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Acetylcholinesterase reactivators are crucial antidotes for the treatment of organophosphate intoxication. Fifteen new monooxime reactivators of acetylcholinesterase with a (E)-but-2-ene linker were developed in an effort to extend the properties of K-oxime (E)-1-(4-carbamoylpyridinium)-4-(4-hydroxyiminomethylpyridinium)-but-2-ene dibromide (K203). The known reactivators (pralidoxime, HI-6, obidoxime, K075, K203) and the new compounds were tested in vitro on a model of tabun- and paraoxon-inhibited AChE. Monooxime reactivators were not able to exceed the best known compounds for tabun poisoning, but some of them did show reactivation comparable with known compounds for paraoxon poisoning. However, extensive differences were found by a SAR study for various substitutions on the non-oxime part of the reactivator molecule.  相似文献   

Six AChE monooxime-monocarbamoyl reactivators with an (E)-but-2-ene linker were synthesized using modification of currently known synthetic pathways. Their potency to reactivate AChE inhibited by the nerve agent tabun and insecticide paraoxon was tested in vitro. The reactivation efficacies of pralidoxime, HI-6, obidoxime, K048, K075 and the newly prepared reactivators were compared. According to the results obtained, one reactivator seems to be promising against tabun-inhibited AChE and two reactivators against paraoxon-inhibited AChE. The best results were obtained for bisquaternary substances with at least one oxime group in position four.  相似文献   

Six AChE monooxime-monocarbamoyl reactivators with an (E)-but-2-ene linker were synthesized using modification of currently known synthetic pathways. Their potency to reactivate AChE inhibited by the nerve agent tabun and insecticide paraoxon was tested in vitro. The reactivation efficacies of pralidoxime, HI-6, obidoxime, K048, K075 and the newly prepared reactivators were compared. According to the results obtained, one reactivator seems to be promising against tabun-inhibited AChE and two reactivators against paraoxon-inhibited AChE. The best results were obtained for bisquaternary substances with at least one oxime group in position four.  相似文献   

The preparation of a series of monoquaternary pyridinium oximes bearing either a heterocyclic side chain or a functionalized aliphatic side chain and the corresponding in vitro evaluation for reactivation of paraoxon-inhibited electric eel acetylcholinesterase (EeAChE) and recombinant human acetylcholinesterase (rHuAChE) are reported. Several newly synthesized compounds efficiently reactivated inhibited EeAChE, but were poor reactivators of inhibited rHuAChE. Compounds bearing a thiophene ring in the side chain (20, 23, 26 and 29) showed better reactivation (24–37% for EeAChE and 5–9% for rHuAChE) compared to compounds with furan and isoxazole heterocycles (0–8% for EeAChE and 2–3% for rHuAChE) at 10?5 M. The N-pyridyl-CH2COOH analog 8 reactivated EeAChE (36%) and rHuAChE (15%) at 10?4 M with a kr value better than 2-pyridine aldoxime methiodide (2-PAM) for rHuAChE.  相似文献   

Exposure to the organophosphorus nerve agents such as sarin, soman, cyclosarin, and VX causes acute intoxication by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase (AChE), where the serine residue of the active site can attack the phosphorous atom of the organophosphorus agents to form a strong P–O bond. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate new oxime antidotes to reactivate the inhibited AChE. We have designed and synthesized several new oximes, and have evaluated the substances that differ from the currently used oximes in linker between the two pyridinium rings. The potency of newly synthesized oximes was compared with two currently used AChE reactivators (2-PAM, HI-6). The reactivation potencies of the bis-pyridinium oximes connected with a (CH2)n linker between the two quaternary nitrogen atoms were evaluated with housefly (HF) AChE inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphates (DFP) and by paraoxon. The bis-pyridinium oximes showed stronger activity compared with mono-pyridinium oxime, and the magnitude of reactivation potency depended on the length of the methylene linker. The potency order was (CH2) < (CH2)2 < (CH2)3 > (CH2)4 > (CH2)7. A (CH2)3 linker was optimal in HF AChE inhibited by either DFP or paraoxon. Thus, bis-pyridinium oxime 5 which has (CH2)3 linker showed the highest activity in this series of compounds. Interestingly, 5 was not as active as 2-PAM, showing that the position of the oxime group on the pyridinium ring is also very important for the reactivation potency.  相似文献   

The interaction of pyridinium salts (PS) with red blood cells and planar lipid membranes was studied. The aim of the work was to find whether certain cationic surfactant counterion influence its possible biological activity. The counterions studied were Cl-, Br-, I-, ClO4-, BF4- and NO3-. The model membranes used were erythrocyte and planar lipid membranes (BLM). At high concentration the salts caused 100% erythrocyte hemolysis (C100) or broke BLMs (CC). Both parameters describe mechanical properties of model membranes. It was found that the efficiency of the surfactant to destabilize model membranes depended to some degree on its counterion. In both, erythrocyte and BLM experiments, the highest efficiency was observed for Br-, the lowest for NO3-. The influence of all other anions on surfactant efficiency changed between these two extremities; that of chloride and perchlorate ions was similar. Some differences were found in the case of BF4- ion. Its influence on hemolytic possibilities of PS was significant while BLM destruction required relatively high concentration of this anion. Apparently, the influence of various anions on the destructive action of PS on the model membrane used may be attributed to different mobilities and radii of hydrated ions and hence, to different possibilities of particular anions to modify the surface potential of model membranes. This can lead to a differentiated interaction of PS with modified bilayers. Moreover, the effect of anions on the water structure must be taken into account. It is important whether the anions can be classified as water ordering kosmotropes that hold the first hydration shell tightly or water disordering chaotropes that hold water molecules in that shell loosely.  相似文献   

Three asymmetrical AChE reactivators with cyano-moiety and propane linker were synthesized using modification of currently known synthetic pathways. Their potency to reactivate AChE inhibited by nerve agent tabun and insecticide paraoxon was tested in vitro and compared to pralidoxime, HI-6, obidoxime, K027, and K048. According to the results, three compounds seem to be promising against paraoxon-inhibited AChE. Better results were obtained for bisquaternary substances at least with one oxime group in position four. None of tested substances was able to satisfactorily reactivate tabun-inhibited AChE at concentration applicable for in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

Oxime reactivators are the drugs of choice for the post-treatment of OP (organophosphorus) intoxication and used widely for mechanistic and kinetic studies of OP-inhibited cholinesterases. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate new oxime compounds to reactivate acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibited by the OP paraoxon. Several new bisquaternary pyridinium oximes with heterocyclic linkers along with some known bisquaternary pyridinium oximes bearing aliphatic linkers were synthesized and evaluated for their in vitro reactivation potency against paraoxon-inhibited electric eel acetylcholinesterase (EeAChE) and recombinant human acetylcholinesterase (rHuAChE). Results herein indicate that most of the compounds are better reactivators of EeAChE than of rHuAChE. The reactivation potency of two different classes of compounds with varying linker chains was compared and observed that the structure of the connecting chain is an important factor for the activity of the reactivators. At a higher concentration (10?3 M), compounds bearing aliphatic linker showed better reactivation than compounds with heterocyclic linkers. Interestingly, oximes with a heterocyclic linker inhibited AChE at higher concentration (10?3 M), whereas their ability to reactivate was increased at lower concentrations (10?4 M and 10?5 M). Compounds bearing either a thiophene linker 26, 46 or a furan linker 31 showed 59%, 49% and 52% reactivation of EeAChE, respectively, at 10?5 M. These compounds showed 14%, 6% and 15% reactivation of rHuAChE at 10?4 M. Amongst newly synthesized analogs with heterocyclic linkers (2635 and 4546), compound 31, bearing furan linker chain, was found to be the most effective reactivator with a kr 0.042 min?1, which is better than obidoxime (3) for paraoxon-inhibited EeAChE. Compound 31 showed a kr 0.0041 min?1 that is near equal to pralidoxime (1) for paraoxon-inhibited rHuAChE.  相似文献   

Aims: To explore the relationship between chemical structures and antimicrobial activities of quaternary ammonium salts (QASs), particularly the impact of hydrophobicity of the salts on the antimicrobial functions. Methods and Results: Four QASs, i.e. 4‐aminododecylpyridinium chloride, 4‐acetylaminododecylpyridinium chloride, 4‐benzoylaminododecylpyridinium bromide and 4‐(1‐naphthoyl) aminododecylpyridinium bromide were employed in antimicrobial tests against both Gram‐negative and Gram‐positive bacteria, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These four QASs possess the same long alkyl chain but different hydrophobic substituents at the 4‐amino group. Antimicrobial activity of QASs was measured in liquid phases by growing bacterial cultures in the presence and absence of the QAS. The most hydrophobic compound exhibited the strongest antimicrobial activity than other salts. Conclusions: All of the quaternary pyridinium salts exhibited significant antimicrobial activities but in different extents according to their hydrophobicity at the 4‐amino position. QASs having larger hydrophobic groups were significantly more effective than that with smaller groups. Significance and Impact of the Study: This research revealed that hydrophobic and aromatic ring structures at 4‐amino position on quaternary aminopyridinium ring could improve antimicrobial activity of the salts. The results could assist understanding and development of antimicrobial QASs.  相似文献   

Six novel AChE reactivators with a (Z)-but-2-ene linker were synthesized using the known synthetic pathways. Their ability to reactivate AChE, which had been previously inhibited by nerve agent tabun or pesticide paraoxon, was tested in vitro and compared to pralidoxime, HI-6, obidoxime, and K075. The novel synthesized compounds were found to be ineffective against GA-inhibited AChE but the ability of (Z)-1,4-bis(4-hydroxyiminomethylpyridinium)-but-2-ene dibromide to reactivate paraoxon-inhibited AChE was comparable with that of oxime K075. Notably, the oxime group in position four substantially increased the ability of the novel compounds to reactivate paraoxon-inhibited AChE.  相似文献   

Nine potential non-symmetrical xylene-bridged AChE reactivators were synthesized using modifications of currently known synthetic pathways. Their potency to reactivate AChE inhibited by the nerve agent tabun and the insecticide paraoxon together with nine symmetrical xylene-bridged compounds, was tested in vitro. Seven compounds were promising against paraoxon-inhibited AChE. Two compounds were found to be more potent against tabun-inhibited AChE than obidoxime at a concentration applicable in vivo.  相似文献   

Nine potential non-symmetrical xylene-bridged AChE reactivators were synthesized using modifications of currently known synthetic pathways. Their potency to reactivate AChE inhibited by the nerve agent tabun and the insecticide paraoxon together with nine symmetrical xylene-bridged compounds, was tested in vitro. Seven compounds were promising against paraoxon-inhibited AChE. Two compounds were found to be more potent against tabun-inhibited AChE than obidoxime at a concentration applicable in vivo.  相似文献   

Upon preincubation with urea, various 3- or 4-substituted N-methylpyridinium salts form charge-transfer complexes with tryptophan containing proteins such as, L-chymotrypsin and lysozyme. The complexes were studied by using the difference spectrophotometric technique. The fluorescence examination showed that tryptophyl residues in protein molecules are engaged in the complex formation process. The complex formation reactions proceed at a considerable rate. The stopped-flow method was used to determine the pseudo first order rate constants. A linear dependence of the pseudo first order rate constants with the donor concentration was found. The second order rate constants were obtained by dividing the mean value of the pseudo first order rate constants by the initial donor concentration for each run. The linear dependence of second order rate constants with the electron affinity of the acceptors can serve as a criterion for the formation of charge-transfer complexes.  相似文献   

The three new dual-layer matrices (polyacrylonitrile (PAN) membranes coated with physically bound chitosan (CHI)—PANCHI-A and chemically bound chitosan—PANCHI-B and PANCHI-C) for immobilization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were obtained. The chemical-modified PAN membrane (PAN-NaOH + ethylenediamine (EDA)) was used as a base for the prepared dual-layer membranes. For chemical chitosan bound membrane, chitosan was tethered onto the membrane surface to form a dual-layer biomimetic membrane in the presence of glutaraldehyde (GA). The basic characteristics (amount of amino groups, hydrophilicity and transport characteristics) of the chitosan-modified membranes were investigated. The SEM analyses were shown essential morphology change in the different chitosan membranes.The relative activities and Vmax of the covalently immobilized enzyme on PANCHI-B and PANCHI-C membranes were higher than that on PANCHI-A membrane and chemical-modified membrane with NaOH + EDA. Km values for the different modified membranes are lower for the chitosan-treated membranes. The pH and temperature optimum of immobilized enzyme were determined. The bound enzymes on PANCHI-B and PANCHI-C have higher thermal and storage stability in comparison with AChE on PANCHI-A membrane and free enzyme.  相似文献   

The three new dual-layer matrices (polyacrylonitrile (PAN) membranes coated with physically bound chitosan (CHI)—PANCHI-A and chemically bound chitosan—PANCHI-B and PANCHI-C) for immobilization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were obtained. The chemical-modified PAN membrane (PAN-NaOH + ethylenediamine (EDA)) was used as a base for the prepared dual-layer membranes. For chemical chitosan bound membrane, chitosan was tethered onto the membrane surface to form a dual-layer biomimetic membrane in the presence of glutaraldehyde (GA). The basic characteristics (amount of amino groups, hydrophilicity and transport characteristics) of the chitosan-modified membranes were investigated. The SEM analyses were shown essential morphology change in the different chitosan membranes.The relative activities and Vmax of the covalently immobilized enzyme on PANCHI-B and PANCHI-C membranes were higher than that on PANCHI-A membrane and chemical-modified membrane with NaOH + EDA. Km values for the different modified membranes are lower for the chitosan-treated membranes. The pH and temperature optimum of immobilized enzyme were determined. The bound enzymes on PANCHI-B and PANCHI-C have higher thermal and storage stability in comparison with AChE on PANCHI-A membrane and free enzyme.  相似文献   

Y M Sheikh  C Djerassi 《Steroids》1975,26(1):129-136
Synthesis of sterols with side chain containing from four to nine carbons are described.  相似文献   

A series of piperidinium and pyridinium agents containing a common structural fragment of 5,6-dimethoxybenzothiophene have been synthesised as water-soluble acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Several compounds, for example 42 (AChE IC(50) 0.03 microM) have been found to reverse the neuromuscular blockade induced by vecuronium bromide in vitro and in vivo. Coupled with their high water solubility (up to 30-60 mg/mL), these compounds are potentially useful as intravenous reversal agents of neuromuscular blocking agents in surgical anaesthesia.  相似文献   

A novel series of coumarin derivatives linked to benzyl pyridinium group were synthesized and biologically evaluated as inhibitors of both acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). The enzyme inhibitory activity of synthesized compounds was measured using colorimetric Ellman’s method. It was revealed that compounds 3e, 3h, 3l, 3r and 3s have shown higher activity compared with donepezil hydrochloride as standard drug. Most of the compounds in these series had nanomolar range IC50 in which compound 3r (IC50 = 0.11 nM) was the most active compound against acetylcholinesterase enzyme.  相似文献   

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