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The physiologically active form of p53 consists of a tetramer of four identical 393-amino-acid subunits associated via their tetramerization domains (TDs; residues 325-355). One in two human tumors contains a point mutation in the DNA binding domain (DBD) of p53 (residues 94-312). Most existing studies on the effects of these mutations on p53 structure and function have been carried out on the isolated DBD fragment, which is monomeric. Recent structural evidence, however, suggests that DBDs may interact with each other in full-length tetrameric forms of p53. Here, we investigate the effects of tumorigenic DBD mutations on the folding of p53 in its tetrameric form. We employ the construct consisting of DBD and TD (amino acids 94-360). We characterize the stability and conformational state of the tumorigenic DBD mutants R248Q, R249S, and R282Q using equilibrium denaturation and functional assays. Destabilizing mutations cause DBD to misfold when it is part of the p53 tetramer, but not when it is monomeric. This conformation is populated under moderately destabilizing conditions (10 °C in 2 M urea, and at physiological temperature in the absence of denaturant). Under those same conditions, it is not present in the isolated DBD fragment or in the presence of the TD mutation L344P, which abolishes tetramerization. Misfolding appears to involve intramolecular DBD-DBD association within a single tetrameric molecule. This association is promoted by destabilization of DBD (caused by mutation or elevated temperature) and by the high local DBD concentration enforced by tetramerization of TD. Disrupting the nonnative DBD-DBD interaction or transiently inhibiting tetramerization and allowing p53 to fold as a monomer may be potential strategies for pharmacological intervention in cancer.  相似文献   

It appears plausible that natural selection constrains, to some extent at least, the stability in many natural proteins. If, during protein evolution, stability fluctuates within a comparatively narrow range, then mutations are expected to be fixed with frequencies that reflect mutational effects on stability. Indeed, we recently reported a robust correlation between the effect of 27 conservative mutations on the thermodynamic stability (unfolding free energy) of Escherichia coli thioredoxin and the frequencies of residues occurrences in sequence alignments. We show here that this correlation likely implies a lower limit to thermodynamic stability of only a few kJ/mol below the unfolding free energy of the wild-type (WT) protein. We suggest, therefore, that the correlation does not reflect natural selection of thermodynamic stability by itself, but of some other factor which is linked to thermodynamic stability for the mutations under study. We propose that this other factor is the kinetic stability of thioredoxin in vivo, since( i) kinetic stability relates to irreversible denaturation, (ii) the rate of irreversible denaturation in a crowded cellular environment (or in a harsh extracellular environment) is probably determined by the rate of unfolding, and (iii) the half-life for unfolding changes in an exponential manner with activation free energy and, consequently, comparatively small free energy effects can have deleterious consequences for kinetic stability. This proposal is supported by the results of a kinetic study of the WT form and the 27 single-mutant variants of E. coli thioredoxin based on the global analyses of chevron plots and equilibrium unfolding profiles determined from double-jump unfolding assays. This kinetic study suggests, furthermore, one of the factors that may contribute to the high activation free energy for unfolding in thioredoxin (required for kinetic stability), namely the energetic optimization of native-state residue environments in regions, which become disrupted in the transition state for unfolding.  相似文献   

The stability of several protein systems of interest has been shown to have a kinetic basis. Besides the obvious biotechnological implications, the general interest of understanding protein kinetic stability is emphasized by the fact that some emerging molecular approaches to the inhibition of amyloidogenesis focus on the increase of the kinetic stability of protein native states. Lipases are among the most important industrial enzymes. Here, we have studied the thermal denaturation of the wild-type form, four single-mutant variants and two highly stable, multiple-mutant variants of lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosa. In all cases, thermal denaturation was irreversible, kinetically controlled and conformed to the two-state irreversible model. This result supports that the novel molecular-dynamics-focused, directed-evolution approach involved in the preparation of the highly stable variants is successful likely because it addresses kinetic stability and, in particular, because heated molecular dynamics simulations possibly identify regions of disrupted native interactions in the transition state for irreversible denaturation. Furthermore, we find very large mutation effects on activation enthalpy and entropy, which were not accompanied by similarly large changes in kinetic urea m-value. From this we are led to conclude that these mutation effects are associated to some structural feature of the transition state for the irreversible denaturation process that is not linked to large changes in solvent accessibility. Recent computational studies have suggested the existence of solvation/desolvation barriers in at least some protein folding/unfolding processes. We thus propose that a solvation barrier (arising from the asynchrony between breaking of internal contacts and water penetration) may contribute to the kinetic stability of lipase from T. lanuginosa (and, possibly, to the kinetic stability of other proteins as well).  相似文献   

The energetic profiles of a significant number of protein-DNA systems at 20 °C reveal that, despite comparable Gibbs free energies, association with the major groove is primarily an enthalpy-driven process, whereas binding to the minor groove is characterized by an unfavorable enthalpy that is compensated by favorable entropic contributions. These distinct energetic signatures for major versus minor groove binding are irrespective of the magnitude of DNA bending and/or the extent of binding-induced protein refolding. The primary determinants of their different energetic profiles appear to be the distinct hydration properties of the major and minor grooves; namely, that the water in the A+T-rich minor groove is in a highly ordered state and its removal results in a substantial positive contribution to the binding entropy. Since the entropic forces driving protein binding into the minor groove are a consequence of displacing water ordered by the regular arrangement of polar contacts, they cannot be regarded as hydrophobic.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli expressing F4 fimbriae are the major cause of porcine colibacillosis and are responsible for significant death and morbidity in neonatal and postweaned piglets. Via the chaperone-usher pathway, F4 fimbriae are assembled into thin, flexible polymers mainly composed of the single-domain adhesin FaeG. The F4 fimbrial system has been labeled eccentric because the F4 pilins show some features distinct from the features of pilins of other chaperone-usher-assembled structures. In particular, FaeG is much larger than other pilins (27  versus ∼ 17 kDa), grafting an additional carbohydrate binding domain on the common immunoglobulin-like core. Structural data of FaeG during different stages of the F4 fimbrial biogenesis process, combined with differential scanning calorimetry measurements, confirm the general principles of the donor strand complementation/exchange mechanisms taking place during pilus biogenesis via the chaperone-usher pathway.  相似文献   

The underlying mechanisms driving the evolution of drug resistance in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are only partially understood. We investigated the evolutionary cost of the major resistance mutations in HIV-1 protease in terms of protein stability. The accumulation of resistance mutations destabilizes the protease, limiting further adaptation. From an analysis of clinical isolates, we identified specific accessory mutations that were able to restore the stability of the protease or even increase it beyond the wild-type baseline. Resistance mutations were also found to decrease the activity of HIV protease near neutral pH values, while incorporating stabilizing mutations improved the enzyme's pH tolerance. These findings help us to explain the prevalence of mutations located far from the active site and underscore the importance of protein stability during the evolution of drug resistance in HIV.  相似文献   

The p97 AAA (ATPase associated with diverse cellular activities), also called VCP (valosin-containing protein), is an important therapeutic target for cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. p97 forms a hexamer composed of two AAA domains (D1 and D2) that form two stacked rings and an N-terminal domain that binds numerous cofactor proteins. The interplay between the three domains in p97 is complex, and a deeper biochemical understanding is needed in order to design selective p97 inhibitors as therapeutic agents. It is clear that the D2 ATPase domain hydrolyzes ATP in vitro, but whether D1 contributes to ATPase activity is controversial. Here, we use Walker A and B mutants to demonstrate that D1 is capable of hydrolyzing ATP and show for the first time that nucleotide binding in the D2 domain increases the catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of D1 ATP hydrolysis 280-fold, by increasing kcat 7-fold and decreasing Km about 40-fold. We further show that an ND1 construct lacking D2 but including the linker between D1 and D2 is catalytically active, resolving a conflict in the literature. Applying enzymatic observations to small-molecule inhibitors, we show that four p97 inhibitors (DBeQ, ML240, ML241, and NMS-873) have differential responses to Walker A and B mutations, to disease-causing IBMPFD mutations, and to the presence of the N domain binding cofactor protein p47. These differential effects provide the first evidence that p97 cofactors and disease mutations can alter p97 inhibitor potency and suggest the possibility of developing context-dependent inhibitors of p97.  相似文献   

DNA damage immediate cellular response requires the activation of p53 by kinases. We found that p53 forms a basal stable complex with VRK1, a Ser–Thr kinase that responds to UV-induced DNA damage by specifically phosphorylating p53. This interaction takes place through the p53 DNA binding domain, and frequent DNA-contact mutants of p53, such as R273H, R248H or R280K, do not disrupt the complex. UV-induced DNA damage activates VRK1, and is accompanied by phosphorylation of p53 at Thr-18 before it accumulates. We propose that the VRK1–p53 basal complex is an early-warning system for immediate cellular responses to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Tetramerization of the human p53 tumor suppressor protein is required for its biological functions. However, cellular levels of p53 indicate that it exists predominantly in a monomeric state. Since the oligomerization of p53 involves the rate-limiting formation of a primary dimer intermediate, we engineered a covalently linked pair of human p53 tetramerization (p53tet) domains to generate a tandem dimer (p53tetTD) that minimizes the energetic requirements for forming the primary dimer. We demonstrate that p53tetTD self-assembles into an oligomeric structure equivalent to the wild-type p53tet tetramer and exhibits dramatically enhanced oligomeric stability. Specifically, the p53tetTD dimer exhibits an unfolding/dissociation equilibrium constant of 26 fM at 37 degrees C, or a million-fold increase in stability relative to the wild-type p53tet tetramer, and resists subunit exchange with monomeric p53tet. In addition, whereas the wild-type p53tet tetramer undergoes coupled (i.e. two-state) dissociation/unfolding to unfolded monomers, the p53tetTD dimer denatures via an intermediate that is detectable by differential scanning calorimetry but not CD spectroscopy, consistent with a folded p53tetTD monomer that is equivalent to the p53tet primary dimer. Given its oligomeric stability and resistance against hetero-oligomerization, dimerization of p53 constructs incorporating the tetramerization domain may yield functional constructs that may resist exchange with wild-type or mutant forms of p53.  相似文献   

The 77 residue propeptide at the N-terminal end of subtilisin E plays an essential role in subtilisin folding as a tailor-made intramolecular chaperone. Upon completion of folding, the propeptide is autoprocessed and removed by subtilisin digestion. This propeptide-mediated protein folding has been used as a paradigm for the study of protein folding. Here, we show by three independent methods, that the propeptide domain and the subtilisin domain show distinctive intrinsic stability that is obligatory for efficient autoprocessing of the propeptide domain. Two tryptophan residues, Trp106 and Trp113, on the surface of subtilisin located on one of the two helices that form the interface between the propeptide and the subtilisin domains play a key role in maintaining the distinctive instability of the propeptide domain, after completion of folding. When either of the Trp residues was substituted with Tyr, the characteristic biphasic heat denaturation profile of two domains unfolding was not observed, resulting in a single transition of denaturation. The results provide evidence that the propeptide not only plays an essential role in subtilisin folding, but upon completion of folding it behaves as an independent domain. Once the propeptide-mediated folding is completed, the propeptide domain is readily eliminated without interference from the subtilisin domain. This "autotomic" behavior of the propeptide may be a prevailing principle in propeptide-mediated protein folding.  相似文献   

The lipid phase transition of Escherichia coli was studied by high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. A temperature sensitive unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph was used to obtain lipids with subnormal unsaturated fatty acid contents. From these studies it was concluded that E. coli can grow normally with as much as 20% of its membrane lipids in the ordered state but that if more than 55% of the lipids are ordered, growth ceases. Studies with wild-type cells show that the phase transition ends more than 10°C below the growth temperature when the growth temperature when the growth temperature is either 25°C or 37°C.  相似文献   

DNA replication in all organisms requires polymerases to synthesize copies of the genome. DNA polymerases are unable to function on a bare template and require a primer. Primases are crucial RNA polymerases that perform the initial de novo synthesis, generating the first 8–10 nucleotides of the primer. Although structures of archaeal and bacterial primases have provided insights into general priming mechanisms, these proteins are not well conserved with heterodimeric (p48/p58) primases in eukaryotes. Here, we present X-ray crystal structures of the catalytic engine of a eukaryotic primase, which is contained in the p48 subunit. The structures of p48 reveal that eukaryotic primases maintain the conserved catalytic prim fold domain, but with a unique subdomain not found in the archaeal and bacterial primases. Calorimetry experiments reveal that Mn2 + but not Mg2 + significantly enhances the binding of nucleotide to primase, which correlates with higher catalytic efficiency in vitro. The structure of p48 with bound UTP and Mn2 + provides insights into the mechanism of nucleotide synthesis by primase. Substitution of conserved residues involved in either metal or nucleotide binding alter nucleotide binding affinities, and yeast strains containing the corresponding Pri1p substitutions are not viable. Our results reveal that two residues (S160 and H166) in direct contact with the nucleotide were previously unrecognized as critical to the human primase active site. Comparing p48 structures to those of similar polymerases in different states of action suggests changes that would be required to attain a catalytically competent conformation capable of initiating dinucleotide synthesis.  相似文献   

An early step in the morphogenesis of the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) bacteriophage HK97 is the assembly of a precursor shell (prohead I) from 420 copies of a 384-residue subunit (gp5). Although formation of prohead I requires direct participation of gp5 residues 2-103 (Δ-domain), this domain is eliminated by viral protease prior to subsequent shell maturation and DNA packaging. The prohead I Δ-domain is thought to resemble a phage scaffolding protein, by virtue of its highly α-helical secondary structure and a tertiary fold that projects inward from the interior surface of the shell. Here, we employ factor analysis of temperature-dependent Raman spectra to characterize the thermostability of the Δ-domain secondary structure and to quantify the thermodynamic parameters of Δ-domain unfolding. The results are compared for the Δ-domain within the prohead I architecture (in situ) and for a recombinantly expressed 111-residue peptide (in vitro). We find that the α-helicity (∼ 70%), median melting temperature (Tm = 58 °C), enthalpy (ΔHm = 50 ± 5 kcal mol− 1), entropy (ΔSm = 150 ± 10 cal mol− 1 K− 1), and average cooperative melting unit (〈nc〉 ∼ 3.5) of the in situ Δ-domain are altered in vitro, indicating specific interdomain interactions within prohead I. Thus, the in vitro Δ-domain, despite an enhanced helical secondary structure (∼ 90% α-helix), exhibits diminished thermostability (Tm = 40 °C; ΔHm = 27 ± 2 kcal mol− 1; ΔSm = 86 ± 6 cal mol− 1 K− 1) and noncooperative unfolding (〈nc〉 ∼ 1) vis-à-vis the in situ Δ-domain. Temperature-dependent Raman markers of subunit side chains, particularly those of Phe and Trp residues, also confirm different local interactions for the in situ and in vitro Δ-domains. The present results clarify the key role of the gp5 Δ-domain in prohead I architecture by providing direct evidence of domain structure stabilization and interdomain interactions within the assembled shell.  相似文献   

We investigated the thermodynamic basis of HK97 assembly by scanning calorimetry and cryo-electron microscopy. This pathway involves self-assembly of hexamers and pentamers of the precursor capsid protein gp5 into procapsids; proteolysis of their N-terminal Delta-domains; expansion, a major conformational change; and covalent crosslinking. The thermal denaturation parameters convey the changes in stability at successive steps in assembly, and afford estimates of the corresponding changes in free energy. The procapsid represents a kinetically accessible local minimum of free energy. In maturation, it progresses to lower minima in a cascade punctuated by irreversible processes ("locks"), i.e. proteolysis and crosslinking, that lower kinetic barriers and prevent regression. We infer that Delta-domains not only guide assembly but also restrain the procapsid from premature expansion; their removal by proteolysis is conducive to initiating expansion and to its proceeding to completion. We also analyzed the mutant E219K, whose capsomers reassemble in vitro into procapsids with vacant vertices called "whiffleballs". E219K assemblies all have markedly reduced stability compared to wild-type gp5 (DeltaT(p) approximately -7 degrees C to -10 degrees C; where T(p) is the denaturation temperature). As the mutated residue is buried in the core of gp5, we attribute the observed reduction in stability to steric and electrostatic perturbations of the packing of side-chains in the subunit interior. To explain the whiffleball phenotype, we suggest that these effects propagate to the capsomer periphery in such a way as to differentially affect the stability or solubility of dissociated pentamers, leaving only hexamers to reassemble.  相似文献   

Proteins encoded by the gene segment 6a of the λ variable light-chain repertoire are strongly associated with amyloid deposition. 6aJL2 is a model protein constructed with the predicted sequences encoded by the 6a and JL2 germ line genes. In this work, we characterized the urea- and temperature-induced unfolding of 6aJL2. In the short time scale, spectroscopic, hydrodynamic and calorimetric experiments were compatible with a two-state transition. Furthermore, ΔG, m and the midpoint urea concentration obtained from equilibrium experiments were compatible with those obtained from kinetic experiments. Since fibril formation is a slow process, samples were also incubated for longer times. After incubation for several hours at 37 °C, spectroscopic, hydrodynamic and calorimetric experiments revealed the presence of a partially unfolded off-pathway intermediate around the midpoint urea concentration (1.5-3.0 M urea). In vitro fibrillogenesis assays show that the maximum growth rate for fibril formation and the minimum lag time were obtained at urea concentrations where the partially unfolded state was populated (2.5 M urea at 37 °C). This indicates that this partially unfolded state is critical for in vitro fibril formation. Concentration-dependent kinetics and hydrodynamic properties of the intermediate were consistent with a soluble oligomeric state. The intermediate is formed around the midpoint urea concentration, where the native and unfolded states are equally populated and their rate of interconversion is the slowest. This situation may promote the slow accumulation of an intermediate state that is prone to aggregate.  相似文献   

Tumor-associated antibodies of human IgG1 subclass were eluted from cell-surface antigens of human carcinoma cells and studied by differential scanning calorimetry and binding to local conformational probes, protein A from Staphylococcus aureus and a monoclonal antibody targeted to the CH2 domain of the Fc fragment. At pH 2.0-7.0, we observed virtually identical enthalpies of thermal unfolding for IgG1 from normal human sera and tumor-associated IgG1. The exact values of calorimetric enthalpy (h) at pH 7.0 were 6.1 and 6.2-6.3 cal/g for IgG1 from normal serum and IgG1 from carcinoma cells, respectively. The affinity constants of protein A binding to the CH2–CH3 domain interface demonstrated differences between serum IgG1 and tumor associated IgG1 that did not exceed 3-8-fold. The binding affinity toward the anti-CH2 monoclonal antibody determined for serum IgG1 and IgG1 from carcinoma cells differed not more than 2.5-fold. The thermodynamic parameters of IgG1 from carcinoma cells strongly suggest that protein conformational stability was essentially unaltered and that the Fc fragment of the tumor-derived IgG1 preserved its structural integrity.  相似文献   

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