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SUMO-1 (1-97) is a crucial protein in the machinery of post-translational modifications. We observed by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy that urea-induced unfolding of this protein is a complex process with the possibility of occurrence of detectable intermediates along the way. The tertiary structure is completely lost around approximately 4.5 M urea with a transition mid-point at 2.53 M urea, while the secondary structure unfolding seems to show two transitions, with mid-points at 2.42 M and 5.69 M urea. We have elucidated by systematic urea titration, the equilibrium residue level structural and dynamics changes along the entire folding/unfolding transition by multidimensional NMR. With urea dilution, the protein is seen to progressively lose most of the broad beta-domain structural preferences present at 8 M urea, acquire some helical propensities at 5 M urea, and lose some of them again on further dilution of urea. Between 3 M and 2 M urea, the protein starts afresh to acquire native structural features. These observations are contrary to the conventional notion that proteins fold with monotonously increasing native-type preferences. For folding below approximately 3 M urea, the region around the alpha1 helix appears to be a potential folding initiation site. The folding seems to start with a collapse into native-like topologies, at least in parts, and is followed by formation of secondary and tertiary structure, perhaps by cooperative rearrangements. The motional characteristics of the protein show sequence-dependent variation as the concentration of urea is progressively reduced. At the sub-nanosecond level, the features are extremely unusual for denatured states, and only certain segments corresponding to the flexible regions in the native protein display these motions at the different concentrations of urea.  相似文献   

Efficient formation of specific intermolecular interactions is essential for self-assembly of biological structures. The foldon domain is an evolutionarily optimized trimerization module required for assembly of the large, trimeric structural protein fibritin from phage T4. Monomers consisting of the 27 amino acids comprising a single foldon domain subunit spontaneously form a natively folded trimer. During assembly of the foldon domain, a monomeric intermediate is formed on the submillisecond time scale, which provides the basis for two consecutive very fast association reactions. Mutation of an intermolecular salt bridge leads to a monomeric protein that resembles the kinetic intermediate in its spectroscopic properties. NMR spectroscopy revealed essentially native topology of the monomeric intermediate with defined hydrogen bonds and side-chain interactions but largely reduced stability compared to the native trimer. This structural preorganization leads to an asymmetric charge distribution on the surface that can direct rapid subunit recognition. The low stability of the intermediate allows a large free-energy gain upon trimerization, which serves as driving force for rapid assembly. These results indicate different free-energy landscapes for folding of small oligomeric proteins compared to monomeric proteins, which typically avoid the transient population of intermediates.  相似文献   

Calpains are ubiquitous intracellular calcium- and thiol-dependent proteases. Their over activation, resulting in the degradation of various substrates, has been implicated in a number of cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Here, we present the first structural characterization of LSEAL penta-peptide, a potent calpain inhibitor, bound to the calmodulin-like domain of calpain. Our in vitro binding data supports the idea that domains other than calpain’s active site may be suitable targets for future development of therapeutic agents to be used to treat heart attack, traumatic brain injuries or a variety of neurodegenerative conditions, such as ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

Fan J  Zhang J  Tang Q  Liu Y  Zhang A  Pan Y 《Carbohydrate research》2006,341(9):1130-1134
A water-soluble fucogalactan (CMP3), with a molecular mass of 1.03 x 10(4) Da as determined by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC), was obtained from the crude intracellular polysaccharide of Coprinus comatus mycelium. Its chemical structure was characterized by sugar and methylation analysis along with 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including NOESY and HMBC experiments for linkage and sequence analysis. The polysaccharide is composed of a pentasaccharide repeating unit with the following structure: [structure:see text].  相似文献   

Sac7d and Sso7d are homologous, hyperthermophile proteins with a high density of charged surface residues and potential ion pairs. To determine the relative importance of specific amino acid side-chains in defining the stability and function of these Archaeal chromatin proteins, pK(a) values were measured for the acidic residues in both proteins using (13)C NMR chemical shifts. The stability of Sso7d enabled titrations to pH 1 under low-salt conditions. Two aspartate residues in Sso7d (D16 and D35) and a single glutamate residue (G54) showed significantly perturbed pK(a) values in low salt, indicating that the observed pH-dependence of stability was primarily due to these three residues. The pH-dependence of backbone amide NMR resonances demonstrated that perturbation of all three pK(a) values was primarily the result of side-chain to backbone amide hydrogen bonds. Few of the significantly perturbed acidic pK(a) values in Sac7d and Sso7d could be attributed to primarily ion pair or electrostatic interactions. A smaller perturbation of E48 (E47 in Sac7d) was ascribed to an ion pair interaction that may be important in defining the DNA binding surface. The small number (three) of significantly altered pK(a) values was in good agreement with a linkage analysis of the temperature, pH, and salt-dependence of folding. The linkage of the ionization of two or more side-chains to protein folding led to apparent cooperativity in the pH-dependence of folding, although each group titrated independently with a Hill coefficient near unity. These results demonstrate that the acid pH-dependence of protein stability in these hyperthermophile proteins is due to independent titration of acidic residues with pK(a) values perturbed primarily by hydrogen bonding of the side-chain to the backbone. This work demonstrates the need for caution in using structural data alone to argue the importance of ion pairs in stabilizing hyperthermophile proteins.  相似文献   

Tyrosine sulfation of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 enhances its interaction with the chemokine SDF-1alpha. Given similar post-translational modification of other receptors, including CCR5, CX3CR1 and CCR2b, tyrosine sulfation may be of universal importance in chemokine signaling. N-terminal domains from seven transmembrane chemokine receptors have been employed for structural studies of chemokine-receptor interactions, but never in the context of proper post-translational modifications known to affect function. A CXCR4 peptide modified at position 21 by expressed tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase-1 and unmodified peptide are both disordered in solution, but bind SDF-1alpha with low micromolar affinities. NMR and fluorescence polarization measurements showed that the CXCR4 peptide stabilizes dimeric SDF-1alpha, and that sulfotyrosine 21 binds a specific site on the chemokine that includes arginine 47. We conclude that the SDF-1alpha dimer preferentially interacts with receptor peptide, and residues beyond the extreme N-terminal region of CXCR4, including sulfotyrosine 21, make specific contacts with the chemokine ligand.  相似文献   

Ion pairs are ubiquitous in X-ray structures of coiled coils, and mutagenesis of charged residues can result in large stability losses. By contrast, pKa values determined by NMR in solution often predict only small contributions to stability from charge interactions. To help reconcile these results we used triple-resonance NMR to determine pKa values for all groups that ionize between pH 1 and 13 in the 33 residue leucine zipper fragment, GCN4p. In addition to the native state we also determined comprehensive pKa values for two models of the GCN4p denatured state: the protein in 6 M urea, and unfolded peptide fragments of the protein in water. Only residues that form ion pairs in multiple X-ray structures of GCN4p gave large pKa differences between the native and denatured states. Moreover, electrostatic contributions to stability were not equivalent for oppositely charged partners in ion pairs, suggesting that the interactions between a charge and its environment are as important as those within the ion pair. The pH dependence of protein stability calculated from NMR-derived pKa values agreed with the stability profile measured from equilibrium urea-unfolding experiments as a function of pH. The stability profile was also reproduced with structure-based continuum electrostatic calculations, although contributions to stability were overestimated at the extremes of pH. We consider potential sources of errors in the calculations, and how pKa predictions could be improved. Our results show that although hydrophobic packing and hydrogen bonding have dominant roles, electrostatic interactions also make significant contributions to the stability of the coiled coil.  相似文献   

CIN85 is a multifunctional protein that plays key roles in endocytic down-regulation of receptor tyrosine kinases, apoptosis, cell adhesion, and cytoskeleton rearrangement. Its three SH3 domains (CIN85A, CIN85B, and CIN85C) allow it to recruit multiple binding partners. To understand the manifold interactions of CIN85, we present a detailed high-resolution solution structural study of CIN85A and CIN85B binding to proline-arginine peptides derived from the cognate ligands Cbl and Cbl-b. We report the structure of CIN85B and provide evidence that both CIN85A and CIN85B, in isolation or when linked, form heterodimeric complexes with the peptides. We report unusual curved chemical shift changes for several residues of CIN85A when titrated with Cbl-b peptide, indicating the existence of more than one complex form. Here we demonstrate that CIN85A and CIN85B use different mechanisms for peptide binding.  相似文献   

The capsular polysaccharide from Streptococcus pneumoniae Type 15B is a component of the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine against pneumococcal disease. We report full NMR assignments for the native and de-O-acetylated polysaccharide, and confirm that the phosphorylated substituent is glycerol-2-phosphate rather than phosphocholine, located on O-3 of the side chain beta-Galp residue. The polysaccharide is O-acetylated on the terminal alpha-Gal residue, distributed between O-2, O-3, O-4 and O-6 in a ratio of 6:12:12:55, with approximately 15% of the repeat units not O-acetylated.  相似文献   

Sequenced genomes of dissimilatory sulfur-oxidizing and sulfate-reducing bacteria containing genes coding for DsrAB, the enzyme dissimilatory sulfite reductase, inevitably also contain the gene coding for the 12-kDa DsrC protein. DsrC is thought to have a yet unidentified role associated with the activity of DsrAB. Here we report the solution structure of DsrC from the sulfur-oxidizing purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum determined with NMR spectroscopy in reducing conditions, and we describe the redox behavior of two conserved cysteine residues upon transfer to an oxidizing environment. In reducing conditions, the DsrC structure is disordered in the highly conserved carboxy-terminus. We present multiple lines of evidence that, in oxidizing conditions, a strictly conserved cysteine (Cys111) at the penultimate position in the sequence forms an intramolecular disulfide bond with Cys100, which is conserved in DsrC in all organisms with DsrAB. While an intermolecular Cys111-Cys111 disulfide-bonded dimer is rapidly formed under oxidizing conditions, the intramolecularly disulfide-bonded species (Cys100-Cys111) is the thermodynamically stable form of the protein under these conditions. Treatment of the disulfidic forms with reducing agent regenerates the monomeric species that was structurally characterized. Using a band-shift technique under nondenaturing conditions, we obtained evidence for the interaction of DsrC with heterohexameric DsrEFH, a protein encoded in the same operon. Mutation of Cys100 to serine prevented formation of the DsrC species assigned as an intramolecular disulfide in oxidizing conditions, while still allowing formation of the intermolecular Cys111-Cys111 dimer. In the reduced form, this mutant protein still interacted with DsrEFH. This was not the case for the Cys111Ser and Cys100Ser/Cys111Ser mutants, both of which also did not form protein dimers. Our observations highlight the central importance of the carboxy-terminal DsrC cysteine residues and are consistent with a role as a sulfur-substrate binding/transferring protein, as well as with an electron-transfer function via thiol-disulfide interchanges.  相似文献   

Folding intermediates have been detected and characterized for many proteins. However, their structures at atomic resolution have only been determined for two small single domain proteins: Rd-apocytochrome b(562) and engrailed homeo domain. T4 lysozyme has two easily distinguishable but energetically coupled domains: the N and C-terminal domains. An early native-state hydrogen exchange experiment identified an intermediate with the C-terminal domain folded and the N-terminal domain unfolded. We have used a native-state hydrogen exchange-directed protein engineering approach to populate this intermediate and demonstrated that it is on the folding pathway and exists after the rate-limiting step. Here, we determined its high-resolution structure and the backbone dynamics by multi-dimensional NMR methods. We also characterized the folding behavior of the intermediate using stopped-flow fluorescence, protein engineering, and native-state hydrogen exchange. Unlike the folding intermediates of the two single-domain proteins, which have many non-native side-chain interactions, the structure of the hidden folding intermediate of T4 lysozyme is largely native-like. It folds like many small single domain proteins. These results have implications for understanding the folding mechanism and evolution of multi-domain proteins.  相似文献   

H/ACA small nucleolar and Cajal body ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) function in site-specific pseudouridylation of eukaryotic rRNA and snRNA, rRNA processing, and vertebrate telomerase biogenesis. Nhp2, one of four essential protein components of eukaryotic H/ACA RNPs, forms a core trimer with the pseudouridylase Cbf5 and Nop10 that binds to H/ACA RNAs specifically. Crystal structures of archaeal H/ACA RNPs have revealed how the protein components interact with each other and with the H/ACA RNA. However, in place of Nhp2p, archaeal H/ACA RNPs contain L7Ae, which binds specifically to an RNA K-loop motif absent from eukaryotic H/ACA RNPs, while Nhp2 binds a broader range of RNA structures. We report solution NMR studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nhp2 (Nhp2p), which reveal that Nhp2p exhibits two major conformations in solution due to cis/trans isomerization of the evolutionarily conserved Pro83. The equivalent proline is in the cis conformation in all reported structures of L7Ae and other homologous proteins. Nhp2p has the expected α-β-α fold, but the solution structures of the major conformation of Nhp2p with trans Pro83 and of Nhp2p-S82W with cis Pro83 reveal that Pro83 cis/trans isomerization affects the positions of numerous residues at the Nop10 and RNA binding interface. An S82W substitution, which stabilizes the cis conformation, also stabilizes the association of Nhp2p with H/ACA snoRNPs expressed in vivo. We propose that Pro83 plays a key role in the assembly of the eukaryotic H/ACA RNP, with the cis conformation locking in a stable Cbf5-Nop10-Nhp2 ternary complex and positioning the protein backbone to interact with the H/ACA RNA.  相似文献   

A heme-acquisition system present in several Gram-negative bacteria requires the secretion of hemophores. These extracellular carrier proteins capture heme and deliver it to specific outer membrane receptors. The Serratia marcescens HasA hemophore is a monodomain protein that binds heme with a very high affinity. Its α/β structure, as that of its binding pocket, has no common features with other iron- or heme-binding proteins. Heme is held by two loops L1 and L2 and coordinated to iron by an unusual ligand pair, H32/Y75. Two independent regions of the hemophore β-sheet are involved in HasA-HasR receptor interaction. Here, we report the 3-D NMR structure of apoHasA and the backbone dynamics of both loaded and unloaded hemophore. While the overall structure of HasA is very similar in the apo and holo forms, the hemophore presents a transition from an open to a closed form upon ligand binding, through a large movement, of up to 30 Å, of loop L1 bearing H32. Comparison of loaded and unloaded HasA dynamics on different time scales reveals striking flexibility changes in the binding pocket. We propose a mechanism by which these structural and dynamic features provide the dual function of heme binding and release to the HasR receptor.  相似文献   

We describe the NMR structural characterisation of a bimolecular anti-parallel DNA quadruplex d(G3ACGTAGTG3)2 containing an autonomously stable mini-hairpin motif inserted within the diagonal loop. A folding topology is identified that is different from that observed for the analogous d(G3T4G3)2 dimer with the two structures differing in the relative orientation of the diagonal loops. This appears to reflect specific base stacking interactions at the quadruplex-duplex interface that are not present in the structure with the T4-loop sequence. A truncated version of the bimolecular quadruplex d(G2ACGTAGTG2)2, with only two core G-tetrads, is less stable and forms a heterogeneous mixture of three 2-fold symmetric quadruplexes with different loop arrangements. We demonstrate that the nature of the loop sequence, its ability to form autonomously stable structure, the relative stabilities of the hairpin loop and core quadruplex, and the ability to form favourable stacking interactions between these two motifs are important factors in controlling DNA G-quadruplex topology.  相似文献   

A thermally unfolded disulfide-deficient mutant of the starch-binding domain of glucoamylase refolds into a kinetically trapped metastable intermediate when subjected to a rapid lowering of temperature. We attempted to characterise this intermediate using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectrum after a rapid temperature decrease (the spectrum of the intermediate) showed good chemical shift dispersion but was significantly different from that of the native state, suggesting that the intermediate adopts a nonnative but well-structured conformation. Large chemical shift changes for the backbone amide protons between the native and the intermediate states were observed for residues in the β-sheet consisting of strands 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 as well as in the C-terminal region. These residues were found to be in close proximity to aromatic residues, suggesting that the chemical shift changes are mainly due to ring current shifts caused by the aromatic residues. The two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) spectroscopy experiments showed that the intermediate contained substantial, native-like NOE connectivities, although there were fewer cross peaks in the spectrum of the intermediate compared with that of the native state. It was also shown that there were native-like interresidue NOEs for residues buried in the protein, whereas many of the NOE cross peaks were lost for the residues involved in a surface-exposed aromatic cluster. These results suggest that, in the intermediate, the aromatic cluster at the surface is structurally less organised, whereas the interior of the protein has relatively rigid, native-like side-chain packing.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria possess specialized biogenesis machineries that facilitate the export of amyloid subunits, the fibers of which are key components of their biofilm matrix. The secretion of bacterial functional amyloid requires a specialized outer-membrane protein channel through which unfolded amyloid substrates are translocated. We previously reported the crystal structure of the membrane-spanning domain of the amyloid subunit transporter FapF from Pseudomonas. However, the structure of the periplasmic domain, which is essential for amyloid transport, is yet to be determined. Here, we present the crystal structure of the N-terminal periplasmic domain at 1.8-Å resolution. This domain forms a novel asymmetric trimeric coiled coil that possesses a single buried tyrosine residue as well as an extensive hydrogen-bonding network within a glutamine layer. This new structural insight allows us to understand this newly described functional amyloid secretion system in greater detail.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), like its human homologues (HIV-1, HIV-2), requires a -1 translational frameshift event to properly synthesize all of the proteins required for viral replication. The frameshift mechanism is dependent upon a seven-nucleotide slippery sequence and a downstream RNA structure. In SIV, the downstream RNA structure has been proposed to be either a stem-loop or a pseudoknot. Here, we report the functional, structural and thermodynamic characterization of the SIV frameshift site RNA. Translational frameshift assays indicate that a stem-loop structure is sufficient to promote efficient frameshifting in vitro. NMR and thermodynamic studies of SIV RNA constructs of varying length further support the absence of any pseudoknot interaction and indicate the presence of a stable stem-loop structure. We determined the structure of the SIV frameshift-inducing RNA by NMR. The structure reveals a highly ordered 12 nucleotide loop containing a sheared G-A pair, cross-strand adenine stacking, two G-C base-pairs, and a novel CCC triloop turn. The loop structure and its high thermostability preclude pseudoknot formation. Sequence conservation and modeling studies suggest that HIV-2 RNA forms the same structure. We conclude that, like the main sub-groups of HIV-1, SIV and HIV-2 utilize stable stem-loop structures to function as a thermodynamic barrier to translation, thereby inducing ribosomal pausing and frameshifting.  相似文献   

Type 1 pili from uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains mediate bacterial attachment to target receptors on the host tissue. They are composed of up to 3000 copies of the subunit FimA, which form the stiff, helical pilus rod, and the subunits FimF, FimG, and FimH, which form the linear tip fibrillum. All subunits in the pilus interact via donor strand complementation, in which the incomplete immunoglobulin-like fold of each subunit is complemented by insertion of an N-terminal extension from the following subunit. We determined the NMR structure of a monomeric, self-complemented variant of FimF, FimFF, which has a second FimF donor strand segment fused to its C-terminus that enables intramolecular complementation of the FimF fold. NMR studies on bimolecular complexes between FimFF and donor strand-depleted variants of FimF and FimG revealed that the relative orientations of neighboring domains in the tip fibrillum cover a wide range. The data provide strong support for the intrinsic flexibility of the tip fibrillum. They lend further support to the hypothesis that this flexibility would significantly increase the probability that the adhesin at the distal end of the fibrillum successfully targets host cell receptors.  相似文献   

RNase III enzymes are a highly conserved family of proteins that specifically cleave double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). These proteins are involved in a variety of cellular functions, including the processing of many non-coding RNAs, mRNA decay, and RNA interference. In yeast Rnt1p, a dsRNA-binding domain (dsRBD) recognizes its substrate by interacting with stems capped with conserved AGNN tetraloops. The enzyme uses the tetraloop to cut 14nt to 16nt away into the stem in a ruler-like mechanism. The solution structure of Rnt1p dsRBD complexed to one of its small nucleolar (sno) RNA substrate revealed non-sequence-specific contacts with the sugar-phosphate backbone in the minor groove of the AGNN fold and the two non-conserved tetraloop nucleotides. Recently, a new form of Rnt1p substrates lacking the conserved AGNN sequence but instead harboring an AAGU tetraloop was found at the 5' end of snoRNA 48 precursor. Here, we report the solution structure of this hairpin capped with an AAGU tetraloop. Some of the stacking interactions and the position of the turn in the sugar-phosphate backbone are similar to the one observed in the AGNN loop structure; however, the AAGU sequence adopts a different conformation. The most striking difference was found at the 3' end of the loop where Rnt1p interacts with AGNN substrates. The last nucleotide is extruded from the AAGU tetraloop structure in contrast to the compact AGNN fold. The AAGU hairpin structure suggests that Rnt1p recognizes substrates with different tetraloop structures, indicating that the structural repertoire specifically recognized by Rnt1p is larger than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

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