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果蝇的视觉信号转导途径是已知的最快的G 蛋白偶联信号通路。这其中涉及到TRP/TRPL通道的开放以及钙离子的内流等一系列反应的形成。NINAC(neither inactivation nor afterpotential C)是一种特异性存在于果蝇感光细胞中的第3类肌球蛋白(Myosin III),其在终止果蝇的视觉信号转导通路中起着非常重要的作用。NINAC蛋白具有两种亚型:一种是132 kD的蛋白亚型 (p132),另一种则是174 kD的蛋白亚型(p174)。这两种不同的蛋白亚型都具有相同的激酶催化结构域(kinase domain),以及与肌球蛋白相似的马达结构域(motor domain)。但是,它们在C末端却存在着非常大的差异,这其中包括了钙调蛋白结合基序(IQ motif)。NINAC的这两种蛋白亚型在果蝇的感光细胞中的定位以及作用有很大不同,尤其是在与钙调蛋白的相互作用方面。钙调蛋白结合基序与钙调蛋白(CaM)之间的相互作用对于果蝇的视觉信号通路具有重要的意义:NINAC结合钙调蛋白能力的缺失将导致果蝇的视觉传导缺陷。本文通过蛋白共表达的方法,成功表达并纯化得到了不同版本的NINAC与钙调蛋白的蛋白复合物。静态光散射的结果表明,在Ca2+存在情况下,p174蛋白可以结合2个Ca2+-CaM,而p132只结合1个Ca2+-CaM。通过分析型凝胶过滤以及等温量热滴定技术,进一步鉴定了p174及p132的IQ2(第2个钙调蛋白结合基序)序列与Ca2+ CaM的相互作用。通过序列分析及进一步的突变实验发现,p174 IQ2中的3个疏水氨基酸(F1083,F1086 和 L1092)对于钙调蛋白的结合非常重要,并导致了p174与p132蛋白和Ca2+ CaM结合能力的差异。本文的研究提供了NINAC与Ca2+-CaM相互作用的生化机制,将为进一步在果蝇视觉信号通路中深入研究CaM是如何调节NINAC的体内功能实验打下基础。  相似文献   

钙依赖的磷脂结合蛋白——钙结合蛋白中的一个新家族   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙依赖的磷脂结合蛋白是70年代末发现的一类新的钙结合蛋白,它们不同于钙调素等具有“EF”手结构的钙结合蛋白,其特点是它们与Ca2+结合后可以进一步与膜磷脂结合。这类蛋白质广泛存在于动物细胞,常常与质膜或内膜系统相联系。免疫化学证据和对其氨基酸顺序、cDNA序列分析表明,这是钙结合蛋白中一个包括多个成员、结构与功能相关的新家族。  相似文献   

热激蛋白Hsp70的新功能区—钙调蛋白结合区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

脑型一氧化氮合成酶的钙调蛋白结合区的表达及活性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用PCR法克隆出nNOS的CaM结合区基因(nNOS 2455~2988bp),并在大肠杆菌中进行了高效表达。经金属离子螯合亲和层析得到纯度为90%以上的重组蛋白.分子量为22kDa,CaM Oveday assay证实该蛋白具有CaM的结合活性。由于所表达的重组蛋白既具有序列特异性又具有CaM的结合活性.因此。可将它作为筛选nNOS特异性抑制肽的靶蛋白,亦可用于特异性抗体的制备。  相似文献   

TRPM7(transient receptor potential melastatin 7)是近年来发现的一种具有离子通道和蛋白激酶双重结构的双功能蛋白.作为一种非选择性阳离子通道,其对包括Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+在内的众多二价和单价阳离子有通透性;作为一种蛋白激酶其可使自身或底物磷酸化.TRPM7广泛存在于机体组织中,组成性表达于可兴奋和非可兴奋性细胞的质膜上;参与细胞内Mg2+平衡的调节、神经递质的释放、细胞的黏附和迁移等重要生理过程;并成为一些疾病如脑缺血损伤的新的治疗靶点.本文归纳近年的研究,对其结构、调控与功能进行综述.  相似文献   

轻链钙调蛋白结合蛋白(light-chain Caldesmon,l-CaD)是一种重要的肌动蛋白结合蛋白,普遍存在于众多非肌肉细胞中。体外研究证明,l-CaD能通过与肌动蛋白的结合起到促进原肌动蛋白(G-actin)聚合、稳定肌动蛋白纤维(F-actin)结构的作用。在磷酸化作用下,l-CaD能从肌动蛋白纤维上脱离并促进肌动蛋白纤维的解聚。该研究拟考察l-CaD在细胞内对细胞肌动蛋白骨架的调节作用,阐明l-CaD对细胞运动能力的影响,作者将天然低表达l-CaD的人源性乳腺癌细胞MCF-7作为细胞模型,在MCF-7胞内以基因转染的方式高表达外源野生型l-CaD及其磷酸化突变株A1234-CaD(不可磷酸化CaD)、D1234-CaD(完全磷酸化CaD)。首先,通过激光共聚焦扫描,探讨了l-CaD对细胞骨架重排的调节;其次,通过细胞迁移transwell阵列,检测了l-CaD对细胞迁移能力的影响;最后,在单细胞层次上测定了细胞基底牵张力、胰酶刺激下的细胞基底脱附能力,并进一步检测了l-CaD对细胞迁移子过程中细胞伸张、收缩的影响。研究结果显示,l-CaD在胞内对细胞骨架的形成有显著的调控作用。非磷酸化l-CaD主要富集在细胞骨架上,增强了细胞骨架的强度,导致细胞基底牵张力以及对胰酶的耐受性增强,但对细胞的迁移能力有显著的抑制作用;磷酸化l-CaD跟细胞骨架结合能力很弱,对细胞的运动能力没有显著影响。通过磷酸化,l-CaD起到了一个“蛋白开关”的作用,通过控制细胞骨架的解聚、重排来调节细胞的运动能力。  相似文献   

从豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)中提取总RNA, 逆转录出cDNA 第一条链后, 以大麦钙调蛋白结构基因两端的寡聚核苷酸为引物, 用PCR方法合成豌豆钙调蛋白基因, 克隆到Blue-script 载体上并测定其全序列。结果与已知的苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)、水稻(Oryza sativaL.)、大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)、电鳗(Electrophoridae)、根瘤(Aspergillus nidulans)、酵母(Saccharomycescerevisiae) 钙调蛋白基因相比,同源性较高(91.3% —60.8% ),其不同部分则常常是C和T相替换。进一步分析发现,上述七种来源的钙调蛋白基因之间,常有某些核苷酸替换方式占优势,它们对于氨基酸密码子的使用也各有偏爱  相似文献   

目的:研究钙调蛋白(CaM)结构的动力学行为和运动趋势。方法:利用高斯网络模型(GNM)和各向异性网络模型(ANM),分析CaM在无钙和含钙2种形式下的功能运动。结果:CaM的慢运动模式显示,CaM的构象变化主要表现为2个结构域的运动;2种形式的CaM具有共同的铰链区,铰链区位于分子的中央接头,但二者具有不同的运动趋势。交叉相关图结果显示,CaM结合钙离子后,结构域内的相互作用会增强。结论:GNM和ANM结果可以解释先前报道的实验数据。结果有助于更好地了解CaM的构象转变规律,并会提高对CaM的底物识别和调节活动机制的理解。  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM), a Ca2+-sensing protein, is constitutively bound to IQ domains of the C termini of human Kv7 (hKv7, KCNQ) channels to mediate Ca2+-dependent reduction of Kv7 currents. However, the mechanism remains unclear. We report that CaM binds to two isoforms of the hKv7.4 channel in a Ca2+-independent manner but that only the long isoform (hKv7.4a) is regulated by Ca2+/CaM. Ca2+/CaM mediate reduction of the hKv7.4a channel by decreasing the channel open probability and altering activation kinetics. We took advantage of a known missense mutation (G321S) that has been linked to progressive hearing loss to further examine the inhibitory effects of Ca2+/CaM on the Kv7.4 channel. Using multidisciplinary techniques, we demonstrate that the G321S mutation may destabilize CaM binding, leading to a decrease in the inhibitory effects of Ca2+ on the channels. Our study utilizes an expression system to dissect the biophysical properties of the WT and mutant Kv7.4 channels. This report provides mechanistic insights into the critical roles of Ca2+/CaM regulation of the Kv7.4 channel under physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels, as important membrane proteins regulating intracellular calcium (Ca2+i) signaling, are involved in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Activation and regulation of TRPC are more dependent on membrane or intracellular signals. However, how extracellular signals regulate TRPC6 function remains to be further investigated. Here, we suggest that two distinct small molecules, M085 and GSK1702934A, directly activate TRPC6, both through a mechanism of stimulation of extracellular sites formed by the pore helix (PH) and transmembrane (TM) helix S6. In silico docking scanning of TRPC6 identified three extracellular sites that can bind small molecules, of which only mutations on residues of PH and S6 helix significantly reduced the apparent affinity of M085 and GSK1702934A and attenuated the maximal response of TRPC6 to these two chemicals by altering channel gating of TRPC6. Combing metadynamics, molecular dynamics simulations, and mutagenesis, we revealed that W679, E671, E672, and K675 in the PH and N701 and Y704 in the S6 helix constitute an orthosteric site for the recognition of these two agonists. The importance of this site was further confirmed by covalent modification of amino acid residing at the interface of the PH and S6 helix. Given that three structurally distinct agonists M085, GSK1702934A, and AM-0883, act at this site, as well as the occupancy of lipid molecules at this position found in other TRP subfamilies, it is suggested that the cavity formed by the PH and S6 has an important role in the regulation of TRP channel function by extracellular signals.  相似文献   

Drosophila photoreceptors respond to oscillating light of high frequency (~100 Hz), while increasing the oscillating light intensity raises the maximally detected frequency. Recently, we reported that dephosphorylation of the light-activated TRP ion channel at S936 is a fast, graded, light-, and Ca2+-dependent process. We further found that this process affects the detection limit of high frequency oscillating light. Accordingly, transgenic Drosophila, which do not undergo phosphorylation at the S936-TRP site (trpS936A), revealed a short time-interval before following the high stimulus frequency (oscillation-lock response) in both dark- and light-adapted flies. In contrast, the trpS936D transgenic flies, which mimic constant phosphorylation, showed a long-time interval to oscillation-lock response in both dark- and light-adapted flies. Here we extend these findings by showing that dark-adapted trpS936A flies reveal light-induced current (LIC) with short latency relative to trpWT or trpS936D flies, indicating that the channels are a limiting factor of response kinetics. The results indicate that properties of the light-activated channels together with the dynamic light-dependent process of TRP phosphorylation at the S936 site determine response kinetics.  相似文献   

外加24表油菜素内酯(24epiBL) 无论在光下或暗中均可促进盐藻细胞分裂数的增加,激动素只在光下具有这种作用。外界Ca2+ 浓度升高时,24epiBL 促进细胞分裂的效果更为明显,而EGTA 可以抑制24epiBL引起的促进作用。Verapamil、W7 、环己酰亚胺均可抑制盐藻细胞分裂。Ca2 + 载体A23187 在低浓度(0 .25 μmol/L) 时具有促进分裂的作用。可以认为24epiBL对低等单细胞藻类具有生理作用,并且,其促进盐藻细胞分裂的机制与激动素是不同的,它不仅与Ca2 + 有关,而且与钙调素也有较密切的关系。  相似文献   

Polycystin-2 (PC2) is a TRP-type, Ca2+-permeable non-selective cation channel that plays an important role in Ca2+ signaling in renal and non-renal cells. The effect(s) of the cAMP pathway and kinase mediated phosphorylation of PC2 seem to be relevant to PC2 trafficking and its interaction with polycystin-1. However, the role of PC2 phosphorylation in channel function is still poorly defined. Here we reconstituted apical membranes of term human syncytiotrophoblast (hST), containing endogenous PC2 (PC2hst), and in vitro translated channel protein (PC2iv). Addition of the catalytic subunit of PKA increased by 566% the spontaneous PC2hst channel activity in the presence of ATP. Interestingly, 8-Br-cAMP also stimulated spontaneous PC2hst channel activity in the absence of the exogenous kinase. Either stimulation was inhibited by addition of alkaline phosphatase, which in turn, was reversed by the phosphatase inhibitor vanadate. Neither maneuver modified the single channel conductance but instead increased channel mean open time. PKA directly phosphorylated PC2, which increased the mean open time but not the single channel conductance of the channel. PKA phosphorylation did not modify either R742X truncated or S829A-mutant PC2iv channel function. The data indicate that the cAMP pathway regulates PC2-mediated cation transport in the hST. The relevant PKA site for PC2 channel regulation centers on a single residue serine 829, in the carboxyl terminus.  相似文献   

The intracellular Ca2+ sensor calmodulin (CaM) regulates the cardiac Ca2+ release channel/ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2), and mutations in CaM cause arrhythmias such as catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) and long QT syndrome. Here, we investigated the effect of CaM mutations causing CPVT (N53I), long QT syndrome (D95V and D129G), or both (CaM N97S) on RyR2-mediated Ca2+ release. All mutations increased Ca2+ release and rendered RyR2 more susceptible to store overload-induced Ca2+ release (SOICR) by lowering the threshold of store Ca2+ content at which SOICR occurred and the threshold at which SOICR terminated. To obtain mechanistic insights, we investigated the Ca2+ binding of the N- and C-terminal domains (N- and C-domain) of CaM in the presence of a peptide corresponding to the CaM-binding domain of RyR2. The N53I mutation decreased the affinity of Ca2+ binding to the N-domain of CaM, relative to CaM WT, but did not affect the C-domain. Conversely, mutations N97S, D95V, and D129G had little or no effect on Ca2+ binding to the N-domain but markedly decreased the affinity of the C-domain for Ca2+. These results suggest that mutations D95V, N97S, and D129G alter the interaction between CaM and the CaMBD and thus RyR2 regulation. Because the N53I mutation minimally affected Ca2+ binding to the C-domain, it must cause aberrant regulation via a different mechanism. These results support aberrant RyR2 regulation as the disease mechanism for CPVT associated with CaM mutations and shows that CaM mutations not associated with CPVT can also affect RyR2. A model for the CaM-RyR2 interaction, where the Ca2+-saturated C-domain is constitutively bound to RyR2 and the N-domain senses increases in Ca2+ concentration, is proposed.  相似文献   

The translocation of Akt, a serine/threonine kinase, to the plasma membrane is a critical step in the Akt activation pathway. It is established that membrane binding of Akt is mediated by direct interactions between its pleckstrin homology domain (PHD) and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3). There is now evidence that Akt activation in many breast cancer cells is also modulated by the calcium-binding protein, calmodulin (CaM). Upon EGF stimulation of breast cancer cells, CaM co-localizes with Akt at the plasma membrane to enhance activation. However, the molecular details of Akt(PHD) interaction with CaM are not known. In this study, we employed NMR, biochemical, and biophysical techniques to characterize CaM binding to Akt(PHD). Our data show that CaM forms a tight complex with the PHD of Akt (dissociation constant = 100 nm). The interaction between CaM and Akt(PHD) is enthalpically driven, and the affinity is greatly dependent on salt concentration, indicating that electrostatic interactions are important for binding. The CaM-binding interface in Akt(PHD) was mapped to two loops adjacent to the PI(3,4,5)P3 binding site, which represents a rare CaM-binding motif and suggests a synergistic relationship between CaM and PI(3,4,5)P3 upon Akt activation. Elucidation of the mechanism by which Akt interacts with CaM will help in understanding the activation mechanism, which may provide insights for new potential targets to control the pathophysiological processes of cell survival.  相似文献   

植物生长素参与植物生长和发育诸多方面的调节。研究表明,生长素的调节机制与Caz”的存在紧密相关。Caz”在植物激素的信号传导中起着信使作用(Hepler和Randy1985),它与钙调素(Ca.---urr-ulin,CaM)结合参与了各种类型植物激素应答反应的调节。现已查明,CaM的诸多功能常受其内源性结合蛋白的调控。本研究组曾分离得到一种新的植物CaM结合蛋白——CaMBP-10o实验证明,CaMBP-10通过与CaM的特异性结合显著抑制了CaM对其靶酶的激活(尚克进等1991)。前期工作还发现CaMBP-10对生长素诱导的小麦芽鞘伸长和质子外排均有…  相似文献   

The specific binding of [N-methyl-3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNZP) to a membrane fraction from the supraoesophageal ganglion of the locust (Schistocerca gregaria) has been measured. The ligand binds reversibly with a KD of 47 nM. The binding is Ca2+-dependent, a property not found for the equivalent binding site in vertebrate brain. The pharmacological characteristics of the locust binding site show similarities to both central and peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in mammals. Thus binding is enhanced by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a feature of mammalian central receptors, whereas the ligand Ro 5-4864 was more effective in displacing [3H]FNZP than was clonazepam, which is the pattern seen in mammalian peripheral receptors. The locust benzodiazepine binding site was photoaffinity-labelled by [3H]FNZP, and two major proteins of Mr 45K and 59K were specifically labelled. In parallel experiments with rat brain membranes a single major protein of Mr 49K was labelled, a finding in keeping with many reports in the literature. We suggest that the FNZP binding site described here is part of the GABA receptor complex of locust ganglia. The insect receptor appears to have the same general organization as its mammalian counterpart but differs significantly in its detailed properties.  相似文献   

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