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β-catenin is a central component of the adaptor complex that links cadherins to the actin cytoskeleton in adherens junctions and thus, it is a good candidate to sense and transmit mechanical forces to trigger specific changes inside the cell. To fully understand its molecular physiology, we must first investigate its mechanical role in mechanotransduction within the cadherin system. We have studied the mechanical response of β-catenin to stretching using single-molecule force spectroscopy and molecular dynamics. Unlike most proteins analyzed to date, which have a fixed mechanical unfolding pathway, the β-catenin armadillo repeat region (ARM) displays low mechanostability and multiple alternative unfolding pathways that seem to be modulated by its unstructured termini. These results are supported by steered molecular dynamics simulations, which also predict its mechanical stabilization and unfolding pathway restrictions when the contiguous α-helix of the C-terminal unstructured region is included. Furthermore, simulations of the ARM/E-cadherin cytosolic tail complex emulating the most probable stress geometry occurring in vivo show a mechanical stabilization of the interaction whose magnitude correlates with the length of the stretch of the cadherin cytosolic tail that is in contact with the ARM region.  相似文献   

As DNA repair enzymes are essential for preserving genome integrity, understanding their substrate interaction dynamics and the regulation of their catalytic mechanisms is crucial. Using single-molecule imaging, we investigated the association and dissociation kinetics of the bipolar endonuclease NucS from Pyrococcus abyssi (Pab) on 5′ and 3′-flap structures under various experimental conditions. We show that association of the PabNucS with ssDNA flaps is largely controlled by diffusion in the NucS-DNA energy landscape and does not require a free 5′ or 3′ extremity. On the other hand, NucS dissociation is independent of the flap length and thus independent of sliding on the single-stranded portion of the flapped DNA substrates. Our kinetic measurements have revealed previously unnoticed asymmetry in dissociation kinetics from these substrates that is markedly modulated by the replication clamp PCNA. We propose that the replication clamp PCNA enhances the cleavage specificity of NucS proteins by accelerating NucS loading at the ssDNA/dsDNA junctions and by minimizing the nuclease interaction time with its DNA substrate. Our data are also consistent with marked reorganization of ssDNA and nuclease domains occurring during NucS catalysis, and indicate that NucS binds its substrate directly at the ssDNA-dsDNA junction and then threads the ssDNA extremity into the catalytic site. The powerful techniques used here for probing the dynamics of DNA-enzyme binding at the single-molecule have provided new insight regarding substrate specificity of NucS nucleases.  相似文献   

Tenascin-X is an extracellular matrix protein and binds a variety of molecules in extracellular matrix and on cell membrane. Tenascin-X plays important roles in regulating the structure and mechanical properties of connective tissues. Using single-molecule atomic force microscopy, we have investigated the mechanical properties of bovine tenascin-X in detail. Our results indicated that tenascin-X is an elastic protein and the fibronectin type III (FnIII) domains can unfold under a stretching force and refold to regain their mechanical stability upon the removal of the stretching force. All the 30 FnIII domains of tenascin-X show similar mechanical stability, mechanical unfolding kinetics, and contour length increment upon domain unfolding, despite their large sequence diversity. In contrast to the homogeneity in their mechanical unfolding behaviors, FnIII domains fold at different rates. Using the 10th FnIII domain of tenascin-X (TNXfn10) as a model system, we constructed a polyprotein chimera composed of alternating TNXfn10 and GB1 domains and used atomic force microscopy to confirm that the mechanical properties of TNXfn10 are consistent with those of the FnIII domains of tenascin-X. These results lay the foundation to further study the mechanical properties of individual FnIII domains and establish the relationship between point mutations and mechanical phenotypic effect on tenascin-X. Moreover, our results provided the opportunity to compare the mechanical properties and design of different forms of tenascins. The comparison between tenascin-X and tenascin-C revealed interesting common as well as distinguishing features for mechanical unfolding and folding of tenascin-C and tenascin-X and will open up new avenues to investigate the mechanical functions and architectural design of different forms of tenascins.  相似文献   

Bending of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is associated with many important biological processes such as DNA-protein recognition and DNA packaging into nucleosomes. Thermodynamics of dsDNA bending has been studied by a method called cyclization which relies on DNA ligase to covalently join short sticky ends of a dsDNA. However, ligation efficiency can be affected by many factors that are not related to dsDNA looping such as the DNA structure surrounding the joined sticky ends, and ligase can also affect the apparent looping rate through mechanisms such as nonspecific binding. Here, we show how to measure dsDNA looping kinetics without ligase by detecting transient DNA loop formation by FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer). dsDNA molecules are constructed using a simple PCR-based protocol with a FRET pair and a biotin linker. The looping probability density known as the J factor is extracted from the looping rate and the annealing rate between two disconnected sticky ends. By testing two dsDNAs with different intrinsic curvatures, we show that the J factor is sensitive to the intrinsic shape of the dsDNA.  相似文献   

Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiency distributions in single-molecule experiments contain both structural and dynamical information. Extraction of this information from these distributions requires a careful analysis of contributions from dye photophysics. To investigate how mechanisms other than FRET affect the distributions obtained by counting donor and acceptor photons, we have measured single-molecule fluorescence trajectories of a small α/β protein, i.e., protein GB1, undergoing two-state, folding/unfolding transitions. Alexa 488 donor and Alexa 594 acceptor dyes were attached to cysteines at positions 10 and 57 to yield two isomers—donor10/acceptor57 and donor57/acceptor10—which could not be separated in the purification. The protein was immobilized via binding of a histidine tag added to a linker sequence at the N-terminus to cupric ions embedded in a polyethylene-glycol-coated glass surface. The distribution of FRET efficiencies assembled from the trajectories is complex with widths for the individual peaks in large excess of that caused by shot noise. Most of this complexity can be explained by two interfering photophysical effects—a photoinduced red shift of the donor dye and differences in the quantum yield of the acceptor dye for the two isomers resulting from differences in quenching rate by the cupric ion. Measurements of steady-state polarization, calculation of the donor-acceptor cross-correlation function from photon trajectories, and comparison of the single molecule and ensemble kinetics all indicate that conformational distributions and dynamics do not contribute to the complexity.  相似文献   

Lac repressor (LacI) binds two operator DNA sites, looping the intervening DNA. DNA molecules containing two lac operators bracketing a sequence-directed bend were previously shown to form hyperstable LacI-looped complexes. Biochemical studies suggested that orienting the operators outward relative to the bend direction (in construct 9C14) stabilizes a positively supercoiled closed form, with a V-shaped LacI, but that the most stable loop construct (11C12) is a more open form. Here, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is measured on DNA loops, between fluorescein and TAMRA attached near the two operators, ~130 basepairs apart. For 9C14, efficient LacI-induced energy transfer (~74% based on donor quenching) confirms that the designed DNA shape can force the looped complex into a closed form. From enhanced acceptor emission, correcting for observed donor-dependent quenching of acceptor fluorescence, ~52% transfer was observed. Time-resolved FRET suggests that this complex exists in both closed- and open form populations. Less efficient transfer, ~10%, was detected for DNA-LacI sandwiches and 11C12-LacI, consistent with an open form loop. This demonstration of long-range FRET in large DNA loops confirms that appropriate DNA design can control loop geometry. LacI flexibility may allow it to maintain looping with other proteins bound or under different intracellular conditions.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxyribonucleotides (5′-phosphorylated) of varying lengths were capped using a polyamide linker to form thermodynamically stable, endcapped DNA duplexes containing 8–14 bp. We have employed these endcapped DNA duplexes as tools to determine the DNA footprint of T4 DNA ligase. By high-performance liquid chromatography and PAGE analysis of the ligation mixtures of the endcapped DNA duplexes, we have found that by varying the lengths and the position of the nick, we can determine the minimal DNA-binding site as well as the mode of binding (symmetrical or asymmetrical binding) by the enzyme. The results of the study revealed that a 11 bp endcapped duplex was the shortest duplex effectively ligated. Dependence of ligation efficiency on nick position demonstrates that T4 DNA ligase bound asymmetrically to its DNA substrate. The use of a set of thermodynamically stable endcapped deoxyribonucleoside duplexes as a tool to elucidate the DNA footprint provides an efficient strategy for footprinting, which avoids ambiguities associated with chemical and biochemical footprinting methods.  相似文献   

Kinesin is a processive motor protein that “walks” on a microtubule toward its plus end. We reported previously that the distribution of unbinding force and elastic modulus for a single kinesin-microtubule complex was either unimodal or bimodal depending on the nucleotide states of the kinesin heads, hence showing that the kinesin may bind the microtubule either with one head or with both heads at once. Here, we found that the shape of the unbinding-force distribution depends both on the loading rate and on the manner of loading not only in the presence of AMP-PNP but also in the absence of nucleotides. Irrespective of the nucleotide state and the loading conditions examined here, the unbinding force obtained by loading directed toward the minus end of microtubule was 45% greater than that for plus end-directed loading. These results could be explained by a model in which equilibrium exists between single- and double-headed binding and the load (F) dependence of lifetime, τ(F), of each binding is expressed by τ(F) = τ(0)exp(−Fd/kBT), where τ(0) is the lifetime without external load and d a characteristic distance, both of which depend on single- or double-headed binding, kB, the Boltzmann constant and T, the absolute temperature. The model analysis showed that the forward and backward rates of transition from single- to double-headed binding are 2 and 0.2/s for the AMP-PNP state, and 70 and 7/s for the nucleotide-free state. Moreover, in the presence of AMP-PNP, we detected the moment of transition from single- to double-headed binding through an abrupt increase in the elastic modulus and estimated the transition rate to be ~1/s, which is consistent with the model analysis.  相似文献   

An analysis of cavities present in protein–DNA and protein–RNA complexes is presented. In terms of the number of cavities and their total volume, the interfaces formed in these complexes are akin to those in transient protein–protein heterocomplexes. With homodimeric proteins protein–DNA interfaces may contain cavities involving both the protein subunits and DNA, and these are more than twice as large as cavities involving a single protein subunit and DNA. A parameter, cavity index, measuring the degree of surface complementarity, indicates that the packing of atoms in protein–protein/DNA/RNA is very similar, but it is about two times less efficient in the permanent interfaces formed between subunits in homodimers. As within the tertiary structure and protein–protein interfaces, protein–DNA interfaces have a higher inclination to be lined by β-sheet residues; from the DNA side, base atoms, in particular those in minor grooves, have a higher tendency to be located in cavities. The larger cavities tend to be less spherical and solvated. A small fraction of water molecules are found to mediate hydrogen-bond interactions with both the components, suggesting their primary role is to fill in the void left due to the local non-complementary nature of the surface patches.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(7):1380-1396
Von Willebrand factor (VWF), a large multimeric blood protein, senses changes in shear stress during bleeding and responds by binding platelets to plug ruptures in the vessel wall. Molecular mechanisms underlying this dynamic process are difficult to uncover using standard approaches due to the challenge of applying mechanical forces while monitoring structure and activity. By combining single-molecule fluorescence imaging with high-pressure, rapidly switching microfluidics, we reveal the key role of electrostatic steering in accelerating the binding between flow-activated VWF and GPIbα, and in rapidly immobilizing platelets under flow. We measure the elongation and tension-dependent activation of individual VWF multimers under a range of ionic strengths and pH levels, and find that the association rate is enhanced by 4 orders of magnitude by electrostatic steering. Under supraphysiologic salt concentrations, strong electrostatic screening dramatically decreases platelet binding to VWF in flow, revealing the critical role of electrostatic attraction in VWF–platelet binding during bleeding.  相似文献   

The DNA damage response (DDR) has a critical role in the maintenance of genomic integrity during chromosome replication. However, responses to replication stress evoked by tight DNA–protein complexes have not been fully elucidated. Here, we used bacterial LacI protein binding to lacO arrays to make site-specific replication fork barriers on the human chromosome. These barriers induced the accumulation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and various DDR proteins at the lacO site. SLX4–XPF functioned as an upstream factor for the accumulation of DDR proteins, and consequently, ATR and FANCD2 were interdependently recruited. Moreover, LacI binding in S phase caused underreplication and abnormal mitotic segregation of the lacO arrays. Finally, we show that the SLX4–ATR axis represses the anaphase abnormality induced by LacI binding. Our results outline a long-term process by which human cells manage nucleoprotein obstacles ahead of the replication fork to prevent chromosomal instability.  相似文献   

Drill holes made by predators in prey shells are widely considered to be the most unambiguous bodies of evidence of predator-prey interactions in the fossil record. However, recognition of traces of predatory origin from those formed by abiotic factors still waits for a rigorous evaluation as a prerequisite to ascertain predation intensity through geologic time and to test macroevolutionary patterns. New experimental data from tumbling various extant shells demonstrate that abrasion may leave holes strongly resembling the traces produced by drilling predators. They typically represent singular, circular to oval penetrations perpendicular to the shell surface. These data provide an alternative explanation to the drilling predation hypothesis for the origin of holes recorded in fossil shells. Although various non-morphological criteria (evaluation of holes for non-random distribution) and morphometric studies (quantification of the drill hole shape) have been employed to separate biological from abiotic traces, these are probably insufficient to exclude abrasion artifacts, consequently leading to overestimate predation intensity. As a result, from now on, we must adopt more rigorous criteria to appropriately distinguish abrasion artifacts from drill holes, such as microstructural identification of micro-rasping traces.  相似文献   

The human primosome, a four-subunit complex of primase and DNA polymerase alpha (Polα), synthesizes chimeric RNA–DNA primers of a limited length for DNA polymerases delta and epsilon to initiate DNA replication on both chromosome strands. Despite recent structural insights into the action of its two catalytic centers, the mechanism of DNA synthesis termination is still unclear. Here we report results of functional and structural studies revealing how the human primosome counts RNA–DNA primer length and timely terminates DNA elongation. Using a single-turnover primer extension assay, we defined two factors that determine a mature primer length (∼35-mer): (i) a tight interaction of the C-terminal domain of the DNA primase large subunit (p58C) with the primer 5′-end, and (ii) flexible tethering of p58C and the DNA polymerase alpha catalytic core domain (p180core) to the primosome platform domain by extended linkers. The obtained data allow us to conclude that p58C is a key regulator of all steps of RNA–DNA primer synthesis. The above-described findings provide a notable insight into the mechanism of DNA synthesis termination by a eukaryotic primosome, an important process for ensuring successful primer handover to replication DNA polymerases and for maintaining genome integrity.  相似文献   

Brush border myosin–I (BBM-I) is a single-headed myosin found in the microvilli of intestinal epithelial cells, where it forms lateral bridges connecting the core bundle of actin filaments to the plasma membrane. Extending previous observations (Jontes, J.D., E.M. Wilson-Kubalek, and R.A. Milligan. 1995. Nature [Lond.]. 378:751–753), we have used cryoelectron microscopy and helical image analysis to generate three-dimensional (3D) maps of actin filaments decorated with BBM-I in both the presence and absence of 1 mM MgADP. In the improved 3D maps, we are able to see the entire light chain–binding domain, containing density for all three calmodulin light chains. This has enabled us to model a high resolution structure of BBM-I using the crystal structures of the chicken skeletal muscle myosin catalytic domain and essential light chain. Thus, we are able to directly measure the full magnitude of the ADP-dependent tail swing. The ~31° swing corresponds to ~63 Å at the end of the rigid light chain–binding domain. Comparison of the behavior of BBM-I with skeletal and smooth muscle subfragments-1 suggests that there are substantial differences in the structure and energetics of the biochemical transitions in the actomyosin ATPase cycle.  相似文献   

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