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Tao J  Shi J  Liu ZR  Ji YH 《生理学报》2012,64(4):355-364
大电导钙激活钾离子(BK)通道广泛分布于可兴奋细胞与非兴奋细胞中,行使着一系列重要的生理功能。以源于蝎粗毒的高亲和性毒素作为研究工具,使BK通道的药理学和结构性质正逐步被揭示。Martentoxin是一种分离提取自东亚短钳蝎(Buthus martensi Karsch)粗毒的短链多肽,由37个氨基酸残基构成。研究表明,其对BK通道的特异性远高于其它各类型的电压门控钾通道(Kv)。迄今为止,由于用以探明BK通道亚型结构与功能及相关病理的特异性药物工具仍然稀缺,因此阐明martentoxin与BK通道间的相互作用模式就显得至关重要了。鉴于此原因,本综述将针对martentoxin的药理性质和其与BK通道相互作用的分子机制做进一步阐明。  相似文献   

应用自制的基底应变加载系统,对表达有机械敏感BK通道的CHO-K1持续施加10%的张应变24h.应用单通道记录,分析了张应变对BK通道生物物理特性的影响.研究发现,张应变作用后通道的机械敏感性明显增强.结果显示,张应变作用后BK通道对钙离子和膜电位的敏感性小幅度增加.这些结果提示,张应变作用可能引起了细胞骨架的重排,从而改变了通道的生物物理特性.  相似文献   

电压门控钠通道是细胞兴奋性的重要分子基础,在进化演变中远早于神经元。伴随从细菌到脊椎动物的适应性演变,电压门控钠通道逐渐呈现出复杂的结构、功能和亚型多样性,且与诸多人类疾病密切相关。明确电压门控钠通道时空演变的适应性进化,解析电压门控钠通道的功能和结构多样性与人类重大疾病发生机制的相关性,有助于推进电压门控钠通道靶向临床诊疗新策略和新药的发现。  相似文献   

马翔  张超  司军强  马克涛 《生物磁学》2010,(17):3384-3386
K^+通道维持着血管平滑肌细胞的静息膜电位。目前发现血管微动脉平滑肌细胞上主要表达内向整流型K^+通道、ATP敏感型K^+通道、电压依赖型K^+通道和大电导钙激活型K^+通道等四种K^+通道。本文对微动脉平滑肌细胞K^+通道最新进展做一综述。  相似文献   

K+通道维持着血管平滑肌细胞的静息膜电位.目前发现血管微动脉平滑肌细胞上主要表达内向整流型K+通道、ATP敏感型K+通道、电压依赖型K+通道和大电导钙激活型K+通道等四种K+通道.本文对微动脉平滑肌细胞K+通道最新进展做一综述.  相似文献   

非正常生理浓度的Ca^2 和氧化应激等刺激线粒体渗透性转变孔(mitochondria permeability transition pore,MPTP)开放,使线粒体形态功能发生改变,被释放的细胞色素c和凋亡诱导因子(apoptosisinducing factor,AIF)等参与到caspase信号通路中,诱导细胞发生凋亡。本文在MPTP的主要组成成分、两种不同的结构功能模型、抑制剂对MPTP的抑制机制和缺血,再灌注及缺血预适应对MPTP开放的影响等方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

电压依赖性钙离子通道(voltage dependent calcium channels, VDCC)是细胞膜上 控制Ca2+进入胞内的特殊蛋白质,VDCC β亚基具有调节其通道活性的作用.使用 RT- PCR 和 RACE-PCR技术,从海刺参(Stichopus japonicus)肠中克隆得到电压依赖性钙离子通道β亚基(SjCaβ)基因,所得序列提交GenBank,登录号EU853658.该基因全长1 867 bp,包含1个1 614 bp的开放阅读框(ORF),编码537个氨基酸.将SjCaβ与多种无脊椎动物钙离子通道β亚基进行分析比较,发现它们有较高的同源性,并具有钙离子通道β亚基基因内保守的2个功能区域,即SH3功能区(src-homology 3 domain)和GK功能区(guanylate kinase domain).在功能区域附近还具有电压依赖性钙离子通道β亚基特有的BID区(β interaction domain),氨基酸保守序列为PYDVVP-RP--- VGPSLKGYEVTDMMQKALFDF,进一步确定了得到的cDNA序列为海刺参电压依赖性钙离子通道β亚基.对SjCaβ的二级结构进行了预测,构建了系统进化发育树,并运用同源建模法构建了SjCaβ的三维结构模型.研究结果对深入研究海刺参离子通道的结构以及在信号传导过程中的作用有着重要意义,并为研究海刺参自溶等问题提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

为了确定β-淀粉样蛋白(AβP)在影响神经元电生理特性并导致神经毒作用时的最短活性序列,实验采用膜片钳技术,在急性分离的大鼠海马CAI区锥体细胞的“内面向外”式膜片上,观察了AβPR的31-35和25-35片段对Ca2+激活大电导钾(BK)通道活动的影响。结果显示,浴液中给予 5μmol/L的AβP 31-35后,BK通道的平均开放概率(Po)和开放频率在1~3min内分别减少了85.8%(P<0.01)和72.1%(P<0.01);平均开放时间减少了41.1%(P<0.01);平均电流幅度则无明显改变(P>0.05);给子同样摩尔浓度的AβP 25-35后,BK通道平均Po减少了85.5%(P<0.01),平均开放时间减少了51.4%,(P<0.05)。结果提示,两种AβP片段对海马神经元BK通道具有抑制作用,这可能与AβP的神经毒性作用有关;AβP31-35片段可能是AβP分子中影响细胞电生理特性的最小活性序列。  相似文献   

研究了GDNF结构与功能的关系 .基于鼠源GDNF的晶体结构 ,利用计算机SGIIndigo2(R4 4 0 0 )工作站和InsightⅡ (95.5)蛋白质分析软件模拟了人GDNF三维结构 ,设计了GDNF分子的两个缺失突变体ΔN1 2 8和ΔN78 90 .以野生型GDNFcDNA作为模板 ,用PCR法得到编码缺失突变体的DNA片段 .将大肠杆菌作为表达系统 ,使缺失突变体GDNF在大肠杆菌中表达 ,对表达产物纯化和复性后进行生物活性测定 .两株突变体在大肠肝菌中获得了高效表达 ,纯化后的GDNF突变体ΔN1 2 8可以与存在于KG 1a细胞表面的受体结合 ,但不能促进 8日龄鸡胚背根节突起的生长 .突变体ΔN78 90既不能与受体结合 ,同时也失去了促背根节突起生长的功能 .说明GDNF分子的N端氨基酸对分子的生物学活性很重要 ,但对分子与受体GDNFR α的结合并不是必需的 ,而分子中的螺旋区对分子与受体的结合以及生物学活性都必不可少 .  相似文献   

In this and the following paper we have examined the kinetic and steady-state properties of macroscopic mslo Ca-activated K+ currents in order to interpret these currents in terms of the gating behavior of the mslo channel. To do so, however, it was necessary to first find conditions by which we could separate the effects that changes in Ca2+ concentration or membrane voltage have on channel permeation from the effects these stimuli have on channel gating. In this study we investigate three phenomena which are unrelated to gating but are manifest in macroscopic current records: a saturation of single channel current at high voltage, a rapid voltage-dependent Ca2+ block, and a slow voltage-dependent Ba2+ block. Where possible methods are described by which these phenomena can be separated from the effects that changes in Ca2+ concentration and membrane voltage have on channel gating. Where this is not possible, some assessment of the impact these effects have on gating parameters determined from macroscopic current measurements is provided. We have also found that without considering the effects of Ca2+ and voltage on channel permeation and block, macroscopic current measurements suggest that mslo channels do not reach the same maximum open probability at all Ca2+ concentrations. Taking into account permeation and blocking effects, however, we find that this is not the case. The maximum open probability of the mslo channel is the same or very similar over a Ca2+ concentration range spanning three orders of magnitude indicating that over this range the internal Ca2+ concentration does not limit the ability of the channel to be activated by voltage.  相似文献   

The kinetic and steady-state properties of macroscopic mslo Ca-activated K+ currents were studied in excised patches from Xenopus oocytes. In response to voltage steps, the timecourse of both activation and deactivation, but for a brief delay in activation, could be approximated by a single exponential function over a wide range of voltages and internal Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca]i). Activation rates increased with voltage and with [Ca]i, and approached saturation at high [Ca]i. Deactivation rates generally decreased with [Ca]i and voltage, and approached saturation at high [Ca]i. Plots of the macroscopic conductance as a function of voltage (G-V) and the time constant of activation and deactivation shifted leftward along the voltage axis with increasing [Ca]i. G-V relations could be approximated by a Boltzmann function with an equivalent gating charge which ranged between 1.1 and 1.8 e as [Ca]i varied between 0.84 and 1,000 μM. Hill analysis indicates that at least three Ca2+ binding sites can contribute to channel activation. Three lines of evidence indicate that there is at least one voltage-dependent unimolecular conformational change associated with mslo gating that is separate from Ca2+ binding. (a) The position of the mslo G-V relation does not vary logarithmically with [Ca]i. (b) The macroscopic rate constant of activation approaches saturation at high [Ca]i but remains voltage dependent. (c) With strong depolarizations mslo currents can be nearly maximally activated without binding Ca2+. These results can be understood in terms of a channel which must undergo a central voltage-dependent rate limiting conformational change in order to move from closed to open, with rapid Ca2+ binding to both open and closed states modulating this central step.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)-activated K+ (BK) channel alpha-subunit contains many cysteine residues within its large COOH-terminal tail domain. To probe the function of this domain, we examined effects of cysteine-modifying reagents on channel gating. Application of MTSET, MTSES, or NEM to mSlo1 or hSlo1 channels changed the voltage and Ca2+ dependence of steady-state activation. These reagents appear to modify the same cysteines but have different effects on function. MTSET increases I(K) and shifts the G(K)-V relation to more negative voltages, whereas MTSES and NEM shift the G(K)-V in the opposite direction. Steady-state activation was altered in the presence or absence of Ca2+ and at negative potentials where voltage sensors are not activated. Combinations of [Ca2+] and voltage were also identified where P(o) is not changed by cysteine modification. Interpretation of our results in terms of an allosteric model indicate that cysteine modification alters Ca2+ binding and the relative stability of closed and open conformations as well as the coupling of voltage sensor activation and Ca2+ binding and to channel opening. To identify modification-sensitive residues, we examined effects of MTS reagents on mutant channels lacking one or more cysteines. Surprisingly, the effects of MTSES on both voltage- and Ca(2+)-dependent gating were abolished by replacing a single cysteine (C430) with alanine. C430 lies in the RCK1 (regulator of K+ conductance) domain within a series of eight residues that is unique to BK channels. Deletion of these residues shifted the G(K)-V relation by > -80 mV. Thus we have identified a region that appears to strongly influence RCK domain function, but is absent from RCK domains of known structure. C430A did not eliminate effects of MTSET on apparent Ca2+ affinity. However an additional mutation, C615S, in the Haem binding site reduced the effects of MTSET, consistent with a role for this region in Ca2+ binding.  相似文献   

As high-conductance calcium- and voltage-dependent potassium channels, BK channels consist of pore-forming, voltage-, and Ca2+-sensing α and auxiliary subunits. The leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain–containing auxiliary γ subunits potently modulate the voltage dependence of BK channel activation. Despite their dominant size in whole protein masses, the function of the LRR domain in BK channel γ subunits is unknown. We here investigated the function of these LRR domains in BK channel modulation by the auxiliary γ1–3 (LRRC26, LRRC52, and LRRC55) subunits. Using cell surface protein immunoprecipitation, we validated the predicted extracellular localization of the LRR domains. We then refined the structural models of mature proteins on the membrane via molecular dynamic simulations. By replacement of the LRR domain with extracellular regions or domains of non-LRR proteins, we found that the LRR domain is nonessential for the maximal channel-gating modulatory effect but is necessary for the all-or-none phenomenon of BK channel modulation by the γ1 subunit. Mutational and enzymatic blockade of N-glycosylation in the γ1–3 subunits resulted in a reduction or loss of BK channel modulation by γ subunits. Finally, by analyzing their expression in whole cells and on the plasma membrane, we found that blockade of N-glycosylation drastically reduced total expression of the γ2 subunit and the cell surface expression of the γ1 and γ3 subunits. We conclude that the LRR domains play key roles in the regulation of the expression, cell surface trafficking, and channel-modulation functions of the BK channel γ subunits.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated ion channels are crucial for both neuronal and cardiac excitability. Decades of research have begun to unravel the intriguing machinery behind voltage sensitivity. Although the details regarding the arrangement and movement in the voltage-sensor domain are still debated, consensus is slowly emerging. There are three competing conceptual models: the helical-screw, the transporter, and the paddle model. In this review we explore the structure of the activated voltage-sensor domain based on the recent X-ray structure of a chimera between Kv1.2 and Kv2.1. We also present a model for the closed state. From this we conclude that upon depolarization the voltage sensor S4 moves approximately 13 A outwards and rotates approximately 180 degrees, thus consistent with the helical-screw model. S4 also moves relative to S3b which is not consistent with the paddle model. One interesting feature of the voltage sensor is that it partially faces the lipid bilayer and therefore can interact both with the membrane itself and with physiological and pharmacological molecules reaching the channel from the membrane. This type of channel modulation is discussed together with other mechanisms for how voltage-sensitivity is modified. Small effects on voltage-sensitivity can have profound effects on excitability. Therefore, medical drugs designed to alter the voltage dependence offer an interesting way to regulate excitability.  相似文献   

24S-hydroxycholesterol (HC) is most abundant oxysterols in the brain, passes through blood brain barrier, and is therefore regarded as an intermediary for brain cholesterol elimination. We reported that large-conductance Ca2+- and voltage-activated K+ (slo1 BK) channels are suppressed by this oxysterol, which is presumably intercalated into cell membrane to access the outer surface of the channel. Such an outer approach would make it difficult to interact with the inner, ion-conducting part of the channel. The present findings showed that 24R-HC, the racemic counterpart of 24S-HC, also suppressed slo1 BK channel but in a different voltage-dependent manner. There was a difference between the effects of the two enantiomers on activation kinetics but not on deactivation kinetics. It is suggested that the chirality contributes to the efficacy of channel blockers that act from outer lipophilic parts of channels, as with those which act on the inner, ion-permeable surface.  相似文献   

The single channel gating properties of human CaV2.1 (P/Q-type) calcium channels and their modulation by the auxiliary beta1b, beta2e, beta3a, and beta4a subunits were investigated with cell-attached patch-clamp recordings on HEK293 cells stably expressing human CaV2.1 channels. These calcium channels showed a complex modal gating, which is described in this and the following paper (Fellin, T., S. Luvisetto, M. Spagnolo, and D. Pietrobon. 2004. J. Gen. Physiol. 124:463-474). Here, we report the characterization of two modes of gating of human CaV2.1 channels, the slow mode and the fast mode. A channel in the two gating modes differs in mean closed times and latency to first opening (both longer in the slow mode), in voltage dependence of the open probability (larger depolarizations are necessary to open the channel in the slow mode), in kinetics of inactivation (slower in the slow mode), and voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation (occurring at less negative voltages in the slow mode). CaV2.1 channels containing any of the four beta subtypes can gate in either the slow or the fast mode, with only minor differences in the rate constants of the transitions between closed and open states within each mode. In both modes, CaV2.1 channels display different rates of inactivation and different steady-state inactivation depending on the beta subtype. The type of beta subunit also modulates the relative occurrence of the slow and the fast gating mode of CaV2.1 channels; beta3a promotes the fast mode, whereas beta4a promotes the slow mode. The prevailing mode of gating of CaV2.1 channels lacking a beta subunit is a gating mode in which the channel shows shorter mean open times, longer mean closed times, longer first latency, a much larger fraction of nulls, and activates at more positive voltages than in either the fast or slow mode.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (ANG-II) and BK channels play important roles in the regulation of blood pressure. In arterial smooth muscle, ANG-II inhibits BK channels, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are unknown. Here, we first investigated whether ANG-II utilizes its type 1 receptor (AT1R) to modulate BK activity. Pharmacological, biochemical, and molecular evidence supports a role for AT1R. In renal arterial myocytes, the AT1R antagonist losartan (10 μm) abolished the ANG-II (1 μm)-induced reduction of whole cell BK currents, and BK channels and ANG-II receptors were found to co-localize at the cell periphery. We also found that BK inhibition via ANG-II-activated AT1R was independent of G-protein activation (assessed with 500 μm GDPβS). In BK-expressing HEK293T cells, ANG-II (1 μm) also induced a reduction of BK currents, which was contingent on AT1R expression. The molecular mechanisms of AT1R and BK channel coupling were investigated in co-transfected cells. Co-immunoprecipitation showed formation of a macromolecular complex, and live immunolabeling demonstrated that both proteins co-localized at the plasma membrane with high proximity indexes as in arterial myocytes. Consistent with a close association, we discovered that the sole AT1R expression could decrease BK channel voltage sensitivity. Truncated BK proteins revealed that the voltage-sensing conduction cassette is sufficient for BK-AT1R association. Finally, C-terminal yellow and cyan fluorescent fusion proteins, AT1R-YFP and BK-CFP, displayed robust co-localized Förster resonance energy transfer, demonstrating intermolecular interactions at their C termini. Overall, our results strongly suggest that AT1R regulates BK channels through a close protein-protein interaction involving multiple BK regions and independent of G-protein activation.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and two other non-membrane-bound ABC proteins, Rad50 and a structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) protein, exhibit adenylate kinase activity in the presence of physiologic concentrations of ATP and AMP or ADP (ATP + AMP ⇆ 2 ADP). The crystal structure of the nucleotide-binding domain of an SMC protein in complex with the adenylate kinase bisubstrate inhibitor P1,P5-di(adenosine-5′) pentaphosphate (Ap5A) suggests that AMP binds to the conserved Q-loop glutamine during the adenylate kinase reaction. Therefore, we hypothesized that mutating the corresponding residue in CFTR, Gln-1291, selectively disrupts adenylate kinase-dependent channel gating at physiologic nucleotide concentrations. We found that substituting Gln-1291 with bulky side-chain amino acids abolished the effects of Ap5A, AMP, and adenosine 5′-monophosphoramidate on CFTR channel function. 8-Azidoadenosine 5′-monophosphate photolabeling of the AMP-binding site and adenylate kinase activity were disrupted in Q1291F CFTR. The Gln-1291 mutations did not alter the potency of ATP at stimulating current or ATP-dependent gating when ATP was the only nucleotide present. However, when physiologic concentrations of ADP and AMP were added, adenylate kinase-deficient Q1291F channels opened significantly less than wild type. Consistent with this result, we found that Q1291F CFTR displayed significantly reduced Cl channel function in well differentiated primary human airway epithelia. These results indicate that a highly conserved residue of an ABC transporter plays an important role in adenylate kinase-dependent CFTR gating. Furthermore, the results suggest that adenylate kinase activity is important for normal CFTR channel function in airway epithelia.  相似文献   

Myogenic, or pressure-induced, vasoconstriction is critical for local blood flow autoregulation. Underlying this vascular smooth muscle (VSM) response are events including membrane depolarization, Ca2+ entry and mobilization, and activation of contractile proteins. Large conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BKCa) has been implicated in several of these steps including, (1) channel closure causing membrane depolarization, and (2) channel opening causing hyperpolarization to oppose excessive pressure-induced vasoconstriction. As multiple mechanisms regulate BKCa activity (subunit composition, membrane potential (Em) and Ca2+ levels, post-translational modification) tissue level diversity is predicted. Importantly, heterogeneity in BKCa channel activity may contribute to tissue-specific differences in regulation of myogenic vasoconstriction, allowing local hemodynamics to be matched to metabolic requirements. Knowledge of such variability will be important to exploiting the BKCa channel as a therapeutic target and understanding systemic effects of its pharmacological manipulation.  相似文献   

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