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Lon ATP-dependent proteases are key components of the protein quality control systems of bacterial cells and eukaryotic organelles. Eubacterial Lon proteases contain an N-terminal domain, an ATPase domain, and a protease domain, all in one polypeptide chain. The N-terminal domain is thought to be involved in substrate recognition, the ATPase domain in substrate unfolding and translocation into the protease chamber, and the protease domain in the hydrolysis of polypeptides into small peptide fragments. Like other AAA+ ATPases and self-compartmentalising proteases, Lon functions as an oligomeric complex, although the subunit stoichiometry is currently unclear. Here, we present crystal structures of truncated versions of Lon protease from Bacillus subtilis (BsLon), which reveal previously unknown architectural features of Lon complexes. Our analytical ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy show different oligomerisation of Lon proteases from two different bacterial species, Aquifex aeolicus and B. subtilis. The structure of BsLon-AP shows a hexameric complex consisting of a small part of the N-terminal domain, the ATPase, and protease domains. The structure shows the approximate arrangement of the three functional domains of Lon. It also reveals a resemblance between the architecture of Lon proteases and the bacterial proteasome-like protease HslUV. Our second structure, BsLon-N, represents the first 209 amino acids of the N-terminal domain of BsLon and consists of a globular domain, similar in structure to the E. coli Lon N-terminal domain, and an additional four-helix bundle, which is part of a predicted coiled-coil region. An unexpected dimeric interaction between BsLon-N monomers reveals the possibility that Lon complexes may be stabilised by coiled-coil interactions between neighbouring N-terminal domains. Together, BsLon-N and BsLon-AP are 36 amino acids short of offering a complete picture of a full-length Lon protease.  相似文献   

Scytalidoglutamic peptidase (SGP) from Scytalidium lignicolum is the founding member of the newly discovered\ family of peptidases, G1, so far found exclusively in fungi. The crystal structure of SGP revealed a previously undescribed fold for peptidases and a unique catalytic dyad of residues Gln53 and Glu136. Surprisingly, the beta-sandwich structure of SGP is strikingly similar to members of the carbohydrate-binding concanavalin A-like lectins/glucanases superfamily. By analogy with the active sites of aspartic peptidases, a mechanism employing nucleophillic attack by a water molecule activated by the general base functionality of Glu136 has been proposed. Here, we report the first crystal structures of SGP in complex with two transition state peptide analogs designed to mimic the tetrahedral intermediate of the proteolytic reaction. Of these two analogs, the one containing a central S-hydroxyl group is a potent sub-nanomolar inhibitor of SGP. The inhibitor binds non-covalently to the concave surface of the upper beta-sheet and enables delineation of the S4 to S3' substrate specificity pockets of the enzyme. Structural differences in these pockets account for the unique substrate preferences of SGP among peptidases having an acidic pH optimum. Inhibitor binding is accompanied by a structuring of the region comprising residues Tyr71-Gly80 from being mostly disordered in the apoenzyme and leading to positioning of crucial active site residues for establishing enzyme-inhibitor contacts. In addition, conformational rearrangements are seen in a disulfide bridged surface loop (Cys141-Cys148), which moves inwards, partially closing the open substrate binding cleft of the native enzyme. The non-hydrolysable scissile bond analog of the inhibitor is located in the active site forming close contacts with Gln53 and Glu136. The nucleophilic water molecule is displaced and a unique mode of binding is observed with the S-OH of the inhibitor occupying the oxyanion binding site of the proposed tetrahedral intermediate. Details of the enzyme-inhibitor interactions and mechanistic interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli FucU (Fucose Unknown) is a dual fucose mutarotase and ribose pyranase, which shares 44% sequence identity with its human counterpart. Herein, we report the structures of E. coli FucU and mouse FucU bound to l-fucose and delineate the catalytic mechanisms underlying the interconversion between stereoisomers of fucose and ribose. E. coli FucU forms a decameric toroid with each active site formed by two adjacent subunits. While one subunit provides most of the fucose-interacting residues including a catalytic tyrosine residue, the other subunit provides a catalytic His-Asp dyad. This active-site feature is critical not only for the mutarotase activity toward l-fucose but also for the pyranase activity toward d-ribose. Structural and biochemical analyses pointed that mouse FucU assembles into four different oligomeric forms, among which the smallest homodimeric form is most abundant and would be the predominant species under physiological conditions. This homodimer has two fucose-binding sites that are devoid of the His-Asp dyad and catalytically inactive, indicating that the mutarotase and the pyranase activities appear dispensable in vertebrates. The defective assembly of the mouse FucU homodimer into the decameric form is due to an insertion of two residues at the N-terminal extreme, which is a common aspect of all the known vertebrate FucU proteins. Therefore, vertebrate FucU appears to serve for as yet unknown function through the quaternary structural alteration.  相似文献   

Cobalamin-independent methionine synthase (MetE) catalyzes the direct transfer of a methyl group from methyltetrahydrofolate to l-homocysteine to form methionine. Previous studies have shown that the MetE active site coordinates a zinc atom, which is thought to act as a Lewis acid and plays a role in the activation of thiol. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure studies and mutagenesis experiments identified the zinc-binding site in MetE from Escherichia coli. Further structural investigations of MetE from Thermotoga maritima lead to the proposition of two models: “induced fit” and “dynamic equilibrium”, to account for the catalytic mechanisms of MetE. Here, we present crystal structures of oxidized and zinc-replete MetE from Streptococcus mutans at the physiological pH. The structures reveal that zinc is mobile in the active center and has the possibility to invert even in the absence of homocysteine. These structures provide evidence for the dynamic equilibrium model.  相似文献   

We describe a method based on Rosetta structure refinement for generating high-resolution, all-atom protein models from electron cryomicroscopy density maps. A local measure of the fit of a model to the density is used to directly guide structure refinement and to identify regions incompatible with the density that are then targeted for extensive rebuilding. Over a range of test cases using both simulated and experimentally generated data, the method consistently increases the accuracy of starting models generated either by comparative modeling or by hand-tracing the density. The method can achieve near-atomic resolution starting from density maps at 4-6 Å resolution.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of a hook-capping protein FlgD from the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris (Xc) has been determined to a resolution of ca 2.5 Å using X-ray crystallography. The monomer of whole FlgD comprises 221 amino acids with a molecular mass of 22.7 kDa, but the flexible N-terminus is cleaved for up to 75 residues during crystallization. The final structure of the C-terminal domain reveals a novel hybrid comprising a tudor-like domain interdigitated with a fibronectin type III domain. The C-terminal domain of XcFlgD forms three types of dimers in the crystal. In agreement with this, analytical ultracentrifugation and gel filtration experiments reveal that they form a stable dimer in solution. From these results, we propose that the Xc flagellar hook cap protein FlgD comprises two individual domains, a flexible N-terminal domain that cannot be detected in the current study and a stable C-terminal domain that forms a stable dimer.  相似文献   

The emergence of class D β-lactamases with carbapenemase activity presents an enormous challenge to health practitioners, particularly with regard to the treatment of infections caused by Gram-negative pathogens such as Acinetobacter baumannii. Unfortunately, class D β-lactamases with carbapenemase activity are resistant to β-lactamase inhibitors. To better understand the details of the how these enzymes bind and hydrolyze carbapenems, we have determined the structures of two deacylation-deficient variants (K84D and V130D) of the class D carbapenemase OXA-24 with doripenem bound as a covalent acyl-enzyme intermediate. Doripenem adopts essentially the same configuration in both OXA-24 variant structures, but varies significantly when compared to the non-carbapenemase class D member OXA-1/doripenem complex. The alcohol of the 6α hydroxyethyl moiety is directed away from the general base carboxy-K84, with implications for activation of the deacylating water. The tunnel formed by the Y112/M223 bridge in the apo form of OXA-24 is largely unchanged by the binding of doripenem. The presence of this bridge, however, causes the distal pyrrolidine/sulfonamide group to bind in a drastically different conformation compared to doripenem bound to OXA-1. The resulting difference in the position of the side-chain bridge sulfur of doripenem is consistent with the hypothesis that the tautomeric state of the pyrroline ring contributes to the different carbapenem hydrolysis rates of OXA-1 and OXA-24. These findings represent a snapshot of a key step in the catalytic mechanism of an important class D enzyme, and might be useful for the design of novel inhibitors.  相似文献   

We investigate the sequence and structural properties of RNA-protein interaction sites in 211 RNA-protein chain pairs, the largest set of RNA-protein complexes analyzed to date. Statistical analysis confirms and extends earlier analyses made on smaller data sets. There are 24.6% of hydrogen bonds between RNA and protein that are nucleobase specific, indicating the importance of both nucleobase-specific and -nonspecific interactions. While there is no significant difference between RNA base frequencies in protein-binding and non-binding regions, distinct preferences for RNA bases, RNA structural states, protein residues, and protein secondary structure emerge when nucleobase-specific and -nonspecific interactions are considered separately. Guanine nucleobase and unpaired RNA structural states are significantly preferred in nucleobase-specific interactions; however, nonspecific interactions disfavor guanine, while still favoring unpaired RNA structural states. The opposite preferences of nucleobase-specific and -nonspecific interactions for guanine may explain discrepancies between earlier studies with regard to base preferences in RNA-protein interaction regions. Preferences for amino acid residues differ significantly between nucleobase-specific and -nonspecific interactions, with nonspecific interactions showing the expected bias towards positively charged residues. Irregular protein structures are strongly favored in interactions with the protein backbone, whereas there is little preference for specific protein secondary structure in either nucleobase-specific interaction or -nonspecific interaction. Overall, this study shows strong preferences for both RNA bases and RNA structural states in protein-RNA interactions, indicating their mutual importance in protein recognition.  相似文献   

The glycosyltransferase UGT78G1 from Medicago truncatula catalyzes the glycosylation of various (iso)flavonoids such as the flavonols kaempferol and myricetin, the isoflavone formononetin, and the anthocyanidins pelargonidin and cyanidin. It also catalyzes a reverse reaction to remove the sugar moiety from glycosides. The structures of UGT78G1 bound with uridine diphosphate or with both uridine diphosphate and myricetin were determined at 2.1 Å resolution, revealing detailed interactions between the enzyme and substrates/products and suggesting a distinct binding mode for the acceptor/product. Comparative structural analysis and mutagenesis identify glutamate 192 as a key amino acid for the reverse reaction. This information provides a basis for enzyme engineering to manipulate substrate specificity and to design effective biocatalysts with glycosylation and/or deglycosylation activity.  相似文献   

Crystal Structure of a Full-Length Autotransporter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The autotransporter (AT) secretion mechanism is the most common mechanism for the secretion of virulence factors across the outer membrane (OM) from pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, ATs have attracted biotechnological and biomedical interest for protein display on bacterial cell surfaces. Despite their importance, the mechanism by which passenger domains of ATs pass the OM is still unclear. The classical view is that the β-barrel domain provides the conduit through which the unfolded passenger moves, with the energy provided by vectorial folding of the β-strand-rich passenger on the extracellular side of the OM. We present here the first structure of a full-length AT, the esterase EstA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, at a resolution of 2.5 Å. EstA has a relatively narrow, 12-stranded β-barrel that is covalently attached to the passenger domain via a long, curved helix that occupies the lumen of the β-barrel. The passenger has a structure that is dramatically different from that of other known passengers, with a globular fold that is dominated by α-helices and loops. The arrangement of secondary-structure elements suggests that the passenger can fold sequentially, providing the driving force for passenger translocation. The esterase active-site residues are located at the apical surface of the passenger, at the entrance of a large hydrophobic pocket that contains a bound detergent molecule that likely mimics substrate. The EstA structure provides insight into AT mechanism and will facilitate the design of fusion proteins for cell surface display.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions are critical to most biological processes, and locating protein-protein interfaces on protein structures is an important task in molecular biology. We developed a new experimental strategy called the ‘absence of interference’ approach to determine surface residues involved in protein-protein interaction of established yeast two-hybrid pairs of interacting proteins. One of the proteins is subjected to high-level randomization by error-prone PCR. The resulting library is selected by yeast two-hybrid system for interacting clones that are isolated and sequenced. The interaction region can be identified by an absence or depletion of mutations. For data analysis and presentation, we developed a Web interface that analyzes the mutational spectrum and displays the mutational frequency on the surface of the structure (or a structural model) of the randomized protein†. Additionally, this interface might be of use for the display of mutational distributions determined by other types of random mutagenesis experiments. We applied the approach to map the interface of the catalytic domain of the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a with its regulatory factor Dnmt3L. Dnmt3a was randomized with high mutational load. A total of 76 interacting clones were isolated and sequenced, and 648 mutations were identified. The mutational pattern allowed to identify a unique interaction region on the surface of Dnmt3a, which comprises about 500-600 Å2. The results were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and structural analysis. The absence-of-interference approach will allow high-throughput mapping of protein interaction sites suitable for functional studies and protein docking.  相似文献   

The recently reported crystal structures of the membrane-embedded proton-dependent c-ring rotors of a cyanobacterial F1Fo ATP synthase and a chloroplast F1Fo ATP synthase have provided new insights into the mechanism of this essential enzyme. While the overall features of these c-rings are similar, a discrepancy in the structure and hydrogen-bonding interaction network of the H+ sites suggests two distinct binding modes, potentially reflecting a mechanistic differentiation. Importantly, the conformation of the key glutamate side chain to which the proton binds is also altered. To investigate the nature of these differences, we use molecular dynamics simulations of both c-rings embedded in a phospholipid membrane. We observe that the structure of the c15 ring from Spirulina platensis is unequivocally stable within the simulation time. By contrast, the proposed structure of the H+ site in the chloroplast c14 ring changes rapidly and consistently into that reported for the c15 ring, indicating that the latter represents a common binding mode. To assess this hypothesis, we have remodeled the c14 ring by molecular replacement using the published structure factors. The resulting structure provides clear evidence in support of a common binding site conformation and is also considerably improved statistically. These findings, taken together with a sequence analysis of c-subunits in the ATP synthase family, indicate that the so-called proton-locked conformation observed in the c15 ring may be a common characteristic not only of light-driven systems such as chloroplasts and cyanobacteria but also of a selection of other bacterial species.  相似文献   

The superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes are important antioxidant agents that protect cells from reactive oxygen species. The SOD family is responsible for catalyzing the disproportionation of superoxide radical to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. Manganese- and iron-containing SOD exhibit product inhibition whereas Cu/ZnSOD does not. Here, we report the crystal structure of Escherichia coli MnSOD with hydrogen peroxide cryotrapped in the active site. Crystallographic refinement to 1.55 Å and close inspection revealed electron density for hydrogen peroxide in three of the four active sites in the asymmetric unit. The hydrogen peroxide molecules are in the position opposite His26 that is normally assumed by water in the trigonal bipyramidal resting state of the enzyme. Hydrogen peroxide is present in active sites B, C, and D and is side-on coordinated to the active-site manganese. In chains B and D, the peroxide is oriented in the plane formed by manganese and ligands Asp167 and His26. In chain C, the peroxide is bound, making a 70° angle to the plane. Comparison of the peroxide-bound active site with the hydroxide-bound octahedral form shows a shifting of residue Tyr34 towards the active site when peroxide is bound. Comparison with peroxide-soaked Cu/ZnSOD indicates end-on binding of peroxide when the SOD does not exhibit inhibition by peroxide and side-on binding of peroxide in the product-inhibited state of MnSOD.  相似文献   

RNA secondary structures can be divided into helical regions composed of canonical Watson-Crick and related base pairs, as well as single-stranded regions such as hairpin loops, internal loops, and junctions. These elements function as building blocks in the design of diverse RNA molecules with various fundamental functions in the cell. To better understand the intricate architecture of three-dimensional (3D) RNAs, we analyze existing RNA four-way junctions in terms of base-pair interactions and 3D configurations. Specifically, we identify nine broad junction families according to coaxial stacking patterns and helical configurations. We find that helices within junctions tend to arrange in roughly parallel and perpendicular patterns and stabilize their conformations using common tertiary motifs such as coaxial stacking, loop-helix interaction, and helix packing interaction. Our analysis also reveals a number of highly conserved base-pair interaction patterns and novel tertiary motifs such as A-minor-coaxial stacking combinations and sarcin/ricin motif variants. Such analyses of RNA building blocks can ultimately help in the difficult task of RNA 3D structure prediction.  相似文献   

Although being much smaller than the number of soluble proteins in the Protein Data Bank, the number of membrane proteins therein now approaches 700, and a statistical analysis becomes meaningful. Such an analysis showed that the conventional subdivision into monotopic, β-barrel and α-helical membrane proteins is appropriate but should be amended by a classification according to the detergent micelle structure in the crystal, which can be derived from the packing of the membrane-immersed parts of the proteins. The crystal packing density is specific for the three conventional types of membrane proteins and soluble proteins. It is also specific for three observed detergent arrangements that are micelle pockets, micelle filaments and micelle sheets, demonstrating that the detergent structure affects crystallization. The packing density distribution of crystals from integral membrane proteins has approximately the same shape as that of soluble proteins but is by a factor of two broader and shifted to lower density. It seems unlikely that the differences can be explained by a mere solvent expansion due to the required detergent. The crystallized membrane proteins were further analyzed with respect to protein mass, oligomerization and crystallographic asymmetric unit, space group, crystal ordering and symmetry. The results provide a new view on membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli expressing F4 fimbriae are the major cause of porcine colibacillosis and are responsible for significant death and morbidity in neonatal and postweaned piglets. Via the chaperone-usher pathway, F4 fimbriae are assembled into thin, flexible polymers mainly composed of the single-domain adhesin FaeG. The F4 fimbrial system has been labeled eccentric because the F4 pilins show some features distinct from the features of pilins of other chaperone-usher-assembled structures. In particular, FaeG is much larger than other pilins (27  versus ∼ 17 kDa), grafting an additional carbohydrate binding domain on the common immunoglobulin-like core. Structural data of FaeG during different stages of the F4 fimbrial biogenesis process, combined with differential scanning calorimetry measurements, confirm the general principles of the donor strand complementation/exchange mechanisms taking place during pilus biogenesis via the chaperone-usher pathway.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the interaction between the tumor suppressor protein p53 and its negative regulators MDM2 and MDMX is of great interest in cancer biology and drug design. We previously reported a potent duodecimal peptide inhibitor, termed PMI (TSFAEYWNLLSP), of the p53-MDM2 and -MDMX interactions. PMI competes with p53 for MDM2 and MDMX binding at an affinity roughly 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of 17-28p53 (ETFSDLWKLLPE) of the same length; both peptides adopt nearly identical α-helical conformations in the complexes, where the three highlighted hydrophobic residues Phe, Trp, and Leu dominate PMI or 17-28p53 binding to MDM2 and MDMX. To elucidate the molecular determinants for PMI activity and specificity, we performed a systematic Ala scanning mutational analysis of PMI and 17-28p53. The binding affinities for MDM2 and MDMX of a total of 35 peptides including 10 truncation analogs were quantified, affording a complete dissection of energetic contributions of individual residues of PMI and 17-28p53 to MDM2 and MDMX association. Importantly, the N8A mutation turned PMI into the most potent dual-specific antagonist of MDM2 and MDMX reported to date, registering respective Kd values of 490 pM and 2.4 nM. The co-crystal structure of N8A-PMI-25-109MDM2 was determined at 1.95 Å, affirming that high-affinity peptide binding to MDM2/MDMX necessitates, in addition to optimized intermolecular interactions, enhanced helix stability or propensity contributed by non-contact residues. The powerful empirical binding data and crystal structures present a unique opportunity for computational studies of peptide inhibition of the p53-MDM2/MDMX interactions.  相似文献   

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