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Mouse blastocysts which had been activated from diapause in utero appeared to take up amino acids via a Na+-dependent transport system with novel characteristics. In contrast to other cell types, uptake of 3-aminoendobicyclo [3,2,1]octane-3-carboxylic acid (BCO) by blastocysts was largely Na+ dependent. Moreover, L-alanine and BCO met standard criteria for mutual competitive inhibition of the Na+-dependent transport of each other. The Ki for each of these amino acids as an inhibitor of transport of the other had a value similar to the value of its Km for transport. In addition, both 2-aminoendobicyclo [2,2,1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid (Ki approximately 1.0 mM) and L-valine (Ki approximately 0.10 mM) appeared to inhibit Na+-dependent transport of alanine and BCO competitively. Finally, alanine and L-lysine appeared to compete for the same Na+-dependent transport sites in blastocysts. For these reasons, we conclude that lysine, alanine, and BCO are transported by a common Na+-dependent system in blastocysts. In addition, the apparent interaction of the system with other basic amino acids, such as 1-dimethylpiperidine-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid, which has a nondissociable positive charge on its side chain, and L-arginine and L-homoarginine, whose cationic forms are highly predominant at neutral pH, suggests that the cationic forms of basic amino acids are transported by the wide-scope system.  相似文献   

Negatively charged amino acids, such as aspartate and glutamate, were selected as substrates by low- and high-Km components of mediated Na(+)-dependent transport in preimplantation mouse blastocysts. These and other relatively small anionic amino acids with two carbon atoms between the negatively charged groups (or up to three carbon atoms when the groups were both carboxyl groups) interacted strongly with the low-Km component of transport, whereas larger anionic amino acids interacted weakly or not at all. The low-Km system was also stereoselective except in the case of aspartate. Moreover, transport was Cl(-)-dependent and slower at pH values outside the range 5.6-7.4. L-Aspartate, D-aspartate and L-glutamate each interacted strongly with the low-Km component of transport with Km values for transport nearly equal to their Ki values for inhibition of transport of one of the other amino acids. By these criteria, the low-Km component of transport of anionic amino acids in blastocysts appears to be the same as the familiar system X-AG that is present in other types of mammalian cells. In contrast, the high-Km component of transport in blastocysts preferred L-aspartate to L-glutamate, whereas the reverse is true for fibroblasts. Therefore, transport of anionic amino acids in blastocysts may occur via at least one process that has not been described in other types of cells. Roughly half of mediated glutamate and aspartate transport in blastocysts may occur via the high-Km component of transport at the concentrations of these amino acids that may be present in uterine secretions.  相似文献   

The uptake of l-methionine-methyl-3H and l-leucine-3H from completely defined medium into acid-soluble fractions of preimplantation mouse embryos has been studied. Late four-cell embryos and early blastocysts raised in vitro can concentrate both amino acids by processes which exhibit saturable, Michaelis-Menten type kinetics, characteristic of carrier-mediated active transport systems. This uptake is temperature-sensitive and inhibited by certain amino acids which compete for the same uptake sites. Methionine uptake seems to be mediated by a single transport system (Km = 6.25 × 10?5M) at the four-cell stage. Complex kinetics suggest that two distinct transport systems exist at the early blastocyst stage (Km = 6.25 × 10?5M; 8.9 × 10?4M). Vmax values (mg/embryo/15 min) for methionine and leucine transport increase significantly from the late four-cell stage to the blastocyst stage, suggesting that additional carriers are produced or activated during development.Most importantly, leucine and methionine transport is Na+-independent at the four-cell stage, methionine transport is partially dependent at the morula stage, and both amino acids are completely Na+-dependent at the blastocyst stage. The cumulative results suggest that preimplantation embryos accumulate leucine and methionine by specific, chemically mediated, active transport systems. The qualitative and quantitative developmental changes in cell membrane function may represent preparatory steps for subsequent growth of embryonic and/or trophoblastic cells.  相似文献   

Na+-dependent system ASC and Na+-independent system asc are characterized by a common selectivity for neutral amino acids of intermediate size such as L-alanine and by their interactions with dibasic amino acids. For system ASC, the positive charge on the dibasic amino acid side chain is considered to occupy the Na+-binding site on the transporter. We report here the use of harmaline (a Na+-site inhibitor in some systems) as a probe of possible structural homology between these two classes of amino acid transporter. Harmaline was found to inhibit human erythrocyte system ASC noncompetitively with respect to L-alanine concentration, but approximated competitive inhibition with respect to Na+ concentration (apparent Ki = 2.0 and 0.9 mM, respectively). Similarly, harmaline noncompetitively inhibited L-alanine uptake by horse erythrocyte systems asc1 and asc2 (apparent Ki = 2.0 and 1.9 mM, respectively). In contrast, harmaline functioned as a competitive inhibitor of L-lysine uptake by system asc1 (apparent Ki = 2.6 mM). It is concluded that harmaline competes with Na+ for binding to system ASC and that a topographically similar harmaline inhibition site is present on system asc. This site does not however bind Na+, the asc1 transporter exhibiting normal L-alanine and L-lysine influx kinetics in the total absence of extracellular cations.  相似文献   

Mouse blastocysts collapse in cytochalasin B (CB), reexpand (accumulate fluid) in control medium, but cannot reexpand in ouabain, an inhibitor of Na+K+-ATPases. These ATPases, then, seem to be necessary for fluid accumulation in blastocysts. Since intact blastocysts are relatively insensitive to ouabain, CB seems to make it possible for ouabain to reach the Na+K+-ATPases localized on the blastocoelic surface. CB-Collapsed blastocysts were found to transport alanine and lysine at the same rate as intact blastocysts, indicating that, in 1 hr, amino acids are transported into the cells of the intact blastocyst, and not into the fluid-filled blastocoel. Transport rates in CB-collapsed blastocysts do not exceed those in intact blastocysts, suggesting that hypothetical amino acid carriers are located only on the external blastocyst surface. Most important, ouabain strongly inhibits sodium-dependent alanine transport in CB-collapsed blastocysts, but not in intact blastocysts, providing strong evidence that Na+K+-ATPases, localized on the blastocoelic surface, are necessary for this transport. Ouabain does not inhibit sodium-independent lysine transport in CB-collapsed blastocysts. Thus, the dependency of both sodium-dependent amino acid transport and fluid accumulation upon Na+K+-ATPases, and the separate localization of amino acid carriers and these ATPases, provides functional evidence for an epithelial tissue type of mechanism for sodium-dependent amino acid transport in mouse blastocysts.  相似文献   

The nature and ontogeny of Na(+)-dependent L-alanine transport was examined in mouse eggs and preimplantation conceptuses. Mediated L-alanine uptake was not detected in fertilized or unfertilized eggs, but a small amount of Na(+)-dependent L-alanine transport was detected in 2-cell conceptuses. Na(+)-dependent alanine transport was more rapid at the 8-cell stage of development, and more than 10-fold faster in blastocysts than in 8-cell conceptuses. Analog inhibition analyses were consistent with the interpretation that L-lysine-sensitive and L-lysine-resistant components of transport were present at the 2-cell, 8-cell and blastocyst stages of development. The range of amino acids and their analogs that inhibited the most conspicuous component of alanine transport in blastocysts was consistent with the conclusion that system B0,+ is largely responsible for L-alanine uptake in these conceptuses. Moreover, system B0,+, but not other known systems in blastocysts, became susceptible to activation as these conceptuses approached the time of implantation, so this activation could be involved in implantation. Although the data are consistent with the possibility that system B0,+ is also present in 2-cell and 8-cell conceptuses, the relatively slow L-alanine transport in conceptuses at these earlier stages of development precluded more detailed study of their ability to take up alanine. Similarly, the less conspicuous L-lysine-resistant component of L-alanine transport in blastocysts also may be present in conceptuses as early as the 2-cell stage. The L-lysine-resistant component of L-alanine transport could not be attributed to residual system B0,+ activity, however, because it was inhibited more strongly by trans-OH-L-proline than L-arginine, whereas the reverse was the case for system B0,+. Similarly, L-tryptophan and L-leucine each inhibited system B0,+ more strongly than L-serine or L-cysteine, whereas all four of these amino acids inhibited the L-lysine-resistant component equally well. Moreover, a Hofstee plot for L-alanine influx was consistent with the interpretation that at least two mediated components of Na(+)-dependent L-alanine transport are present in blastocysts. The less conspicuous component of L-alanine transport in blastocysts was relatively susceptible to inhibition by L-leucine and L-tryptophan, but it resisted inhibition by the 'model' system A substrate, MeAIB, and the system ASC inhibitors, L-penicillamine and cationic amino acids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The capacity of preimplantation mouse blastocysts to express the novel amino acid transport activity provisionally designated system B0,+ increased approximately 3-fold 1 day after administration of estrogen to their progesterone-primed, ovariectomized mothers. Nevertheless, blastocysts obtained 22-25 h after estrogen administration (implanting blastocysts) had to be incubated in vitro for about 20 min before they fully expressed their B0,+ activity. No similar increase in B0,+ activity was observed upon incubation of blastocysts obtained before estrogen administration (diapausing blastocysts). Rapid metabolic changes can be induced in the uterus by massaging it with a blunt instrument while it is receptive to implantation, and this treatment was found to increase the apparent B0,+ activity in implanting but not diapausing blastocysts. In contrast, the activity of an incompletely characterized, Na+-independent system, which accepts L-lysine as a substrate, decreased more than 2-fold when implanting blastocysts were incubated in vitro. No change in Na+-independent lysine uptake was detected during incubation of diapausing blastocysts. It is suggested that both uteri and blastocysts develop the capacity to change rapidly some of their metabolic processes near the time of implantation, and one of the processes which may be subject to rapid change in blastocysts is amino acid transport. These developmental events appear to coincide with and could be required for the decidual cell response and implantation of blastocysts in the uterus.  相似文献   

Rapid kinetic techniques were used to study the transport and salvage of uridine and other nucleosides in mouse spleen cells. Spleen cells express two nucleoside transport systems: (1) the non-concentrative, symmetrical, Na+-independent transporter with broad substrate specificity, which has been found in all mammalian cells and is sensitive to inhibition by dipyridamole and nitrobenzylthioinosine; and (2) a Na+-dependent nucleoside transport, which is specific for uridine and purine nucleosides and resistant to inhibition by dipyridamole and nitrobenzylthioinosine. The kinetic properties of the two transporters were determined by measuring uridine influx in ATP-depleted cells and dipyridamole-treated cells, respectively. The Michaelis-Menten constants for Na+-independent and -dependent transport were about 40 and 200 microM, respectively, but the first-order rate constants were about the same for both transport systems. Nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitivity of the facilitated nucleoside transporter correlated with the presence of about 10,000 high-affinity (Kd = 0.6 nM) nitrobenzylthioinosine-binding sites per cell. The turnover number of the nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive nucleoside transporter was comparable to that of mouse P388 leukemia cells. The activation energy of this transporter was 20 kcal/mol. Entry of uridine via either of the transport routes was rapidly followed by its phosphorylation and conversion to UTP. The Michaelis-Menten constant for the in situ phosphorylation of uridine was about 50 microM and the first-order rate constants for phosphorylation and transport were about the same. The spleen cells also efficiently salvaged adenosine, adenine, and hypoxanthine, but not thymidine.  相似文献   

Amino acid transport in horse erythrocytes is regulated by three co-dominant allelomorphic genes coding for high-affinity transport activity (system asc1), low-affinity transport activity (system asc2) and transport-deficiency, respectively. The asc systems are selective for neutral amino acids of intermediate size, but unlike conventional system ASC, do not require Na+ for activity. In the present series of experiments we have used a combined kinetic and genetic approach to establish that dibasic amino acids are also asc substrates, systems asc1 and asc2 representing the only mediated routes of cationic amino acid transport in horse erythrocytes. Both transporters were found to exhibit a strong preference for dibasic amino acids compared with neutral amino acids of similar size. Apparent Km values (mM) for influx via system asc1 were L-lysine (9), L-ornithine (27), L-arginine (27), L-alanine (0.35). Corresponding Vmax estimates (mmol/l cells per h, 37 degrees C) were L-lysine (1.65), L-ornithine (2.15), L-arginine (0.54), L-alanine (1.69). Apparent Km values for L-lysine and L-ornithine influx via system asc2 were approximately 90 and greater than 100 mM, respectively, with Vmax values greater than 2 and greater than 1 mmol/l cells per h, respectively. Apparent Km and Vmax values for L-alanine uptake by system asc2 were 14 mM and 6.90 mmol/l cells per h. In contrast, L-arginine was transported by system asc2 with the same apparent Km as L-alanine (14 mM), but with a 77-fold lower Vmax. This dibasic amino acid was shown to cause cis- and trans-inhibition of system asc2 in a manner analogous to its interaction with system ASC, where the side-chain guanidinium group is considered to occupy the Na+-binding site on the transporter. Concentrations of extracellular L-arginine causing 50% inhibition of zero-trans L-alanine influx and half-maximum inhibition of L-alanine zero-trans efflux were 14 mM (extracellular L-alanine concentration 15 mM) and 3 mM (intracellular L-alanine concentration 15.5 mM), respectively. We interpret these observations as evidence of structural homology between the horse erythrocyte asc transporters and system ASC. Physiologically, intracellular L-arginine may function as an endogenous inhibitor of system asc2 activity.  相似文献   

The (Na+ and K+)-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase (Na+,K+)-ATPase) from canine kidney reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles showed an ATP-dependent, ouabain-inhibited uptake of 22Na+ in the absence of added K+. This transport occurred against a Na+ concentration gradient, was not affected by increasing the K+ concentration to 10 microM (four times the endogenous level), and could not be explained in terms of Na+in in equilibrium Na+out exchange. K+-independent transport occurred with a stoichiometry of 0.5 mol of Na+ per mol of ATP hydrolyzed as compared with 2.9 mol of Na+ per mol of ATP for K+-dependent transport.  相似文献   

Criteria have been set up for recognizing the trait of interconvertibility of transport System ASC, whereby it operates in a deprotonated form to mediate the transport of zwitterionic amino acids and in a protonated form to transport anionic amino acids. This trait has been detected by each criterion applied, in all the tested occurrences of System ASC, as follows: the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell in suspension; a cultured variant thereof in monolayer; the Chinese hamster ovary cell CHO-K1 in monolayer; the pigeon red blood cell in suspension; and the human red blood cell in suspension. We conclude that this trait is a general feature of System ASC which may we may use provisionally in defining the system.  相似文献   

A monosaccharide transport system in addition to the active Na+-dependent system characteristic of the brush border surface of vertebrate intestinal tissue has been identified in isolated chick intestinal epithelial cells. The newly described system differs in several characteristics from the Na+-dependent process, including function in the absence of Na+; a high sensitivity to phloretin, relative insensitivity to phlorizin; different substrate specificity; and a very high KT and Vmax. The system apparently functions only in a facilitated diffusion manner so that it serves to move monosaccharide across the cell membrane down its chemical gradient. An appreciable fraction of total sugar efflux occurs via the Na+-independent carrier from cells which have accumulated sugar to a steady state. Phloretin selectively blocks this efflux so that a normal steady-state sugar gradient of seven- to eightfold is transformed to a new steady-state gradient which is greater than 14-fold. Locus of the new system is tentatively ascribed to the serosal cell surface where it would serve for monosaccharide transfer between enterocyte and lamina propria of the villus.  相似文献   

1. Basolateral membranes of rat small intestine were first solubilized in a 0.6% cholate buffer and then the insoluble fraction was reextracted with a 1.2 or 1.6% cholate buffer. 2. Proteoliposomes reconstituted from the 1.2 or 1.6% cholate-extracted membrane fraction demonstrated characteristic Na+-independent D-glucose transport of the native basolateral membrane vesicles: inhibitable by mercuric chloride and D-galactose. 3. To further purify this D-glucose transport system, the 1.6% cholate-extracted membrane fraction was chromatographed on either hydroxylapatite, concanavalin A, wheat-germ lectin or castor bean lectin-120 affinity gels. 4. Proteoliposomes reconstituted from the membrane proteins adsorbed on hydroxylapatite and subsequently passed through agarose-castor bean lectin-120 showed a 12-fold enrichment of Na+-independent D-glucose transport activity over that of the native membrane vesicles. 5. SDS-electrophoretic analysis showed that the protein composition of the hydroxylapatite-castor bean lectin-120 treated fraction was much simpler than that of both 1.6% cholate-extracted fraction and the native membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

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