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Stem cell review series: aging of the skeletal muscle stem cell niche   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gopinath SD  Rando TA 《Aging cell》2008,7(4):590-598
Declining stem cell function during aging contributes to impaired tissue function. Muscle-specific stem cells ('satellite cells') are responsible for generating new muscle in response to injury in the adult. However, aged muscle displays a significant reduction in regenerative abilities and an increased susceptibility to age-related pathologies. This review describes components of the satellite cell niche and addresses how age-related changes in these components impinge on satellite cell function. In particular, we review changes in the key niche elements, the myofiber and the basal lamina that are in intimate contact with satellite cells. We address how these elements are influenced by factors secreted by interstitial cells, cells of the immune system, and cells associated with the vasculature, all of which change with age. In addition, we consider more distant sources of influence on the satellite cell niche that change with age, such as neural-mediated trophic factors and electrical activity and systemic factors present in the circulation. A better understanding of the niche elements and their influence on the satellite cell will facilitate the development of therapeutic interventions aimed at improving satellite cell activity and ultimately tissue response to injury in aged individuals.  相似文献   

The aging population and the incidence of aging-related diseases such as osteoporosis are on the rise. Aging at the tissue and organ levels usually involves tissue stem cells. Human and animal model studies indicate that aging affects two aspects of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC): a decrease in the bone marrow MSC pool and biased differentiation into adipocyte at the cost of osteoblast, which underlie the etiology of osteoporosis. Aging of MSC cells is also detrimental to some non-skeletal tissues, in particular the hematopoietic system, where MSCs serve as a niche component. In addition, aging compromises the therapeutic potentials of MSC cells, including cells isolated from aged individuals or cells cultured for many passages. Here we discuss the recent progress on our understanding of MSC aging, with a focus on the effects of MSC aging on bone remodeling and hematopoiesis and the mechanisms of MSC aging.  相似文献   

Issues in stem cell plasticity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Experimental biology and medicine work with stem cells more than twenty years. The method discovered for in vitro culture of human embryonal stem cells acquired at abortions or from?surplus” embryos left from in vitro fertilization, evoked immediately ideas on the posibility to aim development and differentiation of these cells at regeneration of damaged tissues. Recently, several surprising observations proved that even tissue‐specific (multipotent) stem cells are capable, under suitable conditions of producing a while spectrum of cell types, regardless, whether these tissues are derived from the same germ layer or not. This ability is frequently called stem cell plasticity but other authors also use different names ‐?non‐orthodox differentiation” or?transdifferentiation”. In this paper we wish to raise several important questions and problems related to this theme. Let us remind some of them: Is it possible to force cells of one‐type tissue to lool and act as cells of another tissue? Are these changes netural? Could these trans‐formations be used to treat diseases? What about the bioethic issue? However, the most serious task “still remains to be soloved ‐ how to detect, harvestand culture stem cells for therapy of certain diseases”.  相似文献   

One of the most contentious issues in biology today concerns the existence of stem cell plasticity. The term "plasticity" refers to the capacity of tissue-derived stem cells to exhibit a phenotypic potential that extends beyond the differentiated cell phenotypes of their resident tissue. Although evidence of stem cell plasticity has been reported by multiple laboratories, other scientists have not found the data persuasive and have remained skeptical about these new findings. This review will provide an overview of the stem cell plasticity controversy. We will examine many of the major objections that have been made to challenge the stem cell plasticity data. This controversy will be placed in the context of the traditional view of stem cell potential and cell phenotypic diversification. What the implications of cell plasticity are, and how its existence may modulate our present understanding of stem cell biology, will be explored. In addition, we will examine a topic that is usually not included within a discussion of stem cell biology--the direct conversion of one differentiated cell type into another. We believe that these observations on the transdifferentiation of differentiated cells have direct bearing on the issue of stem cell plasticity, and may provide insights into how cell phenotypic diversification is realized in the adult and into the origin of cell phenotypes during evolution.  相似文献   

Dean G Tang 《Cell research》2012,22(3):457-472
Heterogeneity is an omnipresent feature of mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo. It has been recently realized that even mouse and human embryonic stem cells under the best culture conditions are heterogeneous containing pluripotent as well as partially committed cells. Somatic stem cells in adult organs are also heterogeneous, containing many subpopulations of self-renewing cells with distinct regenerative capacity. The differentiated progeny of adult stem cells also retain significant developmental plasticity that can be induced by a wide variety of experimental approaches. Like normal stem cells, recent data suggest that cancer stem cells (CSCs) similarly display significant phenotypic and functional heterogeneity, and that the CSC progeny can manifest diverse plasticity. Here, I discuss CSC heterogeneity and plasticity in the context of tumor development and progression, and by comparing with normal stem cell development. Appreciation of cancer cell plasticity entails a revision to the earlier concept that only the tumorigenic subset in the tumor needs to be targeted. By understanding the interrelationship between CSCs and their differentiated progeny, we can hope to develop better therapeutic regimens that can prevent the emergence of tumor cell variants that are able to found a new tumor and distant metastases.  相似文献   

Aging is responsible for changes in mammalian tissues that result in an imbalance to tissue homeostasis and a decline in the regeneration capacity of organs due to stem cell exhaustion. Autophagy is a constitutive pathway necessary to degrade damaged organelles and protein aggregates. Autophagy is one of the hallmarks of aging, which involves a decline in the number and functionality of stem cells. Recent studies show that stem cells require autophagy to get rid of cellular waste produced during the quiescent stage. In particular, two independent studies in muscle and hematopoietic stem cells demonstrate the relevance of the autophagy impairment for stem cell exhaustion and aging. In this review, we summarize the main results of these works, which helped to elucidate the impact of autophagy in stem cell activity as well as in age‐associated diseases.  相似文献   

Tissue-resident stem cells (SCs) are critical players in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. SCs reside in complex and uniquely anatomically organized microenvironments (SC niches), that carefully control SC lineage outputs depending on localized tissue needs. Upon environmental perturbations and tissue stressors, SCs respond and restore the tissue to homeostasis, as well as protect it from secondary assaults. Critical to this function are two key processes, SC lineage plasticity and SC memory. In this review, we delineate the multifactorial determinants and key principles underlining these two remarkable SC behaviors. Understanding lineage plasticity and SC memory will be critical not only to design new regenerative therapies but also to determine how these processes are altered in a multitude of pathologies such as cancer and chronic tissue damage.  相似文献   

成体干细胞的可塑性:横向分化还是细胞融合?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱晖  黄淑帧 《生命科学》2005,17(1):25-29
近年来研究显示成体干细胞(adult stem cells)具有可塑性(plasticity),不仅可以生成它们所在组织的成熟细胞,而且在特定环境下能分化成其他组织类型细胞,这种跨系或跨胚层分化现象称为横向分化或转分化(transdifferentiation)。横向分化已为成体干细胞的研究和临床应用包括组织器官损伤的修复提供了新的思路和应用前景。然而,最近的一些研究进展又引出不同的解释,即成体干细胞的可塑性是由于细胞融合(cellfusion)的结果。在此,就成体干细胞的可塑性、横向分化、细胞融合等方面研究作一综述。  相似文献   

郝祺  黄海霞  汤雪明 《生命科学》2003,15(3):137-142
人们传统观念认为成体干细胞局限于生成它们所在组织的分化细胞类型。但近年来的实验结果表明,从一个组织来的成体干细胞能被诱导分化成另外的一个组织的分化细胞,即成体干细胞具有可塑性。在此,我们对成体干细胞可塑性的证据、几种假设、调控机制和应用前景等方面做一综述。  相似文献   

Aging is characterized by a gradual functional decline of tissues with age. Adult stem and progenitor cells are responsible for tissue maintenance, repair, and regeneration, but during aging, this population of cells is decreased or its activity is reduced, compromising tissue integrity and causing pathologies that increase vulnerability, and ultimately lead to death. The causes of stem cell exhaustion during aging are not clear, and whether a reduction in stem cell function is a cause or a consequence of aging remains unresolved. Here, we took advantage of a mouse model of induced adult Sox2+ stem cell depletion to address whether accelerated stem cell depletion can promote premature aging. After a short period of partial repetitive depletion of this adult stem cell population in mice, we observed increased kyphosis and hair graying, and reduced fat mass, all of them signs of premature aging. It is interesting that cellular senescence was identified in kidney after this partial repetitive Sox2+ cell depletion. To confirm these observations, we performed a prolonged protocol of partial repetitive depletion of Sox2+ cells, forcing regeneration from the remaining Sox2+ cells, thereby causing their exhaustion. Senescence specific staining and the analysis of the expression of genetic markers clearly corroborated that adult stem cell exhaustion can lead to cellular senescence induction and premature aging.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent a population of cancer cells that possess unique self-renewal and differentiation characteristics required for tumorigenesis and are resistant to chemotherapy-induced apoptosis. Lung CSCs can be enriched by several markers including drug-resistant side population (SP), CD133pos and ALDHhigh. Using human non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma cell lines and patient-derived primary tumor cells, we demonstrate that SP cells represent a subpopulation distinct from other cancer stem/progenitor cell (CS/PC) populations marked by CD133pos or ALDHhigh. The non-CS/PCs and CS/PCs of each subpopulation are interconvertible. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) promotes the formation of CD133pos and ALDHhigh CS/PC subpopulations while suppressing the SP CS/PC subpopulation. Rac1 GTPase activity is significantly increased in cells that have undergone EMT, and targeting Rac1 is effective in inhibiting the dynamic conversion of non-CS/PCs to CS/PCs, as well as the CS/PC activity. These results imply that various subpopulations of CS/PCs and non-CS/PCs may achieve a stochastic equilibrium in a defined microenvironment, and eliminating multiple subpopulations of CS/PCs and effectively blocking non-CS/PC to CS/PC transition, by an approach such as targeting Rac1, can be a more effective therapy.  相似文献   

Different types of stem cells have a role in liver regeneration or fibrous repair during and after several liver diseases. Otherwise, the origin of hepatic and/or extra‐hepatic stem cells in reactive liver repopulation is under controversy. The ability of the human body to self‐repair and replace the cells and tissues of some organs is often evident. It has been estimated that complete renewal of liver tissue takes place in about a year. Replacement of lost liver tissues is accomplished by proliferation of mature hepatocytes, hepatic oval stem cells differentiation, and sinusoidal cells as support. Hepatic oval cells display a distinct phenotype and have been shown to be a bipotential progenitor of two types of epithelial cells found in the liver, hepatocytes, and bile ductular cells. In gastroenterology and hepatology, the first attempts to translate stem cell basic research into novel therapeutic strategies have been made for the treatment of several disorders, such as inflammatory bowel diseases, diabetes mellitus, celiachy, and acute or chronic hepatopaties. In the future, pluripotent plasticity of stem cells will open a variety of clinical application strategies for the treatment of tissue injuries, degenerated organs. The promise of liver stem cells lie in their potential to provide a continuous and readily available source of liver cells that can be used for gene therapy, cell transplant, bio‐artificial liver‐assisted devices, drug toxicology testing, and use as an in vitro model to understand the developmental biology of the liver. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

干细胞概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林戈  卢光琇 《生命科学》2006,18(4):313-317
干细胞是存在于胚胎和成体中的一类特殊细胞,它能长期地自我更新,在特定的条件下具有分化形成多种终末细胞的能力,不同来源的干细胞分化潜能各异。从早期胚胎内细胞团分离的胚胎干细胞能分化形成个体所有的细胞类型,并具有在体外无限增殖的能力,是最具有临床应用前景和研究价值的干细胞之一。在成体各种组织和器官中也存在成体干细胞,用于维持机体结构和功能的稳态。近期有关成体干细胞可塑性的研究和成体组织中多能干细胞存在的证据扩大了人们对成体干细胞分化潜能的认识。干细胞具有的多向分化潜能和自我更新能力使其成为未来再生医学的重要种子细胞,并成为研究人类早期胚层特化和器官形成、药物筛选以及基因治疗的最佳工具。  相似文献   

Aging is unmistakable and undeniable in mammals. Interestingly, mice develop cataracts, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes and cognitive deficits after just 2–3 postnatal years, while it takes seven or more decades for the same age-specific phenotypes to develop in humans. Thus, chronological age corresponds differently with biological age in metazoan species and although many theories exist, we do not understand what controls the rate of mammalian aging. One interesting idea is that species-specific rate of aging represents a ratio of tissue attrition to tissue regeneration. Furthermore, current findings suggest that the age-imposed biochemical changes in the niches of tissue stem cells inhibit performance of this regenerative pool, which leads to the decline of tissue maintenance and repair. If true, slowing down stem cell and niche aging, thereby promoting tissue regeneration, could slow down the process of tissue and organismal aging. In this regard, recent studies of heterochronic parabiosis provide important clues as to the mechanisms of stem cell aging and suggest novel strategies for enhancing tissue repair in the old. Here we review current literature on the relationship between the vigor of tissue stem cells and the process of aging, with an emphasis on the rejuvenation of old tissues by the extrinsic modifications of stem cell niches.  相似文献   

Aging is unmistakable and undeniable in mammals. Interestingly, mice develop cataracts, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes and cognitive deficits after just 2–3 postnatal years, while it takes seven or more decades for the same age-specific phenotypes to develop in humans. Thus, chronological age corresponds differently with biological age in metazoan species and although many theories exist, we do not understand what controls the rate of mammalian aging. One interesting idea is that species-specific rate of aging represents a ratio of tissue attrition to tissue regeneration. Furthermore, current findings suggest that the age-imposed biochemical changes in the niches of tissue stem cells inhibit performance of this regenerative pool, which leads to the decline of tissue maintenance and repair. If true, slowing down stem cell and niche aging, thereby promoting tissue regeneration, could slow down the process of tissue and organismal aging. In this regard, recent studies of heterochronic parabiosis provide important clues as to the mechanisms of stem cell aging and suggest novel strategies for enhancing tissue repair in the old. Here we review current literature on the relationship between the vigor of tissue stem cells and the process of aging, with an emphasis on the rejuvenation of old tissues by the extrinsic modifications of stem cell niches.  相似文献   

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