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Background: Helicobacter pylori infection is known to be a cause of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) that is unresponsive to iron supplements. H. pylori bind iron to a specific receptor by iron-repressible outer membrane proteins (IROMPs) under conditions of restricted iron.
Materials and Methods: We compared the expression of IROMPs from strains of H. pylori under both iron-restricted and iron-supplemented conditions to determine the difference between strains with and without IDA. One standard strain, two clinical strains, and three IDA strains were cultured; and then the IROMPs were extracted under iron-restricted and iron-supplemented conditions. We used SDS-PAGE to compare the expression of the IROMPs from each strain.
Results:  IROMPs were found in IDA strains under iron-restricted conditions and their molecular sizes were estimated to be 56, 48, 41, and 37 kDa. In the iron-repleted media, the IROMPs were no longer present.
Conclusion: In the iron-depleted state, specific H. pylori strains associated with IDA demonstrated an advantage in iron acquisition due to a higher expression of IROMPs. Our results can explain in part why some patients with H. pylori infection are more prone to develop clinical IDA under restricted iron conditions in the host.  相似文献   

This review covers the current knowledge and gaps in Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structure and biosynthesis. H. pylori is a Gram‐negative bacterium which colonizes the luminal surface of the human gastric epithelium. Both a constitutive alteration of the lipid A preventing TLR4 elicitation and host mimicry of the Lewis antigen decorated O‐antigen of H. pylori LPS promote immune escape and chronic infection. To date, the complete structure of H. pylori LPS is not available, and the proposed model is a linear arrangement composed of the inner core defined as the hexa‐saccharide (Kdo‐LD‐Hep‐LD‐Hep‐DD‐Hep‐Gal‐Glc), the outer core composed of a conserved trisaccharide (‐GlcNAc‐Fuc‐DD‐Hep‐) linked to the third heptose of the inner core, the glucan, the heptan and a variable O‐antigen, generally consisting of a poly‐LacNAc decorated with Lewis antigens. Although the glycosyltransferases (GTs) responsible for the biosynthesis of the H. pylori O‐antigen chains have been identified and characterized, there are many gaps in regard to the biosynthesis of the core LPS. These limitations warrant additional mutagenesis and structural studies to obtain the complete LPS structure and corresponding biosynthetic pathway of this important gastric bacterium.  相似文献   

In the last year, many studies have demonstrated a potential role of Helicobacter pylori in the pathogenic mechanisms of different extragastric diseases. While the role of H pylori in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, idiopathic iron deficiency anemia, and vitamin B12 deficiency has already been demonstrated, there is growing evidence of other related conditions, especially cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurologic disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases. A summary of the results of the most relevant studies published over the last year on this attractive topic is presented in this review.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) is known as one of the most common infectious pathogens, with high infection and recurrence rates worldwide. The prevalence of H pylori is up to 90% in developing countries, while the annual recurrence rate is much higher than that in developed countries. Recurrence can occur either by recrudescence or reinfection. Compared with reinfection, the time window for recrudescence is generally shorter, followed by the recurrence of H pylori–associated diseases in the short‐term. Many factors are involved in the H pylori reinfection, such as the prevalence of H pylori infection, living conditions and economic development, health conditions and so forth. Previous studies focused less on H pylori recrudescence. Therefore, the influencing factors for H pylori recrudescence needed further exploration. This study reviewed the recrudescence of H pylori infection and its influencing factors.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori, a human pathogen with a high global prevalence, is the causative pathogen for multiple gastrointestinal diseases, especially chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, gastric mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and gastric malignancies. Antibiotic therapies remain the mainstay for H. pylori eradication; however, this strategy is hampered by the emergence and spread of H. pylori antibiotic resistance. Exploring the mechanistic basis of this resistance is becoming one of the major research questions in contemporary biomedical research, as such knowledge could be exploited to devise novel rational avenues for counteracting the existing resistance and devising strategies to avoid the development of a novel anti‐H. pylori medication. Encouragingly, important progress in this field has been made recently. Here, we attempt to review the current state and progress with respect to the molecular mechanism of antibiotic resistance for H. pylori. A picture is emerging in which mutations of various genes in H. pylori, resulting in decreased membrane permeability, altered oxidation–reduction potential, and a more efficient efflux pump system. The increased knowledge on these mechanisms produces hope that antibiotic resistance in H. pylori can ultimately be countered.  相似文献   

Gram‐negative bacteria release outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) as part of their normal growth that contain a range of cargo from their parent bacterium, including DNA, RNA, and proteins. The protein content of OMVs is suggested to be similar in composition to various sub‐cellular locations of their parent bacterium. However, very little is known regarding the effect of bacterial growth stage on the size, content, and selective packaging of proteins into OMVs. In this study, the global proteome of Helicobacter pylori and their OMVs throughout bacterial growth are examined to determine if bacterial growth stage affected OMV cargo composition. Analysis of OMVs produced by H. pylori reveals that bacterial growth stage affects the size, composition, and selection of protein cargo into OMVs. Proteomic analysis identifies that the proteome of H. pylori OMVs is vastly different throughout bacterial growth and that OMVs contain a range of proteins compared to their parent bacteria. In addition, bacterial growth stage affects the ability of OMVs to induce the production of IL‐8 by human epithelial cells. Therefore, the findings identify that the size, proteome, and immunogenicity of OMVs produced during various stages of bacterial growth is not comparable. Collectively, these findings highlight the importance of considering the bacterial growth stage from which OMVs are isolated, as this will impact their size, protein composition, and ultimately their biological functions.  相似文献   

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