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Morphologically, the digestive tracts of the king angelfish Holacunthus passer and the Cortes angelfish Pomacanthus zonipectus are similar, yet the king angelfish intestine is almost 30% longer than that of the Cortes angelfish. Both pomacanthids have a small mouth with villiform teeth, a short oesophagus, a well-defined stomach, and a terminal sac at the end of the digestive tract. The terminal sac, the acid pH in the stomach, and the long intestine may facilitate efficient use of seaweed nutrients. Stomach contents were analysed to determine diets and interspecific overlap. Seventy-one species were found in the stomachs of the king angelfish and 53 in the stomachs of the Cortes angelfish. Because of the wide range of species in their diets, both angelfish must be regarded as omnivorous. The most frequent foods were seaweed and sponges, but for the king angelfish, crustaceans were also important. A cluster analysis was done to determine whether the diets of these fish were similar by sex, size, or season. No similarities were found. Dietary overlap is high in relation to other pomacanthids.  相似文献   

Modifications of the molluscan feeding apparatus have long been recognized as a crucial feature in molluscan diversification, related to the important process of gathering energy from the environment. An ecologically and evolutionarily significant dichotomy in molluscan feeding kinematics is whether radular teeth flex laterally (flexoglossate) or do not (stereoglossate). In this study, we use a combination of phylogenetic inference and biomechanical modeling to understand the transformational and causal basis for flexure or lack thereof. We also determine whether structural subsystems making up the feeding system are structurally, functionally, and evolutionarily integrated or dissociated. Regarding evolutionary dissociation, statistical analysis of state changes revealed by the phylogenetic analysis shows that radular and cartilage subsystems evolved independently. Regarding kinematics, the phylogenetic analysis shows that flexure arose at the base of the Mollusca and lack of flexure is a derived condition in one gastropod clade, the Patellogastropoda. Significantly, radular morphology shows no change at the node where kinematics become stereoglossate. However, acquisition of stereoglossy in the Patellogastropoda is correlated with the structural dissociation of the subradular membrane and underlying cartilages. Correlation is not causality, so we present a biomechanical model explaining the structural conditions necessary for the plesiomorphic kinematic state (flexoglossy). Our model suggests that plesiomorphically the radular teeth must flex laterally as they pass over the bending plane as a result of the mechanical restrictions in the flexible but inelastic subradular membrane and close association between subradular membrane and cartilages. Relating this model to the specific character states of the clades, we conclude that lack of flexure in patellogastropods is caused by the dissociation of the subradular membrane and cartilage supports. J. Morphol. 241:175–195, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Meriones rex (King jird), Meriones libycus (Libyan jird), Acomys dimidiatus (Eastern spiny mouse), Acomys cahirinus (Egyptian spiny mouse), and Dipodillus dasyurus (Wagner's dipodil) are five species of small rodents of the superfamily Muroidea with distributions in Eastern Africa, Egypt, and the desert regions of the Arabian Peninsula. Water is scarce in these regions and may result in relatively low‐digestible food. The aim of the present study is to describe and compare the gastrointestinal tract morphology and morphometry of these five species in order to elucidate whether morphology is influenced by phylogeny or dietary preference. Each segment of the gastrointestinal tract of each species was macroscopically examined and the length and basal surface area of each segment was measured. Standard histologic procedures were performed to determine a surface enlargement factor to determine the mucosal luminal surface area. A unilocular‐hemiglandular stomach was observed in all the species examined. The caeca of all the species were long and arranged into a loose spiral toward the caecal tip with the ileocaecal and caeco‐colic openings positioned close together. Two rows of oblique folds could be observed in the proximal colon of all species except in D. dasyurus which had longitudinal folds. Morphometric analysis showed the largest stomach in A. cahirinus and the largest caecum and colon in M. libycus. All the species can be grouped in the family Muridae in two subfamilies and similarities were observed including the hemiglandular stomach and relatively large caecum. It could be concluded that phylogeny plays an important role in determining gastrointestinal morphology while diet plays a subordinate role in the desert rodents in the present study. J. Morphol. 275:980–990, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mavi A  Ceyhan O 《Gerodontology》1999,16(2):119-122
Objectives: This study analyses the relationship between the sense of bitter taste and age. The relationships between these and the numbers and diameters of Circumvallate Papillae (CP) are also analysed. Subjects: Twenty-four elderly subjects (from 65 to 85 years) and 30 young subjects (from 17 to 25 years) were studied. Method: Bitter taste thresholds were determined by the three drop method with an ascending series of concentrations. The numbers and diameters of CP were observed by direct naked eye observation using a wooden tongue depressor, a gauge and a light source. Results: The bitter taste acuity was significantly poorer in the older sample. There was no relationship between the bitter taste acuity and number of papillae but an inverse relationship was observed between the bitter taste acuity and diameters of papillae, thus lower acuity was associated with larger papillae. It was also observed that the diameters of papillae were inversely related to the numbers of CP. The distribution of numbers and diameters of CP were not significantly different between these samples with age.  相似文献   

We examined co-localization of vanilloid receptor (VR1) with sweet receptors T1R2, T1R3, or bitter receptor T2R6 in taste receptor cells of rat circumvallate papillae. Tissue sections of rat circumvallate papillae were doubly reacted with anti-VR1 antibodies and anti-T1R2, anti-T1R3 or anti-T2R6 antibodies, using double-immunofluorescence histochemistry technique. Localizations of VR1, T1Rs and T2R6 in the vallate taste cells containing α-gustducin were also examined. VR1 immunoreactivities (-ir) were observed in subsets of taste cells in the circumvallate papillae, and 96–99% of the vallate taste cells exhibiting T1R2-, T1R3- or T2R6-ir co-exhibited VR1-ir. Approximately half of T2R6-ir cells (~49%), and 50–58% of T1Rs-ir cells, co-exhibited α-gustducin-ir in the vallate taste buds. About 58% of VR1-ir cells in the vallate exhibited α-gustducin-ir as well. Results support the idea that capsaicin may interact with the transduction pathways of sweet and bitter taste stimuli, possibly in mediation of its receptor VR1 localized in taste receptor cells. Additionally, the partial co-localization of α-gustducin with VR1 suggests that a tentative modulatory function of capsaicin in sweet and bitter transductions in the rat circumvallate comprises of both α-gustducin-mediated and non-mediated transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Morphological diversification does not proceed evenly across the organism. Some body parts tend to evolve at higher rates than others, and these rate biases are often attributed to sexual and natural selection or to genetic constraints. We hypothesized that variation in the rates of morphological evolution among body parts could also be related to the performance consequences of the functional systems that make up the body. Specifically, we tested the widely held expectation that the rate of evolution for a trait is negatively correlated with the strength of biomechanical trade-offs to which it is exposed. We quantified the magnitude of trade-offs acting on the morphological components of three feeding-related functional systems in four radiations of teleost fishes. After accounting for differences in the rates of morphological evolution between radiations, we found that traits that contribute more to performance trade-offs tend to evolve more rapidly, contrary to the prediction. While ecological and genetic factors are known to have strong effects on rates of phenotypic evolution, this study highlights the role of the biomechanical architecture of functional systems in biasing the rates and direction of trait evolution.  相似文献   

Summary In rabbit luteal cells embedded in glycolmethacrylate and stained with PTA at low pH highly glycosylated membrane patches can be observed after vesiculation of the trans-Golgi network. As these membranes could be prelysosomal, their sialic acid content was investigated by postembedding labeling with Limax flavus agglutinin (LFA)/fetuin-Au. Additional labeling of the Golgi apparatus was performed with Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)/ovomucoid Au, Ricinus communis agglutininI (RCAI)/Au and Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA)/Au. The sections were then counterstained with PTA at low pH, which allows a clear distinction between the elements of the trans-Golgi network (G2-G1) and the saccules of the stack (g).With WGA, LFA and RCAI the trans-Golgi network was observed to be clearly more reactive than the stack. After vesiculation most intense labeling was found over the highly glycosylated vacuolar membranes derived from the G2-element. The limiting membrane of lysosomes, the MvB's and the plasma membrane also reacted strongly. Colloidal gold particles were also found over the membranes of the vacuoles derived from G1. The Golgi stack showed a lower reactivity and label for all three lectins could be found over three to four saccules of the stack (g3-g4). The matrix of the lysosomes was slightly labeled. Labeling with HPA was absent from the trans saccules and was consistently found in the cis and cis-most (g4-g5) saccules of the stack. Some cytoplasmic vesicles near the cell border were also labeled. With our procedure the Golgi apparatus can easily be detected and it is apparent that in rabbit luteal cells the highest lectin reactivity is found in the trans-Golgi network. A striking similarity is observed between the highly glycosylated membrane structures derived from G2 and the border of the lysosomes.  相似文献   

In rabbit luteal cells embedded in glycolmethacrylate and stained with PTA at low pH highly glycosylated membrane patches can be observed after vesiculation of the trans-Golgi network. As these membranes could be prelysosomal, their sialic acid content was investigated by post-embedding labeling with Limax flavus agglutinin (LFA)/fetuin-Au. Additional labeling of the Golgi apparatus was performed with Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)/ovomucoid Au, Ricinus communis agglutininI (RCAI)/Au and Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA)/Au. The sections were then counterstained with PTA at low pH, which allows a clear distinction between the elements of the trans-Golgi network (G2-G1) and the saccules of the stack (g). With WGA, LFA and RCAI the trans-Golgi network was observed to be clearly more reactive than the stack. After vesiculation most intense labeling was found over the highly glycosylated vacuolar membranes derived from the G2-element. The limiting membrane of lysosomes, the MvB's and the plasma membrane also reacted strongly. Colloidal gold particles were also found over the membranes of the vacuoles derived from G1. The Golgi stack showed a lower reactivity and label for all three lectins could be found over three to four saccules of the stack (g3-g4). The matrix of the lysosomes was slightly labeled. Labeling with HPA was absent from the trans saccules and was consistently found in the cis and cis-most (g4-g5) saccules of the stack. Some cytoplasmic vesicles near the cell border were also labeled. With our procedure the Golgi apparatus can easily be detected and it is apparent that in rabbit luteal cells the highest lectin reactivity is found in the trans-Golgi network.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The function of mouth organs in ruminants is connected with the process of rumination. To study morphofunctional relations, microstructures in tongues of 4- to 5-year old adult fallow deer were examined using scanning electron microscopy.When analyzing the tongue of the fallow deer, i.e. a ruminant classified as an intermediate mixed feeder between grass and roughage eaters, two processes were taken into account: (i) foraging and forage selecting, and (ii) chewing the cud during rumination to reduce particle size and improve digestibility.Microstructural results show that the above mentioned processes in fallow deer are important selection factors, which in the anterior part of tongue led to the development of clusters of fungiform papillae connected with preselection of food as well as a specific pattern of filiform papillae promoting increased adhesion of transported food. Massive and flattened conical papillae on the torus are arranged according to sideways jaw movements and are co-localized with flattened fungiform papillae and two rows of vallate papillae. Such an arrangement of papillae on the lingual torus presumably facilities distribution of ruminated food, with simultaneous transferring of taste signals about masticated food particles.  相似文献   

Background Information. Carcinoma of the oesophagus is the sixth leading cause of cancer death in the western world and is associated with a 5‐year survival of less than 15%. Recent evidence suggests that stromal—epithelial interactions are fundamental in carcinogenesis. The advent of co‐culture techniques permits the investigation of cross‐talk between the stroma and epithelium in a physiological setting. We have characterized a histologically representative oesophageal organotypic model and have used it to compare the most commonly used squamous oesophageal cell line, HET‐1A, with primary oesophageal squamous cells for use in studies of the oesophageal epithelium in vitro. Results. When grown in an organotypic culture with normal fibroblasts, the oesophageal carcinoma cell lines OE21 (squamous) and OE19 (adenocarcinoma) morphologically resembled the tumour of origin with evidence of stromal invasion and mucus production, respectively. However, HET‐1A cells, which were derived from normal squamous oesophageal cells, appeared dysplastic and failed to display evidence of squamous differentiation. By comparison with primary oesophageal epithelial cells, the HET‐1A cells were highly proliferative and did not express the epithelial markers E‐cadherin or CK5/6 (casein kinase 5/6), or the stratified epithelial marker ΔNp63, but did express the mesenchymal markers vimentin and N‐cadherin. Conclusion. Studies of epithelial carcinogenesis will benefit from culture systems which allow manipulation of the stromal and epithelial layers independently. We have developed an organotypic culture using primary oesophageal squamous cells and fibroblasts in which a stratified epithelium with a proliferative basal layer that stains strongly for ΔNp63 develops. This model will be suitable for the study of the molecular events in the development of Barrett's oesophagus. The most commonly used normal oesophageal squamous cell line, HET‐1A, does not have the characteristics of normal oesophageal squamous cells and should not be used in models of the normal oesophageal epithelium. Until more representative cell lines are available, future studies in oesophageal cancer will be reliant on the availability and manipulation of primary tissue.  相似文献   

The effects of 1 x 10(-6) M exogenous 2-methoxyestradiol (2 ME) were determined on cell morphology and cell division cycle (Cdc) 2 kinase activity in SNO oesophageal carcinoma cells. Mitotic indices revealed an increase in metaphase cells (11.2%) when compared to the 0.5% vehicle-treated cells after 18 h of exposure to 2 ME. Vehicle-treated control cells did not show any hallmarks of apoptosis after 18 h of exposure to dimethyl sulphoxide. Only 0.5% of 2 ME-treated cells showed characteristics of apoptosis. Conversely, increased morphological hallmarks of apoptosis were observed in SNO-treated cells after 21.5 h of 2 ME exposure. When compared to the 0.5% in vehicle-treated cells, 4.7% of cells were in apoptosis. Furthermore, 34.1% of cells were blocked in metaphase after 21.5 h of 2 ME exposure compared to 0.6% of vehicle-control cells. In addition, Cdc2 kinase activity was statistically significantly increased (1.3-fold) (p<0.005) in 2 ME-treated cells when compared to vehicle-treated controls. The present preliminary study suggests that the accumulation observed in metaphase cells and the increase in Cdc2 kinase activity caused by 2 ME are consistent with morphological hallmarks of mitotic arrest and disrupted mitotic spindle formation, thus leading to induction of apoptosis in SNO cells.  相似文献   

Resorption and remodelling of skeletal tissues is required for development and growth, mechanical adaptation, repair, and mineral homeostasis of the vertebrate skeleton. Here we review for the first time the current knowledge about resorption and remodelling of the skeleton in teleost fish, the largest and most diverse group of extant vertebrates. Teleost species are increasingly used in aquaculture and as models in biomedical skeletal research. Thus, detailed knowledge is required to establish the differences and similarities between mammalian and teleost skeletal remodelling, and between distantly related species such as zebrafish (Danio rerio) and medaka (Oryzias latipes). The cellular mechanisms of differentiation and activation of osteoclasts and the functions of teleost skeletal remodelling are described. Several characteristics, related to skeletal remodelling, distinguish teleosts from mammals. These characteristics include (a) the absence of osteocytes in most species; (b) the absence of haematopoietic bone marrow tissue; (c) the abundance of small mononucleated osteoclasts performing non‐lacunar (smooth) bone resorption, in addition to or instead of multinucleated osteoclasts; and (d) a phosphorus‐ rather than calcium‐driven mineral homeostasis (mainly affecting the postcranial dermal skeleton). Furthermore, (e) skeletal resorption is often absent from particular sites, due to sparse or lacking endochondral ossification. Based on the mode of skeletal remodelling in early ontogeny of all teleosts and in later stages of development of teleosts with acellular bone we suggest a link between acellular bone and the predominance of mononucleated osteoclasts, on the one hand, and cellular bone and multinucleated osteoclasts on the other. The evolutionary origin of skeletal remodelling is discussed and whether mononucleated osteoclasts represent an ancestral type of resorbing cells. Revealing the differentiation and activation of teleost skeletal resorbing cells, in the absence of several factors that trigger mammalian osteoclast differentiation, is a current challenge. Understanding which characters of teleost bone remodelling are derived and which characters are conserved should enhance our understanding of the process in fish and may provide insights into alternative pathways of bone remodelling in mammals.  相似文献   

Pteronotus personatus as an insectivore bat and has a diet that consists of a high protein diet, whereas the diet of Anoura geoffroyi, a predominantly nectarivore bat, is rich in simple sugars like sucrose, glucose and fructose. Considering that diet influences the activation of different pathways, which may influence morphological adaptations in the gastrointestinal system, the aim of this study was to compare the morphology of the endocrine pancreas in P. personatus and A. geoffroyi. For this, histological, stereological and immunohistochemical methods were used. In P. personatus, the average diameter of the pancreatic islet was 40.47 μm ± 13.94, while in A. geoffroyi was 88.16 μm ± 36.40. The total number of pancreatic islets in P. personatus was 26150 ± 2346 and in A. geoffroyi was 15970 ± 1666. In P. personatus, the volume density of the pancreatic islets was 3.4%± 2.6, whereas in A. geoffroyi the volume density was 6.1% ± 3.7. In addition, the immunodensity of the α, β and δ cells, in P. personatus was 25.8% ± 11.9, 35.5% ± 13.5, 3.9% ± 0.7, respectively, and in A. geoffroyi was 33.10% ± 12.7, 55.08% ± 7.4, 6.2% ± 4.6, respectively. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate differences in the pancreatic weight/body, weight ratio, diameter and volume density of pancreatic islets and in immunodensity of the β and α cells between both species, which have different dietary habits.  相似文献   

We determined location and amount of accumulated sand in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed diets containing external (silicate) abrasives. Computed tomographic abdominal images of rabbits (n = 44) and guinea pigs (n = 16) that each received varying numbers (4–7) of different diets for 14 days each (total n = 311 computed tomographs), and radiographs of dissected GIT and presence of silica in GIT content (n = 46 animals) were evaluated. In rabbits, the majority of accumulated sand was located in the caecal appendix, an elongated, intestinal structure in the left side of the abdomen. The ‘wash-back’ colonic separation mechanism in rabbits may be partly responsible for a retrograde transport of sand back to the caecum, where dense, small particles accumulate in the appendix. The appendix likely acted as a reservoir of these particles, leading to significant effects not only of the momentary but also of the previous diet on recorded sand volumes in the rabbits. Guinea pigs have no caecal appendix and a colonic separation mechanism not based on a ‘wash-back’. Less sand accumulation was found in their GIT without a specific location pattern, and there were less previous diet effects in this species. None of the rabbits or guinea pigs developed clinical signs of obstruction during the study, and the recorded sand volumes represented 1.0 ± 1.2% of the 14-d sand intake in rabbits and 0.2 ± 0.2% in guinea pigs. Accumulation of sand in volumes up to 10 cm3 in the GIT of rabbits does not seem to cause clinical health impairment. Large inter-individual differences in rabbits indicate inter-individual variation in proneness to sand accumulation. The reason for the presence of a sand-trapping caecal appendix in animals that are, due to their burrowing lifestyle and feeding close to the ground, predestined for accidental sand ingestion, remains to be unveiled.  相似文献   

Aspects of the biology of the Natal mountain catfish, Amphilius natalensis, including gametogenesis, spawning season, size-at-maturity, sex ratio, diet and feeding morphology were determined from fish collected in the Songimvelo Game Reserve, South Africa, between 1989 and 1990. Female sexual maturity was established at 63 mm total length. A. natalensis is an asynchronous, iteroparous spawner, breeding throughout summer from August to February. Sex ratio of females to males was 2.2:1, with females attaining a significantly larger size than males. Gametogenesis followed a pattern similar to that of other freshwater teleosts peaking over the spawning period. Stomach content analysis and observations on feeding morphology revealed that A. natalensis was an opportunistic predator with large fish consuming larger prey from a greater variety of taxonomic groups. The most abundant prey items eaten were dipteran (particularly Chironomidae) and ephemeropteran (particularly Baetidae) larvae.  相似文献   

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