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This study describes the expression, purification, and characterization of a recombinant fusion toxin, DAB(389)TTC, composed of the catalytic and membrane translocation domains of diphtheria toxin (DAB(389)) linked to the receptor binding fragment of tetanus toxin (C-fragment). As determined by its ability to inhibit cellular protein synthesis in primary neuron cultures, DAB(389)TTC was approximately 1,000-fold more cytotoxic than native diphtheria toxin or the previously described fusion toxin, DAB(389)MSH. The cytotoxic effect of DAB(389)TTC on cultured cells was specific toward neuronal-type cells and was blocked by coincubation of the chimeric toxin with tetanus antitoxin. The toxicity of DAB(389)TTC, like that of diphtheria toxin, was dependent on passage through an acidic compartment and ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of the DAB(389) catalytic fragment. These results suggest that a catalytically inactive form of DAB(389)TTC may be useful as a nonviral vehicle to deliver exogenous proteins to the cytosolic compartment of neurons.  相似文献   

Ion-conducting channels formed in lipid bilayers by diphtheria toxin are highly pH dependent. Among other properties, the channel's single channel conductance and selectivity depend on proton concentrations on either side of the membrane. We have previously shown that a 61 amino acid fragment of DT is sufficient to form a channel having the same pH-dependent single channel properties as that of the intact toxin. This region corresponds to an a-helical hairpin in the recently published crystal structure of DT in solution; the hairpin contains two -helices, each long enough to span a membrane, connected by a loop of about nine residues. This paper reports on the single channel effects of mutations which alter the two negatively charged residues in this loop. Changing Glutamate 349 to neutral glutamine or to positive lysine has no effect on the DT channel's single channel conductance or selectivity. In contrast, mutations of Aspartate 352 to neutral asparagine (DT-D352N) or positive lysine (DT-D352K) cause progressive reductions in single channel conductance at pH 5.3 cis/7.2 trans (in 1 m KCl), consistent with this group interacting electrostatically with ions in the channel. The cation selectivity of these mutant channels is also reduced from that of wild-type channels, a direction consistent with residue 352 influencing permeant ions via electrostatic forces. When both sides of the membrane are at pH 4, the conductance difference between wild-type and DT-D352N channels is minimal, suggesting that Asp 352 (in the wild type) is neutral at this pH. Differences observed between wild-type and DT-D352N channels at pH 4.0 cis/7.2 trans (with a high concentration of permeant buffer in the cis compartment) imply that residue 352 is on or near the trans side of the membrane. Comparing the conductances of wild-type and DT-D352K channels at large (cis) positive voltages supports this conclusion. The trans location of position 352 severely constrains the number of possible membrane topologies for this region.This work was supported by NIH grants AI22021, AI22848 (R.J.C.), T32 GM07288 (J.A.M.) and GM29210 (A.F.).  相似文献   

The involvement of the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) and the adjacent cuneiform nucleus (CuN), known as the mesencephalic locomotor area, in the pathophysiology of parkinsonian symptoms is receiving increasing attention. Taking into account the role of dopamine (DA) in motor control and its degeneration in Parkinson's disease, this neurotransmitter could induce dysfunction in the PPN and CuN through a direct dopaminergic innervation of these brainstem structures. This study provides the first demonstration that the PPN and CuN are innervated by dopamine transporter-bearing fibres in normal monkeys, which points to a novel dopaminergic system that targets the lower brainstem. Intoxication with MPTP induced a significant loss of dopamine transporter-positive fibres in the PPN and CuN of young (3–5 years old) acutely or chronically intoxicated monkeys compared with control animals. The more severe DA depletion found after chronic intoxication may explain, at least in part, deficits that appear late in the evolution of Parkinson's disease. A drastic loss of DA fibres was also observed in aged acutely intoxicated monkeys (about 30 years old) suggesting that age- and disease-related loss of dopaminergic fibres might be responsible for symptoms, such as gait disorders, that are more severe in elderly parkinsonian patients.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides patterned after the predicted transmembrane sequence of botulinum toxin A were used as tools to identify an ion channel-forming motif. A peptide denoted BoTxATM, with the sequence GAVILLEFIPEIAI PVLGTFALV, forms cation-selective channels when reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers. As predicted, the self-assembled conductive oligomers express heterogeneous single-channel conductances. The most frequent openings exhibit single-channel conductance of 12 and 7 pS in 0.5 M NaCl, and 29 and 9 pS in 0.5 M KCl. In contrast, ion channels are not formed by a peptide of the same amino acid composition as BoTxATM with a scrambled sequence. Conformational energy calculations show that a bundle of four amphipathic alpha-helices is a plausible structural motif underlying the measured pore properties. These studies suggest that the identified module may play a functional role in the ion channel-forming activity of intact botulinum toxin A.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to examine the involvement of GABA and cholinergic receptors within the nucleus accumbens (ACB) on feedback regulation of somatodendritic dopamine (DA) release in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Adult male Wistar rats were implanted with ipsilateral dual guide cannulae for in vivo microdialysis studies. Activation of the feedback system was accomplished by perfusion of the ACB with the DA uptake inhibitor GBR 12909 (GBR; 100 microm). To assess the involvement of GABA and cholinergic receptors in regulating this feedback system, antagonists (100 microm) for GABAA (bicuculline, BIC), GABAB (phaclofen, PHAC), muscarinic (scopolamine, SCOP), and nicotinic (mecamylamine, MEC) receptors were perfused through the probe in the ACB while measuring extracellular DA levels in the ACB and VTA. Local perfusion of the ACB with GBR significantly increased (500% of baseline) the extracellular levels of DA in the ACB and produced a concomitant decrease (50% of baseline) in the extracellular DA levels in the VTA. Perfusion of the ACB with BIC or PHAC alone produced a 200-400% increase in the extracellular levels of DA in the ACB but neither antagonist altered the levels of DA in the VTA. Co-perfusion of either GABA receptor antagonist with GBR further increased the extracellular levels of DA in the ACB to 700-800% of baseline. However, coperfusion with BIC completely prevented the reduction in the extracellular levels of DA in the VTA produced by GBR alone, whereas PHAC partially prevented the reduction. Local perfusion of the ACB with either MEC or SCOP alone had little effect on the extracellular levels of DA in the ACB or VTA. Co-perfusion of either cholinergic receptor antagonist with GBR markedly reduced the extracellular levels of DA in the ACB and prevented the effects of GBR on reducing DA levels in the VTA. Overall, the results of this study suggest that terminal DA release in the ACB is under tonic GABA inhibition mediated by GABAA (and possibly GABAB) receptors, and tonic cholinergic excitation mediated by both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. Activation of GABAA (and possibly GABAB) receptors within the ACB may be involved in the feedback inhibition of VTA DA neurons. Cholinergic interneurons may influence the negative feedback system by regulating terminal DA release within the ACB.  相似文献   

We developed a fusion toxin, DT388IL3, consisting of the catalytic and translocation domains of diphtheria toxin (DT388) linked to interleukin 3 (IL3) for the treatment of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Our goal in this study was to estimate a range for the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and to evaluate the dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) of DT388IL3 in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fasicularis), which possess cross-reactive IL3 receptors. In our previous study, we administered up to six infusions of DT388IL3 at 40, 60, or 100 g/kg every other day to three pairs (one male monkey and one female monkey) of young adult monkeys. In five of six monkeys, results showed a dose-dependent increase in malaise and anorexia but no consistent abnormalities in serum chemistries or blood counts. There was no evidence of organ damage by blood tests or histopathology. However, the female treated at 100 g/kg, died of moderate to severe vasculitis of multiple tissues. Based on these findings, this study repeated the 100 g/kg group and added a group that received 150 g/kg in an effort to confirm a dose response. Two female monkeys were treated with up to six infusions of DT388IL3 at 100 g/kg or 150 g/kg every other day. One additional female monkey was treated as a negative control. Monkeys in the 100 g/kg group showed moderate malaise and anorexia, but no consistent abnormalities in blood counts or serum chemistries. Moderate elevations of liver enzymes were noted in the 150 g/kg group in addition to severe malaise and anorexia. No significant findings were revealed at gross necropsy. The histopathological findings revealed regenerative myeloid hyperplasia and hepatic degeneration and regeneration in the 150 g/kg group. Similar lesions of less severity were detected in the 100 g/kg group. DT388IL3 plasma half-life was approximately 20 min with a peak concentration of approximately 2 g/ml (30,000 pM). The IC50 for AML blasts in vitro was 6 pM. Collectively, our results suggest that DT388IL3 can be tolerated at doses up to 100 g/kg in a nonhuman primate, which is higher than previously reported for other AML directed diphtheria toxin fusion proteins, and should in principle allow for dose escalation with reduced toxic side effects. Based on these findings a phase I clinical trial has recently been initiated with DT388IL3 for the treatment of AML.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Shiga-like toxin type II (SLT-II) structural genes cloned from bacteriophage 933W of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain 933 was determined. This sequence was compared with the published sequence for the structural genes of the antigenically distinct Shiga-like toxin type I (SLT-I) encoded by bacteriophage 933J. The SLT-I and SLT-II structural genes shared 58% overall nucleotide and 56% amino acid sequence homologies. The A and B subunits of SLT-I and SLT-II were nearly identical in size and had similar secondary structures and hydropathy plots. The regulation proposed for the SLT-II operon is similar to that previously proposed for SLT-I.  相似文献   

Rats received a unilateral lesion of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) by infusion of ibotenic acid. In addition, the dorsal raphe nucleus was lesioned by infusion of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT). The release of acetylcholine (ACh), choline, serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) was measured in the frontal neocortex by means of microdialysis. Lesions of the NBM, but not the raphe nucleus, reduced the release of ACh significantly (–47%). The release of 5-HT and 5-HIAA was reduced by raphe lesions (–44% and –79%), but not by NBM lesions. In no case did the combined lesion affect neurotransmitter release more than a single lesion. These results suggest that serotonergic projections from the dorsal raphe nucleus are not involved in tonic inhibition of ACh release in the neocortex.  相似文献   

The diphtheria toxin repressor (DtxR) from Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a divalent-metal activated repressor of chromosomal genes responsible for siderophore-mediated iron-uptake and of a gene on several corynebacteriophages that encodes diphtheria toxin. Even though DtxR is the best characterized iron-dependent repressor to date, numerous key properties of the protein still remain to be explained. One is the role of the cation-anion pair discovered in its first metal-binding site. A second is the reason why zinc exhibits its activating effect only at a concentration 100-fold higher than other divalent cations. In the presently reported 1.85 A resolution Co-DtxR structure at 100K, the sulfate anion in the cation-anion-binding site interacts with three side chains that are all conserved in the entire DtxR family, which points to a possible physiological role of the anion. A comparison of the 1.85 A Cobalt-DtxR structure at 100K and the 2.4 A Zinc-DtxR structure at room temperature revealed no significant differences. Hence, the difference in efficiency of Co2+ and Zn2+ to activate DtxR remains a mystery and might be hidden in the properties of the intriguing second metal-binding site. Our studies do, however, provide a high resolution view of the cationanion-binding site that has most likely evolved to interact not only with a cation but also with the anion in a very precise manner.  相似文献   

Multiple injections of 2 nmols of cyclised ethylcholine mustard aziridinium ion (ECMA), a putative cholinergic neurotoxin, were made (unilaterally) into the cortical terminal field of cholinergic neurons projecting from the nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM) in the rat basal forebrain. After 30 days, choline acetyltransferase enzymatic activity, a marker for cholinergic function, was significantly lowered in both ipsilateral cortex and NBM, and cholinergic cell bodies in the latter reduced in cross-sectional area, a spectrum of effects characteristic of retrograde degeneration of this pathway. These results are discussed in the context of neurodegenerative diseases affecting cholinergic function.  相似文献   

水稻原生质体细胞核及原生质体融合体的简易染色观察法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
筛选出一种荧光染料罗丹明B(Rhodamine B),利用该荧光染料染色,原生质体细胞核在普通光学显微镜或荧光显微镜下呈红色或发出强烈的桔红色荧光,能清晰地进行分辨。利用罗丹明B或者使用荧光染料FDA,对两种不同来源的原生质体进行染色,在荧光显微镜下,两种不同来源的原生质体分别发出桔红色或绿色荧光,因此可以用于原生质体融合中不同的融合体类型的观察和分析。  相似文献   

The sciatic nerve, as a part of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), has been used to study axonal transport for decades. It contains motor, sensory as well as autonomic axons. The present study has concentrated on the axonal transport of the synaptic vesicle acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), using the "stop–flow\erve crush” method. After blocking fast axonal transport by means of a crush, distinct accumulations of various synaptic vesicle proteins, including VAChT, and peptides developed during the first hour after crush–operation and marked increases were observed up to 8 h post–operative. Semiquantitative analysis, using cytofluorimetric scanning (CFS) of immuno–incubated sections, revealed a rapid rate of accumulation proximal to the crush, and that the ratio between distal accumulations (organelles in retrograde transport) and proximal accumulations (organelles in anterograde transport) was about 40%. Most synaptic vesicle proteins were colocalized in the axons proximal to the crush. VAChT–immu–noreactive axons were also immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). Autonomic axons with VAChT also contained VIP–LI.

The results demonstrate (1) that VAChT, as well as other synaptic vesicle proteins, is transported with fast axonal transport in motor axons as well as in autonomic post–ganglionic neurons in this nerve, (2) VAChT colocalized in motor axons with SV1 as well as with synaptophysin, indicating storage in the same axonal particle, (3) in the autonomic postganglionic sympathetic cholinergic fibres, VAChT colocalized with VIP, but VIP–LI was present in rather large granular structures while VAChT–LI was present mostly as small granular elements, (4) in motor as well as in autonomic axons ChAT–LI was present in VAChT–positive axons, and (4) the ratio of recycling (retrogradely accumulated) VAChT–IR was about 40%, in contrast to the recycling fraction of synaptophysin that was about 70%. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The NS 20 mouse neuroblastoma clone was shown to synthesize acetylcholine from labelled glucose or acetate as precursor of the acetyl moiety of acetylcholine; in both cases, the synthesis was stimulated by the presence of exogenous choline. In addition, we report that acetate is accumulated in the NS 20 clone by a mechanism that is highly temperature-dependent and is stimulated by the presence of externally added choline.  相似文献   

E. Fliers  D.F. Swaab 《Peptides》1983,4(2):165-170
The activity of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system (HNS) was determined in male Wistar rats from 3 to 32 months of age. Plasma levels of vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OXT) were measured by means of a radioimmunoassay. In addition, the distribution of the Golgi apparatus marker enzyme thiamine-pyrophosphatase (TPP-ase) was measured as a parameter for neurosecretory activity in the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei (SON and PVN). Plasma levels of radioimmunoassayable AVP were increased in the 32-month-old animals. Plasma levels of radioimmunoassayable OXT in 32-month-old animals did not differe from the levels found in the youngest group, but were higher than in 11-month-old animals. Neurosecretory activity in the SON was similar in 3- and 32-month-old animals, whereas in the PVN neurosecretory activity was increased in the 32-month-old animals. Urine excretion decreased between 6 and 11 months of age and remained on the same level until 32 months of age. In other words, instead of a loss of HNS function as has been suggested in the literature, an increased neurosecretory activity was observed in aged rats.  相似文献   

Abstract An improved synthetic medium (M4) comprising syncase medium supplemented with sodium chloride (1%) and sucrose (0.5%) pH adjusted to 7.4 was developed for a better production of the new cholera toxin (NCT). The culture filtrates prepared in the M4 medium caused significantly ( P < 0.05) more fluid accumulation than that in syncase medium. Crude toxin, prepared in the M4 medium with V. cholerae O1 strains (X-392 and 2740-80) caused a reaction similar to that of the same amount of NCT (32 μg) prepared in the syncase medium. The neutralization of the optimal loop reacting dose of the NCT prepared in the M4 medium by anti-NCT raised against syncase prepared toxin indicates the release of the same kind of toxin in both media. These observations indicate that the modified M4 medium may be used for NCT preparation and further characterization. All the strains of Vibro cholerae O139 used in this study produced a toxin antigenically similar to NCT.  相似文献   

Summary A pea vicilin promoter-diphtheria toxin A (DTx-A) chain gene fusion was introduced into Arabidopsis and tobacco. The chimeric Dtx-A gene behaves as a dominant, seed-lethal, Mendelian factor, and the segregation ratios are consistent with the numbers of integrated copies as revealed by Southern blotting. Germination deficiency results from distinct developmental abnormalities, thus allowing genetic dissection of seed development. The endosperm is affected first in both species. In Arabidopsis, full cellularization of the initially syncytial endosperm does not take place, which results in shrinkage and a shriveled appearance of the mature dry seed. The embryo, which appears structurally normal and lacks visible lesions, ceases to develop at the partially recurved cotyledon stage and does not use the remaining endosperm. In tobacco, peripheral degeneration and premature termination of cellular endosperm development occurs at the cotyledon initiation stage. Lesions appear in the cotyledons at the advanced cotyledon stage, but the embryo continues to grow and attains nearly the same size and level of differentiation as mature wild-type embryos before degeneration and intracellular disintegration take place throughout. Accumulation of protein bodies and other cytoplasmic inclusions is very limited and occurs only in few cells. The timing and distribution of lesions follow a pattern typical for accumulation of protein bodies in wild-type seeds. These observations are consistent with expression of the vicilin promoter in the enlargement phase of cell differentiation. A novel tissue interaction arises, when the embryo uses up all the arrested endosperm: the embryo proves to be capable of absorbing the parenchyma layers of the integument, which are normally obliterated by, and incorporated into, the endosperm. The mature seed thus consists of a seed coat of one rigid cell layer, and a degenerated embryo. The genetic ablation technique has thus contributed to the establishment of the sequence of events and elucidation of the role of different cell lineages and tissues in seed development.  相似文献   

The cholinergic pathway ascending from the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) to the cortex has been implicated in several important higher brain functions such as learning and memory. Following infarction of the frontoparietal cortical area in the rat, a retrograde atrophy of cholinergic cell bodies and fiber networks occurs in the basalocortical cholinergic system. We have observed that neuronal atrophy in the NBM induced by this lesion can be prevented by intracerebroventricular administration of exogenous nerve growth factor (NGF) or the monosialoganglioside GM1. In addition, these agents can upregulate levels of cortical choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity in the remaining cortex adjacent to the lesion site. Furthermore, an enhancement in cortical high-affinity3H-choline uptake and a sustained in vivo release of cortical acetylcholine (ACh) after K+ stimulation are also observed after the application of neurotrophic agents. Moreover, these biochemical changes in the cortex are accompanied by an anatomical remodeling of cortical ChAT-immunoreactive fibers and their synaptic boutons.  相似文献   

We use a transgenic mouse model system to elucidate the regulatory regions within the human cholinergic gene locus responsible for vesicular acetylcholine transporter gene expression in vivo. In this report we characterized two transgenes for their ability to confer cholinergic-specific expression of the encoded vesicular acetylcholine transporter. An 11.2 kb transgene (named hV11.2) that spanned from about 5 kb upstream of the start of vesicular acetylcholine transporter translation down to the first choline acetyltransferase coding exon gave expression in the somatomotor neurons and a subpopulation of cholinergic neurons in the medial habenular nucleus. The second transgene (named hV6.7), a 5-prime truncated version of hV11.2 that was devoid of 4.5 kb of gene-regulatory sequences completely lacked vesicular acetylcholine transporter expression in vivo. Our data indicate that vesicular acetylcholine transporter expression in somatomotor neurons and in the medial habenular nucleus is uniquely specified within the cholinergic gene locus, and separable from cholinergic expression elsewhere. The identification of these two subdivisions of the cholinergic nervous system suggests that other cholinergic neurons in the CNS and PNS are similarly regulated by additional discrete domains within the cholinergic gene locus.  相似文献   

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