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Cancer incidence increases with age and is driven by accumulation of mutations in the DNA. In many so-called premature aging disorders, cancer appears earlier and at elevated rates. These diseases are predominantly caused by genome instability and present with symptoms, including cancer, resembling “segments” of aging and are thus often referred to as “segmental progerias”. Two related segmental progerias, Cockayne syndrome (CS) and trichothiodystrophy (TTD), don’t fit this pattern. Although caused by defects in genome maintenance via the nucleotide excision DNA repair (NER) pathway and displaying severe progeroid symptoms, CS and TTD patients appear to lack any cancer predisposition. More strikingly, genetic defects in the same NER pathway, and in some cases even within the same gene, XPD, can also give rise to disorders with greatly elevated cancer rates but without progeria (xeroderma pigmentosum). In this review, we will discuss the connection between genome maintenance, aging and cancer in light of a new mouse model of XPD disease.  相似文献   

Genes encoding longevity: from model organisms to humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ample evidence from model organisms has indicated that subtle variation in genes can dramatically influence lifespan. The key genes and molecular pathways that have been identified so far encode for metabolism, maintenance and repair mechanisms that minimize age-related accumulation of permanent damage. Here, we describe the evolutionary conserved genes that are involved in lifespan regulation of model organisms and humans, and explore the reasons of discrepancies that exist between the results found in the various species. In general, the accumulated data have revealed that when moving up the evolutionary ladder, together with an increase of genome complexity, the impact of candidate genes on lifespan becomes smaller. The presence of genetic networks makes it more likely to expect impact of variation in several interacting genes to affect lifespan in humans. Extrapolation of findings from experimental models to humans is further complicated as phenotypes are critically dependent on the setting in which genes are expressed, while laboratory conditions and modern environments are markedly dissimilar. Finally, currently used methodologies may have only little power and validity to reveal genetic variation in the population. In conclusion, although the study of model organisms has revealed potential candidate genetic mechanisms determining aging and lifespan, to what extent they explain variation in human populations is still uncertain.  相似文献   

Mice are an ideal mammalian model for studying the genetics of aging: considerable resources are available, the generation time is short, and the environment can be easily controlled, an important consideration when performing mapping studies to identify genes that influence lifespan and age-related diseases. In this review we highlight some salient contributions of the mouse in aging research: lifespan intervention studies in the Interventions Testing Program of the National Institute on Aging; identification of the genetic underpinnings of the effects of calorie restriction on lifespan; the Aging Phenome Project at the Jackson Laboratory, which has submitted multiple large, freely available phenotyping datasets to the Mouse Phenome Database; insights from spontaneous and engineered mouse mutants; and complex traits analyses identifying quantitative trait loci that affect lifespan. We also show that genomewide association peaks for lifespan in humans and lifespan quantitative loci for mice map to homologous locations in the genome. Thus, the vast bioinformatic and genetic resources of the mouse can be used to screen candidate genes identified in both mouse and human mapping studies, followed by functional testing, often not possible in humans, to determine their influence on aging.  相似文献   

Four theories of aging are discussed to examine how effectively they might explain the aging process in rotifers. One of the early theories, the rate of living theory of aging can perhaps be discounted. Although the theory predicts that increased biological energy expenditure, in the form of increased activity or reproduction, would lead to a shorter lifespan, these predictions are not born out by experimental evidence. At the whole animal level, a case can be made for a theory of programmed aging, where the end of reproduction signals the end of the lifespan. Support for this view comes from the observation that lifespan is positively correlated with reproductive parameters, that treatments that extend lifespan usually act to extend the reproductive period, and that the end of reproduction is associated with high mortality and senescent biochemical changes. Two molecular theories of aging are also discussed; the free radical theory of aging and the calcium theory of aging. These theories point to the fact that molecular damage accumulates and that calcium influx increases in the course of aging. When free radical buildup or calcium homeostasis is reduced, lifespan is extended. A molecular explanation of aging does not necessarily exclude the idea of programmed aging. It is probable that an eventual understanding of the aging process will rest on both a physiological and molecular basis.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular basis of the aging process is a daunting problem, given the complex genetic and physiological changes that underlie human aging and the lack of genetically amenable primate model systems. However, analysis of mouse models exhibiting aging phenotypes reminiscent of those observed in elderly humans has enhanced our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying mammalian aging. In particular, these mouse models have brought to light the importance of the DNA damage pathway during the aging process. Increased genomic instability is associated with accelerated cellular decline and manifestation of premature aging phenotypes in mice. Here I discuss how one form of genomic instability, initiated by critically short telomeres in the telomerase knockout mouse, perturb normal mammalian aging. Insights into the molecular pathways of the aging process may offer unprecedented opportunities to delay the deleterious effects of the aging process.  相似文献   

Sea urchins exhibit a very different life history from humans and short-lived model animals and therefore provide the opportunity to gain new insight into the complex process of aging. Sea urchins grow indeterminately, regenerate damaged appendages, and reproduce throughout their lifespan. Some species show no increase in mortality rate at advanced ages. Nevertheless, different species of sea urchins have very different reported lifespans ranging from 4 to more than 100?years, thus providing a unique model to investigate the molecular, cellular, and physiological mechanisms underlying both lifespan determination and negligible senescence. Studies to date have demonstrated maintenance of telomeres, maintenance of antioxidant and proteasome enzyme activities, and little accumulation of oxidative cellular damage with age in tissues of sea urchin species with different lifespans. Gene expression studies indicate that key cellular pathways involved in energy metabolism, protein homeostasis, and tissue regeneration are maintained with age. Taken together, these studies suggest that long-term maintenance of mechanisms that sustain tissue homeostasis and regenerative capacity is essential for indeterminate growth and negligible senescence, and a better understanding of these processes may suggest effective strategies to mitigate the degenerative decline in human tissues with age.  相似文献   

The processes that lead to violation of genome integrity are known to increase with age. This phenomenon is caused both by increased production of reactive oxygen species and a decline in the efficiency of antioxidant defense system as well as systems maintaining genome stability. Accumulation of different unrepairable genome damage with age may be the cause of many age-related diseases and the development of phenotypic and physiological signs of aging. It is also clear that there is a close connection between the mechanisms of the maintenance of genome stability, on one hand, and the processes of spontaneous tumor formation and lifespan, on the other. In this regard, the system of protein poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation activated in response to a variety of DNA damage seems to be of particular interest. Data accumulated to date suggest it to be a kind of focal point of cellular processes, guiding the path of cell survival or death depending on the degree of DNA damage. This review summarizes and analyzes data on the involvement of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in various mechanisms of DNA repair, its interaction with progeria proteins, and the possible role in the development of spontaneous tumors and lifespan determination. Special attention is given to the relationship between various polymorphisms of the human poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 gene and longevity.  相似文献   

The oxidative stress hypothesis predicts that the accumulation of oxidative damage to a variety of macromolecules is the molecular trigger driving the process of aging. Although an inverse relationship between oxidative damage and lifespan has been established in several different species, the precise relationship between oxidative damage and aging is not fully understood. Drosophila melanogaster is a favored model organism for aging research. Environmental interventions such as ambient temperature and calorie restriction can alter adult lifespan to provide an excellent system to examine the relationship between oxidative damage, aging and lifespan. We have developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using commercially available reagents for measuring 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) in proteins, a marker for oxidative damage to lipids, and present data in flies to show that HNE adducts accumulate in an age-dependent manner. With immunohistology, we also find the primary site of HNE accumulation is the pericerebral fat body, where induction of dFOXO was recently shown to retard aging. When subjected to environmental interventions that shorten lifespan, such as elevated ambient temperature, the chronological accumulation of HNE adduct is accelerated. Conversely, interventions that extend lifespan, such as lower ambient temperature or low calorie diets, slow the accumulation of HNE adduct. These studies associate damage from lipid peroxidation with aging and lifespan in Drosophila and show that calorie restriction in flies, as in mammals, slows the accumulation of lipid related oxidative damage.  相似文献   

As the human lifespan has increased dramatically in recent decades, the amount of aging research has correspondingly increased. To investigate mechanisms of aging, an efficient model system is required. Although mammalian animal models are essential for aging studies, they are sometimes inappropriate due to their long lifespans and high maintenance costs. In this regard, insects can be effective alternative model systems for aging studies, as insects have a relatively short lifespan and cost less to maintain. Many species of insects have been used as model systems for aging studies, especially fruit flies, silkworm moths and several social insects. Fruit flies are most commonly used for aging studies due to the wide availability of abundant resources such as mutant stocks, databases and genetic tools. Silkworm moths are also good tools for studying aging at the tissue level due to their relatively large size. Last, social insects such as ants and bees are good for investigating lifespan determinants, as their lifespans significantly differ according to caste despite a constant genotype among the population. In this review, we discuss the current status and future prospects of aging research using insect model systems.  相似文献   

To identify new genetic regulators of cellular aging and senescence, we performed genome-wide comparative RNA profiling with selected human cellular model systems, reflecting replicative senescence, stress-induced premature senescence, and distinct other forms of cellular aging. Gene expression profiles were measured, analyzed, and entered into a newly generated database referred to as the GiSAO database. Bioinformatic analysis revealed a set of new candidate genes, conserved across the majority of the cellular aging models, which were so far not associated with cellular aging, and highlighted several new pathways that potentially play a role in cellular aging. Several candidate genes obtained through this analysis have been confirmed by functional experiments, thereby validating the experimental approach. The effect of genetic deletion on chronological lifespan in yeast was assessed for 93 genes where (i) functional homologues were found in the yeast genome and (ii) the deletion strain was viable. We identified several genes whose deletion led to significant changes of chronological lifespan in yeast, featuring both lifespan shortening and lifespan extension. In conclusion, an unbiased screen across species uncovered several so far unrecognized molecular pathways for cellular aging that are conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primate (NHP) aging research has traditionally relied mainly on the rhesus macaque. But the long lifespan, low reproductive rate, and relatively large body size of macaques and related Old World monkeys make them less than ideal models for aging research. Manifold advantages would attend the use of smaller, more rapidly developing, shorter-lived NHP species in aging studies, not the least of which are lower cost and the ability to do shorter research projects. Arbitrarily defining "small" primates as those weighing less than 500 g, we assess small, relatively short-lived species among the prosimians and callitrichids for suitability as models for human aging research. Using the criteria of availability, knowledge about (and ease of) maintenance, the possibility of genetic manipulation (a hallmark of 21st century biology), and similarities to humans in the physiology of age-related changes, we suggest three species--two prosimians (Microcebus murinus and Galago senegalensis) and one New World monkey (Callithrix jacchus)--that deserve scrutiny for development as major NHP models for aging studies. We discuss one other New World monkey group, Cebus spp., that might also be an effective NHP model of aging as these species are longer-lived for their body size than any primate except humans.  相似文献   

Healthy aging and longevity in humans are modulated by a lucky combination of genetic and non-genetic factors. Family studies demonstrated that about 25 % of the variation in human longevity is due to genetic factors. The search for genetic and molecular basis of aging has led to the identification of genes correlated with the maintenance of the cell and of its basic metabolism as the main genetic factors affecting the individual variation of the aging phenotype. In addition, studies on calorie restriction and on the variability of genes associated with nutrient-sensing signaling, have shown that ipocaloric diet and/or a genetically efficient metabolism of nutrients, can modulate lifespan by promoting an efficient maintenance of the cell and of the organism. Recently, epigenetic studies have shown that epigenetic modifications, modulated by both genetic background and lifestyle, are very sensitive to the aging process and can either be a biomarker of the quality of aging or influence the rate and the quality of aging.On the whole, current studies are showing that interventions modulating the interaction between genetic background and environment is essential to determine the individual chance to attain longevity.  相似文献   

It is widely-assumed that the autophagic activity of living cells decreases with age and probably contributes to the accumulation of damaged macromolecules and organelles during aging. Over the last few years, the study of segmental progeroid syndromes in which certain aspects of aging are manifested precociously or in exacerbated form, has increased our knowledge of the molecular basis of aging. We have recently reported the unexpected finding that distinct progeroid murine models exhibit an extensive basal activation of autophagy instead of the characteristic decline in this process occurring during normal aging. Further studies on Zmpste24-null progeroid mice, which are a reliable model of human Hutchinson-Gilford progeria, have revealed that the observed autophagic increase is associated with a series of metabolic alterations resembling those occurring under calorie restriction or in other situations reported to prolong lifespan. Here, we analyze these unexpected findings and discuss their possible implications for the development of premature aging.  相似文献   

How congenital defects causing genome instability can result in the pleiotropic symptoms reminiscent of aging but in a segmental and accelerated fashion remains largely unknown. Most segmental progerias are associated with accelerated fibroblast senescence, suggesting that cellular senescence is a likely contributing mechanism. Contrary to expectations, neither accelerated senescence nor acute oxidative stress hypersensitivity was detected in primary fibroblast or erythroblast cultures from multiple progeroid mouse models for defects in the nucleotide excision DNA repair pathway, which share premature aging features including postnatal growth retardation, cerebellar ataxia, and death before weaning. Instead, we report a prominent phenotypic overlap with long-lived dwarfism and calorie restriction during postnatal development (2 wk of age), including reduced size, reduced body temperature, hypoglycemia, and perturbation of the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor 1 neuroendocrine axis. These symptoms were also present at 2 wk of age in a novel progeroid nucleotide excision repair-deficient mouse model (XPDG602D/R722W/XPA−/−) that survived weaning with high penetrance. However, despite persistent cachectic dwarfism, blood glucose and serum insulin-like growth factor 1 levels returned to normal by 10 wk, with hypoglycemia reappearing near premature death at 5 mo of age. These data strongly suggest changes in energy metabolism as part of an adaptive response during the stressful period of postnatal growth. Interestingly, a similar perturbation of the postnatal growth axis was not detected in another progeroid mouse model, the double-strand DNA break repair deficient Ku80−/− mouse. Specific (but not all) types of genome instability may thus engage a conserved response to stress that evolved to cope with environmental pressures such as food shortage.  相似文献   

Genetically Modified Pig Models for Human Diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetically modified animal models are important for understanding the pathogenesis of human disease and developing therapeutic strategies.Although genetically modified mice have been widely used to model human diseases,some of these mouse models do not replicate important disease symptoms or pathology.Pigs are more similar to humans than mice in anatomy,physiology,and genome. Thus,pigs are considered to be better animal models to mimic some human diseases.This review describes genetically modified pigs that have been used to model various diseases including neurological,cardiovascular,and diabetic disorders.We also discuss the development in gene modification technology that can facilitate the generation of transgenic pig models for human diseases.  相似文献   

Greenberg RA 《FEBS letters》2011,585(18):2883-2890
Considerable energetic investment is devoted to altering large stretches of chromatin adjacent to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Immediately ensuing DSB formation, a myriad of histone modifications are elicited to create a platform for inducible and modular assembly of DNA repair protein complexes in the vicinity of the DNA lesion. This complex signaling network is critical to repair DNA damage and communicate with cellular processes that occur in cis and in trans to the genomic lesion. Failure to properly execute DNA damage inducible chromatin changes is associated with developmental abnormalities, immunodeficiency, and malignancy in humans and in genetically engineered mouse models. This review will discuss current knowledge of DNA damage responsive histone changes that occur in mammalian cells, highlighting their involvement in the maintenance of genome integrity.  相似文献   

The lifespan of schizophrenia patients is significantly shorter than the general population. Olanzapine is one of the most commonly used antipsychotic drugs (APDs) for treating patients with psychosis, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Despite their effectiveness in treating positive and negative symptoms, prolonged exposure to APDs may lead to accelerated aging and cognitive decline, among other side effects. Here we report that dysfunctional mitophagy is a fundamental mechanism underlying accelerated aging induced by olanzapine, using in vitro and in vivo (Caenorhabditis elegans) models. We showed that the aberrant mitophagy caused by olanzapine was via blocking mitophagosome–lysosome fusion. Furthermore, olanzapine can induce mitochondrial damage and hyperfragmentation of the mitochondrial network. The mitophagosome–lysosome fusion in olanzapine-induced aging models can be restored by a mitophagy inducer, urolithin A, which alleviates defective mitophagy, mitochondrial damage, and fragmentation of the mitochondrial network. Moreover, the mitophagy inducer ameliorated behavioral changes induced by olanzapine, including shortened lifespan, and impaired health span, learning, and memory. These data indicate that olanzapine impairs mitophagy, leading to the shortened lifespan, impaired health span, and cognitive deficits. Furthermore, this study suggests the potential application of mitophagy inducers as therapeutic strategies to reverse APD-induced adverse effects associated with accelerated aging.  相似文献   

The physiological effects of the dietary polyphenol resveratrol are being extensively studied. Resveratrol has been proposed to promote healthy aging and to increase lifespan primarily through the activation of the class III histone deacetylases (sirtuins). Although its positive effects are evident in yeast and mice they still have to be confirmed in humans. The molecular mechanisms involved in the processes are not fully understood because resveratrol may have other targets than sirtuins and the direct activation of sirtuins by resveratrol is under debate.  相似文献   

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