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Mitochondria import nuclear-encoded precursor proteins to four different subcompartments. Specific import machineries have been identified that direct the precursor proteins to the mitochondrial outer membrane, inner membrane or matrix, respectively. However, a machinery dedicated to the import of mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) proteins has not been found so far. We have identified the essential IMS protein Mia40 (encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae open reading frame YKL195w). Mitochondria with a mutant form of Mia40 are selectively inhibited in the import of several small IMS proteins, including the essential proteins Tim9 and Tim10. The import of proteins to the other mitochondrial subcompartments does not depend on functional Mia40. The binding of small Tim proteins to Mia40 is crucial for their transport across the outer membrane and represents an initial step in their assembly into IMS complexes. We conclude that Mia40 is a central component of the protein import and assembly machinery of the mitochondrial IMS.  相似文献   

Onion can be used in experimental observation of mitotic cell division in plant science because its chromosome is large and easy to observe. However, molecular genetic studies are difficult in onion because of its large genome size, and only limited information of onion genes has been available to date. Here we cloned and characterized an onion homologue of mitotic RAD21 gene, AcRAD21-1, to develop a molecular marker of mitosis. The N-terminal, middle, and C-terminal regions of deduced AcRAD21-1 protein sequence were conserved with Arabidopsis SYN4/AtRAD21.3 and rice OsRAD21-1, whereas three characteristic types of repetitive motifs (Repeat-1, Repeat-2/2′, and Repeat-3) were observed between the conserved regions. Such inserted repetitive amino acid sequences enlarge the AcRAD21-1 protein into almost 200 kDa, which belongs to the largest class of plant proteins. Genomic organization of the AcRAD21-1 locus was also determined, and the possibility of tandem exon duplication in Repeat-2 was revealed. Subsequently, the polyclonal antiserum was raised against the N-terminal region of AcRAD21-1, and purified by affinity chromatography. Immunohistochemical analysis with the purified antibody successfully showed localization of AcRAD21-1 in onion mitosis, suggesting that it can be used as a molecular marker visualizing dynamic movement of cohesin.  相似文献   

Estuarine tapertail anchovy (Coilia nasus, junior synonym C. ectenes) is a widely distributed and commercially important aquaculture species, although its growth in aquaculture settings is so slow as to pose a serious practical problem. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms of growth, we cloned the myostatin gene in C. nasus (CnMSTN) by homologous cloning methods. Its full-length cDNA is 2252 bp, with a 1125-bp open reading frame (ORF) that encodes a 374-amino acid protein. The CnMSTN protein is predicted to contain domains typical of MSTN, including a TGFb-propeptide domain and a TGFB domain. Gene expression patterns were detected by RT-qPCR. CnMSTN is expressed strongly in the muscle and brain, and comparatively lower in the gills, liver, spleen, intestine, trunk kidney and head kidney. The effects of stress on the muscle and brain MSTN levels were evaluated by RT-qPCR. CnMSTN in the muscle was positively regulated by loading and transport stress, but brain CnMSTN expression was not affected. We found NaCl could reduce the death rate caused by loading and transporting stress, and in this group, CnMSTN mRNA expression in the muscle revealed increased, but decreased in the brain. Further, in the fasting experiment, the CnMSTN mRNA revealed decrease in the muscle, on the contrary, it showed increase in the brain. Selection upon variants of the MSTN gene has shown great potential in breeding work for mammals, and our results provide the basic knowledge for breeding of C. nasus.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial outer membrane contains integral α-helical and β-barrel proteins that are imported from the cytosol. The machineries importing β-barrel proteins have been identified, however, different views exist on the import of α-helical proteins. It has been reported that the biogenesis of Om45, the most abundant signal-anchored protein, does not depend on proteinaceous components, but involves direct insertion into the outer membrane. We show that import of Om45 occurs via the translocase of the outer membrane and the presequence translocase of the inner membrane. Assembly of Om45 in the outer membrane involves the MIM machinery. Om45 thus follows a new mitochondrial biogenesis pathway that uses elements of the presequence import pathway to direct a protein to the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Genes of the Schlafen family, first discovered in mouse, are expressed in hematopoietic cells and are involved in immune processes. Previous results showed that they are candidate genes for two major phenomena: meiotic drive and embryonic lethality (DDK syndrome). However, these genes remain poorly understood, mostly due to the limitations imposed by their similarity, close location and the potential functional redundancy of the gene family members.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic releasing factor eRF3 is a multifunctional protein that plays pivotal roles in translation termination as well as the initiation of mRNA decay. eRF3 also functions in the regulation of apoptosis; eRF3 is cleaved at Ala73 by an as yet unidentified protease into processed isoform of eRF3 (p-eRF3), which interacts with the inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs). The binding of p-eRF3 with IAPs leads to the release of active caspases from IAPs, which promotes apoptosis. Although full-length eRF3 is localized exclusively in the cytoplasm, p-eRF3 localizes in the nucleus as well as the cytoplasm. We here focused on the role of p-eRF3 in the nucleus. We identified leptomycin-sensitive nuclear export signal (NES) at amino acid residues 61–71 immediately upstream of the cleavage site Ala73. Thus, the proteolytic cleavage of eRF3 into p-eRF3 leads to release an amino-terminal fragment containing NES to allow the relocalization of eRF3 into the nucleus. Consistent with this, p-eRF3 more strongly interacted with the nuclear ARF tumor suppressor than full-length eRF3. These results suggest that while p-eRF3 interacts with IAPs to promote apoptosis in the cytoplasm, p-eRF3 also has some roles in regulating cell death in the nucleus.  相似文献   

蛋白质稳态是生物细胞应对压力的核心。线粒体作为一种重要的细胞器,依赖复杂的蛋白质网络行使正常功能,因此蛋白质稳态对其十分重要。当生物体受到外界压力,产生了蛋白质稳态的改变,为了维持机体功能的正常运转,细胞会激活一种称为线粒体未折叠蛋白反应的转录应答机制,从而维持线粒体蛋白质稳态,恢复线粒体功能,以应对压力,保持机体健康。本文主要介绍了线粒体的特征,线粒体未折叠蛋白反应的概念,线虫中线粒体未折叠蛋白反应的信号转导机制,以及线粒体未折叠蛋白反应对线虫衰老的影响。  相似文献   

The mitochondrial outer membrane contains protein import machineries, the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) and the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM). It has been speculated that TOM or SAM are required for Bax-induced release of intermembrane space (IMS) proteins; however, experimental evidence has been scarce. We used isolated yeast mitochondria as a model system and report that Bax promoted an efficient release of soluble IMS proteins while preproteins were still imported, excluding an unspecific damage of mitochondria. Removal of import receptors by protease treatment did not inhibit the release of IMS proteins by Bax. Yeast mutants of each Tom receptor and the Tom40 channel were not impaired in Bax-induced protein release. We analyzed a large collection of mutants of mitochondrial outer membrane proteins, including SAM, fusion and fission components, but none of these components was required for Bax-induced protein release. The released proteins included complexes up to a size of 230 kDa. We conclude that Bax promotes efficient release of IMS proteins through the outer membrane of yeast mitochondria while the inner membrane remains intact. Inactivation of the known protein import and sorting machineries of the outer membrane does not impair the function of Bax at the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Allen JW  Ferguson SJ  Ginger ML 《FEBS letters》2008,582(19):2817-2825
Mia40-dependent disulphide bond exchange is used by animals, yeast, and probably plants for import of small, cysteine-rich proteins into the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS). During import, electrons are transferred from the imported substrate to Mia40 then, via the sulphydryl oxidase Erv1, into the respiratory chain. Curiously, however, there are protozoa which contain substrates for Mia40-dependent import, but lack Mia40. There are also organisms where Erv1 is present in the absence of respiratory chain components. In accommodating these and other relevant observations pertaining to mitochondrial cell biology, we hypothesise that the ancestral IMS import pathway for disulphide-bonded proteins required only Erv1 (but not Mia40) and identify parasites in which O(2) is the likely physiological oxidant for Erv1.  相似文献   

Allele frequency differences of functional CYP2C9 polymorphisms are responsible for some of the variation in drug response observed in human populations. The most relevant CYP2C9 functional variants are CYP2C9*2 (rs1799853) and CYP2C9*3 (rs1057910). These polymorphisms show variation in allele frequencies among different population groups. The present study aimed to analyze these polymorphisms in 947 Mexican-Mestizo from Mexico City and 483 individuals from five indigenous Mexican populations: Nahua, Teenek, Tarahumara, Purepecha and Huichol. The CYP2C9*2 allele frequencies in the Mestizo, Nahua and Teenek populations were 0.051, 0.007 and 0.005, respectively. As for CYP2C9*3, the allelic frequencies in the Mestizo, Nahua and Teenek populations were 0.04, 0.005 and 0.005, respectively. The CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 alleles were not observed in the Tarahumara, Purepecha and Huichol populations. These findings are in agreement with previous studies reporting very low allele frequencies for these polymorphisms in American Indigenous populations.  相似文献   

The Mia40 import pathway facilitates the import and oxidative folding of cysteine-rich protein substrates into the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Here we describe the in vitro and in organello oxidative folding of Cmc1, a twin CX(9)C-containing substrate, which contains an unpaired cysteine. In vitro, Cmc1 can be oxidized by the import receptor Mia40 alone when in excess or at a lower rate by only the sulfhydryl oxidase Erv1. However, physiological and efficient Cmc1 oxidation requires Erv1 and Mia40. Cmc1 forms a stable intermediate with Mia40 and is released from this interaction in the presence of Erv1. The three proteins are shown to form a ternary complex in mitochondria. Our results suggest that this mechanism facilitates efficient formation of multiple disulfides and prevents the formation of non-native disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

Many proteins located in the intermembrane space (IMS) of mitochondria are characterized by a low molecular mass, contain highly conserved cysteine residues and coordinate metal ions. Studies on one of these proteins, Tim13, revealed that net translocation across the outer membrane is driven by metal-dependent folding in the IMS . We have identified an essential component, Mia40/Tim40/Ykl195w, with a highly conserved domain in the IMS that is able to bind zinc and copper ions. In cells lacking Mia40, the endogenous levels of Tim13 and other metal-binding IMS proteins are strongly reduced due to the impaired import of these proteins. Furthermore, Mia40 directly interacts with newly imported Tim13 protein. We conclude that Mia40 is the first essential component of a specific translocation pathway of metal-binding IMS proteins.  相似文献   

Although mariner transposons are widespread in animal genomes, the vast majority harbor multiple inactivating mutations and only two naturally occurring elements are known to be active. Previously, we discovered a mariner-family transposon, Mboumar, in the satellite DNA of the ant Messor bouvieri. Several copies of the transposon contain a full-length open reading frame, including Mboumar-9, which has 64% nucleotide identity to Mos1 of Drosophila mauritiana. To determine whether Mboumar is currently active, we expressed and purified the Mboumar-9 transposase and demonstrate that it is able to catalyze the movement of a transposon from one plasmid to another in a genetic in vitro hop assay. The efficiency is comparable to that of the well-characterized mariner transposon Mos1. Transposon insertions were precise and were flanked by TA duplications, a hallmark of mariner transposition. Mboumar has been proposed to have a role in the evolution and maintenance of satellite DNA in M. bouvieri and its activity provides a means to examine the involvement of the transposon in the genome dynamics of this organism.  相似文献   

通过研究神经节苷脂GM3对国人单核样白血病细胞系J6-2细胞蛋白质磷酸化的影响,在[γ- 32P]ATP,GM3,ATP,Mg2+与J6-2细胞液及颗粒两部分共同反应,10min(30℃)体系中,观察到GM3对两部分蛋白质磷酸化的调节作用.GM3(100μmol/L)促进颗粒部分分子量为180 000,87 000,78 000,67 000,43 000及31 000的蛋白质磷酸化,促进胞液部分分子量为87 000及56 000的蛋白质磷酸化,而且能抑制70 000及43 000蛋白质磷酸化.由于GM3已被前人证实能对J6-2细胞起分化作用,其作用时间长达4-6d,很可能GM3对蛋白质磷酸化作用的调节是GM3促分化作用的早期信号.  相似文献   

In the UapA uric acid-xanthine permease of Aspergillusnidulans, subtle interactions between key residues of the putative substrate binding pocket, located in the TMS8-TMS9 loop (where TMS is transmembrane segment), and a specificity filter, implicating residues in TMS12 and the TMS1-TMS2 loop, are critical for function and specificity. By using a strain lacking all transporters involved in adenine uptake (ΔazgA ΔfcyB ΔuapC) and carrying a mutation that partially inactivates the UapA specificity filter (F528S), we obtained 28 mutants capable of UapA-mediated growth on adenine. Seventy-two percent of mutants concern replacements of a single residue, R481, in the putative cytoplasmic loop TMS10-TMS11. Five missense mutations are located in TMS9, in TMS10 or in loops TMS1-TMS2 and TMS8-TMS9. Mutations in the latter loops concern residues previously shown to enlarge UapA specificity (Q113L) or to be part of a motif involved in substrate binding (F406Y). In all mutants, the ability of UapA to transport its physiological substrates remains intact, whereas the increased capacity for transport of adenine and other purines seems to be due to the elimination of elements that hinder the translocation of non-physiological substrates through UapA, rather than to an increase in relevant binding affinities. The additive effects of most novel mutations with F528S and allele-specific interactions of mutation R481G (TMS10-TMS11 loop) with Q113L (TMS1-TMS2 loop) or T526M (TMS12) establish specific interdomain synergy as a critical determinant for substrate selection. Our results strongly suggest that distinct domains at both sides of UapA act as selective dynamic gates controlling substrate access to their translocation pathway.  相似文献   

Voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC) is a vital ion channel in mitochondrial outer membranes and its structure was recently shown to be a 19 stranded β-barrel. However the orientation of VDAC in the membrane remains unclear. We probe here the topology and membrane orientation of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in vivo. Five FLAG-epitopes were independently inserted into scVDAC1 and their surface exposure in intact and disrupted mitochondria detected by immunoprecipitation. Functionality was confirmed by measurements of respiration. Two epitopes suggest that VDAC (scVDAC) has its C-terminus exposed to the cytoplasm whilst two others are more equivocal and, when combined with published data, suggest a dynamic behavior.  相似文献   

The procyclic stage of Trypanosoma brucei is covered by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored surface proteins called procyclins. The procyclin GPI anchor contains a side chain of N-acetyllactosamine repeats terminated by sialic acids. Sialic acid modification is mediated by trans-sialidases expressed on the parasite’s cell surface. Previous studies suggested the presence of more than one active trans-sialidases, but only one has so far been reported. Here we cloned and examined enzyme activities of four additional trans-sialidase homologs, and show that one of them, Tb927.8.7350, encodes another active trans-sialidase, designated as TbSA C2. In an in vitro assay, TbSA C2 utilized α2-3 sialyllactose as a donor, and produced an α2-3-sialylated product, suggesting that it is an α2-3 trans-sialidase. We suggest that TbSA C2 plays a role in the sialic acid modification of the trypanosome cell surface.  相似文献   

Three group 10 complexes containing nido-carborane diphosphine, [NiCl(PPh3){7,8-(PPh2)2-7,8-C2B9H10}] (1), [PdCl(PPh3){7,8-(PPh2)2-7,8-C2B9H10}] · 1.25CH2Cl2 (2) and [PtCl(PPh3){7,8-(PPh2)2-7,8-C2B9H10}] · 2.5CH2Cl2 (3) have been synthesized by the reactions of [M(PPh3)2Cl2] (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) with closo carborane diphosphine 1,2-(PPh2)2-1,2-C2B10H10 in ethanol. For complex 3, it could also be obtained under solvothermal condition. All three complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and X-ray structure determination. Single crystal structures show that their structures are similar to each other. In each complex, the nido [7,8-(PPh2)2-7,8-C2B9H10], which resulted from the degradation of the initial closo ligand 1,2-(PPh2)2-1,2-C2B10H10 during the reaction process, was coordinated bidentately through the P atoms to M(II) ion, and this resulted in a stable five-membered chelating ring between the bis-diphosphine ligand and the metal. The coordination mode of the metal can be described as a slightly distorted square-planar, in which the remaining two positions were occupied by one Cl and one PPh3 group.  相似文献   

Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in mitochondria takes place at the inner membrane, which folds into numerous cristae. The stability of cristae depends, among other things, on the mitochondrial intermembrane space bridging complex. Its components include inner mitochondrial membrane protein mitofilin and outer membrane protein Sam50. We identified a conserved, uncharacterized protein, C1orf163 [SEL1 repeat containing 1 protein (SELRC1)], as one of the proteins significantly reduced after the knockdown of Sam50 and mitofilin. We show that C1orf163 is a mitochondrial soluble intermembrane space protein. Sam50 depletion affects moderately the import and assembly of C1orf163 into two protein complexes of approximately 60 kDa and 150 kDa. We observe that the knockdown of C1orf163 leads to reduction of levels of proteins belonging to the OXPHOS complexes. The activity of complexes I and IV is reduced in C1orf163-depleted cells, and we observe the strongest defects in the assembly of complex IV. Therefore, we propose C1orf163 to be a novel factor important for the assembly of respiratory chain complexes in human mitochondria and suggest to name it RESA1 (for RESpiratory chain Assembly 1).  相似文献   

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