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We studied the door-snail genus Alopia in the Southern Carpathians in Romania to better understand non-adaptive radiations and the processes that determine their course. Alopia in the Bucegi Mountains offers the opportunity to study all stages of a radiation within a few kilometres. The species (as defined by the differential fitness species concept) in the most advanced stage of the radiation differs from other species in the genitalia and co-occurs with other species. The least advanced stages are genetically differentiated clusters of populations that are geographically separated from other clusters but are not yet morphologically differentiated. Differentiation does not increase with a constant rate as shown by a lineage that was separated early in the evolution of the genus but fused with other taxa upon secondary contact. Since non-adaptive radiation cannot be accelerated by divergent natural selection beyond the slow pace of speciation that is possible by genetic drift alone, sexual selection plays a crucial role in non-adaptive radiations. This is supported by the differences in the genitalia found in the most advanced stage of the speciation which indicate that the speciation process was accelerated by a co-evolutionary arms race resulting in the elongation of spermatophore-producing and spermatophore-receiving organs. Another process that facilitates non-adaptive radiation is long-distance dispersal that results in geographically isolated populations that can differentiate without gene flow and that have a higher likelihood of speciation due to the founder event. Several taxa that were considered distinct species until now, but fuse upon contact should better be classified as subspecies of a polytypic species.  相似文献   

The hybrid zone between the Greek land snails Albinaria hippolyti aphrodite and Albinaria hippolyti harmonia runs exactly along the edge of a gorge. At two localities, we analysed patterns of variation in three enzyme loci, six conchological characters, and two anatomical characters across the zone. Clines in the various characters are largely coincident and concordant. They are narrow (approximately 30 m wide) where the ecological transition is abrupt, and wider (approximately 120 m wide) where a valley cuts into the gorge, making the environmental change more gradual. In spite of the obvious correlation with an ecological transition, we do not believe the zone is maintained by a selection gradient. Instead, direct and indirect evidence for hybrid disadvantage and evidence for directional dispersal at the edge of the gorge suggest that it is a tension zone, held at the ecotone by differential dispersal of at least one of the parental types. We speculate on the possibility that reinforcement may act in the hybrid zone. Our data on dispersal and reproductive isolating mechanisms lead us to believe that reinforcement may only be possible at localities where the hybrid zone is very narrow.  相似文献   

Certain morphological characters in the Mediterranean land snail genus Albinaria arc believed not to be closely related to ecological conditions. Recently this view has been challenged by a study on A. idaea from central Crete (Greece) claiming that shell characters such as rib density, apcrtural lamella sizes and shell size parameters depend on ecological variables related to altitude. The present study suggests that variation in apertural lamellae, shell size parameters and shell shape were not related to altitude. Neither were they closely related to expected temperature gradients, nor to Drilits beetle predation pressure, nor to vegetational cover (forests/open land). The rib density was the only factor responding to altitude, but after accounting for altitude, altitude-independent regional variation was also of importance. The correlation with altitude was possibly caused by a response to temperature gradients.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic analyses can yield valuable insights into the geographic and historical contexts of contact and hybridization between taxa. Two species of char (Salmonidae), Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and bull trout (S. confluentus) have largely parapatric distributions in watersheds of northwestern North America. They are, however, sympatric in several localities and hybridization and some introgression occurs across a broad area of contact. We conducted a comparative phylogenetic analysis of Dolly Varden and bull trout to gain a historical perspective of hybridization between these species and to test for footprints of historical introgression. We resolved two major Dolly Varden mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) clades (with 1.4-2.2% sequence divergence between haplotypes) that had different geographical distributions. Clade N is distributed across most of the range of Dolly Varden, from southern British Columbia through to the Kuril Islands in Asia. Clade S had a much more limited distribution, from Washington state, at the southern limit of the Dolly Varden range, to the middle of Vancouver Island. The distribution and inferred ages of the mtDNA clades suggested that Dolly Varden survived the Wisconsinan glaciation in a previously unsuspected refuge south of the ice sheet, and that Dolly Varden and bull trout were probably in continuous contact over most of the last 100,000 years. When bull trout were included in the phylogenetic analysis, however, the mtDNA of neither species was monophyletic: Clade S Dolly Varden clustered within the bull trout mtDNA clade. This pattern was discordant with two nuclear phylogenies produced (growth hormone 2 and rRNA internal transcribed sequence 1), in which Dolly Varden and bull trout were reciprocally monophyletic. This discordance between mtDNA- and nDNA-based phylogenies indicates that historical introgression of bull trout mtDNA into Dolly Varden occurred. Percent sequence divergence within these introgressed Dolly Varden (clade S) was 0.2-0.6%, implying that the introgression occurred prior to the most recent glaciation. Our analysis and other evidence of contact between divergent lineages in northwestern North America strongly suggests that the area may be the site of previously unsuspected suture zones of aquatic biotas.  相似文献   

Secondary contact zones have the potential to shed light on the mode and rate at which reproductive isolation accumulates during allopatric speciation. We investigated the population genetics of a contact zone between two highly divergent lineages of field voles (Microtus agrestis) in the Swiss Jura mountains. To shed light on the processes underlying introgression, we used maternally, paternally, and bi-parentally inherited markers. Though the two lineages maintained a strong genetic structure, we found some hybrids and evidence of gene flow. The extent of introgression varied with the mode of inheritance, being highest for mtDNA and absent for the Y chromosome. In addition, introgression was asymmetric, occurring only from the Northern to the Southern lineage. Both patterns seem parsimoniously explained by neutral processes linked to differences in effective sizes and sex-biased dispersal rates. The lineage with lower effective population size was also the more introgressed, and the mode-of-inheritance effect correlated with the male-biased dispersal rate of microtine rodents. We cannot exclude, however, that Haldane's effect contributed to the latter, as we found a marginally significant deficit in males (the heterogametic sex) among hybrids. We propose a possible demographic scenario to account for the patterns documented, and empirical extensions to further investigate this contact zone.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones provide natural experiments where new combinations of genotypes and phenotypes are produced. Studying the reshuffling of genotypes and remodeling of phenotypes in these zones is of particular interest to document the building of reproductive isolation and the possible emergence of transgressive phenotypes that can be a source of evolutionary novelties. Here, we specifically investigate the morphological variation patterns associated with introgressive hybridization between two species of sole, Solea senegalensis and Solea aegyptiaca. The relationship between genetic composition at nuclear loci and individual body shape variation was studied in four populations sampled across the hybrid zone located in northern Tunisia. A strong correlation between genetic and phenotypic variation was observed among all individuals but not within populations, including the two most admixed ones. Morphological convergence between parental species was observed close to the contact zone. Nevertheless, the samples taken closest to the hybrid zone also displayed deviant segregation of genotypes and phenotypes, as well as transgressive phenotypes. In these samples, deviant body shape variation could be partly attributed to a reduced condition index, and the distorted genetic composition was most likely due to missing allelic combinations. These results were interpreted as an indication of hybrid breakdown, which likely contributes to postmating reproductive isolation between the two species.  相似文献   

Incomplete reproductive isolation promotes gene flow between diverging taxa. However, any gene encoding for traits involved in the reproductive barriers will be less prone to introgression than neutral markers. Comparing introgression rates among loci is thus informative of the number and functions of loci involved in the reproductive barriers. This study aimed at identifying possible mechanisms of restriction to gene flow across a zone of recent secondary contact between Larus argentatus and Larus cachinnans by comparing introgression patterns for nine microsatellite loci, a fragment of mitochondrial DNA and a set of phenotypic traits. The low linkage disequilibrium between neutral nuclear markers indicated introgression without any barrier to gene flow. However, asymmetric introgression of mitochondrial DNA suggested that interspecific crosses may be more successful in one direction. The introgression rate for phenotypic traits was variable and low compared to neutral molecular markers. This was particularly evident in colouration of bare parts: individuals with intermediate colouration were scarcer in sympatry than expected if the genomes recombined freely. We hypothesized that one of these variables, the orbital ring colour, may play a role in mate choice, acting as an incomplete premating barrier through assortative mating. This study emphasizes that multilocus approaches are useful to discriminate among possible mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of hybrid zones.  相似文献   

A hybrid zone of the land snails Mandarina mandarina and Mandarina chichijimana in the oceanic Bonin Islands was studied morphologically and genetically to show the potential of hybridization as a source of morphological novelties. These species are clearly distinguishable on the basis of allozymes, colour polymorphisms, shell form and genital morphology, but exhibit a hybrid zone from the northeast to southwest of Chichijima island. There is a cline in the frequency of the colour patterns characteristic of each of the species, and specimens with intermediate colour pattern on the shells appear in the hybrid zone. Not only specimens with colour patterns that are overlapping of the patterns of the two species, but also specimens with unique colour patterns appear in the hybrid populations. These unique colour patterns are not found in the pure populations of both species or other Mandarina species in Chichijima Islands, and it is suggested that these are produced by the hybridization. Because of the appearance of many types of unique colour patterns, variability of the colour polymorphism in the hybrid populations are remarkably higher than that in the pure populations. This result suggests that the novel morphology is produced by the hybridization between species with distinctive morphology. This reveals the importance of hybridization as a source of morphological variation, diversity and evolutionary novelty.  相似文献   

Female mating preferences were examined in three members of an evolutionarily young Cyprinodon lineage from Laguna Chichancanab, Yucatan, Mexico. In separate experiments, females of C. beltrani and C. labiosus , and C. beltrani and C. maya were simultaneously presented with conspecific and heterospecific males and given the opportunity to spawn with either or both. These three species showed different degrees of conspecific mate recognition: complete for C. maya , intermediate for C. labiosus , and indiscriminate for C. beltrani. We conclude that only C. maya is reproductively isolated and that C. beltrani and C. labiosus still hybridize in nature. Whereas between C. beltrani and C. maya mate choice is symmetric, it is asymmetric between C. beltrani and C labiosus. The results of the mating trials are consistent with mitochondrial DNA data which indicate that C. maya is genetically the most distinct species in the flock. They are also supported by experiments on visually and chemically mediated mate preferences.  相似文献   

A hybrid zone along an environmental gradient should contain a clinal pattern of genetic and phenotypic variation. This occurs because divergent selection in the two parental habitats is typically strong enough to overcome the homogenizing effects of gene flow across the environmental transition. We studied hybridization between two parapatric tree squirrels (Tamiasciurus spp.) across a forest gradient over which the two species vary in coloration, cranial morphology and body size. We sampled 397 individuals at 29 locations across a 600‐km transect to seek genetic evidence for hybridization; upon confirming hybridization, we examined levels of genetic admixture in relation to maintenance of phenotypic divergence despite potentially homogenizing gene flow. Applying population assignment analyses to microsatellite data, we found that Tamiasciurus douglasii and T. hudsonicus form two distinct genetic clusters but also hybridize, mostly within transitional forest habitat. Overall, based on this nuclear analysis, 48% of the specimens were characterized as T. douglasii, 9% as hybrids and 43% as T. hudsonicus. Hybrids appeared to be reproductively viable, as evidenced by the presence of later‐generation hybrid genotypes. Observed clines in ecologically important phenotypic traits—fur coloration and cranial morphology—were sharper than the cline of putatively neutral mtDNA, which suggests that divergent selection may maintain phenotypic distinctiveness. The relatively recent divergence of these two species (probably late Pleistocene), apparent lack of prezygotic isolating mechanisms and geographic coincidence of cline centres for both genetic and phenotypic variation suggest that environmental factors play a large role in maintaining the distinctiveness of these two species across the hybrid zone.  相似文献   

On the small oceanic island of Chichijima, two endemic species of land snails, Mandarina mandarina and M. chichijimana, have discrete distributions separated by a hybrid zone. This study investigates the potential of hybridization as a source of morphological novelty in these snails. Mandarina mandarina possesses a shell with a higher whorl expansion rate and a smaller protoconch than M. chichijimana, relative to shell size. The number of whorls and shell size of M. mandarina do not differ from those of M. chichijimana, because the effect of higher expansion rate on number of whorls and size of the former is compensated for by its smaller protoconch. The whorl expansion rate and protoconch diameter of the individuals from the hybrid populations are intermediate or typical of either of the two species, and their average values show clinal changes along the hybrid zone. However, the hybrid populations include exceptionally high shells with many whorls and flat shells with few whorls, which are never found in the pure populations of either species. In addition, gradual increases in variance in shell height and number of whorls were found from the edges to the center of the hybrid zone. A combination of low expansion rate (typical of M. chichijimana) and a small protoconch (typical of M. mandarina) produces a shell with an extremely large number of whorls because of the geometry of shell coiling. However, the combination of high expansion rate and a large protoconch produces a shell with an extremely small number of whorls. Because of the correlation between the number of whorls and shell height, shells with an exceptional number of whorls possess an extraordinarily high or flat spire. Hybrids can inherit a mosaic of characters that, as they play out during growth, lead to novel adult morphologies. These findings emphasize the importance of hybridization as a source of morphological variation and evolutionary novelty in land snails.  相似文献   

Gene flow is thought to impede genetic divergence and speciation by homogenizing genomes. Recent theory and research suggest that sufficiently strong divergent selection can overpower gene flow, leading to loci that are highly differentiated compared to others. However, there are also alternative explanations for this pattern. Independent evidence that loci in highly differentiated regions are under divergent selection would allow these explanations to be distinguished, but such evidence is scarce. Here, we present multiple lines of evidence that many of the highly divergent SNPs in a pair of sister morning glory species, Ipomoea cordatotriloba and I. lacunosa, are the result of divergent selection in the face of gene flow. We analysed a SNP data set across the genome to assess the amount of gene flow, resistance to introgression and patterns of selection on loci resistant to introgression. We show that differentiation between the two species is much lower in sympatry than in allopatry, consistent with interspecific gene flow in sympatry. Gene flow appears to be substantially greater from I. lacunosa to I. cordatotriloba than in the reverse direction, resulting in sympatric and allopatric I. cordatotriloba being substantially more different than sympatric and allopatric I. lacunosa. Many SNPs highly differentiated in allopatry have experienced divergent selection, and, despite gene flow in sympatry, resist homogenization in sympatry. Finally, five out of eight floral and inflorescence characteristics measured exhibit asymmetric convergence in sympatry. Consistent with the pattern of gene flow, I. cordatotriloba traits become much more like those of I. lacunosa than the reverse. Our investigation reveals the complex interplay between selection and gene flow that can occur during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Whether chromosomal rearrangements promote speciation by providing barriers to gene exchange between populations is one of the long-standing debates in evolutionary biology. This question can be addressed by studying patterns of gene flow and selection in hybrid zones between chromosomally diverse taxa. Here we present results of the first study of the genetic structure of a hybrid zone between chromosomal races of morabine grasshoppers Vandiemenella viatica , P24(XY) and viatica 17, on Kangaroo Island, Australia. Chromosomal and 11 nuclear markers revealed a narrow hybrid zone with strong linkage disequilibrium and heterozygote deficits, most likely maintained by a balance between dispersal and selection. Widths and positions of clines for these markers are concordant and coincident, suggesting that selection is unlikely to be concentrated on a few chromosomes. In contrast, a mitochondrial marker showed a significantly wider cline with centre offset toward the P24(XY) side. We argue that the discordance between the mitochondrial and nuclear/chromosomal clines and overall asymmetry of the clines suggest a secondary origin of the contact zone and potential movement of the zone after contact. Genome-wide scans using many genetic markers and chromosomal mapping of these markers are needed to investigate whether chromosomal differences directly reduce gene flow after secondary contact.  相似文献   

It has long been debated whether mirror image‐like similarity in shell morphology between enantiomorphic pairs of dextral and sinistral taxa represents their sister relationship, or each of them is closer related to other congeners with the same coiling direction. The obligate rock‐dwelling genus Cristataria Vest, 1867 of the eastern Mediterranean region belongs to the Alopiinae subfamily of door snails (Clausiliidae). Cristataria and a few other genera of this subfamily include enantiomorphic pairs that are conchologically very similar to each other. Dextral C. colbeauiana (Pfeiffer, 1861) and its sinistral counterpart of such an enantiomorphic pair occur nearby one another in southern Turkey. However, the latter has been classified either as the sinistral subspecies C. colbeauiana inversa Szekeres, 1998 or as a form of sinistral C. leprevieri (Pallary, 1922). To examine the phylogenetic relationship of this enantiomorphic pair, we carried out molecular phylogenetic analysis of all the Turkish and two other Cristataria taxa based on both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Our results show that dextral C. colbeauiana and its sinistral counterpart are closest related to one another. This supports the classification of this enantiomorphic pair as dextral C. colbeauiana colbeauiana and sinistral C. colbeauiana inversa. Our results also reveal that these taxa and C. intersita Németh & Szekeres, 1995, sharing a characteristic collar behind the aperture of the shell, represent a monophyletic lineage. By contrast, the Cristataria species of non‐collared shells belong to another clade.  相似文献   

Correct species identification and delineation are crucial for effective conservation and management. However, species delineation can be problematic in the presence of morphological ambiguities due to phenotypic plasticity, convergence, and/or interspecific hybridization. Here, we investigated the degree of hybridization between two closely related freshwater mussel species [Bivalvia: Unionidae; Lampsilis siliquoidea (Barnes) and L. radiata (Gmelin)] that present intermediate forms in areas of sympatry. Unionids have a distinct form of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) inheritance, termed doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI) where female mtDNA (F-type) is transmitted to all progeny but male mtDNA (M-type) is mostly inherited by the males resulting in mostly homoplasmic females and heteroplasmic males. An individual was identified as hybrid when F-type and M-type mtDNA of the two different species were found in the same individual. Twelve out of 116 sequenced males were identified as hybrids indicating that these species hybridize where their geographic range overlaps in the lower Great Lakes and St. Lawrence basins. Microsatellite analyses further support the occurrence of hybridization but at a larger spatial scale than indicated by the mitochondrial analyses. We also found that strong within-species population genetic structure affects the detection of purebred individuals overestimating the number of hybrids. Given the large geographic scale and proportion of hybrids found in this study, natural hybridization and introgression need to be considered when implementing local biodiversity inventories, identifying waterbodies as source of organisms for relocation and restoration projects and when setting appropriate conservation policies.Subject terms: Evolutionary genetics, Genetic hybridization  相似文献   

Congeneric sympatry is rare in Australian camaenid land snails, and the reasons are poorly understood. As the first example of contact between species of the Western Australian genus Rhagada, we examined the parapatric zone between the coastally distributed Rhagada convicta and an undescribed inland species, which differ in size, shape, and banding of their shells and in their reproductive systems. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the mitochondrial 16S RNA gene indicated secondary contact between two distinct clades, with an average sequence divergence of 6.5%. Despite these substantial differences, the two forms hybridize in the narrow contact zone, resulting in intermediate phenotypes for shells and reproductive anatomy, and incongruence of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineage and morphology. Hybridization appears to be asymmetric, however, as all morphological intermediates possessed the R. convicta mtDNA. Interbreeding between these deeply divergent forms challenges the use of reproductive structures as indicators of reproductive isolation in snail taxonomy. This is the first contact zone detected between mainland species of Rhagada and indicates that the widespread pattern of geographical replacement is not simply a result of allopatric divergence without subsequent contact. Instead, the perspective for understanding the radiation and geographical distributions must include interactions between the species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 348–362.  相似文献   

Allopatric species commonly interbreed in a restricted margin between their ranges. The particular factors that permit interbreeding between species determine the extent of hybridization and its significance for evolution and conservation. Using California quail and Gambel's quail (Callipepla californica and C. gambelii) that naturally hybridize in a narrow region between relatively mesic and xeric environments, I assessed the exchange of genetic and phenotypic traits in relation to vegetative and climatic features (temperature and precipitation) that characterize the area of range overlap, and I examined genetic and phenotypic traits within the hybrid zone over a five-year period in relation to variation in precipitation. Using microsatellite markers, this study reveals that genetic, plumage, and morphometric traits are tightly associated with vegetation, rainfall, and temperature profiles through the abrupt transition from one parental species to the other across the hybrid zone. Results show that the hybrid zone has remained clinal, stationary, and bounded over the five-year study period. There was no evidence of introgression outside the narrow hybrid zone. Interannual climatic fluctuations are associated with internal hybrid zone dynamics but did not alter the shape and position of the zone. A transect through the hybrid zone revealed rapid and episodic genetic mixing within the zone. Possible long-term consequences of this restricted hybridization for the evolution of the two parental species are discussed in the light of changing environments.  相似文献   

Reinforcement contact zones, which are secondary contact zones where species are diverging in reproductive behaviors due to selection against hybridization, represent natural laboratories for studying speciation‐in‐action. Here, we examined replicate localities across the entire reinforcement contact zone between North American chorus frogs Pseudacris feriarum and P. nigrita to investigate geographic variation in hybridization frequencies and to assess whether reinforcement may have contributed to increased genetic divergence within species. Previous work indicated these species have undergone reproductive character displacement (RCD) in male acoustic signals and female preferences due to reinforcement. We also examined acoustic signal variation across the contact zone to assess whether signal characteristics reliably predict hybrid index and to elucidate whether the degree of RCD predicts hybridization rate. Using microsatellites, mitochondrial sequences, and acoustic signal information from >1,000 individuals across >50 localities and ten sympatric focal regions, we demonstrate: (1) hybridization occurs and (2) varies substantially across the geographic range of the contact zone, (3) hybridization is asymmetric and in the direction predicted from observed patterns of asymmetric RCD, (4) in one species, genetic distance is higher between conspecific localities where one or both have been reinforced than between nonreinforced localities, after controlling for geographic distance, (5) acoustic signal characters strongly predict hybrid index, and (6) the degree of RCD does not strongly predict admixture levels. By showing that hybridization occurs in all sympatric localities, this study provides the fifth and final line of evidence that reproductive character displacement is due to reinforcement in the chorus frog contact zone. Furthermore, this work suggests that the dual action of cascade reinforcement and partial geographic isolation is promoting genetic diversification within one of the reinforced species.  相似文献   

Analysing genomic variation within and between sister species is a first step towards understanding species boundaries. We focused on two sister species of cold‐resistant leaf beetles, Gonioctena quinquepunctata and G. intermedia, whose ranges overlap in the Alps. A previous study of DNA sequence variation had revealed multiple instances of mitochondrial genome introgression in this region, suggesting recent hybridization between the two species. To evaluate the extent of gene exchange resulting from these hybridization events, we sampled individuals of both species inside and outside the hybrid zone and analysed genomic variation among them using RAD‐seq markers. Individual levels of introgression in the nuclear genome were estimated first by defining species‐specific SNPs (displaying a fixed difference between species) a priori and second by using model‐based methods. Both types of analyses indicated little gene exchange, if any, between species at the level of the nuclear genome. Whereas the first method suggested slightly more gene flow, we argue that it has likely overestimated introgression in the phylogeographic context of this study. We conclude that strong intrinsic barriers prevent genetic exchange at the level of the nuclear genome between the two species. The apparent discrepancy observed between introgression occurring in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes could be explained by selection acting in favour of the latter. Also, these results have consequences for the phylogeographic study of each species, since we can assume that genetic diversity in the overlapping portion of their ranges is not the product of introgression.  相似文献   

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