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The effects of the anion perchlorate (present extracellularly at 8 mM) were studied on functional skeletal muscle fibers from Rana pipiens, voltage-clamped in a Vaseline gap chamber. Established methods were used to monitor intramembranous charge movement and flux of Ca release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) during pulse depolarization. Saponin permeabilization of the end portions of the fiber segment (Irving, M., J. Maylie, N. L. Sizto, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:1-41) substantially reduced the amount of charge moving during conventional control pulses, thus minimizing a technical error that plagued our previous studies. Perchlorate prolonged the ON time course of charge movement, especially at low and intermediate voltages. The OFFs were also made slower, the time constant increasing twofold. The hump kinetic component was exaggerated by ClO4- or was made to appear in fibers that did not have it in reference conditions. ClO4- had essentially no kinetic ON effects at high voltages (> or = 10 mV). ClO4- changed the voltage distribution of mobile charge. In single Boltzmann fits, the midpoint potential V was shifted -20 mV and the steepness parameter K was reduced by 4.7 mV (or 1.78-fold), but the maximum charge was unchanged (n = 9). Total Ca content in the SR, estimated using the method of Schneider et al. (Schneider, M. F., B. J. Simon, and G. Szucs. 1987. Journal of Physiology. 392:167-192) for correcting for depletion, stayed constant over tens of minutes in reference conditions but decayed in ClO4- at an average rate of 0.3 mumol/liter myoplasmic water per s. ClO4- changed the kinetics of release flux, reducing the fractional inactivation of release after the peak. ClO4- shifted the voltage dependence of Ca release flux. In particular, the threshold voltage for Ca release was shifted by about -20 mV, and the activation of the steady component of release flux was shifted by > 20 mV in the negative direction. The shift of release activation was greater than that of mobile charge. Thus the threshold charge, defined as the minimum charge moved for eliciting a detectable Ca transient, was reduced from 6 nC/microF (0.55, n = 7) to 3.4 (0.53). The average of the paired differences was 2.8 (0.33, P < 0.01). The effects of ClO4- were then studied in fibers in modified functional situations. Depletion of Ca in the SR, achieved by high frequency pulsing in the presence of intracellular BAPTA and EGTA, simplified but did not eliminate the effects of ClO4-.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

It is well documented that muscle contraction results from cyclic rotations of actin-bound myosin cross-bridges. The role of actin is hypothesized to be limited to accelerating phosphate release from myosin and to serving as a rigid substrate for cross-bridge rotations. To test this hypothesis, we have measured actin rotations during contraction of a skeletal muscle. Actin filaments of rabbit psoas fiber were labeled with rhodamine-phalloidin. Muscle contraction was induced by a pulse of ATP photogenerated from caged precursor. ATP induced a single turnover of cross-bridges. The rotations were measured by anisotropy of fluorescence originating from a small volume defined by a narrow aperture of a confocal microscope. The anisotropy of phalloidin-actin changed rapidly at first and was followed by a slow relaxation to a steady-state value. The kinetics of orientation changes of actin and myosin were the same. Extracting myosin abolished anisotropy changes. To test whether the rotation of actin was imposed by cross-bridges or whether it reflected hydrolytic activity of actin itself, we labeled actin with fluorescent ADP. The time-course of anisotropy change of fluorescent nucleotide was similar to that of phalloidin-actin. These results suggest that orientation changes of actin are caused by dissociation and rebinding of myosin cross-bridges, and that during contraction, nucleotide does not dissociate from actin.  相似文献   

We have used transient phosphorescence anisotropy (TPA) to detect changes in actin structural dynamics associated with oxidative inhibition of muscle contraction. Contractility of skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers was inhibited by treatment with 50 mM H 2O 2, which induced oxidative modifications in the myosin head and in actin, as previously reported. Using proteins purified from oxidized and unoxidized muscle, we used TPA to measure the effects of weakly (+ATP) and strongly (no ATP) bound myosin heads (S1) on the microsecond dynamics of actin labeled at Cys374 with erythrosine iodoacetamide. Oxidative modification of S1 had no effect on actin dynamics in the absence of ATP (strong binding complex), but restricted the dynamics in the presence of ATP (weakly bound complex). In contrast, oxidative modification of actin did not have a significant effect on the weak-to-strong transitions. Thus, we concluded that (1) the effects of oxidation on the dynamics of actin in the actomyosin complex are predominantly determined by oxidation-induced changes in S1, and (2) changes in weak-to-strong structural transitions in actin and myosin are coupled to each other and are associated with oxidative inhibition of muscle contractility.  相似文献   

During a maximal isometric plantar flexion effort the moment measured at the dynamometer differs from the resultant ankle joint moment. The present study investigated the effects of contraction form and contraction velocity during isokinetic plantar/dorsal flexion efforts on the differences between resultant and measured moments due to the misalignment between ankle and dynamometer axes. Eleven male subjects (age: 31+/-6 years, mass: 80.6+/-9.6 kg, height: 178.4+/-7.4 cm) participated in this study. All subjects performed isometric-shortening-stretch-isometric contractions induced by electrical stimulation at three different angular velocities (25 degrees /s, 50 degrees /s and 100 degrees /s) on a customised dynamometer. The kinematics of the leg were recorded using the vicon 624 system with eight cameras operating at 250 Hz. The resultant moments at the ankle joint were calculated through inverse dynamics. The relative differences between resultant and measured ankle joint moments due to axis misalignment were fairly similar in all phases of the isometric-shortening-stretch-isometric contraction (in average 5-9% of the measured moment). Furthermore these findings were independent of the contraction velocity. During dynamic plantar/dorsal flexion contractions the differences between measured and resultant joint moment are high enough to influence conclusions regarding the mechanical response of ankle extensor muscles. However the relative differences were not increased during dynamic contractions as compared to isometric contractions.  相似文献   

Tensiomyography (TMG) is a technique utilised to measure mechanical and contractile properties of skeletal muscle. Aim of this study was to assess long-term stability of TMG across a variety of muscle conditions. Gastrocnemius Medialis of 21 healthy males was measured using TMG in rested conditions, after a warm-up, after a maximal voluntary contraction and after a fatigue protocol. Participants were re-tested on a second occasion 4 weeks apart. Among the parameters examined, Contraction Time, Sustain Time and Delay time exhibited a good level of absolute reliability (CV = 3.8–9.4%) and poor to excellent level of relative reliability (ICC = 0.56–0.92). On the other hand, relative reliability was good to excellent for muscle Displacement (ICC = 0.86–0.96), whereas its level of absolute reliability was questionable (CV = 8.0–14.8%). Minimum detectable change was less than 20% in most conditions for the aforementioned parameters. Half-relaxation Time yielded overall insufficient reliability. In general, the level of reliability tended to increase after the maximal voluntary contraction and the fatigue protocol were administered, probably because of more controlled conditions preceding the measurement. Information about the long-term stability of TMG across different muscle conditions is essential when intervention studies are undertaken with an exercising population, particularly athletes.  相似文献   

Traditional muscle paths (the straight-line model and the viapoint-line model) emphasise either the mechanical properties that arouse joint movement or the morphological characteristics of the muscles. To consider both the factors, a muscle-path-plane (MPP) method is introduced to model the paths of muscles during joint movement. This method is based on the premise that there is a MPP, constructed by origin, insertion and MPP control point, which represents the major direction of the muscle contraction for an arbitrary joint configuration at any time. Then, we can calculate the functions and the lengths of the muscle paths during instantaneous joint movement in MPP by mathematical approaches. Taking the triceps brachii as an example, the lengths of its paths during elbow flexion are calculated and compared with the relative studies reported in the literature. It is concluded that this method can provide an insight into the simulation of the muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the influence of inevitable ankle joint motion during an isometric contraction on the measured change of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle (GM) architecture in vivo during the loading and the unloading phase. Sitting on a dynamometer subjects performed isometric maximal voluntary contractions as well as contractions induced by electrostimulation. Synchronous joint angular motion, plantarflexion moment, foot’s centre of pressure and real-time ultrasonography of muscle architecture changes of the GM were obtained. During the contraction the ankle joint position altered and significantly affected the change in muscle architecture. At maximal tendon force (1094 ± 323 N), the measured fascicle length overestimated the change in fascicle length due to the tendon force by 1.53 cm, while the measured pennation angle overestimated the change in pennation angle due to the tendon force by 5.5°. At the same tendon force the measured fascicle length and pennation angle were significantly different between loading and unloading conditions. After correcting the values for the change in ankle joint angle no differences between the loading and the unloading phase at the same tendon force were found. Concerning the estimation of GM fascicle length–force and pennation angle–force curves during the loading and unloading phase of an isometric contraction, these findings indicate that not accounting for ankle joint motion will produce unreliable results.  相似文献   

Deep tissue pressure ulcers, a serious clinical challenge originating in the muscle layer, are hardly detectable at the beginning. The challenge apparently occurs in aged subjects more frequently. As the ulcer propagates to the skin surface, it becomes very difficult to manage and can lead to fatal complications. Preventive measures are thus highly desirable. Although the complex pathological mechanisms have not been fully understood, prolonged and excessive physical challenges and oxidative stress are believed to be involved in the ulcer development. Previous reports have demonstrated that oxidative stress could compromise the mechanical properties of muscle cells, making them easier to be damaged when physical challenges are introduced. In this study, we used senescence accelerated (SAMP8) mice and its control breed (SAMR1) to examine the protective effects of intermittent vibration on aged and control muscle tissues during prolonged epidermal compression under 100 mmHg for 6 h. Results showed that an application of 35 Hz, 0.25 g intermittent vibration during compression decreased the compression-induced muscle breakdown in SAMP8 mice, as indicated histologically in terms of number of interstitial nuclei. The fact that no significant difference in muscle damage could be established in the corresponding groups in SAMR1 mice suggests that SAMR1 mice could better accommodate the compression insult than SAMP8 mice. Compression-induced oxidative damage was successfully curbed using intermittent vibration in SAMP8 mice, as indicated by 8-OHdG. A possible explanation is that the anti-oxidative defense could be maintained with intermittent vibration during compression. This was supported by the expression level of PGC-1-alpha, catalase, Gpx-1 and SOD1. Our data suggested intermittent vibration could serve as a preventive measure for deep tissue ulcer, particularly in aged subjects.  相似文献   

To determine the change in muscle oxygenation in response to progressively increasing work rate exercise, muscle oxyhemoglobin + oxymyoglobin saturation was measured transcutaneously with near infrared spectroscopy in the vastus lateralis muscle during cycle ergometry. Studies were done in 11 subjects while gas exchange was measured breath-by-breath. As work rate was increased, tissue oxygenation initially either remained constant near resting levels or, more usually, decreased. Near the work rate and metabolic rate where significant lactic acidosis was detected by excess CO2 production (lactic acidosis threshold, LAT), muscle oxygenation decreased more steeply. As maximum oxygen uptake ( ) was approached, the rate of desaturation slowed. In 8 of the 11 subjects, tissue O2 saturation reached a minimum which was sustained for 1–3 min before was reached. The LAT correlated with both the (r = 0.95,P < 0.0001) and the work rate (r = 0.94,P < 0.0001) at which the rate of tissue O2 desaturation accelerated. These results describe a consistent pattern in the rate of decrease in muscle oxygenation, slowly decreasing over the lower work rate range, decreasing more rapidly in the work rate range of the LAT and then slowing at about 80% of , approaching or reaching a minimum saturation at .  相似文献   

M Rief  M Gautel  A Schemmel    H E Gaub 《Biophysical journal》1998,75(6):3008-3014
The domains of the giant muscle protein titin (connectin) provide interaction sites for other sarcomeric proteins and fulfill mechanical functions. In this paper we compare the unfolding forces of defined regions of different titin isoforms by single-molecule force spectroscopy. Constructs comprising six to eight immunoglobulin (Ig) domains located in the mechanically active I-band part of titin are compared to those containing fibronectin III (Fn3) and Ig domains from the A-band part. The high spatial resolution of the atomic force microscope allows us to detect differences in length as low as a few amino acids. Thus constructs of different lengths may be used as molecular rulers for structural comparisons with other modular proteins. The unfolding forces range between 150 and 300 pN and differ systematically between the constructs. Fn3 domains in titin exhibit 20% lower unfolding forces than Ig domains. Fn3 domains from tenascin, however, unfold at forces only half those of titin Fn3 domains. This indicates that the tightly folded titin domains are designed to maintain their structural integrity, even under the influence of stretching forces. Hence, at physiological forces, unfolding is unlikely unless the forces are applied for a long time (longer than minutes).  相似文献   

Glucose 1,6-bisphosphate, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, glycogen, lactate and other glycolytic metabolites were measured in rat gastrocnemius muscle, which was electrically stimulated in situ via the sciatic nerve. Both the frequency and the duration of stimulation were varied to obtain different rates of glycolysis. There was no apparent relationship between fructose 2,6-bisphosphate content and lactate accumulation in contracting muscle. In contrast, glucose 1,6-bisphosphate content increased with lactate concentration during contraction. It is suggested that the increase in glucose 1,6-bisphosphate could play a role in phosphofructokinase stimulation and in the activation of the glycolytic flux during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the directionality of the coupling of mechanical vibrations across the biceps brachii muscle at different frequencies of interest during voluntary contraction. The vibrations that are naturally generated by skeletal muscles were recorded by a two-dimensional array of skin mounted accelerometers over the biceps brachii muscle (surface mechanomyogram, S-MMG) during voluntary isometric contractions in ten healthy young men. As a measure of the similarity of vibration between a given pair of accelerometers, the spatial coherence of S-MMG at low (f < 25 Hz) and high (f > 25 Hz) frequency bands were investigated to determine if the coupling of the natural mechanical vibrations were due to the different physiological muscle activity at low and high frequencies. In both frequency bands, spatial coherence values for sensor pairs aligned longitudinally along the proximal to distal ends of the biceps were significantly higher compared with those for the sensor pairs oriented perpendicular to the muscle fibers. This difference was more evident at the higher frequency band. The findings indicated that coherent mechanical oscillations mainly propagated along the longitudinal direction of the biceps brachii muscle fibers at high frequencies (f > 25 Hz).  相似文献   

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