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Escherichia coli mutants altered in murein lipoprotein.   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants with alterations in the structure, biosynthesis, or assembly of murein lipoprotein were selected by a procedure based on radiation suicide of wild-type organisms by [3H]arginine under conditions where the radioactive arginine was preferentially incorporated into lipoprotein. Further screening for the potential mutants among the survivors of [3H]arginine suicide was carried out by using a sensitive immunodiffusion test, followed by radioactive double-labeling experiments. Three mutants were obtained and partially characterized.  相似文献   

Summary Various alterations in ribosomal proteins were detected in forty-one mutants ofE. coli isolated as temperature-sensitive mutants. Out of these, six are new classes of mutants harboring mutations in proteins S3, L5, L7 (L12), L29, L30 and L33. One of them apparently lacks protein L7 of the large subunit. These mutants together with those reported previously (Isono et al., 1976) total one hundred and one ribosomal mutants in thirty different proteins.  相似文献   

Four classes of Escherichia coli mutants deficient in either or both of their anaerobic selenium-containing formate dehydrogenases (FDH) were isolated. A class I mutant devoid of FDHH activity specifically linked to benzyl viologen (BV) produced a small amount of the FDHH 80,000 dalton selenopeptide. Three class II mutants were deficient in FDHN activity specifically linked to phenazine methosulfate (PMS) and exhibited a selenopeptide doublet rather than the FDHN 110,000 dalton selenosubunit. Three class III mutants were selenium incorporation deficient and did not exhibit either FDH activity or 75Selabeled selenopolymers. A class IV mutant was devoid of PMS-linked FDHN activity; neither its FDHN 110,000 dalton selenosubunit nor its BV-linked FDHH activity was fully regulated by nitrate.Abbreviations FDH formate dehydrogenase - BV benzyl viologen - MV methyl viologen - PMS phenazine methosulfate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Revertants that showed normal cation recognition for melibiose transport were isolated from mutants with altered cation recognition (W3133-2S and W3133-2T) of Escherichia coli. Although the original two mutants possessed a second alteration, an increased activity of the Na+(Li+)/H+ antiporter, the revertants, which possessed the normal melibiose carrier, still showed altered properties of the Na+(Li+)/H+ antiporter. These results support the view that the alterations in the melibiose carrier and in the Na+(Li+)/H+ antiporter, observed in the mutants, are not genetically linked.  相似文献   

The arabinose-binding protein (ABP) of Escherichia coli binds L-arabinose in the periplasm and delivers it to a cytoplasmic membrane complex consisting of the AraG and AraH proteins, for uptake into the cell. To study the interaction between the soluble and membrane components of this periplasmic transport system, regions of the ABP surface containing the opening of the arabinose-binding cleft were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis. Thirty-eight ABP variants containing one to three amino acid substitutions were recovered. ABP variants were expressed with wild-type AraG and AraH from a plasmid, in a strain lacking the chromosomal araFGH operon, and the whole cell uptake parameters, Ven (maximum initial velocity of arabinose entry) and K(en) (concentration of arabinose yielding half-maximal entry) were determined. Twenty-four mutants had normal Ven values, 3 mutants had Ven and K(en) values twice wild type, and 11 mutants had Ven and K(en) values 20-50% of wild type. Binding proteins that had altered uptake properties were each expressed, processed, and localized to the periplasm at levels equivalent to wild type. The mutant binding proteins behaved the same as wild type during purification, and each had a Kd (dissociation constant for bound arabinose) comparable to that of wild-type ABP. Mutations that resulted in altered uptake identified nine amino acids surrounding the arabinose-binding cleft, all of which are charged in the wild-type protein, and all of whose side chains project outward from the cleft. The evidence suggests that this surface of the binding protein and these nine charged loci play a major role in ABP interactions with the membrane complex.  相似文献   

Two F- mutants deficient in conjugation with F-donors have been characterized. They map at about 83 minut position, show resistance to T3 and T7 bacteriophages, and form mating aggregates in the liquid medium with lowered efficiency. Mutants have no detectable alterations in their outer membrane protein composition.  相似文献   

Bacteria with reduced DNA polymerase I activity have increased sensitivity to killing by chain-terminating nucleotides (S. A. Rashbaum and N. R. Cozzarelli, Nature 264:679-680, 1976). We have used this observation as the basis of a genetic strategy to identify mutations in the dnaE (polC) gene of Escherichia coli that alter sensitivity to 2',3'-dideoxyadenosine (ddA). Two dnaE (polC) mutant strains with increased sensitivity to ddA and one strain with increased resistance were isolated and characterized. The mutant phenotypes are due to single amino acid substitutions in the alpha subunit, the protein product of the dnaE (polC) gene. Increased sensitivity to ddA is produced by the L329F and H417Y substitutions, and increased resistance is produced by the G365S substitution. The L329F and H417Y substitutions also reduce the accuracy of DNA replication (the mutator phenotype), while the G365S substitution increases accuracy (the antimutator phenotype). All of the amino acid substitutions are in conserved regions near essential aspartate residues. These results prove the effectiveness of the genetic strategy in identifying informative dnaE (polC) mutations that can be used to elucidate the molecular basis of nucleotide interactions in the alpha subunit of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme.  相似文献   

Using an Escherichia coli lac deletion strain lysogenized with a lambda phage carrying a metH-lacZ gene fusion, we isolated trans-acting mutations that result in simultaneous 4- to 6-fold-elevated metH-lacZ expression, 5- to 22-fold-lowered metE-lacZ expression, and 9- to 20-fold-elevated metR-lacZ expression. The altered regulation of these genes occurs in the presence of high intracellular levels of homocysteine, a methionine pathway intermediate which normally inhibits metH and metR expression and stimulates metE expression. P1 transductions and complementation tests indicate that the mutations are in the metR gene. Our data suggest that the mutations result in an altered MetR activator protein that has lost the ability to use homocysteine as a modulator of gene expression.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli which overproduce alcohol dehydrogenase were obtained by selection for the ability to use ethanol as an acetate source in a strain auxotrophic for acetate. A mutant having a 20-fold overproduction of alcohol dehydrogenase was able to use ethanol only to fulfill its acetate requirement, whereas two mutants with a 60-fold overproduction were able to use ethanol as a sole carbon source. The latter two mutants produced only 25% of the wild-type level of nitrate reductase, when grown under anaerobic conditions. Alcohol dehydrogenase production was largely unaffected by catabolite repression but was repressed by nitrate under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The genetic locus responsible for alcohol dehydrogenase overproduction was located at min 27 on the E. coli genetic map; the gene order, as determined by transduction, was trp tonB adh chlC hemA. The possible relationship of alcohol dehydrogenase to anaerobic redox systems such as formate-nitrate reductase is discussed.  相似文献   

Three classes of mutants of Escherichia coli K12, isolated by selection for resistance to lipopolysaccharide-specific bacteriophages, were agglutinated by Concanavalin A which is presumed to interact with the lipopolysaccharide component of the outer membrane. Wheat germ and soy bean agglutinins did not agglutinate the parent or mutant strains. The adsorption of certain bacteriophages was also inhibited by Concanavalin A. The pattern of inhibition of adsorption of bacteriophages suggests that non-specific masking of receptors may occur, as well as specific masking of terminal glucose residues. Although bacteria were agglutinated by Concanavalin A, the permeability of the outer membrane seemed unaffected.  相似文献   

Energy-transducing adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) from Escherichia coli is inhibited by aurovertin. Aurovertin-resistant mutants were generated by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of E. coli AN180, whose growth on a nonfermentable carbon source was blocked by aurovertin. The ATPase activity of cell extracts from 15 different mutants (designated MA1, MA2, MA3, etc.) was found to be at least 20 times less sensitive to aurovertin than that from the parent strain. The aurovertin-resistant mutants did not show cross-resistance towards a number of ATPase inhibitors including azide, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, quercetin, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzofurazan, and N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline. Aurovertin inhibited the energization brought about by addition of ATP to E. coli AN180 membrane vesicles; it was without effect on MA1 and MA2 membrane vesicles energized by ATP. The mutation in MA1, like other mutations of the ATPase complex, maps in the unc region of the bacterial chromosome.  相似文献   

PCR mutagenesis and a unique enrichment scheme were used to obtain two mutants, each with a single lesion in fimH, the chromosomal gene that encodes the adhesin protein (FimH) of Escherichia coli type 1 pili. These mutants were noteworthy in part because both were altered in the normal range of cell types bound by FimH. One mutation altered an amino acid at a site previously shown to be involved in temperature-dependent binding, and the other altered an amino acid lining the predicted FimH binding pocket.  相似文献   

Summary In a rich growth medium, tritium-labelled oleate is incorporated preferentially into the lipid fraction of E. coli K12. The incorporation of the radioactive oleate after a temperature shift kills the majority of the cells during subsequent storage. Most of the surviving cells can no longer grow with oleate as the sole carbon source at 40°C or 30°C, though some exhibit a thermosensitive behaviour, and are able to grow at 30°C but not at 40°C. It will be shown that mutants of the first group lack the enzyme acyl CoA synthetase, and that this enzyme is thermolabile in mutants of the second group. In addition one further mutant was isolated which possessed a normal acyl CoA synthetase but which was unable to degrade or incorporate oleic acid.  相似文献   

Mutants sensitive to growth inhibition by CaCl2 were found to have alterations in calcium uptake in everted membrane vesicles. These mutations map at different loci on the Escherichia coli chromosomes. A mutation at the calA locus results in vesicles which have two- to threefold higher levels of uptake activity than vesicles from wild-type cells. The calA mutation is phenotypically expressed as increased sensitivity to CaCl2 in a strain also harboring a mutation in the corA locus, which is involved in Mg2+ transport. The calA locus maps very close to purA and cycA at about min 97. The calB mutation results both in sensitivity to CaCl2 at pH 5.6 and in vesicles with diminished calcium transport capability. The CalB phenotype is also expressed only in a corA genetic background; the calB locus appears to map very near, yet separately from, the calA locus. When the cor+ allele is present, calA and calB mutations still result in a defect in calcium transport in vesicles. In addition, both calC and calD mutations result in vesicles with impaired calcium transport activity. calC is cotransducible with kdp and nagA, whereas calD is cotransducible with proC.  相似文献   

The penetration of levallorphan, a synthetic morphinan known to interact with the cytoplasmic membrane of E. coli, is seriously limited by the outer membrane. To select target-resistant mutants rather than outer membrane mutants, a two-step procedure was developed, which involved the selection by penicillin of an "intermediate" parental strain with a decreased penetration barrier and a subsequent positive selection of levallorphan-tolerant pseudo-revertant clones. Unlike the direct selection, this technique yielded various types of mutants in which the morphology, the septation ability, and the growth rate were greatly affected.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated mutants of Escherichia coli which show increased oxidation of heterocyclic furan and thiophene substrates. We have now found that strains carrying the thdA mutation express a novel enzyme activity which oxidizes a variety of substrates containing a sulfone (SO2) moiety. Both heterocyclic sulfones (e.g., tetramethylene sulfone) and simple aliphatic sulfones (e.g., ethyl sulfone) were oxidized. The thdA mutants were more resistant than wild-type strains to aromatic sulfone antibiotics such as dapsone. In contrast they showed increased susceptibility to thiolutin, a cyclic antibiotic containing sulfur at the sulfide level of oxidation. Several new thdA mutant alleles were isolated by selecting for increased oxidation of various aliphatic sulfur compounds. These new thdA mutants showed similar sulfone oxidase activity and the same map location (at 10.7 min) as the original thdA1 mutation. The constitutive fadR mutation was required for the phenotypic expression of thdA-mediated oxidation of sulfur compounds. However, the thdA-directed expression of sulfone oxidase activity was not fadR dependent. The thdC and thdD mutations probably protect against the toxicity of thiophene derivatives rather than conferring improved metabolic capability.  相似文献   

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