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Frozen osteoarticular grafts treated with liquid nitrogen are utilized for joint reconstruction after tumor resection, but the joints may subsequently develop osteoarthritic changes. To preserve articular cartilage from cryoinjury, we modified a vitrification method utilized for embryo cryopreservation and demonstrated in vitro that our vitrification protocol was effective for protecting cartilage from cryoinjury. In this study, we investigated in vivo whether this vitrification method could protect against osteoarthritic changes in articular cartilage. Osteochondral plugs were obtained from the distal femur of rabbits. These grafts were divided into 3 groups: Fresh group (F-group), non-vitrification group (N-group), and vitrification group (V-group). After treatment, the plugs were re-implanted as autografts. Histological findings, chondrocyte viability, and ultrastructural examinations were examined 6, 12, and 24weeks after implantation. Histological findings of chondrocytes for the V-group showed no significant difference from those of the F-group at any time point except at 24weeks postimplantation at the non-weight bearing site (p<0.05). Viability of chondrocyte showed no significant difference from those of the F-group except at 12weeks postimplantation at the bearing site (p<0.05). In contrast, viable cells disappeared from the N-group and histology and viability significantly differed between the N-group and the V-group. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated preservation of chondrocyte structure in the V-group and the F-group, but chondrocytes of the N-group were abnormally electron dense. Our vitrification method was effective in protecting chondrocytes from cryoinjury that might lead to cartilage degeneration. Reconstructing joints with osteoarticular grafts containing living cartilage may help to avert osteoarthritic changes. Our vitrification method could prove useful for reconstruction with frozen tumor-containing autografts and for long-term storage of living cartilage for allografts.  相似文献   

A novel method is introduced for the estimation of grain numbers in autoradiographic sections of articular cartilage with an image analyzer. It is based on separation of grains from the underlying structures by gray level thresholding and determination of the percentage of total area occupied by grains in a relatively large measuring field. The mean grain size is used as a reference to calculate grain numbers per cell profile and per unit area of tissue in various zones of bovine articular cartilage labelled with 35S-sulphate in tissue culture. The results demonstrate considerable zonal differences as well as site related topographic variation in the rate of 35S-sulphate incorporation. The largest site-related variation in the grain counts was observed in the superficial zone, suggesting a delicate control of proteoglycan synthesis in this zone.  相似文献   

Summary A novel method is introduced for the estimation of grain numbers in autoradiographic sections of articular cartilage with an image analyzer. It is based on separation of grains from the underlying structures by gray level thresholding and determination of the percentage of total area occupied by grains in a relatively large measuring field. The mean grain size is used as a reference to calculate grain numbers per cell profile and per unit area of tissue in various zones of bovine articular cartilage labelled with 35S-sulphate in tissue culture. The results demonstrate considerable zonal differences as well as site related topographic variation in the rate of 35S-sulphate incorporation. The largest site-related variation in the grain counts was observed in the superficial zone, suggesting a delicate control of proteoglycan synthesis in this zone.The IBAS program used in this work is available from Dr. J.J. Parkkinen or through Bitnet or EARN mail: MLAMMI at FINKUO  相似文献   

Collagen type VI was demonstrated immunomorphologically in articular cartilage (distal femur) of young (2–8 weeks) and adult mice by fluorescence and electron microscopy (gold-labelled second antibody—sandwich method) using pre-and post-embedding techniques. This collagen type was mainly seen in the vicinity of chondrocytes, and in larger amounts in adult cartilage. Electron-microscopic inspection (pre-embedding technique) revealed labelling above plaques that were 40–160 nm in size, and from which up to 7 fine filaments ( 10 nm) per unit sectional plane radiated. Using the post-embedding technique, only labelled plaques could be demonstrated; fine filaments were not perceptible. This was partly a result of the low contrast. It is assumed that the globular ends of up to 20 of the fine type VI filaments are anchored in one plaque and that the antibodies bind to the non-collagenous globular domains. Filaments radiated from the plaques and formed a threedimensional network that stabilized the structures of the cartilaginous matrix. Antibodies against fibronectin also labelled similar plaques. The ends of the type VI filaments are possibly linked into the plaques by fibronectin.  相似文献   

Collagen of articular cartilage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extracellular framework and two-thirds of the dry mass of adult articular cartilage are polymeric collagen. Type II collagen is the principal molecular component in mammals, but collagens III, VI, IX, X, XI, XII and XIV all contribute to the mature matrix. In developing cartilage, the core fibrillar network is a cross-linked copolymer of collagens II, IX and XI. The functions of collagens IX and XI in this heteropolymer are not yet fully defined but, evidently, they are critically important since mutations in COLIX and COLXI genes result in chondrodysplasia phenotypes that feature precocious osteoarthritis. Collagens XII and XIV are thought also to be bound to fibril surfaces but not covalently attached. Collagen VI polymerizes into its own type of filamentous network that has multiple adhesion domains for cells and other matrix components. Collagen X is normally restricted to the thin layer of calcified cartilage that interfaces articular cartilage with bone.  相似文献   

Influence of low-power (632.8 nm, Helium-Neon, 13 J/cm2, three times a week) laser on 13-week immobilized articular cartilage was examined with rabbits knee model. Number of chondrocytes and depth of articular cartilage of experimental group were significantly higher than those of sham irradiated group. Surface morphology of sham-irradiated group had rough prominences, fibrillation and lacunae but surface morphology of experimental group had more similarities to control group than to sham irradiated group. There were marked differences between ultrastructure features of control group and experimental group in comparison with sham irradiated group. Low-power Helium-Neon laser irradiation on 13-week immobilized knee joints of rabbits neutrilized adverse effects of immobilization on articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Electrokinetic phenomena contribute to biomechanical functions of articular cartilage and underlie promising methods for early detection of osteoarthritic lesions. Although some transport properties, such as hydraulic permeability, are known to become anisotropic with compression, the direction-dependence of cartilage electrokinetic properties remains unknown. Electroosmosis experiments were therefore performed on adult bovine articular cartilage samples, whereby fluid flows were driven by electric currents in directions parallel and perpendicular to the articular surface of statically compressed explants. Magnitudes of electrokinetic coefficients decreased slightly with compression (from approximately -7.5 microL/As in the range of 0-20% compression to -6.0 microL/As in the 35-50% range) consistent with predictions of microstructure-based models of cartilage material properties. However, no significant dependence on direction of the electrokinetic coupling coefficient was detected, even for conditions where the hydraulic permeability tensor is known to be anisotropic. This contrast may also be interpreted using microstructure-based models, and provides insights into structure-function relationships in cartilage extracellular matrix and physical mediators of cell responses to tissue compression. Findings support the use of relatively simple isotropic modeling approaches for electrokinetic phenomena in cartilage and related materials, and indicate that measurement of electrokinetic properties may provide particularly robust means for clinical evaluation of cartilage matrix integrity.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), especially those lying close to cartilage defects, are an important cell source for cartilage regeneration. We hypothesize that a larger number of MSCs might become available, if the bone marrow in the immediate vicinity of the subchondral bone is stimulated for MSCs in advance of the creation of cartilage defects. A trans-medullary passage-way reaching the immediate vicinity of the subchondral bone was created 4 days prior to the creation of cartilage defects. In another setting, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) was administered through the trans-medullary passage-way in order to augment the stimulation of MSCs. The rabbits were killed at various times after the creation of cartilage defects. Triple staining of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), CD44 and CD45 and histological evaluation were subsequently performed. A considerable proportion of the proliferating cells were identified as bone-marrow-derived MSCs. Enumeration of BrdU-positive cells demonstrated that trans-medullary stimulation, especially with bFGF, increased the number of proliferating cells. The histological grading score of trans-medullary stimulation with bFGF group was superior to that of the other groups. Thus, in-advance stimulation of the bone marrow effectively increases the number of proliferating cells. The putative progenitor cells for chondrocytes stimulated thereby are likely to be recruited to the osteochondral defects at the appropriate time, contributing to the repair of full-thickness articular cartilage defects at the early follow-up time point.  相似文献   

Current operative and non-operative treatments for articular cartilage (AC) defect repair still fail to meet clinical expectations. These treatment options and challenges will be reviewed from a clinical perspective. Various polymeric and naturally occurring materials serving as scaffolds have shown promising neocartilage formation, but few studies are able to draw good clinical correlations. While tissue and organ engineering have generated public demand and expectations that engineered tissues will soon be available, there are still several critical hurdles that need to be overcome. There is a general preference for (1) avoiding the harvesting of normal tissues, (2) a single minimally invasive operative procedure for material insertion, and (3) a durable material that reproduces normal hyaline cartilage and will provide a good lifetime warranty. To avoid harvesting normal tissues, alternative cell sourcing is considered. On the materials front, there is a demand for molecular diversity and synthetic flexibility. For minimally invasive surgery, injectable materials have been actively researched. While initial studies are promising, there still remain a few challenges to overcome before injectable scaffolds will become clinically relevant. Key considerations are reviewed in this article. Advances in nanotechnology have enabled us to employ bottom-up approaches to scaffold design, fabrication, and characterization to better mimic the biological dimensions of matter. One approach involves self-assembly of small DNA-like molecules into larger superaggregates with nanoscale dimensions. One such self-assembling organic system is the rosette nanotubes. The design and properties are highlighted as they are related to solving orthopedic problems.  相似文献   

Adult rabbit articular cartilage was labelled in vivo over 48 h with [35S]sulphate and was then incubated in organ culture at pH 7.2. Approx. 65% of the tissue content of [35S]proteoglycan was released into the culture medium during the first 48 h of incubation. The average molecular size of the released proteoglycans, as assessed by fractionation on Sepharose 2B/CL and 4B/Cl, was only slightly smaller than that of the proteoglycans extracted from non-cultured cartilage with 4 M guanidine HCl. The percentage of released proteoglycans and extracted proteoglycans which formed aggregates with hyaluronic acid was approx. 25% and 75%, respectively. The results indicate that proteoglycan degradation in adult articular cartilage is initiated by a limited proteolysis of subunit core protein, with the [roduction of non-aggregating species which diffuse readily from the tissue.  相似文献   

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