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Aralia sect. Aralia (Araliaceae) consists of approximately eight species disjunctly distributed in Asia and North America. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses were conducted using sequences of the internal transcribed spacer regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. Aralia racemosa from eastern North America was sister to A. californica from western North America. Aralia cordata from eastern Asia did not form a species-pair relationship with the eastern North American A. racemosa. The two subspecies of A. racemosa formed a monophyletic group. Biogeographic analyses showed a close area relationship between eastern North America and western North America. The Himalayas were cladistically basal and eastern Asia was placed between the Himalayas and North America. The biogeographic analysis supported the origin of the eastern Asian and eastern North American disjunct pattern in Aralia sect. Aralia via the Bering land bridges. Comparisons with results of phylogenetic analyses of other genera suggested that (1) the floristic connection between eastern North America and western North America may be stronger than previously thought; and (2) the biogeographic patterns in the Northern Hemisphere are complex. Furthermore, a lack of correlation between sequence divergence values and phylogenetic positions was observed, suggesting the importance of a phylogenetic framework in biogeographic analyses.  相似文献   

Within the Mediterranean complexCarduncellus-Carthamus, taxonomic classification has proven problematic. Numerous attempts to clarify the relative systematic boundaries have included splittingCarduncellus andCarthamus into several genera, but none of these proposed classifications have been generally accepted. For a comprehensive resolution of the relationships within this group, we used sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results indicate that the complex should be classified into four genera:Carduncellus, Carthamus, Femeniasia andPhonus. The relationship between the western group (Carduncellus, Femeniasia andPhonus) and the eastern genusCarthamus are not resolved by analysis of ITS sequences, but the two groups are probably not close relatives. The ITS classifications corresponded with biogeography and less with morphological characters, which have also been the main source of confusion in traditional classifications. Most of the unusual morphological features in theCarduncellus-Carthamus complex appear to be reversals to ancestral character states.  相似文献   

The restriction site and size variation of five PCR amplified fragments of noncoding chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was examined in material from 13 populations ofPanax from Nepal and China. Fourteen restriction endonucleases produced 81 restriction site and length variations from the large single-copy region of cpDNA, 27 of which are polymorphic. The cpDNA dataset suggests two distinct groups ofPanax from Nepal (clades I and II). Clade I consists of two populations ofP. pseudoginseng subsp.pseudoginseng, and clade II is composed of material referable toP. pseudogingeng subsp.himalaicus (vars.himalaicus, angustifolius, andbipinnatifidus). The three accessions ofP. pseudoginseng subsp.japonicus andP. ginseng studied from China had cpDNA characters that differed from the HimalayanPanax. The highly distinctive cpDNA profile and morphology ofP. pseudoginseng subsp.pseudoginseng sensu Hara (1970) from central Nepal support its status as a separate species, which has an extremely restricted distribution.  相似文献   

Pedro Fiaschi 《Brittonia》2005,57(3):240-247
Three new species of BrazilianDendropanax from the rain forests of Bahia state are described and illustrated.Dendropanax amorimii, endemic to the rain forests near Boa Nova, in southern Bahia, is characterized by compound umbellate inflorescences with elongated primary branches each having a proximal whorl of bracts, and by leaves with well-developed tertiary venation.Dendropanax bahiensis, endemic to the Atlantic rain forests of southern Bahia, is distinguished by its large and membranous leaves with reddish schizogenous glands on the abaxial surface and by the reduced and branched inflorescences with short-pedicellate flowers and large fruits.Dendropanax geniculatus, an endemic species from the “matas de grotão” of Serra da Chapadinha, Chapada Diamantina, is characterized by simple and usually geniculate inflorescences bearing long-pedicellate flowers and fruits.  相似文献   

中国五加科楤木属一些分类群的订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面修订五加科檧木属的基础上 ,对中国檧木属几个有问题的种 ,即A .chinensisL .,A .de caisneanaHance,A .elata (Miq .)Seem .,A .stipulataFranch .,A .dasyphylloidesJ.Wen ,A .thomsoniiSeem .exClarke,A .vietnamensisHa,A .foliolosa (Wall.)Seem .,A .armata (Wall.exDon)Seem .,A .finlaysoniana(Walli.exDon)Seem .和A .debilisJ.Wen进行了讨论 ,并对若干名称作了异名处理。  相似文献   

Summary Flowering individuals of dwarf ginseng may be either male or hermaphroditic. I recorded the sex expression and size of individuals in three populations for three or four years in order to 1) determine whether this bimodal distribution of sex expression was due to sex changing or genetic dimorphism, and 2) test predictions about a) the relationship between size and gender, and b) the association of size change and sex change. Twenty five to 37% of the flowering individuals in each population changed gender from one year to the next. Of the plants I followed for four years, 83% changed sex and 57% changed more than once. In each of these populations as well as two others, hermaphrodites were significantly larger than males. Gender dynamics of the three populations differed, but hermaphrodites tended to become smaller and were more likely to change gender than remain hermaphroditic the following year, whereas males tended to grow larger and were more likely to remain male than to change gender. Dwarf ginseng is clearly a diphasic (sex changing) species in which sex expression is determined primarily by size. A difference between genders in the immediate resource costs of reproduction appears to be an important determinant of sex change and gender phase ratios in populations.  相似文献   

Flowers of Tupidanthus show an extreme case of floral polymery among asterids. Floral development and gynoecium structure have been examined. The floral meristem has a complex folded shape. The tiny calyx is initiated as a continuous ring primordium. The corolla is initiated as a lobed ring and develops into a calyptra. All stamen primordia appear simultaneously as a single whorl. The carpels, also in a single whorl, tend to alternate with the stamens. Some Schefflera species related to Tupidanthus are also studied. The flower of Tupidanthus is interpreted as a result of fasciation. Further investigation should determine whether mutation(s) in gene(s) of the CLAVATA family are responsible for the fasciation here. The significance of Tupidanthus for understanding spatial pattern formation in flowers of Araliaceae, and both functional and developmental constraints in angiosperm flowers with a single polymerous carpel whorl are discussed.  相似文献   

五加科植物多为重要的中药材,利用发根农杆菌诱导五加科药用植物产生发状根,并从中获取有用的次生代谢产物,是保护五加科珍稀药用植物资源和实现有效次生代谢物质工业化生产的有效途径。该文在概述发根农杆菌转化药用植物研究历程和转化机理研究的基础上,对近年来在发根农杆菌诱导五加科植物的种类及诱导率、影响发根农杆菌诱导五加科植物的各种因素和利用发根农杆菌诱导五加科植物获得再生植株等方面研究进行了重点分析,并对今后亟需研究的几个重点方向进行了展望,以期为五加科药用植物的良性开发和合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Pedro Fiaschi 《Brittonia》2004,56(4):357-360
Schefflera aurata, a new species of Araliaceae endemic to the restinga forests of southern Bahia, Brazil, is described and illustrated. It is probably related toS. morototoni, but can be distinguished by leaflets with strongly coriaceous blades, cuspidate apices, goldensericeous indument of the abaxial surfaces, partial inflorescences with 8–12 subsessile flowers, elongated ovaries, and distinctly larger fruits.  相似文献   

报道了河南省五加科(Araliaceae)1个分布新记录属及其属下1新记录种,梁王茶属(Metapanax J. Wen & Frodin),异叶梁王茶[Metapanax davidii (Franchet) J. Wen & Frodin]。该种为常绿灌木,叶为单叶或掌状分裂,花聚生为伞形花序,再组成顶生的圆锥花序,苞片早落,花梗具关节,子房2室,核果,扁球形,花期7~8月,果期9~11月。讨论了该种叶、花、果的形态学变异特征和其区系地理学意义。该新记录的发现对梁王茶属的系统分类、迁移演化以及药用植物资源开发具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Four new species of the Didymopanax group of Neotropical Schefflera (Araliaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon are here described and illustrated. Two of these are mainly known from the surroundings of Manaus, Amazonas state (Schefflera ciliatifolia and Schefflera umbrosa). The first is distinguished by its ciliate leaflets, while the second is characterized by leaflets varying in shape from trilobed to entire. Schefflera plurifolia is known only from southern Amazonian forests, and is remarkable in its pinnately-compound leaflets. Schefflera dichotoma, only known from the type collected on “campinarana” forests from Upper Rio Negro, at the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Amazonas), is characterized by dichotomously branching inflorescences. Comments on the geographic distribution and ecology of the new species are provided, as well as an identification key to the species of the Didymopanax group found in Brazilian Amazonian rainforests and savannas.  相似文献   

The allometry of axis length, diameter, and taper is described for the trunk, rachis, and rachilla of nonbranching ramets of Aralia spinosa. Significant log-linear relationships were found between length and diameter for all axis categories, and in all cases, scaling was negatively allometric. Linear models best described the relationship between length and diameter for the rachis and rachilla, while a quadratic model best described this relationship for the trunk. During the trunk-building stage, the safety factors for trunk height were size dependent, with larger trunks exceeding their predicted critical buckling height. Taper was described by a linear relationship between diameter and position along the axis for all axis categories. All rachises and rachillas sampled exhibited taper along the length of the axis, however, only 51% of the trunks showed continuous taper. The trunk was less tapered than the rachis, but no differences in taper were found between the trunk and the rachilla, or the rachis and the rachilla. In unbranched ramets the large bipinnately compound leaves occupy the space normally occupied by lateral branches. We suggest that the rachis and rachilla are functionally equivalent to branches, that is, acting as axes of exploration and exploitation of the environment.  相似文献   

Hitherto “suppressed,”Cacao guianensis, based on a mixture of elements that can be referred to three currently recognized species (i.e.,Theobroma cacao, T. subincanum, andT. velutinum), is lectotypified by Aublet's illustrations of its flowers. This makesC. guianensis a taxonomic synonym ofT. cacao and encourages nomenclatural stability by permitting the continued use ofT. subincanum andT. velutinum.  相似文献   

分子与形态证据表明湖南参 (HunaniopanaxhypoglaucusC .J.Qi&T .R .Cao)起源于木属 (AraliaL .) ,湖南参的近缘种为寄生五叶参 (Araliaparasitica)和轮伞五叶参 (Araliaverticillata) ,形态证据支持湖南参为轮伞五叶参的姐妹种 ,此 2种具轮伞花序这一共衍征。为了保证木属的单系性 ,现将湖南参并入木属 ,并作如下新组合 :Araliahypoglauca (C .J .Qi&T .R .Cao)J.Wen&Y .F .Deng .本文报道了湖南参在广西的新分布。目前的形态学和分子数据均不支持早先提出的湖南参与树参属 (Dendropanax)的近缘关系。本文亦报道了木属的 1新种、 2新种组合和 1个新名称 :AraliashangianaJ .Wen .sp .nov .(向氏五叶参 ,新种 ) ;Araliaglabrifoliolata (C .B .Shang)J .Wen .comb .nov . (光叶五叶参 ,新组合 ) ;Araliastellata (King)J.Wen ,comb .nov . (星毛羽叶参 ,新组合 )和AraliadelavayiJ .Wen .nom .nov .(云南五叶参 ,新名称 )。  相似文献   

Variation in chromosome number and internal transcribed sequences (ITS) of nrDNA is used to infer phylogenetic relationships of a wide range ofHedera species. Polyploidy was found to be frequent inHedera, with diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid populations being detected. Nucleotide additivity occurs in the ITS sequences of one tetraploid (H. hibernica) and two hexaploid species (H. maderensis, H. pastuchovii), suggesting that all three species originated by allopolyploidisation. ITS sequence polymorphism and nucleotide characters may indicate the presence of an ancient genome persistent only in some allopolyploid species. Phylogenetic analyses of ITS sequence data reveal two lineages ofHedera: one containing all sequences belonging to extant diploids plus the tetraploidH. algeriensis, and a second that includes this ancient ITS type and others exclusive to several polyploid species. The origin of the polyploids is evaluated on the basis of morphology, chromosome counts, ITS sequence polymorphism, and phylogenetic analyses. Reconstruction of reticulate evolution inHedera agrees with two allopolyploid areas on both sides of the Mediterranean basin. Morphological, molecular and cytological evidence also suggests an active dispersal ofHedera populations that may account for three independent introductions in Macaronesia.  相似文献   

Processive phytochemistry and pharmacological investigation of Schefflera leucantha R.Vig. (Araliaceae) led to the isolation of fifteen known compounds: a nucleobase (1), six small aromatic molecules (27), three phenylpropanoids (8–10), four lignans (1114) and a fatty acid derivative (15). Spectroscopic methods were used to establish the structure and configuration of isolates, followed by their unambiguous confirmation with literature data. We report for the first time (to the best of our knowledge), the isolation of β-amino-3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzene-ethanol (4) from a natural source. Furthermore, compounds 1, 5, 915 are being reported from Araliaceae family for the first time, whereas compounds 2, 3, 68 from the genus Schefflera for the first time. The biological screening results show that compounds 9 and 10 induce a moderate inhibitory effect on aldose reductase, while compounds 3, 5, and 8 display significantly high neuroprotective activities.  相似文献   

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