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Remodelling the contractile apparatus within smooth muscle cells allows effective contractile activity over a wide range of cell lengths. Thick filaments may be redistributed via depolymerisation into inactive myosin monomers that have been detected in vitro, in which the long tail has a folded conformation. Using negative stain electron microscopy of individual folded myosin molecules from turkey gizzard smooth muscle, we show that they are more compact than previously described, with heads and the three segments of the folded tail closely packed. Heavy meromyosin (HMM), which lacks two-thirds of the tail, closely resembles the equivalent parts of whole myosin. Image processing reveals a characteristic head region morphology for both HMM and myosin, with features identifiable by comparison with less compact molecules. The two heads associate asymmetrically: the tip of one motor domain touches the base of the other, resembling the blocked and free heads of this HMM when it forms 2D crystals on lipid monolayers. The tail of HMM lies between the heads, contacting the blocked motor domain, unlike in the 2D crystal. The tail of whole myosin is bent sharply and consistently close to residues 1175 and 1535. The first bend position correlates with a skip in the coiled coil sequence, the second does not. Tail segments 2 and 3 associate only with the blocked head, such that the second bend is near the C-lobe of the blocked head regulatory light chain. Quantitative analysis of tail flexibility shows that the single coiled coil of HMM has an apparent Young's modulus of about 0.5 GPa. The folded tail of the whole myosin is less flexible, indicating interactions between the segments. The folded tail does not modify the compact head arrangement but stabilises it, indicating a structural mechanism for the very low ATPase activity of the folded molecule.  相似文献   

Myosin 2 from vertebrate smooth muscle or non-muscle sources is in equilibrium between compact, inactive monomers and thick filaments under physiological conditions. In the inactive monomer, the two heads pack compactly together, and the long tail is folded into three closely packed segments that are associated chiefly with one of the heads. The molecular basis of the folding of the tail remains unexplained. By using electron microscopy, we show that compact monomers of smooth muscle myosin 2 have the same structure in both the native state and following specific, intramolecular photo-cross-linking between Cys109 of the regulatory light chain (RLC) and segment 3 of the tail. Nonspecific cross-linking between lysine residues of the folded monomer by glutaraldehyde also does not perturb the compact conformation and stabilizes it against unfolding at high ionic strength. Sequence comparisons across phyla and myosin 2 isoforms suggest that the folding of the tail is stabilized by ionic interactions between the positively charged N-terminal sequence of the RLC and a negatively charged region near the start of tail segment 3 and that phosphorylation of the RLC could perturb these interactions. Our results support the view that interactions between the heads and the distal tail perform a critical role in regulating activity of myosin 2 molecules through stabilizing the compact monomer conformation.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation and Ca2+-Mg2+ exchange on the regulatory light chains (RLCs) of skeletal myosin modulate muscle contraction. However, the relation between the mechanisms for the effects of phosphorylation and metal ion exchange are not clear. We propose that modulation of skeletal muscle contraction by phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chains (RLCs) is mediated by altered electrostatic interactions between myosin heads/necks and the negatively charged thick filament backbone. Our study, using the in vitro motility assay, showed actin motility on hydrophilic negatively charged surfaces only over the HMM with phosphorylated RLCs both in the presence and absence of Ca2+. In contrast, good actin motility was observed on silanized surfaces (low charge density), independent of RLC phosphorylation status but with markedly lower velocity in the presence of Ca2+. The data suggest that Ca2+-binding to, and phosphorylation of, the RLCs affect the actomyosin interaction by independent molecular mechanisms. The phosphorylation effects depend on hydrophobicity and charge density of the underlying surface. Such findings might be exploited for control of actomyosin based transportation of cargoes in lab-on-a chip applications, e.g. local and temporary stopping of actin sliding on hydrophilic areas along a nanosized track.  相似文献   

To examine the role of two light chains (LCs) of the myosin II on Ca2+ regulation, we produced hybrid heavy meromyosin (HMM) having LCs from Physarum and/or scallop myosin using the smooth muscle myosin heavy chain. Ca2+ inhibited motility and ATPase activity of hybrid HMMs with LCs from Physarum myosin but activated those of hybrid HMM with LCs from scallop myosin, indicating an active role of LCs. ATPase activity of hybrid HMMs with LCs from different species showed the same effect by Ca2+ even though they did not support motility. Our results suggest that communication between the original combinations of LC is important for the motor function.  相似文献   

Subfragment 2 (S2), the segment that links the two myosin heads to the thick filament backbone, may serve as a swing-out adapter allowing crossbridge access to actin, as the elastic component of crossbridges and as part of a phosphorylation-regulated on-off switch for crossbridges in smooth muscle. Low-salt expansion increases interfilament spacing (from 52 nm to 67 nm) of rigor insect flight muscle fibers and exposes a tethering segment of S2 in many crossbridges. Docking an actoS1 atomic model into EM tomograms of swollen rigor fibers identifies in situ for the first time the location, length and angle assignable to a segment of S2. Correspondence analysis of 1831 38.7 nm crossbridge repeats grouped self-similar forms from which class averages could be computed. The full range of the variability in angles and lengths of exposed S2 was displayed by using class averages for atomic fittings of acto-S1, while S2 was modeled by fitting a length of coiled-coil to unaveraged individual repeats. This hybrid modeling shows that the average length of S2 tethers along the thick filament (except near the tapered ends) is approximately 10 nm, or 16% of S2's total length, with an angular range encompassing 90 degrees axially and 120 degrees azimuthally. The large range of S2 angles indicates that some rigor bridges produce positive force that must be balanced by others producing drag force. The short tethering segment clarifies constraints on the function of S2 in accommodating variable myosin head access to actin. We suggest that the short length of S2 may also favor intermolecular head-head interactions in IFM relaxed thick filaments.  相似文献   

We report the initial biochemical characterization of an alternatively spliced isoform of nonmuscle heavy meromyosin (HMM) II-B2 and compare it with HMM II-B0, the nonspliced isoform. HMM II-B2 is the HMM derivative of an alternatively spliced isoform of endogenous nonmuscle myosin (NM) II-B, which has 21-amino acids inserted into loop 2, near the actin-binding region. NM II-B2 is expressed in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum as well as in other neuronal cells [X. Ma, S. Kawamoto, J. Uribe, R.S. Adelstein, Function of the neuron-specific alternatively spliced isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II-B during mouse brain development, Mol. Biol. Cell 15 (2006) 2138-2149]. In contrast to any of the previously described isoforms of NM II (II-A, II-B0, II-B1, II-C0 and II-C1) or to smooth muscle myosin, the actin-activated MgATPase activity of HMM II-B2 is not significantly increased from a low, basal level by phosphorylation of the 20 kDa myosin light chain (MLC-20). Moreover, although HMM II-B2 can bind to actin in the absence of ATP and is released in its presence, it cannot propel actin in the sliding actin filament assay following MLC-20 phosphorylation. Unlike HMM II-B2, the actin-activated MgATPase activity of a chimeric HMM with the 21-amino acid II-B2 sequence inserted into the homologous location in the heavy chain of HMM II-C is increased following MLC-20 phosphorylation. This indicates that the effect of the II-B2 insert is myosin heavy chain specific.  相似文献   

Calcyphosine is an EF-hand protein involved in both Ca2 +-phosphatidylinositol and cyclic AMP signal cascades, as well as in other cellular functions. The crystal structure of Ca2 +-loaded calcyphosine was determined up to 2.65 Å resolution and reveals a protein containing two pairs of Ca2 +-binding EF-hand motifs. Calcyphosine shares a highly similar overall topology with calmodulin. However, there are striking differences between EF-hand 4, both N-terminal and C-terminal regions, and interdomain linkers. The C-terminal domain of calcyphosine possesses a large hydrophobic pocket in the presence of calcium ions that might be implicated in ligand binding, while its N-terminal hydrophobic pocket is almost shielded by an additional terminal helix. Calcyphosine is largely monomeric, regardless of the presence of Ca2 +. Differences in structure, oligomeric state in the presence and in the absence of Ca2 +, a highly conserved sequence with low similarity to other proteins, and phylogeny define a new EF-hand-containing family of calcyphosine proteins that extends from arthropods to humans.  相似文献   

Regulation of muscle contraction via the myosin filaments occurs in vertebrate smooth and many invertebrate striated muscles. Studies of unphosphorylated vertebrate smooth muscle myosin suggest that activity is switched off through an intramolecular interaction between the actin-binding region of one head and the converter and essential light chains of the other, inhibiting ATPase activity and actin interaction. The same interaction (and additional interaction with the tail) is seen in three-dimensional reconstructions of relaxed, native myosin filaments from tarantula striated muscle, suggesting that such interactions are likely to underlie the off-state of myosin across a wide spectrum of the animal kingdom. We have tested this hypothesis by carrying out cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction of myosin filaments from horseshoe crab (Limulus) muscle. The same head-head and head-tail interactions seen in tarantula are also seen in Limulus, supporting the hypothesis. Other data suggest that this motif may underlie the relaxed state of myosin II in all species (including myosin II in nonmuscle cells), with the possible exception of insect flight muscle.The molecular organization of the myosin tails in the backbone of muscle thick filaments is unknown and may differ between species. X-ray diffraction data support a general model for crustaceans in which tails associate together to form 4-nm-diameter subfilaments, with these subfilaments assembling together to form the backbone. This model is supported by direct observation of 4-nm-diameter elongated strands in the tarantula reconstruction, suggesting that it might be a general structure across the arthropods. We observe a similar backbone organization in the Limulus reconstruction, supporting the general existence of such subfilaments.  相似文献   

Microtubule-targeting agents are widely used for the treatment of cancer and as tool compounds to study the microtubule cytoskeleton. BAL27862 is a novel microtubule-destabilizing drug that is currently undergoing phase I clinical evaluation as the prodrug BAL101553. The drug is a potent inhibitor of tumor cell growth and shows a promising activity profile in a panel of human cancer models resistant to clinically relevant microtubule-targeting agents. Here, we evaluated the molecular mechanism of the tubulin–BAL27862 interaction using a combination of cell biology, biochemistry and structural biology methods. Tubulin-binding assays revealed that BAL27862 potently inhibited tubulin assembly at 37 °C with an IC50 of 1.4 μM and bound to unassembled tubulin with a stoichiometry of 1 mol/mol tubulin and a dissociation constant of 244 ± 30 nM. BAL27862 bound to tubulin independently of vinblastine, without the formation of tubulin oligomers. The kinetics of BAL27862 binding to tubulin were distinct from those of colchicine, with evidence of competition between BAL27862 and colchicine for binding. Determination of the tubulin–BAL27862 structure by X-ray crystallography demonstrated that BAL27862 binds to the same site as colchicine at the intradimer interface. Comparison of crystal structures of tubulin–BAL27862 and tubulin–colchicine complexes shows that the binding mode of BAL27862 to tubulin is similar to that of colchicine. However, comparative analyses of the effects of BAL27862 and colchicine on the microtubule mitotic spindle and in tubulin protease-protection experiments suggest different outcomes of tubulin binding. Taken together, our data define BAL27862 as a potent, colchicine site-binding, microtubule-destabilizing agent with distinct effects on microtubule organization.  相似文献   

We used small-angle X-ray solution scattering (SAXS) technique to investigate the nucleotide-mediated conformational changes of the head domains [subfragment 1 (S1)] of myosin V and VI processive motors that govern their directional preference for motility on actin. Recombinant myosin V-S1 with two IQ motifs (MV-S1IQ2) and myosin VI-S1 (MVI-S1) were engineered from Sf9 cells using a baculovirus expression system. The radii of gyration (Rg) of nucleotide-free MV-S1IQ2 and MVI-S1 were 48.6 and 48.8 Å, respectively. In the presence of ATP, the Rg value of MV-S1IQ2 decreased to 46.7 Å, while that of MVI-S1 increased to 51.7 Å, and the maximum chord length of the molecule decreased by ca 9% for MV-S1IQ2 and increased by ca 6% for MVI-S1. These opposite directional changes were consistent with those occurring in S1s with ADP and Vi or AlF4− 2 bound (i.e., in states mimicking the ADP/Pi-bound state of ATP hydrolysis). Binding of AMPPNP induced Rg changes of both constructs similar to those in the presence of ATP, suggesting that the timing of the structural changes for their motion on actin is upon binding of ATP (the pre-hydrolysis state) during the ATPase cycle. Binding of ADP to MV-S1IQ2 and MVI-S1 caused their Rg values to drop below those in the nucleotide-free state. Thus, upon the release of Pi, the reverse conformational change could occur, coupling to drive the directional motion on actin. The amount of Rg change upon the release of Pi was ca 6.4 times greater in MVI-S1 than in MV-S1IQ2, relating to the production of the large stroke of the MVI motor during its translocation on actin. Atomic structural models for these S1s based upon the ab initio shape reconstruction from X-ray scattering data were constructed, showing that MVI-S1 has the light-chain-binding domain positioned in the opposite direction to MV-S1IQ2 in both the pre- and post-powerstroke transition. The angular change between the light chain-binding domains of MV-S1IQ2 in the pre- to post-powerstroke transition was ∼ 50°, comparable to that of MII-S1. On the other hand, that of MVI-S1 was ∼ 100° or ∼ 130° much less than the currently postulated changes to allow the maximal stroke size of myosin VI-S1 but still significantly larger than those of other myosins reported so far. The results suggest that some additional alterations or elements are required for MVI-S1 to take maximal working strokes along the actin filament.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin has two reactive thiols located near the C-terminal region of its motor domain, the “converter”, which rotates by ∼70° upon the transition from the “nucleotide-free” state to the “pre-power stroke” state. The incorporation rates of a thiol reagent, 5-(((2-iodoacetyl)amino)ethyl)aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (IAEDANS), into these thiols were greatly altered by adding ATP or changing the myosin conformation. Comparisons of the myosin structures in the pre-power stroke state and the nucleotide-free state explained why the reactivity of both thiols is especially sensitive to a conformational change around the converter, and thus can be used as a sensor of the rotation of the converter. Modeling of the myosin structure in the pre-power stroke state, in which the most reactive thiol, “SH1”, was selectively modified with IAEDANS, revealed that this label becomes an obstacle when the converter completely rotates toward its position in the pre-power stroke state, thus resulting in incomplete rotation of the converter. Therefore, we suggest that the limitation of the converter rotation by modification causes the as-yet unexplained phenomena of SH1-modified myosin, including the inhibition of 10S myosin formation and the losses in phosphorylation-dependent regulation of the basic and actin-activated Mg-ATPase activities of myosin.  相似文献   

Myosin filaments from many muscles are activated by phosphorylation of their regulatory light chains (RLCs). To elucidate the structural mechanism of activation, we have studied RLC phosphorylation in tarantula thick filaments, whose high-resolution structure is known. In the relaxed state, tarantula RLCs are ∼ 50% non-phosphorylated and 50% mono-phosphorylated, while on activation, mono-phosphorylation increases, and some RLCs become bi-phosphorylated. Mass spectrometry shows that relaxed-state mono-phosphorylation occurs on Ser35, while Ca2+-activated phosphorylation is on Ser45, both located near the RLC N-terminus. The sequences around these serines suggest that they are the targets for protein kinase C and myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), respectively. The atomic model of the tarantula filament shows that the two myosin heads (“free” and “blocked”) are in different environments, with only the free head serines readily accessible to kinases. Thus, protein kinase C Ser35 mono-phosphorylation in relaxed filaments would occur only on the free heads. Structural considerations suggest that these heads are less strongly bound to the filament backbone and may oscillate occasionally between attached and detached states (“swaying” heads). These heads would be available for immediate actin interaction upon Ca2+ activation of the thin filaments. Once MLCK becomes activated, it phosphorylates free heads on Ser45. These heads become fully mobile, exposing blocked head Ser45 to MLCK. This would release the blocked heads, allowing their interaction with actin. On this model, twitch force would be produced by rapid interaction of swaying free heads with activated thin filaments, while prolonged exposure to Ca2+ on tetanus would recruit new MLCK-activated heads, resulting in force potentiation.  相似文献   

To establish α-tropomyosin (Tm)'s structure–function relationships in cooperative regulation of muscle contraction, thin filaments were reconstituted with a variety of Tm mutants (Δ2Tm, Δ3Tm, Δ6Tm, P2sTm, P3sTm, P2P3sTm, P1P5Tm, and wtTm), and force and sliding velocity of the thin filament were studied using an in vitro motility assay. In the case of deletion mutants, Δ indicates which of the quasi-equivalent repeats in Tm was deleted. In the case of period (P) mutants, an Ala cluster was introduced into the indicated period to strengthen the Tm–actin interaction. In P1P5Tm, the N-terminal half of period 5 was substituted with that of period 1 to test the quasi-equivalence of these two Tm periods. The reconstitution included bovine cardiac troponin. Deletion studies revealed that period 3 is important for the positive cooperative effect of Tm on actin filament regulation and that period 2 also contributes to this effect at low ionic strength, but to a lesser degree. Furthermore, Tm with one extra Ala cluster at period 2 (P2s) or period 3 (P3s) did not increase force or velocity, whereas Tm with two extra Ala clusters (P2P3s) increased both force and velocity, demonstrating interaction between these periods. Most mutants did not move in the absence of Ca2+. Notable exceptions were Δ6Tm and P1P5Tm, which moved near at the full velocity, but with reduced force, which indicate impaired relaxation. These results are consistent with the mechanism that the Tm–actin interaction cooperatively affects actin to result in generation of greater force and velocity.  相似文献   

Contraction of many muscles is activated in part by the binding of Ca2+ to, or phosphorylation of, the myosin heads on the surface of the thick filaments. In relaxed muscle, the myosin heads are helically ordered and undergo minimal interaction with actin. On Ca2+ binding or phosphorylation, the head array becomes disordered, reflecting breakage of the head-head and other interactions that underlie the ordered structure. Loosening of the heads from the filament surface enables them to interact with actin filaments, bringing about contraction. On relaxation, the heads return to their ordered positions on the filament backbone. In scallop striated adductor muscle, the disordering that takes place on Ca2+ binding occurs on the millisecond time scale, suggesting that it is a key element of muscle activation. Here we have studied the reverse process. Using time-resolved negative staining electron microscopy, we show that the rate of reordering on removal of Ca2+ also occurs on the same physiological time scale. Direct observation of images together with analysis of their Fourier transforms shows that activated heads regain their axial ordering within 20 ms and become ordered in their final helical positions within 50 ms. This rapid reordering suggests that reformation of the ordered structure, and the head-head and other interactions that underlie it, is a critical element of the relaxation process.  相似文献   

The contractile and enzymatic activities of myosin VI are regulated by calcium binding to associated calmodulin (CaM) light chains. We have used transient phosphorescence anisotropy to monitor the microsecond rotational dynamics of erythrosin-iodoacetamide-labeled actin with strongly bound myosin VI (MVI) and to evaluate the effect of MVI-bound CaM light chain on actin filament dynamics. MVI binding lowers the amplitude but accelerates actin filament microsecond dynamics in a Ca2+- and CaM-dependent manner, as indicated from an increase in the final anisotropy and a decrease in the correlation time of transient phosphorescence anisotropy decays. MVI with bound apo-CaM or Ca2+-CaM weakly affects actin filament microsecond dynamics, relative to other myosins (e.g., muscle myosin II and myosin Va). CaM dissociation from bound MVI damps filament rotational dynamics (i.e., increases the torsional rigidity), such that the perturbation is comparable to that induced by other characterized myosins. Analysis of individual actin filament shape fluctuations imaged by fluorescence microscopy reveals a correlated effect on filament bending mechanics. These data support a model in which Ca2+-dependent CaM binding to the IQ domain of MVI is linked to an allosteric reorganization of the actin binding site(s), which alters the structural dynamics and the mechanical rigidity of actin filaments. Such modulation of filament dynamics may contribute to the Ca2+- and CaM-dependent regulation of myosin VI motility and ATP utilization.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction involves the interaction of the myosin heads of the thick filaments with actin subunits of the thin filaments. Relaxation occurs when this interaction is blocked by molecular switches on these filaments. In many muscles, myosin-linked regulation involves phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chains (RLCs). Electron microscopy of vertebrate smooth muscle myosin molecules (regulated by phosphorylation) has provided insight into the relaxed structure, revealing that myosin is switched off by intramolecular interactions between its two heads, the free head and the blocked head. Three-dimensional reconstruction of frozen-hydrated specimens revealed that this asymmetric head interaction is also present in native thick filaments of tarantula striated muscle. Our goal in this study was to elucidate the structural features of the tarantula filament involved in phosphorylation-based regulation. A new reconstruction revealed intra- and intermolecular myosin interactions in addition to those seen previously. To help interpret the interactions, we sequenced the tarantula RLC and fitted an atomic model of the myosin head that included the predicted RLC atomic structure and an S2 (subfragment 2) crystal structure to the reconstruction. The fitting suggests one intramolecular interaction, between the cardiomyopathy loop of the free head and its own S2, and two intermolecular interactions, between the cardiac loop of the free head and the essential light chain of the blocked head and between the Leu305-Gln327 interaction loop of the free head and the N-terminal fragment of the RLC of the blocked head. These interactions, added to those previously described, would help switch off the thick filament. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest how phosphorylation could increase the helical content of the RLC N-terminus, weakening these interactions, thus releasing both heads and activating the thick filament.  相似文献   

A current popular model to explain phosphorylation of smooth muscle myosin (SMM) by myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK) proposes that MLCK is bound tightly to actin but weakly to SMM. We found that MLCK and calmodulin (CaM) co-purify with unphosphorylated SMM from chicken gizzard, suggesting that they are tightly bound. Although the MLCK:SMM molar ratio in SMM preparations was well below stoichiometric (1:73 ± 9), the ratio was ∼ 23-37% of that in gizzard tissue. Fifteen to 30% of MLCK was associated with CaM at ∼ 1 nM free [Ca2+]. There were two MLCK pools that bound unphosphorylated SMM with Kd ∼ 10 and 0.2 μM and phosphorylated SMM with Kd ∼ 20 and 0.2 μM. Using an in vitro motility assay to measure actin sliding velocities, we showed that the co-purifying MLCK-CaM was activated by Ca2+ and phosphorylation of SMM occurred at a pCa50 of 6.1 and at a Hill coefficient of 0.9. Similar properties were observed from reconstituted MLCK-CaM-SMM. Using motility assays, co-sedimentation assays, and on-coverslip enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays to quantify proteins on the motility assay coverslip, we provide strong evidence that most of the MLCK is bound directly to SMM through the telokin domain and some may also be bound to both SMM and to co-purifying actin through the N-terminal actin-binding domain. These results suggest that this MLCK may play a role in the initiation of contraction.  相似文献   

The direct induction of apoptosis has emerged as a powerful anticancer strategy, and small molecules that either inhibit or activate certain proteins in the apoptotic pathway have great potential as novel chemotherapeutic agents. Central to apoptosis is the activation of the zymogen procaspase-3 to caspase-3. Caspase-3 is the key “executioner” caspase, catalyzing the hydrolysis of a multitude of protein substrates within the cell. Interestingly, procaspase-3 levels are often elevated in cancer cells, suggesting a compound that directly stimulates the activation of procaspase-3 to caspase-3 could selectively induce apoptosis in cancer cells. We recently reported the discovery of a compound, PAC-1, which enhances procaspase-3 activity in vitro and induces apoptotic death in cancer cells in culture and in mouse xenograft models. Described herein is the mechanism by which PAC-1 activates procaspase-3 in vitro. We show that zinc inhibits the enzymatic activity of procaspase-3 and that PAC-1 strongly activates procaspase-3 in buffers that contain zinc. PAC-1 and zinc form a tight complex with one another, with a dissociation constant of approximately 42 nM. The combined data indicate that PAC-1 activates procaspase-3 in vitro by sequestering inhibitory zinc ions, thus allowing procaspase-3 to autoactivate itself to caspase-3. The small-molecule-mediated activation of procaspases has great therapeutic potential and thus this discovery of the in vitro mechanism of action of PAC-1 is critical to the development and optimization of other procaspase-activating compounds.  相似文献   

Mamczur P  Rakus D  Gizak A  Dus D  Dzugaj A 《FEBS letters》2005,579(7):1607-1612
In skeletal muscles, FBPase-aldolase complex is located on alpha-actinin of the Z-line. In the present paper, we show evidence that stability of the complex is regulated by calcium ions. Real time interaction analysis, confocal microscopy and the protein exchange method have revealed that elevated calcium concentration decreases association constant of FBPase-aldolase and FBPase-alpha-actinin complex, causes fast dissociation of FBPase from the Z-line and slow accumulation of aldolase within the I-band and M-line. Therefore, the release of Ca2+ during muscle contraction might result, simultaneously, in the inhibition of glyconeogenesis and in the acceleration of glycolysis.  相似文献   

The interaction between the calcium-binding protein S100A4 and the C-terminal fragments of nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA has been studied by equilibrium and kinetic methods. Using site-directed mutants, we conclude that Ca2+ binds to the EF2 domain of S100A4 with micromolar affinity and that the Kd value for Ca2+ is reduced by several orders of magnitude in the presence of myosin target fragments. The reduction in Kd results from a reduced dissociation rate constant (from 16 s− 1 to 0.3 s− 1 in the presence of coiled-coil fragments) and an increased association rate constant. Using peptide competition assays and NMR spectroscopy, we conclude that the minimal binding site on myosin heavy chain IIA corresponds to A1907-G1938; therefore, the site extends beyond the end of the coiled-coil region of myosin. Electron microscopy and turbidity assays were used to assess myosin fragment filament disassembly by S100A4. The latter assay demonstrated that S100A4 binds to the filaments and actively promotes disassembly rather than just binding to the myosin monomer and displacing the equilibrium. Quantitative modelling of these in vitro data suggests that S100A4 concentrations in the micromolar region could disassemble myosin filaments even at resting levels of cytoplasmic [Ca2+]. However, for Ca2+ transients to be effective in further promoting dissociation, the elevated Ca2+ signal must persist for tens of seconds. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of A431/SIP1 cells expressing green fluorescent protein-myosin IIA, immobilised on fibronectin micropatterns to control stress fibre location, yielded a recovery time constant of around 20 s, consistent with in vitro data.  相似文献   

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