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Liposomes can be separated from low molecular weight solutes on minicolumns of Sephadex G-50 made from the barrels of 1- or 5-ml plastic syringes. Excess fluid is first removed from the Sephadex beads by centrifugation and a mixture of liposomal entrapped and free solute is applied to the column bed. The centrifugation is repeated forcing the liposomal material through the column into a test tube while the free solute is quantitatively retained in the Sephadex. The procedure is applicable to a variety of solutes and 92 to 100% recovery is achieved for both charged and neutral liposomes. This technique has advantages over other methods for separating extraliposomal solutes from liposomes. Numerous samples can be processed simultaneously within minutes with no dilution of the liposomal preparation. Nonentrapped solute within the Sephadex can be easily recovered in a small volume of water or buffer.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that high molecular weight compounds were released from Saccharomyces bisporus by -mercaptoethanol, 2 M KCl, 0.5 M KCl and osmotic shock without affecting viability of the cells. In this current experiment, it was shown that low molecular weight compounds were also eluted when cells were treated in sequence with the same reagents. Alanine, glutamate, serine, an unidentified amino acid, glucose, glycerol, and arabitol were all eluted by each of the first three reagents. The osmotic shock eluate contained a larger number and quantity of amino acids than the first three eluates but, otherwise, the compounds in this eluate were the same. One hundred percent of the cellular glycerol and 65–70% of the total amounts of the other above mentioned solutes were released by the 4 eluting treatments. A hot water treatment was needed to extract the remainder of these solutes. The hot water extract also contained almost all the cellular proline. It was suggested that the elutable solutes are contained by cells in compartments (or vesicles) whose membranes are accessible to the eluting reagents without affecting the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

Clive W. Ford 《Phytochemistry》1984,23(5):1007-1015
Fourteen species of tropical legumes, representing 10 genera, were subjected to water stress. Youngest fully expanded leaves of stressed and unstressed plants were analysed for inorganic ions, sugars, inositols, organic acids, betaines and amino acids. The major compounds which accumulated with water stress were O-methyl-inositols (14 species), 2-methyl-2,3,4-trihydroxybutanoic acid-1,4-lactone (10 species) and proline (9 species). Concentrations of inorganic ions, sugars and organic acids decreased or were unchanged in the majority of the stressed species. The betaines, glycinebetaine, trigonelline and stachydrine were detected in low concentrations in most of the legumes but did not accumulate to any degree during water stress. All the legumes which tolerated low leaf water potentials accumulated the O-methyl-inositol, pinitol. The other species, with the exception of Siratro, contained ononitol or O-methyl-scyllo-inositol but no pinitol. It is suggested that pinitol accumulation may indicate a legume able to tolerate low leaf water potentials.  相似文献   

The catalytic properties of trypsin immoblized on silochrome were studied in a flow reactor with replacement. The hydrolysis of methyl ester N-n-tosyl-L-arginine obeys the Michaelis--Menten kinetics. The apparent K'm value for the system with immobilized trypsin is considerably lower than for native trypsin. The K'm value was decreased with an increase in the rate of the substrate flow through the reactor or when smaller-sized silochrome granules were used. It is assumed that the apparent K'm value for the immobilized system is due to diffusion. The effects of diffusion on the catalytic properties of the immobilized enzyme were estimated.  相似文献   

Fluorescence, CD, and activity measurements were used to characterize the different conformational states of horseradish peroxidase A1 induced by thermal unfolding. Picosecond time-resolved fluorescence studies showed a three-exponential decay dominated by a picosecond lifetime component resulting from energy transfer from tryptophan to heme. Upon thermal unfolding a decrease in the preexponential factor of the picosecond lifetime and an increase in the quantum yield were observed approaching the characteristics observed for apoHRPA1. The fraction of heme-quenched fluorophore decreased to 0.4 after unfolding as shown by acrylamide quenching. A new unfolding pathway for HRPA1 was proposed and the effect of the low molecular weight solutes trehalose, sorbitol, and melezitose on this pathway was analyzed. Native HRPA1 unfolds with an intermediate between the native and the unfolded conformation. The unfolded conformation can refold to the native state or to a native-like conformation with no calcium ions upon cooling or can give an irreversible denatured state. The refolded conformation with no calcium ions was clearly identified in a second thermal scan in the presence of EDTA and shows secondary and tertiary structures, heme reincorporation in the cavity, and at least 59% of activity. Melezitose stabilized the refolded Ca2+-depleted protein and induced a more complex mechanism for heme disruption. The effect of sorbitol and trehalose were mainly characterized by an increase in the temperature of unfolding.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosomal location of genes affecting five components from the low molecular weight gliadin (LMWG) fraction from wheat endosperm has been investigated by aneuploid analysis. Genes controlling these proteins were assigned to chromosomes 4B, 7A and 7D. Chromosomes from homoeologous groups 1, 2 and 6, where genes controlling classical gliadins are located, are not involved in the control of LMWG.  相似文献   

In this study, three alginate fractions with different molecular weights and ratios of mannuronic acid (M) to guluronic acid (G) were prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis and ultrafiltration to assess the antioxidant property of alginates from Laminaria japonica with molecular weight below 10 kDa. The antioxidant properties of different molecular weight alginates were evaluated by determining the scavenging abilities on superoxide, hydroxyl, and hypochlorous acid and inhibitory effect on Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation in yolk homogenate. The results showed that low molecular weight alginates exhibited high scavenging capacities on superoxide, hydroxyl, and hypochlorous acid radicals and good inhibition of Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation in yolk. By comparison, alginate A1 with molecular weight below 1 kDa and M/G of 1.84 had better scavenging activity on superoxide, hydroxyl, and hypochlorous acid radicals in vitro than A2 (1–6 kDa), A3 (6–10 kDa), ascorbic acid, and carnosine. With similar M/G ratio, A2 exhibited better antioxidant activity on superoxide and hypochlorous acid radicals than A3. However, fraction A3 with molecular weight of 6–10 kDa exhibited higher inhibitory ability on lipid peroxidation in yolk in vitro than A1 and A2. The results indicated that molecular weight played a more important role than M/G ratio on alginate to determine the antioxidant ability. By comparison, low molecular weight alginates composed of guluronic acid and mannuronic acid exhibited better antioxidant ability on oxygen free radicals than sulfated polysaccharides from L. japonica in our previous study and represent a good source of marine polysaccharide with potential application as natural antioxidant.  相似文献   

The study of plant DNA polymerases lags far behind that concerning their animal or yeast counterpart. In this work we describe the first extensive purification to apparent homogeneity, as well as a detailed biochemical and immunological characterization, of a low molecular weight DNA polymerase (DNA polymerase CI) purified from wheat embryos. The monomeric enzyme is a basic protein having a molecular weight of 52 kDa. Polyclonal antibodies raised in rabbits against DNA polymerase CI did not inhibit animal DNA polymerases and or wheat DNA polymerase A, whereas wheat DNA polymerases CII and B were much less affected than the CI enzyme. Several properties of enzyme CI were studied. Some known inhibitors of DNA polymerase activity including aphidicolin, phosphonoacetic acid and heparin, did not affect DNA polymerase CI while the activity of this enzyme was strongly inhibited by ddTTP and N-ethylmaleimide. The polyamine spermine decreased markedly the enzyme activity, while spermidine produced a strong stimulation at the same concentrations that spermine inhibited the enzyme. The best template for this enzyme is poly dA-oligo dT, although polymerase CI can recognize significantly some synthetic polyribonucleotide templates (poly rC-oligo dG, poly rA-oligo dT) but only at a given protein/template primer ratio. The enzyme is blocked at the amino terminus, thus preventing the automatic sequencing of the protein. The amino acid analysis showed a striking similarity with the animal low molecular weight DNA polymerase . The latter observation, as well as the effect of inhibitors (except N-ethylmaleimide which does not inhibit the animal polymerase) indicate that the DNA polymerase described in this work is a plant DNA polymerase very similar to the low molecular weight animal DNA polymerase , an enzyme believed to be involved in nuclear DNA repair.  相似文献   

The kinetics of reduction by dithionite of iron cores in ferritin and of iron cores after removal of the protein shell (isolated cores) has been analysed along with that of a low molecular weight hydroxy-iron polymer. Spectrophotometric measurements have shown that the time course of the reaction approximates a pseudo first-order behaviour. In the case of ferritin cores the pseudo first-order rate constant reaches an asymptotic value which markedly increases when the cores are isolated. In contrast, in the low molecular weight hydroxy-iron polymer, no clear asymptotic value is reached. Thus, the rate of reduction appears to be determined both by the presence of the protein shell and by the crystallite surface area. Kinetic light scattering experiments show that in ferritin and in the isolated cores a rapid drop in molecular weight occurs during the first stages of reduction, suggesting a fragmentation of the iron crystallite.  相似文献   

Isolation of low molecular weight actin-binding proteins from porcine brain   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Three new actin-binding proteins having molecular weights of 26,000, 21,000, and 19,000 were isolated from porcine brain by DNase I affinity column chromatography. These proteins were released from the DNase I column by elution with a solution of high ionic strength. They were further purified by column chromatographies using hydroxyapatite, phosphocellulose, and Sephadex G-75. All of these actin-binding proteins behaved as monomeric particles in the gel filtration chromatography. After elution of the three actin-binding proteins, actin and profilin were recovered from the DNase I column with 2 M urea solution. The eluted was further purified by a cycle of polymerization and depolymerization and finally by gel filtration. Little difference in polymerizability was detected between the purified brain actin and muscle actin. After sedimentation of the polymerized brain actin, profilin was purified by DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration column chromatographies. In the assay of the action of these actin-binding proteins, the 26K protein was found to cause a large decrease in the rate of actin polymerization, while showing little effect on the extent of polymerization. The 21K protein decreased the steady-state viscosity of actin solution in a concentration-dependent manner irrespective of whether it was added before or after actin polymerization. It reacted with actin at a 1:1 molar ratio.  相似文献   

Seven of 50 Enterobacter cloacae strains from clinical isolates produced small turbid zones of hemolysis in horse and sheep blood agar plates, and the culture supernatants were also positive for hemolytic activity. The hemolysin was partially purified from the culture supernatant of E. cloacae by ultrafiltration (PM-10 membrane) and extraction with acetone. Semipurified hemolysin was stable to heating (100 degrees C, 30 min) and was soluble in organic solvents (acetone, ethanol, and methanol). The toxin showed no loss of biological activity after treatment with trypsin and was stable to acid treatment at pH 2.0 but not at a pH greater than 7.0. In the rat intestinal loop assay, the hemolysin caused hemorrhagic fluid accumulation and severe histological alterations. These findings indicate that this hemolysin may be a putative virulence factor in E. cloacae infections.  相似文献   

Orna Halevy  D. Sklan 《Life sciences》1984,34(20):1945-1951
A lipolytic zinc-copper protein has been isolated from the cytosol of chick liver. This material had a molecular weight of 6000 daltons, contained four atoms of zinc and one atom of copper per molecule. The 6000 dalton fraction aggregated at high ionic strength or in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Lipolytic activity was observed towards triolein, tripalmitin, phosphatidyl choline and retinyl palmitate, and was stimulated by cholate, Ca and high NaCl concentrations, and was inhibited by sulphydryl reagents, inhibitors of serine esterases, alkaline phosphatase and chelating agents. It appears that this copper-zinc protein is distinct from metallothionein which has no lipolytic activity.  相似文献   

Chitosans were prepared by H2O2 oxidative depolymerization from squid pens with low molecular weights (LMW) of 13,025, 7011, 4169, 2242 and 963 Da. The bile acid binding capacities and antioxidant properties of LMW chitosans were studied in vitro. LMW chitosans exhibited stronger bile acid binding capacities than that of chitosan. The scavenging ability of LMW chitosans against DPPH radicals improved with increasing concentration, and EC50 values were below 1.3 mg/mL. The EC50 values of LMW chitosans against hydroxyl radicals ranged from 0.93 to 3.66 mg/mL. All LMW chitosans exhibited a strong ferrous ion chelating effect and reducing power. At 1 mg/mL, the scavenging ability of chitosan-963 towards superoxide radicals was 67.76%. These results indicated that LMW chitosans which have stronger bile acid binding capacity and antioxidant activities may act as potential antioxidants in vitro.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum, an Apicomplexan parasite of the mammalian gut epithelium, causes a diarrheal illness in a wide range of hosts and is transmitted by contamination of food or water with oocyst-laden feces from an infected animal. We have identified a glycosylinositol phospholipid from the sporozoite stage of the parasite that is frequently recognized by serum antibodies from human cryptosporidiosis patients. The humoral immune response is dominated by IgG1 subclass antibodies but can also include IgA and IgM antibodies. The glycosylinositol phospholipids were purified by butanol extraction of a Triton X-114-soluble fraction followed by octyl-Sepharose column chromatography and preparative high performance TLC and were shown to include at least 5 species. By using mass spectrometry and radiolabeled neutral glycan analysis, we found that the structure of the dominant glycosylinositol phospholipid antigen contained a C18:0 lyso-acylglycerol, a C16:0-acylated inositol, and an unsubstituted mannose3-glucosamine glycan core. Other diacyl species were also identified, most notably a series of glycosylinositol phospholipids having an acyl-linked C20:0 to C28:0 lipid on the inositol ring. Less abundant species having three acyl-linked fatty acids and species with an additional 1-3 hexoses linked to the mannose core were also observed. We are currently working to determine the role that these glycolipids may play in the development of disease and in the clearance of infection.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay for low molecular weight (LMW) human Kininogen has been carried out. The first step was to prepare LMW Kininogen from human plasma. The proposed method allowed to get chemically pure and biologically active LMW Kininogen. This preparation was used to induce antibody. Optimal conditions for labelling and incubation were determined. This method may be applied to the assay of Kininogen in human plasma.  相似文献   

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