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Summary The morphological features of descending interneurons that responded to the artificial bending of statolith hairs were assessed with intracellular recording and staining techniques. Seven statocyst interneurons were identified on the basis of their structure and response characteristics and designated as interneurons S1 to S7. All seven identified interneurons project to the optic lobe, where the optic nerve also projects, and to the dorsal part of the tritocerebrum, where the eyestalk motoneurons originate. All except interneuron S6 also extend their major branches to other neuropilar regions. S2 projects to the dorsal part of the deutocerebrum, where the statocyst nerve terminates, and S3 to the dorsal part of deutocerebrum and the antennal lobe. Four other interneurons (S1, S4, S5, S7) also extend their branches to the parolfactory lobe to which the statocyst nerve projects as well as to the deutocerebrum and antennal lobe. The extensive dendritic projections of S1–S7 suggest that they are complex multimodal interneurons rather than simple relay interneurons, receiving at least visual and statocyst sensory information. The function of the antennal lobe branches, however, has yet to be determined since the functional role of antennal input in equilibrium control is unknown.  相似文献   

The choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) activity was measured in the optic centres of chick embryos after early removal of the optic cup and of young chicks after monolateral extirpation of the right eyeball after hatching. The contralateral optic lobes were thus deprived of their complement of retinal fibres. The following results were obtained: in chick embryos the ChAc was slightly lower in the deafferented lobe between the 10th and the 14th day of incubation; between the 14th and the 17th day a critical fall in activity was observed leading to a significant ChAc loss of 71 per cent. In eye deprived chicks no significant change in total ChAc activity occurred during the first postoperative month; significant changes were found only in the second month. The results reached so far suggest that removal of retinal fibres does not cause short term changes in optic centre ChAc in either the embryo or the chick. ChAc contained in nerve cell bodies seems independent of synapses and its behaviour is interpreted as a reflection of metabolic disturbance of the centre.  相似文献   

Gross structural changes and neuropil formation in the brain during development were described in Idiosepius paradoxus, a sepioid that we chose as a model cephalopod. The brain originates in 4 pairs of ectodermal placodes, which occur separately in the embryonic surface undergoing epiboly. In the final period of epiboly, neuroblasts internalize from the placodes and gather into 4 pairs of ganglionic masses. The ganglionic masses assemble into a ring-like cluster encircling the inner yolk and the foregut anlage, gradually integrated into the 4 domains of a massive brain, a subesophageal mass (SBM), a supraesophageal mass (SPM), and a pair of optic lobes. In the early brain, neuropil forms a framework composed of a longitudinal ladder lying in the SBM, and a transverse arch standing on the lateral sides of the SBM and crossing the SPM. Differentiation of brain lobes proceeds from ventral to dorsal along this framework; first the magnocellular lobes and the posterior pedal lobe appear first in the SBM, the other lobes in the SBM and the basal lobes follow in the proximal region of the SPM, and the accessory lobes develop last in the most dorsal zone of the SPM. In the hatchlings, the brain lobes show almost the same arrangement as in the adults, but the accessory lobes, particularly the vertical lobe, are much smaller than those in the adults. Comparison of the present results with those in the teuthoid and the octopod indicates that developmental sequences of the brain are highly conserved in the coleoid cephalopods.  相似文献   

Variants of the Golgi-Colonnier (1964) selective silver procedure have been used to show up neurons in insect brains. Neural elements are particularly clearly impregnated in the optic lobes. Three classes of nerve cells can be distinguished; perpendicular (class I), tangential (class II) and amacrine cells (class III). There are many types of neurons in each class which together have a very wide variety of form. Their components are related to specific strata in the optic lobe regions. Short visual cells from the retina terminate in the lamina in discrete groups of endings (optic cartridges). Pairs of long visual fibres from ommatidia pass through the lamina and end in the medulla. Class I cells link these two regions in parallel with the long visual fibres and groups of these elements define columns in the medulla. These in turn give rise to small-field fibres that project to the lobula complex. Tangential processes intersect the parallel arrays of class I cells at characteristic levels. Some are complex in form and may invade up to three regions. Another type provides a direct link between the ipsi- and contralateral optic lobe. Amacrine cells are intrinsic to single lobe regions and have processes situated at the same levels as those of classes I and II cells. A fifth optic lobe region, the optic tubercle, is connected to the medulla and lobula and also receives a set of processes from the mid-brain. There are at least six separate types of small-field relays which could represent the retina mosaic arrangement in the lobula.  相似文献   

Cephalopod body patterning is a most complex invertebrate behavior. Generated primarily by pigment-containing chromatophore organs, this behavior enables rapid alteration of body coloration as a result of direct innervation of chromatophores by motoneurons. This study focuses on location and arrangement of fin chromatophore motoneurons in the cuttlefish Sepia and investigates the possibility of central topography. Retrograde labeling of topographically arranged fin nerve branches in the periphery revealed the posterior subesophageal mass (PSEM) of the brain as the primary location of fin chromatophore motoneurons; within this region, most cells were located in the posterior chromatophore and fin lobes. Additionally, a small percentage of labeled motoneurons occurred in the anterior subesophageal mass and the stellate ganglia. Data from three-dimensional reconstructions of PSEMs showed the arrangement of labeled motoneurons within individual lobes; these data suggest no obvious topographic arrangement. Further, electrical stimulation of the PSEM generated chromatophore activity on the fin and mantle. These stimulation results, coupled with the retrograde labeling, suggest that chromatophore motoneurons are located across multiple PSEM lobes.  相似文献   

Serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the optic lobes of three insect species   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The cellular localization of 5-HT in the optic lobes of three insect species was assayed with the use of antibodies raised against 5-HT. In Schistocerca, Periplaneta, and Calliphora all neuropil regions of the optic lobe, the lamina, medulla and lobula, contain 5-HT-immunoreactive varicose fibres in different patterns, like columns and layers. Such fibres also connect the lobula to neuropil in the lateral protocerebrum. In Calliphora also 5-HT-positive fibres of the medulla and lobula plate have projections to the lateral protocerebrum, whereas the origin of the lamina fibres is not certain. In all species the processes displaying 5-HT-like immunoreactivity appear to be derived from a relatively small number of cell bodies, each neuron thus having processes over a large volume of the neuropil of the optic lobe in different layers.  相似文献   

Following a demonstration of Golgi-impregnated neurons and their terminal axon arborization in the optic tectum, the neurons of the nucleus parvocellularis and magnocellularis isthmi were studied by means of postembedded electron-microscopical (EM) γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-immunogold staining. In the parvocellular nucleus, none of the neuronal cell bodies or dendrites displayed GABA-like immunoreactivity in EM preparations stained by postembedded GABA-immunogold. However, numerous GABA-like immunoreactive and also unlabeled terminals established synapses with GABA-negative neurons. GABA-like immunoreactive terminals were usually found at the dendritic origin. Around the dendritic profiles, isolated synapses of both GABA-like immunoreactive and immunonegative terminals established glomerulus-like structures enclosed by glial processes. All giant and large neurons of the magnocellular nucleus of the isthmi displayed GABA-like immunoreactivity. Their cell surface was completely covered by GABA-like immunoreactive and unlabeled terminals that established synapses with the neurons. These neurons are thought to send axon collaterals to the parvocellular nucleus; their axons enter the tectum opticum. The morphological characteristics of neurons of both isthmic nuclei are like those of interneurons, because of their numerous axosomatic synapses with both asymmetrical and symmetrical features. These neurons are not located among their target neurons and exert their modulatory effect on optic transmission in the optic tectum at a distance.  相似文献   

The eyes and optic lobes of adult Drosophila melanogaster comprise a highly organized system of interconnected neurons. The eye and optic lobe primordia are physically separate during the embryonic and larval stages of development, and these tissues do not come into contact until the third larval instar, as a consequence of axons growing from the receptor cells of the developing eyes to the primordial optic lobes. After this contact, the axons of the eyes arrange themselves into their complex and orderly adult pattern. Simultaneously, the optic lobe cells begin elaborating axons which organize into their precise adult array. One question posed by this system is: Does cellular pattern formation in either the eyes or optic lobes depend on eye-brain interactions, or do the two tissues organize autonomously? To answer this question, mutations were found which cause abnormal ommatidial array in the eyes and which also perturb the normal adult axon array in the optic lobes. By means of X ray-induced somatic recombination and by genetically controlled mitotic chromosome loss (gynandromorph formation), flies mosaic for genotypically mutant and normal tissue were constructed. Analysis of the neuronal array in mosaic flies in which eye and optic lobe tissue differed genotypically showed that the axon array phenotype of the optic lobe depends on the genotype of the eye tissue innervating that lobe, while the eye phenotype does not depend on optic lobe genotype. Thus, the axonal organization of the D. melanogaster optic lobe has been shown to depend on the transmission of information from the eyes to the optic lobes.  相似文献   

The morphology of the larval and adult brain of Papilio demoleus, and changes in the cell population and neuropile morphology during the pupal period have been described. The larval brain has more simple fibre areas than that of the adult. Dividing neuroblasts have been found which form the adult neurones. The larval brain contains the three neuromeres (proto-, deuto-, and tritocerebrum). The protocerebrum has well developed corpora pedunculata, a central body, a pons cerebralis and developing optic centres. The corpora ventralia are joined with each other by paired ventral commissures (single in adult). The deutocerebrum is simple and small, the antennal centres are small and simple (ef. adult). The glomerular tritocerebrum is posteroventral to the deutocerebrum, and fibres from the former travel to the crura cerebri. The cortex of the brain consists of four types of glial cells and of association cells, and large and medium sized motor neurones. The number of mitoses is greatest in the larval and prepupal stages; in the pupa it decreases gradually and in late stages it does not occur. Histolysis and pyknosis begin in the prepupa and decrease considerably in the late pupa. The entire neural lamella is broken down in the early pupa. Numerous haemocytes penetrate the laminae of the neural lambella and envelop the entire brain. In the adult, behind the well-developed central body is an ellipsoid body. The medulla interna is divided into two smaller lobes and the deutocerebral lobes are differentiated into cortical and medullary zones. Chiasmata between optic centres are also formed during the pupal period.  相似文献   

The lateral protocerebrum of the fly's brain is composed of a system of optic glomeruli, the organization of which compares to that of antennal lobe glomeruli. Each optic glomerulus receives converging axon terminals from a unique ensemble of optic lobe output neurons. Glomeruli are interconnected by systems of spiking and nonspiking local interneurons that are morphologically similar to diffuse and polarized local interneurons in the antennal lobes. GABA-like immunoreactive processes richly supply optic glomeruli, which are also invaded by processes originating from the midbrain and subesophageal ganglia. These arrangements support the suggestion that circuits amongst optic glomeruli refine and elaborate visual information carried by optic lobe outputs, relaying data to long-axoned neurons that extend to other parts of the central nervous system including thoracic ganglia. The representation in optic glomeruli of other modalities suggests that gating of visual information by other sensory inputs, a phenomenon documented from the recordings of descending neurons, could occur before the descending neuron dendrites. The present results demonstrate that future studies must consider the roles of other senses in visual processing.  相似文献   

Pre-existing neuronal pathways in the developing optic lobes of Drosophila   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have identified a set of larval neurones in the developing adult optic lobes of Drosophila by selectively labelling cells that have undergone only a few mitoses. A cluster of three cells is located in each of the optic lobes near the insertion site of the optic stalk. Their axons fasciculate with fibres of the larval optic nerve, the Bolwig's nerve, and then form part of the posterior optic tract. These cells are likely to be first order interneurones of the larval visual system. Unlike the Bolwig's nerve, they persist into the adult stage. The possibility of a pioneering function of the larval visual system during formation of the adult optic lobe neuropil is discussed.  相似文献   

More than 150 neurones in the nushroom body area of the bee brain were recorded and stained intracellularly with either Lucifer Yellow or Cobalt-Hexamminochloride (III). Among them 12 neurones have been characterized physiologically and anatomically which connect the medulla and the lobula with the mushroom bodies. All neurones responded to stationary or moving light stimuli exclusively. Movement-sensitive neurones were all direction-selective. Excitatory and inhibitory responses occurred in response to moving stripe patterns in the preferred and null directions respectively. Anatomically, the neurones could be clearly distinguished as belonging to three types depending on their input features in the optic lobes: (a) Neurones with small dendritic fields (up to 100 μm) in the lobula; (b) Neurones with large dendritic fields (up to 400 μm) in the lobula; (c) Neurones with small dendritic fields (up to 100 μm) in the medulla. The axons of all three cell types run from the optic lobes on each side to the outer ring tract around the pedunculus-calyx-transition and arborize in the collar region of the ipsilateral calyces. Additional branches invading the basal ring of the calyces had been observed; endings in the lip region were not found. The endings in the calyces often exhibited bleb-like specializations indicating their presynaptic nature. Retinotopic organization of the optic inputs into the calyces could not be proven. The results are compared with the characteristics of multimodal mushroom body output fibres and are discussed in context with the complex information processing and storage functions ascribed to the mushroom bodies.  相似文献   

The optic lobe is the largest brain area within the central nervous system of cephalopods and it plays important roles in the processing of visual information, the regulation of body patterning, and locomotive behavior. The oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana has relatively large optic lobes that are responsible for visual communication via dynamic body patterning. It has been observed that the visual behaviors of oval squids change as the animals mature, yet little is known about how the structure of the optic lobes changes during development. The aim of the present study was to characterize the ontogenetic changes in neural organization of the optic lobes of S. lessoniana from late embryonic stage to adulthood. Magnetic resonance imaging and micro‐CT scans were acquired to reconstruct the 3D‐structure of the optic lobes and examine the external morphology at different developmental stages. In addition, optic lobe slices with nuclear staining were used to reveal changes in the internal morphology throughout development. As oval squids mature, the proportion of the brain making up the optic lobes increases continuously, and the optic lobes appear to have a prominent dent on the ventrolateral side. Inside the optic lobe, the cortex and the medulla expand steadily from the late embryonic stage to adulthood, but the cell islands in the tangential zone of the optic lobe decrease continuously in parallel. Interestingly, the size of the nuclei of cells within the medulla of the optic lobe increases throughout development. These findings suggest that the optic lobe undergoes continuous external morphological change and internal neural reorganization throughout the oval squid's development. These morphological changes in the optic lobe are likely to be responsible for changes in the visuomotor behavior of oval squids from hatching to adulthood.  相似文献   

An immunocytochemical technique with the use of three different antibodies raised against serotonin was applied to localize the immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system of the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. Immunoreactive neurons were found in three optic ganglia (medulla externa, interna and terminalis). They appeared in three layers of the medulla externa and interna. The medulla terminalis displayed three prominent groups of immunoreactive perikarya and mainly marginal immunoreactive fibres. Immunoreactive areas of the brain comprised the protocerebral bridge, central body, paracentral lobes and two loci in the anterior portion of the protocerebrum, i.e., the terminal areas for immunoreactive fibres from the optic centres. The olfactory lobes showed a specific immunoreactive pattern. In addition, diffusely and sparsely distributed immunoreactive fibres were found throughout the brain. The immunoreactive neurons are largely localized in the same areas of the central nervous system as the catecholaminergic neurons although some distinct differences occur.  相似文献   

The intrinsic neuronal organisation in the nucleus of the basal optic root of chickens was investigated. The divergent connections with various areas and the functional complexity of the nucleus require a complex intrinsic structural arrangement. Therefore, an analysis of Golgi impregnated material, ultrastructure, GABA-immunocytochemistry and biotinylated dextran-amine anterograde tracer analysis of the nucleus was carried out. In the Golgi analysis, a characteristic dendritic ramification pattern of two types of putative projection neurons was observed. These neurons form dendritic nests with their overlapping dendritic terminal sections, that develop synaptic fields with the optic fibre terminals. These synaptic fields were confirmed by electron microscopy. GABA-immunopositive terminals synapse with distinct loci of the dendritic trees of projection neurons; they may therefore play an important role in the inhibitory-modulatory system of the nucleus of the basal optic root. The GABA-immunopositive terminals derive from small and/or elongated local circuit neurons which receive retinal afferents, and from myelinated fibres afferents to the nucleus of unknown origin.  相似文献   

Summary Golgi studies of the neurons in the optic lobes of Drosophila melanogaster reveal a large number of neuronal cell types. These can be classified as either columnar or tangential. Columnar elements establish the retinotopic maps of the lamina, medulla, and lobula-complex neuropiles. They are classified according to the position of their cell bodies, the number, width, and level of their arborizations, and their projection areas. Tangential elements are oriented perpendicularly to the columns. The arborizations of different tangential neurons are restricted to different layers of the optic neuropiles, within such layers their dendritic fields may span the entire retinotopic field or only part of it. The abundance of cell types inside each of the columnar units of the optic lobe is discussed with regard to its possible functional significance. By means of their stratified arborizations the columnar neurons form what appear to be multiple sets of retinotopically organized parallel information processing networks. It is suggested that these parallel networks filter different kinds of visual information and thus represent structurally separated functional subunits of the optic lobe. Such a parallel organization of visual functions increases the sites for function-specific gene actions and may explain the behavioral phenotypes of recently isolated structural mutants of the optic lobe.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the optic lobe anlagen begin in the brain of second instar. Each is an elongated disc of cortical cells placed on the dorsolateral border of each protocerebrum. In the late second instar the disc elongates and its two ends bend inwards which gradually separate from the central region, thus giving three imaginal discs. The protocerebral neuropile extends into these discs and medulla interna and externa are formed. The rudiments of compound eyes (cephalic complex) appear in the early laid larva. These are attached with the brain and pharyngeal wall separately. The posterior portion of cephalic complex (optic bud), after establishing a nervous association with the central optic lobe anlage (lamina ganglionaris), forms the compound eye. Ech optic bud is attached to the brain by a non-nervous stalk. The epiblast cells of the optic bud do not migrate into the brain and the lamina is formed by the proliferation of the central imaginal disc. The reorientation of the optic lobe anlagen starts in the late third instar and the medulla interna divides into two unequal lobes. In 2 day pupa the nerve fibres from the lamina travel into the optic stalk and the optic nerve is formed. The epiblast cells of the optic bud differentiate to form a peripheral epithelial layer which becomes pigmented and gets apposed to the lateral boundary of the brain. The central epiblast cells of the optic bud form several ommatidia. The optic nerve degenerates gradually and various components of the compound eye are formed by the epiblast cells. Chiasm internum is present but chiasm externum is absent.  相似文献   

The relationship between dorsal root afferents and lumbar motoneurons has been studied in the isolated spinal cord of Rana ridibunda tadpoles. It was found that primary afferents do not form direct contacts with "primary" motoneurons innervating the axial musculature used by the larvae in swimming. Monosynaptic connections were revealed only between afferent fibres and lateral motor column motoneurons which innervate the developing hindlimb. The transmission in these synapses was dual: electrical and chemical. During the metamorphic stages when the locomotion is gradually taken over by the developing hindlimbs, an increase of the percentage of motoneurons receiving direct synaptic input from the primary afferents was observed.  相似文献   

The cloning of a Pax6 orthologue from the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes and its developmental expression pattern are described. The data are consistent with the presence of a single gene encoding a protein with highly conserved DNA-binding paired and homeodomains. A detailed expression analysis by in situ hybridization and immunodetection revealed Pax6 mRNA and protein with predominantly nuclear localization in the developing eye, olfactory organ, brain lobes (optic lobe, olfactory lobe, peduncle lobe, superior frontal lobe and dorsal basal lobe), arms and mantle, suggestive of a role in eye, brain, and sensory organ development.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical staining for serotonin (5-HT) in paraffin-embedded sections of rat pituitary resulted in the localization of reactive nerve fibres and cell bodies in the intermediate lobe. Immunostaining was also found in the anterior and posterior lobes. Labelled nerve fibres appear to enter the intermediate lobe from the neural lobe through the interlobular spaces. These fibres are relatively scarce and lightly stained. Neuroglandular contacts were identified between varicose nerve endings containing serotonin and immunoreactive perykarion. It is not clear whether intermediate lobe cells produced 5-HT themselves or, alternatively, these cells take in 5-HT from serotoninergic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

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