on Days 10-14, was lower (P < 0.05) at 0700 h (0.25 ± 0.02 ng/mL) than at each of the other three hours (combined, 0.32 ± 0.02 ng/mL). An oscillation was defined as an uninterrupted increase and decrease in concentrations. The number of LH oscillations/heifer with the peak at 1900 h (6.1 ± 0.7) throughout the luteal phase was greater (P < 0.01) than for each of the other hours (combined, 4.0 ± 0.2). Diurnal variation in progesterone was not detected. Only statistically defined LH oscillations were used to determine the temporal association between the peak of an LH oscillation and various components of a progesterone oscillation. On Days 5-14, the frequency of the peak of an LH oscillation occurring at the same hour as the peak of a progesterone oscillation (26/48, 54%) was greater (P < 0.0001) than at the progesterone nadir (3/48, 6%). The frequency of the LH peak occurring during increasing (11/34, 32%) and decreasing (8/25, 32%) progesterone concentrations was intermediate (P < 0.05). Results indicated the following: 1) diurnal variation occurred in LH as determined by concentration and by the hour of the peak of an oscillation; and 2) LH oscillations were temporally and positively related to progesterone oscillations.  相似文献   

Menchaca A  Rubianes E 《Theriogenology》2002,57(5):1411-1419
We studied the relationship between progesterone (P4) concentrations early in the estrus cycle and follicular dynamics in dairy goats. We used seven untreated goats (control group) and six progesterone treated goats (P group) with a controlled internal drug release device from Days 0 to 5 (Day 0: day of ovulation). We performed daily ultrasonograph during the interovulatory interval to determine ovarian change and took daily blood samples to determine serum estradiol 17beta (E2) and P4 concentrations by RIA. We divided the control goats into 3- (n = 4) and 4-wave goats (n = 3), according to the number of follicular waves recorded during the ovulatory cycle. Mean progesterone concentrations between Days I and 5 were higher and mean estradiol concentrations between Days 3 and 5 were lower in 4-wave goats (P4: 3.8+/-0.2 ng/ml; E2: 1.6+/-0.2 pg/ml) than in 3-wave goats (P4: 2.0+/-0.5 ng/ml, P < 0.05; E2: 4.4+/-0.9 pg/ml, P < 0.05). Wave 2 emerged earlier in 4-wave (Day 4.2+/-0.3) than in 3-wave goats (Day 7.3+/-0.3, P < 0.05). Three out of six of the progesterone-treated goats had short cycles (mean 8.0+/-0.0 days) and ovulated from Wave 1. The other three goats had shorter cycles (mean 18.3+/-0.3 days) than the control group (20.0+/-0.2 days; P < 0.05), although they were within the normal range of control cycles (shortened cycles). In the three treated goats with shortened cycles (two with four waves, one with three waves), mean progesterone concentrations between Days I and 5 were higher (4.7+/-0.6 ng/ml) than in the 3-wave control goats. In these goats, Wave 2 emerged at Day 4.3+/-0.3, similar to the time observed in 4-wave goats but earlier (P < or = 0.05) than in 3-wave control goats. Overall results confirm a relationship between the progesterone levels and the follicular wave turnover during the early luteal phase in the goat. Higher progesterone concentrations may accelerate follicular turnover probably by an early decline of the negative feedback action of the largest follicle of Wave 1. This is followed by an early emergence of Wave 2.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that the adrenal gland influences luteal activity in sheep. Twelve Finnish Landrace x Southdown ewes were either bilaterally adrenalectomized (n = 6) or sham adrenalectomized (n = 6) during the breeding season. At approximately 37 and 47 d after surgery, all ewes received intramuscular injections of cloprostenol to synchronize estrus. Blood samples were taken via jugular venipuncture at 48-h intervals between 1 and 19 d after the last cloprostenol treatment. Serum concentrations of progesterone were determined in each of these samples. Analysis of variance showed that concentrations of progesterone during the luteal phase were lower (P<0.05) in adrenalectomized ewes than in sham-operated controls, but that patterns of progesterone were similar for both groups of sheep. Based on these results, we conclude that the adrenal gland does not appear to be necessary for initiation of luteal regression in ewes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the pituitary and luteal responses to LH-RH and their related changes. 11 normal women were studied during the luteal phase (day +4/+11). Blood samples were collected every 15 min for a basal period of 180 and 120 min after the intravenous administration of 25 micrograms of LH-RH. Progesterone (P) and LH were assayed by radioimmunoassay. Data were analyzed as maximum peak and its percent increase (delta max), integrated secretory area (ISA) and percent increase of ISA (delta A) in respect to basal values for both P and LH. LH-RH elicited a secretory response of both hormones in all cases. ISA of LH was significantly greater after LH-RH administration in respect to basal values (p less than 0.001) and delta max accounted to 475 +/- (SE) 36% of the basal concentration. Luteal responsiveness varied from about 115-130% to more marked increments. ISA of P differed from basal to stimulated conditions (p less than 0.05) and delta max was 166 +/- (SE) 14%. The analysis of temporal relationship between P and LH secretion showed that LH promptly rose after LH-RH, while the enhancement of P plasma levels occurred within 31 +/- 19 min after LH rise. Then P levels reached a plateau, values of which were statistically different from those observed before LH-RH administration. In two cases where luteal function was blunted or absent, in spite of marked increments of LH, P secretion did not occur. These data are consistent with the presence of close relationships between hypothalamic, pituitary and luteal functions and strengthen the contention about the usefulness of LH-RH during luteal phase for the lifespan and maintenance of corpus luteum.  相似文献   

A double-antibody heterologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) was developed to measure plasma LH values in hedgehogs. This RIA system used anti-rat LH serum and rabbit LH (AFP-559B) for radioiodination and as standard. The accuracy of the method was evaluated and indicated the ability to detect various relative concentrations of LH in plasma. The minimum detectable dose was 0.2 ng/ml. The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 4.2 and 7.9% respectively. Biological tests, e.g. effect of castration, effect of castration + testosterone implant and GnRH administration, confirmed that this method was suitable to determine subsequent changes in pituitary gonadotrophic activity in the hedgehog. LH concentrations were determined in blood samples obtained during 1 year: (a) each month, at 4-h intervals during 24 h, from different groups of unanaesthetized animals fitted with a catheter and (b) twice a month, under a light anaesthesia, from the same group of 6 animals. During the year: (1) the range of LH change was narrow (minimum values congruent to 0.25 ng/ml and maximum values congruent to 2.00 ng/ml); (2) the 24-h LH patterns did not exhibit any daily rhythm; (3) a clear annual rhythm was observed with the highest values from February to April and the lowest values in October and November. LH decreased rapidly at the end of summer and increased progressively from December to February, during hibernation. In these experiments, it was not possible to determine the characteristics of LH release patterns in the hedgehog but individual profiles indicated clearly the episodic secretion of LH, particularly during the highest pituitary activity period. During the year, a close relationship between the seasonal cycles of plasma LH and testosterone was observed.  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous progesterone exposure early in the oestrous cycle on the duration of the interovulatory interval was studied in dairy goats. A controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR-G) device was inserted for 5 days starting at day 0 (D0 group, n=6) or day 3 (D3 group, n=5) postovulation. A third group was composed of untreated control goats (control group, n=7). Daily transrectal ultrasound was carried out during the interovulatory interval to assess the ovarian dynamics. Oestrous behaviour was checked twice a day and serum progesterone levels were assayed in daily jugular blood samples. Treated goats showed two different responses. In three D0 goats and one D3 goat, progesterone concentrations fell immediately after CIDR withdrawal and this was followed by oestrus and ovulation between days 8 and 11 (short cycles). In the other three D0 goats and in four D3 goats the treatment significantly reduced the interovulatory interval (18.3+/-0.3 and 18.5+/-0.3 days, respectively) (shortened cycles) compared with the control group (20.0+/-0.2 days; P<0.05), but the intervals with progesterone concentrations over 1 ng/ml were not different (15.7+/-0.3, 15.8+/-0.7 and 16.0+/-0.5 days for D0, D3 and control goats, respectively). In all D0 goats with a short cycle response, the ovulatory follicle arose from the first follicular wave but in the D3 goat with a short cycle it arose from the second follicular wave. These results showed that premature progesterone exposure early in the ovulatory cycle of the goat affected its length inducing short or shortened cycles. The effect of progesterone could either affect luteotropic support of the corpus luteum (CL) and/or stimulate a premature release of the luteolysin.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone concentrations in mares were determined in two experiments during the time that the luteal glands were detectable by transrectal ultrasonography. In both experiments, corpora lutea were classified into two tupes of morphologies based on their ultrasonic appearance: centrally nonechogenic luteal glands (fluid-filled) and uniformly echogenic luteal glands (non-fluid-filled). In Experiment 1, daily blood samples were taken from horse mares during August through October and May through July. There were no significant effects of season or luteal morphology on progesterone concentration. There was a significant main effect of day, but no day-by-season or day-by-morphology interactions. Progesterone increased significantly between Days 1 and 3 (mean progesterone concentration, 2.5 vs 5.2 ng/ml, respectively), between Days 3 and 4 (5.2 vs 7.8 ng/ml), and between Days 4 and 5 (7.8 vs 11.0 ng/ml). Progesterone did not decrease significantly until between Days 11 and 15 (11.6 and 6.1 ng/ml). Subsequent decreases occurred between Days 15 and 16 (6.1 vs 3.9 ng/ml), and Days 16 and 17 (3.9 vs 2.5 ng/ml). In Experiment 2, blood samples were obtained from pony mares at 1 2 - h intervals for 3 h before and 2 h after the defined onset of luteal development (end of evacuation of the ovulatory follicle). Additional blood samples were taken at 5, 8 and 12 h after the onset of luteal development, and thereafter at 12-h intervals for 5d. There were no significant differences between centrally nonechogenic luteal glands (n = 7) and uniformly echogenic luteal glands (n = 5) during the first 5 d of luteal development. There was no time-by-morphology interaction, but there was a significant time effect. The first significant increase in progesterone concentration occurred between Hours 12 and 24 (0.5 vs 1.1 ng/ml). Additional increases were detected between Hours 24 and 36 (1.1 vs 2.6 ng/ml), Hours 36 and 48 (2.6 vs 4.3 ng/ml), Hours 48 and 60 (4.3 vs 6.1 ng/ml), Hours 60 and 72 (6.1 vs 9.4 ng/ml), and Hours 72 and 96 (9.4 vs 13.8 ng/ml). The hypothesis was supported that fluid-filled corpora lutea do not differ from non-fluid-filled corpora lutea with regard to progesterone production.  相似文献   

Fourteen Friesian cows each suckling four calves were treated for a 7-day period (a) between days 20–40 post partum with progesterone-releasing intravaginal devices (PRID) containing 2% progesterone (Group 1; n = 5), (b) between days 51–264 post partum with PRIDS containing 2% progesterone (Group 2; n = 6) and (c) between days 29–214 days post partum with PRIDS containing 0% progesterone (Group 3; n = 3). Mean plasma LH concentrations decreased during PRID treatment in Group 2 cows only and pre-ovulatory LH surges were observed in 56 of these cows between 38 and 84 h after coil removal. All Group 2 cows underwent at least one ovarian cycle following PRID removal. No pre-ovulatory LH surges were observed in either Group 1 or Group 3 cows and only one cow (Group 3) underwent an ovarian cycle after treatment. It is suggested that there is an increase in pituitary responsiveness to the feedback effects of progesterone during the post-partum period.  相似文献   

The role of insulin in mediating pituitary responses to nutrition was investigated in 30 mature Border Leicester X Merino ewes. The ewes were infused with saline (n = 15) or bovine insulin at 0.4 IU/kg/d (n = 15) for 72 h during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle The ewes were housed in individual pens and were fed, ad libitum, a diet of low quality straw. Their estrous cycles were synchronized with prostaglandin (PG), with infusions given over Days 9 to 11 of the estrous cycle. A further injection of PG was given at the end of the infusion, and the subsequent ovulation rate was determined by endoscopy 12 d later. Blood samples were collected every 4 h from Day 8 until 52 h after the final PG injection for the determination of plasma FSH, insulin and glucose concentrations. On Day 11 blood samples were also taken every 20 min for 24 h for the determination of LH pulse characteristics. During the infusion of insulin, its concentration rose 4-fold and remained elevated until the end of infusion, when it fell to pretreatment concentrations. Glucose concentrations were significantly reduced during the insulin infusion and rose to pretreatment concentrations after infusion. In control ewes glucose and insulin concentrations did not change. Ovulation rate of treated ewes was not affected by the insulin (1.9 +/- 0.07) compared with that of control ewes (2.0 +/- 0.10). Neither were FSH concentrations affected by treatment with insulin, although a significant interaction of treatment with time was observed in the 36 h after infusion. The pre-ovulatory decline in FSH concentrations was delayed by about 8 h in the insulin treated ewes. The mean (+/- SEM) LH pulse frequency (4.3 +/- 0.4 vs 1.8 +/- 0.3 pulses per 24 h) and the mean (+/- SEM) concentration of LH (0.48 +/- 0.04 vs 0.32 +/- 0.03 ng/ml) were both significantly reduced by insulin. These results indicate that insulin-induced hypoglycaemia inhibits LH secretion in cyclic ewes and implicates insulin as a mediator of normal hypothalamo-pituitary function.  相似文献   

A controlled study was carried out to investigate the effects of suprabasal plasma progesterone concentrations on blood plasma patterns of progesterone, LH and estradiol-17beta around estrus. Heifers were assigned to receive subcutaneous silicone implants containing 2.5 g (n=4), 5 g (n=4), 6 g (n=3), 7.5 g (n=3) or 10 g (n=4) of progesterone, or implants without hormone (controls, n=5). The implants were inserted on Day 8 of the cycle (Day 0=ovulation) and left in place for 17 d. The time of ovulation was determined by ultrasound scanning. Blood was collected daily from Days 0 to 14 and at 2 to 4-h intervals from Days 15 to 27. Control heifers had the lowest progesterone concentrations on Days 20.5 to 21 (0.5 +/- 0.1 nmol L(-1)); a similar pattern was observed in heifers treated with 2.5 and 5 g of progesterone. In the same period, mean progesterone concentrations in the heifers treated with 6, 7.5 and 10 g were larger (P < 0.05) than in the controls, remaining between 1 and 2.4 nmol L(-1) until implant removal. A preovulatory estradiol increase started on Days 16.4 to 18.4 in all the animals. In the controls and in heifers treated with 2.5 and 5 g of progesterone, estradiol peaked and was followed by the onset of an LH surge. In the remaining treatments, estradiol release was prolonged and increased (P < 0.05), while the LH peak was delayed (P < 0.05) until the end of the increase in estradiol concentration. The estrous cycle was consequently extended (P < 0.05). In all heifers, onset of the LH surge occurred when progesterone reached 0.4 to 1.2 nmol L(-1). The induction of suprabasal levels of progesterone after spontaneous luteolysis caused endocrine asynchronies similar to those observed in cases of repeat breeding. It is suggested that suprabasal concentrations of progesterone around estrus may be a cause of disturbances oestrus/ovulation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of continuous elevated cortisol concentrations during standing oestrus on time of ovulation and patterns of progesterone, oestradiol and luteinising hormone (LH) in sows. The elevation of cortisol concentrations was achieved through repeated intravenous injections of synthetic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) every 2 h for approximately 48 h, from the onset of the second standing oestrus after weaning. Treatment was terminated when ovulation was detected (monitored by transrectal ultrasonography every 4h) or when the sow had received a maximum of 24 injections. The dose of ACTH (2.5 microg/kg) was chosen to mimic the cortisol concentrations seen during mixing of unfamiliar sows. The sows (n=14) were surgically fitted with jugular vein catheters and randomly divided into a control (C group where only NaCl solution were injected) or an ACTH group. Blood samples were collected every 2 h. In parallel with the blood sampling, saliva samples for cortisol analyses were taken from eight sows before onset of treatment and from four of the sows during treatment. There was no difference in time from onset of standing oestrus to ovulation between the two groups. The interval between the peaks of oestradiol and LH to ovulation was prolonged in the ACTH group compared to the C group (p<0.05), with a tendency towards an earlier decline of oestradiol in the ACTH group. Cortisol and progesterone concentrations were significantly elevated during treatment in the ACTH group (p<0.001), with cortisol peak concentrations occurring between 40 and 80 min after each ACTH injection. Cortisol concentrations in saliva and plasma were highly correlated (p<0.001). In conclusion, elevated cortisol concentrations from the onset of standing oestrus increase progesterone concentrations and prolong the interval between oestradiol and LH peaks to ovulation, the latter possible due to an early decline in oestradiol concentrations and a change of the LH peak outline. The effect these hormonal changes have on reproductive performance need to be further investigated. Saliva samples might be a useful and non-invasive method to assess cortisol concentrations in sows.  相似文献   

Compared with other domestic animals, relatively little is known about the changes in, and temporal relations between, reproductive hormones around the time of ovulation in the domestic bitch. Therefore, plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol-17beta, progesterone, prolactin (PRL), and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) were determined one to six times daily from the start of the follicular phase until 5 days after the estimated day of ovulation in six Beagle bitches. In all bitches, the pre-ovulatory LH surge was accompanied by a pre-ovulatory FSH surge. A pre-ovulatory PRL or alpha-MSH surge was not observed. The pre-ovulatory FSH and LH surges started concomitantly in four bitches, but in two bitches the FSH surge started 12 h earlier than the LH surge. The FSH surge (110+/-8 h) lasted significantly longer than the LH surge (36+/-5 h). In contrast with the pre-ovulatory FSH surge, the pre-ovulatory LH surge was bifurcated in four of six bitches. The mean plasma LH concentrations before (1.9+/-0.4 microg/L) and after (1.9+/-0.3 microg/L) the LH surge were similar, but the mean plasma FSH concentration before the FSH surge (1.6+/-0.3 U/L) was significantly lower than that after the FSH surge (3.1+/-0.2 U/L). In most bitches the highest plasma estradiol-17beta concentration coincided with or followed the start of the pre-ovulatory LH surge. In five of the six bitches the plasma progesterone concentration started to rise just before or concurrently with the start of the LH surge. In conclusion, the results of this study provide evidence for the differential regulation of the secretion of LH and FSH in the bitch. In addition, the interrelationship of the plasma profiles of estradiol-17beta and LH suggests a positive feedback effect of estradiol-17beta on LH surge release. The start of the pre-ovulatory LH surge is associated with an increase in the plasma progesterone concentration in this species.  相似文献   

Interrelationships of circulating hormone levels and their implications for follicular development were studied throughout the oestrous cycle with emphasis on the perioestrous period in heifers and cows. The oestradiol level showed a major peak (45 pmol/1) before and coinciding with oestrus, and a second peak (27 pmol/1) around day 5–6 (day 0: day of first standing oestrus); it was low during the luteal phase of the cycle when progesterone was higher than 14 nmol/1 from day −12 to day −2. Large antral follicles, which had developed during the luteal phase, did not secrete significant amounts of oestradiol, degenerated after luteolysis, and were replaced by a newly developing follicle which became preovulatory. Parallel with this development the oestradiol level increased from the onset of luteolysis to reach a plateau about 26 h before the onset of oestrus. The interval between the onset of luteolysis and the onset of oestrus was 58 h; luteolysis proceeded at a slower rate in heifers than in cows. At 4.6 h after the onset of oestrus the maximum of the LH surge was recorded; the LH surge appeared to be postponed in the period October–December in comparison to the period August–September. The maximum of the LH surge was higher in heifers (45 μg/l) than in cows (30 μg/l), but its duration was similar (8.0 h). The oestradiol level decreased significantly from 6 h after the maximum of the LH surge, and standing oestrus (duration 18 h) was terminated almost at the same time as the return to basal values of oestradiol. Cortisol and prolactin levels did not show a peak during the peri-oestrus period. Cortisol fluctuated irrespective of the stage of the oestrus cycle and prolactin was significantly higher during the luteal phase.

The results of this study indicate that development of the preovulatory follicle starts in the cow at the onset of luteolysis, about 2.5 days before the preovulatory LH surge, and that oestradiol secretion by this follicle is possibly inhibited by the LH surge.  相似文献   

Pulsatile secretion of progesterone has been observed during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in the rhesus monkey and human. As the luteal phase progresses in each of these species, there is a pattern of decreased frequency and increased amplitude of progesterone pulses. The present study was designed to determine the pattern of progesterone secretion during the late luteal phase (Days 10-16) of the normal ovine estrous cycle. Five unanesthetized ewes, each bearing an indwelling cannula in the utero-ovarian vein, were bled every 15 min from 0800 h on Day 10 through 0800 h on Day 16 of the estrous cycle. With the computer program PULSAR, it was determined that progesterone secretion was episodic, with pulsations observed on all days. Analysis of variance was used to determine differences in frequency, amplitude, and interpeak interval (IPI) of progesterone pulses among ewes and days. The ewes averaged 8.0 +/- 0.63 pulses of progesterone per 24 h. Mean frequency of pulses was not different between days but showed differences between ewes. Mean amplitude of progesterone pulses was 7.0 +/- 0.27 ng/ml, with no differences observed either between days or between ewes. Mean IPI was 197 +/- 7.1 min, and, like frequency, the IPI was not different between days, but varied between ewes. No consistent temporal relationship was found between progesterone pulses and luteinizing hormone (LH), as determined by bioassay and radioimmunoassay, on Day 14 of the cycle in one ewe. The results indicate that progesterone secretion is episodic during the luteal phase of the ovine estrous cycle and is independent of LH pulses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to evaluate models for generation of low circulating progesterone concentrations during early pregnancy in cattle. In Experiment 1, 17 crossbred heifers (Bos taurus) were assigned to either prostaglandin F (PGF) administration on Days 3, 3.5, and 4 (PG3; n = 9) or to control (n = 8). Blood samples were collected from heifers from Days 1 to 9 for progesterone assay. Progesterone concentrations were decreased (P < 0.03) between 18 and 48 h after first PGF treatment in heifers assigned to PG3 compared with that of controls. In Experiment 2, 39 crossbred heifers detected in estrus were inseminated (Day 0) and assigned to either (1) PGF administration on Days 3, 3.5, and 4 (PG3; n = 10), (2) PGF administration on Days 3, 3.5, 4, and 4.5 (PG4; n = 10), (3) Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Device (PRID) insertion on Day 4.5 with PGF administration on Days 5 and 6 (PRID + PGF; n = 10), or (4) control (n = 9). Blood samples were collected daily until Day 15, and conceptus survival rate was determined at slaughter on Day 16. Progesterone concentrations during the sampling period in the PG3 and PG4 groups did not differ but were less than that of controls (P < 0.01). After an initial peak, progesterone concentrations in the PRID + PGF group were similar to that of controls. More heifers in the PG4 group (6 of 10) had complete luteal regression than did those in the PG3 group (3 of 10). Conceptus survival rate on Day 16 did not differ between groups. There was a significant correlation between progesterone concentration on Days 5 and 6 and conceptus size on Day 16. In summary, treatment with PGF on Days 3, 3.5, and 4 postestrus appeared to provide the best model to induce reduced circulating progesterone concentrations during the early luteal phase in cattle.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) and progesterone receptor (PR) were characterized in different endometrial cell types as luminal and glandular epithelium and stroma during the follicular (FP) and the luteal phase (LP) in llamas. Animals were examined daily by transrectal ultrasonography for the determination of the presence of an ovulatory follicle and ovulation was immediately induced by a GnRH injection (Day 0). Endometrial samples were obtained by transcervical biopsies from the left uterine horn on Day 0 (FP) and 9 days after the GnRH injection (Day 9, LP). Blood samples were collected on these days for estradiol 17beta and progesterone determination by RIA. An immunohistochemical technique was used to visualize ERalpha and PR immunostaining which was then analyzed by two independent observers. Total positive area and average staining for ERalpha were affected by the phase of the ovarian activity: in the three cell types there was more positive area and intense staining during the FP than during the LP. Similar findings were observed for PR, more positive stained areas were found during the FP than during the LP in the epithelia. In addition, the three cell types had more intense staining during the FP than during the LP. An effect of the cell type for ERalpha and PR was observed; epithelia (luminal and glandular) had more positive stained areas and greater intensity than stromal cells. In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that in llamas, like in other ruminants, estradiol has a stimulatory effect while progesterone downregulates the ERalpha and PR and that the receptor is cell type specific.  相似文献   

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