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Previous studies conducted on the continental shelf in the Southeast Bay of Biscay influenced by Gironde waters (one of the two largest rivers on the French Atlantic coast) showed the occurrence of late winter phytoplankton blooms and phosphorus limitation of algal growth thereafter. In this context, the importance of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) for both algae and bacteria was investigated in 1998 and 1999 in terms of stocks and fluxes. Within the mixed layer, although phosphate decreased until exhaustion from winter to spring, DOP remained high and phosphate monoesters made up between 11 to 65% of this pool. Total alkaline phosphatase activity (APA, Vmax) rose gradually from winter (2-8 nM h−1) to late spring (100-400 nM h−1), which was mainly due to an increase in specific phytoplankton (from 0.02 to 3.0 nmol μgC−1 h−1) and bacterial APA (from 0.04 to 4.0 nmol μgC−1 h−1), a strategy to compensate for the lack of phosphate. At each season, both communities had equal competitive abilities to exploit DOP but, taking into account biomass, the phytoplankton community activity always dominated (57-63% of total APA) that of bacterial community (9-11%). The dissolved APA represented a significant contribution. In situ regulation of phytoplanktonic APA by phosphate (induction or inversely repression of enzyme synthesis) was confirmed by simultaneously conducted phosphate-enrichment bioassays. Such changes recorded at a time scale of a few days could partly explain the seasonal response of phytoplankton communities to phosphate depletion.  相似文献   

Prior to forming the egg, female Manx Shearwaters from south Irish Sea colonies spend a fortnight or so exploiting the rich sardine fishery in the Bay of Biscay; the males remain behind, in nightly occupation of the burrows.  相似文献   

Growth of young-of-the-year mackerel in the Bay of Biscay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first growth season of young-of-the-year (0+ year) mackerel Scomber scombrus , sampled in the Bay of Biscay, was parameterized to determine growth patterns. Daily increments were identified on sagittae otoliths, for calculation of age and growth of 92 larvae and 54 juveniles over the range 3·6–215·0 mm standard length ( L S). A Gompertz curve was fitted to the length-at-age data. At the end of the first year of growth L S was 194·2 mm, with a maximum growth increment of c . 2 mm day−1, observed 62 days after hatching. Backcalculated growth increments for mackerel juveniles, during their larval stage, were higher than those observed for sampled larvae; only 10·9% of sampled larvae were estimated to survive. Growth for north-eastern Atlantic mackerel was slower than that published for north-western Atlantic mackerel. Backcalculated hatching dates for mackerel were consistent with the typical temporal distribution of mackerel spawning in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

Williams  R.  Conway  D. V. P.  Hunt  H. G. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):521-530
The European shelf seas can be divided into regions which have tidally mixed waters and thermally stratified waters. The tidally mixed near shore environments support zooplankton communities dominated by smaller copepods and having large meroplankton contributions. These small copepods (Centropages spp., Temora spp., Acartia spp., Paral Pseudo/Microcalanus spp.) together with the microzooplankton component form a different and more complex food web than the larger copepod/diatom link associated with thermally stratified waters. The copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus account for over 90% of the copepod dry weight biomass in stratified waters. Although occurring in lower numbers in mixed waters they can still make significant contributions to the biomass. A 31 year time series from the European shelf shows the inter- and intea-annual variability of these species. The basic biology and food web that these two systems support, and the transfer of energy, can result in marked differences in quantity and quality of particulates available as food for fish larvae. Calanus dominated systems allow the primary production to be directed straight through the trophic food chain (diatoms/Calanus/fish larvae) while the near shore communities of smaller copepods limit the amount of energy being transferred to the higher trophic levels. Eighty-two Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder hauls were used as the data base for this study. In all cases the zooplankton was dominated by copepods both in numbers and biomass accounting for > 80% of total zooplankton dry weight in the Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, shelf edge of the Celtic Sea and the northern and southern North Sea in Spring.  相似文献   

The distribution of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies on the distribution of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay were relatively numerous during the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century. Yet, recent reports are scattered, sometimes unpublished, and therefore knowledge about the current coral occurrence in the area is limited. This study aims at compiling the available historical and more recently collected information on the occurrence of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay. Data from two recent cruises are included and compared with previous explored coral sites from as early as 1830 up to 1995. A database of 347 records including 34 described species of scleractinians highlights that the slope of the Bay of Biscay is an important habitat for scleractinians. This could be expected due to the high topographic relief providing the necessary hard substrate and accelerated bottom current flow that corals require. Further exploration of the occurrence and ecology of corals in the area is recommended to support the conservation of cold-water coral reefs along the European margin. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The possibility of deriving a prediction about the effect of seasonal variations in the duration of the planktonic larval phase on the dispersal of larval Dover sole was investigated. During six cruises, from February to May 1992, the distribution of sole larvae was studied along a 100-km transect, from the offshore spawning grounds to the coastal nurseries of the Bay of Biscay (France). Samples ( n = 189) were collected with a suprabenthic sampler, and vertical profiles of water temperature and salinity were recorded simultaneously. Counts of otolith increments of larval stage 4b (onset of metamorphosis) were used to estimate the duration of the planktonic life. Duration of the larval phase decreases by about 15 days (37%) with water temperature increase (between 8° in February and 11.2° C in May). Sole larvae occur from the coastal area to 100 km offshore. Within the same cruise, no difference in the duration of the planktonic life was observed between the larvae caught in the onshore and the offshore area. In spite of seasonal differences in abundance, the extent and the shape of the larval distributions during the period of study suggest that the seasonal variations in the duration of the planktonic life did not affect the larval distribution.  相似文献   

姜胜  周凯  杜虹  黄长江 《生态科学》2002,21(1):45-49
2000年7月至2001年7月的周年调查结果表明,粤东柘林湾浮游桡足类29属57种,其中,强额拟哲水蚤Paracalanus crassirostris和短角长腹剑水蚤Oithona brevicornis为优势种,合计占浮游桡足类总个体数的66.7%.柘林湾是一个浮游桡足类相对丰富的海湾,年均总个体数达5.4×103ind.·m-3.浮游桡足类的种类数和总个体数均表现为湾外大于湾内的平面分布格局,周年变化基本上为单峰型,高峰期位于5~10月,最低谷位于冬季1月。  相似文献   

2000年7月至2001年7月的周年调查结果表明,粤东柘林湾浮游桡足类29属57种,其中,强额拟哲水蚤Para-ca;amis crassorpstris和短角长腹剑水蚤Ootjpma brevicomis为优势种,合计占浮游桡足类总个体数的66.7%.柘林湾是一个浮游桡足类相对丰富的海湾,年均总个体数达5.4×103ind.@m-3.浮游桡足类的种类数和总个体数均表现为湾外大于湾内的平面分布格局,周年变化基本上为单峰型,高峰期位于5~10月,最低谷位于冬季1月.  相似文献   

Robbins  J. R.  Bell  E.  Potts  J.  Babey  L.  Marley  S. A. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(10):2225-2239
Hydrobiologia - Beaked whales are cryptic and difficult to study species, often distributed in deep offshore waters and only briefly visible at the surface. A diverse range of cetacean species has...  相似文献   

The energy density ( E D) of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Bay of Biscay was determined by direct calorimetry and its evolution with size, age and season was investigated. The water content and energy density varied seasonally following opposite trends. The E D g−1 of wet mass ( M W) was highest at the end of the feeding season (autumn: c . 8 kJ g−1 M W) and lowest in late winter ( c . 6 kJ g−1 M W). In winter, the fish lost mass, which was partially replaced by water, and the energy density decreased. These variations in water content and organic matter content may have implications on the buoyancy of the fish. The water content was the major driver of the energy density variations for a M W basis. A significant linear relationship was established between E D g−1 ( y ) and the per cent dry mass ( M D; x ): y =−4·937 + 0·411 x . In the light of the current literature, this relationship seemed to be not only species specific but also ecosystem specific. Calibration and validation of fish bioenergetics models require energy content measurements on fish samples collected at sea. The present study provides a first reference for the energetics of E. encrasicolus in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

胶州湾浮游桡足类时空分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据2003年1月至12月在胶州湾所获得的浮游生物样品,已鉴定浮游桡足类28种,幼虫、幼体6类.分析了该海区浮游桡足类的分布﹑时空变化及其与生态环境因子的关系,同相关历史资料进行了比较,结果表明,浮游桡足类的种类组成单纯,生态属性以暖温带、近岸低盐种类为主.浮游桡足类的丰度分布具明显的月份变化,高峰在7月份,为181.61个/m3,最低在12月份,为23.53个/m3,全年平均为71.42个/m3.浮游桡足类丰度的平面分布不均匀,最大丰度在5号站,为132.62个/m3,最小丰度在8号站,为40.45个/m3,丰度平面分布的变化趋势基本是湾北部海域大于湾南部海域.浮游桡足类丰度的时空分布,主要种类的季节更替,近20a来的变化趋势基本相同,高峰出现时间的差异,是受温度年季变化差异因素的影响.浮游桡足类丰度的时空分布与海水温度和盐度密切相关,与温度的关系更重要于与盐度的关系.并且用胶州湾的调察资料证实了浮游桡足类对浮游植物的依存关系,浮游植物为浮游桡足类的生长、繁衍提供了饵料.  相似文献   

We investigated the temporal dynamics and trophic role of different nanoflagellates in surface waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) between April and October 2007. Two 18S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed from samples collected in spring and summer, and weekly changes in the abundances of five phylogenetic groups were studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization with newly designed probes. Stramenopiles affiliated with MAST‐6 and Pedinellales were most numerous in spring but rare in summer. Both groups formed short‐lived blooms during a sudden drop of salinity due to riverine influx (from 7.1 to 6.2 practical salinity units). The analysis of food vacuole content suggested that MAST‐6 nanoflagellates were herbivorous, whereas bacterivory was found both in plastidic and aplastidic pedinellid populations. Members of an uncultured lineage of aplastidic, bacterivorous cercozoans distantly related to Ebria tripartita were more abundant in summer when water temperatures exceeded 17°C. Multicellular trophonts and/or free‐living single cell stages of two lineages of Group 1 parasitic Syndiniales (alveolates) were present in spring and early summer. One of these alveolate populations repeatedly peaked before and after the freshwater influx, but was conspicuously absent throughout the period of decreased salinity. Our results indicate that nanoflagellate populations in coastal surface waters may form short‐lived blooms that can only be detected by high‐frequency sampling, and that may be related both to seasonal development and to sporadic (e.g. mixing) events. In view of their trophic diversity we moreover suggest that nanoflagellates in eutrophic coastal waters should not be regarded as a single functional unit.  相似文献   

Sexually mature female hake Merluccius merluccius with hydrated ovaries were sampled on a monthly basis in the Bay of Biscay, from May 1996 to October 1997 and from March to April 1998. The batch fecundity was positively related to total length. The relative batch fecundity ( F Brel) varied significantly among months and years, but not between areas, i.e. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Divisions VIIIa and VIIIb within the Bay of Biscay. Two levels of F Brel were found in 1997: the highest between January and April (mean ± s . e . 167 ± 5 eggs g−1) and the lowest from May to October (112 ± 3 eggs g−1). Population condition factor and gonado-somatic indices ( I G) followed the expected trend in relation to the monthly changes in F Brel during 1997. The F Brel variation between years was 9% for 1996–1997 and 28% for 1997–1998, and the difference of the I G was c. 14 and 36%, respectively. Population relative egg production varied from a high value in January to March (985 eggs g−1) to a low egg production between April and October 1997 (445 eggs g−1).  相似文献   

Relatively warm (12.50–12.75°C) and high-salinity[<35.640 practical salinity units (PSU)] water flowing eastwardwas detected at the shelf-break during a cruise carried Outin the southern Bay of Biscay in Spring 1987. The slope currentinduced the formation of a convergent front separating well-mixedoceanic waters from haline-stratified coastal waters. Very highconcentrations of dissolved oxygen (295 µmol kg–1)and chlorophyll a(>4.5 mg m–3) were found at the outeredge of the frontal boundary. Small autotrophic flagellatesdominated the phytoplankton community. Primary production peakedat the boundary region. Estimated phytoplankton growth ratesindicated that active growth was taking place, with lower turnovertimes integrated over the water column at the frontal station(2.5–5 days) than at coastal (1.5–2.8 days) or oceanic(1.5–3.5 days) stations. The lowest doubling times (1–2days) were calculated for surface frontal populations. Accumulationof zooplankton was also observed associated with the convergentphysical structure, although this relationship was less markedthan for phytoplankton. Copepods, mainly Paracalanus parvus,Acartia clausi and Oithona helgolandica, formed the bulk ofthe mesozooplankton biomass. Compatibility between the sizeof phytoplankton cells and copepod size spectra indicate highfood availability for these animals, particularly in the vicinityof the front. The distribution of fish eggs and fish larvaewas also coupled with the slope current-induced front. Sardinelarvae were more abundant at the coastal side of the front,whereas larval stages of blue whiting reached the highest densitiesat off-shelf stations. Larvae of lamellibranch molluscs andbryozoa were restricted to nearshore waters, as the frontalboundary prevented larval dispersion to the open ocean. Theresults presented in this paper suggest that the Iberian slopecurrent and its associated shelf-break frontal structure werecrucial in controlling phytoplankton primary production, activityof grazers, distribution of larvae of fishes and benthic invertebrates,and ultimately in determining the structure of the pelagic foodweb in the southern Bay of Biscay during the seasonal periodof vertical mixing.  相似文献   

Egg production rate (EPR) of the copepod Acartia steueri wasinvestigated by in situ incubation in Ilkwang Bay, Korea. EPRranged from 3.8 to 10.1 eggs female–1 d–1, and weight-specificgrowth rate decreased with increasing body weight of the adultfemale.  相似文献   

The Bay of Biscay is a coastal area intensively exploited forfishing and is submitted to important human actions (proximityof important industrial and agricultural areas). Thus, the understandingof the materials and energy transfers in such ecosystems isof great interest. However, investigations on zooplankton (animportant component of the marine food web) are very scarcein this area. Our study concerns the grazing impact of the zooplanktonin shelf waters in the plume of dilution of the Gironde estuaryprior to the spring bloom. Samples were taken through the photiclayer in April 1993. Our results have shown that Temora longicornisand Paracalanus parvus dominated the ‘herbivorous’planktonic community. The grazing impact of the zooplanktoncommunity on the total phytoplankton stock and on the totalprimary production was low (9–14 and 17–21% day–1,respectively) during this period, which is in accordance withmost results in coastal areas. However, due to the small sizeof the algae (  相似文献   

Live weight was calculated for the larvae of Ephemeroptera and other zoobenthos on many localities in the catchment area of the Morava River. At monthly sampling the year-round production of the larvae was derived and the results tabulated for individual stretches in g m–2 year–1. The communities were classified also saprobiologically and the effect of saprobity on the production of mayflies in the individual zones was presented in the second table. Mayflies are considered very important for fish production in running waters.  相似文献   

Capsule: Bird migration was recorded by an infrared device at three sites in the southeastern Bay of Biscay, indicating seasonal east–west differences in migration flow.

Aims: The main aims of this study were to quantify and describe nocturnal migration dynamics in proximity of a sea barrier, and to assess seasonal and geographical drivers of migration patterns.

Methods: A thermal-imaging camera was used at two coastal study sites (Punta Galea, Cape Higuer) in spring and three study sites (coast: Punta Galea, Cape Higuer; inland: Iregua Valley) in autumn for four hours from sunset over 90 nights in 2014 and 2015.

Results: Migration was strong at both coastal sites in early spring. Autumn migration was weak at the western coast, but strong at the eastern coast and inland. Tailwind had no significant effect on migration intensity, but migration ceased during strong cross- or headwinds despite clear skies. The majority of the targets were passerines.

Conclusions: The patterns observed suggest spring migration occurs on a broader front, potentially involving sea crossing further to the west, while autumn migration concentrates more eastwards over land. In both seasons, there was no significant response to wind conditions.  相似文献   

The role of oligochaetes in the management of waters   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
To better understand the role of an aquatic oligochaete in the management of water quality, it was determined if oligochaetes were representative of water quality, if indices based on oligochaetes were widely applicable to access water quality, and if oligochaete assemblages were related to environmental factors other than organic pollution. It was found that if only one monitoring sample a year was taken in December, about 73% of the more common species were collected. Seasonality did not seem to affect the taxa collected except for forms in low presence, e.g., Nais. Several indices we used were not applicable to regulated streams. Oligochaete ordination procedures revealed only a partial picture of the environmental conditions of regulated streams.  相似文献   

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