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The influence of oxygen tension on the side population (SP) fraction sorted from ATDC5 chondroprogenitor cells was investigated. ATDC5 cells cultured in normoxia (20%) or hypoxia (1% oxygen) were compared. The SP fraction was significantly higher in the cells cultured in hypoxia. The gene expression of 3 ABC transporters, abcb1a/b (mdr1a/b) and abcg2 (bcrp1) was quantified by RT-PCR. SP cells were characterized by the higher expression of abcb1a. The expression levels of abcb1b and abcg2 were higher than abcb1a. However, there was no significant difference between SP and non-SP fractions in the expression of abcb1b and abcg2. The telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay showed that SP cells tended to show lower telomerase activity than non-SP cells. Chondrogenic properties of ATDC5 cells derived from SP or non-SP were assessed by micromass culture. There were not significant differences between SP and non-SP derived cells in Alcian blue staining and sox9, Aggrecan, Col2a1 and SZP mRNA expression. The results demonstrate that the SP fraction was stimulated by hypoxia and chondrogenic properties of SP and non-SP fraction of ATDC5 cells were similar.  相似文献   

Umemoto T  Yamato M  Nishida K  Kohno C  Yang J  Tano Y  Okano T 《FEBS letters》2005,579(29):6569-6574
The side population (SP) phenotype is shared by stem cells in various tissues and species. Here we demonstrate SP cells with Hoechst dye efflux were surprisingly collected from the epithelia of both the rat limbus and central cornea, unlike in human and rabbit eyes. Our results show that rat limbal SP cells have a significantly higher expression of the stem cell markers ABCG2, nestin, and notch 1, compared to central corneal SP cells. Immunohistochemistry also revealed that ABCG2 and the epithelial stem/progenitor cell marker p63 were expressed only in basal limbal epithelial cells. These results demonstrate that ABCG2 expression is closely linked to the stem cell phenotype of SP cells.  相似文献   

Side population cells have been found in various types of adult tissue including heart and are presumed to be tissue-specific stem/progenitor cells. In the present study, we confirmed the presence of cardiac side population (cSP) cells, which showed both the Hoechst 33342 efflux ability and ABCG2 expression, in adult murine heart. Flow cytometric analysis showed that more than half of cSP cells expressed the endothelial marker VE-cadherin or the smooth muscle markers, α-smooth muscle actin and desmin. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that ABCG2+ cells were mainly localized within vascular walls. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that VE-cadherin cSP cells progressively expressed Nkx2.5 and cardiac troponin T with time in culture. VE-cadherin cSP cells also expressed mesodermal-mesenchymal-associated markers and differentiated into osteocytes and adipocytes. These results highlight the heterogeneic nature of cSP cells, consisting of vascular endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells including potential cardiomyogenic cells.  相似文献   

The side population (SP) phenotype has been reported as a method to identify hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow based upon differential staining with the fluorescent dye, Hoechst 33342. This technique has drawn great interest in the stem cell community, as it may provide a simple approach to the enrichment of progenitor cells from a variety of normal and malignant tissues. The frequency of these cells and their performance in functional assays has varied considerably within the literature. To investigate mechanisms that may contribute to the SP phenotype, we measured the fluorescence emission of Hoechst-stained bone marrow cells as a function of both time and dye concentration using a custom flow cytometer and data acquisition software. These measurements demonstrate that all nucleated cells within the bone marrow undergo an identical staining pattern at varying rates, even under conditions previously reported to abrogate the SP. Therefore, the SP phenotype is not unique to stem cells, but rather represents a transient feature of marrow cells exposed to Hoechst 33342 for varying amounts of time. We propose that heterogeneity of SP-defined populations may be a consequence of the rate at which differing cell populations accumulate Hoechst 33342. Further, we suggest that dye uptake kinetics will likely be an important factor for optimal use of Hoechst 33342 in isolating stem cells.  相似文献   

Functional heterogeneity of side population cells in skeletal muscle   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Skeletal muscle regeneration has been exclusively attributed to myogenic precursors, satellite cells. A stem cell-rich fraction referred to as side population (SP) cells also resides in skeletal muscle, but its roles in muscle regeneration remain unclear. We found that muscle SP cells could be subdivided into three sub-fractions using CD31 and CD45 markers. The majority of SP cells in normal non-regenerating muscle expressed CD31 and had endothelial characteristics. However, CD31(-)CD45(-) SP cells, which are a minor subpopulation in normal muscle, actively proliferated upon muscle injury and expressed not only several regulatory genes for muscle regeneration but also some mesenchymal lineage markers. CD31(-)CD45(-) SP cells showed the greatest myogenic potential among three SP sub-fractions, but indeed revealed mesenchymal potentials in vitro. These SP cells preferentially differentiated into myofibers after intramuscular transplantation in vivo. Our results revealed the heterogeneity of muscle SP cells and suggest that CD31(-)CD45(-) SP cells participate in muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have cloned the cDNA of ABCC13, a novel ABC transporter, from the cDNA library of adult human placenta. The ABCC13 gene spans approximately 70kb on human chromosome 21q11.2 and consists of 14 exons. The open reading frame of the ABCC13 cDNA encodes a peptide consisting of 325 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence corresponding to putative membrane-spanning domains was remarkably similar to ABCC1, ABCC2, ABCC3, and ABCC6. The ABCC13 gene was expressed in the fetal liver at the highest level among the organs studied. While ABCC13 was expressed in the bone marrow, its expression in peripheral blood leukocytes of adult humans was much lower and no detectable levels were observed in differentiated hematopoietic cells. The expression of ABCC13 in K562 cells decreased during cell differentiation induced by TPA. These results suggest that the expression of human ABCC13 is related with hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Increasingly more evidence shows that TSCs possess the characteristics of stem-like cells. However, a link between stem cells and TSCs remains to be shown. We have sorted SP cells and non-SP cells from the B16F10 cell lines by FACS, and then studied their cellular biological characteristics by using a SFCM culture method, proliferative assay in vitro, clone formation assays in soft agar and normal media, tumorigenic assays in C57BL/6 mice, and resistance to chemotherapy assay in vitro, the quantitative detecting expression of ABCG2 and their CD phenotype analysis by a FCM. We detected 0.96% SP cells in the B16F10 cells and found that they had obvious differences in characteristics from non-SP cells. They possessed a marked capacity for self-renewal in soft agar and culture medium, strong tumorigenic potential in C57BL/6 mice, apparent resistance to vinblastin in vitro, upregulated ABCG2 expression, and a high expression of CD44+CD133+CD24+ phenotypes. We conclude that there were a few of SP cells that had the characteristics of tumor stem-like cells which may provide a useful tool and a readily accessible source for further study when specific TSCs markers are unknown.  相似文献   

Fetal cells are always present in maternal blood starting in the first trimester of pregnancy, however a rapid, simple, and consistent procedure for their isolation for prenatal non-invasive genetic investigation is still lacking. Sensitivity and recovery of fetal cells is jeopardized by the minute amount of circulating fetal cells and their loss during the enrichment procedure. We report here a single-step approach to isolate fetal cells from maternal blood which relies on the use of non-physiological conditions to modify cell densities before their separation in a density gradient and in a newly developed cell separation device. Isolated fetal cells have been investigated using cytochemistry, Soret band absorption microscopy, monoclonal antibodies for epsilon- and gamma-chain-Hb, monoclonal antibody for i-antigen, and by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Fetal cells were always detected in all 105 maternal blood samples investigated and fetal aneuploidies were correctly diagnosed by FISH, in a pilot study of pathological pregnancies, in fetal cells isolated from maternal blood obtained either before or after invasive procedure.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is associated with cancer malignancies such as invasion, metastasis, and drug resistance. In this study, HCT116 human colorectal cancer cells were transduced with SLUG or SNAIL retroviruses, and EMT cells with mesenchymal morphology were established. The EMT cells showed a high invasive activity and resistance to several anticancer agents such as methotrexate, SN-38, and cisplatin. Furthermore, they contained about 1–10% side population (SP) cells that were not stained by Hoechst 33342. This SP phenotype was not stable; the isolated SP cells generated both SP and non-SP cells, suggesting a potential for differentiation. Gene expression analysis of SP cells suggested the alteration of genes that are involved in epigenetic changes. Therefore, we examined the effect of 74 epigenetic inhibitors, and found that two inhibitors, namely I-BET151 and bromosporine, targeting the bromodomain and extra-terminal motif (BET) proteins, decreased the ratio of SP cells to <50% compared with the control, without affecting the immediate efflux of Hoechst 33342 by transporters. In addition, compared with the parental cells, the EMT cells showed a higher sensitivity to I-BET151 and bromosporine. This study suggests that EMT development and SP phenotype can be independent events but both are regulated by BET inhibitors in SLUG- or SNAIL-transducted HCT116 cells.  相似文献   

Side population (SP) cells are highly able to exclude the Hoechst 33342 dye through membrane transporters, a feature associated with cell immaturity and therefore proposed as a marker of stem cells. Herein we demonstrate that the adipose tissue derived stromal vascular fraction (SVF) contains a novel population of non-haematopoietic “side population” (SPCD45) cells. Simultaneous qRT-PCR of 64 genes revealed that the freshly isolated SPCD45 was highly enriched for cells expressing genes related to stem cells, the Notch pathway, and early vascular precursors. Notably, the expression of smooth muscle actin, C-met and Cd34 together with Angpt2, Flk1, VE-cadherin, and Cd31 suggested a phenotypic resemblance to pericytes and aorta-derived mesoangioblasts. Recent evidence suggests that cells residing within the vascular niche may participate in regeneration of skeletal muscle and although skeletal muscle repair mainly relies on the satellitecell, several reports have shown that vessel-associated cells may adopt a myogenic phenotype when exposed to a muscle environment. In accordance with these findings, we also observed invitro myogenic specification of SPCD45 cells when cocultured with myoblasts. Furthermore, immediate intramuscular engraftment of non-cultured SPCD45 cells gave rise to myofibres andcells lining blood vessels, whereas the SVF only provided donor derived mononuclear cells. We therefore conclude that the SPCD45 fraction of adipose-derived SVF is enriched for cells expressing vascular associated markers and that the myogenic differentiation potential of these cells does not depend on prior in vitro expansion.  相似文献   

Estrogen is necessary for the full development of the mammary gland and it is also involved in breast cancer development. We set out to identify and characterise progenitor/stem cells in the human mammary gland and to explore the role of estrogen in their proliferation and differentiation. Three candidate stem cell populations were isolated: double positive (DP) cells co-expressed the luminal and myoepithelial markers, EMA and CALLA, respectively, whereas double negative (DN) cells did not express these cell surface markers; side population (SP) cells were characterised by their differential ability to efflux the dye Hoechst 33342. The ABC transporter, breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) was more highly expressed in SP cells than in non-SP cells and a specific BCRP inhibitor, Ko143, reduced SP formation, suggesting that BCRP confers the SP phenotype in mammary epithelial cells, as has been demonstrated in other tissues. Interestingly, SP cells were double negative for the EMA and CALLA antigens and therefore represent a separate and distinct population to DP cells. Single cell multiplex RT-PCR indicated that the SP and DN cells do not express detectable levels of ERalpha or ERbeta, suggesting that estrogen is not involved in their proliferation. DP cells expressed ERalpha but at a lower level than differentiated luminal cells. These findings invoke a potential strategy for the breast stem/progenitor cells to ignore the mitogenic effects of estrogen. All three cell populations generated mixed colonies containing both luminal and myoepithelial cells from a single cell and therefore represent candidate multipotent stem cells. However, DN cells predominately generated luminal colonies and exhibited a much higher cloning efficiency than differentiated luminal cells. Further characterisation of these candidate progenitor/stem cells should contribute to a better understanding of normal mammary gland development and breast tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Stem cells have been identified using the DNA-binding dye Hoechst 33342 and flow cytometry (FCM) in various tissues known as the side population (SP). The present study shows, for the first time, the presence of side population cells in human deciduous dental pulp cells (DPCs). Flow cytometric identification revealed that 2% of human deciduous DPCs were SP cells and that this SP profile disappeared in the presence of verapamil. The SP marker ABCG2 protein was localized to DPCs in the cell membrane by immunofluorescence staining, and flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that 3.6% of DPCs were ABCG2-positive. Furthermore, quantitative real-time PCR proved that ABCG2 mRNA expression in DPCs isolated from human exfoliated deciduous teeth was higher than in DPCs from permanent teeth. Our findings demonstrate that DPCs from human exfoliated deciduous teeth contain a higher proportion of the SP phenotype than permanent teeth and that they may constitute a stem cell population.  相似文献   

The disease diabetes mellitus arises as a consequence of a failure of the beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas to produce insulin in the amounts required to meet the needs of the body. Whole pancreas or islet transplants in patients with severe diabetes effectively restore insulin production. A lack of availability of donor pancreata requires the development of alternative sources of islets such as the ex vivo culture and differentiation of stem/progenitor cells. Earlier we discovered multipotential progenitor cells in islets isolated from adult human pancreata that express the neural stem cell marker nestin: nestin-positive islet-derived progenitor cells (NIPs). Recently it was shown that the exclusion of the Hoechst 33342 dye, which defines the pluripotential side population (SP) of hematopoietic stem cells, is mediated by the ATP-binding cassette transporter, ABCG2. Here we report that the human islet-derived NIPs contain a substantial subpopulation of SP cells that co-express ABCG2, MDR1, and nestin. Thus NIPs may be a potential source of adult pluripotential stem/progenitor cells useful for the production of islet tissue for transplantation into diabetic subjects.  相似文献   

Multiple tissue niches in the human body are now recognised to harbour stem cells. Here, we have asked how different adult stem cell populations, isolated from two ontogenetically distinct human organs (skin, pancreas), actually are with respect to a panel of standard markers/characteristics. Here we show that an easily accessible adult human tissue such as skin may serve as a convenient source of adult stem cell-like populations that share markers with stem cells derived from an internal, exocrine organ. Surprisingly, both, human pancreas- and skin-derived stem/progenitor cells demonstrate differentiation patterns across lineage boundaries into cell types of ectoderm (e.g. PGP 9.5+ and GFAP+), mesoderm (e.g. alpha-SMA+) and entoderm (e.g. amylase+ and albumin+). This intriguing differentiation capability warrants systemic follow-up, since it raises the theoretical possibility that an adult human skin-derived progenitor cell population could be envisioned for possible application in cell replacement therapies.  相似文献   

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) has emerged as a powerful genetic model for the study of vertebrate hematopoiesis. However, methods for detection and isolation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have not yet been reported. In mammals, the combination of Hoechst 33342 staining with flow cytometry can be used for separation of a bone marrow side population (SP), which is highly enriched for HSCs. We applied a similar procedure to hematopoietic kidney marrow cells from adult zebrafish, and identified a segregated cohort of SP cells, which demonstrate a set of features typical of stem cells. SP cells show extremely low scatter characteristics, and are small in size with a minimum of cytoplasm. Treatment of zebrafish kidney marrow cells with reserpine or fumitremorgin C, which inhibit the ABCG2 transporter responsible for Hoechst 33342 efflux, caused a clear reduction in the number of SP cells. Consistent with the quiescent state of HSCs, the SP cells are strongly resistant to the myelosuppressive agent 5-fluorouracil. In addition, SP cells specifically demonstrate higher expression of genes known to be markers of HSCs of mammals. Hence, our results show that the SP phenotype is conserved between mammals and teleosts, and the properties of the zebrafish SP cells indicate a significant enrichment for HSCs. These rapid flow cytometric methods for purification of HSCs from zebrafish may greatly facilitate genetic analysis of stem cells using the advantages of this vertebrate model.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and adult somatic cells, induced to pluripotency (iPSCs), can differentiate into multiple cell lineages. We previously reported that adult mammalian bone marrow contains a sub-population of CD34+ cells that express genes of ESCs and genes required to generate iPSCs. They also express lineage genes of the three embryonic germ layers. Are these CD34+ cells multipotent? Here, CD34+ bone marrow stem cells from adult male ROSA mice, which carry two markers: the β-galactosidase gene and the male Y chromosome, were transplanted into blastocysts of wildtype mice. Each female ROSA chimera generated had a distinct pattern of male-derived organs expressing β-galactosidase; e.g., ectodermal brain, dorsal root ganglia and skin; mesodermal heart, bone and bone marrow; and endodermal pancreas, intestine, and liver. Thus, adult mammals carry cells that appear to exhibit a developmental potential reminiscent of ESCs and iPSCs suggesting they could be used for cell replacement therapy.  相似文献   

Multipotent stem cells were isolated from human fetal heart, liver, muscle, lung, derma, kidney, and adipose tissue, and then analyzed for their characteristics and function. Cells with characteristics similar to bone marrow-derived post-embryonic multipotent stem cells can be selected and cultured from tissues other than bone marrow. This may then help explain the “stem cell plasticity” found in multiple human tissues. Baijun Fang and Ning Li contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

During pancreatic development, endocrine and exocrine cell types arise from common precursors in foregut endoderm. However, little information is available regarding regulation of pancreatic epithelial differentiation in specific precursor populations. We show that undifferentiated epithelial precursors in E10.5 mouse pancreas express nestin, an intermediate filament also expressed in neural stem cells. Within developing pancreatic epithelium, nestin is co-expressed with pdx1 and p48, but not ngn3. Epithelial nestin expression is extinguished upon differentiation of endocrine and exocrine cell types, and no nestin-positive epithelial cells are observed by E15.5. In E10.5 dorsal bud explants, activation of EGF signaling results in maintenance of undifferentiated nestin-positive precursors at the expense of differentiated acinar cells, suggesting a precursor/progeny relationship between these cell types. This relationship was confirmed by rigorous lineage tracing studies using nestin regulatory elements to drive Cre-mediated labeling of nestin-positive precursor cells and their progeny. These experiments demonstrate that a nestin promoter/enhancer element containing the second intron of the mouse nestin locus is active in undifferentiated E10.5 pancreatic epithelial cells, and that these nestin-positive precursors contribute to the generation of differentiated acinar cells. As in neural tissue, nestin-positive cells act as epithelial progenitors during pancreatic development, and may be regulated by EGF receptor activity.  相似文献   

The cancer stem cell theory suggests that chemoresistance and recurrence of tumors are often due to the similarity of stem cell properties between normal and cancer cells. Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) has poor prognosis, suggesting that ATLL cells possess common stem cell properties. We analyzed side population (SP), a characteristic stem cell phenotype, and CD markers in ATLL cell lines. We found that several lines contained SP with expressions of some hematopoietic stem cell markers. On the other hand, treatment with interferon (IFN)-α is sometimes effective in ATLL, particularly combined with other drugs. We examined its effect on ATLL cells and found that IFN-α significantly reduced the SP proportion. Moreover, CD25-positive cells and phosphorylation of STAT1/5 and ERK were upregulated during this process. These data suggest that their stem cell properties render ATLL cells therapy-resistant, and IFN-α exerts its clinical effect through a reduction of the SP cell population.  相似文献   

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