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Four diverse disturbance types,namely,farmland,rotationaUy grazed grassland,overgrazed grassland and forbidden grazing grassland,were identified in the Alashan desert region of Inner Mongolia.Rodents were sampled in April,July and October in 2002 and 2003 using the trap-day method.Their spatial and temporal niches among the four disturbance types were assessed using the Shannon-Wiener niche breadth index and the Pianka niche overlap index.The Shannon-Wiener niche breadth index was the highest for Allactaga sibirica and Meriones meridianus (0.925 and 0.908,respectively),intermediate for Cricetulus eversmanni,Phodopus roborovskii and Citellus dauricus (0.789,0.782 and 0.711,respectively),and lowest for Cardiocranius paradoxus (0.003).The Pianka niche overlap indices of six-paired species were the highest and varied from 0.900 to 1.000,suggesting their spatial niche overlapped almost completely.Conversely,the spatial niche overlap index for Meriones unguiculatus,Cardiocranius paradoxus,and Salpingotus kozlovi was zero,thus indicating a complete absence of competition among them.In addition,the temporal niche breadth and overlap indices varied greatly in relation to disturbance types and season.The level of temporal niche overlap in spring and autumn was low while in summer it was high.For all disturbance types and for each season,the temporal niche overlap index of Meriones meridianus and Cricetulus barabansis was always highest but for Meriones unguiculatus and Salpingotus kozlovi always lowest.  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善荒漠主要啮齿动物生态位测度比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用3种不同的生态位宽度和生态位重叠测度方法,对内蒙古阿拉善荒漠11种主要啮齿动物的生态位进行了比较研究。结果表明,子午沙鼠的生态位宽度指数最高,3种方法计算结果分别为0.842、0.723、0.516。该种在7种生境中均有分布,且以人工草地和农田的数量最高,天然草地的数量最低,对7种资源等级的利用具有一定的选择性。五趾跳鼠的次之,分别为0.751、0.722、0.513。该种在7种生境中均有分布且数量差异不大,对7种资源等级的利用具有一定的普遍性。比较3种生态位宽度指数测度方法,以Shannon.WienerIndex对荒漠区啮齿动物较为适宜。生态位重叠指数最高的啮齿动物因计算方法的不同有1-9个种对,生态位重叠指数最低的有10~11个种对。分析比较3种生态位重叠指数测度方法,以Pianka Index更适合于荒漠区啮齿动物的生态位重叠测度。  相似文献   

古浪县北部荒漠植被主要植物种的生态位特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度公式和Pianka生态位重叠公式,计测分析了甘肃省古浪县北部荒漠植被主要植物种在不同植被演替阶段的生态位宽度和生态位重叠。结果表明:在流动沙地上花棒的生态位宽度最大,其次是沙蒿;在半固定沙地上白刺的生态位宽度最大;在固定沙地上,不论是封育植被还是未封育植被中均是花棒的生态位最宽。同一植物种的生态位随着植被演替阶段的变化而发生变化,这种变化反映了不同演替阶段下的植被恢复效果。优势种的生态位重叠大,生态位宽的物种对重叠值也大,相同物种对在不同演替阶段的生态位重叠不一致。有些物种生态位宽度窄,但重叠值大,是由荒漠植被区物种分布存在生境斑块现象造成的。  相似文献   

西鄂尔多斯高原北缘四合木群落优势灌木种群生态位研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度、生态位相似比例及Pianka生态位重叠值等指标对西鄂尔多斯高原北缘四合木(Tetraena mongolica Maxim.)群落内的11种优势灌木种群进行研究。结果表明,群落中主要种类的生态位宽度均较高,其中绵刺(Potaninia mongolica Maxim.)和四合木的生态位宽度分别为1.702 6和1.532 8;各种类的生态位相似比例均较小;绵刺与其他种类的生态位重叠值较高,四合木和其他种类的生态位重叠值较低。表明四合木群落内许多耐干旱灌木逐渐占据较宽的生态位,群落层次结构比较单一,四合木与其他种类间的相互作用强度不高,整个群落抵御外来干扰的能力较弱,四合木种群有衰退的趋势。  相似文献   

According to ecological theory, the concept of niche differentiation is essential to our understanding of how sympatric species can limit competition over resources. We here examine ecological niche differentiation in 2 sympatric Asian langurs, Presbytis potenziani and Simias concolor, both endemic to the Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra. We collected data (home range size, canopy use, activity budgets, diet, and niche breadth and overlap) using GPS and scan/focal animal sampling methods on 2 groups of Presbytis potenziani and 3 groups of Simias concolor living in a mixed primary rain forest in northern Siberut. Results show that home ranges of the 2 species overlapped completely and that the home range size of Presbytis potenziani was ca. 4 times larger than that of Simias concolor. Lower canopy levels (<20 m) were used more often by Simias concolor, whereas Presbytis potenziani preferred the canopy >20 m. Apart from foraging and other activities, there was little difference in overall activity budgets of the 2 species. Regarding diet, although 60% of all food species examined were used by both langur species, they shared only 3 of the 10 most commonly eaten species. Presbytis potenziani fed more selectively on fruits, whereas Simias concolor fed predominantly on leaves. Levin’s niche breadth indices revealed that the diet of Simias concolor is more general (0.34) than that of Presbytis potenziani (0.22). Based on a Pianka index of 0.32, we conclude that there is a relatively small food niche overlap between the 2 colobine species and that diet represents an important mechanism enabling their coexistence.  相似文献   

不同干扰下阿拉善荒漠啮齿动物优势种对气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化已对物种分布范围和丰富度产生了极大的影响。荒漠生态系统对气候变化的反应可能更加敏感。作为荒漠生态系统的重要组成者,了解荒漠啮齿动物特别是优势鼠种将对气候变化如何响应,对于荒漠地区生物多样性的维持将具有重要意义。2002—2010年,采用标志重捕法对阿拉善荒漠4种不同生境下啮齿动物优势种群进行了研究,分别利用Spearman相关分析以及典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence analysis,CCA)对啮齿动物优势种群动态与年平均温度和年降水量的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,不同啮齿动物优势种对温度和降雨的响应不同,尤其以子午沙鼠表现最为显著。跳鼠对温度的适宜性要高于仓鼠科的子午沙鼠和黑线仓鼠,而仓鼠科啮齿动物对降雨的适宜性高于跳鼠。较小尺度上的人为干扰更可能从改变食性和生境的途径上加剧或缓冲降雨对荒漠啮齿动物优势种的影响,而不是改变温度对啮齿动物的作用。  相似文献   

分别以群丛类型和生长基质类型(包括树生、石生、土生)作为资源轴,对小秦岭56个样方中苔藓植物的生态位特征进行分析和对比。结果表明:(1)两种资源轴上苔藓物种的生态位特征存在一定差异,不同资源轴上,苔藓物种生态位宽度排序发生一定改变。两种资源轴上,青藓属(Brachythecium)均具有较大的生态位宽度,而酸土藓属(Oxystegus)和叶苔属(Jungermania)在不同资源轴上生态位宽度差异较大。(2)对比两种资源轴上的生态位重叠值,生长基质类型明显高于群丛类型;在不同资源轴上,个别物种生态位重叠值排序还会发生明显改变。树平藓属(Homaliodendron)与金灰藓属(Pylaisiella)在两种资源轴上表现出完全相反结果。(3)与维管植物相似,生态位宽度较大的苔藓物种生态位重叠值高,生态位宽度小的苔藓物种也会有较大生态位重叠。  相似文献   

We studied ranging patterns of syntopic folivorous and granivorous gerbils (Meriones tamariscinus Pallas, 1773 andMeriones meridianus Pallas, 1773, respectively) by means of radiotracking and live-trapping in Kalmykia, southern Russia. We hypothesized that ranging patterns exhibited by these rodents would differ in accordance with differences in their preferred diets. Trapping and radiotracking were performed from 23 May to 20 June 2000 on a 12 ha grid divided into 20 × 20 m squares. To assess ranging patterns we estimated the number of grid squares visited by an individual, 100% minimum convex polygon, mean squared distance from the center, maximal distance between individual locations, linearity index, and distance measures at various temporal scales. In accord with expectations, females of folivorousM. tamariscinus exhibited smaller ranges than females of granivorousM. meridianus. Contrary to our expectations both trapping and radiotracking data revealed similar “granivorous” ranging patterns in males of both species of gerbils. MaleM. meridianus andM. tamariscinus were similar in number of burrows used, home range size, and distances traversed. No temporal dependence of distance measures was revealed in either species; males of both species traversed similar distances regardless of time interval for distance measures so that single-night movements and multiday movements did not differ in either species. High food selectivity in maleM. tamariscinus is considered to be responsible for the “granivorous” pattern of space use in this folivorous species.  相似文献   

基于群落调查数据,以样地代表多种资源的综合状态,物种重要值作为生态位的计测指标,利用Levins和Shannon生态位宽度,Schoener生态位相似和Pianka生态位重叠对洮河自然保护区大峪沟林区的紫果云杉群落木本植物种群生态位进行定量研究。结果表明:紫果云杉群落乔木层共有树种8种,隶属于4科6属,紫果云杉占绝对优势,岷江冷杉为次优势种;灌木层共有植物50种,隶属于16科25属,忍冬科的蓝靛果、葱皮忍冬和唐古特忍冬等以及蔷薇科的峨眉蔷薇和银露梅等构成了灌木层的主体,紫果云杉幼苗优势不明显,但生态位宽度最大。本研究表明,生态位宽度受物种生态特性及其分布和生境共同影响,重要值大的物种生态位宽度一般较大,生态位宽度大的物种之间生态位相似性和重叠性一般较大,并与其它物种重叠的概率高、重叠程度大,生态位宽度小的物种集中出现时也会出现较大的生态位重叠,同科或同属的物种间常有较大生态位相似和重叠。生态位宽度反映着种群的扩散潜力,生态位相似反映着群落的稳定性,生态位重叠反映着物种间存在或潜在的竞争程度。紫果云杉在乔、灌木层均有最大的生态位宽度,生态适应性最强,群落结构稳定,具有进一步扩散的可能。  相似文献   

根据对陆氏石山苣苔模式产地的实地调查与取样,采用定量分析的方法,研究了其模式产地草本植物群落中重要值排名前20的物种优势度、生态位宽度、生态位重叠值以及环境土壤肥力值。结果表明:(1)陆氏石山苣苔在其模式产地中具有明显的优势度,且在Levins、Hurblert生态位宽度指数测度下均排位第二,表明对原生环境中资源的利用程度高,但Pianka生态位重叠显示当产生竞争关系时陆氏石山苣苔总是处于竞争劣势,竞争能力薄弱。(2)岩溶洞穴环境中不同空间上的环境资源存在明显差异,导致物种间的生态位重叠值与种间关系的复杂性,需依据物种的生物学特性和对环境的需求进行区别研究。(3)陆氏石山苣苔模式产地的资源环境因素彼此之间存在一定的相互关系,这构成了一种保护机制,从而缓解了陆氏石山苣苔因其自身竞争力薄弱产生的生存压力,建议后期工作中应优先加强对其环境的保护。  相似文献   

To test the current hypotheses on the relationship between the mating system, reproductive strategy, aggression, and secretion of testosterone, a comparative study of interactions in pair encounters, the level of parental care, and the gonadal testosterone level in males was performed in six rodent species (Clethrionomys rutilus, Meriones meridianus, Microtus arvalis, Lagurus lagurus, Lasiopodomys mandarinus, and Meriones unguiculatus) with different types of spatial-and-ethological population structures (SEPSs). It is shown that this dependence is absent in species with promiscuous mating and dominance hierarchy among males (C. rutilus and M. meridianus, SEPS type II). A trade-off, or negative correlation, was found in M. arvalis—a species with weak pair bonds and male competition for receptive females (SEPS type III). In species with persistent pair bonds and structured family groups (L. mandarinus and M. unguiculatus, SEPS type IV), no inverse relationship between the secretion of testosterone and paternal behavior was found either. Moreover, in male L. mandarinus androgens appear to stimulate paternal care.  相似文献   

烟台近海浮游动物优势种空间生态位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2018年春、夏季烟台近海海域的调查资料,以浮游动物优势种(类)为研究对象,运用Levins公式和Pianka指数分析了浮游动物优势种(类)的生态位宽度和生态位重叠程度,采用冗余分析(RDA)研究了影响浮游动物优势种(类)空间生态位分化的主要因素。研究结果表明,浮游幼虫和桡足类是烟台近海浮游动物群落结构的主要组成群体,春、夏季浮游动物优势种(类)更替率为73.33%。依据烟台近海浮游动物优势种(类)的生态位宽度值,可将其划分为广生态位、中生态位和窄生态位三大类群,广生态位种类为浮游动物优势种(类)的主要构成群体,春季代表种类有短角长腹剑水蚤(Oithona brevicornis)、拟长腹剑水蚤(Oithona similis)等,夏季代表种类有小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus)、克式纺锤水蚤(Acartia clausi)等。生态位重叠指数与物种分布的环境位点的重合情况密切相关,广生态位种类之间的生态位重叠程度要高于窄生态位种类与其他种类之间的生态位重叠程度。RDA分析表明,春季影响浮游动物优势种(类)空间生态位分化的主要因素为海水温度、盐度和无机氮(DIN),夏季为海水盐度、叶绿素a(Chl a)、无机氮(DIN)和活性磷酸盐(PO_4-P)。  相似文献   

孙成  秦富仓  李龙  杨振奇  董晓宇  李艳 《生态学报》2022,42(9):3613-3623
黄土高原砒砂岩区是我国水土流失最为严重的地区之一,油松(Pinus tabuliformis)是该区水土保持与水源涵养的优势乔木。以几种不同立地类型人工油松林为对象,应用Levins生态位宽度指数、Pianka生态位重叠指数和冗余度分析(RDA),研究林下草本群落生态位特征及其与环境的相互响应。结果表明:所调查的150个油松林下草本样方中,共发现31种草本植物,隶属于11科24属,阳性旱生植物居多。不同立地类型人工油松林下草本群落生态位特征不同,生态位宽度指数及生态位重叠指数均表现阳坡大于阴坡,平坡好于斜缓坡,但整体指数均较小,表明物种对环境资源利用程度较低,种间竞争度不大,群落处于相对稳定状态。通过对比典范对应分析(CCA)及冗余度分析(RDA),RDA排序更能较好揭示生态位特征与环境因素的关系,得出乔灌层郁闭度、土壤有机质、土壤含水率和坡度是林下草本群落生态位特征各异的主导环境因子。  相似文献   

依据2015年11月(秋)、2016年2月(冬)、5月(春)、8月(夏)4个航次的渔业资源底拖网调查数据,运用相对重要性指数(IRI)、Shannon指数和Pianka指数对浙江披山海域主要鱼类的时空生态位宽度和重叠进行分析,并结合冗余分析和种间竞争系数研究了主要鱼类间的竞争共存关系及生态位分化。结果表明: 研究期间共采集鉴定鱼类61种,隶属13目29科48属,其中主要鱼类(IRI>100)有19种。绿鳍鱼与丽叶鲹的时间生态位重叠值最高,二者对时间资源利用的同步性最强;孔虾虎鱼与断线舌鳎的空间生态位重叠值和时空生态位重叠值均最高,二者在空间资源序列上的同域性最强,同时,物种对时空二维资源的利用趋于一致。披山海域时空二维生态位显著重叠(Qik>0.6)的种对仅占总种对数的5.8%,表明物种时空分布的差异较大,时空生态位重叠受季节变化的影响比较明显,种间竞争系数计测结果与生态位重叠基本一致。冗余分析揭示了主要鱼类与温度、盐度、溶解氧等环境因子之间的关系,进一步解释了物种间的生态位分化。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to evaluate whether alterations in flood pulses differentially affect diet composition, feeding niche breadth, and diet overlap of piscivorous fish. Species examined were Acestrorhynchus lacustris, Hoplias aff malabaricus, Plagioscion squamosissimus, Rhaphiodon vulpinus, and Salminus brasiliensis. These species were collected with gillnets (different mesh sizes) in the upper Paraná River floodplain, during four distinct flood events (four periods; A = 1992/1993; B = 2000; C = 2001; and D = 2002). The volumetric method was chosen to express diet results. Feeding niche breadth was calculated using Levins measure, and diet overlap was evaluated by the Pianka’s Index. Flooding was more intense and lasted longer in the first period (1992/1993—A). Diet composition of the studied species was broad (47 total items consumed). For period A, Prochilodus lineatus was the main item taken by four out of five species. In the other periods, there were relevant alterations in diet, since P. lineatus was not recorded in any stomach of the five species; rather, it was replaced by the shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum. Diet overlap was low in all periods. The greatest overlap was obtained in period C for P. squamosissimus and R. vulpinus, due to high consumption of shrimps. There were no significant differences in niche breadth among species. However, the species presented distinct variation patterns in niche breadth. For example, H. aff. malabaricus showed a tendency toward increasing niche over the period, but the other species presented larger niches only during period A. Therefore, it can be concluded that the intensity and duration of the flood pulse influences: (i) the diet composition of piscivores; (ii) the breadth of their niches; and (iii) feeding overlap among species. Handling editor: J. Cambray  相似文献   

为了解中街山列岛海洋保护区内虾类种群特征和生存状况,根据2018年1、4、7和10月该海域拖网调查数据,基于相对重要性指数、Shannon指数、Pianka公式以及Pearson相关系数,对该海域虾类优势种的时空生态位进行分析。结果表明: 该海域共采集鉴定虾类16种,隶属于10科13属,其中葛氏长臂虾、中华管鞭虾、鲜明鼓虾、哈氏仿对虾、日本鼓虾为优势种,隶属于4科4属。优势种时间生态位宽度变化幅度较大,而空间生态位宽度变化幅度较小,时间生态位宽度与适温性呈显著相关。小型虾类日本鼓虾的时空生态位宽度值最高。哈氏仿对虾和中华管鞭虾的时间生态位重叠值最大,二者时间同步性高,季节性竞争剧烈。所有优势种均存在显著的空间生态位重叠,说明优势种虾类空间同域性高,区域性竞争整体较强。哈氏仿对虾与葛氏长臂虾的时空生态位重叠值最大,表明二者在该海域对水环境和生物环境的选择以及产卵和洄游习性等相似度高,可能存在激烈的种间竞争。本研究旨在为海洋生物时空生态位的应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地东部荒漠植物生态位特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
牛慧慧  陈辉  付阳  杨祎  张斯琦  张博雄 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2862-2871
以柴达木盆地东部27个典型样地的植物群落为研究对象,通过生态位宽度和生态位重叠指数计算,分析该区13种优势植物在土壤含水量、容重、有机质、pH、全盐、全氮维上的生态位特征,以期为柴达木盆地植被恢复重建和荒漠系统生态保护提供理论参考。结果表明:①13种植物在6个土壤因子上平均生态位宽度从大到小依次是:驼绒藜、琵琶柴、芨芨草、芦苇、合头草、蒿叶猪毛菜、白刺、盐爪爪、小嵩草、麻黄、沙拐枣、柽柳和梭梭,其中,驼绒藜在土壤含水量、容重和有机质上占据最高值,琵琶柴在土壤pH、全盐、全氮维上占据最高值;②生态位宽度较大的物种在生态位重叠上并不占据最高重叠值,而是处于一个中游的位置;③驼绒藜和琵琶柴在生态位宽度和生态位重叠上均占相对高的位置,对群落的建群起重要作用;④78个种对在每一个土壤因子上的生态位重叠值0.3的占总对数的比例为76%,柴达木盆地东部植物总体生态位重叠偏低,竞争较小,群落处于一个相对稳定的状态。  相似文献   

运用Shannow-wiener生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数,分析了鄂西南木林子常绿落叶阔叶混交林恢复过程中优势树种生态位动态。结果表明:大穗鹅耳枥(Carpinus fargesii)、四照花(Cornus kousa var.Chinensis)、青冈(Cycloblanopsis glauca)生态位总宽度较大,且在5个不同恢复时期均有分布。恢复期14a、35a、60a、85a和110a生态位宽度最大的树种分别为白马桑(Weigela japonica var.sinica)、大穗鹅耳枥、四照花、光皮桦(Betula luminifera)和尾叶冬青(Ilex wilsonii)。随着群落的恢复,优势落叶树种生态位宽度表现出下降趋势,优势常绿树种则呈上升趋势。当恢复到顶极群落阶段,乔木层常绿和落叶树种生态位接近,灌木层常绿灌木占据较大生态位。随着群落的恢复,优势落叶树种与其它树种的生态位重叠值呈波动性下降趋势,优势常绿树种表现为波动性上升趋势,群落全部树种间生态位重叠程度呈小幅度波动性下降趋势。相同或相似生活型的演替早期种间的高生态位重叠,意味着种间对资源利用的相似性和竞争关系,演替后期种与其它树种间的生态位重叠的增加,意味着不同生活型树种在水平空间重叠而在垂直空间分化,这是不同树种对有限环境资源充分利用的一种机制。  相似文献   

Temporal, spatial, and trophic niche differentiation usually occurs among species living in similar habitats which can reduce interspecific competition under limited resources. Eucryptorrhynchus scrobiculatus and Eucryptorrhynchus brandti are sympatric and closely related species and are host-specific to Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle in China. However, the possibility of niche differentiation between the two species is not clear. Therefore, we investigated the density of the two weevils temporally, spatially, and trophically (plant parts of A. altissima) at Lingwu farm and Haojiaqiao town, Lingwu city, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. No differences were found in temporal Levin’s niche breath index values ranging from 3.74 to 3.95 and temporal Pianka’s niche overlap values (0.98–0.99). There was little differentiation in the vertical spatial niche. The vertical distribution of E. scrobiculatus was mainly located from 0?cm (ground) to over 250?cm on tree-of-heaven. Eucryptorrhynchus brandti was found predominantly from 0.1 to 50?cm to over 250?cm on tree-of-heaven. The overlap of the cardinal direction spatial niche was 0.90–0.98, indicating no significant overlap in the cardinal direction at Lingwu farm and Haojiaqiao town. Significant differentiation of trophic niche occurred with E. scrobiculatus feeding on 1-year-old branches, perennial branches, and petioles, while E. brandti feed on the stem.  相似文献   

濒危植物毛柄小勾儿茶的生态位研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用生态学样方调查法,测定了濒危植物毛柄小勾儿茶(Berchemiella wilsonivar.pubipetiolata)所在群落主要物种的生态位宽度和它在其它物种上的生态位重叠,通过Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度公式和Levins生态位重叠公式计算分析,研究了该物种在浙江临安的马啸、湍口和安徽大别山地区的舒城、霍山等四个分布点群落中的生态位特征。结果显示:(1)位于马啸的毛柄小勾儿茶生态位宽度值相对最大,而其余三个地方的都较小,说明该物种对资源的利用能力较弱;(2)毛柄小勾儿茶与群落中少量生态位较小的伴生物种有较大的生态位重叠,而与大多数物种仅有极小的生态位重叠,表明该物种生态位特化明显;(3)毛柄小勾儿茶在几乎所有群落优势种上的生态位重叠值都较小,而主要优势物种与大部分伴生物种的生态位重叠值也较小,表明群落中存在明显生态位分化。研究认为:人为破坏和生态位特化导致的分布区狭窄、对生境要求特殊是毛柄小勾儿茶濒危的重要原因。  相似文献   

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