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A postsynaptic density (PSD) fraction, including some adherent subsynaptic web material, has been isolated from dog cerebral cortex by a short-procedure modification of methods of Davis and Bloom (21, 22) and Cotman and Taylor (20), using Triton X-100. The fraction has been visualized by thin-section, replica, and negative (phosphotungstic acid) staining electron microscopy and its proteins separated by high-resoltuion SDS gel electrophoresis. Morphologically, the preparation seems to be quite pure, with very little membrane contamination. The density is composed of protein, no nuclei acids, and very little phospholipids being detectable. The fraction had no ATPase or GTPase activity, but it did have a very small amount of cytochrome c oxidase activity (of a specific activity less than 0.5 percent that of a mitochondrial fraction) and a small amount of 5'- nucleotidase activity (of a specific activity between 6 and 7 percent that of a synaptic membrane fraction). Electron micrographs reveal cup-shaped structures approximately 400nm long and approximately 40nm wide, made up of apparent particles 13-28nm in diameter. However, en face views, and particularly micrographs of replicas and PTA-stained preparations, reveal a disk-shaped structure, outside diameter approximately 400 nm, in which filaments are seen to extend from the central part of the density. High resolution gel electrophoresis studies indicated some 15 major proteins and perhaps 10 or more minor ones; the predominant protein had a mol wt of 51,000, followed by ones at 45,000, 40,000, 31,000, 26,000, and several at 100,000. A comparison by gel electrophoresis of density fraction proteins with those of a lysed synaptosomal membrane fraction containing some adherent densities indicated some comigrating proteins, but the major membrane fraction protein, mol wt 52,000, was not found in the density fraction. Antibodies raised against the density fraction reacted with a preparation of solubilized synaptic membrane proteins. By both these criteria, it was considered that the density and the synaptic membrane have some proteins in common. By separately mixing (125)I-labeled myelin, synaptic vesicle, and mitochondrial fraction proteins with synaptosomes, and then isolating the density fraction from the mixture, it was concluded that a major 26,000 mol wt density fraction protein was common to both mitochondria and density, that none of the proteins of the density were contaminants from the mitochondrial fraction, that a minor approximately 150,000 band was a contaminant from the synaptic vesicle fraction, and that the moderately staining PSD fraction protein of 17,000 mol wt band was the result of contamination by the major basic protein of myelin. On the basis of the marker enzymatic assays and the mixing experiments, it is considered that the density fraction is moderately pure biochemically, and that its protein composition, aside from a few exceptions noted above, reflects its in situ character.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic densities (PSDs) have been isolated from cerebral cortex, midbrain, cerebellum, and brain stem by the Triton X-100 method previously used in the isolation of cerebral PSDs (Cohen et al., 1977, J. Cell Biol. 74:181). These PSDs have been compared in protein composition, protein phosphorylation, and morphology. Thin-section electron microscopy revealed that cerebral cortex and midbrain PSDs were identical, being approximately 57 nm thick and composed of apparent aggregates 20-30 nm in diameter. Isolated cerebellar PSDs appeared thinner (33 nm) than cerebral cortex PSDs and lacked the apparent 20- to 30-nm aggregates, but had a latticelike structure. In unidirectional and rotary-shadowed replicas, the cerebrum and midbrain PSDs were circular in shape with a large central perforation or hole in the center of them. Cerebellum PSDs did not have a large perforation, but did have numerous smaller perforations in a lattice like structure. Filaments (6-9 nm) were observed connecting possible 20- to 30-nm aggregates in cerebrum PSDs and were also observed radiating from one side of the PSD. Both cerebral cortex and midbrain PSDs exhibited identical protein patterns on SDS gel electrophoresis. In comparison, cerebellar PSDs (a) lacked the major 51,000 Mr protein, (b) contained two times less calmodulin, and (c) contained a unique protein at 73,000 Mr. Calcium plus calmodulin stimulated the phosphorylation of the 51,000 and 62,000 Mr bands in both cerebral cortex and midbrain PSDs. In cerebellar PSDs, only the 58,000 and 62,000 Mr bands were phosphorylated. In the PSDs from all brain regions, cAMP stimulated the phosphorylation of Protein Ia (73,000 Mr), Protein Ib (68.000 Mr), and a 60,000 Mr protein, although cerebrum and midbrain PSDs contained very much higher levels of phosphorylated protein than did the cerebellum. On the basis of the morphological criteria, it is possible that PSDs isolated from cerebrum and midbrain were derived from the Gray type I, or asymmetric, synapses, whereas cerebellum PSDs were derived from the Gray type II, or symmetric, synapses. Since there is some evidence that the type I synapses are involved in excitatory mechanisms while the type II are involved in inhibitory mechanisms, the role of the PSD and of some of its proteins in these synaptic responses is discussed.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for binding calmodulin, radioiodinated by the lactoperoxidase method, to denaturing gels and has been used to attempt to identify the calmodulin-binding proteins of cerebral cortex postsynaptic densities (PSDs). Calmodulin primarily bound to the major 51,000 Mr protein in a saturatable manner; secondarily bound to the 60,000 Mr region, 140,000 Mr region, and 230,000 Mr protein; and bound in lesser amounts to a number of other proteins. The major 51,000 Mr calmodulin-binding protein is one of unknown identity. Binding of iodinated calmodulin to these proteins was blocked by EDTA, EGTA, chlorpromazine, and preincubation with unlabeled calmodulin. Calmodulin iodinated by the chloramine-T method, which inactivates calmodulin did not bind to the PSD but bound nonspecifically to histone. Calmodulin did not bind to proteins from a variety of sources for which calmodulin interactions have not been found. Except for three proteins, all of the proteins of synaptic membranes that bind calmodulin could be accounted for by proteins of the PSD which are a part of the synaptic membrane fraction. The major 51,000 M, protein and the corresponding iodinated calmodulin binding were greatly reduced in cerebellar PSDs and this difference between cerebral cortex and cerebellar PSDs is discussed in light of the possible function of calmodulin in synaptic excitatory responses.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A-binding glycoprotein with 250 K M(r) found in the postsynaptic density (PSD)-enriched preparation (or synaptic cytoskeleton) from rat cerebellum was identified with P400 protein from the physicochemical properties and enrichment in the cerebellum. Proteins homologous to the cerebellar 250 K M(r) protein occurred in the PSD-enriched preparations from rat cerebral cortex and from hippocampus, although the contents in the preparations were very low. The 250 K M(r) proteins in the PSD-enriched preparations from cerebellum and from cerebrum were highly phosphorylated by Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II. The protein of synaptic plasma membrane (SPM) and PSD-enriched fractions prepared from cerebral cortex were not phosphorylated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase endogenous to the fractions, whereas the protein from cerebellum was done in SPM and PSD-enriched fractions. The facts suggest that P400 or P400-like protein is closely associated with Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II in the PSD-enriched preparations, especially in the preparation from cerebral cortex. Phosphorylation of the protein by Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II may play an important role in the postsynaptic function in both cerebellum and at least in some areas of cerebrum.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic density (PSD) is a protein supramolecule lying underneath the postsynaptic membrane of excitatory synapses and has been implicated to play important roles in synaptic structure and function in mammalian central nervous system. Here, PSDs were isolated from two distinct regions of porcine brain, cerebral cortex and cerebellum. SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analyses indicated that cerebral and cerebellar PSDs consisted of a similar set of proteins with noticeable differences in the abundance of various proteins between these samples. Subsequently, protein localization in these PSDs was analyzed by using the Nano-Depth-Tagging method. This method involved the use of three synthetic reagents, as agarose beads whose surface was covalently linked with a fluorescent, photoactivable, and cleavable chemical crosslinker by spacers of varied lengths. After its application was verified by using a synthetic complex consisting of four layers of different proteins, the Nano-Depth-Tagging method was used here to yield information concerning the depth distribution of various proteins in the PSD. The results indicated that in both cerebral and cerebellar PSDs, glutamate receptors, actin, and actin binding proteins resided in the peripheral regions within ~ 10 nm deep from the surface and that scaffold proteins, tubulin subunits, microtubule-binding proteins, and membrane cytoskeleton proteins found in mammalian erythrocytes resided in the interiors deeper than 10 nm from the surface in the PSD. Finally, by using the immunoabsorption method, binding partner proteins of two proteins residing in the interiors, PSD-95 and α-tubulin, and those of two proteins residing in the peripheral regions, elongation factor-1α and calcium, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II α subunit, of cerebral and cerebellar PSDs were identified. Overall, the results indicate a striking similarity in protein organization between the PSDs isolated from porcine cerebral cortex and cerebellum. A model of the molecular structure of the PSD has also been proposed here.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) is being increasingly employed for protein separation, and silver staining has greatly enhanced its sensitivity. However, the identity of most of the protein spots demonstrated by 2DE has yet to be established. Using immunoblotting and comigration techniques, this study describes the identification of 12 of the major spots seen on 2D gels of normal human cerebral cortex and of certain human brain tumors. These proteins include: actin, albumin, -tubulin, -tubulin, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), nonneuronal enolase, glutamate oxaloacetic transaminase, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vimentin, a 66-kD intermediate filament protein, the 68-kD neurofilament protein, and the subunit of the guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins(G-proteins). In addition, the application of this technique to the study of human brain tumors has been described. A large amount of GFAP is seen in astrocytomas; the meningioma gel is characterized by a prominent vimentin complex; and the presence of NSE in medulloblastomas is confirmed. The identification of the subunit of the G-proteins introduces a valuable means of screening for this important messenger protein, which is only beginning to be studied. While being derived from normal and pathological CNS tissue, these data are widely applicable to the study of other biological materials.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the amphiphilic protein spiralin and of the other major polypeptides in the Spiroplasma citri cell membrane was investigated by one- and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The analyses were performed on untreated membranes for the detection of disulfide bonds and on membranes treated with dimethylsuberimidate and dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate). All membranes were depleted of the bulk of extrinsic proteins. Spiralin monomers and oligomers (mainly dimers) were detected. Almost all the oligomers appeared to be stabilized by intermolecular disulfide bonds. Components D7 (39,000 daltons), D9 (51,000 daltons), D13 (69,000 daltons), D14b (76,000 daltons), D16 (89,000 daltons), and D17 (95,000 daltons), which are the other (presumably intrinsic) main polypeptides of the S. citri membrane, were also involved in homooligomers stabilized by disulfide bonds. However, in contrast to spiralin, larger amounts of D7, D9, and D14b were involved in high-molecular-weight multimers (molecular weight, greater than 400 X 10(3) after cross-linking with dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate). Extensive cross-linking with dimethylsuberimidate showed that spiralin was the polypeptide least readily integrated to large covalent complexes. These results suggest that spiralin probably does not form a two-dimensional network in the S. citri membrane depleted of the bulk of extrinsic proteins.  相似文献   

Long-term immunization of rabbits with postsynaptic densities (PSD) from bovine brain produced an antiserum specific for PSD as judged by binding to subcellular fractions and immunohistochemical location at the light and electron microscope levels. (a) The major antigens of bovine PSD preparations were three polypeptides of molecular weight 95,000 (PSD-95), 82,000 (PSD-82), and 72,000 (PSD-72), respectively. Antigen PSD-95, also present in mouse and rat PSDs was virtually absent from cytoplasm, myelin, mitochondria, and microsomes from rodent or bovine brain. Antigens PSD-82 and PSD-72 were present in all subcellular fractions from bovine brain, especially in mitochondria, but were almost absent from rodent brain. The antiserum also contained low-affinity antibodies against tubulin. (b)Immunohistochemical studies were performed in mouse and rat brain, where antigen PSD-95 accounted for 90 percent of the antiserum binding after adsorption with purified brain tubulin. At the light microscope level, antibody binding was observed only in those regions of the brain where synapses are known to be present. No reaction was observed in myelinated tracts, in the neuronal cytoplasm, or in nonneuronal cells. Strong reactivity was observed in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, stratum oriens and stratum radiatum of the hippocampus, and the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Experimental lesions, such as ablation of the rat entorhinal cortex or intraventricular injection of kainic acid, which led to a major loss of PSD in well- defined areas of the hippocampal formation, caused a correlative decrease in immunoreactivity in these areas. Abnormal patterns of immunohistochemical staining correlated with abnormal synaptic patterns in the cerebella of reeler and staggerer mouse mutants. (c) At the electron microscopic level, immunoreactivity was detectable only in PSD. The antibody did not bind to myelin, mitochondria or plasma membranes. (d) The results indicate that antigen PSD-95 is located predominantly or exclusively in PSD and can be used as a marker during subcellular fractionation. Other potential uses include the study of synaptogenesis, and the detection of changes in synapse number after experimental perturbations of the nervous system.  相似文献   

1. Phosphofructokinase from rat kidney cortex has been purified by affinity chromatography to a final specific activity of 15 units per mg of protein, measured at 25 degrees C and pH 8. 2. This lower spec. act., compared with that of the enzyme from other sources, shows the enzyme in proximal tubules to be less active, which would account for the main gluconeogenic role of these nephron sections. 3. The binding of fructose-6-phosphate to the enzyme is co-operative. ATP increases the Hill coefficient and produces a marked allosteric inhibition on the activity. 4. Fructose-2,6-bis-phosphate is a potent activator of the enzyme from this source. It reduces the Hill coefficient of the enzyme and the inhibition constant of ATP. A marked difference between this and the liver enzyme is that the activation is not co-operative.  相似文献   

Glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase (EC from dog kidney cortex was purified to homogeneity, as judged by several criteria of purity. The purification procedure was based on two biospecific affinity chromatography steps, one of them using N-epsilon-amino-n-hexanoyl-D-glucosamine-6-phosphate agarose, an immobilized analog of the allosteric ligand, and the other by binding the enzyme to phosphocellulose followed by substrate elution, which behaved as an active-site affinity chromatography. The enzyme is an hexameric protein of about 180 kDa composed of subunits of 30.4 kDa; its isoelectric point was 5.7. The sedimentation coefficient was 8.3S, and its frictional ratio was 1.28, indicating that dog deaminase is a globular protein. The enzyme displays positive homotropic cooperativity toward D-glucosamine-6-phosphate (Hill coefficient = 2.1, pH 8.8). Cooperativity was completely abolished by saturating concentrations of GlcNAc6P; this allosteric modulator activated the reaction with a typical K-effect. Under hyperbolic kinetics, a Km value of 0.25 +/- 0.02 mM for D-glucosamine-6-phosphate was obtained. Assuming six catalytic sites per molecule, kcat is 42 s-1. Substrate-velocity data were fitted to the Monod's allosteric model for the exclusive-binding case for both substrate and activator, with two interacting substrate sites. The Kdis for N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-6-phosphate was estimated at 14 microM.  相似文献   

The 40 kDa argiopinin-binding glycoprotein has been isolated from the solubilised preparations of bovine cerebrum membranes by means of two-step biospecific chromatography on affinity sorbents with immobilized glutamate and argiopinins. This receptor component displays a specific L-[3H]glutamate binding with Kd = 0.18 +/- +/- 0.019 mumole and Bmax = 43 +/- 4.5 nmole/mg. Amino acid analysis reveals it to be a member of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

As in our previous report (Kamino, Uyesaka & Inouye, J. Membrane Biol. 17:13 1974), the absorbance changes of murexide caused by Ca2+ and followed up by a dual wavelength spectrophotometer were applied to measure synaptosomal Ca2+-binding in the presence of cations such as Rb+, Mn2+ or La3+. All the cations tested showed a significant inhibition of synaptosomal Ca2+-binding except Li+. The inhibitory effects could be divided into the following three categories: (1) noncompetive, co-operative K+-type, which includes alkali metal ions. The potency of inhibition is K+ greater than Rb+ greater than Cs+ greater than Li+, Na+ =0; (2) competitive Mn2+ -type which includes many divalent cations. The inhibitory potency was found to be in the following order: Mn2+ greater than Sr2+ greater than Cd2+, Ba2+ greater than Mg2+; (3) nonspecific, noncompetitive La3+ -type; among the cations tested, La3+ and Ce3+ were found to markedly reduce the Ca-binding capacity of synaptosomal particles, resulting in a noncompetitive inhibition, at least in the range of Ca2+ concentration used.  相似文献   

Slabs of cat parietal cortex with some 2 mm of underlying white matter were surgically isolated from the rest of the nervous system, without interference with the superficial blood supply. Wire micro-recording electrodes were inserted into the isolated cortex; bone, muscle and skin wounds were repaired and the animal allowed to recover from anaesthesia. The adequacy of surgical isolation was examined histologically 8--12 weeks after operation. Only one of the six preparations reported here showed surviving neural connections with the rest of the brain. Soon after operation, spontaneous bursts of neural activity appeared within the isolated area. These became more frequent until neural discharge was continuous but irregular. Our records were made from this time onwards. The interval distributions obtained from neurons within the isolated area did not differ significantly from log-normal curves. When the unrestrained animal fell asleep, there was no significant alteration in the model interval or geometric standard deviation of interval distributions recorded from cells in isolated cortex. The interval distributions of neurons in isolated cerebral cortex resembled those of neurons in the intact cortex of an alarmed animal. It is concluded that the reduction of modal interval that is shown by neurons in intact cortex when an animal falls asleep is probably due to the neural influence of infracortical structures.  相似文献   

Chemical data are given forCooksonia, Rhynia, Zosterophyllum, Pseudosporochnus, Gosslingia,Crenaticaulis, Leclercqia, Tetraxylopteris, Oocampsa, andArchaeopteris, thus extending principal component analysis of multi-state and discrete characters to 27 Paleozoic plant taxa. Ordination patterns of these data suggest that while overlapping of major plant groups occurs, rhyniophytes, zosterophyllophytes, trimerophytes and other supra-generic taxa may be chemically characterized. The effects of heat (thermolysis) on organic constituents is shown to severely alter chemical profiles of plant taxa and is discussed as a thermometric tool. Taxonomic distancemeasures between plant groupings are suggested to be the result of both preand post-fossilization phenomena.  相似文献   

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